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File 135879177309.jpg - (116.55KB , 360x480 , Magellan.jpg )
486689 No. 486689 ID: 849800

"Hello! I'm Magellan! Ah, look- go away, darn fairies!

"Now, what was I saying? Nope, don't remember! Just looking at you reminds me of... Never mind! An adventurous young man like yourself doesn't want to hear about my life! Tell me about yourself! What's your name? What are your interests?"
98 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 490647 ID: a28731

Casting from a scroll has many more requirements that he simply does not meet.
No. 490648 ID: 14bafe

And that's how we can pay for lodging in this town, if we get stuck here. 'Wizard' training!
Although we aren't very good at wizarding yet, we can at least teach a kind how to activate magical items. Peregin is interested enough to spend the skill points, and 'eventually' he'll probably be able to roll the nat twenty he'd need if he had the minimum charisma score, seeing as how he does get a roll every six seconds, and out of combat you have as much time as you need.
Also, this is still a quest primarily, so we can do things that are inventive.
No. 490806 ID: eca791
File 136015414022.jpg - (327.51KB , 720x720 , C1P20 - Two Roads Meet.jpg )

One long stop at the grocery store later, where Griffon introduces the dwarf Gerarda and talks to her for a while, Tuck has a new pair of pants. Griffon leads him across the street and knocks on the mayor's door.
No. 490856 ID: a28731

wait for the mayor
No. 491092 ID: 0c7e41
File 136024479760.jpg - (272.50KB , 720x720 , C1P21 - Mayor.jpg )

"Hey Griffon. Hey Per. Who's the new guy?"

"Elliot, this is Tuck Chesla. Tuck, Elliot Mayor. Tuck wants ta know about adventures around here, so I brought him to ye."

"Suits me fine. I was just having a snack. Why don't you come in and join me?"

"We've gotta get a dead wolf ta Miss Marosasta so she can hide him."

"Shoot, what'd he do to deserve that?"

"No, no, a wild wolf. Ask Tuck about it."

"I see. Well, come on in and have a seat, Tuck. What'll you have to drink?"
No. 491112 ID: a28731

water would be fine
No. 491120 ID: b6edd6

Yep. We have enough trouble aiming as it is without being drunk.
No. 491334 ID: cffd41
File 136031189024.jpg - (224.79KB , 720x620 , C1P22 - Mayor F2F.jpg )

"Sure... Hm. Weren't you a wood elf a minute ago? You some kind of shape-shifting wizard? Well, that's for the best. See, there's a goblin tribe living close by in that ravine outside town. About once a year for the past fifty years they bring out a magic apple to sell. Now this apple heals anyone who eats it, I mean wounds, disease, anything. And they sell it for about 50gp. Used to be Miss Marosasta would buy it, because she's the only one with that kind of money, and she'd cut it up, sell it for more than she paid, and plant the seeds. Woman's good at making money. Only problem is the saplings only grew about two feet before they disappeared. Damn goblins came and take them in the night, kept her from growing her own.

"So one night Kelan, her husband, stayed up late to guard them. Next morning Miss Marosasta finds him, screams so loud the whole town wakes up.

"Next summer the goblins came back selling another apple, like nothing had happened. I won't forget how Miss Marosasta looked. She wasn't going to buy any more apples after what happened to Kelan.

"But her kids did. Taithor and Ellaia. I could never figure out why, until recently. About a month ago they met up with a few adventurers that came to town and stayed out late themselves. Turns out they'd found the men in another town they visited. They wanted to figure the thing out, so they stayed out late themselves. It was Hell on Miss Marosasta. She didn't stayed awake all night. But they came back safe in the morning, said they were going into the ravine, and wouldn't say anything else until they came back. Nothing Miss Marosasta or I said could change their minds. Their minds were on revenge, you could see it. So they went. We haven't heard from them since.

