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1070092 No. 1070092 ID: 770f88

An Elimination Style Quest (Like Danganronpa)
Nsfw: Nudity, Blood and Gore, Intense themes.
220 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1085364 ID: e2839f

Talk about your religion, what constitutes a sin in that structure. You seem to be pretty intensely religious, so I doubt he isn't into that religion as well

And I think you should check out what [E] is like but end up doing [h], slots is a good game to just vibe out and kill time while you chat. If you can't lose anything then there's only the chance that you win something, even if it's just some fake currency or something like that. There might even be redeemable prizes. And if you're there for a while you can keep going until you win some minimal amount of something and see if it's useful
No. 1085426 ID: 940726

B: Tell him about the time magic training you did with Magicli. He was worried about that and it will help put his mind at ease.

I: Video games! We've had a lot of fun learning new things with our new friends, so let's try this out too.
No. 1085836 ID: 3f89df
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Before I begin to settle down, I look around to see if there's anybody already here in the school, and to weigh our options for what should be fun, I look over at the games whose general nose pierces through my sensitive ears; I notice a small gambling Ultaninian of some sort, spinning the slots and oggling it down like it's porn for him, He seems to be muttering to himself all the while squealing in pure euphoria, If this creature and Magicli are what Ultanian's are, I'm glad that Ultimia smote most of them down while they had the chance upon looking around I find the following games that Magicli had tagged as high stakes:

The slots seem to give out certain prizes but also have certain risks associated with them, be they physical, mental, magical, or financial. The most basic of the slots deem that there is no risk, and the only prize is Magi-Money.

Magicli describes Magi-Money as a new, innovative economy simulation used in School Life and very blatantly states that he may use more implementations of it shortly.

Enchanted Duel Arena:
It is a small colleague's construct with a magically infused interface. It allows you to create somewhat cathedral fighters with limited skill points, and then they fight each other to death; the first one to die wins. I believe the reason why Magicli tagged this as a stake game is the amount of flexibility you're allowed to bet on; I saw options for Magi-Money, Soul, Contracts, Magic, And a custom fill-in-the-prompt bet because I thought it was funny; I put in Virginity however I was surprised when it said that was a compatible bet.
I'm not a virgin...
I left soon after that.

Dragon's Dice Duel:
A Small projected game of sorts that follows a hero (Their stats and class chosen by the player) on a quest to defeat a dragon, however nearly everything is done with a dice-roll and other luck-oriented rool; it seems to have a hefty entry price: Owning Magicli a favor, and according to Magicli the Punishments and Rewards get greater the further you go, Magicli Advertises that if you can successfully defeat the dragon, you are allowed to leave the school and bring the additional rewards with you.

Magicli's Fun Guessing Game!:
It seems like a box. The rules are simple, so look at the image and guess what it is! Gain rewards! Get messy! It seems to have crossbones and a warning sign plastered all across

Do you know?
Another quiz-centric game, this time, is a trivia stand with some sort of microphone based on it; apparently, according to Magicli, it is constantly updating so that the trivia is both new and factually correct. However, I wonder why it's considered a High-Stakes Game; honestly, I don't want to know.

Holographic Hunch:
In a holographic chamber, participants predict future events based on a stream of simulated scenarios. The more accurately they foresee the outcomes, the greater their rewards. The catch: the scenarios become increasingly complex and unpredictable, testing participants' intuition and adaptability.

It seems to be a floating blank door with no support in sight. On the door, there is a note that reads, "In this holographic chamber, students predict future events based on a stream of simulated scenarios. The more accurately they foresee the outcomes, the greater their rewards. The catch: the scenarios become increasingly complex and unpredictable. Make sure you're correct! Or else you might face those outcomes!"

Finally, there seems to be a door of some sort that reads??? It is listed as a game, but for some reason, I sense a foreboding and nauseating presence. Walking near the door, I nearly pass out as my ears begin to wring and my stomach from a sense of overwhelming nausea. I go and return to Alex, who seems to have already down two shots.

Looking to my right, I notice a room with many Numours tables and, at the far end of it, a TV of sorts with some strange-looking boxes plugged into it. Strangely enough, Senuia seems to be playing it with another Ultanian. This one has a heart-shaped head, bony bloody wings sprouting out of it, and long curling horns.

On the table, I see an odd pair: the strange magician from earlier, another much scarier-looking Ultanian, and a small D note, all playing what I think to be some kind of poker game.

Before I decide how to relax that night, I go up to Alex to see how he's doing.
"Alex! I'm back, you feeling good?"
"Yeah, this really hits the spot; I will admit, Magicli has good taste in liquor."
"Good! I looked at our options tonight, and there are some games that we shouldn't try, like The Dragon's Dice Duel and a whole bunch of others, especially if alcohol is involved."
"I looove you."
' I love you too! But are you sure you're okay? you just took another swig, and now you're slurring your words."
"Nahh I'm fine! Seee?"
"Okay, Umm, Alex, I know I talked about something that Magicli could have used for ammunition a bit ago, but it went off-topic, so I couldn't tell you another thing that Magicli could have used for ammunition."
"Tell me deer, I don't care, I'll go fight the ultaninan out of ya if it is, an good o'l one two."
"Well, I was acting kind of weird during the magic lesson today because, well... I was having private tutoring with Magicli."
"I don't know! Magicli just suggested it to me, and I took the offer, don't worry I didn't learn anything illegal, I just learned some basics in time magic,"
"Well, I can only pause Time for around 10-18 seconds, I can't rewind or really move my limbs when I have time, and it's really physically taxing, but It's something I can do now!"
"Alex! There are more descriptive ways than just saying "what"!"
"Sorry, It's just, Magicli can tutor? I didn't know that! Unless this alcohol is just getting to me, If that's the case I proabbly should stop."
"Yeah, you definitely should. Yeah, Magicli allows you to tutor privately just in case you want to learn "illegal" magic or learn much faster than magic 101. I decided to focus on time-based magic for my session."
"Huh, wow. You didn't get any formal traning before and now your proabbly as good as me! Who whould have thought?"
"Heh, guess you should have spent time training instead of looking at girls~."
"I was learning about diffrent types of magic and the diffrence between UltriVisc and Ultanian Magic, leave me alone!"
"But where you?~"
I'm pleasantly surprised as Alex downs an entire bottle in around ten seconds flat.
"I was, now I already repent! Leave me alone! Babe!"
"But, How do you do Magicli?"

