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392815 No. 392815 ID: 885ee8

Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
433 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 401856 ID: 804cbf


Lie of omission, etc etc.

My point is that we don't even know what Ivet would get mad at the fucking or the not telling.
No. 401857 ID: ed57e8

it was rather heavily implied that her race cares more about truth then much else. be honest with her no matter what.
No. 401860 ID: 804cbf


I would say let's go with this.

Ivet knows we don't have much of a grasp on the basic facts of life anymore, only eating and being a gentleman, and it would sure as hell take the wind out of Davin's sails.
No. 401863 ID: 72d49b

Say you were in prison for rather a while, they kept a pretense that Ivet had been captured, when you became certain that they were full of shit, they tried to kill you and you broke out, then you hid and laid low in a library for a bit, and then you began searching for Ivet, after which you met with Davin and Lothar, helped them with their war thing, requested help finding you, and then in the interests of securing cooperation helped them with their war thing some more. Then they helped you find Ivet and then it was now.

Don't bring up anything sex/romance related. Davin might think it's important because he has a bug up his ass about their break up or whatever, but there's really no reason for us to perceive it as mattering much.
No. 401865 ID: b85f8c

If we're just accounting for time, then Viktor would mention that he spent a chunk of time at someone's house.
No. 401866 ID: 2fe09b

No reason to tell her unless she asks. If she does ask, tell her it was merely a learning experience - nothing more.
No. 401868 ID: d91f96

I say go with honesty. Just tell them what happened at the prison and after.
No. 401869 ID: ed57e8

davin will say gaston smelled padma on us.
No. 401870 ID: b0d466

Coulda shoulda woulda but let's not go and stick our feet in our mouth pre-emptively!
No. 401874 ID: 6e44d2

It's very simple. Say,
"This is something I'd rather discuss in private with Ivet. Thank you so much for helping me find her. It's been a pleasure working with you."

Conversation over. We can be open and truthful with her when it's just the two of us.
No. 401970 ID: 9beecc

why is everyone talking about talking about sex with Ivet (this sentence is not grammatically incorrect).

She asked what we have been up to, that includes the cloak technicians who got away from us with ominous wording and the fact we have a crowd of people in the inner city illegally who crucified a cloak and are now spreading counter propaganda (hopefully, they shouldn't be lynching anyone I hope), and a potential for a counter attack at any moment, not to mention the bard and symbol of insanity shens... (speaking of, I am sure the one we have is active and I want to have a means to dispel future ones ourselves, I say we capture the crazy dryad alive, eat the corpses she has there, and the experiment in disenchanting her using our magic powers)

If this rebellion fails because we got sidetracked by Fae relationship drama it would be pretty sad.
No. 401972 ID: 804cbf


That's why we HAVE been thinking about this, we HAVE to think about it now otherwise later it'll hurt us more, and Davin is a really shitty leader who apparently doesn't have the ability for long-term planning, and he WOULD drag this rebellion down in his lust for Ivet and jealousy / scorn of us.
No. 401973 ID: 980e12

we are all talking about it because it's obvious davin smelled the sex on us back here
and is itching to blurt it out to ivet at the first opportunity. In hindsight I don't know why we didn't see this coming but too late for that now. I absolutely agree we shouldn't get sidetracked by relationshit but we also can't stand to have this thrown in Ivet's face before we even have time to properly say hello. Davin is forcing the issue right now, or at least is imminently going to try to, and we need to deal with it.

I agree with the idea that we should capitalize on our lack of knowledge and the relative unimportance of this whole sex thing by just listing off everything that happened, sex included.
No. 405918 ID: 622e4f
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You tense up a little bit. It's obvious Davin is trying to pull something over on you, but you're not sure what. Based on what Jen and the book told you, you suspect it would have to do with Padma. You're not sure if that's something Ivet would disapprove of or not, but if it is, you feel like you'd be better off telling her yourself than letting Davin do it on his terms. You briefly wonder how he would even know in the first place, but you remember when he made Gaston smell you, and quickly realize he likely got enough information from that to tell. So much happened since you saw Ivet last, and you decide to tell her everything.
"I was brought to the prison in the floating building, and I tried to find you. I asked the people at the prison where you were, and they said they'd take me to talk to you." You notice she looks a little worried at this. "They took me into a room with an illusion of you the way you were dressed when we met, but I saw through it, and they tried to kill me. I escaped and jumped out."
"You...didn't tell them where I live or anything, did you?" she asks.
"No, of course not," you reply reassuringly. "They seemed really interested in finding you, though. That's all they asked about, even though I was trying to tell them about the Singer at the party last night. They said that they thought everyone in the outer city was going to be eaten by predators."
She sighs. "Did they see you shapeshift?"
"No. I stayed in tree form the whole time."
"Good. The less they know about you, the better," she says. "Then what happened?"
"I managed to glide a little bit once I got out of view and I landed in the library. The person working in the library saw me transform, and helped me hide from the officials..."
"He saw you transform? Is there any chance he'll tell someone?" she asks.
You feel a lump growing in your chest and you're not sure why. You swallow and continue. "I...no, I don't think she will. She brought me some books that helped me learn some things about myself," you resist the urge to start fidgeting with your cloak, "and she hid me at her apartment overnight and taught me how sex works."
Ivet's eyes widen. Davin raises an eyebrow, and Lothar slaps his hand on his forehead. Ivet's brow furrows and she takes a little half-step back. "Um. Okaaay," she says. Your heart sinks a little, but you push forward with the explanation.
"So I left this morning while she was asleep and went out to look for you. I checked here first, but I guess you were asleep too, and then I went to this rally that Davin here was heading, because I saw some cloaks headed towards them and I was worried you might be there. Jen was there, but she got mind-controlled by Mother Oasis's people by a mask. Somehow I got involved and Davin here said he would help me find you if I helped him with his riot."
Ivet, who had been staring off to the side with a disappointed expression, snapped out of her reverie for a moment to sigh loudly and turn towards Davin. "Sounds like him," she said.
"Lothar here and I convinced him it was a bad idea, though," you continue. "Hopefully the rioters are now trying to tell everyone in the inner city about how they mind-controlled Jen, and since they seem to want to find you really bad, that you could help with that, somehow."
She looks across the three of you and exhales audibly. "Viktor, I... need a minute. Let me...let me get dressed. I'll be out in a minute." She turns and walks towards her door. Davin reaches towards her as she passes and starts to say something, but she knocks his hand away. "Process of elimination isn't going to do you any good, asshole," she says. He looks away, and she nods her head towards Davin and Lothar pointedly, looking over her shoulder at you. "Viktor, have you had breakfast?"
Before you can answer, she shuts the door.
What do you do?
No. 405922 ID: ed57e8