"Miss Marosasta's pretty shook up about it. It's been a while, but if you could help out, it'd mean the world to her."
No. 491424 ID: b6edd6

Of course I would be willing to help, though I am not sure how much I can do on my own if they did get into trouble.
No. 491650 ID: ff5b1b
File 136043925476.jpg - (213.62KB , 720x680 , C1P23 - Men at mayors door.jpg )

"Thanks a lot..."

Elliot is cut off by a knock at the door. Elliot opens it to find two men standing outside, one with an air of authority, the other looking annoyed.

"Hey Pohat. What can I do you for?"

"Mr. Mayor," the one with authority says,"this is Jarison Entot. He stayed at the inn last night and claims his purse has been stolen."

"Alright, gather everyone up."

"Yes, sir."

Pohat and the man leave. Elliot turns to Tuck.

"I need you come outside for a minute. We might a thief in town."
No. 491651 ID: ff5b1b
File 136043929089.jpg - (228.19KB , 680x680 , C1P24 - Townsfolk Gathered.jpg )

Outside Tuck finds a group of people in a half-circle, including Pohat and Jarison Entot, Griffon, Peregrin, and Wolfe.

"Is everyone in town here, Pohat?"

"Yes, sir."

"Hm. Ok everyone, here's the situation. Last night Mr. Entot arrived in town with some money in a purse that I saw him use at Miss Gerarda's store. Today he comes to Pohat and says his purse is missing. Now you kids, did you have anything to do with this?"

Peregrin and Wolfe, as well as a small Aasimar girl, all shake their heads. Griffon puts a hand on each boy's shoulder and squeezes.

"Be honest, boys. This is no laughing matter."

"I know, dad!" Peregrin answers. "We've been in the forge with you working on Mrs. Marosasta's wheel!" Wolfe nods his agreement.

"Jadis, what about you?" The Aasimar man asks.


"Alright." Elliot continues. "Now I'm assuming Mr. and Mrs. Goody have already searched the inn, is that right?"

"Yes." The Aasimar answers. "We looked everywhere, including through Mr. Entot's bags, and couldn't find it anywhere."

"What about you, Gerarda. Did you check the store?"

"Yes, I made an inventory after Mr. Entot spoke to me."

"Hm..." Elliot says again, frowning. "That's darn strange. Griffon, come over here, I need to ask you something."

Griffon and Elliot move a few feet away and whisper to each other. Tuck tries to make out what they're saying.

Tuck's Perception: 1d20+6 = 12.

They return and Elliot continues.

"Tuck, I hate to ask another favor of you, but would you be willing to help us find Mr. Entot's purse? Everyone, this is Tuck Chesla, a shapechanging wizard. He's just arrived in town, which Griffon saw, and couldn't have stolen the purse. Until that purse is found, he's in charge. Got it?"

A chorus of ayes and yeps tells Tuck the others understand and will listen to him.

Challenge! Find the merchant's purse!
No. 491731 ID: 76b151

First of all lets do a overview of where he last saw his purse and trace his steps from then onwards. He could have dropped it or placed it somewhere and forgotten about it then.
No. 491747 ID: b6edd6

Ask for a description of the purse including size and such, so we know what to look for.
No. 491806 ID: e87aa6
File 136051594949.jpg - (13.77KB , 120x120 , C1P25 - Jarison Profile.jpg )


"It's about 6 inches tall, made of brown sackcloth, and holds 200gp worth of jasper and bloodstone."


"Last night after returning to the inn, I remember putting it in my pack next to my bed. This morning I left my pack together with my other bags in my room, with Mr. Goody's promise that he'd look after them. Then I went to talk to Mrs. Marosasta about some business. When I came back I came back, it was gone. I'm used to robbery attempts, but in a small town like this, I thought I could trust people."

"Now hold on," Elliot replies, "we're still not sure it wasn't just misplaced, and we're going to help you find it. You just have to be a little patient. What do you reckon, Tuck?"
No. 492018 ID: 7008f9

If there was anything magical in the bag, you could try detecting for magic. Offer to cast the spell if it would help.
No. 492030 ID: b6edd6

At some point we should go look at the room to see if we can notice anything there.
No. 492240 ID: 6adcb6
File 136067754706.jpg - (13.83KB , 120x120 , C1P25a - Jarison Profile.jpg )


"Magic? No, I'm... not trading magic wares today."