"Oh! Just ask him, I guess; Magicli seemed to ask me first, which was strange, but he seemed to do that for some others as well, the list of which is getting smaller by the minute."
"Anyway, Hop, I guess that's.... Okay, man, if the alcohol wasn't here, I'd probably go, What?! Or something along those lines."
"Oh yes, Alex! About what we'll be doing this evening, There seems to be high-stake games, slots for something called "Magi-Money," Which is just stupid, Some kind of Box Anime with Senuia and an Ultanian. If we did do the Box Anime, we'd have to get rid of the Ultanian, and finally poker with that strange magician and an-"
"..... That was fast? Any reason why? Is it because of strip poker?~"
"NO! Hop, get your mind out of the gutter!"
"Says the one who said he had a fetish for reptiles and wanted to boink Wilabo and Iceli just fifteen minutes ago."
"Look! My Man used to love Poker, he played it with Scourage and my Uncle on weekend nights, my Uncle told me the rules and some cool tricks regarding Undem Holdem, SpellStar, and PalPass. What about you Hop?"
"I mostly just watched the adults play it when I was a tiny Kit; my uncle was a real champion in it, although Auntie always yelled at him whenever he lost since it was always Her money on the line."
"Well? We're just going to sit here and talk about it or..." Alex dismounts his chair and begins walking towards the table. Before looking at him, I decide to follow him as well.

As we walk closer to the table, I can clearly hear the players' banter and voices, which I can more accurately process in a much more relaxed atmosphere.
The strange magician has a higher-pitched voice. It's Masculine, definitely, but much more on the higher side, like an older teenage boy; he also seems to have an Accent I need to be more familiar with, Mulani. Maybe?
The Ultaniain has a haunting voice that perfectly matches his sharp, tall, and skinny demeanor, a Deep voice with a slick undertone, and perfect Villan anime material. However, that might be Wilabo's shows rubbing off on me.

The strange magician speaks. "Despite not having an face, you are simply dreadful with your tells, this is the third victory in a row? Are you sure you said your the campion of your race?"
"Pray, do not show disrespect towards me, for thou hadst the favor of thy goddess on thy side, who did smite me with ill fortune, hand after hand, until I did meet my ultimate downfall. However, I shall now reveal unto thee the true potency of an Ultanian."
"I can't wait to see it!" The magician grins.
"Behold, yon, there doth appear fresh participants in our midst."
"Hmm. And who might you be?" The magician adjusts himself to look at us
"Do tell thee."
I sit down near the table
"Hi, I'm Hop!" I divert their attention to Alex. " And this is Alex!"
"Hail, Hop and Alex! I am Umbra Kon Vassider, Of the Eight Quarter, House of Third Rank, Beuthin. Yet, for brevity, address me simply as Umbra."
The magician seems to hesitate for a bit but then states, "Oh! I remember you, fluffy butt; you were wandering the halls and passed by me by the library! I have not introduced myself, my apologies. My name is Posini."
"Well hello there Umbra, Posini, And let me just tell you that your going to get beat so hard, it'll take all morning for your asses to recover."
"My much language! And for a simple alcoholic! I can smell the fermented grapes from here, well no matter, Drunks are easily manipulated and are no challange to me in poker."
"However you Hop.." He turns around and stares me deeply in the eyes, deeply into my soul; I can't help but shiver at his presence.
"Does the Moon turn twice?"
No. 1085837 ID: 3f89df
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Posini ideally turns around to face the rest of the party. "She's no threat!" Posini chuckles. I'm absolutely flabbergasted by the 180-degree change in tone; what was he even talking about?
Umbra continues
"Shall our venture involve Undem Holdem, SpellStar, or the noble PalPass?"
I raise my hand and resume "Undem Holdem please, unless the Ultanian doesn't wish to play fair?"
Posni looks at me oddly as the cards magically conjure above the table, slam down, and then pass themselves around, dealing our initial hand to our tables. A pot also appears, around 200 Magi-bucks, which are represented by small chips. Everyone starts with around 2000 Magi-bucks initially as chips on the table.
A Genderless voice enters the room: "Posni begins, and the game will then be played counter-clockwise." I carefully examine the previously creepy Posni to see if he has any weaknesses or clear tells. Still, he has no clear expression, at least one that I can't see through his mask.
Posini taps the table. "Raise 100." He then puts his cards down.
Then it's the Ultanian's turn. He looks at his cards and taps his long fingers across the table; after a while, he raises his hand.
"Raise 200."
then it's Alex's turn; he looks at his card and me. And then to his cards and begins to say, "So, what you were saying earlier Hop, Ermmm just so were on the same page, what constitutes a sin? Check"
"Alex! You know! You studied UltriVisc teachings correct?"
The Ultaninian beast flinches upon hearing the word, good riddance.
"Actually, Hop, I didn't. I went to church, but Ultrivsc was more of a thing my Mom went to, y'know? When I was in my rebbilious years, I left and never looked back, know?" Oh, I always thought he was religious. That's odd.
"Alex I-"
Posini glares at me. "There's still a game to play."
Oh, right, shoot! I quickly look at my hand; it's a spade Ace and a King, an excellent hand, and one that fits the flop.
And then it's Posini's turn. Posini had been scanning me very intuitively, looking for potential flaws or tells from me. He looked at the table and said, "Check."
However, he resumed speaking to me immediately. "Odd? I never thought you were the religious type? Y'know, with the appearance of your current choice of wear."
I must respond to this: "Just because I wear a crop top and a short skirt doesn't mean I can't respect UltriVisc."
"Yknow, It's always humorous hearing what Religious types constitute as a Sin, always seems to change depending on the person." "Check."
"Well, UltriVisc requires evil to be vanquished, and because of that, the Status Quo and our security must be upheld, lest demons like HIM spawn from our deepest darkest desires."
Posini seems to chuckle a blasphemous tune: "It's your turn; funny, you say that; because wasn't the thing about Ultrivisc and Ultaniain's that they were created by two separate goddesses? So an Ultanian being spawned from an Ultrivisc creation seems like an out-of-this-world concept, but please explain further."
I quickly checked the flop; the board seemed to overflow with spades, an easy flush. However, I was lucky to get another ace, so I bet a tad higher and raised 500. Even when making an intense move such as that, Posini does not seem to react, so I continue the conversation despite him clearly being a jester of lesser evils.
"Well, bedding or romancing one of the same gender is not allowed, same as bedding multiple partners, or bedding in private, masturbation is not allowed as it attracts lustful demons, To trust or devote yourself to Ultania, to Bed or romance an Ultanian, to trust an Ultanian, to give to an Ultaninian, Being happy among sinful acts, to lie, to steal, to give into lust, greed, pride, anger, craving, possesivness." "Fold"
"Hmm, seems oddly restrictive to me, and there seems to be some sort of Racial bias in those sins ,hmmmm?" This man doesn't know the danger of demons, despite one trapping us in this school.
"You say that like one hadn't trapped us in this school, and you haven't hold the tales of Ruinrin the Third among other tales of Ultanian ferocity and generalized agression, besides Ultanian's know nothing of structure! They just savage beasts who kill, rape, pillage and commune over their dark mistress!"
The Ultanian seems to stand up from the chair, staring daggers at me; try me, Demon; unlike Magicli, I know I can take you down.
"Thou speakest jestingly, methinks. Thou art unaware of the tribulations we, followers of Ultanian, have endured. Ultanian, originator of cosmic logic, bestowed divine contemplation upon us foremost. Alas, her sister, UltriVisc, did exile Ultinia and unleashed her progeny in a merciless genocide. We, in contrast, have only sought survival. Dost thou, in all sincerity, deem us villains?"
"Personally, I think religion is harmless. However, it's most commonly used by both parties as just an excuse for their actions against each other. Ideologion can be a fickle thing, and that is why we Ultrivisc kill each other, but I'm getting off-topic. Fold."
"You stand here like this Thing isn't an issue! Have you ever had a history lesson what about the time when the Scarf, and the Protector fell to the poison and Ultanian's ruled, don't you know how terrible thier ideology is? What about the TreeNight Massacre among many other strategies by the hand of Ultanian's or Ultanian Followers? How can you trust one to play poker with them?"
The Ultanian seems to be bending closer, his long, outstretched claws clearly visible on the table. "Thou dost assay the limits of my forbearance."
"Perhaps, but I'd much rather trust an Ultanian who follows the teachings of thier god, rather then an Ultrivisc who did the same, besides when religion dosen't cloud your judgment, you'd realize that both are esentially the same thing, thoughts, rules to live by. Personally, those who wish to boss others around are weaker beings outright."
"Oh, and those teachings are Rape as much as you can, as many as you can, go around and tempt the common man, murder hundreds on the street, and destroy everything that we work to maintain your dark godesses favor."
I'm startled by the absolute hostility regarding Alex's voice; I've heard nothing from him before, the first of many of today.
"Yes Alex?"
"Look, I know you don't really trust Umbra."
"The Demon."
"Umbra, I understand because of how you were raised and our past, but please keep this cordial. We don't want to make enemies in this school already."
I look to the rest of the group, whose eyes are either filled with anger or pity until finally, I stand down.

