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File 132000661533.png - (159.03KB , 650x450 , 1_png.png )
362374 No. 362374 ID: 0448b9

> "Calibrating new Electronic Intelligence enhancement."
> "Installation complete. Say hello."
[6]Kn33s0cks: Hi there!
9 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 362389 ID: 35e1a0

yeah sure, but we start with no memory, we require input. who are you and what is the nanogrid.
No. 362392 ID: fcfd60

Nah, your name's fine. What's with the picture in the background of that guy holding a gun. He looks quite angry.
No. 362394 ID: 4b5689

Eh, it's fine. Just don't talk like that. So, what do you need help with? We can do pretty much anything.
No. 362397 ID: 0448b9
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[6]Kn33s0cks: Ooh.. um.. I'm [6]. Just another post-human, is all.
... Oh, shouldn't you know what's going on?
I guess I'll explain it to you then.
A nano field is a bunch of nano-bots put together and locked to my control. I can customize you to my liking, and you're pretty much all the technology I need! It's really fun. I don't know what I would do without you.
Right now I have installed to you...:
> Costume: Temporal Skirt and Kneesocks
> Add-on 1: Media Player grid type (Makes you work like headphones!)
> Add-on 2: -none-
> Add-on 3: -none-
> Messaging System
I have some more I've downloaded from the internet, but for now I just have this stuff activated. Hopefully I've explained it a bit.. if you want we could go browse for some add-ons or something.
No. 362399 ID: 3af198

how come your shirt is not listed as part of your costume?

also check message?
No. 362400 ID: 252e1b


Do we have control too?

[Change costume to poofy Victorian-era outfit]
No. 362401 ID: fcfd60

Let's go shopping! Oh! You got a new message! You should check that out first.
No. 362402 ID: 35e1a0

DING, you have a message.
No. 362406 ID: c7b6c2

I have an idea! Let's test our headphone capabilities by PLAYING CATCHY SONGS REALLY LOUDLY!
No. 362407 ID: 0448b9
File 132000995739.png - (160.54KB , 650x450 , 4_png.png )

[6]Kn33s0cks: Sounds like a plan! I guess I'll check my message now..
> [7]: they're after me. is your place safe?
> [6]Kn33s0cks: [7] what are you talking about? ...my house is.. safe?
> [7]: i'll explain later. i'll be there soon be ready, if you have any stealth or combat add-ons that would help
> [6]Kn33s0cks: ...what?
No. 362409 ID: 35e1a0

... look up some stealth and combat addons.
No. 362410 ID: 7bfeb5

Why are WE not listed on that? Silly kn33s0cks.

So the nanogrid is just the little field surrounding you and the rest of the room is... I hesitate to say "real", but, y'know.
No. 362411 ID: c0e5fe


Use your trusty 'googler' feature, installed with the latest upderp.
No. 362412 ID: 7bfeb5

Oops, lag.
Right, what >>362409 said.
I guess [7] is in some kind of trouble?
No. 362415 ID: 0448b9
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[6]Kn33s0cks: ...I guess I'll take a look at some combat stuff. I don't know what this guy is talking about though, do you think I should believe... [7] at all?
[Loading add-on menu]
No. 362419 ID: 0448b9
File 132001152887.png - (60.51KB , 650x450 , 6_png.png )

Force Laser: Pushes things
Light Laser Pistol: Does very light damage to nanoshields.
Stealth Field: Renders you invisible for a short time.
Medic Gun: Repairs nano-shields.

[6]Kn33s0cks: I don't want to do anything dangerous. ...This is scary, I have no idea what [7] could want with me. I don't even know how to use guns other than virtual games..
I have messenger and google open, what should I dooooo?
No. 362420 ID: 35e1a0

look for the best stunner you can get. then you can knock whetever it is out and [7] can do it the hard part.
No. 362422 ID: 35bcde

If you're totally untrained, giving you a weapon might harm more than help. Go with Stealth Field and Medic Gun.
No. 362424 ID: e9b708

I'm seconding stealth field and medic gun
No. 362425 ID: 21a619

Stealth field and medic gun! :D
No. 362427 ID: 4b5689

Well you must have the Lazer, mainly so that you can say "Imma firin mah LAZER!" while firing it, must be done at least once. Other than that I guess you should have the stealth field.
No. 362440 ID: 0448b9
File 132001392864.png - (125.76KB , 650x450 , 7_png.png )

> Costume: Temporal Skirt and Kneesocks
> Add-on 1: Media Player grid type
> Add-on 2: [New] Medic Gun [Fully Charged]
> Add-on 3: [New] Stealth Field [Fully Charged]
> Messaging System
> Electronic Intelligence System...

> [7]: you're going to have to meet me outside instead.
> [11]VoxelThief: HEY, What's up? Manage to install that EI THING?

