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42562 No. 42562 ID: 6c90d5

'sup dudes and dudettes. here's a discussion thread for you. I'm mainly making it to say a few things:

1. I encourage every poster to look at other posts and vote or downvote them. it's kind of hard for me to decide what to do when everyone is suggesting their own creature and I have no idea what the rest of /quest/ thinks about each of them, and we end up making around only one or two organisms per day.

2. one of the ultimate goals of this quest is to create a setting mostly imagined up by /quest/. I've laid down some rules and restrictions as a groundwork, mainly to set up some challenge, but as the protagonist gets better and better at understanding the universe, the limits to your abilities will become less and less significant as you circumvent or downright annihilate these obstacles, and you, the suggester, will stop being so fucking frustrated with the way I run things. I hope.

3. I won't be able to dish out 100 images per week forever, especially since I'm going to commute within the next two months. so get used to the idea.

anyway, discuss and criticize away! seriously, do your worst- I won't get any better if you don't.
4 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 42618 ID: f29f63

I got to admit, I enjoy the little ecosystem report here. It's not big, but it's still nice to see how creatures interact.

I am going to have to make a list of possible creatures and some of the ideas I came up with some time. Really got my creativity pumping.
No. 42690 ID: c7b6c2

Calling it now: the entire reason we're making a universe is to provide an entirely unique DnD setting for the Professor, Organa, Primus, Harry, and whoever else we haven't seen.
No. 42743 ID: 4bdd79

Aaaaand you were completely wrong.
No. 42785 ID: c7b6c2

Damn it!
No. 42791 ID: 38809a
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Here's some semi-redundant info; hopefully, it will make you less confused. Warning: May actually make you more confused instead.

When a living being dies, its dead body is left with the leftover positive energy that was animating it. When a living creature eats a deceased one, it gains two things from the corpse: The substance, i.e. physical body, which is transported into the predator's stomach, and the positive energy, which the predator absorbs into its metabolism.

The substance may or may not also be absorbed: A swirg that eats marble moss absorbs its stone body and grinds it down, and uses the water it drinks to process it into moist clay that makes up the swirg's body. However, when a skull eats a swirg, it will not absorb the whole thing, defecating the clay processed by its stomach and guts. Its physical mass of flesh and bone is synthesized by its organs using the air it breathes, the water it drinks, the earth it digests, etcetera etcetera.

Aldaren determines a creature's diet by giving it organs that can't process what the creature isn't supposed to eat, and by giving the creature a taste for what it is supposed to eat.

Sure, I (or you) could make up an even more precise mechanism, but that would be using comic book logic, i.e. trying to apply perfect logic to something you imagine because it's impossible for it to happen in a logical world in the first place.

As for animating creatures... Sigh. Get ready for a shitton of redundant information. Elements can have three states:

1. Elemental state, a.k.a. raw essence/energy. This is the state in which they are reactive to other raw elements and can be mixed into quasi- or paraelementals (or exploded into pretty pretty colors). Raw elements do not have a physical form and cannot be perceived by mortals. However, unless it is forced to stay in this state, raw essence will rapidly turn into its physical form.

In my head, when Aldaren opened that first box, he saw the raw essence of fire for a split second, and then the box's preserving properties* ended, and the fire went fwoosh.

2. Physical state: Includes anything you can see, touch and/or feel- note that fire also counts as a physical thing in this universe, rather than a chemical reaction. Physical things are not made up of atoms or molecules or similar particles- the smallest, very base form is a homogenous matter composed of a mixture of any two non-opposing elements (or just one essence. Pure positive or negative energy does not have a physical form).

For example, tin is approximately 15% positive energy and 85% earth essence which coexist as one type of physical matter.

Bronze, as a compound, is not entirely homogenous like pure tin- it is submicroscopic bits of tin and copper arranged evenly to appear as if it was one substance. Likewise, mineral gemstone automatically arranges itself in submicroscopic geometric formations even though it is not a compound.

:coolface: But you didn't really have to read those last few paragraphs.

3. Imbued state: Elements can also be imbued with physical objects. Objects that are imbued with positive or negative energy will become animated. A creature steadily uses up the energy that animates it and eventually dies when it runs out of juice. With the proper organs, it can replenish its supply, hence the need for sunlight/food.

Objects imbued with essence don't seem to be any different than before. They are not animated.

Objects imbued with quasielementals become animated by the quasielemental (steam, ash, light...). However, after a split second, the quasielemental splits. The positive or negative energy part remains imbued within the object, and the essence part instantly becomes physical within the object, and the object is burst apart by or covered in water, air, fire, or earth.

Though all physical matter is composed of elements, imbuing an object does not mix the elements that make it up with the elements it is imbued with, in accordance to the general rule of elements only reacting with other elements in the same state.

Like raw elements, imbued elements do not have a physical form and cannor be perceived by mortals.

