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355404 No. 355404 ID: 3bd8ec

347 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 395215 ID: a83682

No. 395242 ID: 734c82

Tell him you're lucky that the town didn't quite get burned to the ground with all the stuff that's happened. Ask if there's anything else that needs to be done before you can be uncursed. Give him back the rest of his money, also.
No. 396087 ID: d6ae01
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"When I went into town, I got mugged. And kidnapped. And just when I thought I had that all cleared up, Eryhkeh went and turned into some giant monster thing and scared everyone off. I don't think having me do stuff while cursed is a good idea."

"Grrr. Whatever. I guess--"
No. 396088 ID: d6ae01
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"Wait. Did you say 'Eryhkeh?'"

"Yeah, she's waiting outside. She mentioned something about a bet?"

He stomps off without saying anything else.
No. 396089 ID: d6ae01
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It sounds like they're shouting at each other outside. Should I go see what's going on, or would that be a bad idea...?
No. 396092 ID: d6ae01

What? This isn't even a choice. Hug one of those snake-Dilias and get the hell out there!
No. 396093 ID: ed57e8

No. 396103 ID: 12c19f

Cattlesnake I say!
No. 396107 ID: affb00

More like cattledragon.

Oh god and he wanted a calf
No. 396110 ID: 12c19f


The pun is still there.

Also who cares we got him three full grown moolizards.
No. 396115 ID: affb00


Pun? What pun oh dammit
No. 396131 ID: 369d34

Go see what's going on, and bring everyone else, including the cow-lizard Lyskir is so enamored with, but stick just inside the doorway. Their argument might end with fireballs and lightning flying around, and having some thick masonry to hide behind would be prudent.
No. 396149 ID: 8e9e17

Well a little peek around the corner shouldn't hurt. Lets have a look!
No. 396160 ID: b85f8c

Lyskir looks like he's having fun. Ask him if he's having fun.
No. 396203 ID: 196d1b

Ask Lyskir why the cows look like him. They even have the slissa horns and the slissa colors and the slissa udders!
No. 396204 ID: 12c19f

>slissa udders

I beg your what.
No. 396469 ID: 97bd86
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What are you talking about? These are totally normal cows.

I think they're related to kliss-- slipper-- lizards in the same way sergals are related to wolves, but I'm no expert.

"Hey, uh, Lyskir... why do you like the cows so much?"

"cows are awesome okay"

Uhh... whatever.

"Saikhan... why are you on top of a cow?"

"I'm going to go figure out what's going on outside."

"Why does that involve riding on a cow?"

"It just does, okay?"

Zorig sighs.
No. 396470 ID: 97bd86
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I manage to coax the cow into walking up to where I can peek through the doorway.

Sure enough, they're shouting at each other. I have no idea what they're saying, though. Sounds like some other language.

"So what were you actually planning on doing about this?"

"I dunno."

Maybe I should have thought of a plan before --
No. 396471 ID: 97bd86
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No. 396472 ID: 97bd86
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What just happened?
No. 396474 ID: 196d1b

No. 396481 ID: ed57e8

look at her with puppy eyes and say "he was gonna break the curse."
No. 396486 ID: 063c28

holy fuck what

okay whether or not this turns out to be a prank, this is unconscionable.
No. 396493 ID: ed57e8

also looks like she cast BUSTA WOLF
No. 396505 ID: b85f8c

Complain that you were going to have that guy help remove your curse. Whine at Eryhkeh that now you're never gonna get it removed.

Whine really annoyingly.
No. 396509 ID: 369d34

Retreat behind the door frame, then ask Eryhkeh what the flying fuck was that?! Be prepared to run away really, really fast. She just might have gone mad with power.
No. 396609 ID: 2fa6b4

Make this face: O.V.O.........sorry, I know that wasnt very helpful, but I got nothing after seeing that.
No. 396660 ID: 12c19f

Make the biggest doe eyes and tear up, screaming about all the trouble you went through just for the angry giant shrimp lady punching out your only hope for being uncursed.
No. 396969 ID: 97bd86
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"Why did you do that?!"

"Hey, I just did you a favor."

"What?! How the heck was that possibly doing me a favor?!"
No. 396970 ID: 97bd86
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"He needed to loosen up a bit, I think. Plus, I won the bet. I totally get to do that anyway."

"Hitting him with a giant fireball isn't 'loosening him up!' And what bet are you talking about?!"

