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File 142885343434.png - (124.66KB , 600x600 , jukashidraws.png )
26669 No. 26669 ID: 7092c6

It's about time I had a thread for things I don't feel like putting elsewhere.

What, I already have a drawthread? Don't be silly, and definitely don't go looking for such a thing. That would be a really dumb thing to do. I think we are all quietly offended by such a suggestion and should forget it forever.
96 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 29292 ID: 01ed92

yeah, those are all pretty amazing. i'm really really fond of the belenosian, too. but i might be biased with my like of cybernetics. :V
No. 29304 ID: 4854ef

Wow those are pretty incredible.
No. 29339 ID: 7805cb
File 145602873677.png - (459.69KB , 1125x1000 , Rokolocentered.png )

Rokolo climbs a wall of dicks.

I did the sketch for this quite a while ago, wanting to try fit as many dudes as possible around a girl without overcrowding and blocking. When I went back to it, inspired by Dating A Murder Neumono, I took on a second aim of trying to get the genitals positioning right, because there are a terrible lot of artists who put the vagina regions too far forward or too high, or who don't put the penetration point back far enough. I think I might've gone too far in the other direction, though.

I really need to study anatomy more.
No. 29340 ID: 7805cb
File 145602881387.png - (256.59KB , 700x575 , scellorneumonocompetition.png )

And here's a scellor vs. neumono sketch I did for IRC purposes.
No. 29343 ID: 99a64d

They're aliens though so it's all good.
No. 29348 ID: 742a1e

You also need to continue drawing aliens happily receiving dicks, because you're really good at it!

And possibly pick back up the wendigo thing, with Rokolo attempting to produce accurate wendigo erotica for the sake of science and no other reasons.
No. 29684 ID: 421dad

Hey Jukashi, I wasn't really sure where to ask so this seemed like a vaguely acceptable place.

I'm running a light scifi game elsewhere, I was wondering if it would be okay by you to have a cameo of a scellor as an intergalactic visitor.
No. 29685 ID: 33c558


My general policy is that I have no issue with people using my created races and so on for things like that, so long as the person using them isn't pretending or allowing other people to assume that they're theirs. So long as that's the case I have no problem with it.
No. 29688 ID: 421dad

I will make sure to be explicit about their author, then. Thanks!
No. 29804 ID: c3a42f
File 146002915113.png - (115.11KB , 500x500 , wrath.png )

Tried something a bit different, possible ideas for a possible quest, at some point.
No. 29805 ID: c3a42f
File 146002919319.png - (79.79KB , 500x500 , treachery.png )

Something purposefully rough, stylistically.
No. 29806 ID: c3a42f
File 146002921165.png - (110.82KB , 500x500 , sloth.png )

No. 29807 ID: c3a42f
File 146002923203.png - (148.30KB , 500x500 , pride.png )

No. 29808 ID: c3a42f
File 146002925432.png - (108.74KB , 500x500 , fear.png )

No. 29809 ID: c3a42f
File 146002927432.png - (116.60KB , 500x500 , lust.png )

No. 29810 ID: c3a42f
File 146002932942.png - (118.10KB , 500x500 , cruelty.png )

Not sure how well a whole quest in this style would work, adding in backgrounds and so on. Maybe if they were murky, while the character colors were kept vibrant.
No. 29811 ID: 871825

With this pose and eye, Fear reminds me a bit of the witches from The Legend Of Zelda Oracle games. In the ending cutscene of an unlinked game, they appear in such a pose, eyeing the viewer.

>>29804 Wow, impressive.
No. 29817 ID: eaf326

Pretty cool. I've always liked these scribbly, dream sequence, hallucination sorta things.
No. 29819 ID: c3a42f
File 146008614652.png - (646.46KB , 1600x1200 , lustupgrades.png )


Never played those games! But, there is probably some subconscious influence from other zelda games in there.

To make a little clarification, those aren't specific characters so much as they are examples of a type. The idea is a theoretical demon quest, where demons are loosely arranged into different breeds by their primary sin. There are Seven Sins, of course, though I adjusted them to make them more distinct and to line up with a sort of stat system.

... I kinda want to get my ideas on this down, the ones I have so far. So, if anyone wants to listen to me ramble about theoretical quest systems, read on! Or if not, don't.

