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105165 No. 105165 ID: 5696d4

"Bullshit! Complete and utter bullshit!"

> Short-term Quest:
> Long-term Quest:
> Ultimate Goal:
Find Father (?)
> Current Party:
> Inventory:
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No. 110785 ID: c0f3bf

Can you... "remember" any of this guy's memories?
No. 110786 ID: 632862

Looks like he's an interdimensional traveler... running from interdimensional poachers.
No. 110787 ID: e828f5

Bam I win for predicting Old-Cat-Boy TWEEST. Still, think of having a young body forever? That's hot. And nicely steps around child-rape laws. :3 oh I'm awful.

Anyway check this kid out, abandoning his daughter to keep her out of danger. And y'all wanted to blast his mind (more than it's already been blasted, it seems).

Still, whats this scroll he initially mentioned...?
No. 110801 ID: 5696d4
File 126352150812.png - (68.66KB , 700x500 , 60.png )

How could we?! I thought this catboy was just a wild creature until now...

I'm so selfish... Why did I listen to you...


I'll... try...
No. 110804 ID: f21281

No. 110807 ID: e828f5

Why'd you listen to us?
Why'd you listen to US?
Well screw you, we had differing opinions, and that should've clued you in to the idea that the situation wasn't precisely simple! And look at me, arguing with the person who's head I inhabit.

Anyway, if the not-a-boy-catboy's conscious he's probably long gone from you. Leave a fish out or other bit of food.
No. 110809 ID: 7857d9

You're a monster.
No. 110810 ID: c89b56

hey any chance you and him are siblings?
No. 110812 ID: 632862

Well at least it kindof worked. You really need to figure out how to control Mind Crush to do non-destructive things.

Hell, maybe you could use it to cure your Mom, if Dad turns out to be a dick and won't or can't cure the curse himself.
No. 110813 ID: 7857d9

Or she needs to not do horribly evil things like Mind-crushing benign beings.
No. 110815 ID: 889351

He screwed up attacking when hungry, you screwed up with this, it balances out. Kinda. He'll be okay, right?
No. 110817 ID: 197650

Don't try to blame Sanya for this.
We generally help her progress and help people, we earned her trust and if you guys said this shit as a joke, you should've known better or point out you weren't serious.

Take responcebility for once.
No. 110820 ID: 7857d9

Totally balanced. In the "you knocked out my party for food/I mess with your brain like playdough" kinda way.

I don't recall saying "mindfuck the catperson." I reserve the right to pass judgement.

When someone makes the wrong call, you don't pet them and make them feel better about it.
No. 110821 ID: fd430c

he wear clothes, thus he is not wild.

you must continue to explore his MINDCRUSH TIME!

No. 110822 ID: 5696d4
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P-P-Please... I don't want you guys to argue...

What we can do now is calm the catboy down. I think he finally realized the threat of the Mind Crush...

... Though even I don't know what to do. I still remember how he wiped out our party...
No. 110823 ID: f21281


Just make yourself look incredibly depressed and sad, hopefully he'll take the hint and realize that you realized that was a bad move.

That or flash him. With your boobs.
No. 110824 ID: c0f3bf

Sit down and look depressed. Pretty much all you can do after trying to kill him.
No. 110826 ID: c89b56

yeah he's pissed try boob flashing him.
No. 110827 ID: f44349

If you have any food or food-like substances on your person, NOW would be the time to offer them up.
Other than that...
Look really sad. No sudden movements. Try to apologize.
No. 110828 ID: e828f5

HE ANGRY BOSS. Adopt defensive stance, do what you can to soothe him.
No. 110829 ID: cf41a7

Well good to see he survived at least... bad to see his shirt is Red... I think the no sudden moment's and trying to sit down calmly is best here.
No. 110830 ID: 445c48

Sit down and keep crying.

And for god's sake don't actually shout out "Mind Crush" next time you use it.
No. 110832 ID: 6d4c58

First off he is more animal and animals have a easier time sensing emotions than they do with communication. Show your sorry and apologetic and he will at least acknowledge it.
or rip to shreds while you are in a submissive state...
No. 110833 ID: 67c611

Hang head and feel bad about what you did.
No. 110838 ID: 632862

Looks like bright read means angry... although I guess that was evident from his face.

Um. Ask him if he remembers anything now.
No. 110848 ID: c89b56

Ask if he's looking for his father.
No. 110849 ID: 632862

What? We have no indication he has a father on this world or anything.

