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33534 No. 33534 ID: 9e9b47

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No. 44209 ID: f4963f

... not from you. D:
No. 44213 ID: 6164e0

Well HELLO, Zealot.

So, we meet.
No. 44223 ID: 9e9b47
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Come now. Don't be like that. I can't imagine what I've even done to earn your ire.



Mt. Moon. I know that Brother has fallen somewhere inside. He's in a state where he can't get himself back out again. I suppose I've got to enter the place and find him. He could die and that would be badbadbad.
No. 44228 ID: f4963f

no!!! bad is bad!
find stevey person! in mountain!
DEEP in mountain! is good!
No. 44243 ID: 6164e0

Well, he is deep underground, and was rendered unconscious by a genetically engineered and freakishly powerful psychic pokemon. He managed to neutralize the beast, but is trapped, his pokemon unconscious as well, deep in the mountain, near a stream, after having fallen through a hole in the ground due to lack of light.

So, how did you know of our existence? Usually those who can hear us are rather freaked out at first.
No. 44254 ID: 9e9b47
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I agree. I begin heading into the mountain.


I know all of that.
You are the voices in my head. Sometimes you're interfering but that's just when I ignore you.


On the way I cross a young trainer. The little fool is blundering around for his glasses right now. I can hear his pathetic sniveling as he crawls about. He aparrently lost a match and his glasses. I take out a knife and grip it eagerly in one hand...

One quick diversion... is alright? Brother should be fine... Brother has a thick skull...
No. 44258 ID: 6faa8c

For fuck's sake, no need to kill anyone. In, get bro, out.
No. 44260 ID: f4963f

Feh. The boy is pathetic, isn't he?

But isn't his miserable failure of a life, the crushed hopes and dreams as he fails horribly to become a Pokémon champion, and the nights he will spend sobbing himself to sleep so much more pleasantly miserable than the simple act of ending his life?

Also, Brother needs you. Find Brother, Zealot.
No. 44261 ID: 8b14a1

A diversion is not fine too. No killing people right now, Brother is in danger.

...Just kick him while he's down. Maybe laugh a bit. Then be on your way.
No. 44278 ID: 01383e

hey, you know what you should REALLY do?

steal the lenses from his glasses.
No. 44286 ID: f4963f

Steal the lenses from his glasses. Then give them to him.

Smile a little, and twist your head a little creepy.

Then be on your way.
No. 44289 ID: 9e9b47
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You're right, you're right... Brother could be bleeding or something. I can't tell that exactly. I will let him live for the present moment.


I DO however deliver a swift kick to his stomach and steal his glasses. Fool. Bloody fool. Nearly all the people in this world don't even deserve the power they wield. The urge to plunge the knife into his heart is strong. Like with all people I can hear his blood singing in his veins. The song is strongest around the heart. It would be so easy to... stop that song...

I must continue on. Badbadbad. Mother only touched the nicest of boys. I reach a crack in the wall. I can hear the faint song of his blood down below. The ringing melody of his life. Oooooooh brother..... brotherbrotherbrotherbrother if you are dead I will end a symphony.

There is a hole in the room beyond the crack. I slide down, and catch the edge at the bottom. Now, the only question in my mind is where to bring Brother when I reach him.
No. 44293 ID: f4963f

The other side of the mountain, Zealot. He must proceed to Cerulean. To the next gym. To feed his lust for power. His lust for battle.

But let's not make this too convenient for him. Let's put him up on a cliff facing Cerulean~
No. 44299 ID: 6164e0

Perhaps to the entrance of Mt. Moon, where someone will stumble on him and rouse him? He might think this all a dream, and not question his safety.
No. 44330 ID: 9e9b47
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Leave him there? I could do sosososososo much with Brother if I brought him with me though... I could teach him.... mold him... we would connect and we would become the same.

Those others. Those girls. They drive him mad. He is concerned for them, tries to save them from me and they SPURN? Brother is too good for those two. WHORE. SLUT. BADBADGIRLSBAD. Soft skin and soft breasts and soft thighs and soft hair but with nasty black souls. I bring a hand up to my mouth, and bite down on the fleshy part until I can control my temper. The nonexistant orgy of blood only my eyes can see fades back into the cave walls. The river. I see the river.

Brother's song is closer.
No. 44333 ID: f4963f

No, Zealot. When he is ready, he will come to you.

Deliver him outdoors. Leave a little memento. Perhaps a, mmm, photo of one of those girls. Yes.

Pinned with a knife.
No. 44392 ID: 9e9b47
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I suppose he's not QUITE ready yet. I will leave him for now.

The song is strong in this cave. I can hear the faint noises of something making a snarling noise down below. I ready a knife. Nothing down there is worse than me.

Death... death is what I had planned for the other new one from Pallet. Cory. He has potential. Not in the way brother does. I can feel his melancholy is a mask he wears. A lie for others. He has nearly as much ambition as Brother. If directed well he could be useful.

Brother too must be molded. As I must mold to him. I will sculpt my flesh in the epitome of that which I see within him.

