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223620 No. 223620 ID: 4f6386

[ First thread: http://www.tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/193207.html ]
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[ Discussion thread: http://www.tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/328741.html ]
702 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 236024 ID: 701a19

"Save it yourself. We both know I know more than I can say, and the key phrase there is 'can say'."
"Playing dumb is easier all around."
Turn to leave, walk to the door, pause, and turn your head to face him.
"For what it's worth, I truly am sorry that I can't help you with that."
Then you can leave. Don't even look at the grate as you make your way to the elevator.

Unless you want him to properly treat the laser burn, which he's likely more capable of doing than the Ziranee queen.
No. 236030 ID: 2563d4

Probably this.

Oh god no. Not least since I'm sure the Doc can identify a previously-treated wound and ask questions.
No. 236061 ID: 6550ad
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My mistake for thinking there was more than one kind of unusual or important key that a person might care about, sorry.

So tell me, and stop avoiding the subject: What are those keys for? What's with the shape?

>*sigh* Don't make me repeat myself, Belint. I don't know what kind of games are you playing with the Queen, but the keys are way over your concern. You're a security guard, start acting like one. And please, leave my Infirmary now, I don't have anything else to say to you.
No. 236063 ID: 2a9922

"well fine, don't tell a security guard that it may unlock a death ray and kill everyone on the ship, whatever, bye"
and leave.
No. 236067 ID: f4963f

We have no idea where the Colonel is now, do we? Ugh, we're gonna have to risk it. Just leave, don't drop any pissy passive-aggressive comments. We really don't need to give him more reasons to hate us.
No. 236080 ID: a594b9

Fine, let's go.
No. 236096 ID: e043a1

Well, that's two people that know we were on this deck when someone was rummaging through the captain's stuff. So this, spilling the beans to the captain and colonel, and the fact that they pretty much know or at least suspect we gave the keys to the queen means that there really isn't any going back now.

How close are we to getting shot for treason now?
No. 236103 ID: c6fa0a


"Alright, I'll level with you. I've been told by reliable sources that the keys are parts of the reason why Mikos ended up dead, and I'm willing to bet Trake's death is also related. I also have reason to believe there's been a third death which I haven't been able to figure out yet.

As security officer, it's my job to make sure there *aren't* any more deaths like this. If people are willing to kill over these keys, whatever it unlocks is probably really damn important. I've almost been killed multiple times; I've found bombs on this ship; and someone decided to bring dozens of gallons of a potent neurotoxin aboard.

You seem to think you're above this violence, but you're not. You had a key. You got lucky when whoever decided to steal it did so without killing you in the process.

I'm hear to keep everyone safe. Sure, shit may be going down that's over my head, but that won't keep me from doing my job. If you don't want to help me figure out what's going on and prevent future murders, fine. Their deaths are on your head."

Wait for a few seconds for a response, then walk out and be prepared to talk to the colonel if he's there.
No. 236110 ID: 701a19

"Funny, I thought that solving thefts was part of the job."
Put your PDA away
"Just because I know where it went doesn't mean I know how it got there, and I think that knowing who took it and why is kind of important.
Good day, doctor."
Walk out and leave.

Don't mention deaths, don't mention conspiracies. This was investigating a theft on board the ship. Nothing more.
No. 236112 ID: a594b9

...can we just go without making a fuss?
No. 236287 ID: 701a19

That's basically what I didn't want to happen, since now he's probably going to tell the captain that Tiak hasn't dropped the murder investigation.

Just leave. Go see Zira or something. Don't even look at the vent.
No. 236292 ID: 6550ad
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Tiak doesn't want to make a fuss, but he doesn't want to just leave without saying something first.

Look, I only know that those keys are part of the reason Mikos ended up dead. I just want to make sure that there aren't any more deaths like this. That's my job, and you aren't over this violence, you might be a target too. And if you keep information to yourself that could help me save lives, those deaths are over your head as well.