" Hmm? Oh yes, the game, Umbra?"
"I awaited the cessation of this impertinent garlic partaker's diatribe, but verily, I concede; I fold."
Oh! Does that mean I'm going to win the rest of my pot?
"So, what brought you two to this school? for me it's cause my girlfriend had to just drag me along! Oh right, Raise 100."
"Alex! That's just a Lie! You said, "And we've got nowhere else to be! I'd sign that if I were you! "Don't rope me in as the pure suspect."
My attention is brought back to my cards—another Ace. This is a Full House. Yet I wonder what hand Alex has to keep betting on; it can't be perfect. Otherwise, he wouldn't bet that low. It's Time to scare him out of the pot.
"Well, if I'm guilty, then why did you sign it Hop?"
"All In." "So what where you saying Alex?" His face has already fallen considerably, and my large show spooks him out of his terror.
"You better Fold, Alex,.Hop most likely has a Fourth or Third Value Card,unless you have something that can beat that or compete. It's better to cut your losses there."
How does he keep doing this?
"Well, I'm an Athlete and wish to work in this field full-time. However, no one really goes to standard competitions anymore; everyone just seems interested in magic-based sports nowadays. So, I'd like to learn some skills to get into that space; what about you, strange wizard?"
"Well, I Initially joined since my letter said that this place would be able to teach me magic that most modern institutions go to, with a much smaller community and more reserved space, I care not to disclose further."

"Prithee, 'tis strange thou utterest such words, for within my missive, I did expound upon the prospect of acquiring the lore of Ultanian Magic and UltriVisc Magic sans trepidation or scorn from instructors, and joining a fellowship that would be openly receptive to Untalnians. Alas, it appears this was but one of Magicli's deceptions, was it not?"
It's still Alex's turn, and he's still contemplating his next move
. "This may be an odd question, but what status are you two from? You seem to speak an Old speak that's not uncommon from the High Royalty, and the other looks like... well, he's from some kind of magic apprenticeship?
"AppretencieShip! Hah! Don't make me laugh! I'd say that I live quite modestly, but my skills are much, much greater than your own or ever will be; like I'd said earlier, I could kill all of you in a blink, and you'd never know. Still, there's no reason to escape from here. This place is just a reflection of the outside world."
"Inquisitively, thou dost pose such a query to me. Alas, I hail from noble lineage, bearing the esteemed Vassider name, among the chosen of Satient Ultanian lineage. My existence is devoted to the restoration of honor to our people. Pray, may I inquire of thy own origins?"
I don't know whether I should lie or be honest with such White Tower nobility. I find myself at this table; just as I'm about to respond, Alex breaks his concentration to respond.
"Me and Hop aren't from well.... best of backgrounds, However, it made us into who we are today, and has made it so close. I fold"
Yes! That means I get the pot! money money money money money
I feel so rich now, even if this currency is ultimately meanless; the magician looks at me oddly and then looks to the others
"I think now would be a good time to end this game, Or as compensation me and Hop Resign, I wish to speak with her privately for a moment."
Alex scans him, scanning him for any malicious intent, but then inevitably stops and puts his attention back to Umbra; Posini looks at me. Attempting to muster a smile but instead giving a wide grin.
"Hop if you would; it's a matter that I must discuss urgently, So I'd appreciate your cooperation."
I have a bad feeling about this. Lucky feet, Do I trust him?
No. 1085842 ID: e2839f

Talk in private? Sure. Talk where no one can see you and while Alex is drunk, no

You can head off to a corner where you can still be seen but not heard, even cover your mouth if lip reading is an issue, but it's late and that's a good enough reason to not fully commit to the being completely alone, even if by doing so they paint a big targer on their head.
No. 1085871 ID: cbdab2

Hard no. Maybe what he says is important, but not as important as Alex's state for all we know, he could reveal secrets to strangers, or start a risky game without our say so, or worst of all, start a game of strip poker without you, errr... i mean start a game of strip poker and lose his clothing.

Politely decline letting him know that you actually wanted to spend most your time tonight on this date with Alex. MAAAAAAYBE you'll listen if he allows a private conversation with BOTH you and Alex present as you both dont want to keep secrets from each other, but for now, you want to just supervise Alex.
No. 1085874 ID: 0afdf4

Actually, scratch the maybe. We came here to focus on growing our bond with Alex and thats what we're doing. In fact, ask Alex what he wants to do next here for fun with you before we head back to our room.
No. 1085894 ID: 3f89df
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This guy is acting incredibly shady. Why don't we chat in a corner? Why specifically does it have to be alone? And when I just talked about my social standing, he must compromise, or I must refuse.