[6]Kn33s0cks: ...what now?
No. 362441 ID: 4b5689

Maybe he means us. Anyway ask him when he will be arriving, also point out that this communication might not be that secure and he could have given away his position and intended destination.
No. 362442 ID: 917cac

respond to [11]
No. 362443 ID: 35e1a0

reply to [11] and get in a little practice with that thing.
No. 362447 ID: 1854db

Electronic Intelligence. Us. So, yes.

...why don't we install ALL the combat things?
No. 362454 ID: 0448b9
File 132001755414.png - (71.72KB , 650x450 , 8_png.png )

(Electronic Intelligence = Suggestions. Also, drawing it like this is MUCH MORE EFFECTIVE.)
[6]kn33s0cks: I only have 3 slots for add-ons (weapons.etc) at the moment, and I like listening to catchy songs really loudly..

> [11]VoxelThief: HEY, What's up? Manage to install that EI THING?
> [6]Kn33s0cks: took a while but it's working now! i'll probably be messing around with it for a while...
> [11]VoxelThief: Good luck with that. I heard it's really stupid.
> [6]Kn33s0cks: ...whatever, i think it seems nice.
> [11]VoxelThief: Well then! Have you heard about what happened to [9]?


> [6]Kn33s0cks: Hm? no idea. oh can you wait a second? Someone wants me...
No. 362464 ID: e9b708

wait [7] is being kind of a jerk, make him wait a little, hear what [11] has to say
No. 362465 ID: b6edd6

Don't do that. 7 is likely getting shot (at) or something.

So what is your numbering system for? Your number seems too small to be from a large organization, and I can't think of any smaller (non-military) groups that would give out numerical designations.
No. 362474 ID: 4b5689

Ask 7 what the hell he wants.
No. 362480 ID: 0448b9
File 132002142566.png - (52.00KB , 650x450 , 9_png.png )

[6]Kn33S0cks: Well, you see, I live on a space ship heading towards planet Canada!

(cutscene like thing)
No. 362481 ID: 0448b9
File 132002144953.png - (101.42KB , 650x450 , 10_png.png )

Everyone here is numbered off to signify who is who for the ship's nano-mainframe, [9].
No. 362482 ID: 0448b9
File 132002148961.png - (114.13KB , 650x450 , 11_png.png )

There's at least 13 people on this ship. I forgot exactly how many though... but you get my point. Now then, about that [7] guy...

(Cutscene over)
No. 362490 ID: 0448b9

(I forgot to note that that's a door behind those two guys. With a 6 on it.)
No. 362494 ID: b6edd6

So is your ship supposed to contain strangely appendaged thugs, or is this a new development?

Also, unless that grenade is very different the ones we are familiar with, you probably want to run in the other direction considering what explosions do in confined spaces.
No. 362502 ID: 6e44d2

Activate your stealth field right now. Wait out of the way of your door. Trust me.
No. 362503 ID: b6edd6

Oh, that is [7] outside the door rather than you.
In that case, what >>362502 said.
Make sure to send [7] a message that you are stealthed, so he won't shoot at an invisible person that happens to be you.
No. 362513 ID: d3ccca

Yeah, duck and cover. Your door's about to get the opening of a lifetime.
No. 362772 ID: 0448b9
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[6]Kn33s0cks: ...This doesn't sound good.
No. 362774 ID: 0448b9
File 132009909902.png - (128.76KB , 650x450 , 13_png.png )

No. 362782 ID: 35e1a0

open the door now.
No. 362784 ID: 0448b9
File 132010006750.png - (121.87KB , 650x450 , 14_png.png )

[6]Kn33s0cks: OH BALLS.
No. 362788 ID: 1854db

Get moving!
No. 362795 ID: 0448b9
File 132010064483.png - (132.18KB , 650x450 , 15_png.png )

[6]Kn33s0cks: What door?
[6]Kn33s0cks: I guess I'll... see if this is the guy?
No. 362796 ID: 35e1a0

(teehee she said balls)

i think that's the guy.
No. 362797 ID: 78b9fc

Planet Canada. I WANT TO GO TOO
No. 362798 ID: 4b5689

Well at least it's some guy, and he throws around grenades on board of a ship in space. Dude is dangerous.
No. 362808 ID: b6edd6

Step behind the wall and turn your invisibility off. We don't want to startle grenades man.
No. 363021 ID: 35bcde

Shoot him with your medic gun.
No. 363048 ID: 0448b9
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[6]Kn33s0cks: I'm... Guessing you're [7]?
No. 363051 ID: 0448b9
File 132018505907.png - (101.39KB , 650x450 , 18_png.png )

[7]: Quiet, don't call me that. Don't let anyone know [7]'s here!
Instead, call me _________.
No. 363053 ID: 35e1a0