Thanks to his Sense Motive Tuck knows Jarison is concealing something. He gets the idea that Jarison never has magic items, because of the cost involved.
No. 492241 ID: 76b151

what uses do jasper and bloodstone have? Thats an odd ombination to be keep together.

We should next ask Mr. Goody who entered the Inn or has access to the rooms.
No. 492580 ID: dbba2e
File 136080418157.jpg - (6.10KB , 48x123 , C1P25b - Goody profile.jpg )


"Good idea. Are we all going together?" Elliot asks.

>what uses do jasper and bloodstone have?

"I don't know about magic, but they're useful to me in keeping my purse light when I travel." Jarison answers.

"But not this light, right?" Peregrin says, and sniggers until Griffon cuffs him.

>We should next ask Mr. Goody who entered the Inn or has access to the rooms.

"Well, obviously I and Mrs. Goody and Jadis were there," Goody answers, "and Mr. Entot. Then Pohat and Elliot stopped by too."
No. 493469 ID: 47a120

couldn't think of anything to do for days, then I woke up with all these ideas today
1. Scan the room with detect magic
2. Search room yourself
3. Look for possible entry through window (either climbing from ground or lower from higher room/roof. (ask who could have done so)
4. What did Mr. Entot., Then Pohat and Elliot do at the inn, did any look like they were hiding something.
5. Since he last looked at it before going to sleep it could have been stolen while he slept by someone quiet, this expands suspect list.
6. He could have forgotten it was actually on his person and taken it to Marosasta's and lost it there/on the way.
7. He could be lying about being stolen from (don't accuse him of that, yet)
8. It could have been some tiny magical creature (like a cat familiar or some such), did he leave the window open at night? is there a hole a rat could crawl through in the room? did anyone see a cat or some other animals walk in alone?
No. 495373 ID: d9c4ba
File 136162760165.jpg - (252.29KB , 692x621 , C1P26 - Inn room.jpg )

"Ok. We'll wait for you out here then." Elliot says.

Tuck goes to check out the Jarison's room. The room is mostly clean, except for some dust on the floor and three bags in the corner. Detect Magic reveals the room is absent of magical auras. Since no one is around, Tuck looks through them. The two large ones contain colorful clothing (which explains where the town get theirs, Tuck realizes). The small one, which looks a bit like a backpack, contains an accounting book (Tuck shuts it out of respect for Jarison's privacy), some papers, stamps, ink, and inkpens. It also has space for a small purse.

The window doesn't look like it opens. The dust on the floor indicates people have been here, but Tuck can't tell anything about the footprints.
No. 495392 ID: 7008f9

Is anything under the bed? What is visible through the window?
No. 495605 ID: 5da860

If we can't find anything searching here, try asking the innkeeper how long they were up at night managing the inn, and whether they saw anyone enter or leave.
No. 495658 ID: cec66c
File 136169750457.jpg - (309.29KB , 830x712 , C1P27 - Under Bed.jpg )


Nothing under the bed...
No. 495659 ID: 76b151

Check the pillow and mattress just to be sure. Then we go to question the others who were at the inn. Mr. and Mrs. Goody next, ask what they were doing during the time he was out. Why did the other's visit, did they go near the rooms at all etc.

I also assume Mrs. Goody cleans up, does she change the bedding at all? Perhaps the bag got caught in the dirty laundry.

Then we question Pohat and Elliot. Ask them the same sort of questions, why did they visit the inn, did they approach the rooms, did they see Mr and and Mrs Goody go near them while they were there.