(Possible) Demon Quest Mechanics

Here's an image of our lust demon, as an example, and the effects of upgrading their stats. Starting off with a Lust demon, their Lust rating represents the demonic Charisma equivalent and grants them innate empathic/telepathic powers. They'd always need to have their Lust as their highest stat, but they can upgrade the others to gain those stats and abilities as well. It comes with a physical transformation, too. Lust (which also covers greed/gluttony) predisposes towards large hands and emphasis of the mouth/tongue, as well as the obvious sexual characteristics. With Wrath you get huge and swole and spikes, Treachery your body gets fluid and malleable, Sloth you get armor plating and maybe some insect characteristics, Pride gives you height and fancy horns and holes in your body for your infernal flame to leak out (and they're all huge snobs so they dress fancy), Fear you get huge/extra eyes and ears, and Cruelty gets you longer, slender edge-like features with extra arms. All the types get a kind of innate magic ("helltech" is constructing/crafting-type abilities), and Pride and Cruelty also combine as the main stats you need for learned magic spells. The MP-equivalent is soul threads, that you generate by indulging in your Sins or by collecting them from the environment. They'd likely also be lesser currency in the demon world, where such a concept is recognized.

Upgrades would be made by growing the strength of your demon soul, as apportioned among your Sins, with your stat points being Soul Pieces. You can get them by trading in soul threads in very large quantities, under specific difficult circumstances, or more easily by eating whole souls (mostly other demons, at least to begin) to get an amount of pieces depending on the strength of that soul. The idea I currently have is that the exact abilities you get at each stage would depend on what kind of soul pieces you used - pieces from sinful souls get you malevolent abilities, neutral soul pieces give more passive abilities, and virtuous souls give you benevolent abilities. As a demon, of course, finding virtuous souls to consume would be difficult.

And, if you did, angels might have something to say about it. Though it's not really relevant to who the quest protagonist would be, they get their own mirror Virtues as stats - Love instead of Lust, Justice for Wrath, Creativity for Treachery, Patience for Sloth, Temperance for Pride, Vigilance for Fear, and Reason for Cruelty. Mortal creatures just get the ordinary stats that the Sins/Virtues represent. Demons, mortals and angels all also have a stat that measures their long-term ability to stay coherent and driven and to endure crazy shit - Sanity for most mortals, while angels get Faith and demons get Hatred.


Most of the quest, if I ever actually did it instead of just daydreaming, would be set in hell. Which, in this setting, is a sort of cosmic landfill out in the darkness between the mortal realms, where the Creator dumped all the pieces of worlds They ended up not liking while They were making them. Later, when the souls of mortals started being sorted on their deaths, the best were brought into the heavens, the inoffensive were sent back to reincarnate, and the worst were cast out and ended up in the same interdimensional reject zone as leftover world-trash. Their filthy souls collected in the lowest pits, writhing half-conscious in the corrosive stew of their sinful selves, falling apart and melting together in turns until the strongest lingering fragments of minds pulled themselves together by sheer force of will and dragged themselves from the spiritual slurry as demons, vast armies of whom now wage war to destroy the heavens who cast them out or, failing that, to spite them by taking and corrupting mortals and their worlds into their own image.

So, the art style would be intended to represent that crude, rejected look, painted against a backdrop of the void. If the protagonist ever ended up getting somewhere besides hell, I might employ an art shift.
No. 29821 ID: 5ad4a7

>big monster hands
Lust best waifu confirmed.
No. 29822 ID: a22f87

sounds fun, I'd play it
No. 29831 ID: 75cce1

Cool idea, the only thing I'd change is some of the Virtues, mainly that instead of Creativity, you'd have Loyalty, just makes more thematic sense to me (I'd also argue changing Reason to Empathy for the same reason, but I could see how some people might file Empathy under Love, so I wouldn't mind keeping it as Reason).
No. 29832 ID: 635f0e


Well, it's sort of limited in that the Virtues need to match the same neutral stats as the Sins do. So, Treachery matches Agility because it implies a sense of not being held down or fixed to any given position, and Creativity (or "free spirit", a less catchy alternative I entertained for a while) has sort of the same connotations, while Loyalty doesn't. Similarly, both Reason and Cruelty can stand for Intelligence as the ability to find out how things work and to apply that knowledge, Reason for obvious reasons and Cruelty in a sense evoking invasiveness and torture and so on.

