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272766 No. 272766 ID: 370692

140 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 274963 ID: 43d730

Other than that, I agree with >>274842
No. 274984 ID: 6cbed6

Seeing as the guy's prostrated himself, this course of action seems pretty reasonable.
No. 275019 ID: 370692
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"That was an, um... Well-fought. Battle." Marisa is not used to being polite."Now, why did you see fit to imprison Xavier?"
"Who?", the man responds.
"The bird in the other room, he told me his name is Xavier!"
"Ah. I did not learn his name. You see, I was exploring these caverns when I came across the bird looking around and grabbing papers in the study. He refused to cooperate and remained actively hostile, so I locked him in that cell; the key was already in the lock."
"And what did you do with the key?"
"I told the bird that I would throw it into that pool of water in the room east of the main chamber, in an attempt to frighten him into cooperation. It did not work."
"... Did you do it?"
"No, I kept the key. I still have it with me."
The man pulls out a key.
Well, what are the odds? Three different people just so happen to be investigating the exact same caverns at the exact same time! Anyway, Marisa has heard both sides of this little quarrel; The man says he was obligated to restrain Xavier, and Xavier simply says he was, 'overpowered.' What should she do?
No. 275071 ID: b6c6fc

I'm going to have to say trust the big guy,
besides, you might be able to use his help
No. 275077 ID: 1854db

What was he trying to get Xavier to cooperate with?
No. 275100 ID: 7979e6

yeah, what was he being uncooperative about?
No. 275164 ID: 815cd1

Yes this would be nice to know.
No. 275424 ID: 370692
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"Um, how exactly was Xavier acting, 'uncooperative?'" Marisa inquires.
The man responds simply,
"I requested from the bird at least some manner of civility and minor assistance in exploring the dungeon, but he refused and instead saw fit to impeed and insult me."
No. 275437 ID: 1854db

Sounds like a personality conflict. Let's have them kiss and make up.

Or just tell Xavier that he's our lap dog now and that he shouldn't fuck with us.
No. 275482 ID: d9ca51

You are not unreasonable. Tell the man to stay chill, guide him over to Xavier. As long as he's away from his sword, you can probably out-punch him.

Show Xavier key, tell him to quit playin you the fool. Prepare for a power-punch while demanding that both parties metaphorically let you out of the bag, because at least one of them is handing you garbage Marisa, meaning that they don't respect you or trust you very much. Which means that they might try something on you. Do not let your back turn on either of them.
No. 275610 ID: 370692
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Marisa decides to solve this little dispute. She drops the sword to the ground behind her and asks for the key, which the man gives to her without quarrel. She then tells the man to go back to Xavier's cell; the blindness spell should be wearing off by now, so he is able to find his way. Marisa follows after picking up her torch.
Marisa speaks as she holds up the key to Xavier's cell, instantly catching Xavier's attention,
"Alright, you two, I'm pretty sure that one of you here thinks that you can josh me around. Now, Xavier, this guy is telling me that you decided to be an asshole for no reason. What's your take?"
Xavier seems deeply offended,
"What?! I assure you, I would never do anything for which I had no just reason!"
"What was your reason?"
Xavier holds out his right wing-- or, at least, does so as best as he can,
"L-look! See what he did to my arm! It's broken! I may never fly again! All because of some rude, brutish intruder!"
Marisa looks to the man, who says,
"Ah. It may be that I exerted an unnecessary amount of force in bringing him to the cell, and in the process caused the injury."
No. 275621 ID: 1854db

Xavier calls the guy an intruder. Is this Xavier's home?
No. 275753 ID: b6c6fc

this Xavier dude needs to stop whining do much, I guess you might as well let him out
No. 275797 ID: 370692
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Marisa asks,
"Xavier, do you live here?"
Xavier is taken aback,
"Wha-! Uhm- no!"
"But you called this guy here an 'intruder.'"
"That's... because he is intruding upon these important ruins, intending to steal that which is not rightfully his!"
The man chimes in to say,
"Yes, I my intention was to recover valuables from this dungeon."
Marisa changes the subject for a moment,
"Xavier, if I let you out of the cell, will you stop whining like a bitch?"
Xavier is, yet again, taken aback,
"W-wha-! Whining!? Look! Did you not see my arm!? I have every right to be discontent!"
Xavier's face is getting red.
No. 275798 ID: 7979e6