she's dissapointed, but still on speaking terms with you. she'll bounce back. better, is address that she basically asked you to eat them. i like lothar though and he may have more to teach us. need to test how much they will speak of this "you know, that was a signal." and take on your full size, whatever that may be. then stare down at them "to eat you, but i like you lothar, i don't want to, but you davin, better give me a good reason not to"
No. 405925 ID: d5ee6f

I think she just told us to eat Davin. I don't think I want to eat them though. We're not her personal monster.
No. 405926 ID: d5ee6f

Also, don't mention this.
No. 405936 ID: 72d49b

She clearly wants us to eat them, but I think they're more useful outside of our belly now. Their connections and their influence among rebels is useful. On top of that, Lothar has been nothing but nice to us, and deserves to be considered a friend, and it's unlikely that we'd be able to eat Gavin without also eating Lothar, since he'd likely get quite upset at Gavin's death.
Don't go out of your way to communicate to any of this to them, though. If they ask what she meant by that, just note that she was suggesting you eat while she changes, but you are not inclined to do so at this point. If they misinterpret that as you not being hungry, this is acceptable. Don't say anything if they don't ask.

Just chill until she reemerges from her home.
No. 405939 ID: 6e44d2

Don't say anything to them about eating. Can't eat Davin, he's Lothar's bro, and Lothar is too cool about his bros to let that happen.

You sorta' didn't handle that quite right, buuuuut maybe I'm wrong. I'm pretty sure she'll forgive you, regardless. Tell Davin to stop being such a tosser.
No. 405955 ID: 6f4add

we can't eat stagfag without becoming hostile with warlockbro because they seem to be good friends. and I'm not down with becoming hostile with warlockbro. stagfag ain't worth it.

tell Davin you hope he's happy. wait for Ivet to change.
No. 405968 ID: a2fa74

Tell Davin it would be best if he was somewhere else when Ivet returned. Suggest he find somebody to help the dryad.
No. 405979 ID: 3087d0

"I've eaten already, thank you." It is a refusal, and doesn't let the two bros know what's going on (Though they may be suspicious). Also, may make Ivet think we ate the other half of our recent amorous encounter. Though a less meaning-laden reply such as "I'm full, thank you." could be used instead. However, we're never full, making this a lie, which may be picked up on. The first is not, as we have eaten at some point in the past.

I'm probably over-thinking this.

Random Thought: Ivet's scent goes in and out a few times, according to Gaston's nostrils. She said she waited all night, and slept for at least the period around dawn that we checked on her location, so she's been in and out a lot today. Wonder where? We may wish to ask about that when we have time for private conversation.
No. 405999 ID: ed57e8

she already closed the door. she can't hear any reply.
No. 406001 ID: b6edd6

Another reason not to eat random jerks is we will likely be revealed eventually, and when that happens we want to be able to distance ourselves from the Singer as much as possible.
No. 406037 ID: e440a4

It probably wasn't unusual enough a thing for her to say to warrant a response, and we shouldn't eat either of them for sure. We should probably say something to Davin, though...or maybe just punch him. Lothar won't mind as long as we don't kill him, probably.
No. 406104 ID: 72d49b

Random jerks tend not to be missed down in the roots, and we need to eat people to get stronger. Taken purely from that standpoint, the benefits outweigh the risks when it comes to eating random jerks. It's only these specific people, since Davin has other benefits associated with keeping him alive (mostly not pissing of Lothar) and Lothar isn't a jerk at all.
No. 406493 ID: 70ef5e

Am I the only one who is slightly concerned about how she casually offers to let us devour people she isn't really fond of?

I'm also slightly concerned about how...hostile she seemed to the idea of someone knowing that we can shape-shift, from what I gather, True shape-shifters aren't common, but certainly aren't unheard of.

I might just be a bit paranoid however, I still just can't shake the feeling that something is off about this situation.
No. 406534 ID: e440a4

I remembered this conversation from last chapter, after Ivet mind-controlled a guy who was hitting on her into a more secluded space so we could eat him.
>"Speaking of eating things, what am I going to do about that while I'm here?"

>"Probably the same thing we just did. I mean, I have a bunch of friends here, but I also know a lot of people who are huge jerks, so I guess ask me first so you don't eat anybody I like. Oh, and I guess we can do the whole livestock thing too, once we get your money thing sorted out." She grins slightly. "There's definitely a couple people I know that you need some 'private time' with, though. I mean, you're not my personal people-disposer, but, y'know, since you're gonna be eating people anyway, might as well make the best of it." Something about the way she says that excites you and you grin widely. She takes notice and chuckles. "You like that idea, huh? Hmm..."

