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File 135816112680.png - (195.34KB , 1024x512 , starting screen.png )
485145 No. 485145 ID: c59939

357 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 490590 ID: 908c2d
File 136009636646.png - (139.64KB , 1024x512 , Can we try this.png )

This isn't going to work, the way you have it. The light isn't focused right, anymore. It's all diffuse.

Turn the mirror on the ground back the other way so we have the same configuration as in >>490337. Then we need to find a way to suspend the lens in the air above the mirror, as pictured. Maybe test just holding the lens there, are if that works, then we can try to fix / jury rig the stand or something.
No. 490605 ID: f2c20c

I agree with this.
No. 490619 ID: c59939
File 136010250497.png - (203.73KB , 1024x512 , Ysabel - 85.png )

You bring the blue lens over, and start placing it in the light while you go for the mirror, but are distracted by a loud grinding noise, and the sound of rocks breaking.

It seems you've activated the glyph!

You can hear a muffled echoing noise from the next room.

Now you just need to figure out how to get the lens to stay here.
No. 490626 ID: 908c2d

Can we go back through the tunnel to the last room, cut down some branches and vines and stuff with the sword, and then use them to tie / prop the damaged bronze lens holder up to hold the lens where we want it?
No. 490627 ID: 66ff59
File 136010347653.jpg - (60.91KB , 1024x512 , untitled.jpg )

what is that thing?
No. 490636 ID: 1f8505


Broken pieces of the lens holder, I think.

Seen here: >>489921
No. 490643 ID: bda52c

the lens holder still works, so we can put the lens in there and somehow position it with rubble.

yeah I may be overestimating the usefulness of rubble with my last few suggestions, but that's all I got.
No. 490649 ID: 76b151

If need by we can grab the spear and other weapons from the front and use those to prop up the lens holder.
No. 490650 ID: 35edd4

Use the dismounted lens holder, with its legs wedged into place with rocks from the rubble.
No. 490666 ID: f2c20c

We definitely need to use the lens holder.
No. 490677 ID: c59939
File 136011582743.png - (243.53KB , 1024x512 , Ysabel - 86.png )

please spoiler your images when making image suggestions

You head back to pick up the spear from the entrance and chop down a couple vines.
No. 490678 ID: c59939
File 136011598818.png - (204.75KB , 1024x512 , Ysabel - 87.png )

The vines are thick, heavy and hard to use, but you craft a makeshift lens holder using a spear, vines, and a lens holder.

You're eventually even able to get it to stay in the right place.
No. 490679 ID: 1f8505


Move a couple rocks out of the way from under the glyph, and let's see if we can get to the next room.
No. 490681 ID: bf54a8

nice, head back around to the central room. that the three doors lead to.
No. 490682 ID: f2c20c

SWEET. Let's go to the long pit and see what our handiwork did.

Bring the good sword and torch with you.
No. 490683 ID: f2c20c

The next room is... the same room that the other two doors lead to.
No. 490684 ID: 908c2d

Excellent! Now, let us return to the room with the staircase, and see if that did anything.
No. 490906 ID: c59939
File 136018957106.png - (189.40KB , 1024x512 , Ysabel - 88.png )

The pit is now illuminated by the blue and green lights
No. 490909 ID: dc27ce

This room will be great for dance parties. You just need to set up the red lens.
No. 490912 ID: 908c2d

The red lens is set up. The red beam doesn't connect to this room- it goes down through the floor, not through the wall. >>488788

Alright! What, if anything do you see illuminated at the bottom of the stairs, now?

How far down are the stairs? Do we have time to trek down, or do we have to leave to deliver the basket and come back later?
No. 490914 ID: 65ddc7

I think the ripped up banner is in the way of another hole for light. Take it down as see if anything is behind it.
No. 490917 ID: 908c2d

There's not a third built into the wall lens hidden there. The red lens room is through that door. We've seen the other side of that wall and there's nothing there.
No. 490920 ID: f2c20c

Let's go down!
No. 490924 ID: 17f7c4


I don't care, that banner is unfabulous and it's bothering me. it needs to go down.
No. 490936 ID: 454447

No. 490957 ID: c59939
File 136020469566.png - (113.62KB , 1024x512 , Ysabel - 89.png )

You ignore the banner that you know has nothing behind it.

