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File 126091820422.jpg - (33.40KB , 500x441 , TheHat.jpg )
92575 No. 92575 ID: 6faa8c


Death is cold.

When the body ceases functioning, the heart stops beating, ceasing the pumping of blood. Without the warmth of moving blood, the body chills, and the cells die quickly. Within minutes, the brain is beyond repair. Within days, it begins to rot. For all of man's great power, he still has yet to triumph over Death itself. He cannot and dares not, even with the great power of Life magic, to bring back the dead.

For Death is cold, and the cold is deadly.

Of course, laws are meant to be broken, aren't they? After all, my heart stopped beating hundreds of years ago.

My name is Hattori Delarosa, and I am a Lich. My age is of no consequence, and neither is my backstory. Perhaps I shall tell you later. The reason I have summoned you, Legion, is for advice and guidance in this most important of heists. There is an incredibly powerful magical artifact, prophesized to be the end of me. I seek to destroy it and avert my fate... again. Will you help me, O noble voices from beyond time and space?
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No. 93276 ID: 34470e

So you need to be dead in order to flicker. Dead dead, not alive dead, like you are. Proceed. Cautiously, of course.
No. 93277 ID: 6faa8c

Just out of scientific curiosity...
I place the hat on Shi's head, and she flickers too, her mouth and eyes forming wide Os.
No. 93278 ID: 34470e

Anansi has some 'splainin' to do once we get the amulet...
No. 93281 ID: 6faa8c
File 126103657664.png - (3.68KB , 640x480 , Templemap1.png )

Indeed he does! I make my way into the next roo- oh for the love of all that is good. It's a narrow walkway slowly making it's way down and turning to the right. My monocle doesn't spot any traps.
No. 93282 ID: 34470e

Take some hands/feet/heads/etc. and store them in your hat. Take a hand and throw it down the hallway.
No. 93283 ID: 6faa8c

I do so, tossing one of the hands down the walkway. It bounces a few times, then falls off.




It hits the bottom.
No. 93284 ID: 34470e

Try sliding one down.
No. 93368 ID: 6faa8c

It rolls down, end over end, until it falls off the side of the very high and narrow walkway.
No. 93371 ID: 632862

Peer at the walkway with your lens while carefully walking down it.
No. 93375 ID: 6faa8c
File 126107576261.png - (4.31KB , 640x480 , Templemap1.png )

I see no magical traps or mundane ones, and nothing hides in the darkness or under the bridge.

We are halfway there, I think. Shi is staying oddly close. Shi is shaking.
No. 93376 ID: 632862

Oh, she must be afraid of heights. Let her hold onto your arm or something so she doesn't worry as much about falling off.
No. 93384 ID: 6faa8c
File 126107700372.png - (4.65KB , 640x480 , Templemap1.png )

I let her hang onto me as we enter the next room. This appears to be the last one, with a statue of a sphinx. I see no Amulet, only writings on the walls.
Over the one to my left is a sun dawning. Behind the sphinx, a noonday sun. And to my right, a setting sun, made clear by the visible moon.

Ah... looking at the face of the sphinx, I can see the amulet inside, but it is so snugly fit, I cannot reach inside.
No. 93388 ID: 632862

Writings on the walls, or just drawings?
No. 93391 ID: 6faa8c

Writings. Over each plaque of writing there is the drawing. Each one seems to be a riddle... which one would you like to hear first? Dawn, Noon, or Dusk?
No. 93392 ID: 632862

No. 93394 ID: 6faa8c

Dawn it is.

What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?

There is a speaking tube under each riddle.
No. 93397 ID: 632862

A river.
No. 93398 ID: 6faa8c

I lean down and speak into the tube:
"A river."

The tube retracts, and I hear a soft click.

It appears that was correct... which one next?
No. 93401 ID: 632862

No. 93402 ID: 6faa8c

Very well. I approach the noon riddle.

I am the black child of a white father, a wingless bird, flying even to the clouds of heaven. I give birth to tears of mourning in pupils that meet me, even though there is no cause for grief, and at once on my birth I am dissolved into air. What am I?
No. 93416 ID: 632862

No. 93417 ID: 2cbe3e


A nozzle.
No. 93418 ID: 6faa8c

I lean forward again and speak into the tube:

It too, retracts and eventually clicks into place. This leaves the final riddle.

The rungs of a ten foot ladder are attached to a ship and are a foot apart. If the water is rising at the rate of one foot every hour, how long until the water covers every rung?
No. 93419 ID: 632862

Never. (The boat will float at the same depth no matter how high the water gets)
No. 93420 ID: 6faa8c

Again, the tube descends, and the Sphinx's mouth opens wide...

And it lifts its paw to reveal a small hidden compartment.
No. 93430 ID: 632862

Collect thine loot!
No. 93433 ID: 34470e

In a cautiously but hard-broiled manner.
No. 93455 ID: a64482

might I suggest poking it with a stick or something first?
No. 93497 ID: 6faa8c
File 12610903493.png - (54.60KB , 420x653 , dragon-cane1.png )

Of course. I peer into the compartment under the foot, and see no traps awaiting me. Carefully, I pull out what sits within:
A long cane, ending in a dragon's head.
But the real treasure awaits in the mouth. I pull it out and the mouth and the paw snap back to their original positions.
No. 93504 ID: 34470e

Examine dragon cane.
No. 93507 ID: 34470e

And medallion.
No. 93508 ID: 632862

Nice cane. Give it a twirl.
No. 93511 ID: 6faa8c

It is of excellent craftsmanship! The head is, if I am not mistaken, pure silver. The length of it seems to have been made of ironwood.