Basically, the Sins and Virtues are supposed to be corrupt/pure versions of each other, not opposites. Wrath is Justice without mercy, Sloth is Patience without action, Pride is Temperance (as in, holding oneself to standards) for ego's sake, Lust is tainted Love (woah-oh-OH-oh-ooh), et cetera.
No. 29899 ID: e0baed

More Keychain of Creation when?
No. 29900 ID: 1d9723


No. 29980 ID: 9f3a28
File 146121240715.png - (384.13KB , 1000x950 , poloclonespygmiesandigor.png )

As well as Rokoa clones, Rokolo actually has a small handful of Polo clones. It's a long story. Being clones, though, and not as suited to being cloned as Rokoa is, they can come out a little... different.

Not that that's what's going on here, though. More likely, Rokolo's CAI "accidentally" spilled the experimental gases again. And it seems that two of the Polos, along with some of Rokolo's pygmy hive, may have been more strongly affected due to their low body weight. Or maybe they're just perverts.

I actually had this as a sketch before the wendigo/pygmies comic Lago did, but seeing that inspired me to more with it. I still kinda half-assed the lines, though.
No. 30005 ID: 5bd748
File 146147956315.png - (252.66KB , 1100x825 , maollaquoddle.png )

So someone mentioned quoddles in IRC, I realized I had never actually drawn them being put to their intended purpose, and felt inspired to correct that.

And also I decided to try colored lines, I'm not sure why.
No. 30077 ID: 9c80a6
File 146267970059.png - (277.72KB , 950x675 , greengirlsandelemental.png )

A set of requests on IRC cumulatively piled into one picture, some green girls being inappropriately fondled by a sort of gooey licorice toffee elemental.
No. 30160 ID: 2a783e
File 146389089747.png - (756.54KB , 1400x1175 , wendigosketching.png )

I decided to sketch up some pictures of a lady wendigo, since they've been less represented. It turned out to be porn, of course.
No. 30169 ID: 398fe1

Nothing wrong with that.
No. 30171 ID: 4854ef

The big eyes just make them look absolutely adorable.
No. 30194 ID: c0aa1a

I recognize Maolla and one of the goblins from The Sword, but who are the middle two green girls?
No. 30203 ID: e043f2

I just wanted to tell you that your art is so good and I love when you post things.
No. 30204 ID: d1fde2

bottom one appears to be that sprite from Dive
No. 30270 ID: f063fe
File 146508381264.png - (441.30KB , 1000x1000 , furysketching.png )

A rare example of a spoiler image due to an actual spoiler, albeit a minor one, and for Keychain of Creation, not one of my quests. I decided to do a sketch of Five Waves' Fury, full moon lunar in service to the First and Forsaken Lion, and her Deadly Beastman Transformation, which is the minor spoiler element. The two forms are not to scale with each other; Fury has taken pretty much every DBT upgrade on offer, so it's like 15 feet tall.

Fun facts! Fury's skull bra is made from actual dragon-blooded skulls. She's collected more than that in the past, but was only recently given her armor, so she only has two so far that were prepared correctly for fitting into it. Each skull she collects of a different element, carefully taken from its owner in a bloody ritual to capture their lower soul, increases the powers her armor grants her!


Yes, the one at the bottom is the sprite girl from Dive Quest, Npoa. The elf is just a random green elf that I came up with! She's half dryad or something, I expect.


Glad to hear it!
No. 30272 ID: f063fe
File 146508660185.png - (420.61KB , 1500x700 , eldervampireladysketches2.png )

New character. A couple of inspirations went into her; foremost is that I saw a cool picture someone had done of a vampire dragoness character recently, and decided I wanted to try sketching up something along those lines myself.