Wandering thoughts. Errant dreams. Faded memories, burnt hard into the mind like a scar. Unanswered questions. How should I get down from here, voices?
No. 44394 ID: f4963f

Are those rocks climbable? Could you make it down and then up?

Though it might be hard to carry Brother up. Do we have rope? Perhaps a strong or large Pokémon of our own to relocate Brother? Do we know of an alternate route through the caves?

Any of these will work.
No. 44441 ID: 2cbe3e
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Yes, I have pokemon who could ring Brother up. I'll do that. The slope for now is even enough to take on foot. I do so.

When I get to the bottom I see Brother. His pokemon are scattered around him, none moving. Things are very quiet around here. This place makes me edgy. Brother's song is not waning. I can hear the singing of his blood right now. The crescendo that is his heart thunders out a tune to me, an orchestra that drowns out everything else.

What now? Any Questions? Anything else I should check? Go right to Brother?
No. 44445 ID: 6164e0

The pokemon are part of his strength. Check them, see how they fare. If he loses them, his lust for power might lessen, so preserving their existence is as important as keeping brother alive. If necessary, use potions or other restoratives to insure their survival, then return them to their pokeballs, and place the pokeballs back on brother's person.

After all, when he wakes up, having them will put his mind at ease, and only reassure brother that his thoughts are right, that his lust for power will not steer him wrong.

And we WANT brother to lust for as much power as possible, right?
No. 44452 ID: f4963f

... is there a purple Pokéball in the area, Zealot? We are, mm, very curious to know~
No. 44522 ID: 2cbe3e
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I do not see any sort of unusual-looking pokeball around here.


I check Brother's fallen pokemon. Seems his Charmeleon, Mareep and Nidorino will do just fine, they've just taken quite a beating. I'll go and return them...

Hmm. As I approach Brother's body, his Nidorina gets slowly to her feet and glares at me, placing herself between Brother and I.

Little cheeky bastard. I can hear the song of her heart, and though she is frightened she is also determined. I believe she can smell what I am but does not concern herself.

I am positive I can reach my knife faster than it can attack.
No. 44531 ID: f4963f

Now now. What would Brother think of us doing that to his tools? There will be plenty of deserving upstarts to kill later.

Return the insolent thing to its ball.
No. 44532 ID: 6164e0

The creatures are good at detecting intent.

Tell the creature you do not wish brother any harm, you want him safe, then slowly return it to it's pokeball.
No. 44535 ID: bffa2a


I'm sure you can curbstomp it even faster. Kick it a few times to establish superiority. Steve might still need his little toys, don't break them. When Steve is ready you can repay this slight on you by this dirty thing. Mayby Steve will do it for you as a test to see if he's ready?
No. 44551 ID: 2cbe3e
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I'll... not kill this thing. Brother does need a team to rely upon.


I do deliver it a swift boot to the face, however. It's obviously not expecting the attack, and cries out in pain as blood gushes from her snout. I find Brother's pokeballs and return the stupid thing. I find all the rest of his pokeballs and return the rest as well.

Just me and Brother... I feel, for the first time in a while, a bit more whole.

I know I am not sane. That's the only thing that keeps me completely together. I cannot help but end the songs of the others, for they are just fingernails digging into my spine, but brother's song is different. He is not pure like so many of the others. His heart harbors dark feelings, violent acts and sexual perversions. I drink in the song of his blood with my ear as I lay my head against his heart. For a contented moment, the song is all I comprehend.
No. 44555 ID: 6164e0


Well, this has been a nice moment, but you cannot risk him waking now, can you?

So let's bring him to the Pewter side entrance to mount moon, and leave him to be found by some trainer. He will wake, and wonder if this was a dream.

And in this dream, his savior could have been you.
No. 44558 ID: 43d730

Leave him a souvenir. A knife, perhaps.
Not anywhere important, just sitting nearby, or in his belt.
He might suspect, but this is the best way to confirm.
No. 44569 ID: f4963f

This is very important. You must steal his hand soaps.

Especially the purple one. That is the best. <3
No. 44865 ID: 43d730

Wait, I've got it.
Refill any empty whiskey bottles he has with urine.
Depending on his grogginess, it should be hilarious and inspire more hatred and perversion.
No. 47001 ID: 9e9b47
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His... hmm. Brother has multicolored, decorative, shell-shaped hand soaps on his person. I don't have much use for them but I'll take the purple one I suppose.


That is childish. A schoolyard prank.


His savior was myself in his dreams? I doubt it. Brother doesn't think we're as connected as I do.


Well, I find a pair of shorts in his pocket. I take those, and replace them with a knife. I also summon Tyranitar to help carry Brother out of here.

We reach the path leading out of the cave. This pokemon Brother has caught... will it make Brother strong? Or will it make him complacent? I have great hopes that Brother will treat it correctly.

Anything else I should do with brother? Anything else I should do before I drop him off, along with you voices of sanity?
No. 47012 ID: bffa2a

>with you voices of sanity?