While you can see the bottom of the pit you can't tell what's down there, so you begin your decent to find out.
No. 490958 ID: c59939
File 136020471065.png - (125.33KB , 1024x512 , Ysabel - 90.png )

No. 490961 ID: c59939
File 136020475836.png - (246.09KB , 1024x512 , Ysabel - 91.png )

No. 490962 ID: c59939
File 136020480313.png - (206.95KB , 1024x512 , Ysabel - 92.png )

This pit is much deeper than you thought.
No. 490964 ID: c59939
File 136020506145.png - (221.93KB , 1024x512 , Ysabel - 93.png )

Eventually you reach the bottom. It looks like a door is supposed to be here, but it's open.

There's a weird device that all the lights converge on, with a keyhole on the front, like the 4 on that statue the blue lens was in.
No. 490968 ID: f2c20c

A keyhole? Well CRAP.

See if it's openable anyway.
No. 490970 ID: f2c20c

Oh wait!

That's right. The other keyholes had swords in them. Try our shiny sword on this one. If it doesn't fit, go get that rusted straight sword that was in the statue and use it here.
No. 490975 ID: 908c2d

Ooh! Cooooool~.

Try using the spiffy sword as a key.
No. 490984 ID: b33427

A sword shaped keyhole, right? Well, you just happen to have a sword right here. Try slotting it in there, slowly, just to see if it's the right shape. If not, you're going to have to walk all the way back to the entrance to get that rusty straight sword. Don't force it in either; You don't want to jam the lock or get the sword stuck in there.
No. 490990 ID: dc4a44

Spin the wheel. Just don't rattle me bones.
No. 491082 ID: 750903

something's wrong with that mirror by the stairs. it needs to direct the blue light to the currently idle mirror on the ceiling. try to set it up so that it does.
No. 491084 ID: bf54a8

it is :V
No. 491101 ID: c59939
File 136025897924.png - (221.64KB , 1024x512 , Ysabel - 94.png )

You try using your nice sword to open the lock, it doesn't work, but you get the nagging feeling that this sword is much lighter than it should be.
No. 491102 ID: c59939
File 136025903614.png - (253.38KB , 1024x512 , Ysabel - 95.png )

Since the nice sword didn't work, you make the long uphill trek back to the entrance, and get the rusted straight sword.
No. 491103 ID: c59939
File 136025915147.png - (221.64KB , 1024x512 , Ysabel - 96.png )

Rusty Sword in hand, you head all the way back down.

As you put it into the keyhole, you hope this is the right sword.
No. 491104 ID: c59939
File 136025919549.png - (222.14KB , 1024x512 , Ysabel - 97.png )

Luckily, it is, and the lock opens easily.
No. 491105 ID: 908c2d


Examine loot! What ancient treasure have you discovered?
No. 491107 ID: 2f4b71

Use your nice sword to lift/knock whatever treasure has been revealed off of the pedestal. Don't want the mechanism to slam shut on your fingers.
No. 491108 ID: bf54a8

get phat lewts
No. 491109 ID: 1f8505


Examine loot! What mysterious trinket did we uncover?
No. 491113 ID: bdb3f8

Examine loot! What eldritch horror have you unleashed?
No. 491117 ID: 750903

50 bucks say it's a dragon dildo
No. 491121 ID: d1efde

I really hope we're not making some kind of faux pas by doing all this. Like, it looks like Ysabel and her mother just mover to the area, so she wouldn't know if this was some kind of heritage site or the prison of an evil god or anything.
No. 491123 ID: 35edd4

If so, it's their own fault for not posting signs.
No. 491132 ID: c59939
File 136027407263.png - (439.78KB , 1024x1024 , Ysabel - 98.png )

You find some bracelets, a necklace, and a large gem, carved into the shape of a flower
No. 491133 ID: 908033

Why do you have two tops on?
No. 491134 ID: a19d72

forget the dumb gift basket you mom gave you, this stuff is a much better gift to give!
No. 491135 ID: bf54a8

equip them all. bracelets and necklace with gem. then leave and get basket.
No. 491142 ID: 908c2d

Been asked and answered.