*Do not ask me about the box's preserving properties. It has an explanation, but I'm not telling you.
No. 42795 ID: c7b6c2

So I've been doing some thinking After we have a bunch of fun creating an entire universe and everybody moves in, what haopens to us? I doubt the panel of gods would appreciate an all-powerful being controlling their new world, and there's no way we'd give up our powers willingly.
No. 42796 ID: 35e1a0

they probably had to deal with it before. in D&D all the big gods are just greater deities. their was still a rank above them, Over-deity, Ao. he made the portfolios and shit.
No. 42828 ID: c57663

Correct me if I'm wrong, but in terms of things we have implemented so far:

• Marble Moss
• Coppertops
• Black Lotuses
• Goldenrods
• Silverwoods
• Unnamed Plant that grows on jelly cloud things
• Jelly cloud things (I really hope they'll be renamed something other than 'cell clouds' or 'cloud cells' so I'm not going to put that as the name here)

• Swirgs
• Skulls
• Bowlercap Slimes (Is this their final name?)
• Tophat Slimes (Same question as above)
• Dapper Slimes/Gentleslimes (Also same)
• Tinnies
• Bronze Beaks

We also have a finite 'demiplane' that A) we aren't using and B) don't really seem to know what to use it for.

In terms of proposed (and not implemented or not discussed enough for implementation) and contentious (meaning no consensus has been reached) ideas:

• Magic - majority seems to say yes to magic, but no consensus has been reached on how it would actually be implemented.
• Demigods/guardians – the most contention appears to me to be in issues of a potential overlap with incoming gods and a possible "subject one" event.
• Unnamed stuff like the testing planet, the sun, the universe itself, etc. (I guess it counts as 'contentious' since there's no consensus? Okay no that's a stretch, but it definitely doesn't count as 'proposed' when there have been no proposals.)

• My brain is dead and requires sleep, and there are lots of these, so this can wait

But yeah seriously please correct me if I'm wrong at all or have missed certain developments or anything like that.
No. 42829 ID: c57663

oh of course, i forgot to include bacteria as a proposed thing.

...right. sleeping. i was going to do that.
No. 42830 ID: b2d5eb

yeah, you pretty much nailed it all- although I'd list the cloud cells (or whatever else you decide to call it) under 'other things', like I'd do with the black one-eyed spires if they got implemented. and I'd also list naming things under 'nobody else seems to give a shit'.
No. 42831 ID: b2d5eb

oh, and the sun is named Rao, because that's the only suggestion that was given about it.
No. 42842 ID: 8c5153

Cool beans, I agree, I only put it there because you mentioned they'd basically be a plant earlier and I couldn't really think of what they'd count as. The plant that grows on them should still count as a plant, so after implementing the spine bush and the lead gourd, you actually have eight plants instead of seven.

Also I realise my ID is different right now since I'm not at home. I'll probably be able to post from it when I'm back home. But I make no guarantees because it's a dynamic IP anyway.
No. 42845 ID: bd7cc2

Also, we have a name as well. Aldaren.
No. 42846 ID: fe770c

The planet we're working on has a name too (that I don't remember). I know we have names for some things but that wasn't really what I was concerned with anyway when I made that list.
No. 42857 ID: c57663

Back home. Will do the list of proposed-but-not-implemented creatures, and creatures that were implemented but extinguished (which is kind of like saying, "this needs to be thought out better if you want it to be here")

• Already got a list in >>/quest/347988
• Piranha Plant – self explanatory

• Unnamed living mountain – has had no effective work done on it, as far as I can see
• "...jellyfish girls to live in the ocean, once we get plants there." No work done.
• 'Rockturtle' – >>/quest/346112, >>/quest/346075
• Unnamed really weird shelled brain thing? I don't really get it. >>/quest/346039. Needs more mechanics for gaining energy as 'from the sun' is not enough.
• Unnamed sea animal – iron-infused 'battering ram' head, lots of spiny ridges in lieu of fins.
• Zeppards – floats and can adjust height using a gas bladder.
• Massive worms – need work on energy. They'd end up eating way too much.• Spiny smaller worms – no work done as far as I can see.
• Reservoir turtles (extinct) – needs work, but I'm not sure what personally.
• "...a creature that undergoes metamorphosis." No work done.
• Tiny near-immortal undead space dragon pet. Named Fluffy. A gift for Reaper. For some reason.

• Sea bacteria? Plankton? Whatever, water stuff. >>/quest/346335
• Bloodshrooms - would that be a plant, or out first fungus, or what?
• The first 'real' bacteria idea >>/quest/346916
• Rock spire >>/quest/347493 >>/quest/347692
• Some kind of weird plant-leech that is also a plant? Idk it's weird.

Urf, that took a good hour too. I spend way too much time here.
No. 42859 ID: 6af537

Are we to do creature/plant design here or in the quest thread? I have an idea, but I'm not sure where to post it.

As I see it, this thread should probably contain all discussion and debates, and the main thread should be used for in-universe status and event reports. But it's your show, so the final say is yours too, Elephant Guy.
No. 42860 ID: c57663

I think by the nature of this quest, discussion can really be held in either.

