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437675 No. 437675 ID: 2703d7


Hi there. Some of you may remember me, some not. I run a web comic / interactive quest type deal called "Gauged," set in my personal universe. I had the suggestion box for it on the MSPA forums. However, the community there was not overly interested nor active enough to warrant it, plus many readers have wanted a means to post without registering anywhere (my main obstacle).

As of now, we're on Page 30, image #326. I invite you to start from the beginning ( http://www.gauged.us/html/2012/0001.html ), if you haven't been reading already. I don't have an update schedule yet, other than I try to update as quickly as possible, and it bothers me not to update every three days apparently.

Suggestions can be given to any character, even if they are off screen. Suggest for the character's actions with other people, interactions with their environment, or however detailed you'd like - I'll find a way to make things fit.

Due to the way the story is formatted, I don't think it's possible for me to also run the quest directly on this site (been wanting to avoid doing that again anyway). We'll see though.

If you've got any questions, feel free to ask here or in IRC. (I have it set to alert me if anyone mentions my name, but I may be afk sometimes.) Enjoy the ride.
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No. 472640 ID: 38fba7

Btw, Ganna, thank you for making this quest. It is not only amazing, but I salute you for taking suggestions, but not making characters without personalities.
No. 473210 ID: 5b52f7
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All right guys, game time. Time to get everyone killed, ever.


> "I saw you die! What the hell, man."

> Wasn't he just killed?!

> Seems he is one of those people that doesn't die, even if you kill him.

<Ram>: What the hell...

<Jael>: Ram, we need to leave. Now.

<Ram>: Is that the same -

<Jael>: He's not human, Ram! We need to -
No. 473212 ID: 5b52f7
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<Qualius>: Quite human, actually. More so than either of you. Too much so, I'm afraid.

<Qualius>: I only need to have an ordinary conversation, with the boy. I'm sure you know, you can't prevent that.
No. 473213 ID: 5b52f7
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<Jael>: God damn it... I thought he was just Cursed.

<Ram>: Cursed? W-what is... what's he -

<Jael>: Like me. And Aetan. We used to be normal people. But things like him - they change us. Curse us.

<Ram>: Okay, whatever, let's just... should we run? Because I don't think -
No. 473215 ID: 5b52f7
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<Jael>: No. No, there's... it's no use. He's right.

<Qualius>: Relax, Jael. Ram and I spoke, prior. He knows, I'm all right. I wouldn't harm either of you.

<Jael>: I'm sure...

<Qualius>: I can't blame you, really. Caiphas, Gath... Mara, certainly. They can be unsavory company.

<Ram>: How'd you do that?
No. 473216 ID: 5b52f7
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<Qualius>: Hm?

<Ram>: How'd you live through that? How'd you... do all that stuff, before? What are you?

<Qualius>: Human. As I said.
No. 473217 ID: 5b52f7
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<Qualius>: I just... I forget, sometimes.

<Qualius>: Heh. Ha... yes.
No. 473218 ID: 5b52f7
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<Qualius>: Do you remember our conversation, about my mother?

<Ram>: Your...? Oh. Y-yeah. Her... nightmares? Or the things the people on the ship saw?

<Qualius>: Both. Both are creations of the mind. They're real, because of the certainty that they are. Because the mind, is our only window, to reality. What's real, is what our senses say is real. For my mother. For them. You.

<Qualius>: And me. I'm human, because... I'm certain, that I am. Although, I forget, sometimes.
No. 473219 ID: 5b52f7
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<Qualius>: You, too. You've been forgetting, lately. Haven't you? That corpse, on the ship? The sounds, on the elevator? Or even, your wound? You shouldn't even be standing. Much less, beating up any old men. Should you?

<Ram>: I'm a Kerian. We don't - Oh. Oh, god... Aetan. If he's... How did I - ?

> Take a devil's bargain, if he hasn`t already.

<Ram>: Did you... did you curse me, too?

