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File 137466110704.png - (15.38KB , 733x458 , title.png )
526810 No. 526810 ID: a01b62

Deep within the depths of the multiverse lies a dangerous anomaly known as the Puzzle Dungeon! Travelers from all of known existence are pulled from their homes and forced to run this impossible gauntlet! Rumors abound that at its core it contains a power more valuable than anything else in existence... power that could elevate the one who secures it to a higher status than a god!

Of course, with an infinite amount of dungeon delvers, it's merely a matter of time until the dungeon is completed. But the dungeon's traps seem nigh infinite themselves, and many will fall before one is victorious...
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No. 527868 ID: a5d4fb

LC: Jump in the water, then swim to the right side of the pool. Study floating platforms carefully.
No. 527882 ID: a01b62
File 137487912561.png - (14.71KB , 800x600 , 027.png )

Tubbs sets Sasha Steppington down upright.

El Limo Caballero jumps down into the water.
No. 527884 ID: a5d4fb

i'll like, follow suit, and try to land on limo caballero for a cushy fall, dude
No. 527902 ID: 885ee8
File 137488205534.png - (131.54KB , 720x900 , temp.png )

You got it.

Name: Mavek Dyla
Strength: Cyborg alien with the ability to create prehensile superheated tendril-like cutting implements.
Weakness: Will short out and die if any two of her tendril ports are electrically connected, such as by being submerged in water.
No. 527921 ID: a5d4fb

LC: Dodge out of the way of CTM
No. 528003 ID: e3aff6

Sasha Steppington hums to herself while waiting for the more crush-able party members to move out of the way.
No. 528023 ID: a01b62
File 137489395776.png - (14.69KB , 800x600 , 028.png )

Completely Transparent Man jumps down into the water as well.

El Limo Caballero dodges out of the way of Completely Transparent Man.

Muffins the Giant Spider, Sweet Tooth the Kobold Bard, Canvas Fox, King Chicken, Zack, Clack, Archibald F. Garfunkel, Blast Beard, Urist McTavish, and Mavek Dyla are in reserve.
No. 528024 ID: a5d4fb

LC: Swim to the edge and inspect the first platform closely.
No. 528025 ID: a5d4fb

those platforms look like they collapse...

better sprint across them


No. 528027 ID: bf54a8

(i'm waiting for the other side of the spikes to clear out a little)
No. 528028 ID: a01b62
File 137489470902.png - (14.55KB , 800x600 , 029.png )

El Limo Caballero swims over to the edge of the pool.

Completely Transparent Man swims past him, climbs up and sprints across the platforms, which are pressed downward by his weight, and then float back up behind him.
No. 528030 ID: a5d4fb

LC: Pursue the invisible naked man after the steps float back up to normal. But do not go down the ladder yet.
No. 528035 ID: 91c1b3
File 137489541578.jpg - (9.39KB , 258x195 , Dovahkiin.jpg )

Strength: Dragonborn (so, pretty strong, possible fire breath?)
Weakness: Very in-agile
No. 528038 ID: a01b62

Let's go with fire breath for a strength, eh?
No. 528045 ID: a5d4fb

lol y'all slow

down the ladder bro lol

No. 528046 ID: e3aff6

Sasha Steppington jumps into the water below (wood floats, after all).
No. 528070 ID: a01b62
File 137489781732.png - (15.67KB , 800x600 , 030.png )

El Limo Caballero runs across the platforms and balances on the end. This is going to be hard to keep up.

Completely Transparent Man descends the ladder.
No. 528071 ID: a01b62
File 137489784961.png - (15.80KB , 800x600 , 031.png )

Completely Transparent Man is slain.

Muffins the Giant Spider appears from the portal.

Sweet Tooth the Kobold Bard, Canvas Fox, King Chicken, Zack, Clack, Archibald F. Garfunkel, Blast Beard, Urist McTavish, Mavek Dyla, and Baelno are in reserve.
No. 528083 ID: a5d4fb

LC: Climb halfway down the ladder, just above the guard's vision, then jump off, landing in a crouched position, ducking under the guard's shot. Then throw your sword like a javelin at the guard!
No. 528084 ID: a5d4fb
File 137489879132.png - (6.08KB , 500x438 , bm.png )

Name: Bitesnack Munchlord

Strength: Can boost 1 ally's STRENGTH and AGILITY by latching onto the nape of their neck and injecting his deadly neurotoxin powerful magical saliva.
Weakness: Can't move, speak, or carry objects.
No. 528087 ID: 5fd94e

As a warning, the guard probably has thermal givin he one shot CTM despite only having the bandages as a point of aim.
No. 528088 ID: bf54a8

since he is slain i take the completely transparent man's sunglasses. then shuffle past the spikes, which should be easy for my scrawny wizard ass.
No. 528089 ID: a23afd

It looks to me that he has a 3-shot rifle. Doesn't take a whole lot of aim to hit with that.
No. 528100 ID: a01b62
File 137490063108.png - (15.54KB , 800x600 , 032.png )

El Limo Caballero climbs down the ladder, then jumps the last few feet and hits the ground, gripping his sword like a javelin and tossing it at the soldier. It cuts his hand, and the soldier grazes his head with his next three shots.

