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File 170734751190.jpg - (1.13MB , 1534x1228 , Monster queen76.jpg )
1082765 No. 1082765 ID: dc13c4

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Discussion Thread

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No. 1088441 ID: c260b4

She's basically doing what gram did, forcing a decision in defiance of team decisions. We gotta talk this out or there is no team and if that's the case we may as well leave.
No. 1088442 ID: 27fceb


I agree with you a line needs to be drawn in the sand and she needs to learn that we all have to work as one. We are not her enemy we all work on helping her and if she can't see that then there is no real point in us being here.
No. 1088464 ID: 7c55ad

Yeah, we'll need to have a talk with her and see why she did what she did despite us being against it, and nip the problem in the bud before it gets worse. Perhaps she is scared of him, or has trust issues, might have had a power trip moment, or maybe there's something about us that she was disgusted with. Whatever the case, we need to know the reasoning, and see what can be done. maybe get Abdle's sister involved if needed.
No. 1088497 ID: 5ebd37

She's going to regret leading that poor boy on, especially when a certain someone, currently in the dungeon, hears about it.

But can't have a argument in front of your adoring subjects. Save it for later, in private.
Bobbie is queen, she doesn't need to listen to us. She should listen to Abdle though.

Hey, hey Abdle. Is the blood rushing to your head, all upside down like that?
No. 1088535 ID: 13fdbb
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Let her off with a warning.

B) Make her stay in the cell for a little bit longer.

C) Punish her.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1088536 ID: 6b0eab

Drop the subject please, Abdle. That was then, and we will talk about that later privately. Lets be professional and focus on the task at hand for now.

What I want to do is have Clara decide what Gram's punishment should be as an eye for an eye kind of thing when she wakes up. But since she is unconscious at the moment, we are going to give Gram a chance to apologize to Clara by letting her write a formal apology letter to Clara in prison until Clara wakes up, if she so wishes to apologize and is serious about it. She should know that since Clara is going to be administrating the punishment, Gram should make sure her letter of apology is serious and sincere enough if she decides to write one, because who knows how severe Clara's punishment to Gram could be. This could help teach Gram consequences for her actions and teach her manners.
No. 1088549 ID: 5ebd37

Calm Abdle, don't be like Gramleza.

That punishment sounds fair, if she can grow from this experience then all is well.
No. 1088550 ID: 47c854

Seems she still fails to see the severity of this. She still put Clara's life on the line. Her words indicate intent even if she failed to see death as a potential consequence. We expect better from our subjects and even more from our council. Her defense is shrugging it off with "Well she didn't die." She has clearly learned nothing. She's fortunate we need her set of skills while Dredge is an issue. So what if we base her punishment on how well she meets expectations? She will have to write dull boring logs of her missions. Further poor behavior or poor performance will increase severity while meeting or exceeding expectations will decrease. She does exceedingly well she is only suspended from the council. She does exceedingly poorly she dies. Or worse as there are worse fates. She has one chance here to learn what is expected. Don't fail.
No. 1088551 ID: 55d524


I agree with this punishment as well.
No. 1088659 ID: f393b8
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Vote for the punishment.

B) Vote against the punishment.

C) The Executioner's vote counts.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1088660 ID: c344a2

Why are you asking us? Our votes have no sway here. Go ahead, do what's expected, veto the whole vote.
No. 1088665 ID: 5ebd37

I don't know, why are you fighting like this? I thought you liked each other
No. 1088677 ID: 7e4e06

Arguments happen, even among friends.

D. Before we vote, I want to hear Bobbie's reason for doing the needle test despite the majority being against it, and why she feel she needed to do it. Basically, I want to get an understanding of each other to better communicate appropriately early on before the arguments tear our team apart later on. Ive been through that before, and I dont want that to happen here again. Is everything alright Bobbie?

My reasoning for not using the needle test was that things can be very bad if the archer figures out it was all a lie, and we lead him on keeping him under our thumb with a lie. Everything about our relationship with him is built on a bridge of lies, which path could turn into a tightrope if he starts investigating or asking questions. We'll have to tread carefully with how we interact with him and our actions around him now.
No. 1088681 ID: 27fceb


I agree with this suggestion.
No. 1088761 ID: 11d55a
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) The punishment is not necessary, we can skip it.