Ruin loot goes by the ancient "First dibs" accord, fail to sympaphize with archeology boy.
No. 275806 ID: 28e94e

Xavier is full of shit
No. 275811 ID: b6c6fc

tell him to suck it up, or you're just going to leave him here
No. 275813 ID: 370692
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Marisa crosses her arms and says,
"Xavier, I think that you're full of shit. As far as I'm concerned, ruins loot follows the tried and true, 'first dibs,' accord, and I will be getting first dibs on any loot I find in these ruins."
Xavier gets slightly more hysterical and says,
"Okay, okay! You can take whatever you want from here! Just, please! Let me out!"
What should Marisa do?
No. 275816 ID: d9ca51

'Really, so none of this is yours huh? I do believe that makes you an intruder as well.' Cross your hands over your chest hun. 'Hey strongman, you got a name?'

Think about it, if you need any heavy lifting or hauling of particularly large and perhaps profitable goods/artifacts, strongman there is probably useful. And, if he already knows you can whoop him, he's a little less likely to try anything. Just make sure to offer him a portion of the resulting money and he's even MORE likely to respect you and therefore not only not kill you in your moment of vulnerability if you ever have one, but possibly rescue you.

Just emphasize the partnership part of the bargain, introduce each other properly, and apologize for roughing him up since it looks like he's a jolly fine gentleman.

Also, once done, realize that generally people who venture into places like this are usually combat-capable. Try to discern the avian's combat abilities with your lovely cat powers. I imagine he's likely a rogue, which is not safe for you to be with seeing how he's already shown an aggressive streak. Here's the point where you ask Xavier what he's capable of and try to see if he's telling the truth. Listen for voice inflection and other possible signs of falsities.
No. 275822 ID: 370692
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A thought comes to Marisa. She says,
"Wait, I just realized... Aren't you intruding here too?"
Xavier remains red in his face when he responds,
"A-ah...! No, I found this place and intended to simply investigate, not desecrate it!"
"Mmhm," Marisa turns to the man and asks, "Say, I just realized that I don't know your name?"
He responds, "Amin Themba. I hail from the plains to the southeast."
"I see. Amin, my name is Marisa. I apologize for our fight. What would you say to a partnership, lasting at least until we find the treasure here and leave the dungeon? We could split the earnings, 70/30."
"Why, of course. I do not intend to leave here empty-handed."
Marisa nods and asks another question,
"Amin, was Xavier armed when you restrained him?"
"No, the bird had no weapons that I could see. He did not put up much of a fight when I dragged him here, either."
Maris turns to Xavier and says,
"Xavier, most people that go exploring places like this are usually combat-capable. What can you do?"
Xavier replies,
"Nothing! I don't know how to fight, hell, I can't even hold a normal weapon! And now I couldn't even use an avian weapon, because this brute broke my arm!"
As far as Marisa can tell, Xavier isn't lying. He's very angry, but not he's not lying.
No. 275824 ID: 99433a

...I don't really want to deal with him.
No. 275826 ID: b6c6fc

tell him you'll let him out when you and muscles decide to leave this place, until then he can just sit pretty
No. 275828 ID: 7979e6

check your runes for something for healing, theres no point being vindictive to the bookworm, see if you can't help the wing, once you get with the dungeon lootin though, wing boys on his own, oh and let the silly bastard out.
No. 275836 ID: 1854db

Hmm, something just occurred to me. Those notes we found... do they belong to one of our new buddies? Read 'em!
No. 275910 ID: 370692
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Marisa doesn't know enough runic to cast any healing spells.
Ultimately, Marisa decides to leave Xavier in the cell for now. She says as she and Amin are leaving the room,
"Well, Xavier, I think we'll just leave you here until we find some loot. Sit tight."
Marisa picks up the bag and torch and gestures for Amin to go.
However, just as they are about to leave, Xavier wails in utter desperation,
"No, please, wait! Please, don't leave me here! I'll do anything! Please don't leave me to rot!"
No. 275928 ID: 815cd1

"I know you're not deaf, so let me rephrase that for you: we'll be back to let you out when we find some loot."