"I'm sorry Posini, But I can't just blindly trust you, not in this school anyway, I'm willing to speak with you, but only if it's where everybody can see us."
His stern demeanor is broken by what seems to be a wave of disappointment that fills his mind.
"I accept those terms, just let it be known that it is for you and your boyfriend's upmost saftey, the question I ask is an tad..... personal, and I'd hate if Alex took it the wrong way." [//color]
I eye him with evident suspicion. "Then what is it?"
[color=#6ABB88] "Then follow me."
And he leads me to a corner of the room, with him facing towards the group and me near the wall.
"Look, I don't care what you think about my religion opinions but-erk!"
No. 1085895 ID: 3f89df
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I'm immediately surprised by feeling something sharp pressing against my neck; my eyes glance over to see a dagger pressed against my neck; my neck.... is warm... I can feel myself bleeding slightly by the touch.
"Do not scream or alert the others, Hop, I am not willing to kill you, but I'm willing to hurt you in ways that only someone like Magicli whould be willing to bring up."
My fear is paramount, and my fur is on edge; despite his reckless boasting, he is much stronger than me magically, even with my new-found mana, I don't know if my current spells would be able to help.
"I'll let you go only if you answer my simple question."
"Why do you have my Mana?"

No. 1085896 ID: 3f89df
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As the shock begins to wear off, Posini slams me against the wall violently in a way that makes me feel dizzy, and my ears begin to ring.
"Answer me! Are you nothing but Magicli's Dog? How did you gain it?!?!"
With the ringing in my ears, it's hard to formulate a sentence or think coherently, yet I need to do so.
It's hard to think of anything to say...
No. 1085900 ID: 7c55ad

Oh! so that's who's mana that was that Magicli gave us.

You already played poker with Posini, He should know if you're lying or not through your tells so it's best to tell the truth unless you get killed

Tell Posini that after you finished learning new magic, since that's what we all came to this school for, your mana was drained, so Magicli did something and put mana into your entire body, without you asking or without your permission. then he sent you on your way before you could ask questions like who's it was, or why he did that, assuring you that whoever's it was didn't need it anymore. You didn't know it was Posini's mana, and would give it back to Posini if you knew how. You think maybe Magicli did this to turn students against each other, like what is going on right now, and he should really be asking Magicli to give it back to him, hell, you'll even ask to give the mana back to Posini next time you see Magicli. But like you said, you think Magecli did this to stir up drama and untrust among you and Posini, and Posini is falling for it right now.
No. 1085935 ID: 667e04

Yeah, no. Fuck this guy.

Use your time magic, and then use your speed to grab Alex, and get out of there.
No. 1085936 ID: 65968d

Polt's got the right idea here. Guess this is a lesson for everyone. Jumping to conclusions without civilly conversing may cause unnecessary death. Play nice.
No. 1085937 ID: 273c18

Just tell him. He has a right to be angry. Very foolish to assault you in front of everyone though.
No. 1085948 ID: 62d02f

Yeah just tell him, magicli is listening to everything that is said anyway, I'm down for returning the mana, if that's even oossible
No. 1085949 ID: 62d02f

Yeah just tell him, magicli is listening to everything that is said anyway, I'm down for returning the mana, if that's even oossible
No. 1086123 ID: 940726

On the one hand, if his mana really was stolen then he has a valid reason to be upset. On the other hand, he cut us with a knife and threatened us with horrific torture before even giving us a chance to speak. So I say no more Miss Fluffy Cuddle Bunny for him. It's trickster rabbit time.

Use speed magic to accelerate your body's blood production. Bleed profusely from your neck wound that he caused, and the others are sure to notice. You'll gain sympathy while making this guy look dangerous, and after Alex comes to your rescue you'll have a reason to kiss and make up with him.

Or Umbra comes to the rescue instead, and you'll have a reason to rethink your perspective on Ultanians.

We found out that he can sense your magic somehow, but remember that you're a time mage now and can stop to think if you need to. If that spell would take too much skill to prepare in a second or two, then try using your new time stop spell and working out the blood spell while time is frozen. You're not experienced enough to move during the time stop, but you won't need to move your body, only prepare your mana for when you drop the effect.
No. 1086524 ID: e2839f

Actually, I redact my prior suggestion and want to go with this, upon reflection, we just know they can read mana, and they probably saw that you have *more* of it than before.

Timestop and bleed profusely to get attention since you can't speak to get help. Guy won't kill you but will hurt you, if you find out it genuinely is his mana then I'm still down for returning it, but this also could be a coersion technique to get a one up on other students, we don't know if everyone recieved tutoring or other guidance, like, say, maybe a challenge to steal another student's mana.

After all, magicli did say that *the person wasnt using the mana anymore* how can someone right in front of you who obveously wants to use magic, not be using it, they didn't say they had magiphobia or anything
No. 1086561 ID: 940726

We might need to take both options. If the speed-bleeding trick doesn't work quickly enough, we could tell him part of the story as a stalling tactic, or we may have to tell the others if they ask him what he was freaking out about. Emphasize that you didn't ask Magicli to give you someone else's mana and he didn't give you any warning or choice in the matter; he just forced it into your body and sent you away with no chance to respond.

Whatever you do, though, don't reveal that it was time magic you were studying. That's too big of a secret to share with a potential enemy. If you're forced to give an answer, say it was a mental spell to help you think more clearly; that will explain anything we can do currently while still leaving it a surprise once you learn to move while time is stopped.

It actually went a bit differently from that. When Magicli gave us the extra mana, he said the previous owner wouldn't need it because they had "better substitutions".

Which is a good way to turn the conversation against our attacker if Hop ends up having to explain herself. What's the "mana substitute" he's been using? Has he been plotting to steal mana from other students?

Magicli also said that it was temporary.

Personally, I'm inclined to believe him that his mana was stolen. Even so, I think that we shouldn't return his mana. I'd do it if he had just talked to us about it, but attacking and threatening us proves that he's a serious danger, and we need to be at less of a disadvantage against him in case he attacks us in the future. Kindness only goes so far in a death game.
No. 1088267 ID: 3f89df
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As much as I don't wish to disclose that I tutored with Magicli, I must tell him the truth because he currently holds such power over me. It would be unwise to push him back because his blade is near my neck; I must tell him the truth, but as I do, I'm distracted by the blood curling down.
"Posini! I- I didn't even know it was your Mana! When- *huff* I was learning magic with Magicli, My Mana was drained, and so Magicli decided to Stuff your Mana inside of me without either my consent or my asking, he just wants us to turn *huff* against each other! If I knew how, I'd give your Mana back, free of charge."
Posini lessens his grip and takes his blade away from my throat.
"But how do I know you're telling the truth? What is your magic type? What did you learn? I know of Tuasnaion, a Magic type that allows you to steal a tiny bit of Mana from a victim, almost like that of Sangouphage, like you have so rudely done,"

I suddenly get a brilliant idea, as if it had been whispered in my ear by some sort of spirit of cleverness.
No. 1088268 ID: 3f89df
File 171260826848.png - (17.63KB , 500x500 , woaha thats a lot of blood.png )

I use my speed magic to accelerate blood production from my heart; the blood caused by a simple nick of pressure turned into a geyser of blood. However, I am careful to make sure to allocate the proper amount towards my vital organs; it's not long until I'm gushing from the seams, and Posini's Blade is ideally encased in blood, with some of my blood spilling onto his sleeves and his cloak, despite me not being able to view myself, I'm presuming that the sight is quite violent, I've noticed that Alex and Umbra staring at this display, It seems Posini has noticed their presence as well.

