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File 170719926578.png - (158.98KB , 500x500 , rf2024.png )
141644 No. 141644 ID: e51896

Welcome all couples and singles to the first annual Dance Day fifth annual Questden Romance Festival! Where all Questden characters could have the chance to find true love (if they’re lucky), and for characters that are already in relationships, they might just have the date of their lives!

Just like the previous years, draw your quest characters looking to mingle with another participating quest character looking for love. Woo and flirt to test the waters: will the duo be compatible, or will it fail spectacularly? Singletons are also welcome, as are established couples on a date.

Also, whether you’re a quest author or a suggestor, here’s the place to draw or write a valentine to send to your favorite quest character! Who knows, they might even react (or write back)!

2020 thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/132009.html
2021 thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/134801.html
2022 thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/136948.html
2023 thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/139073.html
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No. 141645 ID: e51896
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This year, Romance Fest has changed locations, and will be taking place at a dance club! For this event only, you don’t even have to be a club member of this establishment to mingle, eat, drink, find love, and most importantly… DANCE!

Couples will now have the opportunity to dance to any of their favorite songs, whether it be a slow ballad to get up close and cuddle to, fast-paced EDM to get each other sweating and release oxytocin, or even square dance if having a rootin’ tootin’ hootenanny is more your thing. Singles are even able to participate as well to attempt a courtship dance to try and woo a potential suitor with their impressive dance moves, or maybe sexy dance moves (if they’re daring). So go ahead and draw a character dancing and having a fun time… or making a fool of themselves!
No. 141647 ID: e51896
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Gazebo's here too
No. 141649 ID: 75b262
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“Just be yourself!” Landi said. How stressful!

“Wear this bow!” Dotti said. How gaudy!

For Pierre, all of this was illegal until last month, and he isn’t sure he’s ready for this kind of pressure.

Socializing without a chaperone? Not allowed, too lustful.

Open bar? Not allowed, too gluttonous.

Dancing around the maypole? Not allowed, too pagan.

Bow ties? Not allowed, too prideful.

Romance? Not allowed, vow of celibacy!

Pierre’s early, too. There’s no one else here but a gazebo. That’s fine, though. There’s no one to see him be his own awkward, authentic, bow-tied self.
No. 141650 ID: dc13c4
File 170722306736.jpg - (411.00KB , 530x774 , Core 84.jpg )

Abdle: "Come on Bobbie, Worm Works told us that this dream will help you out with your problem...You know what I am talking about, sooner or later you will have to marry for diplomatic reasons and you kinda seem uninterested in any relationships at all. So being here can be a test to see and work on your social skills."

Bobbie: "Do you think that this is the first time I heard something like this, my father told me about me needing to marry. So when I joined you I thought that I wouldn't need to do any of that."

Abdle: "I mean you can avoid that path, but our goal will be much easier to accomplish if you do end up marrying a powerful figure. So please while you are here at least try to find somebody."

Bobbie: "Fine! I will try to find somebody here, but I make no promises that I will actually accomplish anything significant here."
No. 141651 ID: 9ea24b
File 170726628936.png - (115.50KB , 500x500 , a84.png )

Saul arrives to the party fashionably on time and with a shoestring drawing budget. He's looking for some hot female babes to show his honed dance moves.
No. 141652 ID: 5ebd37
File 170727184423.jpg - (154.87KB , 500x800 , mirrak.jpg )

Mirrak has a crush on the Chief, but she's way too nervous to ask her out. Martah got her an invite to this romance party so she can get some dating experience, hopefuly with someone authoritative.
Right now she's waiting off to the side while others arrive.

Mirrak: (Oh no, these people all look really important and powerful. How am I supposed to catch the eye of... is that a queen!?)
No. 141654 ID: e0257a

Eh, bored enough to give this a chance. Just for lulz.

Oh mighty Tanwen,

With your skill and prowess you may be enshrined as a great warrior of generations. So it is with bitter-sweetness that it is said you keep that skill to yourself. Such greatness can do wondrous deeds. While my skill at the art of war languishes while nobility alone is allowed to lead.

So a partnership would let us both shine. With your skill at arms and my strategic wisdom we could build a great future. Just imagine. Lots of kobolds to serve that we may focus on martial prowess. Great warriors hoping to join our forces that they may gain a fraction of our gloriousness. Powerful kings begging for our aid by showering us with wealth. Skilled alchemists in our service that enhance us to heights beyond comprehending. We shall spread the Terrorscale name to known and unknown corners of the world. With our greatest treasures being born of our hearts.

Of course to ask for your heart so early would be foolish. What is requested is merely the opportunity that the skills we have complement in a way that what blooms will cause all to be in awe. Greater than what we would have alone. While that blooms, we let a strong bond be forged. Such a strong bond that it too shall be one for the ages. Give but a bit of your limited hours so that much can be gained.