Question each of the people seperately. Compare notes.
No. 495820 ID: 7008f9

What is visible through the window?
No. 495826 ID: cec66c
File 136176442881.jpg - (305.42KB , 720x750 , C1P28 - Inn Room Window.jpg )

Through the window Tuck sees the forest from which he came, as well as what looks like a fissure that spans rightward as far as he can see.
No. 495830 ID: cec66c
File 136176466344.jpg - (236.54KB , 680x680 , C1P24a - Townsfolk talking.jpg )

>Check the pillow and mattress just to be sure.

Tuck checks, but doesn't find anything.

Having found out everything he can about the room, Tuck goes back outside where everyone waits for him.

>What did Mr. Entot., Then Pohat and Elliot do at the inn, did any look like they were hiding something.

"Well," Elliot answers, "I went by this morning and had breakfast with Neul, the innkeeper, his wife Aedai, and Mr. Entot. I stayed for a few hours, then headed over to the store for lunch."

"I stopped by for lunch, then headed back to the jail." Pohat says. "A few minutes after you got here, then Mr. Entot came rushing into the jail telling me about how someone stole his purse. Then we visited you boys."

"Those are both correct." Neul says. "Mr. Entot arrived yesterday and stayed the night. We traded with him for some new clothes yesterday, and had breakfast with him this morning. He left soon after to visit Ms. Marosasta, then returned right after you arrived this afternoon. He was in his room for a few minutes before rushing out, I guess to see Mr. Entot. Oh, nobody was hiding anything that I could tell."

"Of course not. It wouldn't be good business." Jarison says.

>did anyone see a cat or some other animals walk in alone?

Everyone answers in the negative.

"We don't have any pets around here, but it's possible one came around." Elliot says.

>how long they were up at night managing the inn, and whether they saw anyone enter or leave.

"I was only up a little past sundown." Neul answers. "We tend to turn in early. But the only person who entered last night was Mr. Entot."

"I ought to add that I met Mr. Entot yesterday when he arrived in town." Elliot says. "He was the only person to come by, near as I could tell, and we had dinner together at the store."


"I usually do the cooking, and can work up some remedies when needed." Aedai says. "I made breakfast as usual, then dishes, as normal, and started cleaning with Jadis. I did clean up Mr. Entot's room, but I usually wait to change the bedding until after our guests leave."

"Besides, we wouldn't toss his purse in the laundry!" Jadis says. Neul motions for her to be quiet.

>>Then we question Pohat and Elliot. Ask them the same sort of questions, why did they visit the inn, did they approach the rooms, did they see Mr and and Mrs Goody go near them while they were there.

"Nope, I didn't go near Mr. Entot's room." Elliot says. "I didn't see Neul go near there either. I don't know about Aedai, she and Jadis were cleaning."

"I didn't go near the room either." Pohat says.

Tuck's Sense Motive 1d20+6 = 26
Pohat's Bluff 1d20+? = ?

Pohat is lying.
No. 496067 ID: 344a14

It would be best if we could lure him into a contradiction. Smile at him toothily.
"Are you don't want to revise your statement, Mister Pohat? Could you describe your activities in more detail?"
No. 496784 ID: b26699
File 136206112437.jpg - (88.74KB , 320x400 , C1P24b - Townsfolk talking.jpg )

"Whoa! Are you trying to accuse Pohat of taking that guy's purse?" Jadis exclaims. "What about you, Mr. I-just-got-into-town-before-the-purse-went-missing?"

"Jadis-" Her mother says.

"And why do you all trust him, huh? Why isn't Pohat going into his room and investigating instead of some random stranger? Why?"

"Jadis, be quiet! He's a wizard!" Her father commands. She closes her mouth, but glares at Tuck, who feels a little embarrassed. No one speaks.

"All right, Jadis, everyone," Elliot says, "I know this is rough, but we've got to figure this out. We've all been here for a long time, and I don't think anyone is a thief. We just have to figure out what happened, and Mr. Tuck is the best person for the job because he's a smart guy and he knows how to figure things out. If we work together, we can figure this out. We just need to put up with it a little bit longer."

The group murmurs acceptance of Elliot's words. Jadis isn't directly glaring at Tuck, but still seems edgy. So does Pohat.