Equip phat loot. Then let's see about delivering that basket.
No. 491157 ID: f2c20c

Fuck yeah. Wear it all, carry the gem, retrieve the basket, and let's make our delivery.

No. 491158 ID: 750903

before delivering the basket, store all your new awesome loot home in case >>491121 is right.
No. 491166 ID: c59939
File 136028288241.png - (240.41KB , 1024x512 , Ysabel - 99.png )

You put on the jewelry, and take the flower gem, and begin the long, long trek back.

It's late and you're getting hungry, so you plan on grabbing some berries for a quick snack.
No. 491167 ID: 409543

...Oh jeese, is the stone face gonna start talking?
No. 491168 ID: bf54a8

cool, berry brunch sounds sweet.
No. 491169 ID: c59939
File 136028312021.png - (265.96KB , 1024x512 , Ysabel - 100.png )

You rest as long as it takes to eat two berries, and grab a couple extra for the road.
No. 491170 ID: c59939
File 136028318872.png - (291.42KB , 1024x512 , Ysabel - 101.png )

Then you go get your basket, and place the extra berries in there.
No. 491173 ID: c59939
File 136028394621.png - (299.99KB , 1024x512 , Ysabel - 102.png )

Now how do you get out of this forest?
No. 491174 ID: bf54a8

the... right?
No. 491177 ID: 908c2d

Head to the right. That's the way the squirrels lead you in.
No. 491192 ID: 66ff59

No. 491193 ID: 8f5752


go right, down the stone path. follow it as far as you can.
No. 491194 ID: f2c20c

Follow the path until you reach some steps, go up them and... Hmm. Well, probably keep going straight that direction.

If you feel like you're getting lost you could climb a tree to peek out from the top and get your bearings.
No. 491196 ID: c59939
File 136028816322.png - (89.33KB , 1024x512 , Ysabel - 103.png )

You get out of the forest, and back to where the squirrels took your basket.

Where to now?
No. 491197 ID: 76b151

Might as well deliver that basket. To the lighthouse. No more detours hopefully.
No. 491198 ID: bf54a8

ether follow the path north, or go home and tell mom she sucks at directions.
No. 491199 ID: 8f5752

i guess we continue to go right per mom's instructions.
No. 491201 ID: ec0bf5

Follow the path some more, I'm not sure the lighthouse is where we're going.
No. 491202 ID: 908c2d

Um. It's getting kind of late, and we don't know exactly how long it'll take to find the neighbors, or how far away they are.

And it might look a little weird showing up with a sword and all that ancient jewelry in the dead of night.

I say we head home to mom. Or, if we are still gonna deliver the basket, we should just leave it on their front step and run.
No. 491203 ID: b33427

Too late to deliver the basket to the neighbors; It's going to be pitch dark soon. Better head back home. Mom'll be disappointed that you got all detoured and didn't do what you were supposed to do, but you can just say you don't regret having an adventure, and you'll deliver it tomorrow. ...Uh, there wasn't anything perishable in that basket, was there?
No. 491207 ID: a28731

It is way too late. Go home, tell mom what happened (starting with the damn squirrels stealing your basket!) and deliver it to neighbors tomorrow.
No. 491348 ID: f0d2e5

I think you were supposed to go right.
No. 491387 ID: 1f8505


Looks too dark to try to find the neighbors. Head home and ask mom for better directions.
No. 491435 ID: d07c14