But as you said, it's up to the pachyderm's preference.
No. 42861 ID: eee8d8

the pachyderm has decided that you will be the ones to decide. I won't interfere unless things really get out of hand.

thanks for the list, by the way. it makes things a lot easier for me.
No. 42862 ID: c57663

No worries, I like having important information organised and easy to find. Even the silly suggestions, on the off chance someone actually tries to make them workable.
No. 42863 ID: 6af537

We might want a wiki page for that. Wink, wink.
No. 42864 ID: c57663

While I have been collecting and parsing a whole bunch of information, I'm 100% happy to leave creation of the 'Genesis' wiki page to someone more motivated and less suffering from post-procrastination stress (i am going to fail all of the coursework ALL OF IT).

(also, i've been really worried about being assigned a new IP while i sleep or something and losing my ID, so i figure for the purposes of this quest i'll have a tripcode from now)
No. 42866 ID: 6af537

Reposted to correct formatting.

Ok, here's an idea, inspired by seeing the 'Piranha Plant' in the Unimplemented List and confusing it with something I've seen elsewhere.

We are going to create the Garden of Sun. Sans Yuuka... for the time being.

Gemflowers is a suggested name for a family of plant species. They share several common traits:
* composition: semi- and precious materials;
* capability of limited movement (usually sunflower-style rather than triffid-style; see detailed descriptions);
* capability of communication and organization (plant hivemind, if you will, although not sapient, so more like an ant colony until Yuuka comes home, at which point she takes control).

The stems of these flowers are, of course, green. Malachite comes to mind, but it's brittle as opposed to supple, so movement will be hampered. Suggestions are eagerly solicited on this issue.
* Diamond Daisy: a golden center surrounded by diamond petals. Diamond Daisies can manipulate their petals, altering the angle at which light hits them, thus creating beautiful complex light shows (and more, see further). DDs are a common sight throughout the whole Garden.
* Ruby Rose: the main feature are, as indicated by name, its ruby petals. Similar to Diamond Daisies, they can be manipulated to redirect light rays. Given sufficient concentration of light/energy, RRs can act like lasers. This allows their use in Discouragement Beam Arrays strategically placed in the Garden of Sun to deter any attackers. They can act in coordination with the Daisies, which supply them with sun energy to power lasers and redirect the laser rays for increased precision.
* Sunflower Silo: modelled after Earth's sunflower, this golden-headed plant tracks Rao's movements through the day and soaks up as much energy as it can. The energy is stored in the plant. At night, the petals of the Sunflower can be rearranged and the flower itself turned in the appropriate direction; then the energy is released back to the center of the flower, superheating it to the point of light emission. Though the amount of light it can actually produce is not that large, the sheer amount of Sunflower Silos growing in the Garden ensures that a portion of Ruby Roses (and whatever else needs light for operation) can be powered even at night. And, given the Daisy Power Grid, an imitation of Operation Yashima is totally possible.

That is, if the night even exists in the Garden of Sun. If the Demiplane experiments turn out successful, we can think of placing the Garden within such a plane, and have, suppose, magic grant and Yukari control access to it. There, it can actually be a flat world with a sun hanging in the zenith at all times, regardless of place.

* Alternatively, some kind of Emitters can be devised to relieve the Sunflower Silos from its secondary function.

Other suggestions, that may or may not be included in the GoS:
* Tesla Trees, as seen in Hyperion, are a viable protection method for the Garden's borders, and an interesting option for (controlled!) inclusion the Avalon's current population.
* Dumbledore, a magical insect. Originally intended for pollination, they can also have some uses in the magic system of our new world. For example, a Dumbledore in its prime can be viewed as a pretty good magic battery, useful in potions or ritualized spellcasting. Old Dumbledores shed little silver hairs, especially in flight.
* WiFly, an insect that uses strong electromagnetic fields for movement. (I guess hovering on the e/m fields is energy-inefficient at our current level of bioengineering, so an alternative is having them use existing metal-based lifeforms in a Gauss gun-like manner to propel themselves.) A side effect of their activity is an ungodly radio noise.
No. 42964 ID: c7b6c2

i maek wiki article
By the way, Elephant guy. If you could make an official title card for the wiki, I'd be pretty appreciative.
No. 42993 ID: 3e683b
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awwww, thank you~

I dunno what you mean by title card though.
No. 42995 ID: 6af537

It'd be cool to wikify the in-universe mechanics. Like, what interacts with what with what results (make a table out of >>352591), that sort of thing.
No. 42996 ID: c7b6c2

A title card is basically an image, usually stylized, that has the title of the quest on it. For example... "Passage" started with an image of the title, which was used as the header image for it's wiki article. Genesis started with a black square, and never had a direct image of its title, so I had to lift another image from the quest.
No. 43001 ID: 6af537

In out setting, it's possible to match the racial difference by cleverly applying magic. Remember, we're setting rules here, and we can allow altering the heat processing mechanisms of the caster.
No. 43004 ID: b6edd6

Ok, specifics about my version of the heat system:
Power source:
- Casting spells uses body heat as its primary power source,
- 'Shaping' the magic makes the caster get tired (similar to physical exertion) as a secondary cost.
All* spells cast some of both, but in general having more raw force (eg, throwing a boulder harder) increases the heat cost more, and being more complicated (throwing several smaller stones rather than one large one) increases the fatigue cost more.