"Pohat, will you continue?" Elliot asks.

"Ok. I woke up this morning and visited Ms. Gerarda, and we talked for awhile. Then I went back to the jail to make sure everything was in order. Then I went to the Goody's place for lunch, stayed awhile, and then went back to the jail again. I just gotten settled in when Mr. Entot came rushing in telling me about how his purse had been stolen, then we visited you. Is that what you wanted to know?"
No. 496800 ID: 76b151

What kept you in the inn after you ate lunch? You mentioned you stayed a while.
No. 496933 ID: 5ced09
File 136210519939.jpg - (78.32KB , 300x370 , C1P24c - Townsfolk talking.jpg )

"I was talking with him." Neul answers. "We usually sit around and talk for awhile after lunch."

"We were talking about a man arrested the next town over, in case you want to know." Pohat says.

"Which has nothing to do with my missing money!" Jarison says. "Mr. Chesla, I've heard you're a wizard and I respect that, but this is getting nowhere. Please tell me you have an idea of where my purse is."
No. 496937 ID: 76b151

Unfortunately Mr Jarison my magic doesn't allow me to scry out the past. I have to rely on deduction and the testimonies of the people you see here. The only thing i've learned so far is that Pohat lied when he said he did not go near your room. I do not know why and I do not know if he had anything to do with your missing purse. At the moment he is my strongest lead.
No. 496948 ID: 5da860

Maybe it would be better to say that we have a strong intuition that Poehat his hiding something about entering the room than outright saying he lied.
No. 501591 ID: 47a120

Agreed, thus:
Unfortunately I do not have a spell for scrying out the past. Instead I have to rely on deduction and the testimonies of the people you see here. A large conspiracy with well coordinated tales is unreasonable and unlikely in this case, there is no evidence of any outsider sneaking off with it, and the stories are consistent so if someone here is the thief they can concoct a proper lie.

Those consistent stories place several specific people near the scene and I had hoped by asking for more details from the most likely candidates I would catch one of them in a lie, but doing it in front of everyone it came off too accusatory. We have suspects but not proof.

The question is then, how do we proceed from here. I could continue to grill people in ever greater detail and hope to catch someone in a lie. But that would be far less effective now that I have explained it, people could be lying for reasons other then to cover up the crime, and had I not explained it I wouldn't be allowed to do so as I am not sufficiently trusted and it seemed like I am rendering false accusations.

We could start searching for the wallet at plausible locations of the most likely suspects, but that would involve violating people's privacy.
We could send off for a cleric capable of casting a zone of truth spell. But that will take time, might be expensive, and its possible for it to not work.

Ultimately it is up to you how and where we proceed.
No. 502146 ID: c45f17
File 136413449004.jpg - (285.57KB , 720x660 , C1P29 - Run.jpg )


"That's alright." Elliot says. "We can just check with Neul. Neul, weren't you with Pohat the whole time?"

"Yes." Neul answers, then raises a finger. "Except for when I washed dishes."

"Ok..." Elliot says. "Pohat, remember the password?"

"Oh, shoot, I forgot it." He says.


Then Pohat takes off running toward the forest.

"He's gonna get away!" Jadis shouts. Griffon and Wolfe jump at him, but miss. Griffon curses.

"Tuck, help!" Elliot says.
No. 502157 ID: 7dbd6b

We have exactly ONE spell left, and it makes people fall over.

Grease, directly under him.
Well, move action toward him first, then cast. Short range, blarh.
No. 502171 ID: 2a8a2a

So it is. Grease is an excellent spell in general.

>"Pohat, remember the password?"
Either he is very well prepared for some reason, or he is very good at quick thinking and bluffing.
No. 502189 ID: 47a120

Great minds do think alike; move then grease him.
Yell "give chase" as you start running after him to make sure that if/when he does fall down you actually manage to subdue him.
No. 502300 ID: d13b4c
File 136422382542.jpg - (209.08KB , 620x600 , C1P30 - Tackle.jpg )

>"give chase"

Tuck rushes after Pohat, preparing his magic. At the edge of town he unleashes the spell.