Jacob takes Completely Transparent Man's sunglasses.

Sweet Tooth the Kobold Bard, Canvas Fox, King Chicken, Zack, Clack, Archibald F. Garfunkel, Blast Beard, Urist McTavish, Mavek Dyla, Baelno, and Bitesnack Munchlord are in reserve.
No. 528101 ID: a01b62
File 137490064673.png - (15.54KB , 800x600 , 033.png )

El Limo Caballero's sword bounces off the soldier's helmet, causing him to miss his next few shots.
No. 528102 ID: a5d4fb

LC: Use CTM as a sheild and lob a hand-sized Limo at the soldier.
LPv2: While flying through the air, catch the sword and thrust it into the enemy's chest!
No. 528104 ID: 2baea8

Muffins uses a web to swing over the spikes and land on Ms. Steppington.
No. 528109 ID: e3aff6

Sasha Steppington swims to the edge of the pool near the platforms and climbs out onto the ledge.
No. 528191 ID: bf54a8

i shuffle past spikes to stand near tubbs
No. 528675 ID: 445e2d

"CANNONBALL!" Tubbs yells, and then leaps off the platform, sort of moving his feet forward a little since tucking his knees against his chest isn't really likely, and prepares to displace copious amounts of water.
No. 528676 ID: bf54a8

oh, and i make sure i avoid the swinging spider.
No. 528707 ID: a01b62
File 137502213608.png - (16.20KB , 800x600 , 034.png )

El Limo Caballero throws his hand at the soldier. It blocks the soldier's next three shots, slowing it in midair.

Muffins the Giant Spider swings over Tubbs and Jacob.

Sasha Steppington gets out of the pool and balances on the ledge and a floating platform.

Jacob shuffles past the spikes.

Tubbs does a cannonball into the water.
No. 528710 ID: a5d4fb

Welp. There goes the sword.

LC: Climb back up the ladder.
LPv2: If you land and survive, get behind CTM's body.

Is Tubb's mace sticking inside one of his spike holes?
No. 528712 ID: bf54a8

i brace for impact
No. 528738 ID: e3aff6

Sasha Steppington notices the platform moving downwards, and backs off of it, crouching on the non-floating ledge to get a better balance.
No. 528743 ID: 2f1186
File 137503039525.png - (77.19KB , 438x550 , mysterymerchant.png )

Name: Mystery Merchant

Strength: Teleportation. May only teleport to a place in line of sight, to a place she has been before, or to the side of an adventurer who has something to trade.

Weakness: Compelled to collect any unattended treasure or useful object, but never uses them herself; instead she must offer them to others at ASTOUNDING BARGAIN PRICES.
No. 528745 ID: 2baea8

After landing on Tubbs mid-cannonball, Muffins snags Sasha Steppington with some webbing, to keep her in place in case the water splashing out would push her off the platform.
No. 528861 ID: 17675d
File 137505832037.png - (16.97KB , 800x600 , 035.png )

El Limo Caballero climbs back up the ladder.

Jacob braces for impact.

Sasha Steppington tries to balance on the ledge, but starts to tip over.

Muffins the Giant Spider webs Sasha Steppington after landing on Tubbs.

Tubbs hits the water.

Sweet Tooth the Kobold Bard, Canvas Fox, King Chicken, Zack, Clack, Archibald F. Garfunkel, Blast Beard, Urist McTavish, Mavek Dyla, Baelno, Bitesnack Munchlord, and Mystery Merchant are in reserve.
No. 528862 ID: 17675d
File 137505833655.png - (16.51KB , 800x600 , 036.png )

Sasha Steppington is stuck to the ceiling.
No. 528868 ID: 2baea8

Muffins uses a web to grapple up to the bottom of the ledge under James, so Tubbs' buoyant fat will allow him to float.
No. 528872 ID: e1609c

A SLIGHT REWORKING FOR ARCHIBALD: instead of incorporeality or stench, Archibald has extensive control over his mass, with the caveat that he has a one in ten chance of accidentally immobilizing himself and dropping his floaty ghostbod into whatever lies below him.
No. 528873 ID: 17675d

This is clearly not specific enough as a strength, because I have no idea what it actually does! Please clarify.
No. 528876 ID: a4b6b4

From what I understand? Density is basically how much mass is in a given amount of space...It's like size manipulation. Given that Archibald is a ghost-like being, I suppose it's more like the ability to turn solid or gaseous, his weakness being the random roll of the dice chance of accidentally turning solid.
No. 528885 ID: 67bfa9
File 137506269445.png - (6.87KB , 275x309 , Znowet.png )

Snail sense tingling!

to avoid my clothes getting wet (they're dry clean only!) I transform into a [Darkmantel].
with a couple of my tenticles I grab my clothes and float over to the marked area and stick to the cieling
No. 528886 ID: 5fd94e

>Sashas position

No. 528888 ID: e1609c

Yup, this is EXACTLY what it means. Every one of my actions will have a die roll over on my end, and long story short lets just hope I dont fail it while drifting over the lava pit.
No. 528890 ID: e3aff6

Sasha Steppington: "Thanks for helping with that wave, but I am now rather stuck here. I don't suppose one of you knows a ladder or pair of scissors?"
No. 528906 ID: a5d4fb

LC: Climb to the top of the ladder, but stay there and inform the others of the soldier.
No. 528973 ID: a01b62
File 137507732032.png - (16.70KB , 800x600 , 037.png )

Muffins the Giant Spider swings onto the ledge.

