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File 169066685098.png - (166.91KB , 954x1119 , poll victor.png )
140140 No. 140140 ID: 99f29a

Once, before the site was Questden, I ran a poll thread for monthly poll topics like people's favorite characters, the cutest characters, and so on. I intend to do so again. Here's how it'll go:

Some time after the end of the prior poll and before the start of the next month, I'll post the next poll's topic. Normally it'll have more time to post nominees than this month since this was done on the spur of the moment. For August, the next poll will be your favorite questden chest of 2023 in honor of Chest Day! The winner will be crowned as having the best chest on Questden, a very official and definitely indisputable appointment.

Nominating characters works like this- you name a character and what quest they're from as a bare minimum. More info like a link to the thread or the wiki page is sometimes helpful. I don't judge your preferences or gatekeep submissions- if you think a character is cute or like them or think they're cool or whatever for any reason, nominate them. Similarly, I ask people to either say nice things about other people's nominations if you feel like it or shut up and nominate your own if you don't- it's a popularity contest with no real stakes, don't vote for the character if you don't like them. Although given this poll's specific topic, limit your nominations to adult characters for this one. If a character's owner doesn't want them to be nominated for whatever reason, they can say so.

More specifically, for the next poll, the two criteria are that they have to have made an appearance in a canon post for some quest thread, and that the quest needs to have updated some time since July 29th, 2022. Yes, that means as long as the quest updated within a year of this post you can nominate any character, even the ones that haven't appeared for longer than that. I'm not fussy.

Once the nominees are in, I'll make the preliminaries and open voting hopefully on Tuesday, August 1st. Since it depends on my free time, there may sometimes be delays but hopefully not. Depending on the amount of nominees I tend to run preliminaries, select the top 16 (ties permitting) for semifinals, then go to the top 4 for finals. If there's 100+ nominees I tend to do 32 in quarterfinals then back to semis and finals. Each poll tends to run about three days. Until the finals, you can vote for as many characters as you want. In the finals, you can only vote for one.

Historically, I've used Google Polls for this since it let me use images for the finals, but it also made it a pain for people to see the results without submitting a vote every time. I'm open to alternatives.
Expand all images
No. 140141 ID: 8fae7e

The false idol will be dethroned.
No. 140142 ID: 99f29a

Because I forgot to mention it before and because this is more informal- as a popularity contest with 0 stakes, attempted bribery of the public is entirely acceptable. People have sometimes offered to do art if their favorite won- nobody is obliged to do this but it's perfectly acceptable. Personally, though, I'd rather keep this to the questden community- unless you think people are going to hang around, read quests, and interact, I request that you don't canvas for vote outside Questden and Questden-adjacent communities.

In the end, this is mostly an excuse to talk about characters and quests you like, especially if you haven't had a chance to remember or discuss them in a while.
No. 140143 ID: 462d8c

I think I'm going to nominate RILEY of Cedar Ridge
No. 140144 ID: 99f29a

Sure, if there's interest I could do another best neumono poll in the future. Until then Polo's reign is supreme.
No. 140145 ID: e51896

not nominating RHBDS would be a crime
No. 140146 ID: 99f29a

I'm guessing that's one of Apple's dragons from the recent spate of dragon quests, but as a reminder please specify the quest the character is from as a minimum- other info can help but isn't needed.
No. 140147 ID: 60841b

I'll draw whichever character wins
No. 140148 ID: 0a86a0

I nominate Pillet, from Haze Town!
No doubt she's got a slew of chest-related skills, as a bonus.

Sorry, Momo... someone else can nominate you~
No. 140149 ID: 462d8c

From what I understand, we can nominate multiple chreasts. So how about Marlene Collins of Calliope fame.
No. 140150 ID: 99f29a

You sure can! Nominate as many as you like. So far I haven't had to impose any particular limits, the highest we got was a bit more work to do but still manageable.
No. 140151 ID: 11f77a

Kaia from Sojourn has a good set. And she's a buune! I shall nominate her.
No. 140152 ID: 48c015

The Sect Queen from O/I/R,
And the Sect Queen from Tobak Quest,
And Momo from Unbalanced,
And Amica from Last Trace.