Despite having the element of surprise, Pohat is still within range.

Pohat's Reflex Save: 15 - Failure

He slips as the grease appears beneath him. Griffon and Wolfe tackle the fallen man.
No. 502303 ID: d13b4c
File 136422392022.jpg - (257.70KB , 650x650 , C1P31 - Grab.jpg )

After a half-minute of wrestling, they drag him to his feet.

"Whoa!" Peregrin says, coming up behind you. "You're covered in slimy stuff, yuck!"

"It'll disappear in a minute or so, er, right Tuck?" Elliot asks, right behind Peregrin. "Shoot, what would Pohat say? Check him! Does he have anything on him?"

Griffon holds Pohat while Wolfe searches him.

"Yeah, both of these!" He says, and tosses two objects to Elliot. One is a sap, the other a brown sackloth purse.

Tuck gains 375XP!
Tuck gains a level up point!
Tuck notices light coming from his pack.

"Good job, men!" Elliot continues. "And it looks like Griffon owes Pohat a beer. Two beers, since you called it in already."

"Like I'll pay the derk now." Griffon says, as Elliot returns the purse to Jarison.

"Thank you." Jarison says.

"Why'd ye do it, Pohat?" Griffon continues.

"That's not him." Elliot says. "Pohat came up with the password, he'd never forget it. What's actually going on here?"

With the last words, he looks Pohat in the eye, but the man remains silent.

"Fine. Put him in the jail. We can send him to Draroth next time a guard comes through. Tuck, can you tell us if magic is behind this? It looks like Pohat, but it's sure not."

At the name Draroth, Pohat's eyes bulge.

"Wait!" He says. "Don't send me there. I was attacked by bandits from Draroth, and they'd surely kill me if I ever set foot in that place! I'm sorry I stole from you, I was just trying to get enough to get me to the next city. I can help you! You need someone for some task, right? Take me, I won't run. I didn't mean any harm. The real Pohat's fine, I didn't hurt him!"

After this outburst, everyone tries to speak at once with confusing results until Elliot raises his hands for silence.

"Where is he?" Elliot asks.

"On the jail roof." The impersonator says.

"Check it out, Neul." Elliot says. Neul leaves, taking Peregrin and his family with him. "And lets move this conversation indoors."

The group heads toward the jail. Once there, Griffon and Wolfe store the man in a cell that looks as though it is cleaned regularly.

"He's here!" Peregrin shouts. "Ms. Aedai's taking care of him, then we'll bring him down."

"Good." Elliot says, turning to the impersonator.

"Wait here." Then he leads Tuck outside.

"Tuck, you've done us a favor. None of us noticed that Pohat wasn't himself. That man would have really gotten away if you hadn't been here, and then our reputation would have shot to Baator. Reputation is everything around here. Now, you said you needed assistance, right? Well, I'm a man of honor, and so I'm going with you."

"Sure ye are." Griffon says from the doorway. "Ye can't do magic and ye ain't strong. What help are ye going to be? Ye'd just get killed, and we can't let ye do that, especially with Godfrey here. Ye need me."

"Griffon," Elliot looks conflicted. "you have kids too."

"I intend to come back to them." Griffon says. "Wolfe and Peregrin can handle the forge while I'm gone, and at least I know how to use a hammer. Will ye have me, Tuck?"
No. 502305 ID: 7dbd6b

Well, I don't think he showed up on Detect Magic (unless we missed scanning everyone with it during the minute it was active) so the impersonator probably wasn't magical. He might be an inherent shapeshifter, like a doppleganger, but otherwise he's probably a normal person with an extremely good disguise. Some make-up, a wig, you know.

