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24283 No. 24283 ID: b53faa

Hello, fellow Questers! I am coming here to tell you about a FANTASTIC new tool one 'julian' has concocted for our fine website!
Created by the genuius owner of the url dediggefedde@gmx.net, this plugin is guaranteed to help improve your TGchan experience a thousandfold!
You can find this amazing script HERE: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/162386

I will be using this thread to detail any and all features of this plugin as I go along!
154 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 28179 ID: b9aa79

Does anyone know what's up with the weird teen-porn-esque and actual porn threads that keep popping up? I've been reporting them as spam but I don't know if that's the right way to handle it
No. 28181 ID: d95874


Some bot, I guess. I've been reporting them when I see them as well.

If anyone knows, would it be possible to create some sort of filter that automatically refuses posts that include that link of theirs in any field?
No. 28185 ID: 395c02

There is a spam filter and I've been adding stuff to it constantly. A lot of stuff is getting through, but a far greater amount is being stopped at the door (judging from the ban list).

As you may know, reporting any threads with 0 replies automatically deletes it (I don't know if it bans anyone, though)

We may have to make the new-thread captcha a site-wide thing, since it looks like /quest/ has comparitively little spam.
No. 28188 ID: cf85b0

Weirdly, it seems like they're still getting in, which raises the question of why they don't appear on /general/ and /quest/.
No. 28191 ID: 2c2c4f

Looks like another crowd getting through now, too, and on all the active boards as far as I can see.
No. 28193 ID: 4863e5

Is there some function to automatically block any new thread that contains a link in any of its fields? That would probably stop them.

It'd mean people can't link previous or questdis threads in quest OPs anymore, but they could just put them in a follow-up post.
No. 28195 ID: 3abd97

Not being able to put links in the OP would be really annoying tho, since the OP is displayed when a thread is shown in a board, an in the abbreviated last 50 / last 100 forms. Makes the links to the wiki / last threads / dis / whatever always accessible.

You lose that convenience and would have to open the full thread every time you wanted the links. Assuming the reader knows they're there.
No. 28196 ID: af6e04

>We may have to make the new-thread captcha a site-wide thing

Honestly that's A-OK with me, as long as it staunches the flow of CP spam.
No. 28200 ID: 49fe0f


I've been seeing new-thread captchas on all boards for some time, and it doesn't seem to have done anything.
No. 28202 ID: af6e04

Sorry, you're right. I didn't realize this when I posted my reply.
No. 28206 ID: 395c02

Converting the captcha to Recaptcha is being considered, clearly the kusaba one is woefully insufficient.

Unless it's not bots doing this... if that's the case, there might not be anything we can do short of requiring everyone to register (yeah THAT'D go well :X)
No. 28215 ID: b9aa79

I've been seeing a lot of them so I'm assuming that A) they were bots and B) it's working out okay. Unless others are just much faster on the ball than I am at catching and removing these unwanted hooligans
No. 28219 ID: 395c02

Turns out the answer was to improve the spam filter's coverage. It went from mall cop to robocop.
No. 28224 ID: 398fe1

No. 28336 ID: 398fe1

Since this seems to be the general thread for site related discussions, I just had an idea for eliminating votestuffing that I wanted to share and ask if it's feasible.

When you visit the site it could ask what your zip code is, or similar general-location-identifying information. It compares this to the location attached to your IP address. If they match, you're let in (and sets a cookie so it doesn't have to ask you repeatedly). If they don't match, then obviously you're using an anonymizer, right? Those all hand out random IPs from the giant network of proxies, so you don't even know what your own IP is.

I suppose there could be problems with this, though. People can always just vote with their phones for a duplicate vote, for instance.
No. 28338 ID: 1be618

As far as I know, this is NOT the general site discussion thread. It is used to describe and provide a userscript I once wrote and maintain. For further information, see the opening post.
What I did was asking for ideas to further improve the script. I guess that's why people think now, this is the general discussion thread.
But then again, that's entirely up to the community and moderators. ^^

General site discussions are... not collected somewhere else yet? I thought I remembered seeing some thread, but it's probably dead...

About the idea:
The main idea of this board design is to keep being anonymous if wanted. So at least I don't want to give the site my location.
Restriction for yourself would be... if you access the site on a mobile device, can you always tell the local zip code? In a train ride through the country? On vacation? What if you need to use a vpn, for example because the wlan provider uses one.
And regarding bots and such... since you compare the manual typed in code with an automatically generated location, bots can do that in advance, too.
And if you are a person, you typically can also find out the location of your ip adress in advance.
Aside from that at the realization point, you need to find a zip code system, that is working worldwide. in the US you have something like 22162–1010 according to wikipedia. in Germany for example we have 20251 for Alsterdorf near Hamburg. How about Russia, India etc. ?
All those different systems would need to get implemented to compare them with the ip. provided that all nations actually have a code similar to zip...
No. 28363 ID: 06c323

Hi again!