Aside that... I played Soul Reaver 2 on my dreamcast when I was a young fellow, and followed the series after, and since then I've liked the idea of vampires slowly evolving/mutating into a more monstrous, predatory form over time. So that's what's happening here, a chart of a vampire lady's progress from young and pretty much human to an elder gargoyle bat dragon creature. Different vampire clans could turn into different kinds of monster. It presents a sort of vampiric life cycle, as growing physical power and mutation would prevent the older vampires from being able to freely walk among mortals, so they're encouraged to have younger vampire children to shepherd the prey for them. And to help when you go blind. Thermal vision and echolocation are a lot better for a nocturnal hunting lifestyle, but you still can't read!

It would also probably result in the old vampires getting pretty out of touch with mortal society. Gotta be pretty tough to be a fresh vampire fledgling, trying to explain to your big flappy monster grandma that this newfangled gunpowder nonsense isn't actually magic. This character is specifically intended to come across as elderly; there aren't enough old woman characters in central positions, in fiction in general, and I've wanted to come up with one. While, of course, continuing my obsession with weird fantasy creatures. Obviously there are tons of "actually 10000 years old" elves and so on, with vampires often being offenders in that area, but with this lady I actually tried to put in some touches of actually being a bit worn, physically. A little frailty, a couple of wrinkles, et cetera. It doesn't come across very clearly in sketch form, though.
No. 30273 ID: f063fe
File 146508711218.png - (320.80KB , 1000x800 , eldervampireladysketches3.png )

Then I tried to figure out how her underwear could work, and my sketching inevitably escalated. So, uh, spoilers for explicit elderly monster vampire nudity.

Vampire bats don't have four boobs, but some bat species do, and I wanted to make her look more inhuman. It's not like vampire bats have everything else I've given her, either, though I was somewhat inspired by them looking like they have huge lower lips.
No. 30274 ID: a107fd

So, where will the other three (four?) skulls go, once she's got them?
No. 30276 ID: 4854ef

You really don't see the sort of monstrous vampire type evolution, you typically have them either starting as it or being pretty. Though sometimes you'll see them devolve as they get hungrier.

I do enjoy this sort of look though to them, I have to admit the whole monstrous evolution thing is actually quite fascinating when you try and sketch out the full details on how it would work or even why they would evolve such methods.
No. 30277 ID: 935328

Reminds me of that Niku Drill hentai with a blind bat monster lady.
No. 30280 ID: 6879ec

>Soul Reaver 2
No. 30282 ID: 9855ab


Probably both shoulders and her belt.


Sorry, I meant Soul Reaver. I got confused because I remembered it was the second game in the series.
No. 30286 ID: c0aa1a

I always figured she was half-shark, and that head shape and fin are confirming that, but on the other hand the wings are throwing me off. Is there a DBT upgrade that grants wings no matter what the Lunar's base animal is?
No. 30287 ID: 9855ab


She's a shark totem Lunar, yes. There's a DBT upgrade that lets you ignore the limitation that your DBT's traits be all derived from your totem animal, though, and she has it. In-setting, it's disapproved of by lunar society, but guess who doesn't care about that?
No. 30289 ID: a107fd

Tangentially, do you go with the interpretation of Pureblood Lintha being vitriol-aspect DBs, or no?
No. 30304 ID: eaf326
File 146538201912.png - (6.25KB , 300x300 , TFS_213.png )

Oh hey, I remember her!

And the first part of that spoiler, actually...

Pretty sweet. I'm not a fan of vampires, but I do like dragons, so this counts as a large improvement in my book. I also like the idea of the character acting older than normal, with some visual cues to match. Having an old fashioned approach to vampire things might make her seem like a psychopathic murderer, though...

I think I might've seen the inspiration you mentioned. Zaggatar's work?
No. 30305 ID: d3fdbc


That's the one. As for psychopathy, my thinking might be that vampires in this setting (or at least, some clans of them) would consider themselves as necessary predators on mortals, preying on the weak and stupid and so on to make sure the species stays in good condition. So that's their excuse.


I think pureblooded Lintha would really be their own thing. Exalted-like, and about DB power level, but not really like DBs any more than Solars are like DBs.


I considered that you could even play them as a sci-fi thing, like the vampires are actually an alien race that reproduces by implanting a seed of themselves into you and its cells gradually displace your own as the new vampire grows inside you, until eventually you're dead and you have a creepy alien predator that stole your memories.

