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275605 No. 275605 ID: 383006

I've been stuck here for days. Nobody's come to rescue me. I'd have thought at least six or seven princes would have showed up by now.

Or, you know, one prince. Maybe a peasant who's secretly royalty or something.

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No. 275643 ID: 383006
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Yeah, I've got all that stuff you said. My tiara is made of steel. No whalebones or anything, and my dress is cotton. If I'd been wearing a corset, I think I would have thrown it down the hole by now.

I scrounged up everything else that looks useful. The femur, a decent rock, the pointy knife, some scraps of clean cloth from the hole, and the ladle from the water trough.

The shackle is so heavy I can barely drag it.
No. 275645 ID: 259738

Huh. Is the door iron or some kind of metal, or is it something flammable?
No. 275655 ID: 383006
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The door is big and metal. I don't think it would set on fire.

Any good plan? I can just wait until it's time for the food tray if you don't have any great ideas.
No. 275658 ID: 252e1b


No wire, then? Too bad.

Is your tiara shiny enough to act as a mirror?

The cell has two big avenues for escape, but neither of them are going to be very easy to exploit. Examine the bars on the window and check for signs of rust or rot in the mortar cementing them in place. Examine the door, and check it for what sort of lock it uses, if it is barred from the outside, and where the hinges are.
No. 275663 ID: 383006
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The lock and hinges must be on the outside of the door. I don't see them.

I check the window out. It's got big, sturdy bars. It's dark on the other side, so I can't make anything out.

My tiara is nice and shiny. I could probably use it as a mirror, sure.
No. 275668 ID: 252e1b


Great. You can use the tiara to look up through the slot when they open it at mealtime. You'll get a look at your guard, and maybe some of the hallway outside your cell.

I have a question about the water trough. Does it feed water in and drain it out constantly, or does the water just sit stagnant? If it's the former it may be possible to block up the drain.
No. 275672 ID: 383006
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It pours in through a little hole, and it's got a little drain thing. I'm supposed to use it to wash up, I think.

So, anything else, or do we wait for the food and then do the tiara plan?
No. 275673 ID: 259738

Can't really think of anything else you can try, unless you get lucky and someone actually opens the door.
No. 275677 ID: 383006
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Soon enough, the food comes.

The door-thing slides open with a loud, graty noise and i stick my tiara through. I can see some sort of cyclops with some armor on, and a blank hallway that just goes off in both directions.

"'Ey, you! Wot you doin' wiv dat shiny fing? I gots to give you dis 'ere grubs," the guy shouts. He's never talked to me before!
No. 275679 ID: 252e1b


The idea is to make them open the door. It would be helpful to know what's outside before we make an escape attempt, but it's not required.

Here's a plan for escape that you may want to use.

You can the scraps of cloth to jam the top and bottom slots closed. That will prevent them from being able to see you. Jam the water trough's drain and let it spill out. You want as much water all over the floor as possible.

They will attempt to deliver the meal. When they notice the slots won't open, they'll open the door to see what you did.

If you don't mind fighting and escaping without your dress, you can use it and the straw to make a dummy that you can place in the window, so that it appears you are escaping that way. That will distract them for a moment, possibly long enough for you to ambush them from the side and stab them.

If you can kill them, you get to keep trying to escape. If you can't kill them, you're probably going to get a beating and worse cell for your trouble.

You may want to wait for the next evening feeding time. Use this one, and the ones between it and the next night meal, to use your tiara to spy on your captors and try to get an idea of which way you will run.
No. 275683 ID: 383006
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I do this!

It works! He opens the door and rushes in, shouting -


Should I try to stab him, or just make a break for it?
No. 275685 ID: 259738

If he just left the door open, then make a run for it. That guy is huge, and I wouldn't count on being able to hurt him.
No. 275686 ID: 252e1b


If you think you can shut the door and lock it before he realizes that the dummy isn't you, then that is the safest course of action. If you are not sure you can do that, your only course of action is to trip him (that's what the water is for) and stab him in the throat once he is down.
No. 275687 ID: 383006
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I slip out as quick as I can, but, oh no! I can't move the door at all! It's way too heavy!

"'EY, WOTS ALL DIS DEN?" he is shouting more loudly and grabs the dummy!

Uh, the running plan or the stabbing plan? If the running plan, Left or Right? They both look pretty identical, no doors or anything, except left goes up and right goes down.
No. 275689 ID: 259738

there is no way you can trip that guy. Run.
No. 275690 ID: 259738

And left.
No. 275691 ID: 252e1b


It's easier to trip people who have forward momentum. Now he will turn and look around for you, and not start moving forward again until he sees you or he is satisfied that you are not in the cell at all.

Hide by the door, and wait for him to come rushing out. Use his forward momentum against him, and trip him. Body check his leg if you must. His feet will be wet, so it will be easier for you.

You can guess roughly where he will be when he lands. Be ready to stab him in the neck then.
No. 275692 ID: 55c4cf

Go left.
No. 275694 ID: 383006
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The Door opens up into some giant ball room

There is another door in front of me and a huge set of stairs that go up to a balcony. There's another set on the balcony that go way up to another hallway
No. 275696 ID: 252e1b


A ball room connected directly to the dungeon? These people are fond of trials, or of other spectacles during parties that require prisoners... or the room you were in was not originally a prison cell.

Try the doors. Listen for anyone on the other side, and then see if you can open them.

If you can't open the doors, you need to hide on the balcony while still leaving an indication that you ran through the door. Cut a scrap from your slip and stuff it between the crack in the doors, so it looks like your slip was caught when you escaped that way.
No. 275697 ID: 55c4cf

I want to go up. Forever.
No. 275698 ID: 383006
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I try the door and it opens! The room is dark... I'd better be quiet.