Spell cost is decreased by using more efficiently designed spells (spells are shaped in a way closer to a mix between circuitry and runes than to command phrases) and by the caster's skill.
Fatigue loss can be (in effect) reduced by the mage building up endurance (like with muscle use).
More body heat can be gained through physical methods (being in a hot room) as well as transferred from other mages. More extreme methods such as walking into a fire are risky but not immediately suicidal due to buffer spells (next paragraph).

Heat resistance can be regulated through buffer spells that can store heat energy for a short period of time. (Ex: A mage puts their hand into a fire to draw heat from it. The buffer spell stores the fire's energy and gradually transfers it to the mage's body so he has time to spend it before it starts damaging his body. Absorbing too much heat this way without spending it results in potentially deadly overheating, and trying to expel the energy without using a spell results in explosive backfiring)

Enchanted items are possible, and function like spellcasters but use more heat rather than getting tired. As well as not functioning if they don't have enough heat, they can also overload if they are exposed to much more heat then they are built ti handle. (Increasing an enchanted item's tolerance for heat makes it harder to produce and generally less efficient in other situations.)
Items can also be enchanted to generate heat rather than absorb it, but the amount of heat/second is low compared to the magical cost of enchanting the item (so items with this enchantment are either very weak, very large and cumbersome, or very hard to come by).

-Mages can generate heat, but at a fairly high fatigue cost
-Mages can become less tired, but at a fairly high heat cost, and they can't use any other magic at the same time
No. 43005 ID: 6af537

Looks good so far. But what about usage limitations? What can and can not be done with magic?
No. 43007 ID: b6edd6

Things that can be done*: (in approximate order ratio of heat cost / fatigue cost {highest to lowest})
-Move objects (throw a boulder, magical flight {lift yourself})
-Reshape objects (shape a stone floor into a shallow pit with menacing spikes, make a weapon )
-Transmute matter [conserves mass] (stone to water; air to {a much smaller volume of} metal)
-Effect energy (magical lightning; buffer spells)
-Effect other magic (multiple things including:)
--Make a temporary enchantment by making a spell that can maintain itself for a while. [Much less expensive to make than actual enchantments, but break down over time, are easier to counter, and cost a sizable amount of fatigue as opposed to actual enchanted items which just use heat]
--Make a spell that senses conditions and reacts to them (a temporary enchantment that automatically attempts to stop incoming projectiles; a spell that lets the user see the location and function of nearby magic)
--Directly attack other spells in an attempt to break them or gain control of them [heat cost vs fatigue cost rules apply to the cost of breaking through overloading vs exploiting a weakness]
-Enchant items [very expensive overall]
-Directly effect minds (telepathy, emotion manipulation) [large fatigue cost due to complexity]
-Heal wounds [very large fatigue cost due to complexity; healing unconscious beings take extra heat to heal to overcome their natural resistance]

*Creatures have some ability to resist magic being performed directly on them unless they consciously permit it. This can be overcome, but with difficulty.

Things that can't be done:
-Break/change the established rules
-Directly creating or destroying matter
-Resurrecting the dead
-Working directly with essences
-Time travel of any sort
-Things that would damage the fabric of the universe
No. 43008 ID: 6af537

And how are these rules to be enforced? Or, in other words, how does magic actually work?
No. 43010 ID: b6edd6

Casting works by the caster drawing heat energy from themselves (converting the heat to magical energy),
'shaping' it (using fatigue to weave the raw energy into a specific spell)[using either instinct or knowledge],
then casting it (releasing the spell and letting it run its course).

The rules are enforced by things that go against them doing nothing or backfiring. (Sort of like how a machine that attempts to do physically impossible things either breaks or simply does not work.)
No. 43013 ID: 6af537

So, how are we going to make "working directly with essences" fail if the mage doesn't know that it's supposed to fail and operates on instinct? Because manipulating essences isn't physically impossible, we're proof of that.

Same question to the other entries of the "Things that can't be done", and all the other things that weren't even enumerated.
No. 43014 ID: b6edd6

We can decide what works or does not work in this universe because we are the god of this universe. We can decide that magic will follow a set of rules the same way we made objects be effected by gravity.
No. 43015 ID: 35e1a0

i am gonna have to say that this heat thing, while interesting, is not at all practical. it would make fire and ice magics the only ones that anyone ever really learns because that is what the magic is based on. turning heat into earth magic or wind magic. or the more esoteric things like teleport just seems bizarre. and one of the things of frostbite is you don't feel it because of nerves being too cold. so mages could kill themselves by accident real easy.
No. 43017 ID: 6af537

> turning heat into earth magic or wind magic. or the more esoteric things like teleport just seems bizarre
Go look at a swirg and come back.