Attempt to leave again. If he continues to be a baby about it, then roll your eyes and relent to letting him out while uttering something in disgust, like "Fiiiine, you big chicken!"

...Say, does that key work on all three cells, or just that one?
No. 275985 ID: 1854db

Okay, if he'll do ANYTHING then let him out on the condition that he plays nice with Amin and follows your orders. Also tell Amin to play nice as well.

Become mighty leader! Also first thing to do is unlock that third cell and check out the chest.
No. 276280 ID: 370692
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Marisa starts walking again after saying,
"I know you're not deaf, so let me rephrase that for you: we'll be back to let you out when we find some loot."
Xavier drops to his knees, leans against the bars and starts crying. Tears roll down his face as he wails,
Marisa rolls her eyes and relents to the pathetic display.
"Fiiiine, you big chicken!"
As she unlocks the cell, she asks Amin if the key works for any of the other locks, to which he replies, "No."
The cell door squeals open, and Xavier falls to the floor outside in a heap. He has stopped crying, but still chokes out a few soft sobs.
"Well, Xavier," Marisa says, "You'll start with hauling around some my stuff. Like the bag and the torch."
Marisa dumps the bag next to Xavier's head but he continues to lie on the floor.
"Up ya go..." Marisa says as she brings Xavier to his feet and pats him on his back. He remains silent.
Marisa could ask Amin about the caves, she could take a closer look at the papers outside, or she could do something else.
No. 276315 ID: 1854db

No. 276408 ID: 252e1b

Can't you splint Xavier's wing?
No. 276639 ID: 370692
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Marisa hasn't been able to find any materials to make a splint for Xavier, and Amin says that he did not find any, either.
Marisa decides to finally take a look at the scattered papers. They are all still written in runic; in fact, they seem to have been written by someone that was still learning the language, as the sentences are very simple.
Most of the entries are undated. One entry mentions how the author stumbled upon this dungeon and decided to make it some kind of, 'secret base.' The author mostly talks about how they are learning runic, but there is a series of entries that are a little more interesting; they describe the author having a visitor whom the author then entrusted with a key to a treasure. The author then instructed the visitor to enter the, 'next room over,' from his study. The latest entry is dated, and reads,
"All entries from now on shall be dated." This entry was apparently written... five days ago. Amin says that the papers were being gathered by Xavier, but he must dropped them while being taken to the cell. Amin goes on to tell Marisa of his time in the caves:
Amin entered the caves through the hole in the base of the mountain. He explored and eventually found Xavier in the study behind the stone door to the right. Once he had place Xavier in the cell, Amin explored the underwater caverns below, finding only two levers that he believes control the doors to the cells and to the study, his reasoning being that he pulled a lever and came back up to find the right door sealed. From there, Amin entered the cell room and met Marisa.
Seeing that the only unexplored part of the caves is behind the sealed door, Marisa asks Amin to go back underwater and open the door. Amin leaves to do that, leaving Marisa and Xavier to wait.
Xavier remains quiet as he holds the torch and the bag. Should Marisa try talking to him?
No. 276657 ID: 1854db

Stare at him silently. After a bit of that, ask about himself. Like where he came from.
No. 276658 ID: 2ea108