And Ol' Nine Eyes from The God Damned,
With a torso real spooky,
Lucha Quest's Trisha,
And sure-to-lose Tsuki.
No. 140155 ID: 90f91e

...Well since Roaway offered to draw... Alice from Bloom just to see her in his artstyle. "Huh? How is she allowed since bloom last updated over a year ago?" Well, sort of. Should spinoffs be okay it's fine because of the dungeon spinoff. https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/1060899.html "Her pair is too small!" Four words. High. Density. Fluid. Sacs. For the confused, see https://questden.org/kusaba/graveyard/res/957117.html#964905 - just imagine she did put the sacs upon her upper torso
No. 140156 ID: d3b019

Ill draw whoever gets second place
No. 140157 ID: 4481aa

Ooh, I've got a few!

Elaine from Clothing Repair (https://questden.org/kusaba/graveyard/res/1011088.html) is pretty great. Love the chest fluff.

Shelli from Lascivious Labyrinth (https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/1031913.html) was definitely a fave from that thread. She just barely makes it within the time limit to be nominated

Hailey from TENSION (https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1062470.html), because pointy boobs shouldn't be hot, and yet with her...

This person brought it up above, but just to state it in a clearer nomination style: The Ridiculously Huge Boobs Dragon Sorceress from Ridiculously Huge Boobs Dragon Sorceress Pt. 6 (https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1062859.html), because damn. DAMN!
No. 140182 ID: 99f29a

Nominations are closed- thanks everyone who participated! The poll will be up tomorrow morning- nominations started late in the month so I wanted to give as much time today as I could, and also I need to figure out whether to still use Google polls or not.
No. 140189 ID: 99f29a

Alright! On the stroke of noon in my timezone, here's the poll!


You'll need to be signed in so Google can ensure only one response per person.

May the best chest win!
No. 140207 ID: 99f29a

And with 21 votes, the preliminaries are OVER! In true Questden tradition, ties abound.

In first place, RILEY from Cedar Ridge with 8 votes!

Just behind her, tied for second place are MOMO from UNBALANCED and RIDICULOUSLY HUGE BOOBS DRAGON SORCERESS from R.H.B.D.S. PART 6, each with 6 votes!

And barely behind those two are another two entries tied for fourth place, Pillet from Haze Town, Marlene Collins from Calliope, both with 5 votes apiece!

Close on their heels are the four (4) entries tied for sixth place, Kaia from Sojourn, The Sect Queen from Tobak, Alice from Bloom, and last but certainly not least Hailey from Tension!

Thank you to our faithful runners-up and the people who nominated them for their participation- Trisha from Lucha quest got 3 votes, The Sect Queen from O/I/R, Tsuki from Lucha Quest, and Elaine from Clothing Repair all got 2 votes, Amica from Last Trace and Shelli from Lascivious Labyrinth both got 1 vote, and finally Ol' Nine Eyes from The God Damned wins Best Male Chest with a staggering 0 votes! Was he dragged back by being the only dude entered or by his unconventional body plan? Only time can tell!

For now, find the semifinals HERE! Still no limit on how many you can pick until the finals, you can edit responses, etc. Responses are still limited to 1 per person so being signed into a Google account is required.


HERE WE GO! This will likewise run for 3 days.
No. 140254 ID: 99f29a

Hellooooooooooooooooo everyone! With 22 votes, the semifinals are OVER! This time I didn't vote until nearly the end and had to consider whether I should vote with myself being tainted by knowledge of who was tied, whether I wanted to deal with being any sort of kingmaker even in a completely trivial popularity contest, and so on. Then I remembered dice existed and voted at random to try and break the tie. The will of Questden manifested and the dice made the tie worse. So without further ado, the

In first place, RILEY from CEDAR RIDGE and KAIA from SOJOURN, each with 7 votes!

In third place, MARLENE COLLINS from CALLIOPE with 6 votes!

And tied for fourth place are RIDICULOUSLY HUGE BOOBS DRAGON SORCERESS from R.H.B.D.S. PART 6, PILLET from HAZE TOWN, THE SECT QUEEN from TOBAK, and HAILEY from TENSION, each with 5 votes!!!

Thanks to our semifinalists and all those who nominated them- Momo from Unbalanced got 4 votes and Alice from Bloom got 2 votes!! Is Questden just too vanilla for a little monstrosity in their ladies? Alas and alack!

And HERE are the finals! At long last, you can only vote for one candidate in this one. I look forward to seeing how people's votes change! Responses are still limited to 1 per person so being signed into a Google account is required.