<Qualius>: I've done no such thing. I'm merely observing, as I always do. However... if you are volunteering... there's an experiment, very soon. Everyone will participate, whether they know it, or not. If you wish for me to observe you, I certainly would. I can't interfere, of course. But I could watch, and record your story. And... Perhaps one day, I could retell it to you... if you forget your humanity. If you become a dream, of my mother's.
No. 473236 ID: efd7d7

Well.... OK. Considering how we don't have a choice whether we want to do this experiment or not. Besides you were probably going to observe us either way, right?
No. 473298 ID: e3aff6

Who's experiment?
No. 473324 ID: f2c20c

I think maybe Ram should not charge blindly in and accept deals from a "pervert" when Jael is talking about curses.
No. 473338 ID: 861d5b

Something ominous will happen.
No. 474864 ID: f14e6a

Qualius has set up an experiment, and has said he's done specifically nothing. I find this suspicious, because Ram has been getting a LOT smarter since the ship, specifically since Ram first talked to Qualius.

Qualius set a 'trap' for Ram, set up the conditions for Ram to gain what he's gained, but Ram had to 'walk into it'. Qualius merely allowed Ram to have the possibility. Ram did the choosing, to the extent that he could (I'm not sure if he's truly aware of his surroundings yet, but he will be).
You talk about that like he has a choice in the matter. And he probably does, but Qualius has played kingmaker here. Ram's gotten a LOT smarter since he met Qualius, the healing factor isn't run of the mill stuff, and I'm sure Qualius' favour runs both ways (better to have a god on your side to even out everyone else, then to have to deal with everything else on your own).
No. 474865 ID: f14e6a

Ask Qualius that if Ram did all of this himself, then how much did Qualius do to make sure Ram always had that option, and that it had a reasonable chance of success.
No. 475455 ID: 5b52f7
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> I think maybe Ram should not charge blindly when Jael is talking about curses.

<Jael>: Don't.

<Ram>: Why? What is he even talking about?

<Jael>: I don't know. John and I were cursed by another man... another thing. This isn't him.

<Ram>: John? Who's -
No. 475456 ID: 5b52f7
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<Jael>: Just listen. Any offer one of these things give you... there's no drawbacks, but... Being like this - like me - it's not just being stronger, faster. You can't go back to the way things were. I used to be a normal person, like you, or your bosses. Whoever. One of these things turned me into this.

<Jael>: And I've always regretted accepting the deal he gave me.
No. 475457 ID: 5b52f7
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<Ram>: Why? I couldn't do anything to stop what happened in there. I tried. If I was like you -

<Jael>: Because - Because... I just... Ram. When you have that kind of power, you end up using it. You make enemies. You make friends, you don't want. I was a dancer, when I was your age. And you saw what happened in there. That's not who I ever wanted to be. I never wanted any of this. I just wanted to protect my mother.
No. 475458 ID: 5b52f7
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<Ram>: I'm no dancer.

> This situation is suspicious

> I don't have a choice either way

<Ram>: I don't really believe you, but... I can feel it now. Whatever you did to me.

<Qualius>: You feel only what you are certain you feel. Your limits are your own.

<Ram>: Whatever. I've been getting stronger... shaking off bullets. Almost feels like I've been getting smarter.

<Qualius>: No. Never smarter. That deal can never be made. You can only be yourself.
No. 475459 ID: 5b52f7
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<Qualius>: I must admit, you play the fool, fairly well. But I am not deceived as easily as you are.

<Qualius>: Perhaps not keen to wit, but you could be a fine philosopher. Better than the politicians I know. This is why I noticed you. This is why my book may benefit from your record. We have much to learn, from one another.
No. 475460 ID: 5b52f7
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<Ram>: I don't want to learn.
No. 475461 ID: 5b52f7
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<Ram>: I want things to change.
No. 475462 ID: 5b52f7
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<Qualius>: Hm. But isn't that why we learn?
No. 475463 ID: 5b52f7
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<Qualius>: We shall see.
No. 476823 ID: c72a8b

I wonder what John is doing?
No. 476855 ID: 1a5bdd

Aye, where is John, and... why do I get the feeling we are going to somehow regret whatever we just agreed to?

Still, good to know we seem to have gained some small measure of immortality.
No. 476856 ID: 0c2247

>Still, good to know we seem to have gained some small measure of immortality.
>some small measure of immortality.