So yeah, Ivet is kind of a sociopath, really. But Viktor eats people. As far as I can remember, she's the only one who knows that fact and doesn't want to kill us. Absence of a sense of value for the sanctity of life is what Viktor needs in a woman.
No. 406554 ID: 8c2977

this, but with less vengefull bitchiness.
No. 406576 ID: 5e3d1a

Don't get downed at this. You have awesome magic powers, the body of dreams, new exciting things happen all around you and you're rather rich. Speaking of which you need to put that money to use. Maybe you can buy something small and very magical?

Also ask if you can try a cigarette. You've never done it before.
No. 406797 ID: f92bc6

Yeah, it's pretty fucked up that she's okay with you eating these guys, especially since they'd be missed; they're not nobodies, they're leaders in a small revolution. At least the guy before KINDA deserved it. But I don't think now is the time to really talk with her about that (if we ever choose to address it with her).

Just wait for her to come out, I'm sure Ivet will dismiss these guys if they're still out here when she comes back. Tell them thanks for the help, you'll take it from here.
No. 406846 ID: 3ce5b2
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All the happiness you had initially felt at seeing Ivet again seems to have instantly turned into a strong feeling of uneasiness. Even though the entire point of Davin helping you find Ivet was so she could help with the revolution, you still wish he would disappear. You think very hard about her words, "have you had breakfast." She wants you to eat him. Eat them both, really. Whether or not her request was moral never really enters your head. You literally survive by ending the lives of others, you've got no objection whatsoever to Ivet helping you to do that. What stops you, though, is Lothar. He seems like he might be a friend, and you'd rather not eat him too. You've got a feeling that you would probably have to if you ate Davin in front of him. Still, you'd like it if he left, and resolve to tell him so. You turn and square your imposing figure against Davin, who seems lost in thought. "I think it would be better if you left before Ivet comes out," you say.
He snorts derisively and turns to face you, puffing his chest out. "Of course you do." You feel Gaston lumbering up behind you. "I came here to get her involved in my revolution." Lothar clears his throat loudly. "Excuse me, this city's revolution," Davin corrects himself. "That hasn't happened yet, so I'm staying right here. Do you have a problem with that?"
"Yes," you reply, feeling heat rising in your face. "You're upsetting Ivet."
Davin throws his arms out and takes a sauntering step forward into your personal space. You hear Gaston snarl right behind your head. "Looks like I'm upsetting you, bro. What's your problem? Did fishy-smell not do a good job teaching you how sex works last night?"
There is enough clarity bubbling up through your rising temper to recognize that he is intentionally provoking you, and you can't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it, nor can you resist the urge to respond to it. "You're trying to start something with me?" You blink, quickly shifting your eyes and teeth to complement your ensuing snarl. "You have no idea how badly that would go for you. Back. Off."
Davin widens his eyes and cocks his head at an odd angle. "Or what?" he asks, drawing his swords halfway and keeping his hands on the hilts.
No. 406847 ID: 3ce5b2
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The heat you felt in your face seems to throb. Is he really going to force the issue? As much as it might make you feel better to smear him into the tree bark, you really wish he would just back up and cool off. You feel power inside of you force itself to the surface, and there is a loud rushing sound.
You seem to be underwater now. Davin and Gaston are on the ground a few feet away, and both are soaking wet.
Everything is suddenly calm, cool, and quiet. You hear Lothar speak, his words muffled by the water. "Someday, you're going to have to learn to be accountable for your own fuckups, Davin." Davin sits up slowly, keeping his gaze lowered. Lothar takes a long drag from the cigarette, throws the butt on the ground, and steps on it.
What do you do?
No. 406852 ID: 2fe09b

Just chill. As far as we know, you don't need to breathe. Even if you really needed to, you could just push some probiscis out. So shrug and sit down. No spell, or effect, lasts forever.
No. 406857 ID: 72d49b

Tell Lothar you will drop this if it's his preference, because you consider Lothar a friend. No harm in insinuating that Davin would die otherwise, though Lothar seems to understand it well enough at this point.
No. 406859 ID: 5029d1

"lothar, my thinking you're a cool dude is the only thing holding me back, please convince davin to leave before i lose my patience"
No. 406873 ID: b3eb21

"Lothar, please know that the only reason I have not smeared your friend to a paste is because I like you. I ask that you please get him away from here before I really lose my patience."
No. 406880 ID: 6f4add

uh. I'm not quite sure if that water thing was your doing, but if it is, drop it before hostilities arise. if not, become too big for it to contain you, preferably without changing your form. it seems like you can't talk from within that thing, and I still think you should try and resolve this with words. for Lothar's sake.

afterwards, tell Lothar that Davin and Gaston only live still because we consider them the friends of a friend, but that won't stop you if they don't leave Ivet be.
No. 406882 ID: 7ffc97

I get the impression that, bro or not, Lothar doesn't care if we couldn't breathe in here. That may, in fact, be the point.

Not sure he likes us well enough for bro feelings to go both ways.
No. 406896 ID: 6e44d2

We created the water, bro. Notice how Viktor was saying he wished things would cool off. That's our water. Drop it, then say this:
No. 406952 ID: e440a4

Or we could, y'know, be the better man, drop the water thing, and give him a hand getting up. They already know your opinion about why Davin should leave. He might leave on his own after this, but if he doesn't, he does have a point: they helped you find Ivet for a reason.
No. 407038 ID: f70e5e

this, Davin is probably looking for a reason to not fight us right now, but doesn't want to lose face. he's probably used to Lothar dragging him away from fights so Davin will probably let Lothar drag him away from this one.
No. 407121 ID: 5e3d1a

Before trying to drop the water aura see what it's like walking around in it and moving. Does it move with you or stay in one spot? What happens if you go near a wall? See if you can still talk from inside it by vibrating your body to create sound or something.