After the initial shock across Alex's face fades, his demeanor immediately turns to pure, unadulterated aggression. Good boy.
No. 1088269 ID: 3f89df
File 171260827033.png - (19.67KB , 500x500 , gasp how gorey.png )

Ultra tilts his head curiously, his demeanor indicating pure disappointment; he sighs dramatically.
"Posini, thou hast disappointed me." /color]
Alex suddenly begins charging head-on toward Posini, his horns lighted ablaze and smoke bellowing from his nose. However, just before he finishes his charge, Ultra disappears in what seems to be a dark cloud from his original placement and holds Alex back with his long claws, making sure not to dig into his flesh.
Alex begins to thrash and squirm, attempting to free himself from the grasp of his adversary.
[color=#D33E37] "Let me go, you Demon! Do you understand? That Fucker Is Trying to kill Hop!"

Despite Alex's attempt to stab his aflame horns into the shadow's neck, It seems to not have any effect. Ultra just looks down at his attacker.

"I dare not deem such an act as mine; 'twould be utter folly to attempt a slaying in the presence of a gathering, scarce numbering four students, besides Gurier. Yet, the deed committed by Posini appears exceedingly imprudent. Pray, Posini, why dost thou exhibit such boundless folly? Furthermore, I suggest lowering thy blade to forestall this enraged bull from seeking vengeance for the slight upon his beloved, unless perchance thou wert dropped in thy infancy?"

Posini lowers his blade and, despite it still being bloodied, hides it back in his robe; he steps away from me, but not without slamming me back into the wall again; the feelings of being crumpled wash over me again. He whispers, "Count your blessings, Magicli's dog."
My body feels so close to breaking down right now.
Alex, upon seeing Posini's aggression from me, bites firmly into Umbra's hand and lights it ablaze. Umbra recoiled from the pain, giving Alex enough room to escape his grasp and begin his charge toward him, this time stretching back his arm for a hefty punch.
No. 1088270 ID: 3f89df
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"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Alex, I don't wish to harm anyone here, You're just wasting your time attempting to attack me."
Alex still begins his assault, being only 10 feet away from giving him a finishing blow.

Posini Sighs and then seems to mutter something under his breath, then he yells.
Alex is almost in punching distance, yet I notice him straining against some pressure.
"That straining spell I cast is just a warning to allow me to speak; you may punch me if you want. However, I've cast a spell that, if you get up to five feet from me Or attempt to do any funny business with your flames there, you'll be surrounded by the Batrachotoxin inside my skin. The details of which I won't bore you with, but you'll find that very quickly, you won't be able to move, including your heart, in less than three minutes, And despite Magicli's trial system saying otherwise, that will just be a sucide on your part."
He turns his attention to me and then back to Posini and lowers his aggressive stance toward him. However, I can clearly see that he's shooting a dagger at him. Posini rolls his eyes in response.

While they do this, I slow down my blood production and attempt to somehow stimulate the cells that seal the flesh wall; it's hard to concentrate on, as the adrenaline seems to be fading, and the pain gets more intense.

Umbra notices the lowered tension in the room and, next to Alex, stares at Posini, both hands behind his back formally.

"Posini, might I inquire as to thy reasoning behind the desire to assail her? Thy indifference towards riches is evident, hence what impels thee?""

Posini looks at me and glares. "This Whore of Magicli thought she'd be stealthy attempting to steal my Mana; she was consorting with Magicli Priavatlely attempting to learn forbidden spells, Which I recoken is from the class Tuasnaion given our current status; if she is indeed practicing Tuasnoian magic, it's only a matter of time until she moves onto the Tusanion corpse magic, the ability to eat and gain Mana and a Host's abilities from eating their recently deceased corpse, or worse, the Parsatic branch. If you are magically informed about the catastrophe that could arise, then you'll find that I was justified; if you don't think so, ask her yourself! She's not afraid to say to admit of her private tutoring, is she!"

The attention directed towards me was exceptionally overwhelming, paired with the physical and mental stress due to my overwhelming headache; it was hard to conceptualize my words yet lie or shift my words into something that made me seem more accurate.
I took a deep breath. My survival is of the utmost importance. Talk like your life depends on it. Talk like you have authority. Talk like you aren't scared and down to your last knees.

"I must-mmm admit that what Posini said is true; I- *mmmphh* did tutor with magicli, but I assure you it was a mental spell that allowed me to think more clearly and plan ahead. After my magic had been sucked dry, Magicli, without consulting me beforehand, restored my Mana to full. I know that might sound illogical, and you have every right to call me suspicious; there's just one thing I have to say, Posini. If Magicli knew this situation was going to happen beforehand why did he say that you didn't need it anymore?"

Everyone stares at Posini, awaiting his response; Posini hesitates as the hostility and questioning that had initially been turned towards me reflect outwards towards him.
No. 1088271 ID: 3f89df
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"Posini? May I acquire further information about your current state? Unless you don't wish to disclose it, in that case you'd be no less than a hypocrite," Umbra says in a pretty accusatory tone.

Posini hesitates, looks at the onlookers, scoffs, and then dashes away toward the exit. Alex attempts to follow him, but Umbrea puts a hand on his shoulder, and Alex stops in his tracks.

"An eccentric character indeed, yet his abandonment of magic does intrigue me. I suspect he may be compensating and deflecting blame onto Hop; it would align with his behavior, methinks."
Alex seems to ignore Umbra's thoughts and turns his attention to me; he runs over to me and gently moves my hand to examine my neck.

"Hop, you still there, are you okay? It looks like your bleeding stopped."
It dawns on me now that, with all of the intense strain I've put on my Mana to help facilitate my body's healing process, my Mana has quickly faded away, and with it, the potency of Posini's Mana as well.

4/4 Mana -> 0/3

I embrace Alex in my arms despite my body screaming otherwise.
"I'm okay, Love. I-i just need to rest."
With the adrenaline wearing off, the pain, both from my reckless Mana usage and deficiency and the pain of the cuts and blunt force from earlier, seems to be rushing back to me, as well as the dizziness and exhaustion that has come from both my injuries, and the amount both my body and mind has had to endure today. Still, I need to say strong for Alex.

I slowly stand up and get my bearings, I don't like the attention on me, but at the same time, It most likely saved my life; Senuia dashes over to me and casts some sort of spell before I can even usher a word in, which on my neck, I can feel my neck wound closing.

"There, that should make the healing process go much quicker; You okay Hop?"

I feel my neck; instead of gushing blood at an average pace, now it's closed and feels more like a bruise or a scab; definitely not strong healing magic, whatever it was, but I guess that she helped me nonetheless.
"Yes, I'm okay; thank you, Senuia."

"You need anything? I know that was most likely traumatic and-"
I interrupt her insistent pity.
"No, I'm okay Senuia, I just need to lie down."

