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207296 No. 207296 ID: cf68aa

Behind me the city of Resad burns. It's citizens have no chance of escape, not with the walls I made.

Soon their bodies will be nothing but ash strewn across a barren land.
God I love being alive.

Sure this violence may have been a bit... Excessive.
But to get my hands on Item 7 it was so worth it.

Only 200 more to go...
601 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 218987 ID: cf68aa
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"Teri.. Is there anything I can do? Do you want me to take you to a hospital?"

>"Y-you have money right? Buy me some.. I Shop.. Please."

"Teri, I really think you should see a doctor."

Teri springs up and grabs Mu by the collar

>"I said buy me some or by the gods I will take you apart."

[i]Her threat seems rather empty, after she finishes she drops back onto the bed and moans again[i]

I could probably just force her to the hospital... But I also have the money to buy her more.
I'm not sure if that will work and I don't think I have time to experiment.
No. 218989 ID: 3b77b9

no, drugs are bad and just feeding it will back it worse. it may be bad now but the longer on something the more they will have in their system and the worse withdraw is.
her threat is just the drugs talking by the way.
No. 218991 ID: cf68aa
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You are right, this is for the best.

"Teri, I am taking you to the hospital."


The top half of Mu's head falls off

Hmm... Seems her threats aren't empty.
No. 218992 ID: 701a19

Pick her up and say "Tell you what. I'll buy you the drugs if you can stop me from taking you to the hospital. Sound fair?"
No. 218994 ID: 701a19

Oh, ok. Go get her the drugs.
While you're at the IShop ask him if he has any amulets that prevent a person from feeling pain.
No. 218996 ID: cf68aa
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Hmm... He's gone.
No. 219002 ID: 3b77b9

her.well damn. look around for her
No. 219020 ID: a594b9

That sign says he's in Tersof. I guess we have to go back and give her the bad news.

So what's that thing in your head? Didn't look like paper.
No. 219101 ID: 701a19

Go to the hospital and tell them your friend is going through dew drop withdrawal, is lashing out with magic, and the I Shop is elsewhere.
No. 219110 ID: cf68aa
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You are correct. It is not paper.


Well, she's in a hospital now. It took a while to get her in here since she is still pretty good with Soul Magic. However the pain of her withdrawal prevented her from doing any serious damage.
I could not see what they did to her but right now she is in a semi padded room with people watching her around the clock.
No. 219111 ID: 3b77b9

tell the hospital people about her disease. medical history is important.
No. 219113 ID: e3f578

I'm guessing Dew Drop addiction is a pretty serious addiction if they have a proper procedure for that involves padded rooms.
No. 219116 ID: cf68aa
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I've already told them and gave them a vial of her medicine.

It is normally a safe drug but a dew drop stick should be dipped in a hot drink for it's pain relief effects. She instead chews them whole which is more potent and more addicting.

Should I just stay here or go elsewhere? I don't know how long this will take.
No. 219117 ID: 3b77b9

.. is she denting the door and breaking the glass?
No. 219121 ID: 701a19

Then go wait for the I Shop to return.
No. 219123 ID: cf68aa
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That's the glass breaking off. It's supposed to be reinforced.



And with that I depart.

Mu leaves the hospital and heads to where the I Shop was. The tent is there now, the owner looks at her and smile

>"What can I do for you today stranger?"

Hmm... I have 400G on me now.
No. 219124 ID: e3f578

Dew Drops for an addicted friend. and something to reinforce your paper, especially against cuts and fire.
No. 219125 ID: 701a19

"Do you have an amulet or something that blocks the wearer from feeling pain? Including from Soul Decay?"
No. 219126 ID: 3b77b9

we are not getting any dew drops. feeding an addiction is never good.

the other idea has merit though, Resistance to cuts and fire would be nice.
No. 219137 ID: cf68aa
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"Do you have an amulet or something that blocks the wearer from feeling pain? Including from Soul Decay? I also want to know the prices of Dew Drop Sticks and Magical Reinforced Paper."

>"Well.. Dew Drop Sticks are not exactly legal so they may cost a pretty penny for one. The rest of the stuff I have."

He brings out the Items and explains the prices.
No. 219140 ID: 40cb26

Tell him specifically what the problem is concerning her conditions, and that you'll need dew drops and/or some other kind of solution.
No. 219141 ID: 3b77b9

looks like we are going to need to go job hunting. tell him that you are gonna get more money and be right back, so hold on to that amulet.
No. 219144 ID: 701a19

Ok, look for a posting on the job board. You need to make at least G300, and anything on top of that can be used to improve your durability.
No. 219154 ID: e3f578

Paper is cheap, get enough to make you body from it then you can take on a job that has more risk but better pay.

If that paper exists, your Master should have made you from it in the first place. Also, ask for information of the legendary indestructible paper. It at first sounds like a joke but be prepared to be fucking surprised that such a legendary thing exists. Some simple sticks probably kick ass, especially thinks like diamond sticks. Joke items are the bees knees.
No. 219379 ID: cf68aa
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"Thank you. Oh, do you have a Legendary Indestructible Paper?"

>"Why yes I do. G1,000,000 for a whole new body."

".... Thank you."