Christ, don't make him carry things in his broken arm. That's just cruel.
No. 276990 ID: 370692
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Marisa notices that Xavier is carrying the bag with his broken wing and quickly takes it from him, saying that he shouldn't stress an injured limb. He remains quiet. Marisa waits and stares at Xavier for a little while before finally deciding to break the ice.
"So, Xavier... How did you come to be here?"
At this, Xavier springs to life and begins a monologue that sounds suspiciously like it was rehearsed.
"I am Xavier Dourdin, of the town of Dourdina, named after my great-grandfather, a masterful statesman and hero to the country of Rothe. I have been educated in almost all the finer..." Xavier seems to have forgotten his line, but quickly continues, "...things, though I am currently pursuing a career in cartography. I..."
Xavier continues to drone on about the many achievements of his family, something that Marisa completely ignores and makes her wish that she hadn't said anything.
Much to Marisa's relief, the large stone door slides out of the way, allowing access to the rest of the cave. Marisa can see a single large lever to the left wall as well as three different entryways inside. She can sense something through the middle doorway. Marisa has the bag with the stone and the worthless pennies, and Xavier has the torch.
No. 277029 ID: 815cd1

Quietly withstand Xavier's babbling with an irritated grimace on your face until Amin gets back, then go see what that something is down the middle path.
No. 277031 ID: 1854db

Tell him to shush. There's something ahead.
No. 277316 ID: 370692
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"Shut up!" Marisa whispers loudly at Xavier, who does what he is told, if not slightly hurt.
Without Xavier talking, Marisa can hear signs of relaxed breathing, like something is sleeping, coming from the middle cavern. If whatever is slumbering was not woken up by the relatively loud stone door, then Marisa doubts that any sound short of shouting would wake it from here. It may take Amin some time to return to the group, so Marisa could wait, or she could do something.
No. 277317 ID: 1854db

Tell him not to scream or anything. Then go sneakily investigate the breathing.
No. 278025 ID: 370692
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Marisa quietly tells Xavier to keep shut, because there's something sleeping here. Xavier gets a frightened look on his face but stays silent. Marisa slowly stalks up to the middle portal and steps through. It is too dark to see anything, but when Xavier joins her, his torch sheds light on the room.
There would appear to be some sort of massive, carniverous creature slumbering here. A pile of bones sits off to the side. Hmm.
No. 278098 ID: 1854db

Use sneaky catlike stealth to go grab that golden ring from the skeleton.
No. 278544 ID: 370692
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Marisa whispers to Xavier to stay still and quiet. Silence is his reply. She carefully sidles over to the carcass to investigate something glimmering among the bones. Marisa fishes out a small golden key. Perhaps this is the way to access the treasure chest! Suddenly, Xavier begins spluttering something in attempted warning. Marisa can sense something moving behind her.
No. 278601 ID: 815cd1

I had a feeling that thing was a light sleeper.

Okay, reach down with your free hand, pick up that skull, then throw it behind you. At about 8 o'clock, it looks like. Hopefully it'll connect and stun the beast long enough for you to dart back to the entrance.

Then prepare for epic battle scene.
No. 278614 ID: 1854db

Turn around, prepare firepunch. This thing is PROBABLY going to try to eat you but if not we shouldn't fuck with it.
No. 278655 ID: 28e94e

Yeah, this.
No. 278687 ID: d9ca51

No one has any medical know-how. If you break any bones or get any nasty wounds in this hole, you're going to be a dead kitty.

So try to vault over that thing or otherwise dodge it, tell the bird to run for it while doing so. Then run for it yourself; you're gonna need Amin for this one.
No. 278776 ID: 370692
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Marisa hears a low growl behind her. Her eyes widen in a mix of various feelings including surprise and fright, and she acts almost on instinct.
"Run!" She shouts to Xavier, who complies before she has even finished ordering him. At the same time, Marisa snatches up the skull and twists her arm in the direction of the beast in a single motion, releasing it and allowing momentum to bring the skull to meet with that of the creature's. The large animal flinches just long enough to allow Marisa to invoke a flame rune and deliver a firepunch directly to the monster's head, sending it recoiling and slightly singed.
This creature has very large, sharp and threatening teeth, powerful muscles, and powerful jaws. A close up confrontation like this may not end well, but the animal may be too quick to make fleeing very far an option.
No. 278784 ID: 7979e6

animals traditionally are scared of fire right? FIRERUNE IT UP! or even wave a torch at it.
No. 278862 ID: 1854db