HERE WE GO! As usual, this'll run for 3 days. After which I'll announce results and open nominations for the next poll's theme- no spoilers but it'll probably be dude-oriented after the tragic lack of male chests in these nominations.
No. 140290 ID: 99f29a

And the finals are OVER! Thanks again, everyone who made these characters, ran these quests, and nominated them! With a surprising total of 45 votes cast, heeeeere's our


๐Ÿฅ‡๐Ÿ‘‘KAIA๐Ÿ‘‘๐Ÿฅ‡ from SOJOURN is our winner for Questden 2023's Best Chest, with 13 votes! Send her your congratulations, everyone!

By a narrow margin, ๐ŸฅˆRILEY๐Ÿฅˆ from CEDAR RIDGE is our second place winner with 11 votes!

Coming in third is ๐Ÿฅ‰THE SECT QUEEN๐Ÿฅ‰ from TOBAK, with nine votes!

Tied for fourth place are ๐ŸŽ–๏ธMarlene Collins๐ŸŽ–๏ธ from Calliope, and ๐ŸŽ–๏ธHailey๐ŸŽ–๏ธ from Tension, each at four votes!

And last but certainly not least, tied for sixth are Ridiculously Huge Boobs Dragon Sorceress from R.H.B.D.S. Part 6 and (my personal pick, now that all's said and done I can reveal this) Pillet from Haze town, each with 2 votes!

Once again, congrats to all the finalists! Also, the amount of votes in the final round is a bit weird- I'd like to think people just get more pumped for the finals so I'll keep an eye on future voting patterns. If someone shared the poll somewhere else, that's fine but to reiterate I prefer you do that in communities already adjacent to Questden since it's meant to be a community event to get people chatting about who they like. And of course if you did, I'm curious who all dropped in. A third possibility is people making alts to stuff the polls- please don't do this. The polls have no stakes so it doesn't achieve anything beyond messing with the fun. Hopefully that's unfounded and it really is just more people getting interested, though!
No. 140292 ID: 99f29a

And with the results announced, I'm opening nominations for the next poll:


Doesn't have to be any particular year this time, still has to have appeared in at least one panel of a canon update in a quest thread. The dudes were woefully underrepresented in the chest poll, so let's get some boykissers in here!
No. 140293 ID: 462d8c

Veisar from HURON
No. 140294 ID: e51896

Celyn from Donut's quest Clothing Repair, and Tippler's Censor Shipping


No. 140295 ID: 4562ef

From AsteroidQuest: Hok & Kappi
From Lunar Quest: Wordblood
No. 140296 ID: b99c43

Bryto from Roaway's Tobak Quest!


No. 140297 ID: 99f29a

Since someone asked a good question on Discord I'm restating this for clarity- I don't gatekeep nominations basically at all, unless you're somehow committing a hate crime or something you can nominate anyone for anything. I prefer to let votes handle it if people feel someone doesn't qualify.

So for this specific situation, you can nominate anyone you think is cute and fits the vibe. They don't have to have fur or a penis or whatever- trans people, aliens, scalies, and whatever are all equally welcome.
No. 140298 ID: 9b127b

I nominate
Samson D. Smith from Small quest
Ixander from Sexcom
No. 140301 ID: 3f565a

Yisi from After Quest Ch.3

(sorry test, lol)
No. 140302 ID: 273c18

It's The Glitcher.
No. 140303 ID: 4481aa

I nominate Hunter Webb from Crystal Spire: https://questden.org/wiki/Crystal_Spire

Pascoe from Return to Sender: https://questden.org/wiki/Return_to_Sender

Flygon from Nostalgia Quest: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1067531.html#1067726

and Ignis from SHARDS: https://questden.org/kusaba/graveyard/res/1009742.html#1010473 (Bonus pic: https://questden.org/kusaba/graveyard/src/164723104228.png)
No. 140304 ID: 48c015

I'm sorry Buxom Rig- I mean, Riley, I'll try to rig the voting next time.

Congratulatins to Kaia and Magpie for the great win!