It's probably best not to confront Davin regarding Ivet. At least when she's not around. He's just going to get upset. Maybe you should just change the topic. What are they planning to do with this revolution/uprising? Who is it that actually needs to be toppled?
No. 407245 ID: 3ce5b2
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You take a moment to do a few quick experiments with your new power. You note that you don't seem to have any problems breathing the water, which seems to be hovering in a roughly spherical formation, centered somewhere in your chest. You take a step to the side (noting that you can't seem to swim in the water, only walk on the ground) and see that the sphere moves with you. Finally, you find that dismissing it seems simple enough, and you do so; the water dissipates nearly instantly, and you turn to address Lothar, who is still leaning against the tree. "Can you please tell Davin to leave?"
Lothar doesn't move. "Nope. I'm not his boss. He's a big boy and he's going to have to figure out how to deal with this on his own like a fucking adult."
You take a deep breath and furrow your brow seriously. "Please know that the only reason I have not smeared your friend to a paste is because I like you."
Lothar remains unmoving. "Then it's probably a good thing that I'm going to be standing here, continuing to hope that nobody dies. I respect your ability to handle your own business. Davin, you have been my bro for years, but I don't have that same respect for you. You and me, we got a lot of power back in our adventuring days. I've been stepping in for so long to protect other people from you. I'm fucking done. I'm not going to protect you from other people, too. And I wouldn't have to, if you'd figure out the difference between power and respect."
"Go fuck yourself," spits Davin, still seemingly unsure of standing up.
"Grow up," Lothar responds.
Davin reaches for his fallen short sword, his breath ragged and his hand shaking. You shift into a more defensive stance, mentally preparing yourself to throw Gaston into Davin if you have to.
Davin stands and sheathes the sword. He walks past you wordlessly and continues down the path away from Ivet's house, Gaston accompanying him.
Lothar exhales audibly, seeming to brighten a little. "Viktor, it's been real, man. You gonna stick around town for a while?"
"I think so," you reply, a little surprised by his more friendly change in tone.
"Cool. I'm sure I'll see you around. Good luck with your memory and..." he nods towards Ivet's door, "...everything else."
"Yeah. Later, bro." Lothar, too walks down the path. As he disappears, you note that, based on the vibrations, he seems to be going in a different direction than Davin.
You sit against the side of the tree as a few minutes pass in relative silence. Finally, the door opens, and Ivet steps out and looks around. She smiles a little. "Thanks for getting rid of him."
"I didn't eat them," you reply. "They left."
"Ah," Ivet replies. "That's okay, as long as I don't have to deal with Davin right now. So, uh...yeah. We could go turn your treasure into gold or uh... there's probably a party somewhere. And the protest thing." She shuffles a little awkwardly. "So...yeah. What's up."
What do you do?
No. 407253 ID: 5029d1

she doesn't want to think about it so don't think about it.
so let's get our treasure turned into things. an amulet or ring would e best, those can work almost regardless of form so long as they are o what counts as the right appendage.
No. 407256 ID: 2fe09b

Let's go fucking SHOPPING. Chicks LOVE shopping.

Lothar is a real man, by the way. Remember that.
No. 407259 ID: e3f578

"Do you really want to go to a party after how the last one turned into complete chaos and you almost lost a friend to mind-controlled servitude? This government is a threat to both me and you, and they know something related to me. Besides, we're high-profile targets now. This barbarian form was the last seen with you, and Davin even thought of looking for the form if I didn't change to it in front of him. How does this city function with it on the brink of war so often from the inside?"

The protest sounds interesting, but we're going to have to incapacitate any and all cloaks we meet to free them from their enslavement. That's not just to be good, but it's so we don't end up getting more friends of Ivet's killed we don't know about and free them, and to not get blamed for killing them. Less cloaks out there also means more peace around here and easier movement, and less raided parties and protests. We do need to find more to eat.
No. 407263 ID: f32e89

Well, nothing's really of imminent importance, now that we've successfully reunited with Ivet. We could chill for a bit. From a practical purpose, converting our treasure to useful goods is probably what we should do next, whether that might be magical items or appreciating investments. The protest thing should be left some time for word to be distributed and sentiment to stew. Parties are all well and good, but a bit hectic for post-battle relaxing.
No. 407270 ID: b3eb21

how about we get that gold
party sounds like a bad idea
so very bad
No. 407272 ID: a2fa74

"First? Talk." then fill her in on the details we hid from Lothar and Davin.
The two most important being 'am a fragment of a dead god' and 'so is the singer'.
Also: "I would have rather learned from you."
No. 407274 ID: e75a2f

Ask her what her beef with Lothar is. He seems like a very responsible and very cool dude.
No. 407276 ID: b6edd6

Now would be a good time to plan for how we will respond to the guards' (likely continuing) interest in finding Ivet.

Until then, we should suggest that Ivet use a disguise or druid form to avoid being recognized.
No. 407283 ID: e3f578

also go "Hey girl, what did you see in him? I thought hate those antlered, emotional perverts. Was it the sexy goatee?"
No. 407310 ID: 8e8b4b

She saw what everyone sees when they get into a relationship, whatever they want.
No. 407311 ID: e3f578

the sexy goatee?
No. 407322 ID: a2853b

I support Seven's idea.
No. 407323 ID: 72d49b

Filling her in on the details we left out before is a good idea, and I support it.