> so mages could kill themselves by accident real easy.
An inherently dangerous aspect of magic is a bad thing how? It will force the mages to learn control and awareness.
No. 43018 ID: 35e1a0

being able to tell when you are hypothermic is not something you can train to learn.
No. 43019 ID: b6edd6

>one of the things of frostbite is you don't feel it because of nerves being too cold. so mages could kill themselves by accident real easy.
You feel cold before your nerves start going numb. If you are in danger of going from normal temperature to frostbitten in one spell, you are casting a spell far too large for your current resources.
No. 43020 ID: 6af537

Yes, thus at first the only mages that survive will be the ones that use magic cautiously and/or don't forget to cast heating charms on themselves. And by "learn" I didn't mean "train" but "drill into their heads that magic is not a toy". Which will coincidentally limit the collateral damage from mages existing.
No. 43021 ID: 35e1a0

a heating cham...
what? you spend heat to make heat with heat?
No. 43022 ID: 6af537

Well, I haven't searched the threads, but I'm pretty sure that the word "thermodynamics" hasn't been used anywhere. Unlike "magic". So yeah, heating charm.
No. 43023 ID: 35e1a0

so far it just seems you want heat for the sake of it rather then mana. just use mana and its the exact same thing. with the exact same limits. you are just trying to be cool by giving it a new name.
No. 43025 ID: 35e1a0

also, any animals that use magic will use it stupidly and kill themselves really quickly. they CAN'T have "it is not a good idea to use it too much" drilled into them.
No. 43026 ID: 6af537

Nope, not "exact same". Al the very least, with mana, we can set any limits we want, because there are no preset rules yet; while with heat, there are physical constraints, which is more interesting.

Yes, we can just copy those constrains and have a heat-like mana. But then why bother separating the concepts?
No. 43027 ID: 35e1a0

also, your idea makes being a warrior also be a mage. if the only way to get more fatigue is to work out then strong warriors would be mages as well. meaning their is no specialization and the world will be boring.
basically i'm ranting and shit because the idea is just DUMB. SOUNDS cool, but in execution will be really really dumb.
No. 43028 ID: b6edd6

Except instead of rune circles or whatever, mages in a heat based magic system set their robes on fire. Also a heat based system has well defined consequences for letting too much energy (in this case heat) build up as opposed to the more nebulous standard-magical equivalent.

>Hearing charm
It would be strange to directly spend heat to make more heat, but you do have the options of:
- Transmuting things to flammables ad setting them on fire
- Using enchanted items that (slowly) generate heat
- Generating heat by spending fatigue at a high rate (causing the caster to get tired quickly)

Even animals have survival instincts. If they are hungry they eat, if they are tired they sleep, and if they are running low on heat they stop using magic until they have recovered.
No. 43029 ID: b6edd6

>your idea makes being a warrior also be a mage
Cost of a spell is also reduced both skill in general and skill at doing that specific thing, which take training. (And even among spellcasters, there are fighting styles and such.)
No. 43033 ID: c7b6c2

I'll start working on that now.
No. 43132 ID: 6af537

Yaaaay! We've managed to bore Elephant Guy to timeskip with our cautious experiments!
No. 43133 ID: f29f63

Yay! Now let's produce shit tons of creatures that can use both natural biological stuff and magic!

Golems! Elementals! Slimes with funny hats! Sergals! Let's go crazy!
No. 43134 ID: 6af537

Sure thing! Because, what could possibly go wrong? ;-)
No. 43135 ID: bb1da0

it's not gonna be a crazy-ass timeskip... well, that's the plan, anyway. I figure you guys don't want to be hung up with having to teach Faden every word she ought to know. I'm also planning to have Aldy use his weird time shit powers to have... uh, planet two advance through time for a dozen or so millenia into the late bronze age.

by the way, should Aldaren just be all "oh fuck it" and implement many of the organisms mentioned and be done with it already? also, anything else he should do?
No. 43142 ID: b50e2a

>by the way, should Aldaren just be all "oh fuck it" and implement many of the organisms mentioned and be done with it already?

sure, it will be easier this way
No. 43148 ID: f29f63

MAny are pretty good ideas and useful to help establish a good ecosystem.

As for planet two, I think we shall name it.. Zeon.

Also, a few creatures to tide you over.
Viking Slime: A ocean faring version of the standard slime. Oceans and seas tend to have more salt than fresh water. This tends to make things more buoyant if I recall. The viking slime is a bit bigger than the average slime(right on the outskirts of small, but never medium), but it's mass is more on it's membrane when on the ocean. Simply put it works like a innertube with a lighter liquid instead of air. Instead of a mustache, they have a beard like tendril that they extend down into the water to get bubble weed and smaller fish. Their shell, is a dome cap with two horns to defend itself against aerial prey and other creatures. Budding is it's growth method.

Sombrero Slime: A tan slime designed for the desert. The average slime tend to have a stickier film, but the sombrero slime uses said film as insulation by covering itself in a layer of sand. It's sombrero is a mixture of a few designs. First off, it keeps the sun off the slime's body. Second, unlike the top hat, the sombrero is sturdier. Third, like my canteen cactus design, there is a small hole at the top of the sombrero that opens when it rains. It will then store the water in the center part of the sombrero to last longer in it's harsh climate. Finally, the edges are damn sharp. With a fine, super hard shell trim on the edge(maybe iron), when this thing spins, even a spearling would have trouble. They are omnivores like the other slimes, but they are fine eating plants. When attacked, that's when the slime posy slices and dices.