Important notice: the update system of the previous versions might got broken at some point. To make sure you receive updates to this script again, please install it again:


:baj: Now about updates:

:dq_char_3: I sped the script up a bit (20-fold or so). Loading tgchan.org with BLICK should not slow it down anymore.
:dq_char_2: The icon picker input form (second last button) was reworked with a preview, a lazy-loader and a text search.
:dq_char_3: PDF-Export is reworked and works a bit faster now.
:dq_char_2: Deactivating the new AutoUpdate watchlist-option, the script will not request news for all your watched threads on every pageload for extended watchbar.
:dq_char_3: Instead you get a refresh-button at the top of the extended watchbar.
:dq_char_2: extended watchbar changing size was fixed to go a bit more smoothly
:dq_char_3: extended watchbar will automatically link +50.html, +100.html or .html sites depending on your last seen post.
:dq_char_2: most browsers freeze when more than 3 parallel update requests are send, so extended watchbar will now limit itself to 2 parallel requests.

Some Programmer information:
I ditch JQuery to make it a little more lightweight and reworked most functions with JSHint.
If anyones interested in statistics:
>There are 112 functions in this file.
>Function with the largest signature take 4 arguments, while the median is 0.
>Largest function has 103 statements in it, while the median is 4.
>The most complex function has a cyclomatic complexity value of 43 while the median is 2.

No. 28369 ID: 383927

I recently tried to go on the tgchan CoffeeMUD site, but couldn't quite figure it out. Forums hadn't had any conversation on them in over a year, so I figured asking for help/advice here might be the best place. Is there a tutorial somewhere I can read up on to figure out how it works?
No. 28371 ID: 398fe1

You want this thread >>27229
I used MUSHclient, it worked pretty well.
No. 28383 ID: 67d5dc
File tgchans_BLICK_wbar.dat - (31.21KB )

My watchlist fucked up weirdly.

The order is reversed now, showing quest dis at the top and scrolling down from newest to oldest. It used to do the reverse.

All titles are off by one entry. The links/num replies will be to say, Coxette but the title will be fen quest, and so on down the line with the title moved up to the next newest slot. Progenitor is my most recent watch and is not listed at all, though it is linked.

A large number of older entries have been changed, now reading No Author - Anonymous for title and author, despite having valid (and correct?) links attached.

Not sure why this happened, I haven't updated to your new version yet. Attached is my archive log.
I looks kinda, irrecoverable.

Oh well.
No. 28406 ID: 67d5dc

Is there a way to watch a thread from inside the thread? Would make it much easier to rebuild my list.
No. 28407 ID: 7ec256

Thanks for the report and the idea!
Sorry for the late response, I was offline for a week.
Also sorry for the inconvenience.

~230 entries, that's a pretty long list. ^^
I'm working on something that can restore faulty databases. Currently it can restore the original list from the file you sent me, but fails to save the restored list internally. I might need a few days for that.
I will probably not be able to fix the order, though...

However, ordering by the time you added the thread is also a bit unintuitive. WOuld perhaps a different order be better (topics, times, ids)?

I will add a button for adding the current thread to the watchlist then, too.
No. 28408 ID: 67d5dc

Hey, thanks for the reply at all, I was fairly sure I'd just have to restart as though I were a new bob.
And thanks for really and for true for setting up the script. It is so much better than any vanilla way of tracking threads.

I actually like the order change. Having the more recent ones load first is useful since they tend to update more often. Having it sorted by most recent post time would probably be my ideal, but I'd make do with anything sane, like the current reversed order.

Since I have your ear, have you considered a sort of folder/collapsible that graveyarded threads get moved into? If you only updated them when the user opened the collapsible you could save some cpu cycles that would likely go wasted checking 230 long dead threads.