We only need to flee far enough to get support from our very large ally.
No. 278875 ID: 370692
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Marisa grabs the key and the bag and backs away to the exit while trying to scare the animal by waving a flaming fist, but the beast seems unfazed by the fire. She decides that a tactical retreat is in order, and rushes out to the instersecting cavern. The beast will likely be following behind Marisa in short order, and she can't sense Xavier or Amin nearby. They may close, or they may be far. Marisa may not be able to go far enough to find out.
She could do a number of things:
Go through the left or right caves in hope of refuge,
Back to the sloped cavern outside,
Pull the lever in desperation, or
Do something else. As a reminder, the bag still contains a rock and a sizable stack of pennies.
No. 278878 ID: b6c6fc

you could try hiding in the water, it might not follow you there
No. 279038 ID: 28e94e

Wait, how far is it to where Amin is? He's our best chance at survival if we can get to him.
No. 279059 ID: 370692
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Well, when Amin opened the door, he was underwater and essentially at the complete opposite side of the entire caverns. He likely started coming back to the rest of the group after the door opened, so he may be close enough to help in time.
The closest source of water to hide in may not be close enough to help.
Quickly, make a choice! Where should Marisa run to?
No. 279071 ID: b6c6fc

well if Amin just came from the water, that's the best way to go, either you'll get to the water and have a place to hide, or you'll find Amin on the way

it's win/win
No. 279130 ID: 370692
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Marisa decides to go for possible assistance. Just as she starts sliding down the slope, she sees Amin entering the room, and it becomes apparent that his dress-thing can also be worn as a cloak. Nevertheless, Marisa shouts out a warning and stops on level ground when the beast jumps over the incline. When the creature comes close enough, Amin promptly uses its own momentum against it, running it through with his sword and then allowing it to slide off it and land on the ground.
No. 279134 ID: 370692
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Marisa breathes a sigh of release and says,
"Thanks, Amin. I found the treasure key, so we should finally be able to get the fuck out of this pit--"
Amin lifts Marisa up by the throat and begins throttling her.
No. 279138 ID: b6c6fc

well shit,
Bad End?

if you think you can slip out of his grip do that.
maybe ask for mercy or something, before he snaps your neck/impales you
No. 279139 ID: 28e94e

What the fuck? Kick his ass.
No. 279141 ID: b6c6fc

don't be an idiot, he's got her by the neck, and has his sword ready, he's already won

he probably just wants all the treasure for himself

honestly we should have seen this coming when he agreed to the 70/30 split
No. 279142 ID: 28e94e

We'll probably fail anyway, but this way there's still a non-zero chance of surviving (or at least wounding our killer).
No. 279148 ID: 1854db

How about a bit of LIGHTNING PUNCH?
No. 279170 ID: b6c6fc

he is already well aware of what Marisa is capable of! there is NO WAY he is stupid enough to let her hit him
struggling now is the WORST thing we could do, it would only provoke him into killing her immediatly

negotiation/begging is the best bet for survival in this
No. 279596 ID: ccdaf9

1) Super sad kitty eyes, try to look as adorable as possible. "Wuh-why Amin,why?" Sniffle to try and cover the fact that you're invoking a blinding rune to the face right after saying that.

2) I'm not sure how good you are at acting under pressure, but make the invocation look like you're muttering in fear, whispering it in a terrified voice from the shock while trying desperately to process what just happened and how you're scared and about to cry.

If steps 1 and 2 are successful, proceed to let the spell loose as soon as you can and then get the hell away from him!
No. 279599 ID: e973f4

Wow you're giving up after literally one bad turn.