B) Continue with the voting.

C) Other suggestions.
No. 1088765 ID: 7c55ad

B. And I vote punishment.

Sorry Bobbie, but, you have to remember that we have a village of humans nearby our castle, and one of them even gave us a gift of apples. If you start showing a bias against humans and treat them unfairly against other species, they could start a protest, or worse revolt. We will go with your plan, but I highly recommend you treat the archer just as equal as your other allies that follow you from this point on.

And yeah, we love you Bobbie, but this punishment has to happen because we don't want this team to end up like what happened to Ramming Rage and his allies. Like Abdle said, if we are going to deal with a life or death situations, we can't have anyone going off to do what they feel like doing. That doesn't just go for Bobbie, but it goes for Abdle, and all of our followers as well.
No. 1088809 ID: 5ebd37

A) This isn't how adults should deal with their interpersonal problems. If you two can't talk this out, then maybe your partnership just isn't working. And hitting each other when you don't like what the other did won't fix that.

This castle could really use a therapist on staff.
No. 1088818 ID: 27fceb

My vote is for the vote of the executioner to count, as for my vote it is that the Queen needs to be punished.
No. 1089020 ID: bdef32

Well time to deal with this tie, by rolling the dice. Every even number on the dice is going to be for the punishment to be ignored, every odd number is going to be for the punishment to happen.
No. 1089021 ID: bdef32

rolled 3 = 3

No. 1089063 ID: 14ce63

No. 1089180 ID: d2faab
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) If we are going to start with the partnership I expect to get paid for working with your master.

B) You seem familiar, have we met somewhere previously?

C) Check back on Bobbie and see how she is doing.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1089183 ID: 7c55ad

D. I'm all for letting them start business as long as we get compensated in some way (TAXES BAYBEE!), but I think we should first ask questions before we make our decision. Like, does he has a way to sustain himself so he doesn't bite the other villagers for their blood without their consent? Would he be willing to pretend he isn't a vampire if being a vampire is a problem with the chief? are his employees vampires too? what is he and Maya Din's professional relationship, like how did they meet and what does she do? Stuff like that.

But starting a food industry here could help this world progress

(not B. I do NOT want her being suspicious of me and us. Sorry, I'm no longer the Peregrine she wants me to be.
No. 1089184 ID: 7c55ad

Thinking it through, if humans don't like buying from monsters, they simply need to hire humans and non-monster employees to cook and sell the food. Humans will buy from other humans. Simple.
No. 1089188 ID: 27fceb

How is Bobbie dealing with her current punishment?
No. 1089194 ID: 31da67

So they don't have any other locations, this would be the first? Without being able to observe one of their operations we can't make any promises. Perhaps they could be afforded a trial run, under intense scrutiny.
We'll bring it up the next time we meet the village elder and get back to you.
No. 1089208 ID: e415be

Well no promises but economic growth is usually good. Just remember we are not the law in that place. For now. Follow their rules. Oh it may help if you provide gifts *cough*bribes*cough* to the village chief. Should you be willing we'll have improved odds. Still no promises though.
No. 1089211 ID: e8342f

One final idea, they could cook a meal for the chief later on to help convince him later after we talk to him and hes on the fense about it.
But yeah, we'll talk to then, but no promises.

Important for us to talk to bobbie and see her thoughts about it and speaking to the chief about it too
No. 1089318 ID: 41733f
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Possible answers to the question that was asked are all up to your imagination. So good luck, but nothing will be lost if you answer the question wrong, this is all just for fun.
No. 1089321 ID: 7c55ad

The armor is her body is my guess.