Son, you have no idea how horrifyingly wrong you are.
No. 476857 ID: 1a5bdd

Ahh, but if it wasn't something to go horribly wrong, then there wouldn't be much of a story to observe now would there?
No. 476907 ID: d8f4c1

Ram...look. Go back to the start of the story. He was herp to the derp power. He just lived without a care. He IS learning. Not making this choice is not being himself.

Ram will probably have to do some things he isn't comfortable with at times, unless he has a change of ideals/has a decent mentor/starts understanding what reality is like.

I have a feeling that Nahala isn't as 'easy-going' as Earth, necessarily. There is no god here, just people.

That said, this is OUR quest, guys. So if we think hard enough, we can at least make better choices.
Yeah, Ram got shot because he thought he was the center of the universe. He shrugged it off, but it was a pretty meh wound. Hubris is never a smart choice.
There'll be chaos. It just depends if Ram's choices will lead to more good then bad, or vice versa.
No. 478202 ID: 5b52f7
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> Why do I get the feeling we are going to somehow regret whatever we just agreed to?

<Ram>: ...
No. 478203 ID: 5b52f7
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<Ram>: Am... So am I supposed to feel it kick in? What happens now?

<Qualius>: I don't know. ...What do you think?

<Ram>: Kitty?

<Jael>: The man who turned John and me... he was a little more up front about all of it.

<Ram>: What happened to you, then?
No. 478204 ID: 5b52f7
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<Jael>: Well... it sort of made us better... physically, than what we were. Faster, stronger. Tougher. I didn't get any smarter, though. John sure as hell didn't.

<Ram>: Yeah, I think... I think I can see... better, now. Everything feels strange. And the smells. I can smell... Oh... oh, god! The smell! Have you been smelling this, this whole time!?

<Jael>: Yes.

<Qualius>: Hm. Ha ha.
No. 478205 ID: 5b52f7
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<Ram>: I think... Hey! Where're you going? I've still got questions, and... and stuff! I guess.

<Qualius>: We always have questions. Stuff, especially. Due to the nature of our agreement, I'm afraid we'll have to postpone our next conversation... for quite a while. That should give us both plenty of time, to prepare...

<Qualius>: You are Judicatus, now. Like your friend, here. I suppose you'll learn what that means, in the same way Jael did. The same way you will, I suppose I should say... In the same way all Judicatus must. In time.
No. 478206 ID: 5b52f7
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<Qualius>: Besides... I really should check up on Mother. Hm. Well. Goodbye, Ram. I enjoyed our talks.

<Ram>: ...Yeah. Sure...

<Qualius>: I'm certain you'll find what you're after. After all, you have what you need now, it seems.
No. 478207 ID: 5b52f7
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<Qualius>: Give her my regards.
No. 478208 ID: 5b52f7
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No. 478209 ID: 5b52f7
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<Ram>: Is this normal?

<Jael>: Sometimes.
No. 478210 ID: 5b52f7
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<Ram>: So... now what? You'd know better than me.

<Jael>: You... can do whatever you want, I guess.

<Ram>: I want to go where you're going!
No. 478211 ID: 5b52f7
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No. 478212 ID: 5b52f7
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<Jael>: ...Home, I guess. (scoffing) Back to Yellowbrick. Back to working for John.

<Ram>: And he's like us? Good! Yeah.

<Jael>: Us... Yeah. Guess I'll explain things, on the way. Even by train, it's a few hours, here to -

<Ram>: Yeah, sure. Let's go! I'm ready.
No. 478213 ID: 5b52f7
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<Jael>: ...

<Ram>: So it's okay if people see you now, or something?
No. 478214 ID: 5b52f7
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<Jael>: No. I'm just hoping you're as ready as you think you are.

<Ram>: More than I was.

<Jael>: Ha. We'll get there the same way I got here.

<Ram>: How?
No. 478215 ID: 5b52f7
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<Jael>: We'll run.
No. 478217 ID: 5b52f7

All right, guys. That's the end of chapter one. Ram is now equipped to take on anything I throw at you/him.

A Chapter one summary will come a little later, detailing all the things you've changed or caused, good or bad. After that, chapter two. I think I may make a new thread at that point.