I guess try >>279596 ?
No. 279615 ID: b6c6fc

technically it was not "one" bad turn it was a couple

and I'm not giving up, but if this dude plans to kill her, it's pretty much game over. (excluding external forces like xavier doing some shit or rocks falling

sure there are things we can try (fighting is probably the worst idea, unless he let's go of her neck) but pretty much everything at this point is pretty desperate, fighting especially because he already know all our tricks. he's ready for us to get violent. doing exactly what he expects is really stupid
No. 279631 ID: a41aaf

AC lightening punch: effective plan
DC lightening punch: VERY VERY BAD PLAN.
No. 279756 ID: 370692
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[also animated slightly]
Marisa tries to choke out some words.
"A-amin... W-what the h-hell--"
Amin interupts her, speaking in a deep, subdued, and powerful voice,
"I had hoped that the beast would be enough to end you, but I suppose that was but a foolish pipe dream."
"A-amin... we had a deal..."
Amin's voice takes on a nasty tone.
"Do you take me to be some kind of idiot? Do you take me to be some kind of fool?! Do you realize how mind-numbingly stupid it was of you to trust some random man that you met deep in a cave? You things make me sick. I will now be taking what is mine."
Amin proceeds to quickly shift his grip on Marisa so that he is able to snatch the golden key from her hand. She drops the bag with the stone and pennies, which scatter on the floor.
He also also strikes Marisa's jaw, interrupting her muttering of a runic invocation and prompting a response from him.
"Do you take me to be some sort of fool? Did you think that I was foolish enough to just allow you to use your arcane gibberish on me unimpeded?"
Amin then uses his strength to heave Marisa over his shoulder and proceeds to climb up the incline and to the jailroom.
No. 279762 ID: b6c6fc

sweet looks like he's not in a murdering mood


unless a brilliant opportunity comes up,
the dude was right, it was rather foolish to trust him, this was our bad, next time no mercy.

but this time let him lock us in a cell or what ever, and then plan our escape and vengance later
No. 279765 ID: 58db22


We could probably melt the bars of the prison easily.
No. 279883 ID: 370692
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Amin unlocks the door to the treasure chest and then opens the chest to reveal a diamond-shaped artifact. Amin picks it up wearing a greedy grin and says,
"And to think that you thought I would accept 70/30."
"What are you going to do?" Marisa asks, to which Amin responds,
"Kill you."
No. 279898 ID: 370692
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[Slightly Animated]

Amin then proceeds to drag Marisa down to the large pool of water. Xavier is here, apparently unconscious, his other wing now broken as well. Amin reveals his plans while chuckling.
"Oh, how delightful your deaths shall be. You, I shall drown in a pool of water. You will die a wet cat. I will lock the other one in the cell, and he will die a caged bird."
Amin proceeds to force Marisa's head underwater as she struggles. There must be some way out of this. There must be.

[End Cutscene]
No. 279911 ID: 58db22

Thunderpunch the water!
No. 279919 ID: b6c6fc

and fry her own head? wow what a brilliant idea.
yah let's not do that

Marissa, you mentioned you had water spells, maybe you could caste one of those? you weren't very specific.

a water breathing spell would be nice for a bluff, but maybe a water blast to the face could destract him enough to let go of you

another plan could be, to go full force into the water, since he's expecting you to struggle out, maybe going strait in will surprise him,
No. 279945 ID: 8d8786

Yeah, waterbreathing + going limp and pretending to be dead after a fit of struggling might be best, considering you're at about as much of a disadvantage as you could possibly be.
No. 279951 ID: 252e1b

Just kick him in the balls.
No. 279972 ID: 28e94e

He's going to expect that right now. He's not going to expect it when we do it to him 2 hours later.
No. 280962 ID: 370692
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A variety of thoughts run through Marisa's head, paralyzing her with indecision. She can't invoke any runes underwater, and she is physically outmatched. Marisa couldn't possible make it out of this by herself alive.
No. 280964 ID: 1f2692
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"In a heated combat? some awesome girl scout cookies would hit the---

No. 280965 ID: 28e94e

No. 280970 ID: b6c6fc

birdy broken arms: be a distraction!