Senuia looks like she's about to say something, pointing her finger in the air but then lowering it and getting back to chatting with the Ultanian from before.

While I do have more respect for Umbra, I still need to keep my guard up around him and the other Ultaniains; it's not like I'll ever forget their potential for evil and the absolutely torturous things they've done to us—the things they did to my dad.

With my arm around his shoulder, I and I leave to return to our room. Despite some cackling from Gurier as we left the casino, the trip back to our room wasn't eventful, and it was oddly silent between me and Alex.
No. 1088272 ID: 3f89df
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The moment we stepped into the room, I collapsed onto the bed; it felt like lying on a comforting angel, a baby among silk and clouds. As much as I wanted to doze off and forget all about what had happened today, maybe end this nightmare if this was a dream, I felt Alex rub the sides of my face, cooing for my attention.

"Look, I know our date and exploring the school didn't really work out that well today, but we don't have to end today on a sour note; it's just you and me; you get to choose; you could go to sleep if you want too, or we can have a talk about something today, play an game, or......... maybe something more~ yknow, to help you relax."
Alex, Sex is the last thing I want right now. My entire body feels as if it's already been ravaged by a large ogre; I don't need a smaller one to finish the job; honestly, Passing out seems really good right now, but who knows, maybe his ideas are good; Lucky foot, should I-

[1] Just go to bed: I need sleep to recover for the next day.
[2] (Suggestion) Talk about something that happened today or is on my mind.
[3] Play a Game (Suggestion): It may help lighten my mood.
[4] Sex?: No
[5] Other: (Suggestion)
No. 1088273 ID: 7c55ad

5: 2 and 1. Bring Alex to bed with you, and just talk until you both go to sleep. a good way to de-stress. you can have a good cry too if you want. (will figure out what to talk about later.)
No. 1088284 ID: 42bb51

No. 1088302 ID: 382635

> Offers sex to help *you* relax
Ok, wow, I don't want to go on a whole thing here but that's a wild thought process to go through even with alcohol inside of him. You just got cut and nearly wounded and had to hold yourself together, and not ONLY did he only help by increasing visibility on the situation, but he couldn't even harm the guy. And then he's still trying to wet his dick? I'm with you Hops, no on the sex.

If we take a step back and think about the situation, at least now Alex, Senuia, and Umbra know that Posini is a potential threat, and you're seen as a potential non-threat. This is good, what's less good is that it puts you in a position that you *have* to keep Alex around for, which might mean throwing him a bone so that he remains loyal since the alternative is the high stress and trauma pushes you apart.

I think you're in a good place right now, strategically in regards to avoiding first blood, you've communicated with others and tried to bond, you've been shown to have been assaulted, but not defeated, so as long as you avoid Posini you should be fine there. It's also GREAT to know that the mana wasn't permanant, so any claims Posini has to trying to get you to give *more* back would just be extortion, and you can use that defense.

The only problem would be if Posini dies, then a target is put on your either your back since you didn't visibly show the use of magic and then would be forced to disclose your skillset, or Alex's back if he decides to be too chivilrous later on.

I think you should do [1]/[2] with a focus on 1, you can engage a little but a stress nap is probably better.

Oh also you should cryptically say that "I need to get stronger" or "We need to get stronger" as you go to bed and have your back turned to him. Because I think that's good imagery and also displays that you're still stressed about the whole situation
No. 1088364 ID: 0cabfa

Effing cuddle. Just cry and get it out of you visibly so he gets a clue. Should he shut up about the sex he's shown heroism worthy of rewarding. Of course no sex tonight since besides the obvious he is doghoused. However should your stupid but protective bf get a clue and shut up about sex his punishment should end once you both stop sleeping. Play it by ear though.
No. 1088372 ID: b3ee7b

Things to talk to Alex about until you pass out in bed

Talk to him about Senuia, Spi, and Otter, your thoughts on them and what they are like, and ask him about any interesting people we should be aware of that he saw when we split up earlier.

Apologize for yelling about the ammunition thing earlier. Maybe you'll tell him when you are ready, but right now, it is hard to talk about.

Tell Alex to avoid Posini, and if Posini comes near you again, please protect us from him.

Recite a prayer from your religion at some point.
No. 1088468 ID: 940726

Now that's using the cunning of an herbivore! Rabbits have a thousand enemies, and they're always a hop ahead.

Wait, did you speed up your blood production or your blood circulation? Production would have avoided the danger of blood loss, though it would consume a lot of nutrients. Either way, the solution is clear.

5: Eat some food before going to sleep. When you're recovering from blood loss, proper nutrition is important. Your boyfriend knows what you like, so he can use the room's kitchen to make something that's quick and easy to eat. Maybe a protein shake if the kitchen has a blender.

2: Talk about how the two of you are feeling after today. It's been a really hard day on the both of you; you had someone else's mana forced into you before being attacked by him without warning, and Alex actually died. It kind of makes all that romantic squabbling at the pool seem small, doesn't it? The otter girl was nice, though.

You should probably mention that the extra mana is gone and you're back to normal. I wonder if it went back to its original owner. Let's not mention that to Posini unless he brings it up, though; if he doesn't know we lost it, maybe we can trick him into saying too much.
No. 1088852 ID: 3f89df
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Alex is being unreasonable. The entire day, he's been unreasonable. I'd get it if he were some feral creature or a teenager near mating season, but he's a grown adult with responsibilities, taxes to pay, and a reputation to pursue. When will he, or his dick, know that sometimes are the wrong time to pursue, and how I had to do something entirely sinful today to keep his attention? And He's already been dog-housed? So no, Alex, There's no sex for you.

As much as I want to go to sleep and stop thinking about everything today, it'd be best if I let all of these pent-up emotions out. An evil part of me also wants to just as a way to show Alex what we're dealing with, but I know that my thoughts and feelings are genuine.

So, Despite it being shameful, I decide to let out the emotions; as he looks at me, He drops that stupid horny look on his face, and it shifts to, hopefully, genuine empathy.
"Why did I do it?!? Why was I such an Idiot?! I'm going to Zuaren for all that I've done today!!!"
Alex goes onto the bed and snuggles up to me, holding me close in his arms.
"Hop, no! You're not an idiot, and by Ultri, you're not going to Zuaren."
"But I was the one who got us in this mess; I fucked my future over, and your future over, just cause I thought we should change our situation. There's nothing we can do, and where all going to die in here!!!"
Alex doesn't respond, But I can feel his grip intensify, but in an oddly reassuring way.
"I was also one who pressured you to sign; Magicli weaseled the both of us; not everything that happened today is your fault, hop."
"No matter how I attempted to give us an advantage, no matter how much I hurt my body, or hurt my soul. It feels like it ends up exploding in my face."
"I attempt to tutor with magicli, Posini tries to kill me, I try to get connections in this treacherous place, I end up commiting several sins in the pool-"

Alex rudely interupts me to remind me why where not having sex tonight.
"Hey, they where sexy sins! At least I thought so, your body is so beautiful~" I interrupt his degenerate behavior by lightly kicking him in the gut and moving away from him.
He seems to get the message.
"-And It seems like out of all the students here, Magicli themselves are out to get me! They have been threatening me, started the whole Posini thing, and tried to break us apart by telling lies about "Ammunition."
It feels good getting this out of my system; I almost feel like, even if they still giving me a sinking feeling in my gut, the tears are starting to fade away; I just want to talk about something else now.
A good minute or two passes in peaceful silence. Alex carefully begins to snuggle back up to me and seems to carefully choose his words as he begins and stops some sentences before starting with, "I know you'll most likely kick me again, but do you want to talk about the "ammunition?"

