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File 126376675650.png - (480.12KB , 731x1571 , Ellaisdisappoint.png )
113225 No. 113225 ID: 6faa8c

((Previous threads found in ARCHIVE.
Thread discussion and Shiitake pulling apart my plot from accidental remarks in #rubyquest.
HAY GUIS THE WIKI NEEDS PLOT UPDATAN. Don't worry if you mess up, I'll correct you!))

I stand now before the stones that block the way into the Weird. Trik is here.
"Removing them would be very bad." she states firmly. "Oh. Uhm. Magic do weird thing in Weird. Advise you travel light."

The others have decided to support me by sweeping the area near the Praetor for Mongrels. I shall descend alone.

I know enough about the Weird to surmise that magical items may behave oddly there. Should I leave anything behind before I enter?
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No. 113310 ID: 6faa8c

I leave the hat sitting on the ground near the rocks.

I have taken my sword. And I agree... however, I won't try it unless there are few options available.

I enter the Weird with slow, careful steps. I can see images of my friends being attacked by mongrels... But I know this is a mere illusion. Isn't it?
No. 113313 ID: 632862

Yes, it is an illusion. Keep on the path.
No. 113321 ID: 6faa8c

As you say.
I continue forward, pressing on through winding caves. Strange crystals jut out now and again, forcing me to step carefully or fall into a great pit as I descend.
But just as I round the corner...
"Hattori... thank goodness. I'm lost, please, help me..."
Ella. It's Ella...
No. 113325 ID: 632862

No, it's not. That is an illusion. It is impossible for anyone but you and Salzane to be here.
No. 113327 ID: 34470e

No It's not. It's an illusion.
No. 113334 ID: a64482

When we were here with Ella, she saw an illusion of you. Since you know you weren't here, and since she couldn't be here, it makes sense that it's just an illusion.
No. 113337 ID: 6faa8c

Th-that's right.
I keep on walking by.

Again and again, the image occurs. Sometimes she is in great pain. Sometimes she is dying. But I keep walking. I know.... I know that is not my love.

I can see a large stone structure in the distance, gaurded by two stone statues of hounds.
No. 113342 ID: 632862

Hmm. That could also be an illusion, even though it looks like our destination. Keep on the path.
No. 113350 ID: 6faa8c

I keep going, and approach the structure.
The doors open.
"The Hand may enter." murmurs a growl from within. "He who decides is welcome here."
No. 113354 ID: 632862

Enter, but be vigilant. Interesting that he knows the prophecy...
No. 113357 ID: a64482

Enter. Do not be threatening. Touch the watch to assess how time is behaving.
No. 113362 ID: 6faa8c

Time is normal.

"Greetings, Hattori, Legion."
Salzane sits in his hulking armor and mask. Seven huge coffins stand at the end of the room. "I've been anticipating you."
No. 113366 ID: 632862

He knows, I think.

Ask him to yield his life so that Coyote may live, or give up his sanity. Either way should work. Clown cannot continue to plan the demise of the world, yet there must be a god of chaos to keep balance.
No. 113372 ID: 34470e

I don't think he wants to go down without a fight, even if it means endangering the world.
No. 113373 ID: 6faa8c

"I cannot. To do so would violate my own beliefs... both in myself and in coyote. I understand your plan, however."
He removed his mask.
"I am prepared to fight for my life. Are you prepared to fight for yours?"
No. 113378 ID: 632862

"I will fight. But not for my life. For the lives of those above us, for my friends, and for Coyote's life. Everyone deserves a second chance. Even him."
No. 113379 ID: c2f5af

Well said for a lifesworn.
No. 113395 ID: 632862

Hm. Opening shot: Thrust at his face with the sword, since he took off the mask.

Also, how many newtons do you have?
No. 113399 ID: 6faa8c
File 126377366212.png - (435.17KB , 687x929 , SalzaneFinalboss.png )

"I will fight. But not for my life. For the lives of those above us, for my friends, and for Coyote's life. Everyone deserves a second chance. Even him."

Salzane laughs uproarously.
"Well said!"
And then his armor shatters, revealing a huge, shaggy monster.
No. 113404 ID: 34470e

We might be able to bind the cufflinks for this fight. Don't do this unless others agree.
No. 113405 ID: a64482

No. 113409 ID: 6faa8c

I'm barely able to draw before he crosses the room and slams into me, knocking me into one of the coffins. It breaks apart...


It's the Fangsworn from the Raven's Loft!! The head's been expertly stitched back on, along with the arm.

I move out of the way before it falls to the ground.

This feels bad...
Salzane laughs as I manage to fully draw my blade.
No. 113412 ID: 632862

Oh god, cut its head off quick.
No. 113413 ID: 632862

Or stab it in the brain. Just... make sure it won't be standing up.
No. 113415 ID: 6faa8c

I bring the blade back, then down...
The fangsworn catches it, then hurls me at Salzane. I manage to bring up my arm in time to activate the sheild as he swipes for my head, and I open a gash in his arm, rolling on the ground at an angle away.

Salzane continues to laugh.
No. 113433 ID: 632862

Well... let's try Binding the cufflinks first and using the bearclaw. We'll save the sword for after it runs out or if it turns out not to be strong enough.
No. 113449 ID: 3f4554

Dimention lock the Fangsworn's head then stab it through the head. Don't get caught unawars by Salazane, if he interrupts and you cant make it, remove lock and dodge roll.