Anyway, we might as well have you come with us, Griffon. We're heading over to Miss Marosasta's, and it'd be quite the hassle to drag that wolf by ourselves. Also, Safety in Numbers, at least from random wolves that decide that a wizard looks delicious.
No. 502312 ID: 76b151

remember to check our pack once we have a moment.
No. 503795 ID: 4fc6c4
File 136505672872.jpg - (192.59KB , 720x660 , C1P32 - Bag.jpg )

Tuck checks his bag. The headband he got from Magellan is shining. He also notices one of his coin purses seems bigger than before, and inside finds a bunch of amber.
No. 504165 ID: 34db91

"Someone to watch your back is always a good thing to have around when you're doing obnoxiously dangerous things like adventuring. However, I have something of a patron, who is capable of communicating with me from far away, and I wouldn't want to drag you into trouble if they've already solved that issue in a better way."
No. 504418 ID: 47a120

Solved what issue?
As far as I can tell they are offering to adventure with us, we need a fighter as we are a controller not a damage dealer. (I am reading the logs now to better decide on who to invite).
Another option is to convince them to let us bring the thief with us, as he also made an offer
No. 514151 ID: c67a1f
File 137022097450.jpg - (189.89KB , 660x600 , C1P33 - Marosasta\'s house.jpg )

Tuck leaves the goes to the merchant's house. A bell dingles as he steps through the door, and he steps into a room filled with paintings, wooden figurines, metal goods, and different cloths. The gnomish woman that Tuck saw outside steps through a doorway, sees Tuck, and sits down on one of the chairs.

"Mr. Tuck Chesla, what can I do for you?" She asks. "You've certainly earned something."
No. 514285 ID: f9ab82

I think we need supplies for our quest to rescue these guys from the goblin. We should check with Griffin to see what we already have, then make sure to have things like food, torches, and rope.
No. 514639 ID: 14bafe

Well, this is a good place to get some essentials made of metal apparently.
How about a lantern? Bulls-eyes are always a good thing to have on hand, and in a pinch can negate the dreaded Rust Eater.
And, from the fabrics, I'd guess this is a good place to get a silk rope.

Additionally, we could see if she could appraise these chunks of amber for us. If they're worth enough, we could use them in bartering for goods.
No. 515104 ID: d273c9
File 137065275629.jpg - (216.97KB , 690x640 , C1P34 - Marosasta\'s shop.jpg )

Tuck feels like being prepared is a good thing, and decides to check with Griffon and Marosasta to see what supplies he can stock for the journey. Since he's in the trader's house anyway, he decides to start here.

"What do you have in the way of adventuring supplies?" He asks, while pulling the gems out of his bag. "And what can I get with these?"

"Those are some nice gems." Marosasta says. "You helped us out. I'll give you a fair price for them: 300gp worth in trade. Now what sort of adventuring supplies are you looking for?"

"Whatever you have. Food, torches, lanterns, especially a bulls-eye lantern... silk rope?"

Marosasta's eyes widen at the mention of lanterns.

"Are you from the city?" She asks "Are you here to rescue my children?"

Tuck has no idea what she's talking about. Marosasta seems to note the confused expression on his face, and casts her eyes downward.

"Never mind. Sorry, I mistook you for someone else. It's just... I've been waiting a long time." She heads into a side room. Tuck starts to follow and stumbles over something. Then he realizes the thing he stumbled over was his coat, and that he's shrunk about 2 feet.

Marosasta gives a small laugh from the doorway.

"I can get you some clothes too, if you want." By holding the coat tight, Tuck is able to make his way into the side room without tripping. It has some items for adventurers covered in a layer of dust: a backpack, bedrolls, blankets, candles, a crowbar, flasks, a hammer, some inkpens, rope, some common lamps, some flasks of oil, paper and parchment, pitons, a rope, some sacks, a sewing needle, a signal whistle, soap, some torches, a waterskin and a whetstone. Tuck guesses the dust is about a month old.

"We don't get adventurers much around here, so I don't keep much." Marosasta says, in a dull voice. "But what I have is good. There's some firewood and a ladder outside, plus some long poles. I have dried meat in another room, if you'd like that too."
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