Mu leaves to go look at the job listing.

Getting a job will help pass the time while Teri is in the hospital. Let's see..

The jobs are
Babysitting- Take care of our children for a day.
Pest removal-There's been a swarm of Lua's trying to take our things. We need them taken care of.
Healing-We need a healing mage to help us out!

It seems that that's all there is.
No. 219380 ID: a594b9

Babysitting seems right up your alley. So does pest control, if Luas aren't too tough to kill.
No. 219383 ID: 3b77b9

may be able to handle two if you go fast. take out the lua and then babysit.
No. 219407 ID: 40cb26

Slay things and then try to do babysitting. Don't try to do them at the same time.
No. 219691 ID: cf68aa
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.... My face may not be able to show emotion well but I can tell you I am very very tired.

Mu falls onto the bed and sheets of paper begin to peel off her body. She relaxes

I'm only about 20 gold off from what I need to buy that amulet. but that seems like all the jobs for the day and I'm exhausted.
No. 219693 ID: d87897

okay. if you can't see anything later for the 20 gold then just have the I-shop put it on your tab. sleep well.

[switch to gram]
No. 219694 ID: 701a19

Buy the amulet with the last G20 on credit, then go give it to her.
Spend the night with her so you'll siphon off a bit of energy.
No. 219697 ID: 40cb26

20 Gold? Go back to the I shop, give him what you have, explain the situation and ask for credit on what you're short of. You'll be doing more business with him anyway, it it really is urgent!
No. 219709 ID: a594b9

Why are you shedding? Should we be worried?
No. 219712 ID: cf68aa
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I'm just letting them drop. It takes less energy and is perfectly natural.

Sleep sounds good.... I'm afraid I can not do much more..

Hmm... I really need to get more energy and repair...
No. 219714 ID: a594b9

Holy fuck, Gram. You are in bad shape. I thought your arm was cleanly severed, not removed WITH A CHUNK OF YOUR TORSO. We need to find that alchemist pronto to fix those cracks, first off, and get some replacement parts for you too.

Also, we've noticed your eye's missing before... now's a good time to ask. What's up with that?
No. 219715 ID: d87897

yeah, that is a lot of cracks. you endurance must be shot. ask that catfolk where to find one of those alchemists she mentioned.
No. 219716 ID: 40cb26

Man you look like shit. Yeah repairs is your top priority now, Items mean nothing if you're just an ambulatory pile of gravel.
No. 219719 ID: cf68aa
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Yeah I know. She mentioned two of them though. Some catfolk chick and some human dude. Which should I go with?

Oh, that chunck's always been missing. As for the eye. Well a robber broke into my house hurt me when I was a little boy.
No. 219723 ID: a594b9

You were a little boy once? Uh. I kinda doubt that. Where's Shu, anyway?

Oh yeah and also... uh, how far away are the two? Go with whichever one's closest.
No. 219727 ID: 40cb26

They both sound capable. Find out where they are and go see the closer one.

Tell us more about your origin, how you came to be the masters servant. I wasn't aware golems grew up, I thought she built you. Did you used to be human?
No. 219728 ID: cf68aa
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Su's right behind me. Don't worry she's sleeping. Not like she can see me naked anyway.

They'll do. The closest one lives in a place called Fai's Mountain. It'll be quite a trip, wish there was something that could let me get there instantly. Not sure if my body can even handle the trip... Maybe if I drained some of Su's soul...
No. 219730 ID: d87897

actually, the I-shop carries something that does just that. ask him for a teleport stone.
No. 219732 ID: cf68aa
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Hmm... Su's still asleep. I can probably sneak out.

Gram gets dressed and goes outside. The I Shop is there in it's usual spot. Gram goes up to the owner and asks him about the teleport stone.

>"Well well well, I just happen to have 2 left. They each have three charges in them so two for wherever you wanna go and one to get back. But one for G500 and I'll throw in the other one. I'm still testing this type out so, hehe, you'll be my test subject."

.... I don't like the sound of that.
No. 219734 ID: d87897

ask what he thinks would happen if it messes up. if it's just "end up somewhere else" then it's fine. if it's "explode into nothing" then don't get it.
No. 219735 ID: cf68aa
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"Uhm.. if it messes up will I like explode or turn inside out?"

>"Heavens no. the worse that could happen is you don't go where you want to go."
No. 219736 ID: d87897

well then, don't see any harm in getting it. pay the man, get su up, and teleport off.
No. 219738 ID: a594b9

Sounds like a deal. Also, don't actually wake Su up. It's still kinda early, right? She needs to have a good night's sleep or she'll be useless.
No. 219739 ID: cf68aa
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Gram pays him for the two Teleport Stones. He goes back into his room and waits for the sun to rise. He gently wakes up Su, she rubs her eyes and yawns

>"Gram? What time is it?"

"It's time for you to wake up, I got us some cool teleport stones. We're going to go see an alchemist who can fix me up. You ready?"

>"Yeah, just let me go to the ba-"

"Ready? Good."

He grabs her hand, concentrates on the location and teleports away.
No. 219755 ID: d87897

you forgot to let her peee~
No. 219808 ID: 701a19

[Switch to Mu]
Ready to go stop Teri's pain?
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