Ask him about the Ninja Superior, and his daughter. Try to spur some memories.
No. 110850 ID: 5aa60d

i told you bro
you shoulda seduced him while you had a chance
now you dead bro
now you dead
No. 110862 ID: fd430c

throw water on him, go under it. he could be slowed by it.
No. 111166 ID: d39ada

That wasn't exactly a mind -crush- I'd say... Perhaps you could refine this technique to cut back on attempted crushings?
No. 111224 ID: e0499d

As he's a ninja, you must submit or be horribly beaten.
Best course of action:
Get on your knees, look down at the ground, and take what he dishes out. Running will give him an advantage and makes you guilty.
No. 111236 ID: 51d0f5

.................mind crush.
No. 111359 ID: c89b56

>>111236 Mind crush is the most useless ability ever. Why couldn't we have picked fire breath instead?
No. 111364 ID: 3d6b22

No. 111365 ID: 9891a9

No. 111366 ID: 1f2a4c

we are half dragon half sergal. this LULZ template could only be completed with a power that makes no sense whatsoever.


i suport the use of MC. we either kill it or we unlock its memory.

No. 111367 ID: 34470e

Do you guys REALLY want BAD END?
No. 111369 ID: c89b56

Does it involve sanya getting raped?
No. 111372 ID: 34470e

No, it involves everyone in the party being killed to death.
No. 111377 ID: 51d0f5

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against invincible NPCs.
No. 111476 ID: 4ce1b0
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Mind Crush!
No. 111477 ID: 15f6d6

No. 111479 ID: d2d32c

Why do you want to mind crush him? No!
No. 111480 ID: 9e9b47

No. 111481 ID: bf1e7e

Mind Crush.
No. 111484 ID: c0f3bf

Something other than mind crush.

Like crying. More. CRY MORE DAMNIT.
No. 111485 ID: 0d1fe9

NO NO, instead we must crush his face with our boobs, ULTIMATE ATTACK GO!
No. 111502 ID: 3297aa

No. 111506 ID: c89b56

No. 111515 ID: 5696d4
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I... I don't know what happened there... I called for Mind Crush, but...


Nonetheless, this Mind Crushing thing really shouldn't be used unwisely. Before this whole memory thing, I mistook this boy for a wild animal.

I should repent.
No. 111516 ID: 5696d4
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No. 111517 ID: 5696d4
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... Why is he crying now?
No. 111519 ID: c89b56

You made him remember his shitty childhood.
No. 111520 ID: c0f3bf

You brought back sad memories.

Now he's sad.

So sad...
No. 111533 ID: 5696d4
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"Can you remember anything, catboy?"
"Why... Why I no know this..."

He spoke!
No. 111535 ID: c0f3bf

Tell him to keep remembering, he needs to get his memories back to restore his mental functions.
No. 111536 ID: f21281

"First guess? Magic. Second guess? SCIENCE!"
No. 111538 ID: f44349

No. 111544 ID: c89b56

Yeah he looks like he needs a hug.
No. 111545 ID: 3af198

That could end really badly at this moment, maybe once he has calmed down.
No. 111550 ID: 3af198

"I don't know why you don't remember, but I can try to help you remember if you want me to."
No. 111582 ID: 84889c

While I wouldn't go so far as to advocate approaching him, I'd definetly want to seem sympathetic. kneel down, open your arms, that kind of thing. Let it be known that you, too, have only just now learned of the "terrible truth of his past", or whatnot. Express your desire to help him... he may be regaining his mastery of language, but tone of voice should manage to convey what we wish. And purge trolls from your mind.
No. 111836 ID: f7bc42

The Mind Crush is a misnomer. It is a natural talent for you, but your ability with it is unpredictable, and at times, drastic because it is untested. I believe you can use this talent to do things other than harm, if you can find a safe way to practice with it.

Perhaps if you do not think of it as a weapon when you touch another mind, it will be less likely to harm them. Try to think of it as a connection. A Mind Touch instead of a Mind Crush.
No. 111903 ID: e0499d

in a way.... you did knida crush his mind. Bringing up a memory which torments him...

But in another way, this ability has a much bigger advantage than breaking minds. With the ability to raise old memories, you can manupilate them. You can also torment them.

And you can find what goes on in Gezzeno's head...
No. 115049 ID: f35d0a
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That's the problem with my ability! I can't practice it due to the unpredictability, and I certainly don't want to hurt or even kill someone just to hone that ability.

... Though I'll have to admit, something in this ability of mine somehow unlocked part of this guy's memories. Still, I don't know how I did that.

"I don't know why you don't remember, but I can try to help you remember if you want me to."
"You no know how help me. I am strange! Strange to you! You kill me almost! How I trust you after that?!"

I want to help this guy out, but what should I say?
No. 115051 ID: 632862

"I thought you were just a wild animal. I saw into your memories just now... you're not from this world, are you?"
No. 115052 ID: f52552

Offer shoulder.
Pat back.
No. 115053 ID: c0f3bf

"Hey, you tried to kill me, AND all my friends, first! I didn't even know you were anything less than a killing machine until a few seconds ago!"
No. 115056 ID: e828f5

Hmm, perhaps remind him that he almost killed you all first? Of course don't be insulting or snide about it, just point out that we don't always act in the way we WANT to act, ultimately. Then mention that everyone that travels with you has had traumatic pasts (of various degrees) and that they accept the faults in each other in order to ultimately help each other.