I think I'd go with fantasy with this, though. Fantasy and sci-fi can mix but I think for the other you'd want a setting that focuses on it more.
No. 30407 ID: 8b5b8f

Well, if she's only 15ft tall then she certainly hasn't taken all of them.
No. 30500 ID: 4dece0
File 146751987044.png - (271.93KB , 1000x1111 , itcherpoledancing.png )

Based on a question in BTE, I decided to do a sketch of Itcher pole dancing. I looked up videos of male pole dancing on youtube and paused at key moments to get references. I recommend it as an exercise, it's very good practice for drawing poses that you wouldn't normally think of!
No. 30501 ID: 4dece0
File 146752096272.png - (304.78KB , 1000x800 , scellorpair.png )

A pair of scellor, specifically a bonded pair, like Radde and Piyerra; scellor whose psychic patterns have become linked over time and strive to stay close to each other through multiple lives. These particular two like to choose bodies that resemble each other's when they reincarnate (not too difficult if they've already picked the same caste, since massive genetic tinkering has made scellor mostly pretty homogeneous), though they still keep to a wider scellor tradition that such pairs should choose to take opposite sexes. It's believed that doing so promotes a sense of balance and helps keep the two from growing too similar to each other.

Spoilered for nudity including a crudely sketched boner.
No. 30912 ID: 35830c

I hope someday we'll get to see Twin-Faced Hero Saulanna. And Askalaff, he's cute too.

... Ok, I really just want to see all the characters gender swapped, but I've got an excuse for the Lunars. :P

Also, in the lineup on >>28249
is that Saulanna's height before or after the boost at the end of the internal phase?
No. 31035 ID: 6c3c49

I'm not gonna beg for more Keychain, that would be silly, but could you at least update the text post on the site so people don't have to go on an Epic Quest to determine whether or not you're straight up dead?
No. 31323 ID: 3bad4c

Pretty sure if Jukashi died nobody would be paying for the hosting?
No. 31326 ID: 3abd97

He was alive and on irc just last week, so it's a reasonable bet he's still kicking.
No. 31330 ID: 91cfcf

Sites are cheap and can be paid for in advance.

I suggest you read the original post. tgchan's IRC is not readily accessible from Keychain of Creation, meaning it's difficult to learn about Jukashi on the actual comic site itself. That's what he's asking about.
No. 31339 ID: 44bc30

I'm not dead. I never paid for the hosting, it was very generously given to me by the person who ran the Exalted forum where it originally began, and has continued to be hosted through all the various shifts in who held which domain since then, also very generously.

As regards putting updated information on the site, well, to be honest... I've, uh, forgotten the login information.

I'm sure it's stored in the program I used to use to upload, though it's old and I'd have to dig in using some weird method or other to retrieve it, since my current OS doesn't support it any more. Alternately, I could just contact the current host to beg for the information, though then that would probably be some effort for them. Considering the bother that either of those options would be, I don't feel inclined to make the effort unless I have something more substantial to do with it than a mild "what I'm doing now" text update.
No. 31340 ID: 03e118

Heh heh heh, oh man, isn't it just the worst when you lock yourself out from your Keychain?
No. 31341 ID: 398fe1

But think of all the traffic it'd generate for tgchan!
No. 31536 ID: f4ebf4

Have you ever considered talking with any of the official White Wolf/Paradox/Onyx Path people about the legality of getting a print version of Keychain made up? I mean, some of the people who are currently in charge of producing Exalted are fans of yours, I think if any fan-work ever has a chance of getting produced, it's absolutely Keychain of Creation.
No. 31628 ID: a107fd