I'll also remind you tgchan folks that this is my "suggestion box" for the real site: www.gauged.us . The images and text are formatted properly there. Now, I will return to animating stupid youtube videos. Which you may find here: http://www.youtube.com/user/PlagueOfGripes/videos?flow=grid&view=0

No. 478759 ID: d8cbb8

I wanna bet that the second Ram leaps he'll land flat on his face ;) Sure he doesn't feel all that different but I think that all this new power, etc. is gonna take some getting used to first
No. 478812 ID: ad199c

I wonder if we'll meet Burns.
No. 479706 ID: f8226d

Happy to see that your power of making stupid faces hasn't been lost to mankind.
No. 479784 ID: e3aff6

Now we just have to hope that power is not used for evil :V
No. 480401 ID: 5b52f7

Chapter 1: "The Crash" in Review

Over the course of the story, you, the suggesters, have considerably influenced events. Here's a very comprehensive recap of all the ways you've changed, missed out on or otherwise continued the story:
Part 1:

- Went ahead of supervisors
- Protected Ram from fallout
- Did not notice Jael's first appearance
- Waited for help
- Got mask

It was possible to have stayed behind and cooperated with the salvage teams, and move out better prepared. This did nearly get Ram hurt early, but you ultimately protected him long enough to get him to his goal. It also established his character early. Ram is headstrong and ambitious. If he had not gotten the mask, he would have collapsed halfway to the ship, which would have necessitated a whole new series of actions.

Part 2:

- Got to the point with Aetan
- Didn't grasp Aetan's request
- Waited to ask Aetan for his name
- Noticed and saved first survivor with mask
- Chose the corpse path on the ship
- Made it clear Ram isn't from crash
- Treated Jael like a catgirl
- Addressed Jael's superpowers
- Befriended Jael; joined her
- Avoided confrontation with survivors
- Did not intervene with murder

This part of the story was all about forming the first relationships of the story. Aetan is treated less like a person and more like the Legislater he is - which is exactly what he wants. This in turn makes him less tolerant of Alex (Droopy) and the Chief later on, and in general more irritated with events. Ram's saving of the lone survivor ensured the destruction of the ship's population later in the story, but also a clear explanation of what had happened. It also gave Aetan the chance to project himself onto the survivor in a way that will be clearer later in the story. The "corpse path" took away an early encounter with the murderous survivor and led to Jael. Jael's first interaction with Ram actually benefited from his inferred stupidity, as it was immediately clear he was not a threat. Otherwise, Ram risked being unconscious for almost all of Part 3.

Part 3:

- Intended to go back outside
- Found a way to hide in the elevator
- Claimed everything
- Kept Ram's promise to Jael
- Joked with Aetan and the gang; joined them
- Stuck with Jael and John's optional conversation
- John: encouraged Jael to kill her problems
- Mentioned Ram to John

The decision to go outside changed the initial encounter point for Aetan and Jael from inside the ship to the elevator, and also introduced Ram to Aetan earlier. Jael's escape prevented many complications with Aetan. She would have prevented this meeting either way, but with greater or less suspicion raised about it. This was a middle of the ground reaction. Ram's act diffused the situation and helped maintain Jael's secrecy, and made her a little more fond of him. It also prevented an early confrontation with the soldier. It also enabled Ram to follow them into the ship, rather than having to find his own way, and potentially estranging Jael in the process. This also led to Jael and John's optional dialogue, which established John early, as well as some of Jael's backstory, and her internal conflict with her life as a soldier. This took the place of another scene of Ram on the elevator, speaking with Droopy. John is now aware of Ram, which will come up in Chapter 2.

Part 4:

- Got more info about Ark Ships
- Intervened between Prosapient and Kale
- Apologized to Kale; got off on right foot
- Realized Aetan's goal; considered Ram
- Aetan: kept to the mission of separation
- Spoke with Qualius; addressed him with many questions
- Addressed strangeness of encounter
- "I have no choice."
- Continued conversation; entered philosophical discussion

Explaining the ark ships now avoided a necessary scene much later with Jael, explaining the same thing. Ram started off on a good foot with Kale, ensuring very many things. First, an all out firefight did not start as soon as they arrived. Secondly, an early meeting with Qualius. Third, the battle in the "town square." Fourth, being able to cooperate with the survivors during the hostage situation. The story, if this small intervention had not happened, would have been drastically different. Droopy's late discovery ensured Aetan would not be present during this part of the story. Considering Ram's feelings also established Alex's empathy, something that would be carried over to later on in part 7. The Qualius encounter lasted for its maximum length rather than being a very short one. More importantly, it established Ram's ability to carry on and understand a complex subject - at least when it's abstract. This led to Qualius' interest in Ram as a subject. Otherwise, this would have been proven at a much later time.