So, for cutest boy ever, I'd nominate:
Ganymede, Arthocob quest: https://questden.org/wiki/Arthocob_Date_Quest

Chris Knott, from Scion of the Old
Blood: https://questden.org/wiki/Scion_of_the_Old_Blood

Chef and Vlad (mostly Vlad), from You Died/You Lived: https://questden.org/wiki/You_Lived

Kark, from The Rogue: https://questden.org/wiki/The_Rogue

And far, far most of all, the cutest puppo:
Blair, from...uh... Porn Quest Volume 2: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/1057831.html
No. 140313 ID: 11f77a

okay here's my noms

Blue Hooke from Blue:

Howie from Flora:

Narko from The God Damned:
No. 140314 ID: 435f13

Scrimbalt from Ridiculously Huge Boobs Dragon Sorceress Pt. 6 https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1062859.html#1069221
No. 140315 ID: 462d8c

Millie of Thread Quest
No. 140321 ID: 9b127b

Also nominating
Dart from Last call
No. 140335 ID: a7a180

I'm nominating Mika from Order Up:
No. 140342 ID: 99f29a
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Roaway has informed me that the Sect Queen's nomination and victor will carry certain consequences.
No. 140367 ID: 60841b
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As promised, the winner has been drawn

Thanks to everyone who participated, and congratulations to Kaia

Perhaps second place gets something as well, we'll see
No. 140368 ID: 64dbac

Aww, I love it! Thank you so much!
No. 140371 ID: 58dd24

Demesi, of Journey Quest
Nedynvor strong
No. 140373 ID: 60841b
File 169224116704.png - (407.08KB , 727x1104 , Illustration6.png )

No worries

And here's something for Riley in second place

winning isn't everything, it just means there's room for improvement!
No. 140392 ID: ef7b31

From asteroidquest/verse, Pilon because DEM EARS. Will also add Three Stripes from that too. While he technically has no fur everything he does after he gets his new hive is d'aaaawwwww so let the votes decide if he qualifies.
No. 140428 ID: 4b7fca
File 169266685190.png - (1.45MB , 1421x1408 , QuestpollRiley.png )

Congrats to Kaia! and to everyone who participated, the final was a close one
Here's something for the runner up Riley
No. 140571 ID: 1ff64e

Since you're still asking for nominations on Discord, I suppose it's not too late to suggest Tyrsis from Slissa Quest (https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/935060.html)
No. 140572 ID: 918cdb

Some last minute additions to the cutest boy poll, including some classic quest characters:

Warwick from the Lost Way: https://questden.org/kusaba/graveyard/res/693008.html

Tory Sinclair from Tory's Tower: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/185773.html

Axyl from Tobak Quest:https://questden.org/wiki/Tobak_Quest

Dale and Todd from Book of Worms: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/521087.html

And finally,

John the policeman from Coxwette: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/812307.html#818482
No. 140573 ID: e139aa

ohhh go on then iโ€™ll self nominate my own blorbos.
Va.ne.tu (the one what looks like a fox) from Flockload of Problems: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1066631.html
No. 140580 ID: 99f29a

And here's the preliminaries for history's cutest Questden CFB!


As usual, vote for as many as you please on a ballot, only submit one ballot, it'll be up for about 3 days before I start the semifinals. Let me know if I missed a nomination- there's 38 that I caught so some might have slipped through the cracks. Similarly, a quest author can let me know either here or on Discord that they'd like to update their character's image or that they're not comfortable with a character being in a poll.
No. 140624 ID: 99f29a

And with 40 votes, the CFB preliminaries are OVER! Continuing true Questden tradition, ties abound.

In first place, THE GLITCHER from UNNATURAL SELECTION with 19 votes!

Just behind him, tied for second place are KAPPI from ASTEROID QUEST, BRYTO from TOBAK QUEST, and MILLIE from THREAD QUEST, each with 18 votes!

Screaming behind in fifth place is PASCOE from RETURN TO SENDER, with 17 votes!

Close in sixth place is SAMSON D. SMITH from SMALL QUEST, with 15 votes!

In seventh place is AXYL from TOBAK QUEST, with 14 votes!

And last but never least, tied for eighth place are HOK from ASTEROID QUEST, HUNTER WEBB from CRYSTAL SPIRE, and VA.NE.TU from FLOCKLOAD OF PROBLEMS, all with 13 votes!