>Also: "I would have rather learned from you."
God, no. Quite apart from bringing up something we'd rather not have her think about too much, this is creepy and presumptuous of us. Just because Viktor has little practical knowledge of how relationships work doesn't mean he needs to start acting like a ridiculous autist.

She had us get rid of him because she didn't want to worry about his bullshit. Therefore we shouldn't make her worry about it.
No. 407331 ID: 3734f6

is she a friend of the insane dryad? (if so we should get her uninsaned).
Also, any other friends she has that could have gotten hit last night she wants to check up on.
No. 407350 ID: 6c5b9b

Maybe we can buy her a present that will cheer her up. Something small
No. 407392 ID: 5029d1

i agree. that's like... way too far.
No. 407440 ID: 3734f6

just in case, adding my vote here so we don't make sure a horrible blunder.
No. 407466 ID: 6e44d2


And let's go for a walk. Walks are really nice. Enjoy each other's company in nature.
No. 407527 ID: 3ce5b2
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You don't know how to read Ivet's behavior. She seems to be trying to act normally, but you can tell she's more reserved and nervous than you're used to seeing her. You want to talk about what's bothering her, but it seems like she either doesn't want to or doesn't know how to broach the subject. You're left mildly bewildered and default to pretending nothing's wrong until you can sort it out in your head. "I think I've partied hard enough for a while," you joke.
She chuckles briefly. "Yeah I don't know why I...just throwing it out there."
"Why don't we go sell the treasure?" you suggest. "Is there a place we can buy magic items in town?"
"Yeah, there's some pretty good ones. We might want to take the hub out to some other cities, though. Dayseal is pretty much all magic people, but they're probably gonna rip you off if you're not in their little cult. Fourgate is big enough to have some nice shops...yeah, we'll figure something out," Ivet says.
"If we're going into the inner city, maybe you should get some kind of disguise or turn into an animal. Aren't the authorities looking for you?" you ask.
Ivet ponders a moment. "I don't want to use an animal form, because then I won't be able to talk. I've got a big robe I can throw on. Hang on, I gotta grab your loot, too." She starts to turn around and head back towards her door. You start to stand up to follow her. "Wait right here, I'll be back in a second," she says, and disappears into her house, shutting the door behind her. Your heart sinks as you realize she's not letting you into her house anymore.
Moments later, she re-emerges, wearing a large robe with a part that covers the lower half of her face. You also notice that she's changed her skin tone in her face to a bluish-grey. You can faintly detect a jingling sound coming from her satchel.
"Alright, let's go," she says. "But hey, since I gotta wear a big goofy disguise, shouldn't you change forms too? Someone might recognize you from the party."
You briefly ponder what form to change into, but more of your thoughts are preoccupied thinking about what you're going to talk about with Ivet on the long walk into the city. What do you do?
No. 407529 ID: 256d52

Start by just trying to break the ice a little - ask her what she thinks is a good form.
No. 407530 ID: b0bf34

I was going to suggest the dragonborn form, but I like this more.
No. 407538 ID: 72d49b

Match her, look like a larger male in a cloak with skin and hair colored like hers.
No. 407562 ID: 9718f3

Yeah this. Hopefully you'll look like adventurers from a similar order/custom. Probably not too conspicuous.
No. 407564 ID: 5029d1

talk about how you learned you may be the shard of a dead god.
No. 407572 ID: 256d52


Don't do that. That way lies library-wards!
No. 407583 ID: 6f4add


yeah, ok.

ask about Dayseal and their cult- we're a shapeshifter, we might be able to trick 'em into thinking we're something they revere or something.
No. 407587 ID: 2fe09b

Yearp, sounds good. Ask if you look alright.
No. 407631 ID: 5e3d1a

Yes do something similar. Large-ish male in heavy robes. Maybe with long dark dreadlocks and again a beard. Give it something to stand out, like a scar across one eye with the eye completely white. That kind of detail would probably throw off anyone looking for shapeshifters. Just in case. You should probably bring up the fact that your prison break was more of a case of you eating your way out. Your true form has grown a few sizes and you've gained some some supernatural abilities. You did research on the Ungolan Empire and found mentions of a god named Teyu who appeared to at least once be represented by a three-eyed tentacled head. It would also be nice to get out of the city to cut loose for real. Getting rid of the talpid threat could be interesting, but it would be best to have powerful allies if that Singer creature might be around.

Also ask Ivet what she is going to do about this revolution. Davin is a bit weird, but there might not be much of an outer city left for long unless something is done.

Also get some more information about Ivets mission with Avara. Were they possibly just put on the chopping block? Is it possible that Singer is the new god the talpids are worshipping?

Regarding magical goods it would be good to get something that prevents from sonic attacks. Your nemesis isn't called Singer for nothing. Small items is probably the way to go so you can still turn into tiny animal shapes. Might be good getting something for hurting ethereal/noncorporeal foes though. Don't want any undead mages slipping away again.
No. 407809 ID: b0d466

How about a small, unimposing disguise?