With high hopes,
One man who seeks the name General Terrorscale
No. 141656 ID: e51896
File 170738226067.png - (160.09KB , 1280x720 , rf2024-03.png )

w2K, the beloved mascot and waitress of BURGERVANIA has come to serve BURGERVANIA's famous meals and drinks at this years Romance Festival in hopes of drawing in more customers to the company, as BURGERVANIA is searching to expand to other worlds. She figures introducing people to the burgers here will help get them interested when they start expanding to their worlds

As a special promotion for this festival, she is offering one free special limited edition milkshake to the first couple that shows up, and already, she has spotted them! She rollerskates over to a gloomy looking queen, and her jack-o-lantern looking apple partner

w2K: CONGRATULATIONS on being the first couple here for Romance Festival!
w2K: Awwwwe, golly! You two are such a sweet couple!
w2K: Maybe even as sweet as this free BURGERVANIA's limited edition BLEEDING MILKSHAKE that you two just won!
w2K: available in all participating BURGERVANIA restaurants
w2K: Oh, and don't worry, even though it's called the BLEEDING MILKSHAKE, It's made from cherry!
w2K: The BLOOD of cherries!
w2K: Teeheeheeheehee!

No. 141660 ID: dc13c4
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Bobbie: "This looks appetizing, I just hope it wasn't created from the blood of sentient cherries."

Abdle: "Is that what people are thinking of us!? We are not a couple, we are partners in a shared goal! I am the brain and she is the hand that carries the brain!"
No. 141661 ID: dc13c4
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Abdle: "Is that how they think that I ended up in this form because I was smitten by your appearance?! That is not true, I did it to gain power! Yeah, our pack didn't work out how it was supposed to but we are not a couple, I am in lower of world domination and nothing else!"
No. 141662 ID: dc13c4
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Bobbie: "Can you tone it down with the fireworks? I know that there is a lot of light all around us but it doesn't mean that you need to compete with them."

Abdle: "I just wanted to take that off my chest, I really do not want to be seen as a couple."

Bobbie: "I could care less if anybody saw us that way."
No. 141676 ID: dc13c4
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Abdle: "Alright, now that you finished your drink let's focus on why we are here in the first place, that bunny noticed us so it is time for us to notice them. A perfect person to interact with."

Bobbie: "But what if that bunny is also a girl? I don't have an interest in..."
No. 141677 ID: dc13c4
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Abdle: "Listen it doesn't matter, this is a learning opportunity for both of us so might as well use it. I am going to give you a love festival card one which you will give to the bunny."

Bobbie: "It would be nice if you actually wrote anything in it except for your drawings."
No. 141678 ID: dc13c4
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Abdle: "Ha ha, very funny. I will hide in your hair and telepathically tell you exactly what you need to say to our target. Now stop stalling, go and introduce yourself."

Bobbie: "Fine, whatever. Let's just get this over with."
No. 141679 ID: dc13c4
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Bobbie: "I couldn't help but notice that you noticed me. So bunny let me introduce myself I am Bobbie the Queen of Monsters and it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
No. 141680 ID: dc13c4
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Bobbie: "Now you are here the same reason why everybody else is. You are looking for somebody in this festival of love. But at the same time, you look scared, shy, and a little bit confused..."
No. 141681 ID: dc13c4
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Bobbie: "But I am not looking for a companion, I am looking for somebody who shares the same vision for the world that I have and somebody who can help me in creating it."
No. 141682 ID: dc13c4
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Bobbie: "I made you a love note and I hope that your ambition will fall in love with my ambition."
No. 141683 ID: dc13c4
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Bobbie: "It represents the unity and compatibility of two people in a shared goal of creating something bigger and better than what the both of them were in the first place. So would you like to be a part of my world and vice versa?"
No. 141684 ID: dc13c4
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Bobbie: "But a more important question, would you like to join me for a dance...I only know how to do the ballroom waltz and I don't know if this music is compatible with that style of dancing but we can always try."
No. 141691 ID: 5ebd37
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Mirrak performs her best courtly bow. "A pleasure to meet you, your majesty. I am Mirrak, Master Trader of my people. (Because everyone higher ranked than apprentice abandoned us, but she doesn't need to know that.) I hope you will find our meeting to be fruitful and prosperous." She accepts the love note from Bobbie. "I will admit, I am not so well versed in romance myself. So it is something of a relief to-"
No. 141692 ID: 5ebd37
File 170780739659.gif - (47.01KB , 500x481 , rom_02_what-I-uh-this-note-is-ehhhhh.gif )

Mirrak: "..."
No. 141693 ID: 5ebd37
File 170780744397.gif - (42.11KB , 500x481 , rom_03_ha-ha-ha-a-nice-normal-dance-lets-goooooo.gif )