As ever, thank you to our faithful runners-up and the people who nominated them for their participation- Veisar from HURON, Ignis from Shards, and Three Stripes from Asteroid Quest got 12 votes apiece; Tyrsis from Slissa Quest got 11 votes; Dart from Last Call got 10 votes; Wordblood from Lunar Quest, Flygon from Nostalgia Quest, Ganymede from Arthocob Date Quest, Blair from Porn Quest, and Pilon from Asteroid Quest got 9 votes; Blue Hooke from BLUE and Warwick from The Lost Way got 7 votes; Chris Knott from Scion of the Old, Chef from You Died/You Lived, Kark from The Rogue, Howie from Flora, Mika from Order Up, and Dale from Book of Worms got 6 votes; Ixander from Sexcom, Vlad from You Died/You Lived, Scrimbalt from R.H.B.D.S. Part 6, Demesi from Journey Quest, and Todd from Book of Worms got 5 votes; Yisi from After Quest and Narko from The God Damned got 3 votes; finally Tory Sinclair from Tory Quest and John the policeman from Coxwette got 2 votes. Thanks again, everyone who joined in!

For now, find the semifinals HERE! Still no limit on how many you can pick until the finals, you can edit responses, etc. Responses are still limited to 1 per person so being signed into a Google account is required.

No. 140648 ID: 99f29a

And with 35 votes, the CFB semifinals are OVER! Fewer ties this time, I'm proud of you all.

In first place, MILLIE from THREAD QUEST with 17 votes!

Right behind Millie, PASCOE from RETURN TO SENDER with 16 votes!

And tied for third place, THE GLITCHER from UNNATURAL SELECTION and VA.NE.TU from FLOCKLOAD OF PROBLEMS with 15 votes apiece!

Thanks once again to our runners up and the loyal fans who nominated them- Bryto from Tobak Quest, Samson D. Smith from Small Quest, and Axyl from Tobak Quest all got 13 votes apiece; Hunter Webb from Crystal Spire got 12 votes, Kappi from Asteroid Quest got 10 votes, and Hok from Asteroid Quest got 7 votes! Imagine a round of applause for them, please, before you go on to vote in the finals for the #1 Questden CFB!


As ever, sign in to submit a ballot, edit ballots whenever until the polls close, but this time you can only vote for one! Good luck, everyone!
No. 140672 ID: 99f29a

And the finals are OVER! As ever, thanks to everyone who made quests, nominated their blorbos, and voted for their favorites! With 47 votes cast, heeeeeeere we gooooooooo!


๐Ÿฅ‡๐Ÿ‘‘THE GLITCHER๐Ÿ‘‘๐Ÿฅ‡ from UNNATURAL SELECTION is our winner for Questden's Cutest Furry Boy, with 14 votes! Lago's tyrannical grasp on the scrunkly boy market will never relent!

By a narrow margin, ๐ŸฅˆPASCOE๐Ÿฅˆ from RETURN TO SENDER is our second place winner with 13 votes! Roaway is free from the terrible burden of people liking a character!

Coming in third is ๐Ÿฅ‰MILLIE๐Ÿฅ‰ from THREAT QUEST, with 11 votes! A strong start, but Questden's old favorite won out in the end!

And in fourth place is๐ŸŽ–๏ธVA.NE.TU๐ŸŽ–๏ธ from FLOCKLOAD OF PROBLEMS, with 8 votes!

Once again, congrats to all the finalists!
No. 140673 ID: 99f29a

And to follow up, I'm opening nominations for next month's poll topic, namely:


Any antagonists are fine! Any villainous characters are fine! As ever, I'm not gatekeeping so long as you don't commit a hate crime or something- just nominate people and let the votes see who's qualified! No particular year either this time, has to have appeared in at least one post of a canon update, you know how it is.
No. 140678 ID: e51896

my nominations:

Ava from 2 frames quest https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/780088.html#781898

Virgil Moss from Team Port Echo https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/751216.html#755605

The Vitruvian from The Vitruvian https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/984843.html#984898

Liminal/Max and Boss from Catalyst/Queen of Hell https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/993796.html#997239

Farmer Sheppard from Perpetuity https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1038059.html#1065665

Mai Terrorscale from Lazy fairy https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/1021044.html#1026798

Lord Lung from Queen Chinzebeth https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/134350.html#134353

Tsuki from Lucha Quest https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1063589.html#1064524
No. 140679 ID: 4481aa

I'd like to nominate The Suggestors, from every quest ever. We've all hated them at one point or another. Shoutout to everyone who voted for Pierre to leave in a recent Lazy Fairy update, I hate all of you. https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1064862.html#1071636

