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File 128389124433.png - (151.62KB , 490x631 , master-of_magic_01_001.png )
227540 No. 227540 ID: 43ec75

The Voices Orb, a powerful artifact used to give councel to powerful wizards.
The Magic Book, holder of powerful spells and wisdom

with these two artifacts, a new wizard has been born in the realm.
now you must chose this new wizard skill, abilities and folowers:

Points (12):

Race(Must Pick 1):
- Barbarian
- Gnoll
- Halfling
- Human
- High Elf
- Klackon
- Lizardmen
- Nomad
- Orc
Three Point Races:
- Beastmen
- Dark Elf
- Draconian
- Dwarven
- Troll
936 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 300102 ID: cfb5d5

It could just as well result in her becoming an overconfident megalomaniacal bitch who doesn't listen to us. I advise caution.
No. 300103 ID: eba49f

The chains are likely linked to her powers in some way, because they are attached to her tattoos, which also seem to be associated with her powers. And since the nomad princess (unless she was lying) broke the barrier on Fireclaw's power, it is fairly likely they do something useful.
No. 300122 ID: cfb5d5

Can we use our magic perceptions to locate/identify where the other end of these chains go ?
No. 300553 ID: f0e3ae

but we have no idea what we are doing... "lets smash stuff in her brain because she has issues" MIGHT fix her, but seems more likely to make her worse.

We can convince her that having magic capable underlings is beneficial to her once she awakens rather then taking such a risk
No. 301350 ID: b6ca92

Does anyone else feel like we've been blundering about uselessly here? How'd it get to be like this?
Do we have a quest-dis?
No. 301375 ID: 7a9131

No. 307440 ID: 870c03
File 130662940883.png - (779.58KB , 1126x889 , master-of_magic_01_115.png )

chains bind self define change break repair
No. 307442 ID: 07416a

...Chains bind the self and define the self. We can change them, break them, or repair them.

That's my interpretation.
No. 307448 ID: a01cf8

The circle has words on it, in the upper right is says magic and in the lower left it says knowledge.
No. 307454 ID: 35e1a0

top left says power. but are these restraints or goals or amplifiers? would breaking them all make her more powerful? or would fixing them do that?
let's use
Define Magic
No. 307459 ID: 00d3d5

What's in the lower right?
I'm tempted to say to break the barbed wire, but the chains are making her bleed.

Maybe we should fix the concepts she's attached to?
No. 307468 ID: 856690

Rather than breaking, see if we can drag them with her!
-Her form draped with chains, not bound, but loose, the chains are hers, she is not the chains, pull and hold, chaos in the links. Remember You are and were Fire Claw, a Gnoll, but NOW You are the Mistress of Fire and Chains, AWAKEN!-

Madcap attempt at breaking the chains, freedom/ultimate personality wipe, fixing them maintaining self, then changing them so that they drape themselves on her form, seizing power.
No. 307473 ID: a01cf8

I think its whats important to her,
Magic and Knoweldge are both very clear and readable.
Power isn't as important but could be repaired to make it much more so.
The one in the lower right isn't to important right now and isn't readable, so it could be repaired or changed to something else.
No. 307479 ID: 07416a

Repair the words, LENGTHEN the chains, cut away the barbed wire.
No. 307482 ID: 7aedd2

Part of me says that we should just assist her in whatever she's trying to do. We might not know enough about everything to justify an educated guess. Other than that... this >>307479
No. 307493 ID: 35e1a0

okay why is everyone saying to take an action right now when we can use define and maybe get a better idea of what is happening?
No. 307496 ID: f0e3ae

no clue... we got lucky and this is ridiculously oversimplified so we have 50% chance of destroying her and 50% of improving her... But we are still going "durr hurr lets break shit in her brain and hope it improves her"
No. 307504 ID: 07416a

Define EVERYTHING. More information is required.
No. 307507 ID: 099797

I think 'defining' might mean more than just looking at it more closely. It likely makes it more prominent as well. So we should try slightly defining something we would like in focus anyway (if that is what it does), like Magic. We should also avoid breaking things that we don't know the function of.
No. 307508 ID: 870c03
File 130663810512.png - (160.56KB , 500x363 , master-of_magic_01_116.png )

MAGIC flows stream holds material binds word chains creation magic was first with material created world not hold properly separated two realities six types

EVERYTHING concept sum of all individual parts contrary nothing, fireclaw not everything not nothing

BLOOD material concept erroneous not part of soul representation hint not there
No. 307509 ID: 35e1a0

define chains
define barbed wire
No. 307510 ID: 07416a

... Clever thing.