I've got an idea for adapting the premise of Incubus Quest to Exalted. PoV character would be a male neomah, summoner would be a dragonblooded who dropped out of the Heptagram right before the class on Abscissic Binding. So, knows how to banish, and how to lay a task binding, but only learned how to summon with thaumaturgy, years later, from the encrypted subtext of the blasphemous pornographic novel A Lover Clad In Blue. Overall setting would be the southwest of Creation, similar to how most of Keychain was in the northeast. Starting area would be a Guild caravan under siege, Doom Macguffin would be that can of soup from MoEP: Abyssals, and plot would consist of delivery to the Elemental Pole of Water and unsealing it at the moment of sunset on a particular auspicious day, which will, depending on who you ask, either allow the sun's light to cleanse it once and for all, or infect the dragon lines themselves and reanimate every fishbone in the entire ocean (any similarity to "the Heterodyne Boys and the Race to the West Pole is pure coincidence). Sensual skills neatly integrated with the Crane, Fainting Maiden, and Victorious Concession styles of supernatural martial arts, and spells like Impervious Sphere of Water, Lightning Spider, Spirit Sword, Summoning the Harvest, Violent Opening of Closed Portals, and even Flying Guillotine and Purifying Flames, will prove to be, if not useless (given a bit of creativity), at least frustratingly inefficient in most zombie apocalypse situations. Antagonists, apart from the obvious deathlord minions, unclaimed plague corpses, and the Green Lady, would likely include dune people, Autocthonians, and Lintha pirates.

Problem is, while I know the canon setting and the mechanics well enough, and feel I could manage the pacing of 'neomah charter business' when it comes up... I have drunk too deeply of postmodernism, and my narrativist-fu is weak. Your quests seem to have the opposite problem, and the original seed of this plot was yours anyway, so I'd like to get your input somehow, or even make it a fully collaborative project. Wasn't sure how else to contact you about this.
No. 31631 ID: 595d54

Hey, he might even get a chance to use that sexual combat subsystem he wrote.
No. 31658 ID: a107fd

You mean this?

If so, I have several objections to your statement. In no particular order:
*GURPS is very different from Exalted
*Exalted already has mechanics through which the impact of sex on other spheres of activity (time use, physical fatigue, emotional entanglements, etc) can be adequately represented
*I did not, and would not, call it "sexual combat" because that phrase has obvious connotations which I want nothing to do with
*lower bandwidth and frequency of interaction means that effective imageboard quests need to have fewer decisions per scene, relative to tabletop or other realtime games, and those decisions should be relatively complex. The system in question involves potentially dozens of rolls per scene, with corresponding minor decision points, and as such is poorly suited to the format.
*Jukashi thought (and I mostly agree) that Exalted's mechanics were too complex for Lunar Quest, and simplified them accordingly
*GURPS is very different from Exalted. Both systems track personal combat on a scale of seconds, but in Exalted 2e the baked-in assumption is that combatants will be taking some significant action only every three to seven seconds, while GURPS plays out each second as a separate round. GURPS is a lot more mechanically complex and fiddly.
*In the course of mashing up GURPS and Pathfinder for Pdn[T]tO, I simplified both systems, as shown here >>/questarch/717150 where a single roll represented a mix of situational awareness, tactical analysis, sniping, and snail-wrangling, which would by RAW in either system have to be resolved separately.

In conclusion, I sorta hope you were joking and that Jukashi-sempai notices me.
No. 31659 ID: 595d54

No, I mean the sexual combat system that Jukashi wrote for Exalted.
No. 31668 ID: a107fd

Oh! Sorry, didn't know about that. Link?
No. 31672 ID: 595d54

Eh, I came across it by accident. Part of a bunch of homebrew that got saved from forums going down, dunno if Jukashi is cool with it getting reposted.
No. 31674 ID: f9a70c

>Have you ever considered talking with any of the official White Wolf/Paradox/Onyx Path people about the legality of getting a print version of Keychain made up?

No. It would be a huge legal mess. In any case, when I was making KoC I made a conscious decision to not bother making any of the considerations that a comic that might get printed should get. The pages aren't a consistent size, the color selections are for a screen and not ink, and so on. I doubt there's enough demand to justify it, anyway.

>neomah quest

That's a lot of good thought! It could work. I don't think I'm the person to help make it work, though. I already have Exalted-related creative projects under my belt, and though I do obviously love the setting and take a lot of inspiration from it, I think I'd end up stretching the affection thin if I added another one. Plus, if I did slide another quest onto my plate, at this point I'd really like it to be something more original, of my own, since both my (theoretically) current quest and Lunar Quest are based off other people's settings.

I'd be very interested if you went ahead and followed those ideas, though. I have no problem with you taking the Incubus Quest idea and spinning it out into something yourself.