I'll also nominate w2K from 30 Updates or Less https://questden.org/kusaba/graveyard/res/1014571.html#1042272

and Crown from Lover's Quarrel https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/1044334.html#1044959
No. 140680 ID: e139aa

va.ne.tu got further than expected so more blatant self-nominations

Imperium from Salikai https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/862495.html#862737
My.a from Flockload of Problems https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1066631.html#1066926
No. 140682 ID: 273c18

Ace from RubyQuest
Kyaos from Journey Quest
No. 140685 ID: f76c3e

I too will pursue blatant self nomination and suggest Deem from Dungeoneer:
No. 140686 ID: 99f29a

I'll do the suggestors if you can provide an image for them that everyone can agree will identify them on sight.
No. 140688 ID: 15a025

Dog with a Gun from The Villians Win

Sevener from UnSe
No. 140689 ID: 1acc46

Hah, Cirr your stuff is great but you have way worse villains than my.a and her chaos. From salikai (plus a few others like khashusivni) is the eternal parasitic death-cult that is The Kiter Empire. Hard to say what pic would fit the empire as a whole, though 1045's sand analogy sums 'em up pretty well. https://questden.org/kusaba/graveyard/res/910105.html#952445 Plus "prequel" Typhon of reformation here: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/471394.html#473385 (Odon would be added, however Imperium beats his megalomania with ease.) Guess I'll toss in a few others. For the enemy within niche is Kan of Salikai as well. Father Zozu of asteroid for faceless criminal boss. Vanski of Polo/Penn for MAD SCIENCE. Xotl Dragonslayer of bloom for dangerous competence (special mention to helmet guys and NCO arkot because of general competence). Baron Obsidian of EDF for having class. Plus... uh... help me out here, have we had a quirky miniboss squad?
No. 140704 ID: 273c18

Oh if we're doing villainous protagonists too, then:

Tory Sinclair from Tory's Tower
No. 140705 ID: a7a180

Hey, that makes Muschio Malto from Divequest a nominee too.
I'd also like to nominate the Kariket from Enemy Quest.
No. 140706 ID: 4481aa

I've gotta thank Ed for pulling this from Rise of the Cyclops. Credit to Apples for their depiction of the audience as a shadowy board of advisors. https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/611369.html#611388
No. 140709 ID: 4a7c6a

Oh derp. Duchess Kalez of king of pentacles. Oh, while Rokoa was technically an initial antagonist of AQI not gonna nominate if only because she may ROFLstomp. So have a Rokoa-ish mech pilot instead. https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/436389.html#442931
No. 140715 ID: 918cdb

Memorable all around:
Harold Quillig from Tozol Quest: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/202825.html

Radula from Book of Worms: https://questden.org/wiki/The_Book_of_Worms

The Pilgrim from Nan Quest: https://questden.org/wiki/NanQuest

Memorable 'cause they are dickish:
Caevaexerin Brass from The God Damned:https://questden.org/kusaba/graveyard/res/944457.html

Rainer from Return to Sender:https://questden.org/kusaba/graveyard/res/1011811.html

Memorable 'cause they are bloody, creepy and bloody creepy:
Jadis and "Mary" from You Died/Stare at Explosions: https://questden.org/wiki/You_Died
No. 140716 ID: 11f77a

Lak from Tobak Quest
No. 140717 ID: 60ecf6

Lord Vackles from Fen Quest
No. 140725 ID: 38349b

My nominations:
Svart from Plushquest: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/src/164169709466.png

Mimi from Plushquest: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/src/163640334796.png
No. 140726 ID: e51896

Rancid from you lived/stare at explosions https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/1006058.html#1007604

This was a character I remember the suggestors hating and wanting to kill.
No. 140741 ID: e5709d

If we're looking for 'villains the audience overall liked', I nominate Sloane from Acid Soup: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/691136.html
If we're looking for "villains the audience wanted to strangle", I'd vote for Nanako's mom:
Or Rae's:
There's just... something sick about a person who can masque their twisted mental state just enough to be loved and respected by their local community, yet spend every waking moment with their kids belittling and beating them, trying to mold their children's souls as if they're entitled to, and then acting surprised when said kids go nuts or lose confidence in themselves.
No. 140800 ID: 29a9ea