Mirrak: "Ah ha ha , yes, a dance! I am not familiar with this 'walts', but I'm game to try. Shall we ask the band for some suitable music? Although, I'm not sure where they are, its so dark in here its like the music is coming out of the very air itself."
No. 141698 ID: 55f601
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Bobbie: "I must apologize for the love note, it wasn't me who drew it. My assistant a soulless demon did and that is how he sees affections."
No. 141699 ID: 55f601
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Bobbie: "I really like your smile, it is clear that you are not good with socializing and yet you are trying your best to go with my silly suggestion."
No. 141700 ID: 55f601
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Bobbie: "On the topic of the music, I am not sure if there is anybody who even plays music here. The music is coming from a weird device."
No. 141701 ID: 55f601
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Nalthar: "That is why I am here to be a one-man band ready to play for your dance."
No. 141702 ID: 55f601
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Bobbie: "Well then, there is nothing stopping us from starting our waltz. Don't worry I will show you how to dance."
No. 141703 ID: 55f601
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Bobbie: "First hold my right hand and raise it up in the air."
No. 141704 ID: 55f601
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Bobbie: "Now use your other hand to hold me down, while I put my free hand on your shoulder."
No. 141705 ID: 55f601
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Bobbie: "Now that we are in the perfect position, just follow my lead and try to imitate my movement. Simply go with the flow..."
No. 141706 ID: 55f601
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Bobbie: "You are a quick learner. So can you tell me a little bit more about yourself? Everybody's life is a story so what genre was your one?"
No. 141725 ID: 5ebd37
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The gentle music puts Mirrak at ease and she feels comfortable telling the queen about her past.
Mirrak: "I won't bore you with details. My people are born with extraordinary powers, but our elders and traditions have long held us back. They would have had us bow down to those who would keep us chained. But we have left them behind for a new life in a strange land. It will be hard, but I am hopeful for our future.

And what of yourself? You have the look of a ruler who has had their own share of troubles, yet come out ahead."
No. 141735 ID: 69a3cc
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Bobbie: "I am just somebody who adapts to my surroundings and yes I took to the position of royalty and presented myself as a person with extraordinary powers. You really got a handle on this dance, as for myself I will admit I didn't expect to enjoy a dance at this when coming to this gathering. This was a pleasant surprise for me and you trully changed from a timid person to somebody who is taking the lead in this dance."
No. 141779 ID: 0d1c28
File 170918115215.png - (834.08KB , 774x1100 , Brett10.png )

Brett and Trisha enjoy some romance at the festival
No. 141783 ID: 5ebd37
File 170926717993.jpg - (163.87KB , 500x600 , rom_06_vulnerability.jpg )

Mirrak: "Ah ha, that's just my training. You have to be able to project confidence to be a good trader. Hmm, but I think I can drop the facade a bit with you." Mirrak's demeanor becomes more casual. "Its ironic, but I find it easier to fake confidence with strangers than with people I'm actually close to. That's why I came here, to try and get some dating experience, since I can't bear to approach those closest to me, romantically that is. I suppose I'm only getting a nice dance out of the evening though eh? Unless you have some advice on how I could tell my chief how much I like her."
No. 141793 ID: 08b744
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Bobbie: "Yeah I understand where you are coming from. As for myself, I don't really have any attachment to anybody in a romantic sense and all my friends are telling me that is something that I should work on. That is the reason why I came here in the first place..."
No. 141794 ID: 08b744
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Bobbie: "But what I learned from this interaction is that I am more interested in getting to know somebody instead of getting intimate with them. To me, that is a more engaging way of interacting and for me, it wasn't easy from the start my friend had to tell me what to say to you. He was the one who created that wired love letter."
No. 141795 ID: 08b744
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Abdle: "Hey my love note wasn't weird!"

Bobbie: "The best advance that I can give you is to just keep working on your way of talking with others. You already become a different person from what I first saw here. You can try and talk to that man at the gazebo who is sitting all alone, the important thing is to show confidence."
No. 141796 ID: 08b744
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Abdle: "You know when you are getting to know someone better I would suggest trying to avoid telling them that I was helping you with conversation. It is such a humiliating thing to admit."

Bobbie: "Well the Lesser Demons weren't here to help so I kinda had to rely on your advice."
No. 141797 ID: 08b744
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Abdle: "Oh no it is almost midnight, we need to go or we will be stuck here forever."

Bobbie: "Yeah I see Nalthar openiung a portal."
No. 141798 ID: 08b744
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Bobbie: "Well Mirrak, this is my time to leave..."
No. 141799 ID: 08b744
File 170937115243.jpg - (321.17KB , 582x525 , Core 117.jpg )

Bobbie: "I had such a blast dancing with you and I hope that you accomplish your romantic goal in your own world! I hope we meet again some other time until then farewell!"
No. 141800 ID: 08b744
File 170937120312.jpg - (80.98KB , 248x506 , Core 118.jpg )

With that said Abdle, Bobbie, and Nalthar leave this celebration.
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