No. 363055 ID: e55966

No. 363058 ID: a1d7ad

Let the 1337nification begin

Call him G00gl3b0y
No. 363062 ID: b8207e

No. 363063 ID: 6a5a08

No. 363093 ID: 35bcde

No. 363099 ID: 2d6d07

So who's [1]? Is there a [0]? Are they of special importance? Are lower or higher numbers better in some way?
No. 363111 ID: c7b6c2

I'm liking this.
No. 363180 ID: 9a34be

This, but L3astPr1m3. That way the numerals add up to 7, like how Kn33s0cks adds up to 6. Or not, maybe just stick with the original, but still like this name.
No. 363185 ID: a2fa74

No. 363238 ID: 0448b9
File 132026003142.png - (120.41KB , 650x450 , 19_png.png )

[6]Kn33s0cks: Not completely sure myself. Most people here are just here for the ride, although some people around here have a bit of power, like say.. [9].

([7]L3astPr1m3 added to your buddy list. You can message them from anywhere until further notice!)

[7]L3astPr1m3: You took too long but I made it. What do you want to know?

[6]Kn33s0cks: I have no idea what's going on, guys. What should I ask?
No. 363241 ID: b6edd6

First ask about whatever those were that he just blew up.
No. 363260 ID: 14a46d

I'd like the explanation he was going to provide in the first place. What's all this unsafety about?

Also let him know that you've only got invisibility and medic add-ons.
No. 363272 ID: 0448b9
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He blew up people? Ugh, you know what? I want him to stop being stupid and just explain everything to me...
[6]Kn33s0cks: I'd like the explanation you were going to provide in the first place. What's all this unsafety about?
No. 363277 ID: 0448b9
File 132027104640.png - (134.23KB , 650x450 , 21_png.png )

[7]L3astPr1m3: The halls of this place are dripping with conspiracy, deception, and uncertainty. There's a huge conspiracy going on, and I wanted you to try to help me out. I checked your records and found that you could be pretty helpful to my plans..

[6]Kn33s0cks: Uuugh... Sounds interesting... I guess..

No. 363278 ID: 35e1a0

"so you felt that being deceptive as well would make you better?"
and see what 11 wants NOW.
No. 363298 ID: 78b9fc

L3astPr1m3 is soooo coooool.

Ask him what his plans are!

Oh yeah, and check [11]. Let him tell you what fun exciting thing happened to [9].
No. 363305 ID: 14a46d

A message is a message. This needs to be resolved NOW! [leave message for later]

Look L3astPr1m3 in the eyes (well goggles anyway) and let him know that in a world of treachery and lies his word mean nothing. You will need to test his sincerity with... A HUG. With soul in it.
No. 363311 ID: ec2d48

This, except read the message while the hug initiates.

Also, we need to retroactively rename [11]voXelthIef. Roman numerals count, right?
No. 363312 ID: 6a5a08

Yes. Do it.
No. 363316 ID: 0448b9
File 132028403034.png - (120.15KB , 650x450 , BONUSLEVEL1.png )

[6]Kn33s0cks: A hug? Come to think of it I haven't hugged anyone in years... But I can't just hug this guy! This guy's just a stranger... He probably wouldn't even care much. Oh- [11].
No. 363317 ID: 0448b9
File 132028411691.png - (132.51KB , 650x450 , 22_png.png )

> [11]voXelthIef: Hi.
> [6]Kn33s0cks: Okay what's going on.. wait.. say.. Do you happen to know anyone named.. er.. L3astPr1m3?
> [11]voXelthIef: Oh I know him! He's the guy with the cool glasses right?????
> [6]Kn33s0cks: Blew up my wall and started blabbering on about a conspiracy, any idea what's going on?
> [11]voXelthIef: Silly, that's what I wanted to talk to you about earlier! We lost [9] and everything on the ship started going wack!
> [6]Kn33s0cks: You being serious?
> [11]voXelthIef: Come meet me over here, I'll show you. I'm wearing your favorite nano-costume-thing...
> [6]Kn33s0cks: The cat one is so much better though...
No. 363320 ID: 797925

I was just about to ask for something more solid out of him than "there's a conspiracy" for blowing a hole in your wall. I guess we got that from [11] instead. Tell l3astpr1m3 that we're going to voXelthIef's place. He should come too.
No. 363321 ID: 0448b9
File 132028463971.png - (126.61KB , 650x450 , 23_png.png )

[6]Kn33s0cks: Okay, guy.
One of my buddies wants me to visit their place, she says that she also has something to show me about this, "conspiracy". She's on the second floor. You should come too.
[7]L3astPr1m3: The more people I can get together to do this shit the better... Who are they?
[6]Kn33s0cks: [11]voXelthIef. Pretty cool gal. Let's go.
[7]L3astPr1m3: You sure she's on our side?
[6]Kn33s0cks: *sigh* Of course. Feel free to EXPLAIN ANY OF THIS on the way there..
No. 363327 ID: 21a619

[7]: Fail to ignore 6's swaying sexy hips.