Take all the time you need tho. It may be messed up and weird, but its still functional on my end.
No. 28414 ID: a86b83

I was able to fix a few bugs and partly broken import files are now repaired when quest updates are requested. Didn't work on the graveyard/questarch section yet, though.
In the past, I usually removed dead/finished threads from my list by hand, so I didn't really though of this sooner. ^^

Download : http://phi.pf-control.de/userscripts/tgchan-BLICK/tgchan-BLICK.user.js

Release notes for Version 2.16:

* watchbar quest names and authors are now fetched from the quests on update requests.
* fixed some issues for width-changing the watchbar
* watchbar is using flex-layout now. Looks a bit nicer/tidier on very small an large widths
* sometimes +50 sites were linked when there were <50 posts, leading to 404 pages.
No. 28415 ID: 67d5dc

Its fixed! you rock!
No. 28435 ID: 1976b9

No. 28436 ID: 2e9054

Probably because almost no one reads the /meep/ section? ^^
If you want to use the script, you need a browser-extension for userscripts first.
Tampermonkey now supports Chrome, Opera and Firefox (and almost every other browser). The original extension was Greasemonkey for Firefox. In Opera, the original would be ViolentMonkey.
Scriptish often doesn't work as expected with my scripts, so I don't recommend it here.

Once that is installed, click the download-link to the .user.js file again and it will be installed in your browser.

GreaseMonkey (Firefox): https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/greasemonkey/
ViolentMonkey (Opera): https://addons.opera.com/de/extensions/details/violent-monkey/?display=en
Tampermonkey (Chrome, Firefox, Oper, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Dolphin): https://tampermonkey.net/?ext=dhdg&browser=chrome

Download link to the script:
No. 28438 ID: 5844bb

No. 28485 ID: 67d5dc

Bug report:

The most recent unread post link will sometimes go to a +50 link when the thread does not yet have 50 posts.

Impquest did this for me, currently at 49 posts.

Maybe it doesn't track deleted posts well?
No. 28624 ID: e36c7f

This still seems to be the closest thing to a site issues thread, aside from the quest advice thread in /questdis/ which I don't want to clutter with tech support, so...

I can't access the wiki any more. I was already unable to use tgchan.org or b.tgchan.org, but I used to be able to use c.tgchan.org and thatquestsite.org. Now, since the last time the site went down, c.tgchan.org doesn't work any more, and while I can still use thatquestsite.org to see the quest board itself, it doesn't work for the wiki.

When I click on any of the tgchan.org/wiki/ links of the type people link at the top of their quests, I get redirected to an error 404 page for some italian online movie website called "Altadefinizione HD".
No. 28628 ID: 673643

That sounds like a DNS problem. Have you tried flushing your cache and maybe changing your DNS server?
No. 28633 ID: e36c7f


I've tried both those things. No change for tgchan.org and variants, though at some point I became capable of using the wiki through thatquestsite.org again.
No. 28647 ID: 2870fe

Sounds like you have some malware installed on your comp and it's redirecting you or poisoning your DNS cache. Go clean up your comp.
No. 28802 ID: 0a47d8

I am experiencing severe lag while loading tgchan using this plugin, although it runs fine once it has finished loading. I just installed it the other day, and it is running in tampermonkey on chrome on win10. Are other people having this issue, or am I missing somtehing? Thanks for the help.
No. 28815 ID: 67d5dc

To anyone using Greasemonkey with Firefox who has lost the use of this script in the recent update, try switching to http://tampermonkey.net/ , as it still works.

I haven't worked out how to import an old watch list tho.
No. 28816 ID: 430719

The last greasemonkey update broke all my userscripts...
Since the new greasemonkey is incompatible with old scripts and old Greasemonkey versions are incompatible with new scripts.

I assume Tampermonkey will sooner or later also switch to the new Greasymonkey API calls.
This means for you, that switching browsers or browser versions will only be a temporary solution.

---Important part---
I just finished a slight rework of the script that is now compatible with the new Greasemonkey, the old Greasemonkey and Tampermonkey.
It also seems to work with watchbar-network-synchronization, watchbar-file-import or just using the old watchbar data.

Please update to the new version v2.20!
Install: http://phi.pf-control.de/userscripts/tgchan-BLICK/tgchan-BLICK.user.js

In case something went wrong, I still have v2.16, which is likely to stop working soon on tampermonkey...

--- ---

Especially in Tampermonkey there was a problem were Regexp was interpreted differently as in Greasemonkey.
This made it impossible to load old watchbar files and eventually slowed the browser down.
This got fixed in the update as far as my tests went.

I might have introduced some additional errors, since there were some major reworks done.
Everyone is using asynchronous calls nowadays, which is the main reason the old script broke.

what once was
var value=GM_getValue("storedValue");
is now
var value=null;
var prom=(async function(){value=await GM.getValue("storedValue");})();
(not a fan of the new arrow functions yet...)