I'm too tired to care.
"I'm sorry for yelling at you about this whole "ammunition thing", But not right now, I'll tell you when I'm ready but right now, with everything going on, It's difficult to talk about right now."

Alex's hand retreats from my shoulder. He sighed and then said in a heavy voice, "I understand."

With the heavy topics out of the way, I slowly die off, both in consciousness and conversation.
"Alex? Before we move on to another topic, I just wanted to comment one last thing."
"What is it Bun?"
"If you ever see Posini, please avoid him at all costs, even if he tries to appear friendly or offers you something for access to our spaces, and as a supplement, if he ever gets near me again, Please protect me from him, He scares me, in a way that my experience with getting mugged seems like a small fly in comparison."
"I'll make sure to protect you to the ends of the earth Hop, even if it was my mother or father."
"Thank you alex, this means so much to me."
We take a moment to snuggle up close; it feels so comforting and warm amidst a room that feels dangerous and cold.
"Alex, before we go to sleep, what's your stance on the other students here? Is there anybody besides Iceli and Wilabo that interested you?"
"Hmm, Well, based on everyone there, I'd say Furri and Xeno; now, wait! Wait! Before you kick me! It's not because of her cleavage or the fact she's scantily clad, I noticed that even though she seemed rather dominant and rather stand-offish, I saw her when she split away from the group, I think I saw her crying to herself. She almost seems broken, with a mask of aggression keeping it all together, I know that I'm not her type to be friends with, but I know how good you are with flawed people, maybe you could get to know the real Furri and become friends.
"Xeno almost seemed the opposite; she seemed almost two kind and understanding, almost always giving favors to everyone, like an overbearing aunt who squeezed you into her business as a kid, even if you didn't want to. She seemed to stare a lot at Posini; I don't know if it's because she likes him or something, but it kind of creeped me out. that and Despite her mask trying to give a friendlier appearance, I managed to see inside her mouth when she yawned when no one was looking, and it was eldritch and terrifying. Maybe be friends with her, but be careful, and please bring me along just in case she attempts something."

"Noted, thanks. I saw some others myself, Spi, Senuia, and Otter."
"Otter is just completely random, and not in a funny way, more so in the hehehehehe oh I'm so quirky and random, kind of way. Honestly, don't tell her this, but she pisses me off more than anything."
"Senuia is okay, she seems kind of bland, the type to blend in, I find her okay, more so the type to keep around, but not really visit, you know what I mean?"
"Spi is kind of like Xeno in the way that she's a people pleaser, maybe not as scary as Xeno, if what you said is true, but more so the type to go with the crowd rather then everyone else, She's smart though, So I have to give her credit to that."

I hear no response. Is Alex sleeping? Well, now that I mention it, I'm barely keeping myself awake as is, maybe.. Maybe it's a good time to close my eyes.


May Ultirvisc Protect me and my Lover and shield us from the evils of this world as I begin my descent into her domain.

No. 1088853 ID: 3f89df
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"Man, How Corny is that? Oh, hello, there, spirits living inside of Hops foot. Are you proud of what you've done today? Are you happy manipulating this poor girl to do whatever you wish? Oh, please, retaliate all you want; I'm more so intrested in hearing your side of the story, and if you can, then maybe i'll awnser some of your questions."
No. 1088855 ID: 7c55ad

hmmmmmm... Nah, I'm good. As they say, dead men tell no tales... Literally in this case. I'll keep our secrets to myself.
No. 1088940 ID: 42bb51

oh Magicli, the poor girl merely needs to be liberated from that cancerous grasp of UltriVisc which has rooted itself deeply within her mind. It is controlling both her, and those close to her in its name - not us.
Observe the escapades that which we send her upon as opportunities to enlighten, challenge, and cure her of its poison.

Her mentality is that of a devote follower; once stripped of any purpose and meaning, a prime candidate for indoctrination. You must take advantage of the opportunity which will arise upon the challenging of her teachings in order to enlighten her.
A powerful ally may soon be at hand.
No. 1089022 ID: eb0a9c

Wait, we're in her foot? Did she step on a shard?

So... how do you make bank? You're clearly planning to get most of your students killed every year, so they can't pay off their loans.
No. 1089120 ID: 382635

Are you telling me we're literally her lucky rabbit's foot? That's hilarious.

Hop has an interesting perspective, but I'm still interested in knowing more about Wilabou, she seems to have more restraint but with a trickster energy to it, so I'm expecting good shenanigans from her.
No. 1089337 ID: 3f89df
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Hmm, I know that you are but a collective, which may make that nearly impossible, but I can read you; I don't need your attention; I'm humoring you after you've indirectly caused your host so much distress!


I do not care for the goddess, and I care not for your pleading to get my favor; both UltriVisc and Ultima are spiteful, manipulative, and petty gods, so I do not care for them. While I do have more sympathy for Ultinma, both have caused great harm to the world, despite what the history of the world may say.

Indoctrination is the cause of her sickness in the first place, the soul for which the poison ultimately resulted in your death, and rebirth into this world.
Hop is an exceptionally talented student, although her current skills are quite lacking. If I wished for an Ally, I'd prioritize Posini as Her Sins are heavier than Hop's, alongside her exceptional magical prowess.

I shall not disclose the nature of either, as it's much more fun if you find them out myself. Just know that Hop isn't who she presents herself as. If you wish to hear more, seek out me, as I can connect her with her false goddess to tell her the truth of her matters.

> Wait, we're in her foot? Did she step on a shard?

No, the nature of your existence is a remarkably complex one and one that is perfectly apparent to me, of course. It seems that you have lost your memories of your birth. And is an adventure within itself to find. I'll not explain further, as that'll be something for you and Hop to find. Before I move on, however, I wish to give you souls a warning. If Hop in her current state were to find out the nature of your existence, and your influence on her thoughts, feelings, and choices. She'd amputate herself, killing you in progress, and while I could preserve you, I don't think you'd want that now, do you?

> So... how do you make bank? You're clearly planning to get most of your students killed every year, so they can't pay off their loans.