Our excuse is that we didn't know where exactly they were and got a little lost in the woods.
No. 491436 ID: 908c2d

There were squirrels! It's all the squirrels' fault!
No. 491459 ID: 78c6ea

We did deliver the basket. To the neighbors. She did not specify that the neighbors were not squirrels.
No. 491481 ID: 4a328b

Home, it's almost time to sleep and you're probably hungry. You'll do the delivery tomorrow.
No. 491533 ID: f2c20c

Make the delivery dangit!
No. 491616 ID: c6319f

It's getting late and it would be rude to bother the neighbors if they are eating or something, the basket delivery can wait until tomorrow.

Time to get home and sneak in without being seen but actually get caught just when you think you're in the clear and struggle to make up excuses on the spot.
No. 491619 ID: b53faa

Be sure to mention that you weren't exactly clear on where you were supposed to be going.
Also, "I did find a sword while looking though! Look how sweet and shiny it is!"
No. 493578 ID: c59939
File 136105180352.png - (158.29KB , 1024x512 , Ysabel - 104.png )

It's getting late, so you head back home.
No. 493579 ID: c59939
File 136105191987.png - (316.07KB , 1024x1024 , Ysabel - 105.png )

You're barely able to set down the basket and gem before your mom gives you a big hug.

She was wondering where you gotten to any why it took you so long to deliver a basket. Also, how you managed to not deliver the basket after being out all day. She wonders why your mouth is blue, and where you got the sword and jewelry.

You tell her about how squirrels stole your basket, and you chased them to these ruins in the forest, about how you had to solve puzzles and get past a boar, and how you got the sword that's lighter than it looks. She's happy that you had an adventure and got home safe.

You mention that you weren't quite sure where to go as well. She says she thought the directions were simple enough, but tomorrow she'll go with you to the neighbor's house.
No. 493580 ID: c59939
File 136105194462.png - (331.41KB , 1024x1024 , Ysabel - 106.png )

After having supper, you climb up into the loft, and get some much needed rest after a long day.
No. 493582 ID: 76b151

huh, theres something washed up on that beach. Wonder if we should check it out now or leave it for morning.
No. 493583 ID: 5d98c3

Hey! Ysabel! Wake up, the crystal's glowing! Do you know what that means? THE TEMPLE HAS ACCEPTED YOU AS ITS' MASTER! Time to start renovating.
No. 493584 ID: c59939
File 136105205432.png - (98.16KB , 1024x512 , Ysabel - 107.png )

The next morning, you and your mom head out to the neighbor's house. You continue to go right when the path turns, and continue going right until you reach the other side of the island, where you find a house with a kind older lady living there.

She wonders why your mouth is blue.
No. 493585 ID: 9ee360

Dang, lookit that hug. Your mom's got you inches off the floor!

Magic jewellery: activate spooky magic dreams.

Well, it's not new, at least. The thing on the beach is there in the title card as well.
No. 493630 ID: 639e01


No. 493692 ID: ec1490

Explain that the blue berry you found apparently stains something crazy and apologize for forgetting to brush?
No. 493773 ID: c59939
File 136109518379.png - (262.14KB , 1024x1024 , Ysabel - Brushing.png )

>...either Ysabel doesn't brush her teeth, or that's some potent dye those berries were sporting. :V
>Explain that the blue berry you found apparently stains something crazy and apologize for forgetting to brush?

Funny story, that.
No. 493774 ID: f2c20c

Obviously it was a CURSED BLACKBERRY.
No. 493792 ID: a0c700


its curse is being blue instead of black?
No. 493794 ID: c31f72

Since when is blackberry juice supposed to be black?
No. 493833 ID: 1f8505


Time to invest in some mouthwash.
No. 493842 ID: 5d98c3

Nah, let's just use it to scribble all over ourselves!
No. 493855 ID: f2c20c

...raspberry. I meant raspberry.
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