Looks like a big, four poster bed.

I hear some shouting and clanging coming from down the stairs behind me! What should I do?
No. 275700 ID: 55c4cf


Take the candle, examine bed, look for window.
No. 275701 ID: 252e1b


A bedroom attached directly to the ball room. Must be for those kinds of parties. Now I'm sure your captors aren't much into trials.

You're pretty light. I think you could climb up and hide in the canopy of the bed. It's the best option that I can see, since they'll likely think to look under the bed.
No. 275702 ID: 7979e6

hopefully the canopy can support your weight, I have to agree that they ALWAYS check under the bed, at least if they're remotely genre savvy.
No. 275703 ID: 383006
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I grab the candle. Sure enough, there's a window. Also, looks like somebody's sleeping in the bed. I quickly climb up into the canopy as I hear that cyclops mucking about in the ball room.

I hear the figure shuffle under the covers.

No. 275704 ID: 55c4cf


Hope it isn't the giant baby from clocktower. Try and open the window.
No. 275705 ID: 252e1b


Try it AFTER the ogre searching for you has gone away and the kid in this room falls back asleep.
No. 275706 ID: 7979e6

once it settles down, check who our bedded companion is! if they're a prisoner too we must be so annoyed by how much nicer their room is than ours.
No. 275708 ID: 383006
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The doors bang open and the place floods with light! I quickly blow out the candle!

"Oi! Princess!" It's the Ogre!

The sleepy figure groggily peeks out of the canopy.

"Gorok, what the fuck are you doing in my bedroom!" she shouts sleepily and also indignantly

"Oi! Princess!" the ogre shouts, Dat Princess Violet Done Got Out and I fought she dun runned up here!"

"Well, she's not in my fucking bedroom, you goddamn idiot, see?"

She pulls the sheets away from the underside of the bed. Good thing I didn't hide there!
No. 275711 ID: 259738

Wait for the ogre to leave before doing anything else.
No. 275712 ID: 252e1b

You have to wait this out. There are no clues indicating that you're anywhere else, but as the enemy princess is both sleepy and bitchy, Gorok won't search this room very much.
No. 275714 ID: 383006
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The Ogre leaves, slamming the door behind him, but the black haired girl doesn't go back to bed! She throws open the casement and stares out into the night, sighing.

"Stupid, trouble-causing Violet. Why doesn't somebody come rescue her already or something? Such a pain. Now I'm fuckin' awake."

She exhales.
No. 275715 ID: 252e1b


I dislike murder, but you need a good distraction if you're going to escape the castle. Shove the enemy princess out the window.
No. 275716 ID: 259738

We don't even really know who she is. That seems kind of excessive.
No. 275717 ID: 7979e6

See if you can't steal her clothes while she's distracted being underdressed... or I dunno, just deprive her of all chance of getting clothing at any point.

this is obviously working towards the end of a CUNNING DISGUISE, and is in no way to make sure bigtitie....er... black hair girl is naked for a while.
No. 275719 ID: 383006
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I sneak down and get in front of her wardrobe for some reason. I don't think I could open it up without her noticing. I don't really want to violently murder someone, but there has to be some way I can use this to my advantage.
No. 275720 ID: 252e1b

Well if murdering an enemy is totally unacceptable then you can wait for her to go back to sleep and try escaping then, or you can take her hostage and use her as a bargaining chip to escape. There's also the option of trying to befriend her and then asking her to help you escape, but that probably has a very remote chance of actually working.

You're in a good position to take her hostage. If you want to do that, stick the knife to her throat (try not to hurt her) and tell her not to make a noise. Then interrogate her for information about secret exits from the castle (all castles have these).

If she starts making noises, grip the loose skin at the front of her neck, pull it forward, and put your knife through it. That will bleed a lot, and it will be messy, but you will not have given her a fatal wound. Tell her to shut up again. If that doesn't work, then I am afraid you'll need to kill her.
No. 275721 ID: 7979e6

lets not hurt her, that seems excessive, plus I think the size difference would make such a manouver awkwerd at best, that and she could hip-bump us into oblivion by the look of it.

Still, threatening her in the nervous ohgodnotreallysurewhatimdoing way of a princess who'se never touched a real weapon in her life might work... maybe.
No. 275723 ID: 55c4cf

Spank her.
No. 275724 ID: 252e1b

If she's too big for you to get to her neck, put the tip of the blade against her spine and tell her that if she makes a sound you'll make it so that she never walks again. Then interrogate her for escape routes and such.
No. 275725 ID: 383006
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I slip up behind her and put the knife against her throat.

"Bitch if you cross me I will bleed you," I whisper, "nice and slow."

"Fuckin' shit, you are one gangsta bitch" she says exhaling slowly and raising her hands.

Okay, I got her.
No. 275726 ID: 55c4cf

use her stuff to make a rope and escape out of window.

Wonder why she is so naked even though it is of little important.
No. 275727 ID: 7979e6

quickly check if they're real, then try to get the hell out of dodge, it's about time we made this quests name a misnomer!
No. 275728 ID: 252e1b

Ask her about secret passages, the walls, location of patrols, gates in the walls, and likely escape paths from the castle.

You'll likely want some money for your escape. Might as well rob her.
No. 275729 ID: 383006
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I make a bedsheet rope and ABSCOND with that bitch! We are out of there!


No. 276040 ID: 701a19

A chapter 2 would be nice.
No. 276136 ID: c00b0d

>enemy princess

This makes me want to make a setting where the final rite of passage to adulthood for being a princess is to kidnap another princess successfully. I am probably overanalyzing this.
No. 276162 ID: 40cb26

The other princess is still right there. Just saying.
No. 276214 ID: 2ea108

Fuckin' boss! No one messes with Princess Violent V!
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