Define chains. Define barbed wire.
No. 307512 ID: 870c03
File 130663892094.png - (162.80KB , 500x363 , master-of_magic_01_117.png )

CHAIN material concept representation bind concept self to identity chain natural everything to material self to immaterial self

WIRE different chain put there added holds self unnatural

wire chain meld new self change sum of change makes self
No. 307515 ID: 35e1a0

define broken concept
break barbed wire
No. 307518 ID: 07416a

Cut barbed wire. Carefully.
No. 307520 ID: 099797

Wait, before breaking the wire, there is something we should check. At least two of the wires have non-chain connections, (one to MAGIC and one to POWER), so the wires might be forming new chains, which are apparently useful
Delay [break wires] order
Define [non-chain strands] (the yellow lines between the concepts and Fireclaw that are not chains)
While we are at it, Define [white winged thing]
No. 307524 ID: 870c03
File 130664075119.png - (176.54KB , 500x363 , master-of_magic_01_119.png )

WIRE reacts intention cut form connections

LINES weak links represent use help connection concept cannot hold if chain broken

erroneous definition no WHITE no WING in representation
No. 307527 ID: c7dffe

Define SELF.
No. 307528 ID: 35e1a0

i think the broken one is trust!
define trust.
destroy wire!
No. 307529 ID: 07416a

CUT WIRE! Repair trust.
No. 307534 ID: 099797

As we speak some LINES appear to turning into WIRES, which are creating new LINES which are routing into the (CORE?). One one hand this is somewhat worrying, but on the other hand (Core?) seems to be glowing brighter, so they may be connecting her more directly to the magic.
Maybe try {Define} [CORE] (the thing that is glowing brighter as more LINES attach to it)?
We should not yet cut the WIRES, but we should see if we can {Halt} the LINE/WIRE growth until we can get a better idea what it is doing.
I am going to have to go to sleep now, try not to break stuff too hastily while I am not there.
No. 307547 ID: 870c03
File 130664797826.png - (327.94KB , 759x680 , master-of_magic_01_120.png )

SELF sum material and inmaterial binded magic everything fireclaw not self incomplete lack

TRUST dangerous trust lies trust kills dangerous trust lies trust kills dangerous trust lies trust kills dangerous trust lies trust kills dangerous trust lies trust kills dangerous trust lies trust kills dangerous trust lies trust kills dangerous trust lies trust kills THERE IS NO CORE OUT-enough... she is incomplete, immature... begone...
No. 307549 ID: 35e1a0

No. 307552 ID: 07416a

No. 307554 ID: 659a7b
File 130664959062.png - (442.25KB , 759x680 , master-of_magic_01_121.png )

The Eye bulges and expands outside fireclaw's soul, it cracks this dimension as it creeps closer...

you SImply don't have enough power here to DEstRoy me! she cant hear you anymore! BEGONE NOW!
No. 307555 ID: 659a7b
File 130664967612.png - (226.51KB , 585x478 , master-of_magic_01_122.png )

No. 307556 ID: 07416a

No. 307557 ID: 35e1a0

and this is why barbed wire is bad. let's remember that if we get a next time.
No. 307559 ID: 659a7b
File 130665026224.png - (213.78KB , 887x717 , master-of_magic_01_123.png )

No. 307563 ID: 7aedd2

No. 307565 ID: 07416a

Goodbye for now, Fireclaw. We'll be back. I promise.
No. 307566 ID: dad664

No. 307568 ID: 659a7b
File 130665191493.png - (292.77KB , 877x718 , master-of_magic_01_124.png )

Something... something is different... AUGH... why am I so hungry!?... oh? hey, what happened to you? where are the guards? and why is this place so bright? you know what, forget those questions, lets go eat a rat or something...

No. 307569 ID: 07416a

Welp. That's a thing. I like the new look.
No. 307570 ID: 35e1a0

i dunno if this is good or bad.
No. 307594 ID: 7aedd2

Our little fireclaw is looking a bit... Hot
No. 307612 ID: aff487

Bad without a doubt. Fireclaw's a damn living seal for some sort of Old One or the nearest equivalent. We're going to need to step lightly from now on.
No. 307622 ID: 099797

*Facepalm* Aww... I became one of those people. The ones who's attempts to study the mysterious and sinister event keeps them from destroying it before it grows uncontrollable. *shame*

At least it did not turn out nearly as badly as it could have. We blew a hole in our mountain, (and are possibly now in some sort of demonic pact), but Fireclaw seems sane, and she doesn't have any writhing tentacles or extra eyes.
No. 308819 ID: e39041

No. 308826 ID: e39041

dice 3d6+1

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