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1057778 No. 1057778 ID: 08229c

Previous Threads: https://questden.org/wiki/Audit_Quest
Support the author: https://ko-fi.com/calalen

My name is Mary.

I own a dungeon.

Not by choice, mind you. I was forced into this when the previous owner placed a curse on me after I tried to audit him. Now I'm the ruler of this place.

And by my hand, this shall be a grand dungeon.
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No. 1062246 ID: 92619d

Demonologist looking very kissable rn, seduce Mary back to sleep with your soft, pouty lips.
No. 1062247 ID: 4b4d4e

Idea: deploy stream integration. add troll options for chat.
No. 1062248 ID: d12415

This was a pretty easy quest. We shouldn't reward them too much. Lets save the larger rewards for the larger risks.
No. 1062249 ID: 7be071

Carpenter is putting together a surprise and it involves a lot of Explodeys. Go back to bed so you don’t ruin the surprise.
No. 1062250 ID: 4a2cef

Huh, you know, she could be naked under that blanket and you just couldn't tell.
No. 1062251 ID: 8160fa

Reassure Mary everything's under control. Standard solo run of the dungeon. And this isn't your first time keeping things running while she's been unavailable.

Also, if she's not quite tired, maybe a soak in the spa might be good.

As for items, with this being a farm with sheep, how about an animated sash or scarf? Could even say it's had fibers from the slain hoodlum woven into it.
No. 1062256 ID: ae9e42

Quick! Get Dungeoneer to seduce her!
No. 1062258 ID: 6f4507

Mary could sit in if she wanted, but she can't do work! She has to get some snacks and drinks.
No. 1062262 ID: 2aa5f0

tell marry to go back to bed and rest. A adventurer got cued in before we could shut down the dungeon for the day but it's only a solo run so we're just running them through a standard dungeon run before sending them on their way. So far things have been going fine as they're just exploring and doing small quest outside of the castle, nothing that she needs to involve herself with since she IS sick and NEEDS bedrest.

as for a reward for the adventurer... how bout some coins... or dungeon tokens and a map that leads to the YUM chest?
No. 1062263 ID: cecad0

Hoodie made out of a hoodlum. Enhances knockers when struck by a critical hit, negating it twice per day and granting temporary hit points, but reduces Agility and Attack Rolls by -1 until temporary hit points are gone.
No. 1062264 ID: cecad0
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Oh yeah, the knockers count as offhand weapons, despite not actually needing to be held, and do 2d4 dice worth of damage for Rare, 2d6 for Very Rare, and 2d8 for Legendary.
No. 1062269 ID: 49deb8

Hoodlum Hoodie -- A slightly cursed Hoodie bearing the will of a hoodlum; as it can no longer prank others it has to do so to its wearer unless they can stave off its boredom through other means. Gives a major boost to stealth as well as to a few other stats, though the other boosts are random.

Ram Hoodie -- A wool hoodie made to resemble a Battering Ram. Raises resistance to physical attacks and X times per day can Floof Up, blocking incoming attacks and knocking back anyone close with a burst of Force.

Yeah, just reassure her and send her back to bed. Normally I'd say there would be no harm in letting her watch but I suspect seeing the viewer count might make her freak out a bit.
No. 1062270 ID: dc4bad

how about... a Bounce Beanie
A comfy hat of battering ram wool, once per day it can heavily reduce the damage of an incoming attack, but the wearer is subject to knockback proportional to the damage prevented.
*the hat grants no protection against any harm potentially caused by this bounce itself.
No. 1062271 ID: a7a180

The hoodlum was pretty much annihilated, or at least turned into a band-aid by the bludgeoning.
Her reward should be a Hoodlum Scarf: A spiteful stat boosting accessory. It augments your combos by increasing melee damage after a ranged attack, your toughness after a spell, and vice all the versas.
No. 1062272 ID: 273c18

Tell her the dungeon wasn't officially closed so you didn't want to turn them away. It's fine, you're just doing a standard run, nothing fancy. A new adventurer showed up, one that gets stronger when the fight is entertaining. Which I suppose means she stands a good chance of clearing the dungeon; we've designed it to be entertaining.
No. 1062297 ID: 4b4d4e

So. Ideas on how to integrate Arcane's stream:
Chat Trolls: Random slimes start appearing depending on what sort of subs we've got.