The doctor doesn't answer and just goes back to his papers, ignoring Tiak. So he exits the room, back again to the corridor. It seems to be empty for now. No trace of the Colonel, or anybody else.
No. 236296 ID: c6fa0a


Check PDA. Is the colonel still in the Captain's quarters?

If he is, we might have a quick chance to retrieve the box... or we might want to avoid grabbing it until we're sure we won't get interrupted... or we could try get a way to hide the thing before moving it to a better location. It seems pretty big - does Tiak think he could hide it in his clothes without it being totally obvious? Or are we going to need a more sneaky way to take care of this? I'm going to assume we won't grab it just yet.

I suggest Tiak just find somewhere "Safe" to sit down and scan those papers into his PDA (take pictures of them?) before settling down to read them, assuming this is possible. Perhaps one of the dead passenger's rooms, or a bathroom? I'd rather not do this in the presence of anyone else... we still have very little to go on to "trust" anyone on this ship. If they're not easily scannable, try to find someplace to read them without worry (bathroom might still work).

After we have the papers scanned/read... go dispose of them somewhere. Stuffing them inside the Janitor's things (when he's not looking) might be good, since he's known to collect loose papers.

Next (if we got papers scanned), find a place to sit down and just read those documents. I suggest the bar, since a public place is likely to be less suspicious than hiding somewhere to read them.
No. 236304 ID: 6550ad
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According to the camera, the captain's office are empty at the moment.

The lockbox is too big for Tiak to keep it inside his jacket, he would have to carry it in his hand. And Tiak doesn't know if he has time to take it before someone sees him, so he runs into the elevator.
Not a second too late; as the elevator gates close behind him, he can hear a door opening, and footsteps in the corridor.

With the passwords and the documents in his pocket he has to decide where to go now. The elevator isn't the best place to hang around without being discovered.
No. 236305 ID: 2409fe

Lets go to a place where we won't be interrupted and read our papers in peace.
I am of course talking about the toilets on the Lower Deck.
No. 236306 ID: 2563d4

Probably your office.
Mikos' room is a bad idea because you're supposed to be off that case. Likewise Engineering; and Mongro might be milling about down there anyway.
Don't read the papers immediately in case someone charges into your office weilding questions about the shooting at the Captain. Keep them hidden.
No. 236342 ID: a594b9

Yes, let's read while in the bathroom.
No. 236345 ID: e40e60

The depths of Engineering would be a good place.
No. 236361 ID: 6550ad
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Tiak descends with the elevator down to the Lower Deck and hides inside the bathroom (which is still astonishing clean) to read the documents he found inside the Captain's drawer.

They're all letters, from representatives of A.S.C.E. to the Captain. They all start with a "Estimated Kiodo Beredime", in a respectful and obsequious tone, just to become more harsh and demanding as they progress, ending almost into an underhanded threat.

The content of the letters are familiar to Tiak, it reminds him of the letters he found in the bar and the kitchen. They all "friendly" remind the captain about the large sum of money lost during gambling sessions in casinos owned by the corporation.

The last letters directly threaten him with exposing his debt and "other less pleasant deeds" to the public if he doesn't pay.

The very last letter is different. Here they say that they've found a solution. The captain will have to do a job for them, an undercover mission, and his debt will be settled.

Tiak suspects that the other two letters are part of this bundle. How did they end up in the Canteen and the kitchen? That's a different matter.

Tiak copies the letters in his PDA. He can't take pictures of them until he retrieves his camera, though.
No. 236364 ID: 2a9922

well shit, that means the captain IS in on it. if your brig was still working i would say throw him in there. heck, would say throw everybody in there and sort it out yourself.
No. 236365 ID: 701a19

Keep gathering evidence.
It's going to be fucking hilarious if we wind up arresting the captain for treason, the colonel for impersonating an officer, and them plus the doctor and barman for conspiracy charges.

This is going to end with Tiak, Yery, and Zira all locked in the bridge with the evidence and desperately broadcasting that the entire ship is under arrest for treason.
No. 236440 ID: c6fa0a


>After we have the papers scanned/read... go dispose of them somewhere. Stuffing them inside the Janitor's things (when he's not looking) might be good, since he's known to collect loose papers.