I guess one more question before she leaves, are there any interdimensional beings or travelers out there that we should be wary of or not trust?
No. 1089322 ID: d42da9

Are you a rotting corpse, only kept alive by your armor?
No. 1089340 ID: 7c55ad

If her armor is not her body, then I bet she is green
No. 1089343 ID: dcf4fb

Dislike speculating though playing detective is useful. Sharp wits are key in warfare to figuring out the opponent's moves. So since it's no stakes let's puzzle this. From what is stated she specifically says the armor gives her body shape. From which it can be inferred she would have no shape sans armor or similar items. While she may *be* the armor itself, she may also be without form if she had none. So, 3 likely possibilities. 1, she's the armor itself given life, 2 she's a slime or ooze, 3 she is a spirit that has possessed it to give herself shape.
No. 1089355 ID: 27fceb

You are a mimic that is disguised as a suit of armor. If we are allowed to ask questions ask about the world where her boss came from.
No. 1089464 ID: a07698
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Just to mention that this picture does not represent something that happened in 30 UPDATES OR LESS quest. This is just an artistic representation of the chaotic energy that occurs in that story.

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) They can be trusted.

B) We should keep them at a distance.

C) We can't trust them.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1089467 ID: c6a8cd

Probably a minority opinion but xenophobia is fine if pragmatism has precedence over xenophobia especially for official policies. Personally like Humans because of warfare innovations. Have yet to see a species more dedicated to winning wars. So you'll get second opinions if you worry about crossing lines. Where were we? Oh, Vance. He's a wildcard. He may do well, he may cause political scandals. So keep your distance for now.
No. 1089469 ID: c7ccaf

Agreed. Take the wait and see approach
No. 1089484 ID: 5ebd37

Yes, just keep an eye on them
No. 1089505 ID: 27fceb

To me, they all seem like people who just want to make money and we might get something by working with them.
No. 1089705 ID: 6b926a
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Possible answers to the question that was asked: Who do you want to bring with you for the first meeting with the villagers?

A) Bring only human allies.

B) Bring only goblin allies.

C) Bring half human and half goblin allies.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1089708 ID: 5ebd37

B) the only humans you have on staff are weird, and the goblins are... well some of them are... Well at least you have Grimlith

anyway, if you are going to work with the village they'll have to get used to you being the monster queen.
No. 1089715 ID: d0fe53

While a mixed group would show that cooperation can be done, Polt has a point that the humans we do have are unusual. Only normal-ish one we have is archer so bring that dude. We never got his name did we? Everybody else can be non-humans. Oh and this goes both ways: we don't have to like them and they don't have to like us to do business and cooperate. Perhaps by cooperating we'll both benefit which is enough. Good way to start warming relations.
No. 1089730 ID: 5de8cd

So to take all the notes that we know so far about this village: They don't care about the previous ruling class, they don't have any religious beliefs and they probably created hundreds of fatherless children. I suggest we might as well go with all humans or all goblins presentation. First impressions are important and if they do see that we are working with humans maybe they will be more inclined to go along with our ruling. On the other hand, they have been ignoring our presence and if we show up with nothing but goblins on their doorsteps they will not be able to ignore us any longer. Whatever is picked I have a feeling that this is going to be an uphill battle to get them to respect our authority.
No. 1089762 ID: c5529d

hate to say it, but take Gram along with you. Gram did lead the girl who gave us apples back to her home, so she should have some kind of good standing reputation with humans, or at least one of them.
No. 1089923 ID: d37872
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Change the leader of the village with somebody you trust more.

B) Make the leader of the village trust you more.

C) Make the leader of the village fear you more.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1089928 ID: 9e4e4d

B) who would we replace him with? It would have to be a human, but one we trust, and we don't have any of those yet.

Ruling by fear is a lot if work, let's just butter him up
No. 1089930 ID: 233458

Option 2. Very easy to improve on garbage.
No. 1089932 ID: 5de8cd

I feel like we could pull off the ruling by intimidation, we are already using that technique to survive. So why not try it here as well?
No. 1090046 ID: c5529d

Going with B. If we can gain his trust, he'll have our back later down the road.

If it was any other village nowhere near our castle, i would have picked C. But since this village is pretty close to us, forcing him to fear us might not be a good idea as he could secretly work with our enemies out of cowardice to try to take us down later for revenge, and his safety. Keeping good relationships with him will prevent him from doing that, and might even give us some information.
No. 1090154 ID: 3ef18f
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Tell them that they are all a miserable pile of secrets and that you are the answer.

B) Ask them how they would feel about living next to a vampire pig.

C) We are the new law of this land and you have to deal with it.

D) Other suggestions.
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