I find it exceptionally humorous that you'd consider that I'd need wealth, to begin with; as I've said before, I'm the greatest magician in Muani; I could kill Ultrivisc herself if it wasn't for. In my current State, I don't need sustenance, sleep, or mana within my body to function; the Tutituon for the Students is entirely free; that is what made Hop sign her contract after all.

The land on which this school is built officially belongs to me, as declared by the High King of Muani himself. With my powers, building extensions of the school on the fly is relatively easy. I have no need for material wealth, and if I needed to, it'd be easy to steal or generate wealth anyway.

You may not know the High King, but he's a joke of a monarch. There are good reasons why he does not show his face and better reasons why he lived longer than I have, but that's for you to discover on your own.

If you knew what I know, I'd all make sense, but it's information that you'll discover in time.

Now, Spirits, before you leave, I'll give you some choices. It'll make this school a lot more interesting, shall we say? You may not accept any of these if you so wish, although you may miss out.

Regarding Hop:
[1] Do you wish to be moved to her brain, making it so amputation of yourself is impossible? Suicide or Getting Murdered be Pairing
[2] Do you wish to follow her in her dreams, allowing yourself to communicate and control her perceptions of herself?
[3] Do you wish to be able to clearly communicate with your Host instead of suggesting or giving them ideas indirectly?
[4] Do you have other suggestions regarding Hop?

Regarding Elsewhere
[1] Do you wish to Move yourself to another Student Instead of Hop?
[2] If you accepted the previous response, would you only wish to stay with them for a day?
[3] In response to making your current Host physically or mentally weak for a day, you can answer any question. I must give you a short explanation of your question regarding Hop or your Host. If there are multiple answers, I shall only reply with one answer.
[4] Do you wish to know the truth about your existence in exchange for your Host knowing the Truth about your existence?
[5] Do you wish to make a deal or bargain with me? Please give suggestions if you wish to do so.

I'll patiently await your answers.
No. 1089339 ID: 7c55ad

Regarding Hop:
[1] Do you wish to be moved to her brain, making it so amputation of yourself is impossible? Suicide or Getting Murdered be Pairing

Nah. I'd rather not force her to be with us if she doesn't want us. We'll just have to be nicer to Hop to not get amputated

[2] Do you wish to follow her in her dreams, allowing yourself to communicate and control her perceptions of herself?

Lets leave her dreams alone, let that be her safe space to rest (unless she has nightmares of course)

[3] Do you wish to be able to clearly communicate with your Host instead of suggesting or giving them ideas indirectly?

I don't care either way. Though it's probably better if we can clearly communicate with our host so that she has a right to refuse our suggestions rather than having us directly manipulating her

[4] Do you have other suggestions regarding Hop?

Regarding Elsewhere
[1] Do you wish to Move yourself to another Student Instead of Hop?


[2] If you accepted the previous response, would you only wish to stay with them for a day?
N/A, but if i did accept, I think a day is fine

[3] In response to making your current Host physically or mentally weak for a day, you can answer any question. I must give you a short explanation of your question regarding Hop or your Host. If there are multiple answers, I shall only reply with one answer.

Nah, I'd rather not do that to Hop

[4] Do you wish to know the truth about your existence in exchange for your Host knowing the Truth about your existence?

If we can clearly communicate with Hop, then yeah, I don't see why not.

[5] Do you wish to make a deal or bargain with me? Please give suggestions if you wish to do so.
No. 1089345 ID: 4b8694

With PEA on most items. For Hop 3 being advisors beats what is effectively brainwashing in a moral sense. Elsewhere 4 have to say no since we are defined by our actions. Our origins have no bearing. Plus telling Hop what we've done with no context will be too much to deal with at once. She'd probably panic and hastily amputate which is dangerous.
No. 1089403 ID: 382635

Idk, I'd rather avoid direct conversation with Hop. I can definitely see her personality wanting to either devolve it into arguments or lead to amputation. She already seems a little suspect of us

> Also no to Hops [1][2][3][4]
> elsewhere [1] - Wilabou for a day could be fun, but I'm indifferent on it
> elsewhere [2] - For a day would be cool
> elsewhere [3][4] - Nah
> elsewhere [5] -idk there doesent seem to be anything of value we as spectators can offer other than to withold information from Hop that we discover, or purposefully guide her towards something you want, I definitely think the conversation with the "false goddess" would be interesting to witness in the future though. I'm a fan of people meeting their gods and completely fucking up their worldviews because of it as a fan of conceptual beings myself.
No. 1089547 ID: 3f89df
File 171392237972.png - (8.16KB , 500x500 , magicli goes blah.png )

> [4] yes
If we can communicate with Hop, I don't see why not.
> [3] Yes

No. 1089548 ID: 3f89df
File 171392238178.png - (11.51KB , 500x500 , hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.png )

Oh, your short-sidedness knows no bounds, Ultima-spawn, ounce she knows from whence you came, she'll remove you, but beg for mercy all you want, what's decided has been decided, and so I'll tell you the truth, you originated from-
No. 1089549 ID: 3f89df
File 171392238443.png - (11.63KB , 500x500 , oh your not screwed.png )

> [4] no
have to say no since our actions define us.

Hmm... One of you knows the risk of your identity. From Hop's perspective, you would be known for more than just your actions; since I slipped my tongue, you know the context of having a creature inside of her that is blasphemous from Ultrivisc's restricted religion.
No. 1089550 ID: 3f89df
File 171392238592.png - (19.19KB , 500x500 , screw you magicli.png )

That seems to be all you've requested. You spirits are no fun, I've given you a chance to switch hosts, yet you decide to stay with the whore; I'll only give you one more chance when your begging for my name; you have no control over when Hop gets rid of you, despite your insistent pleading and manipulation otherwise.

Let what happens to you be a lesson, Ultima-kin.
No. 1089551 ID: 3f89df
File 171392238816.png - (10.80KB , 500x500 , heh chat whos gonna tell her.png )

I'm jolted awake as the Snake tears its way through my flesh until I'm nothing but a carcass; despite my nerves feeling the pain of exposed flesh, It seems that it was just a dream, and despite my pleadings, it seems that I'm still stuck in Ultima's hell.

Something's off; Alex is missing, and I feel I'm not alone; my lucky foot seems to be twitching like mad, but It may just be spasms. Before I look for this presence, I call out, "Hello? If someone's in here, then state yourself, Or Else I'll have to hurt you."

I await a response or reaction from the deathly quiet room.
No. 1089582 ID: 42bb51

Hi, we are your footvoices

Is it hot in here or is it just me?
No. 1089585 ID: 940726

What was that? What's going on? Are we in danger?

Don't try to hurt us! We don't mean any harm! We're not going to threaten you!
No. 1089589 ID: eb0a9c

Hi, we're your new advisors! We were merged with you for quicker access!


Please don't kill yourself, we want to live.
No. 1089593 ID: 2fb549

Look Magicli put us in your foot and... well... BY ULTRAVISC HAVE MERCY WE DON'T WANT TO DIE!
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