No. 407810 ID: b6edd6

Heh, even if we don't end up going with that one I kind of want to see Ivet's reaction to it.
No. 407910 ID: fb9917

Be TWO kobolds. Holding hands.
No. 407913 ID: 256d52


Now's probably not the best time but remember this for later!
No. 407915 ID: 3ce5b2
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You decide to go with a form that complements Ivet's. There are certain tells that would make her identifiable if they know she can adjust her appearance, the greatest of which is what superficially appears to be hair, but is actually more papery. You start to sculpt a new form to match hers while you're still too far out of sight for anyone to see your tentacles, and you add prominent white hair, which should help people fill in the details with what they think is under Ivet's hood. You copy the grey-blue skin coloration and make a similarly-designed robe, and tuck your scroll into the back of what passes for your belt. You don't match any creature you recognize from the books you read, but Thoth and a few others you've seen don't seem to fit into descriptions of any races you're aware of, either. You also give yourself a scar across your right eye, just to add more superficial detail. You hold your arms out and ask Ivet for an opinion.
"Looks fine," she says, and starts to walk out from the concealment of the tree root. "Reminds me of some sort of eastern hero. And, we match, so that should help with the disguise."
You nod, and shift your voice to one you think matches your new form better. "So I neglected to mention some things while Davin and Lothar were here. First, I did some research on ancient Ungolan religions. I found a god named Teyu, who was represented by a three-eyed face with horns and tentacles. I think I and the Singer are related to him in some way." It's frustratingly difficult for you to tell Ivet's reaction; the hood is obscuring her face from your angle. "We might even be fragments of him."
She turns to look at you with a mix of concern and surprise. "That sounds...well, crazy, to be honest." She raises an eyebrow. "But, I believe you. It fits, and I've seen you do some crazy things." She turns back the way she was facing.
"Yes, speaking of which, I can do more crazy things," you reply. "I didn't so much escape prison as eat my way out. I grew a lot and I gained some supernatural powers."
"Ooh! Like what?"
"Well, so far all I can do is shoot beams of magic and make water hover around myself. Oh, and I can see living things through solid objects." You make sure you're not missing anything. "Oh, right, and I can make myself weigh less."
"Good," she says, "then we can take the scenic route." She points to a long suspended rope bridge from a ways further down the ledge you're on to a tree further into the center.
You look around the surrounding area and see a path winding its way around the trunk of the tree, with several larger platforms built into the side of the tree. Your distant gaze catches the birch tree and you're reminded of something else. "Oh right, I also ran into someone I think is the dryad of the tree from last night. I think she was affected by the insanity spell. She also gave me a scroll. I think it is the same spell the Singer used last night, it makes a symbol that causes insanity when it gets triggered." Ivet doesn't seem to react, so you elaborate. "She was reanimating the dead from the party."
Ivet turns to look at you. "Yeah I...am not sure that was the spell. She's always been a little, well, let's say eccentric. Did she tell you anything else?"
"I think she mentioned the Singer. She wasn't making much sense, though. Other than that, and telling me you left as a vulture, not anything important. Do you know her?"
Ivet turns away. "Not that well, really. It's not our problem, in any case." The two of you have reached the rope bridge, swaying gently from side to side. She gestures to it. "After you."
Something about this whole situation bothers you. "How does this city continue to exist? It seems to be on the brink of war from the inside. The Singer is showing up and eating people, Mother Oasis is capturing and brainwashing the citizens, and everyone goes to party at the local necromancer's. It all seems unstable."
Ivet shrugs. "Most of those problems are new. From what I understand, people out here have always had a problem with the government, but it only became serious during my lifetime. But it's only during that time that Mother Oasis really even made herself visible as a public figure, too. I mean, she was always running things, but there are all these guilds and agencies...I guess you don't stay in charge of the same city for centuries if you put your face on everything, though. I think it started when there was this group, maybe twenty years ago? I was barely old enough to remember. Anyway, this group was trying to revere Mother Oasis like a goddess or something. She refused them, though, forced them to break up. Apparently, since then, she's been more visible to the public, and things got bad, and then they just kept getting worse. Last night was the most arrests at once that I can remember." She shakes her head. "Anyway, yeah. It IS unstable. It just turned unstable, and I still don't know how things will settle. Remember, you just got here. This has been building up for...well, a long time."
"Davin seemed to think Mother Oasis was responsible for the Singer," you say. "But I thought you and Avara were supposed to be doing some sort of diplomacy thing with him? I'm assuming he's the one the Talpids worship."
Ivet sighs. "Avara was. I was tagging along because I know my way around the underground better than she did. Though, I think she just wanted company, really. But they collapsed the tunnels and sealed us in with them..."
You don't want to upset her, but you feel like you need to figure this out. "What was the plan supposed to be, though? What was supposed to happen?"
You can see Ivet tense up a little bit. "I...I don't actually know. I'm sure Avara trusted me, she just... she said she wasn't allowed to tell anybody. It wasn't because she didn't trust me enough." You think you hear her voice crack at the word "trust".
Speaking of trust, you really want to earn it back from Ivet, but now you feel like you've gotten yourself involved in some sort of emotional landmine. You might want to comfort her somehow, or get her mind off the subject, or something. And you're starting to think that pretending the whole library thing didn't happen isn't going to do you any favors, but you know enough to recognize that you probably shouldn't bring it up right this second. You really wish you were better at this.
What do you do?
No. 407928 ID: 6f4add

you don't deal with emotional things like this right after they happen. she'll think more clearly, and probably more lenient, a while afterwards. maybe a after few days, maybe a week, maybe more, I don't know. but not now, that's for sure. just go.
No. 407933 ID: a2fa74

Give her a gentle hug.
Not a quick one, either, hold it until she gives you a cue.
No. 407939 ID: 5029d1

rub her back with one hand. not a lot just a slight contact sort of thing. and the fact she is talking to you shows you didn't lose trust. she is just mad about it.
No. 407944 ID: 2fe09b

Emotional harm heals slowly. It takes time. You need to prove you aren't going to betray her ever again, and in order to do that, you need to simply stay with her. An apology, later, when she isn't so upset, will do a lot of good, but now's not the time.

Instead, focus on keeping her safe. Maybe >>407939 , but really, ask her if she needs help with anything or if there's anything she wants to do. It's not like you've got anywhere specific to be, right?
No. 407963 ID: 3734f6

Touching is risky, if accepted is good, but if rejected it makes things worse. I wouldn't go for comforting hug unless she is crying.