Damn I'm good at this.
No. 115058 ID: 6faa8c

Hug him carefully.

"Because my mind was clouded by fear. I am sorry."
No. 115078 ID: 9e9b47

Clench teeth. Cry.
No. 115081 ID: f35d0a
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He direly needs an explanation on why we tried to crush his mind. He wouldn't be crying like this had we stopped, anyway.

"You tried to kill me and all my friends earlier. I thought you were a wild animal."

The catboy gasps.

"Is not possible! I no want to hurt anyone!"

... Does he not remember the time when he attacked us?
No. 115083 ID: c0f3bf

Apologize for trying to make the catboy's brain explode, Sanya. Then ask him how HE thinks you met, or at least what his earliest memory of you and your friends is.
No. 115086 ID: 4ce1b0

Clench teeth. Cry.
No. 115093 ID: f35d0a
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"I'm sorry, then... How do you remember us meeting, then?"
"All red on eyes! No know why, but see people, yes?! Five! Five walk down. Middle guy look sad! Trouble, oh yes."
No. 115095 ID: f35d0a
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"Then middle guy talk! Is very worried! I think I spotted! Middle guy spin right round right round tree where I was!"
No. 115096 ID: f35d0a
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"Then very scary small guy see me! Is scary!"
No. 115100 ID: c0f3bf

Is it still here? If not, continue.
No. 115111 ID: f35d0a
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"I hit scary small guy, but all see me! I gonna die, I think! I hit next small guy and tall fast guy! Is cool, almost!"
No. 115112 ID: f35d0a
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"Then I see fish bones on ground. Fish bones! Favorite! Is strange, though. Fish bones not red around!"

"I grab fish bones, then forget things! Next thing I see, you grab mind somehow!"

"Is still hurt head... Like squishy squishy sponge, only hurting!"
No. 115114 ID: 34470e

It sounds like he was the victim of a corrupted stone.
No. 115115 ID: 6faa8c

Oh, he was just confused!

"Those were my friends. But that's okay, you were only confused."
No. 115126 ID: f35d0a
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"Those were my friends. But that's okay, you were only confused."

The catboy looks saddened. He must've figured something out.

"... So you middle guy? You sad still?"
No. 115128 ID: 632862

Tell him about your mother and father.
No. 115135 ID: ec4966

Say "How could you be that confused about what's going on, with ears that big?"
No. 115136 ID: c0f3bf

Remind him that just because something is scary, doesn't mean it is dangerous or malicious. In fact, sometimes the scariest things are the most ineffectual, like nightmares.
No. 115234 ID: e828f5

Ho ho ho, how poetic. Sanya, the middle guy. Or gal, anyway. Well that works out. You are, after all, the one binding them all together. And yes, I suppose you've got your own sadness. But you might point out that the middle guy has to be strong, sometimes.

Alright so we've determined that either hunger or some other cause makes him unable to perceive clearly, and there's still some odd failure to remember anytime before FOOD (or at least BONES) GET and Mind Crush, which is distinctly suspicious, but...

Well get a name from him, at least.
No. 115236 ID: e0499d

woah... this guy may be onto something...
You should probably ask Gezzeno about mind control... or what ever it's called when a person is subconciously suggested to do stuff.
No. 115948 ID: f35d0a
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"Yes, I'm still a bit sad, but I'm okay. It's just that I'll be missing my mom for probably a long time.

I hug the catboy. He does not fight back.

"I saw into your memories just now... you're not from this world, are you?"
"... Yes. I not from here..."
No. 115954 ID: 2d8f04

>>115948 Ask him about his parents.
No. 115957 ID: a09ad6

His name would be nice. ...Or just call him Bite.
No. 115963 ID: c0f3bf

Ask him if he can remember how he moved between them.
No. 115967 ID: e3f578

Catboy: Motorboat her chest.
No. 116003 ID: f35d0a
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"So, uhh, do you remember your parents?"
"How about your method of moving from world to world?"
"How about your name?"
"... How about I just call you 'Bite'?"
"Okay! I is Bite!"
No. 116006 ID: f35d0a
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I hear some rustling sound behind Bite. I don't have my weapon, so I just signal Bite to be quiet.

... It's Gazzene. She looks extremely worried.

"Lady Sanya! Lady Sanya!"
No. 116008 ID: 6faa8c

Introduce Bite and ask what's the matter.
No. 116009 ID: 632862

Yes, what? What is it? Out with it already Gazzene! CAN'T YOU SEE I'M BUSY HERE!?
No. 116022 ID: f35d0a
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"What is it, Gazzene?!"
"My brother... he's completely blind!"
No. 116023 ID: c0f3bf

Are his palms hairy too?
No. 116026 ID: 632862

He's been punished.
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