Order Chat vs Chaos Chat?
No. 1062304 ID: 5c8d2c

Praise Helix
No. 1062306 ID: f905e9

since she's here, could you tell her it's not a good idea to dream about us? if she's not careful she can end up broadcasting the entire dream to us, and that can get... embarrassing.
No. 1062309 ID: 1effd3

can we NOT while mary is half dead?
No. 1062314 ID: 447b74

The hoodlum hoodie: Enhances knockers while worn. Effects disappear when hoodie is taken off.
No. 1062322 ID: ad76be

>I think her powers are based on how... Entertaining she is?
It could also be that she really is strong, but purposefully holds back as part of the “entertainment”. A tanky character leaves room to get beat up and stage a comeback, which is entertaining since it shows off the enemies before their eventual defeat.

Yum-branded battering ram mask that is part of a YUM-branded set sounds good.

As for Mary, yes it’s a dungeon run and they’re having fun. It’s not Raid mode so none of us are required to make an appearance unless Mary wants to go out there and play the part of a sick traveler with a small sidequest to find some medicine for her.
No. 1062327 ID: 03b622

Give her an Alex body pillow

She thinks Alex is cute(she is) and it would be good advertising. I'm sure the viewers would enjoy it
No. 1062335 ID: 22952f

Body pillows and their ilk are expensive token buys to give them a reason to come back. Give the streamer a few tokens.
No. 1062374 ID: 298597

You should set up an alert tied to Mary's Status which will go off any time she accrues 2 stacks of overwork.
No. 1062377 ID: a9af05

Yeah, I agree. Give her some tokens for the easy quest.

When she gets to the shop, I'm sure her audience is going to vote on what she should buy.
No. 1062394 ID: 03b622

Good idea

True. Tokens are better.
If they vote, we should place the cute and easily flustered Alex nearby to influence their choice
No. 1062418 ID: ad76be

Down with Helix, praise Dome.
No. 1062422 ID: 58c090

No. 1062425 ID: 0bf5d8

>stream integration?
Is there a system already in place for that? Because if it doesn't exist, we might not be able to do anything to beyond just watching the stream vote for what the streamer should do.

Also, I feel like we'd need to literally hijack an already active stream to even try to add that and I don't think the streamer would like us hacking her systems like that.
No. 1062490 ID: 42a276

Get a license for and play copyrighted music. Not actually.

Don't panic or try to hide anything. Don't try to force Mary back to bed. It will only worry her more.

If Mary insists on staying for the rest of the run it's probably best to acquiesce, but suggest that you stay in charge and she returns to bed afterwards.

As for a reward, the reward should be local to the hamlet. Tokens are mainly used in Citadel. Perhaps something farm related, to make it more personal from those she helped.
No. 1062502 ID: 681961

If we just tell her to go and sleep, she will just lie there in bed. Eyes wide open and imagining everything that could go wrong. I propose we just let her sleep in the control room or put a spare screen on her bed.
No. 1062513 ID: b859df

I agree with Mary watching. As for the reward, I suggest a slimecrown citadel branded hoodie from freshly sheared battering ram wool
No. 1091265 ID: 08229c
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>Demonologist looking very kissable rn, seduce Mary back to sleep with your soft, pouty lips.

"Mary... You should be resting right now. There is a dungeon run going on, and that is my fault, but I have it all under control. Please, go rest~"

Demonologist gives her cutest most poutiest look
No. 1091266 ID: 08229c
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"... You know you don't have to listen to all of the crowns ideas... Or any of them, really..."
No. 1091267 ID: 08229c
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"... My apologies. But, don't worry Mary. I have the dungeon well in hand and the run has gone smoothly. While the crown has many varied ideas, I've found that quite a few of them have been a huge help. Two two of us can handle a single player run."

"Ugh... Are you sure? I already got a decent nap. I can take over for you."

"No, it's quite fine, truly. Here." Demonologist conjures a screen for Mary that will focus on Arcane. "This will let you keep an eye on things from the comfort of your bed."

"If it's just a single person it won't be much effort for me to run."

"No, it's quite alright. I insist. You're the dungeon master, everyone here needs you at your best."

"Ugh... Fine... But if I see anything going wrong..."

"It won't, just rest."

Demonologist gently guides her back to her room. Mary sighs, defeated, and shuffles back the rest of the way.
No. 1091268 ID: 08229c
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Back with the runner, Sprout gives Arcane a few rare tokens and a scrap of the hoodlum's cloth.

The cloth will act as a scarf that assists with attacks, when it wants to. Gosh.

"Sweet! We got some loot! Hey, Magifans, make sure to use that #LootGet! Alright, q.t.pi, where are we going next?"

"Bweh?" Alex looks up, a bit startled that she was called cute. "Uh-!"

Hm. Looks like Arcane is expecting Alex to guide her to more adventure. This works, it will allow us to control where she goes next.