>sexual combat

Oh geeze, that was ages ago, I barely remember doing that. From what I can remember, it was hardly enough to call a "system", more a bunch of loose ideas for how it could possibly be made to function.
No. 31675 ID: 44d919

For the curious or nostalgic: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B4y0UWJLcwy1RkowRTZGbW5IeUE/edit
No. 32200 ID: becd1a

Hi Jukashi! I read KoC about 4 months ago and have reread it twice since. I also read through Lunar Quest. I'm a huge fan of your Exalted stuff, is there any stuff by you besides what can be found on your tgchan page?
No. 32201 ID: becd1a


Secret was my favorite (Like I imagine 90% of fans) but I always loved Ten Winds and Misho too! I was honestly disappointed that we never got a chance to delve into Misho's Lunar Mate. Misho spent most of the story as the generic exposition spouter and team conscience, but when he shone, he *shone*. His battle against Flame was amazing.

I cried at Secret's backstory, and I showed it to people new to Exalted when I was first telling them about the system.
No. 32223 ID: 51aede

Hi there, I tried to read KoC again, but found that the website appears to be down. Is anyone else having this problem?
No. 32224 ID: 3abd97

Works fine for me.
No. 32226 ID: 1fadfa

It takes a few tries but the website isn't down. It's been a little buggy for me.
No. 32228 ID: 1fadfa

The God of the Beach actually cemented himself as my favorite minor character despite only being around for the final few strips.
No. 32238 ID: a107fd

>I don't think I'm the person to help make it work, though.

Fair enough.

...could I beg of you a single piece of art, for the start of the first thread, befitting your Cytherian role in the metanarrative? Specifically, the protagonist lounging around somewhere in Malfeas, just before responding to a summons. Possibly aboard the Engine Rising to the Wounded Sky, or somewhere on the Street of Gold Lanterns.
No. 32249 ID: 4863e5

>is there any stuff by you besides what can be found on your tgchan page?

Maybe one or two images on my FA page? I don't use it much. Aside from what I post here, my drawings are mostly done on paper, and generally in particularly unprofessional form on spare notepaper, used envelopes, et cetera.

>Misho spent most of the story as the generic exposition spouter and team conscience, but when he shone, he *shone*.

I'm glad! I generally got the impression that Misho was one of the less popular of the main group. He suffered a little from having to serve as a walking toolbox, in addition to the functions you rightly point out. As I think I've mentioned before, he was also sort of deliberately designed to not fit in with the world and the rest of the characters. One of his narrative functions was to help illustrate, for people not familiar with the setting or who needed reminding, how the world of the comic was in a fallen state despite the amount of heroic high magic shenanigans were still going on. The most obvious example was that page when I had him flashing back to how a place looked in the first age and then showing what it was now, but he did it in other ways as well.

He had a lot of jobs to do in the story, in other words, so it wasn't as easy to give him his moments for himself.

>The God of the Beach actually cemented himself as my favorite minor character despite only being around for the final few strips.

Minor spoiler: he doesn't actually have sole claim over beaches. He's technically God of where Land meets the Sea, and he doesn't get along very well with the God of where Sea meets the Land.


I have had an interest in drawing some crazy malfean architecture, but I have some work I'm actually doing for money that has to come first, and a lot of other back projects that I should have gotten a move on as well. So, I'm willing, but I can't honestly say I'd get it done any time soon.
No. 32250 ID: a107fd

Alright. Been taking time to plan things out, anyway, against my usual impulse to jump right in and then improvise. Should circumstances change, say if I had a crowd on Patreon pushing me to get on with things, how much money would we be talking about in order to jump to the head of the queue?
No. 32317 ID: 21fd95

Are there any good Exalted fanfics/comics/quests in existence besides KoC/Neverborn/Lunar Quest?
No. 32362 ID: 61c7b9

A Green Sun Illuminates The Void is pretty okay.

It's a Familiar Of Zero X Exalted Crossover Fic. Familiar of Zero's setting is a remnant of Marduk's worldbody drifting in the Wyld and the failure protagonist of that show ends up summoning an Infernal Exaltation and completely fucking up her world while berzerk Sidereal ronin and Shogunate Remnants do their best to terminate her ass.
No. 32621 ID: 3b5ae2

Epiphany's Righteous Steel is pretty epic as fanfics go:

I think it's based on a campaign in 1st ed Exalted.
The series got through 4 out of 5 planned books before it stalled 9 years ago, but stops with things relatively resolved; it's an OK read if you've got the time.
Note: Contains genderbending.