Long overdue but got a picture that fits the Kiter Empire. Will defer to Cirr if he has a preferred image though. https://questden.org/kusaba/graveyard/src/162751317150.png
No. 140802 ID: 918cdb

Last minute nominations, cuz why not:
Xeno from System Boot Zero: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/1000552.html#1062029

Strfindent Wo-mann and David Bib from Financial Independence Quest: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/1036742.html

Jin-R from Last Trace: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/970260.html#981985
No. 140806 ID: 99f29a

And here's the preliminaries for Questden's most memorable villain! Sad news- Ruby Quest didn't take place on Questden despite its popularity on Questden, so Ace was disqualified, and "Mary" from You Died doesn't appear in the quest beyond references to her existing.


As usual, vote for as many as you please on a ballot, only submit one ballot, it'll be up for about 3 days before I start the semifinals. Let me know if I missed a nomination- there's 46 that I caught so some might have slipped through the cracks. Similarly, a quest author can let me know either here or on Discord that they'd like to update their character's image or that they're not comfortable with a character being in a poll.
No. 140807 ID: 99f29a

Someone was kind enough to point out that Mary appears in Stare at Explosions- she's been added. Remember, you can edit your vote if you wanted to vote for her but couldn't.
No. 140808 ID: 99f29a

Also, Arhra contributed the image for the suggestors!
No. 140839 ID: 99f29a

And with 39 votes, the villain preliminaries are OVER! Barely any ties here. I'm proud of everyone but especially me- only a minor two-way tie and you know what, that's entirely understandable with lots of options and lots of votes. Let's not expect miracles here.

In first place, ROKOA from ASTEROIDQUEST with 18 votes!

In second place, THE SUGGESTORS from EVERY QUEST EVER prove their nominator right by giving the joke option 17 votes! I'd keep pretending to be frustrated to sell the gimmick, but I'm as susceptible to the joke as the next rando.

In third place, Sevener from Unnatural Selection with 16 votes!

In fourth place, Deem from Dungeoneer with 14 votes! I'm starting to sense a trend in which villains people remember.

Or perhaps not- in fifth place stands the Vitruvian from The Vitruvian, with 13 votes!

In sixth place, Radula from Book of Worms earned 12 votes!

And finally tied for seventh place, Ava from 2Frames Quest and The Pilgrim from NanQuest!

As ever, thanks once again to our runners-up, their quest authors, and the nominations! Imperium from Salikai, My.a from Flockload of Problems, and Lak from Tobak Quest all got 10 votes each- I voted for all of them because I've got a weakness for bizarre mechanical types. And so I mourn. Vanski from Penn Quest, Lord Vackles from Fen Quest, and Rancid from You Lived all got 9 votes. Liminal from Catalyst, W2K from 30 Updates Or Less, Father Zozu from Asteroid Quest, and Cirr's recurring faction the Kiter Empire all got 8 votes. Rainer from Return to Sender and Jadis from You Died both got 7 votes. Mai Terrorscale from Lazy Fairy, Lord Lung from Chinzebeth, Kyaos from Journey Quest, Dog With a Gun from The Villains Win, the Xotl Dragonslayer from Bloom, and Tory Sinclair from Tory's Tower all got 6 votes. Farmer Sheppard from Perpetuity, Tsuki from Lucha Quest, and Jin-R from Last Trace got 5 votes apiece. The nameless dragoon mech pilot from Asteroid Quest, "Mary" from Stare at Explosions, and Svart from Plush Quest all got 4 votes. Crown from Lovers' Quarrel, Harold Qillig from Tozol Quest, Caevaexerin Brass from The God Damned, and Mimi from Plush Quest all come in at 3 votes. Virgil Moss from Team Port Echo, Typhon from Reformation, Kan from Salikai, Baron Obsidian from Earth Defense Force, and Xeno from System Boot Zero all got 2 votes. Sloane from Acid Soup, Rae's mom from Lazy Fairy, and Strfindent Wo-Mann from Financial Independence Quest each got 1 vote. Finally, and most puzzling, Nanko's mom from Acid Soup and David Bib from Financial Independence Quest got zero votes, not even their own nominator's. Such are the vagaries of the heart.

For now, find the semifinals HERE! Still no limit on how many you can pick until the finals, you can edit responses, etc. Responses are still limited to 1 per person so being signed into a Google account is required.