Where should she go?
No. 1091269 ID: a7a180

Should probably direct them to the cult in the ruins next. Beware stream lag - cut down on the number of lag mites on this run!
No. 1091271 ID: 1effd3

Ruins and Lagmites could be a good call. probably drive them through the forest first towards the ruins. place some of our chaos enemies. gummy wyrm could potentially be used later, but it might be too soon, plus, no idea of Arcanes talents atm besides swapping her stats around.
No. 1091289 ID: b613c5

I'd go with strange sounds in the graveyard at night. Go in, fight undead, find a tunnel to the ruins to meet the cult.
No. 1091298 ID: dc4bad

hmm, I think we should try to explore more of the hamlet for things, it's been mostly farm and ruins thus far.

>>1091289 graveyard sounds like it'd be a good call. have a bunch of skelly mooks for her to be baddass and smash up, then we can chaos up a couple of zombies as elites (or maybe have them meld into a flesh golem miniboss sorta deal? Chaotic Gravemass)
No. 1091300 ID: 1effd3

you mean... GATTAI?!
No. 1091322 ID: 08229c
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Let's go with the Graveyard. We currently have a few zombies and the ghost slime station there, but we can change things up and the direction we want the quest to go in. Right now it's set that the ghost slime will harass them until her orb is put to rest.


"Ah, well... There have been some issues in the local graveyard that we c-"

"A spooky graveyard! That sounds great, huh, Magifans! Gosh, I hope there's nothing spooky there! Hey, Alex, is it cool if I cling onto you if there's any creeeeeepy ghosts?"

"Uh... Yes?"

"Great! Well, let's go and have a Magical Time! #MagiTime!"


Alex leads the woman to the graveyard. Slimecrown is still a small place and the walk is short. Most of it is filled with Arcane doing live commentary on everything she sees and taking selfies.

When they arrive Alex opens the creaking gate

"This is where we buried the fallen after the great battle, many years ago. It's said that some still roam, trying to win a battle that has long since ended..."

Alex bows her head in solemn silence. It lasts a second.

"That's crazy! Check out this lore, Magifans! Oh, man, Alex, look! The chat loves you!"

"W-what? They do? Really?"

"Yeah! The views are spiking! Do a pose with me~"

Alex does a pose.

Alright, are we changing things up in here? It seems like she wants a scary experience.
No. 1091325 ID: 1effd3

Lets see what we got on call... we got lost warriors, lost wizard, zombies, ah ghost slime here typically. Watcher could be here, rousing the undead with Ghost Slimes Orb. with Watcher here, we could also have some chaos mobs here to GATTAI with each other, and the undead. If they win, could lead a secret path to the ruins that Watcher uses to escape.
No. 1091326 ID: a7a180

They say they want streamers to have the same experience any fan going through would, but... they lie, and numbers don't! Let's mix it up.
-Could we make D-Fens the gatekeeper?
-Put Fancy Mimic in a crypt, possibly holding the ghost slime's orb and running away after a jumpscare. No rust or dust - just an intimidatingly opulent treasure chest sitting in a perfectly normal crypt.
-Nesting doll shedding bits of layers all around the map to lay ambush objects for ghost slime to toss around.
-Music slime, play something spooky and non-copyrighted!
No. 1091327 ID: 8160fa

Definitely the lost warriors, lost wizard, and ghost slime for sure.

>It's said that some still roam, trying to win a battle that has long since ended..."

We could lean into that. Have them calling out things to each other, speaking as if they see this adventurer and Alex as chaos spawn. Or maybe even while clashing with our monsters to give her flashes of how they maybe still see this fight as the battle long ago to seal the primordial? Maybe during any time direct contact had made with the ghost slime? If such would be possible.
No. 1091328 ID: 5fee00

Huh. You know, I bet her weakness is getting poked in the left eye specifically.
No. 1091329 ID: dc4bad

wait wait wait, they're streaming, we can take advantage of this!

before any other undead appear, for sure have ghost slime do some background haunting that neither Arcane or Alex can see but naturally the viewers will comment on, it's perfect.

Build some tension before they actually catch sight of any ghoulies, ghosties or long-leggedy beasties.

can we place some some kind ouija board for or other appropriately spooky communication method (in-lore perhaps discarded by a townsperson trying to speak with ghost slime) for some haunting talk (perhaps even get some chaos interference in said communication)
No. 1091330 ID: dc4bad

ooh those are good, D-fens and fancy mimic especially.
Arcane is like the perfect mimic victim, since she probably not only falls for it but the act of getting got itself probably makes her sturdy enough to not immediately die to it
No. 1091464 ID: 08265b

Seconding ghost slime being spooky for the viewers.
No. 1091859 ID: 1667b2

Holy shit, Audit's back?!

All I got is to add in eyebrow licking to the list of "Unwanted physical contact that we will take legal action against".
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