Bit of a spoiler, but it does slightly scratch the very specific itch that LunarQuest made me aware of, which I vaguely formulated to myself thus:
"Really, MORE fictional protagonists ought to metamorphose into multi-souled demonic entities halfway through the plot."
No. 32626 ID: 21fd95

>4 out of 5 books
>stalled 9 years ago

God damn being into fanfiction of Exalted is like being a god damn archaeologist.
No. 32640 ID: 61c7b9

Good thing for you Indivisible's coming out.

They share your pain. Oh well, at least we still have our lord and savior Jukashi, blessed be his name!
No. 32962 ID: cad57d

Psst, Jukashi, just a question about a pretty old pic:
I always assumed that Secret had yet to take her panties off, but it looks like there might actually be a suspicious extra line down there. So is that really her skin?
No. 33263 ID: 21fd95

So is there anything new on the Jukashi front? Anything that currently updates?
No. 33264 ID: 1226ae

I believe he is currently busy with college work, commissions, recuperation, illness, that sort of thing.
No. 33813 ID: 7c3831

As long as you're doing archaeology, FrivYeti's stuff is pretty good. http://www.thefreedomstone.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=2462 And you can find lots of other Exalted fic on that message board.

For new stuff, you can look around the Onyx Path Exalted board: http://forum.theonyxpath.com/forum/main-category/exalted

Lastly, I'm considering doing some of my own Exalted fic. I'm not Jukashi and I can't draw and I'd probably do straight fiction rather than a quest, but if you had any ideas for stuff you wanted Exalted fic about, you could say so.
No. 34748 ID: 21fd95

So I hate to sound needy, but is Jukashi still alive?
No. 34751 ID: 17c2ee

No, he died in a tragic accident involving garlic bread, aglets, a hot spring, and three different types of alien. You and everyone else can stop asking now.
No. 34950 ID: c88e6d

He's just busy. Relax.
No. 34990 ID: fa4b71

This might not be the best time to ask, since he's busy, but maybe others have the question and would appreciate an answer to it on-record, too:

I know Jukashi at least has done commissions; how might one go about contacting him for such?
No. 34995 ID: c88e6d

I believe he has a FurAffinity.
No. 34996 ID: 91ee5f

You're not gonna have any better luck over there. He hasn't had any activity on there for over a year.
No. 36581 ID: f4ebf4

He also has a Hentai Foundry account, and he was just on it yesterday.
No. 36619 ID: 3ce125

Guys please don't stalk Jukashi.
No. 36621 ID: f4ebf4

One guy was trying to get in touch with him because he literally wanted to give Jukashi money for a commission.
No. 37358 ID: b5fb67


Maybe so, but don't go listing every single thing he does on here. We want Jukashi to come here and enjoy questing, not having to worry about every thing he's doing online getting posted here.
No. 38015 ID: 2939d2
File 152036347927.png - (111.18KB , 500x500 , 142885351841 colour.png )

Just coloured this Maolla in because. Hopefully I didn't mess it up!
No. 38017 ID: 2efe4b

Only one thing I can see: Maolla's underbelly color extends a bit into "landing strips" on the insides of her thighs and tail. You can see it in >>30005 and >>26671
No. 38735 ID: 153dbc
File 152534072174.png - (63.96KB , 1041x578 , Exalted Jukashi Ebon Dragon.png )

This is only tangentially related to the thread, but I figure this is where I have the best chances: I'm looking for a screenshot kind of like pic related, except it's Jukashi talking about how there's really only two endgames for Abyssals, facing the maw of Uncreation or being seared anew by the Unconquered Sun. Anyone have that in their folders please?
No. 39271 ID: d22dc0

Just read and enjoyed Keychain of creation, figured this was as good a place to say as any. Great work thumbs up really makes you wanna play exalted, huh?
No. 40977 ID: 0c3c2c

Even better, the Dragonblooded book for third edition is in redlines, so that means we'll have more variety in protagonists and antagonists in the Exalted community. Even better, Dragonblooded have really good charms now.
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