Rainbow Trout: A special take on a normal fish. Slightly magical, rainbow trout's scales change color depending on various factors and 'mood'. Angry and alert trout would be red, while afraid trout would be a almost painful yellow. A hiding trout would be bluish green for camo, while a mating trout would be purple. Male and female fish reproduction, eats plankton and bubble weed and other plants.
No. 43153 ID: 4bdd79

I really really like the viking slimes.

For rainbow trout, it'd probably be simpler to just do the color-changing the way it works in real animals (based on either a chameleon or octopus depending on how precise you want it).
No. 43155 ID: f29f63

I stand by my belief that for each ecosystem, there needs to be a slime with a funny hat on it.

Speaking of, since it is talk like a pirate day, have some piratey stuff!

Pirate slime: A subset of the viking slime that focuses on seas. They too have beards, but not as big as the viking slime. However, they have a unique mechanism just for them. Taking up salt and other bits of things, the slime can fire these out at their enemies like a pistol so they can hunt aerial enemies. The average slime would have a thin shell on top of their head forming a bandanna. The leaders, the Captain slime would have a bigger, more traditional hat and would be able to fire multiple shots at once. Pirate slimes form crews led by a captain slime.

Galleos: A giant, wooden creature that lives on the sea. It's a plant/creature hybrid that can gain energy from the sun, but can also eat plant matter and dead creatures for extra nutrients. To move around, it has rather big leaves to serve as sails(and also to soak up sun) to move along the sea. Passive creatures, they tend to have a symbiotic relationship with pirate slimes. The Gallios provides various nutrients and a safe place for the slimes to rest in due to the various open areas inside it, while the slimes would defend it against predators, keep it's body clean of debris and filth, and share their kills with it.

Slightly territorial with other gallios. There are times where crews of pirate slimes will fight as their gallios inhabit the same feeding area. They reproduce through creating a seed like dingy which will grow in time as it eats and absorbs sunlight.(yes, I made a living boat creature, any help?)

Also, somehow, make the pirate slimes go 'yar' as they jiggle.
No. 43157 ID: b6edd6

I like the living boat. Maybe as well as using its sail/leaves it has tiny tendrils on its underwater half that ensnare and consume plankton?

(Maybe we could eventually have the living boat be domesticated by out sapients...)
No. 43158 ID: 8c5153

Or what about like cuttlefish! Cuttlefish are cool. I like cuttlefish.
No. 43161 ID: f29f63

That was the plan for the Gallios. Don't think we have a lot of 'tameable' critters right now considering spearlings seem to not give a crap if you are a zaki or a god.

The rainbow trout, well we can easily make tons of camo creatures, but this fishy is going to use it's colors in terms of magic. Yellow would be like a flash spell, red a weak enchantment to strength, blueish green for a weak illusion, ect... and purple for a charm spell for other rainbow trout.

Either way, if you want to make a cuttlefish, come up with an idea and I'll see if I can help improve it.
No. 43165 ID: c7b6c2
File 131648288128.png - (132.45KB , 640x864 , Aldaren doesn\'t give a damn.png )

Consider this your first piece (as far as I'm aware) of horribly drawn fanart.
No. 43171 ID: f6e0ad

Oops, in >>352958 I meant to link to >>352953 instead of >>352955. Either way, yay cuttlefish! I don't really have any grand desire to make some. I'm more looking forward to seeing Faden again after we TIME WARP woo.

I'll think of some more plants if I do anything, since we pretty much need new plants forever.
No. 43177 ID: f29f63

Yeah, it will be interesting how Faden turned out and seeing how the Zaki and their leader grow would also be nice to see.
No. 43179 ID: 6ffbb3

funny you mention the leader... I've got most things figured out for chapter two, but I can't think of what to do with him.

I mean, humans took at least two million years to learn metallurgy and exit the stone age. let's say the metal-rich environment and attempts at cremation lets the zaki figure it out a lot earlier, let's say that they learn to mimic the natural weaponry of spearlings and hemortars, and let's say I shorten the realistic amount of time a bit for convenience's sake... that's still a hundred millenia or three until they get out of the unga munga mentality if willing suspension of disbelief is to be maintained.

even if he has the strength of an elephant, the speed of a panther, the armor of a dragon, and is ageless to boot, there is no way he could survive to be that old.

I guess I'm probably going to have him end up a semi-forgotten figure of legend among the zaki.
No. 43181 ID: c7b6c2

Oh, no, please don't do that. Considering he has the protection of a god, there'd be a good chance that he'd still be alive.