Wait, can we even give commands to allies? This is going to be awkward.
No. 363328 ID: b6edd6

In particular ask who/what those armed guys were.
Are they re-purposed security bots, or something smuggled aboard or what?
No. 363330 ID: 0f1a12

the plan:
Seven leads and six follows close behind.
Unless there is some thing sketchy at which six turns invisible and scouts it out then seven follows
No. 363333 ID: 0448b9
File 132028554074.png - (217.39KB , 900x900 , 24_png.png )

(Sorry for deleting and reposting this update a couple hundred times, trying to get it perrfect..)
>[7]L3astPr1m3: Oh god, she has an EI system? Please tell me she didn't activate the option to allow her to read everything I say to you too..
>> Yes, You can. It's done with an EI message directly into their messenger. You may suggest and everything.

[7]'s Loadout----
> Costume: Hidden Set
> Add-on 1: Nano-Grenades
> Add-on 2: Energy Sword
> Add-on 3: Multi-Vision Goggles
> Messaging System

[7]L3astPr1m3: Lead the way, although I'm sure there will be... broken androids after us.. or, rather me the whole time.
[6]Kn33s0cks: Okay, If things trying to kill you is the problem, I have a stealth grid and a medic gun... How will we pull this off?
[7]L3astPr1m3: Your call.
[6]Kn33s0cks: I'm pretty sure you're supposed to be the one with all the plans.. but.. Let me think...
No. 363335 ID: 14a46d

Well if androids are only after Pr1m3 then Kn33s0cks can just lead the way and signal when it's clear to go.
No. 363336 ID: 78b9fc

L3astPr1m3: What do the goggles do?
No. 363343 ID: 21a619

[7]: Fail to ignore 6's swaying sexy hips.
No. 363346 ID: 35bcde

6 scouts ahead, using invisibility when required. 7 hits them with his sword. 6 keeps him from dying during this process.
No. 363348 ID: ec2d48

This is a solid plan. +1
No. 363351 ID: 6a5a08

No. 363359 ID: 14a46d

"And that's how I lost my medical license!"
No. 363384 ID: 797925

Both of these
No. 363446 ID: 2eac65

Two questions: Would the security droids be hostile to [6] if they saw her? And if not, would seeing her using stealth make them hostile or suspicious?

[6] should scout ahead, using stealth unless it would be problematic, and guide [7] through a safe route.
No. 363915 ID: 0448b9
File 132058986063.png - (164.77KB , 900x900 , 25_png.png )

(Kn33s0cks explains the plan.)
[6]Kn33s0cks: So yeah, just let me look ahead and I'll tell you if it's safe or not...
Looks pretty safe...
No. 363916 ID: 0448b9
File 132058993459.png - (188.83KB , 900x900 , 27_png.png )

[6]Kn33s0cks: Just a few boxes here and there, looks just fine.

-ping ping ping-
No. 363918 ID: a3e2a0

dammit [6], you are a terrible scout

l3astpr1m3 just move past the hall, i am pretty sure those shots are coming from that weird circle thing at the end of the hall >>363333 and it doesn't look particularly mobile.
No. 363919 ID: 0448b9
File 132059050982.png - (211.54KB , 900x900 , 28_png.png )

[6]Kn33s0cks: Hahaha... "Boxes..." Sorry.
No. 363920 ID: a3e2a0

well, i was clearly wrong. great.

well [7], do your sword thing
No. 363926 ID: 0448b9
File 132059177743.png - (267.58KB , 900x900 , 28_png.png )

No. 363953 ID: 6e44d2

No. 363963 ID: 6a5a08

Enslave. Oh wait, wrong quest. Onwards to [11]!
No. 364046 ID: 5004a5

Well now you've been rumbled. Your plan is still valid, but you'll just have to be more careful and be prepared that now the androids MAY know that you're working together. Just keep an eye out for anything out of place and be ready to turn invisible and dodge aside if something happens.
No. 364101 ID: c0e5fe

Obnoxiously yell out for [11], asking where he is. Don't worry about attention; it's not important. If somebody asks, say you're delivering 11 things, but you can't remember who for, so you're just trying to find out.
No. 368181 ID: 0448b9
File 132228543937.png - (198.53KB , 900x900 , 29_png.png )


No. 368223 ID: 55f0cc

Post-humans with advanced nanotechnology and you guys still go by gender!

> [11]voXelthIef: Come meet me over here, I'll show you. I'm wearing your favorite nano-costume-thing...
At least someone who knows how to have fun!
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