Solution is >>/questdis/362006 but victor wouldn't know it

>what do
"It must hurt so much to lose your best friend that way.
There were times I thought you might have died in last night attack and it felt... my heart...
How do people make such a thing stop hurting?" Why would victor know... until she tells him that is

At this point a comforting touch is appropriate followed by.
"The Singer will pay for this with his life"
No. 407992 ID: e440a4

fuck no, this is so goddamn cheesy.

I wish I had been on in time to suggest after the last update, because, no offense, but you guys really suck at this. Here's this big sexual elephant in the room waving its big elephant dong around some other girl's weird branching vagina while we're spouting off facts, hounding her with questions, and making her doubt that her recently-dead friend was even her friend at all. good fucking job. We needed to address the padma thing.
>You want to talk about what's bothering her, but it seems like she either doesn't want to or doesn't know how to broach the subject.
You don't fix these kinds of things by not talking about them. Did we make a mistake? Probably, yeah. But Ivet and Viktor are not romantically involved, and she knows he is pretty clueless about this kind of thing. Unfortunately, we're going to have to take a step back before we can take two steps forward. We should have bitten the bullet and explained what happened, and thrown in something about how we do not care about this other girl. She broke up with Davin not because he slept around, but because he slept around while he knew that doing so was outside the boundaries of what Ivet was comfortable with. Monogamy is clearly not the norm in this culture.

Gah, I am rambling. Okay, what to do now? Comfort her, tell her you're sure it wasn't a matter of Ivet not being trustworthy enough, but Avara being so trustworthy herself that she didn't want to break her vow of secrecy. Tell her you're sorry for her loss, and yeah, I like MrTT's direction he went in with telling her you were worried that you lost her too but for the love of god do not use those exact words he posted.

Does Ivet eat? maybe ask her if she wants to get something to eat along the way. And I don't mean people, I mean Viktor should try some regular food just so we can start learning more limits for his whole digestive thing. Girls + food + feelings is an okay combo. Don't bring the padma thing up now, but after you've sat down and gotten some time to talk, maybe then just tell her you feel like the two of you need to talk about what happened. Just be totally open and honest with your explanation, she obviously values that. Good communication is really all you need. She might get angrier right now in the short-term, but it will be so much better for you in the long-term. We've been going about this whole mess in a sort of childish way. Remember what Lothar said?
>Someday, you're going to have to learn to be accountable for your own fuckups
>Grow up
Take a page out of Lothar's book. You know why he's so cool to be around? Because he speaks his mind all the time and doesn't play games. Be more like that.
No. 407995 ID: e3f578

Easiest thing to say is to admit your sorry about the lesson. Don't offer an excuse or anything. You can have a private conversation and make it have meaning now.
No. 407996 ID: e440a4

Oh, and for fuck's sake, don't bring up the "animals in the branches" thing. That book was written from the perspective of some sort of epic sex wizard. She slept with an Aboleth. We don't need to be like that.
No. 408006 ID: b85f8c

Do not wait much longer to breach the subject about your sexual encounter.

But yeah, not immediately, this is a bad time. Also uh, the thing is, we need to make it clear that we regret doing it. It obviously hurt her to find out, and it hurt us to admit doing it. We shouldn't make excuses about it, but we need to acknowledge that we made a mistake and that we hurt her and we're storry. She knows we don't know a whole lot about social stuff already, and that's pretty much our only excuse. We should've talked to her about it first. We should've told the undine more about Ivet's behavior, so she could get a better indication of whether it would fuck things up for us. We should've gone to find Ivet earlier.
No. 408028 ID: 6e44d2

A gentle hand on her shoulder sounds great right about now.
No. 408033 ID: 8e8b4b

She needs to be open with her feelings and not expect a week old autistic shoggoth to read her mind. Get mad at someone because they break a promise or lie to you not because they're ignorant.
No. 408048 ID: 5c7a63

I don't think she's mad at Viktor, just upset about the situation. If she was mad at viktor she would probably have disowned him as hard as she disowned david and the harpy girl.
No. 408075 ID: d5ee6f

She didn't let us into her house.
No. 408371 ID: 2ebde7

True, but she still wanted us to eat Davin. It could be worse~

No suggestions at the moment, but I am not surprised she's upset. I'm picturing this being some kind of pushy-pully thing soon that ends up with them kissing~
No. 408684 ID: a94792

"Ivet, I feel like we need to talk about what happened to me. I sense that you seem a bit... upset, but I'm not exactly sure why, and I can only guess that is because I'm not well-versed in your culture. Could you please explain, so I know what to be sorry about?" Smile sheepishly.

The only way to really talk about this with her is to be pretty straight forward. I don't know if we want to put it /quite/ this bluntly, but this is the gist of how we should approach this, in my humble opinion.
No. 408805 ID: 9718f3

I think telling her that we recognize that she is upset and would like to know why, but also don't want to pressure her. We'll be ready to listen when she's ready to talk about it.
No. 408810 ID: 5e3d1a