In this example a synchronous call would be better, but there are many spots in the code, where the second way is actually increasing the script's speed.
You might notice a speed increase in the new version.

I also dropped the fallback to localStorage since the storage-limit was too low for a moderate watch-list anyway.
No. 28817 ID: cf5a32

Thanks! I noticed that my two little nubs were suddenly missing and immediately hopped over here to mention it. Glad to see you hopped on it first!
No. 28818 ID: bfb318

Thanks my dude, it is a good good script.
No. 28830 ID: 9d4af9

The script seems to be broken on Tampermonkey 4.4, using script version 2.20.
No. 28863 ID: 47d09d

Hi everyone!
It seems that some part of jsPDF broke, which the script used to convert quests into pdfs.
I didn't have much time to revise the interface for that script, so I decided to disable to feature for now.
I'm not sure if anyone was actually using it...

So, with v2.21 the quest-to-pdf convertion is disabled and thus it seems to work in chrome again.
Firefox didn't have any issues with it as it seems.

I might be fixing the feature in a future update if anyone is actually missing it. ^^
No. 28903 ID: 094652

Personally, I'm worried that one day the server
and backups will get corrupted and some of our favorite archived quests might be lost forever. It's not likely, but life happens.

We don't need a pdf so much as an executable file that can be used with a web browser to check stuff. It can be buggy as long as it has all the relevant data. You'd have to scrub it of personal data, and save a screenshot from image links so they won't depend on the internet.

We could vote on which quests get this treatment so this only needs to be done with popular stories. The plus side of this is that you can put any long-but-popular quests into a zip file and send that to be downloaded, so the server doesn't get constant requests for web pages from the archives.
No. 28965 ID: b71ef1

Apparently, Greasemonkey made an update for firefox for android. And now I just checked the script on my own smartphone. Everything seems to work. With the sync-feature, I can even synchronize between desktop and smartphone.

So, if you use firefox for android and the recent version of Greasemonkey there, the script will also work on your smartphone.

I will check during the following days for any bugs. Please feel free to comment, if you find bugs yourself.
No. 28966 ID: b71ef1

DSGVO (EU-Datenschutz-Grundverordnung) and Datenschutzerklärung

I added some privacy policy information on the website regarding the script-accounts.

As you may know, the script offers you to create an account, so you can synchronize watched threads, read posts and bar settings.
Since I and the server is located in Germany, the new European DSGVO rule applies.
In summary, you need to be informed and asked about any of your data saved by any European website. You also gained the right to be forgotten on demand (aka data deletion).

In this case, you need your email-address, a username and a password to register. This is of course stored. In case of the password, a one-way-encrypted hash is stored. For the activation link, the date of your registration is stored. The website-hoster also has an access-log where your IP-address is stored, but not connected to your account.
When you press the "Upload"-button in the script, a list of the ids of your watched threads, last seen posts and script settings are sent and stored on the website. Aside from that I don't gather or save any data of you.
If you don't use an account, no data is gathered from you.
For a more detailed privacy policy, please visit the website http://phi.pf-control.de/tgchan/interface.php.

I did some further tests on Android with the recent Firefox and I like it so far. ^^
Especially increasing the font size while keeping margins and images is great on small screens. The synchronization also appears to work.
Image-hover does not really feel right, though. When you tap on an image, it is opened in a new tab AND the hover appears. This you will notice when going backward after clicking an image. Maybe I disable the normal click-behavior on very small screens and change it to double-tap to open an image in a new tab.
No. 29418 ID: 864e49

We questden now. it broke. :(
No. 29420 ID: 2a08e4

Script updated for questden.org

I also felt like changing the scriptname to questden-BlICK. ^^

Update: http://phi.pf-control.de/userscripts/tgchan-BLICK/tgchan-BLICK.user.js
Mirror: https://greasyfork.org/de/scripts/392187-questden-blick

Also, if you synchronize your watch-list the data is saved on European (german) servers, so the register interface has a private policy now for legal reasons:
No. 29427 ID: b330e4

Yeah so I stay mainly on /quest/. Why was the name changing like every other day for a while there?
No. 29428 ID: 7ebbf9

The name change to questden has been in the works for a while but then also tezakia.net was done for a few days because of Tezakia Quest hitting its tenth anniversary.
No. 29434 ID: a0dfd2


But what if ... Souvlakia?
No. 29448 ID: 094652

I just noticed the wiki still uses the tgchan logo
No. 30069 ID: 8631f2

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