Also watch out for the other coffins... they could have 'living dead' in them too.

One more thing, seeing as this is technically a zombie, it's an abomination to life. Yo may have some lifesworn powers that may be useful here.
No. 113455 ID: a64482

We left the hat. For some reason. *sigh*
No. 113473 ID: 632862

We left it because it was going to try to kill Hattori in the Weird. Remember the start of our journey. The hat is foretold to kill Hattori someday, and I believe this was the day.

We avoided that. Now we just have to kill these punks.
No. 113492 ID: 3f4554

What. No we didn't. That's how we got here, by teleporting past the blockade right? That is also where the blades were.
No. 113493 ID: a64482

Read back, then we set it on the rocks.
No. 113498 ID: 3f4554

No. 113501 ID: 3f4554

and as for the prophesy about the hat ending Hattori... we fulfilled it from the start of the quest. It's like the case of Oedipus' father fulfilling the prophesy by trying to stop it.

We were doomed as soon as we took it from Shi.

forgot that sorry
No. 113504 ID: 6faa8c

The arm not holding my blade is sheathed in a bear's arm and claw, just as the undead fangsworn leaps across the room. I thrust forth, and the impact slams into the beast, tearing him apart. Arms and legs fly past Salzane, who tilts his head to one side to let a finger past.
He charges again, and our fists meet...
The cufflink heats!

The cufflink flies off, into a wall, and the bear claw shatters, Salzane stumbling.
No. 113507 ID: a64482

Bind the other one, CHARGE.
No. 113508 ID: 3f4554

HOLY.....this man shall never touch you...NEVER!!
Thrust at him while he's unsteady.
No. 113510 ID: 6faa8c

I bind the other cufflink, and charge forth, but he recovers his sense just in time to shatter the other claw as well. I fly back, out the doors, on the edge of the void.

"No friends. No magic. No power." Salzane murmurs, standing over me.
No. 113514 ID: 632862

No. 113518 ID: 632862

I'm thinking whatever it does, you can use the power to knock him into the void.
No. 113519 ID: 6faa8c

"I don't need magic to kill you. BIND!"
I slam the watch onto the blade, and rise. I feel ghostly armor wrap my body, the style like Edgars, only more ornate, heavy plate in glistening blue. My sword is wreathed in fire as a kite sheild of ghostly energy appears on my other arm.

Salzane charges, and I smash his face aside with the sheild. His arm slams into the armor... with no effect.

"My friends are always with me. I can feel them in my heart, supporting me without words. Where are yours, Salzane?!"

Again, he strikes at me, and again, I knock it away with ease, and step into his gaurd, driving the blade deep into his chest. I step back and pull it out, whipping off the blood to either side, as he catches fire, slapping his fur helplessly.

He stumbles past me, into the void, screaming the whole way.


The temple is shaking!
No. 113520 ID: a64482


Hey, this place is weird right, maybe we can fly out. Also, RUN LIKE FUCK.
No. 113521 ID: 632862

I think it's time to leave! Hopefully the Weird will still be relatively stable.
No. 113525 ID: 6faa8c

I run as hard as I can, and I hear the temple crumbling behind me as the bubble of sanity shrinks, the parts in the void changing oddly, into eyes, teeth, hair, flesh, tentacles, at random. I keep running, the edge of the sanity on my heels, until I finally make it back to the rockfall, a tentacle snapping inches from my leg. I pick up the hat, and teleport outside.

Trik is here.
She is asleep.
No. 113527 ID: a64482

Check watch.

No. 113528 ID: 632862

Nono, don't use deathtime. No.
No. 113530 ID: 632862

Although I guess you could just check the regular time to see how long you were in there.
No. 113531 ID: a64482

Eh. It keeps perfect time, remember?
No. 113536 ID: 632862


Well anyway, wake Trik up and get your stuff back on. We've gotta get back to... uh... Wait, where did they tell you you were going to meet up afterwards?
No. 113545 ID: 6faa8c

I was down there for half an hour. I gather my items and awaken Trik, letting her rest on my shoulder as I exit the caverns. Everyone is waiting.
Ella slams into me, holding me tightly ans shaking with sobs. I hold her close as she says her brother has passed away. Shi and Raven approach, and we discuss what happened while I was gone.
When Coyote went insane, the mongrels simply winked out of existence. But not before Jax took a fatal blow. We somberly bury the body, and Ella holds me tightly.

After the burial, Anansi approaches us. Ella wishes for a healthy child. I wish...
To be mortal again, so I may live my precious remaining life with Ella.
Utkal and Ishkal both wish for greater strength, to protect their future families.
Trik wishes to go home, as she had lost her only map and none are available.

Everyone settles down quietly, me and Ella making a small home in Rivermeet, where I tend to young children and the elderly. I am not paid handsomely, but I make enough to live off of.
Our son, Antares Delarosa, is born, and we are a happy family.

I suppose, then, that your job with me is complete. I... I would like to personally thank you, Legion. Without you, I would not be the man I am today. Thank you for your assistance. Goodbye.

No. 113888 ID: 34470e

Wait, what about the wishes of Gerald, Jerasp, and Arryn?
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