If you absolutely must have him dead, then at least write him as a cherished member of the Zaki, who lead them to survival and established their civilization as well as inventing many of their tools. Otherwise, his introduction would be rendered pretty useless because he's just a mostly forgotten legend. It'd almost be better to not have made him at all.
No. 43183 ID: b6edd6

Mythological figures can still have a considerable effect on the culture. You know, people thinking of him like a saint, occasional loons claiming to be a reincarnation of him, that sort of thing.
No. 43184 ID: c7b6c2

Right. This'd be preferable to being almost forgotten.
No. 43185 ID: f29f63

Figured we'd at least be trying to keep him alive. Maybe 'reforge' him whenever his body started to go really bad but somehow kept the knowledge in his head.

After all, we want the guy to be the slow cooker style of god/champion creation. Maybe make the rebirth process not that pleasant so he doesn't decide to go gun ho whenever a enemy shows.
No. 43187 ID: 8c5153

I was thinking this too, but the idea of 'loonies' pretending to be the second coming (which almost certainly would happen if he was an important myth) gave me the idea of actually making a second coming some time just to see what everyone would do down there.
No. 43188 ID: b50e2a

we should put at least a year between death and revival
No. 43189 ID: f29f63

yeah, a year between would work. It's a tough enough penalty, but not too bad. Maybe say hi and ask him how he's doing when he can start to speak.
No. 43193 ID: b50e2a

we could make his new body come out of the statue
No. 43200 ID: b6edd6

If we do the resurrecting him thing, think it would be better to have him appear in front of it than to literally burst out of it.
(How would resurrecting work, anyway? Do our creations have non-bodily souls, or would we just be making a copy of him?)
No. 43202 ID: b50e2a

we should make sure souls exist in our universe
No. 43203 ID: b6edd6

Where would we put them after their bodies die?
No. 43207 ID: f29f63

Well, we can likely use time magic to 'rewind' the damage to the body and put them in stasis.

For souls, we can likely make a sort of imprint of whom they were alive with memories and make a sub plane for them.

For our hero, another thing we can do is give him bonuses/penalties to his resurrection time depending on how good he'd been or how he's die. No future champion of ours shouldn't die by falling down stairs without a few years of waiting.
No. 43208 ID: b50e2a

we would need some kind of spirit world

some ideas

-a plane where reality is defined by its inhabitants desires

-each god would create an afterlife for it's followers, someone who didn't choose a god would automatic go to the god of his espécie

-upon death the soul will reincarnate on a new body

-a mix of the options above
No. 43278 ID: f29f63

A plane for the dead would be a good idea, but reincarnation would also be important so it we don't somehow over populate the after life.

Basically, the after life is pretty decent with gods having their own spots for their worshipers if they want. After a while though, the average soul would get bored of the place and decide to reincarnate. Good people can do so right away and could even pick what to become. However, the more crimes they do, the longer it takes to reincarnate which would make the after life more of a punishment after a while. When they do go back into the circle of life, they will likely get a not so good life. True criminals will spend thousands of years for rebirth only to become a deep blue dapper slime with a black mustache.
No. 43281 ID: b6edd6

Do we want to have sapients reincarnate as non-sapients? That would not seem like much of a reincarnation (and leave relatively little chance to do good or evil).
I also think that we should have it randomized rather than good life -> good reincarnation, because a bad life makes people more likely to make bad decisions, which could snowball if it continues over several lives. (Also, new souls who live unfortunate lives would be presumed to have been evil and to therefore deserve their misfortune).
No. 43345 ID: c7b6c2

oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh
No. 43349 ID: f29f63

My my my! Faden has grown! I have to admit I expected the worse but she certainly flipped my thoughts around... I was expecting less pink.

Still, she seems like when the time comes she could very well be a goddess of healing and mending.

As for the reincarnation thing, it's more to stop a mass murders from reaching spots of power in another life. Really, being demoted to a non sapient would most likely be given to the most dangerous criminals who would try to end the world or cause mass genocide.

Besides, there is a difference between stealing a loaf of bread to not die and stealing a loaf of bread because it's fun. I think we would be smart enough for that. Also, this would allow non sentient to work their way up to sentients.

I want to see someone who's first form was a swirg work their way up to being a leader of a nation.
No. 43351 ID: b6edd6

I wasn't talking about crimes of necessity, I was talking about how people are shaped by their environment. For example, people who are abused as children are much more likely to grow up to themselves become abusive.
With a non-random resurrection system, souls who have some tendency towards evil would be placed in lives that encourage evil, stacking the odds against them ever finding redemption.

With the reincarnation-as-non-sapient, what good or evil does your average fish or rabbit have an opportunity to do? (Or would being anon-sapient itself count as penance?)
No. 43352 ID: 41e6f2

the way i see being a non-sapient would count as penance
No. 43353 ID: f29f63

I don't mind some randomness, but like I said, a person who commited bad crimes should be punished. While a life can shape a person, it is their own actions that shape the outcome. If they live a horrible life but make it out on top without going further down, they deserve a reward. Maybe bumped up two steps instead of one.

Now for that holy quest idea(don't want to clog the main thread with it), but my idea is basically introducing a 'sub-race' of the zaki lead by a dangerous creature. They would have around their level of knowledge but built more for combat than a zaki.

Char(that other name is pretty long) has the job of basically warning the zaki, protecting them, and dealing with this creature.