No. 140840 ID: 00e23d

...Uh... if you'll reread the post Rokoa was technically not nominated. Out of fear of ROFLstomp which given she's in first was justified. So uh... how is this handled?
No. 140843 ID: e5709d

>The Suggestors
Fuck yes, of course we are! We're the advisors, generals, and researchers enabling these two-bit gangsters to become psychotic overlords!
No. 140844 ID: e139aa

tbh I'd assume from votes if you hadn't mentioned her someone else would have
No. 140845 ID: a7a180

Hey, these two weren't even included in the preliminaries.
No. 140926 ID: 99f29a

With 36 votes, the villain semifinals are OVER! I've been heavily delayed by family events- birthday celebrations and scheduling started jerking me around for a while. Unfortunate! But I'm back now, and the issue's not going to repeat, so here's the

In first place, THE SUGGESTORS from EVERY QUEST EVER with a massive lead of 21 votes!

In second place, THE VITRUVIAN from THE VITRUVIAN with 14 votes!

Tied for third place are ROKOA from ASTEROIDQUEST and RADULA from BOOK OF WORMS with 13 votes each!

As people have pointed out, I overlooked two nominations and misread a joke as a nomination! Also regrettable, but me having to manually find images for and enter dozens of nominations into the poll is why I remind people to poke me if I messed something up during the preliminaries- it's very easy for me to slip up. At this point I don't really want to redo two rounds of voting and the polls aren't exactly high-stakes official events, so I'm going ahead with this. My sincere apologies to Muschio and the Kariket.

For now, here's the finals! Same as ever, vote for one, one ballot only, log in to vote, votes editable, voting closes in three days!

No. 140957 ID: 99f29a

With 21 votes, the villain poll is OVER!

In first place, a tie of ๐Ÿฅ‡๐Ÿ‘‘THE SUGGESTORS๐Ÿ‘‘๐Ÿฅ‡ from EVERY QUEST EVER and ๐Ÿฅ‡๐Ÿ‘‘ROKOA๐Ÿ‘‘๐Ÿฅ‡ from ASTEROIDQUEST! Please applaud yourselves and put your well-earned medal around your necks, everyone, we've earned it with our countless crimes.

In third place, ๐Ÿฅ‰RADULA๐Ÿฅ‰ from BOOK OF WORMS! One of my personal favorites, such a charming face.

In fourth place, ๐ŸŽ–๏ธTHE VITRUVIAN๐ŸŽ–๏ธ from THE VITRUVIAN!

As ever, congrats to all finalists and thanks to everyone who participated!
No. 140958 ID: 99f29a

Next month's theme is the spookiest Questden character! Nominate whoever your heart wishes. As usual, no gatekeeping as long as you don't commit a hate crime and they are a specific character who makes at least one canon appearance in a quest update on Questden.
No. 140959 ID: 273c18

Radula is the true winner here, imo.
No. 140962 ID: 7da5ff

Diava (Bungee Grapple Adventures)
No. 140963 ID: 2a99f5
File 169764632870.png - (223.03KB , 700x500 , 129234576982.png )

Let's see if this works... Hollow Queen of EDF because she fits the holiday too well.
No. 140964 ID: 681cb5

Bรถvel Krรฅkholme from Scion of the Old Blood

No. 140965 ID: 11f77a

Crystal Crumpsy (C.C.) of course!
From sojourn: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/1010895.html#1014345
No. 140966 ID: 11f77a
File 169764857316.png - (46.49KB , 500x500 , 147983160716.png )

And the Reverends, of course. From A Little Town Called Coxwette

No. 140967 ID: 96d935
File 169765144287.png - (139.23KB , 500x500 , 167651144449.png )

Slime quest's trickster entity-thing
No. 140968 ID: 050e07

I nominate Susanna Stark the spooky snayor of Coxwette!
No. 140970 ID: 273c18

Spookiest? Hmm.

I'm gonna nominate Radula again.
No. 140973 ID: e139aa
File 169772149636.png - (29.24KB , 640x480 , 129902814894.png )

here let me get an image

No. 140989 ID: 4e98d5
File 169779072487.png - (55.87KB , 750x743 , bloody_alice.png )

Honestly Alice is for testing my thesis that regeneration is a (narratively) awful superpower to have, in between the body horror and identity horror.

Also she eats people. That's spooky too.
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