Kiss brother, kiss him with tongue. Soon he'll be with you, forever.
No. 47079 ID: 01383e

give his shorts back.

if I understand you correctly, you're jacking his only change in underwear.
No. 47093 ID: f4963f

Keep the shorts. :D

Drop him off on a cliff overlooking Cerulean. Let him man his way there.
No. 47653 ID: 9e9b47
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...Yes I suppose it's positive I'm leaving you behind for blessed madness soon. To clarify, I have no romantic or sexual feelings for Brother. It just feels good to be with a kindred soul.


He can buy another pair of pants. Plus, if I do not have these, how can I truly learn to be more like the man?


Yes I'll keep them. I leave brother on a clif overlooking the city. I can see the glow from the buildings even up here. I return Tyranitar and get ready to...

Ohhh... look at that. Looking below, I spot a familiar shape. The boy Cory... the one who Brother fought at the beginning of his journey. Interesting. What should I do about this curious happenstance?
No. 47658 ID: f4963f

Let us foster competition and wrath between him and Brother. Brother needs a good... rival. Someone to antagonise him.

Let us greet this fool and tell him some delicious falsehoods. Let him know that 'Steve' has been mocking his progress and spreading lies about him. Give him reason to hate Brother, so that he will seek out Brother in the future.

Fostering antagonism between Brother and this man will harden Brother and bring him closer to Us.
No. 47660 ID: 06e0b1

i agree with this, also, scare him if you like but dont hurt him
No. 47735 ID: 15f6d6

Didn't you say something about wanting to get Cory to join Team Rocket?
No. 48850 ID: 2cbe3e
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Yes, I'll go and stir up a bit of antagonism! Perfect. I summon Crobat, and have him bring me down to the ground swiftly. The boy looks up when I land, but he doesn't say anything as I approach. "G-Greetings! You must b-be this C-Cory I've heard s-so much about."

He nods. "Yeah, I'm Cory."

He doesn't seem too concerned at my presence. This doesn't happen often. "I heard your n-name from that t-trainer back in Pewter City, Steve... he's b-been talking quite a lot about y-you, you know. I h-heard him talking to those g-girls about h-how he defeated your B-bulbasaur."

Cory looks completely unfazed. In fact, he looks a little bit bored. "Yeah, I'm not a great trainer. I know that. Also, I don't really care what Steve or those girls think about me. I actually feel bad for Steve. He doesn't have any friends, and he's kind of a drunk. Can I go now? I'd like to get to bed soon."

...damn. I've never met such indifference.


I was considering it, but I didn't think I'd run into the problem of the kid just not caring about anything. What should I do or say to Cory now?
No. 48862 ID: 01383e

honestly, this kind of indifference usually stems from extreme depression, or boredom. you'll probably have to fix one of those.

or he could just be high on something.
No. 48900 ID: d1210a

This.... indifference. It is troubling. Does his blood sing as others do, or is it also different?
No. 48905 ID: f4963f

This man is a lame rival. Clearly there's only one thing to do.

End his song.
No. 49217 ID: 9e9b47
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Blood singing differently is very rare. No, this one's blood is normal. He is just... very confident in himself. Not necessarily in his abilities.


All possibilities. I'm intrigued.

"T-tell me my b-boy, nothing seems to s-surprise you much. How a-are you such the unf-flappable lad?"

Cory shrugs. I'm interested that he doesn't seem more alarmed. Most people find unease in the mask. I can smell his mind though. Naive. He doesn't think there are people like me. "I mean, if I let things annoy me I'd be annoyed a lot. I just ignore stuff that bothers me, and that's a lot of stuff. I like this pokemon journey so far because it's what I want to do and there's hardly anyone around."


This one might not deserve to die. I guess it wouldn't be easy driving this one to hate Brother. I am honestly at a loss for what to do.
No. 49233 ID: 4553b2

It seems this one is beyond your reach then. Give him up, he is a lost cause. Not everyone need be part of the grander tale. Cory is content to sit on the side lines - let him sit aside.
No. 49237 ID: f4963f

Hrm. This one is tough, boss. It is hard to stir antagonism in one who does not feel frustration or pain.

Perhaps we are looking at this situation wrong. If we cannot fluster Cory into hating Steve, perhaps we can trick Brother into hating Cory. For his own benefit, of course.

Anybody have ideas? How could we do this?
No. 49247 ID: bffa2a


Naive, eh? Tell him he's a pretty cool guy and would he like to hang out with us for a while. We have such sights to show him. Best places to find pokemon, where to train them and how to carve dirty whores. After we are through with him he'll be a changed man. Will anybody be able to regonize him then?
No. 49529 ID: 64d98f

man fuck you hatas Cory is coo

focus on killing that bitch Judy
No. 52841 ID: 9e9b47
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Yes of course! I'll bring him along with me... hehehe... I'll teach him all sorts of things! "Y-young man, w-would you mind if I a-accompanied you to the t-town? I'm quite the p-pokemon trainer and c-could give you some t-tips."

Cory shrugs. "Sure thing. It'll be nice to have someone else along I suppose."


Both those badbadbad girls may need to be punished... we can't have some stupid bimbos, some AIRHEADS, some SLUTS to corrupt brother...
No. 52842 ID: 9e9b47
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Soon we'll be a family. I'll have Brother and we can be a family.
No. 52844 ID: 9e9b47


Topic to be continued in new thread.
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