Once the creature is dead, the zaki sub-type is free and the normal zaki can choose their fate. Consider it like their first test as a civilization and Char's chance to show us what he's made out of. Will they try to integrate the new type among them? Kill them? Enslave them? It's up to them.
No. 43355 ID: 41e6f2

we should have given him a wife
No. 43357 ID: f29f63

Wife wouldn't help too much. We would just have two immortal stoners wanting to die than one. The fault is pretty much on the fact that he couldn't reincarnate. No rest, no cool down and the guy probably took down everything thrown at him.

1 or 2 thousand years is a long time, but a couple hundred thousand? That is just nasty. Think once he completes that task we give him the option of forgetting that length of time and maybe get him up to date with the current Zaki.
No. 43364 ID: f29f63

Welp, seeing as we are dealing with something we can't really deal with right now, lets gather facts and think of some new creatures.

1: Aldaren cannot see it. Trying to tell him won't help. Need to find a passive way to do so.
2: Creature can be eaten that came from there and can be seen by our creatures.

We can easily make beasts that can counter the creatures, but for now, let's focus on making more life and maybe some extra planets.
No. 43367 ID: bf95d9

Maybe we need eyes to see the horrors?
No. 43370 ID: f29f63

Maybe... but it seems odd how we can see. Maybe these things have some sort of defense against divine sight? We aren't the almighty part, just voices and part of his psyche.

However, we do have sentients who are not gods and one who's built for fighting so to speak. We just need to sober him up.
No. 43371 ID: 81dd60

completely this

I'm not a fan of the 'sub-race' thing, I'm afraid. Because they'd be sentient, 'evil' or not, it strikes me as a really really tough situation for the zaki to be in.

I think we can send him on something more like a quest... make a few boss-type creatures, get them to terrorize a bunch of villages and prompt him to gather his people together and lead the zaki on to victory against them. I think that would be more ideal, because it's a simpler choice – kill big creatures or be killed by big creatures. No moral debates or something like that. Not in the beginnings of civilisation, please.

The problem would be motivating him. He's immortal, after all. Perhaps we could promise his reward as death. Not true death, of course, but don't tell him that.

If he succeeded in his leadership we could ascend him to a kind of 'protector' status where he lives, undetectable to the other zaki, in a land of personal bliss and may lend select other zaki his strength as he deems fit, or 'visit' them, or whatnot. If he failed or paid no heed to his people we could punish him by forcing him to live forever as the guardian of the dead.

This would enable us to not only have the opportunity to implement the afterlife stuff people seemed to want, but also have him as a not-really-a-god-but-kind-of-like-one and force him to stop being so whiny about immortality.
No. 43376 ID: 41e6f2

i like this plan
No. 43379 ID: f29f63

Got to admit, that's a good way in saying it and I want to see him be a hero.

Though, we should work on some more sentients along with more life in general. I can make some beetles and some cold clime creatures, but I want to see other ideas too.
No. 43380 ID: b6edd6

>I don't mind some randomness, but like I said, a person who commited bad crimes should be punished.
That is why there were the proposals of penance by reincarnation-as animal and punishment by time locked in a bad afterlife before reincarnation.

>Not true death, of course, but don't tell him that.
If the guy really wants to die, we shouldn't force him to stay around. Instead, we should offer him freedom from his torment, and offer him a choice when he completes his quest: to completely die as he had planned, or to forget (some or all) so he can live again without the weight of the past.
No. 43388 ID: 81dd60

He's too much time wasted to just let truly die, especially since that would completely defeat the purpose of creating him in the first place. Are we thinking of different things here? Because 'truly die' to me implies no revival, nothing, just dead. And that would kind of ruin all the plans people had for him. I agree we should offer him a freedom from whatever's tormenting him (if he does a good job), but it should come in a different form to a true death.

I mean, ultimately we'll see what happens when we get to it, but I'd rather have him as a protecting force or a guardian of the dead (if afterlife is implemented) then be a total waste of effort. Poor guy for having so much put on him, but from what I saw it seems like he made with that in mind in the first place, so whatever.
No. 43389 ID: b6edd6

Permanent death is what I was saying we should let him choose, if he wants it.

If we want a demigod/guardian, we can make another one who actually wants to live. (Perhaps a copy of his younger self, if we are detemined to keep him.)
Forcing him to live if he still prefers death to any other options seems rather cruel.
No. 43390 ID: 81dd60

I took making a younger version of himself as being a form of reincarnation. If it takes that, I'm fine with it.
No. 43464 ID: c870bb

man, if I forget to draw his horn one more time I'm going to quit drawing forever.
No. 43490 ID: 82575a

So whats with that bronze beak eyeing Aldarens ass?
No. 43492 ID: d4155c

...wouldn't you? That's a divine ass right there. The Ur ass. Dat ass that all other asses come from. There's probably a group of zaki who live behind our monument just to see it every day when they wake up.
No. 43503 ID: b5d7b8


there is.
No. 43815 ID: 36b100

maybe I'll give 'em embarassing glowy bits.
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