Part 5:

- Protected Ram during gunfight; avoided confrontation
- Abided by Prosapient's orders
- Did not interact with Jael
- Helped with hostage situation
- Grasped why survivors are hostile
- Tried absolutely everything

Ram chose not to intervene in the gunfight. This would not have saved lives either way, and would have injured Ram, if he had tried. More importantly, it establishes his understanding of how helpless he is to prevent what he sees as the realities of life. Suggesters lost a chance to interact with Jael, which ensured Ram's injury later. It did, however, give her a surprise advantage against the soldier, later. Ram fully comprehended the hostage situation, and tried everything to prevent any fatalities. There was an obscure way to prevent any hostilities and cause Kale and the others to surrender, which would have entailed Ram intentionally siding with the survivors earlier on, to the point that any interpretation of it being a ruse would have been completely illogical. This would have led to an extended scene of organizing the survivors, and changed subsequent paths to be about leading the survivors to camps. The actual outcome worked better for the story, exhibiting that Ram was indeed completely powerless to stop the situation or protect anyone.

Part 6:

- Checked Ram
- Listened in to other Prosapient; did not ensure a kill
- Kept soldier from alerting his friend
- Ensured a kill
- Recovered; left with Ram; startled by "zombie"
- Vomit scene.
- Hurried escape; "treated" and cared about Ram

Suggestions during this brief part of the story ensured Jael had a difficult fight. However, her actions were fast enough to prevent complications later on with the other soldier, who would have been an even bigger problem. Her reaction to run from the "zombie" set up a part of her own backstory. Suggestions to fight the supposed corpse would have stalled her reaction and resulted in a short scene later, on the elevator, as she reflected on it. The vomit scene is all you guys. Jael shows empathy with Ram, carried over from earlier interactions. She could have ignored his injuries and separated from Ram for the time being. Ram would have passed out in several variations of this part's end, depending on what Jael does and how much she interacted with him.

Part 7:

- Stayed hidden (including stopping Ram)
- "Attacked" Qualius
- Delivered a message to Reklaw
- Chief interrupted Aetan; Ram escapes
- Aetan initially does not care what Chief thinks
- Addressed Ram's growing potential
- Ram's disgust with Chief
- Left the ruined city forever

Suggestions kept Jael hidden and safe from detection, as well as providing vital information for John, in the next chapter. The attack on Qualius got rid of the Prosapient's gun, as well as establishing things about the soldier's backstory and personality for use, later. This also altered the means of interaction between all three, and made it clear what Qualius was, early. This also directly led to Aetan's feelings of frustration directly after, which in turn caused Ram's outburst, and eventually the death of the lone survivor. Ram would have had an outburst either way, although potentially after Aetan left, with different information being given by the Chief. It was also possible that the Chief or Droopy would have died in this situation, if much earlier interactions between the three had been more hostile. Suggestions led to Ram leaving the city, without consideration for anything he may have been leaving behind.

Part 8:

- Caught up with Ram
- Addressed Qualius' 'godhood' and the potential of a bargain
- Scrutinized "bargain" but decided "no choice"
- Uneasy about the future

The bargain would have been made either way, although depending on suggestions earlier, in many different variations, in many different potential places, for many different reasons. Ram's apprehension will come into play later. Importantly, this is not a bargain he was incredibly excited about, due to suggestions. Perhaps most importantly, suggestions declaring Qualius' power and the potential of a bargain directly led to the belief that such a bargain existed, through Jael's explanation. The nature of Ram's powers would have changed slightly based on how this played out. How they work will be established in Chapter 2.
No. 480422 ID: e3aff6

I always find it interesting to find out the other ways the story could have gone.
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