Also, since you're already on the same deck... consider trying to open the password-protected cabinet in Engineering with the 2 passwords we have now.
No. 236444 ID: e40e60

No. 236490 ID: 6550ad
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Tiak makes his way to the janitor's room, which happens to be empty.

He takes the opportunity to dispose of the Captain's documents inside the cabinet on the wall, which only contains a modest pile of papers now. Quickly rifling through them doesn't bring up anything interesting.
No. 236492 ID: fd6d7e


Not if I can do anything about it! No, this is going to end with Tiak, Yery, and Zira all locked in the bridge doing something that could get themselves arrested for public indecency.
No. 236512 ID: 2563d4

Draw your tazer and go for the crew files. If the Colonel's smart he's probably figured the significance of the drawer and is expecting you, but if you leave it any longer they'll probably change the password. :/
No. 236531 ID: 2a9922

i mostly agree with this, but move carefully.
No. 236532 ID: e40e60

We do, the one we got from the captain's desk.

No. 236534 ID: a594b9

Excellent, they'll never be found in that mess. And if they do, nobody will know how he got them. Let's go for the crew files now. Don't let anyone see you open the cabinet though.
No. 236875 ID: 6550ad
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Tiak carefully goes back into Engineering. Nobody seems to be in the area, nor near the elevator.
No. 236876 ID: 6550ad
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Tiak inserts the password found in the Captain's office, and it works! The middle drawer automatically opens. But instead of a bunch of papers, a flat touch screen emerges from it. Seems that they're digital archives, after all, just designed like an old-fashion filing cabinet.

The screen shows the available options: Crew Roster, Passenger List, Flight Route and Misc. Tiak can also insert a keyword and see if there are any matches within the files.
No. 236879 ID: 4c491e

Passenger list.
No. 236880 ID: 2563d4

I'm guessing you can't grab the lot onto your PDA easily.

Well, Nayria said:
>Check the crew files and registers, they'll give you some interesting pieces of information.

So skim the Crew Roster.
No. 236901 ID: e40e60

Crew files.
No. 236912 ID: a594b9

Keyword: A.S.C.E.
No. 236923 ID: 6550ad
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Tiak inserts ASCE in the search case, but it doesn't bring up any results.

Next, he tries with the Passenger list. Unfortunately, it doesn't give any more details than the ones in screen.
No. 236924 ID: 6550ad
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After that, he tries with the Crew Roster. In this case, he can select any of the options given in the list to get a more detailed description.
No. 236926 ID: 2563d4

...what does COPY copy to?

The Captain seems like an obvious one to try.
No. 236927 ID: e0a79c

Go in order of suspicion.
Janitor (cause he's a lunatic)
Captain (obvious)
Physician (how'd he get one of those keys?)
Navigational Officer (got into that fight)
Head Engineer
Engineering Assistant
Head of Security (just to see)
No. 236934 ID: 644ca1

If you can copy everything to your PDA and read it somewhere else, do that.
No. 236940 ID: 701a19

Agreed. If you can copy everything, then copy everything instead of reading it, and read it later.
No. 236961 ID: e40e60

Do it in this order:

Engineer's Assistant
Nav Officer
Head Engineer
No. 236974 ID: 6550ad
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Tiak selects the "Copy" option, and a port opens on he front "drawer" of the cabinet. Tiak plugs his PDA to it and the computer instantly transfers a copy of all the Crew Roster data to the PDA. That way, Tiak can read it in a more discreet place any time he wants.

Wait... what's...
No. 236975 ID: 6550ad
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>Belint, just the man I was looking for. And in the place I was expecting to find you. We're going to have a little talk, Belint. I have some questions for you.
No. 236976 ID: 6550ad
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>And believe me, I'm going to get answers.

No. 236983 ID: 7d8185

No. 237008 ID: e40e60


No. 237013 ID: f4963f
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No. 237034 ID: d677cc

Oh, hey, I just noticed. Colonel finds us on image 404.

There's some kinda joke there, I think.
No. 237109 ID: e40e60

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