Marisa: escape into the water the second he let's go
No. 281016 ID: 28e94e

You forgot that Marisa hates water and can't swim
No. 281644 ID: 370692
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No. 281648 ID: 1854db

Get a blinding rune prepared, then grab the sword. If the big guy comes out of the pool, blind him then skewer him.
No. 281649 ID: 45be60

Hide that sword.

Godspeed birdy. I hope you survive. you can't swim with two broken arms, but if you are descended from birds, you should at least float...
No. 281650 ID: b6c6fc

as much as it might be nice to believe Xavier some how killed Amin, with 2 broken arms

the odds of that are slim to none

blinding him won't work, we already know he's too smart for that now, he'll expect it

we can't take any more dumb chances like that

lightning punch that water, and fry amin before he get's out

do this now, you may not have another chance
No. 281690 ID: 815cd1

I support this. And even if Xavier is still alive and he gets fried as well, who really cares? I certainly don't.
No. 282219 ID: 370692
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Marisa thinks she knows that there is no way Xavier is still alive down there.


Marisa isn't really sure that she really cares about his death, really.

Nevertheless, the artifact is found. Marisa can not think of much else to do but go and figure out how to open the exit. Of course, she could always do something else to prolong her departure.
No. 282226 ID: d677cc

I feel a bit sorry for Xavier, but no use dwelling on it now.

I see no reason not to just truck on out of here.
No. 282231 ID: b6c6fc

Xavier gave his life so that you could live, it is wise to honor the dead

and you should pray for him once you get out of this blasted hole
No. 282295 ID: a41aaf

Beeeeter make sure Amin is dead.
No. 282549 ID: ccdaf9

Ten Rothan coins says your dear acquaintance Mr. Strongman isn't out of your hair-er...fur... yet.

I don't suppose our dear adventuress can hold a charge of rune-lightning rather than just unleashing it immediately, could she?
No. 282847 ID: 370692
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Marisa waits for a time to confirm the deaths. Nobody and/or no bodies come up. It is doubtful that either person could survive this long underneath. Marisa sticks the sword into the ground as a crude way to honor Xavier, and leaves with the artifact.
No. 282849 ID: 370692
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Marisa stands at the stone door. The shape of the indentation seems somewhat familiar.
No. 282853 ID: 28e94e

Open your inventory, look for any strange objects of obscure uses found earlier that might fit into the hole

oh wait wrong game
No. 282873 ID: d677cc

... the artifact opens the door, doesn't it.
No. 283339 ID: 370692
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Marisa stares at the indentation in the door for a short while before setting the artifact into place. The door rises and, after Marisa has stepped clear of it to the other side. it slides shut once more. Marisa stands in silence before fuming, lamenting how this entire escapade was nothing but an intense waste of time. She grasps at nothing as she makes her discontent known.
Quite suddenly, the artifact reappears in Marisa's open hand. Now, this is quite peculiar. Maybe this adventure wasn't a complete waste of time. Maybe it was just a big waste.
No. 283340 ID: 370692
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so we come to the end of Artifact Quest
as you may have been/be able to tell it is/was not the greatest thing ever but hopefully this can be a learning experience for all of us
I would really love it if at least some of you post your feelings on this
like, what you liked about it and what you didn't like
i'd like to know so that i can possibly improve in the future
No. 283364 ID: d677cc

It was fun, if kinda short. Art was nice, writing was fine, concept seemed workable enough.
No. 283379 ID: b6c6fc

well I really enjoyed, it
even the plot twist at the end

and I Hope for future adventures with Marisa!
No. 283456 ID: 1854db

Many fine lessons were learned. Thank you.
No. 283710 ID: 3d7a30


First off, excellent art and animation. The art style was well suited to the quest, the characters were distinctive and expressive. I think you’ve got the balance of complexity and sketchiness about right here, and you will only improve in time

My primary criticism is this: the protagonist didn’t save herself. Another character had to come along and do it for her. It was kind of frustrating because it made me feel she had no control over her own fate, and contributing to the quest was pointless.

Other than that the quest was, well, short. There was neither time nor space to develop a theme, a narrative or a world.

Overall an excellent start. I look forwards to more from you in the future.
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