"Well, I guess it wasn't exactly a bet. More like a 'challenge.' I looked at it like a bet. Basically, I was Mister Giant and Green here's apprentice, or student, or whatever you want to call it, for a couple months earlier this year. It worked out okay for a while, but the guy has some depression problems because he got kicked out of the Cool Dragons Club or something and now nobody will talk to him. I tried to help him out--"


"Look, I really do do nice things for people sometimes. Anyway, we kinda got in a fight because he doesn't like talking about his problems and it ended with him telling me to go away and only come back when I was better at magic than him or something like that. I don't remember exactly but the important part was I had to beat him in a fight. And I totally did!"
No. 396971 ID: 97bd86
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"That's great for you, I guess. But he was gonna uncurse me! Now he's, like, dead in a crater or something!"

"Look, if I were better with curses, I could totally uncurse you myself, right now. Besides, he would've just kept adding weird tasks until he got frustrated with you and kicked you out because he can't deal with his stupid emotional problems. This is probably way better for you."

"How is not getting uncursed better?!"

"Trust me, okay? Like I said, I did you a favor."
No. 396974 ID: a83682

Call her a Naughty Slazzy.
No. 396975 ID: 12c19f

See if he's genuinely dead or just badly wounded. I think he's twitching.

Also glowing white hot. Definitely scorched something awful.
No. 396976 ID: 180ec2

Ask how you'll be able to do anything if you're still cursed! Also... is dueling actually legal here? Poke Rodozi with a stick.
No. 396977 ID: 265919

We should focus on hugging more, as hugging is the cure to our curse!

So hug anyone anywhere when available...
... like the depressive/slain dragon (if not totally dead) giving him some kind of sympathy!
No. 396979 ID: 12c19f


No. 396989 ID: 369d34

Er... I think that Big Green Dragon with emotional problems is about to rise out of the crater and drop the proverbial magic hammer on Eryhkeh's head. It would be prudent to put some distance between you two right now. Run over and hug Rodozi.
No. 396992 ID: b85f8c

Tell her she's got issues of her own if she thought that it was appropriate to blast someone with a fireball just because they bet they could beat them in a fight. There are less destructive ways to demonstrate that! Like pinning him down with a wall of force!
No. 397023 ID: 2fa6b4

Hug Rodozi and say you're glad he's ok.
No. 397132 ID: b6edd6

You probably shouldn't hug him at the moment. That tends to bad a bad idea with burn victims.
No. 397175 ID: 2fa6b4

I hate to admit it, but you're probably right. I withdraw my last statement.......with a lot of effort. >.V.<
No. 398679 ID: 97bd86
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I'm about to yell at Eryhkeh again when I notice it looks like Rodozi is climbing out of the crater.

... What the heck?

"Ughh... what on earth did I get hit by?"
No. 398680 ID: 97bd86
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"Um... are you okay?"

"I got this killer headache, but I think I'm gonna be just fine... wait, who are you again? You seem familiar..."


"Oh yeah right you're the girlie with the curse. I'll get that fixed up for you in a jiffy, once I can see straight again."

What did Eryhkeh do?
No. 398683 ID: 97bd86
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"Okay, chickadee, you're all uncursed and stuff. Thanks for getting me the cows and all that, although I can't remember what I was gonna do with those."

I don't really feel any different from before... Did he just call me "chickadee?"

"So, um, do I still need to do the rest of that stuff?"

"Well, it'd be pretty chill if you did. Plus I'm gonna be helping your little lizard pal out with magic all the time so I imagine we're gonna be hanging out a lot anyway."


"Sure thing, brosketball! I got nothing better to do lately."
No. 398684 ID: 97bd86
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"Actually, you know what? Outside of this headache I feel way better than I have in forever. C'mere, you guys."

Wait what

"Put me down!"

"You too!"

"Whatever, you sap."
No. 398685 ID: 97bd86
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I don't think this really went the way I was planning on, but I made a bunch of new friends.

I think I can live with this.
No. 398687 ID: 97bd86
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"Seriously, put me down already!"

"Oh, come on. Lemme have this."
No. 398688 ID: f2c010

Magic, the best cure for all that ails you! No, really, all that ails you. Consult your local witch doctor for more information.

Only 17? We're going to have to do better next time!
No. 398703 ID: bccf7b


Bestend :>
No. 398830 ID: 03ee4e

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