No touching. That just seems a bit creepy.
No. 408912 ID: 6e44d2

Doesn't know how physical affection works.
No. 409675 ID: 622e4f
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You stop and put your hand comfortingly on Ivet's shoulder. "I'm sorry you lost your friend. I'm sure it wasn't that she thought you weren't trustworthy, but that she was so trustworthy herself that she didn't want to tell her secrets. Do you want to talk about it?"
Ivet stops and sighs. "No, not really. Thanks, though."
With the topic being cut off like that, you aren't really left with much to say as the two of you walk across the gently swaying bridge. Your gaze is drawn to the plaza and the tiny people bustling about below like insects. The forest below is so alive. Nearly everywhere there is a gap in the trees, you can see people milling about on the ground. Small impromptu structures dot the landscape below, some built into the trees. Many types of animals move through the forest, and you can see the occasional harpy or other winged creature perched in the canopy. As you near the other end of the bridge, the massive branches of the tree that the bridge is tethered to cast dull, mottled shadows over you and Ivet.
"I'm glad we took the scenic route," you say. "This place is really beautiful."
Ivet turns to face you, and you can tell from her eyes that she's smiling a little sadly. "It really is. I try not to get too used to it living here, but, well..." she trails off.
"Are you hungry?" you ask, changing the subject. "I feel like stopping to get something to eat on the way."
"Oh? Well, yes, I'm kind of hungry. But for you, it's going to be more crowded around here, but we can probably find some way to get somebody alone..."
"What kind of things do you eat? I haven't even tried any other sorts of food, I might like it, too," you say, hesitantly.
Ivet chuckles a little. "I forgot you haven't tried eating anything other than people. I'm sure we can find some food somewhere. I don't need to eat very often, but I eat normal stuff, you know, fruit and vegetables and meat and things. Most people will share their food, and a lot of people just love to cook. It's usually considered polite to give them something in exchange, or help them grow their garden or something. I grow some mushrooms that some people like to eat for fun, too. Tending mushrooms is a little different than plants, and most people don't bother."
"What do you mean, eat for fun?" you ask.
"Oh, well, they eat them, and then after a little while they start to feel and experience things differently. They don't affect me or a few other types of creatures, so I'm not totally sure how to describe what it does," Ivet explains. "I can use them as raw materials for a couple of the spells that I can cast, though."
The two of you reach the end of the bridge and step off onto a large platform attached to one of the branches. You start to wind your way down to the ground, traversing pathways and ladders, passing through other similar platforms occupied by groups of mostly elves and fey, with a few unusual creatures here and there. You and Ivet chat idly as you pass through a few conversations, two musical groups, an unabashed pair of nymphs having sex with a satyr, and many clouds of sickly-sweet-smelling smoke.
No. 409676 ID: 622e4f
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As you approach the ground below, you can smell the smoke from a small fire below, carrying the taste of spices, vegetables, and meat. An Elf with enormous pupils waves to you idly as you approach and goes back to playing with her hair, lounging against a male Nymph playing a lute. He, a drum-bearing Halfling, and a Pixie with a fiddle are playing a lively upbeat tune, and a Thri-Kreen tending the food greets you and Ivet warmly as you approach. "Hello! New faces on these travelers."
"Hello there," Ivet says, "Yes, we are passing through from the underground, enjoying the view. It is very beautiful here."
"Perhaps you will rest and enjoy some food?" she asks. "We are all one clutch here, one family." She offers you each a stick with a variety of roasted meats and vegetables skewered on it.
You and Ivet say your respective thanks, and Ivet offers the cook a small bag from one of her pouches, who rushes excitedly to another elven creature lounging nearby and shows him its contents.
The two of you wander idly to a small rock wall overlooking the inner city, and Ivet drops her hood and mouth covering to pop a roasted red vegetable in her mouth. You tentatively sample a bit of the cooked meat, but you don't find it much to your liking; to you, it tastes like they tried to cover it in other flavors to hide the fact that it's been dead for more than a few seconds. You inspect the twisting pattern of the massive tree's roots as they wind their way down the steep slope below, trying to swallow the knot in your throat to talk to Ivet about what is bothering her. Finally, you remember what Lothar said to Davin about being accountable for your mistakes, and you speak up.
"Ivet, I feel like we need to talk about what happened after I went to prison. I feel like I upset you, and I..." you hesitate to say that you don't know why, because you've got a pretty solid bet that it has to do with having sex with Padma, "...I want to talk about why that is," you finally say.
Ivet tenses up and swallows, then looks away. "I'm not upset!" she replies quickly. "I mean, okay, maybe... Look, Viktor, it's not even...I mean I don't have any say in what you..." You can see the bluish skin tone she adopted turning more indigo. "Bluh," she groans frustratedly, and pulls her cowl up over her face.
You're not sure how to respond to that outburst. After a moment of silence, you ask, "Ivet?"
"Do you remember right after we got into town," Ivet asks through the cloth over her face, "and I asked you how you felt about me?"
You try to fight your rising tension. "Yes," you respond.
Ivet pulls the cowl back down and looks at you, her cheeks almost totally purple at this point. "So you really don't understand why I could possibly be upset?"
You bluster for a moment. "Listen, Ivet...I made a mistake. The girl at the library didn't mean anything to me, I was just too excited by the prospect of learning something new that I didn't stop to consider the repercussions. I'm sorry."
"Augh," Ivet grumbles and looks away. "Look, can we just not talk about this? Let's just go get your stuff sold, okay?" She pulls her hood over her head and roughly bites off a chunk of meat as she walks towards a path winding down the incline.
You droop a little in defeat. "Yeah, okay."
End Chapter 3.
No. 409684 ID: 6e44d2

Ugh, fuck. Sorry, man... That is an uncomfortable moment. I still don't really get why she's being so shy about talking about sex, though. I mean, she's a grown woman. Ugh. Whatever. You care a lot about her, work with it. I think you're going to have to start doing things like surprising her with chocolates or flowers or whatever the equivalent would be for her kind. Be sweet and romantic with her. You'll win her back.

No worries, brotha man. You're cool.
No. 409688 ID: 6d6017

I told you man

I told you about awkward!
No. 409730 ID: a2fa74

Don't press the issue. It's too fresh a wound, and she's suffering from internal conflict over it.
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