I twirl the cane, and as it reaches speed, the wood heats and bursts into flame. When I stop, the fire stops, and the wood is unharmed. Shi claps.

"Oh hot damn, you're still upright and whole." mutters Anansi, lowering himself from the brim of the cap.
No. 93514 ID: 34470e

Greet him... her... it... and demand to know the information it promised.
No. 93515 ID: 632862

"Hello, Anansi. I got what you wanted. Now, tell me about this hat. All of its abilities, please. Some of its history would be nice, too."
No. 93519 ID: 6faa8c

>"Hello, Anansi. I got what you wanted. Now, tell me about this hat. All of its abilities, please. Some of its history would be nice, too."

The spider laughs, pulling a wooden box from nowhere and holding it out to me. I place the amulet inside and he snaps it shut.

"Most certainly. The history, first." he clears his throat. "The hat belonged to an old magician, one who excelled at slight of hand and smokes and mirrors. He wanted to be able to put on a show like no other, so he approached me with a deal: I would enchant this hat, and he would... repay me." the spider snickers. "The hat is harmless to you, my good man, but every minute a living thing employs its use is a day shaved from its life. You can imagine what occurred when he started to do performances, some lasting for hours, many times a day. The powers are thus."

+ The Hat may be used as a storage device for anything that could fit into the brim. The storage is infinite, and when reaching inside, you will always find what you are looking for, unless your terms are vague, like 'what I need to solve this'.
++As a collorary to this power, turning the hat inside out will dump all the contents of its storage. You can will the items to be expelled at normal speed or very, very high speed when commiting to the action.
++Things placed inside the hat are frozen in time, so living creatures, food, time-sensitive objects, and the like will last indefinitely.

+You may reach through the hat, and out into real space wherever you can see. This is only limited by the acuity of your own sight, but only one such bridge may be made. In other words, you may not put both arms into the hat and have them pop up in different locations.
++Velocity is maintained between points using this power. Speedy thing goes in hat, speedy thing comes out hat.
++Objects pulled back out may either be placed into storage or retrieved immediately. Living tissue is locked in place if this power is used on, say, an arm. The same goes for anything pulled partially through.

The spider takes a breath, but it is not yet finished, clearly.
No. 93522 ID: 6faa8c

"Thus are the abilities you have discovered thus far. Allow me to finish."

+When you place the hat on the head of another creature, whether alive, dead, or in between, besides yourself, you may choose to teleport it forcefully as far as you like within sight.
++You may, at the expense of a great deal of your own energy, decide to only teleport the head.
++Creatures that do not have heads are not affected by this power.
++You must be holding the hat for this to work. The hat does not teleport along with the target.

+When wearing the hat, if you tip the hat in a direction, you will instantly teleport a distance relative to the distance the hat was tipped. This power may be deactivated and reactivated with an application of will.
++Be forewarned, this is the only power that you can use that can target outside of your range of vision! It is also the only power of the hat that can kill you!
++Looking up allows you to teleport up, lookong down allows you to teleport down. You do not teleport where you are looking, however.

"And that is all." Anansi says smoothly. "Would you like to make any other deals? Perhaps I can offer you information about the cane you hold?"
No. 93524 ID: 34470e

Accept it.
No. 93526 ID: 632862

Sounds like the teleportation deal is how you will eventually be killed by the Hat.

Find out what he wants in exchange for information about the cane.
No. 93533 ID: 6faa8c

That sounds... oddly accurate. I will hesitate to use it, then.
"What sort of payment for the information about the cane?"
"Another favour. More dangerous this time, since you know the full capabilities of your artefact."
No. 93538 ID: 34470e

Accept it.
No. 93554 ID: 632862

Yeah, okay.
No. 93566 ID: bebdd2

Sometime in the future, find a wide open field or something and practice teleporting. Finding out how relative the distance is before an emergency pops up could save our unlife.
No. 93580 ID: 6faa8c

"Very well. What is your mission?"
"Some distance from here, there is a great dragon, name of Jerasp. He stole something from me. A sword that sings." he smiles that strange smile of his. "Whether the dragon lives or dies is a seperate matter, I want that sword back at any cost."

This is a good idea.
No. 93606 ID: 34470e

Ask Anansi where Jerasp is.
No. 93608 ID: 6faa8c

"Where is this Jerasp?"
"He lives nearby, in a mountain." the spider points. He smiles. "Shi will likely prove most useful there."

She points to herself, a questioning look on her face.
No. 93615 ID: 34470e

"How so?"
No. 93618 ID: 6faa8c

Anansi smiles.
"You haven't noticed?"

When she clapped.

There was no sound.
No. 93620 ID: 632862

She's muted herself completely. She generates no sound at all. What an interesting ability. So it wasn't just her voice that was silent.
No. 93714 ID: 6faa8c

Chapter one end!

Item powers discovered: 3/8
Hat Tricks discovered: 3/30
Magical artefacts found: 2/2
Secrets found: 1/1
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