Doppler polymorphs and floats over to the left, but can't cling to the ceiling with her clothes in the way.

El Limo Caballero's hand and sword plummet into the pool of acid.
No. 529387 ID: 2baea8

Muffins climbs onto the first platform and attempts to get Sasha unstuck and onto the second platform.
No. 529389 ID: 67bfa9

Is the pointing finger of the exit sign a physical object or is it simply painted on the wall?
No. 529405 ID: a01b62

Neither. It doesn't actually exist.
No. 529412 ID: a5d4fb

Not really much for us to do really...except one idea I wish I thought of earlier:
LC: Run, swim, and run again to the opposite end of the dungeon.
No. 529428 ID: bf54a8

i start easing myself off the platform. "hey tubbs, can you hold still for a sec?"
No. 529432 ID: 5fd94e

Hey Doppler, think you could climb back up after the water passes, take an arm or something off of Sarni, and try to activate whatever those holes are with it?
No. 529455 ID: 445e2d

"Hey uh, spider thing! You should try making a silk bridge or something. That might be better than shaky platforms anyways."
No. 529459 ID: 445e2d

"Yeah sure."

I float.
No. 529512 ID: a01b62
File 137518865310.png - (16.08KB , 800x600 , 038.png )

Muffins the Giant Spider climbs onto the first platform. Unfortunately, it can't reach Sasha Steppington.

El Limo Caballero runs across the level.

Jacob eases to the edge of the platform.

Tubbs floats.
No. 529525 ID: a5d4fb

Wait, go back and get Tubb's mace first.
No. 529555 ID: 2baea8

Muffins begins crafting a web bridge across the platforms.
No. 529556 ID: bf54a8

i carefully sit down on the edge and slide off the platform, landing on tubbs soft girth. then move to the edge of the water and hold on to the ledge
No. 529882 ID: a01b62
File 137528016849.png - (16.48KB , 800x600 , 039.png )

El Limo Caballero straight up steals Tubbs's mace.

Muffins the Giant Spider tries to start making a web bridge.

Jacob lands on Tubbs and swims over to the ledge.
No. 529889 ID: a5d4fb

No wait, thats not going to work.
LC: Give Tubbs his mace back and ask Jacob to summon a new sword for you.
No. 529925 ID: 2baea8

Muffins will instead begin covering the wall along the pit with webbing, so it can be used like those climbable vine walls in vidya.
No. 529965 ID: bdb3f8

you know, the spike pit already has enough water in it to almost cover the spikes. you guys could keep filling it.
No. 530136 ID: 67bfa9
File 137533606631.jpg - (41.45KB , 400x202 , MM35_PG59.jpg )

I wait for the water to clear, then I hang my clothes on the doorknob

then I transform into a Digester beast, known for their ability to spit highly corrosive acid
No. 530662 ID: a01b62
File 137545481411.png - (16.15KB , 800x600 , 040.png )

El Limo Caballero returns Tubbs's mace.

Muffins the Giant Spider finishes constructing a web bridge.

Doppler morphs into a Digester.
No. 530694 ID: e1609c

suddenly, from beyond the veil, a voice rings out...
yo uh somebody should probably patch up tubs there before he bleeds out
Spider dude, weave up a bandage or something for him
No. 530709 ID: 2baea8

Unable to construct anything underwater, Muffins waits for Tubbs to be brought onto dry land. In the meantime, it will attempt to free Sasha once again.
No. 530747 ID: e3aff6

Sasha Steppington: Attempt to get free with Muffins's help.
No. 530748 ID: bf54a8

i hold out a hand and assist tubbs up if he takes it.
No. 531004 ID: 445e2d

"I'm not bleeding out. It's just a... well, lard wound. If I'm losing any of that I won't complain."

I hold my breath and swim around underwater a little bit, all majestic like a manatee.
No. 531071 ID: 67bfa9
File 137555312658.png - (4.67KB , 127x76 , zfill.png )

"you guys may want to get out of the water, I'm going to try to dilute that acid with it"

I spits acid at this part of the ceiling to make a hole that will drain the water
No. 531197 ID: 445e2d

Alright, no more fun then. I get out onto the right side ledge.
No. 531260 ID: a01b62
File 137558262529.png - (16.19KB , 800x600 , 041.png )

Muffins the Giant Spider fails to free Sasha Steppington.

Tubbs climbs onto dry land.

Doppler spits acid at the ceiling. It sizzles on the stone.

The water splashes into the acid and dilutes it just barely.
No. 531261 ID: 2baea8

Muffins moves to near the ladder and waits.
No. 531312 ID: bf54a8

i get out an sit on the ledge.
No. 532028 ID: a01b62
File 137581668341.png - (16.24KB , 800x600 , 042.png )

Muffins the Giant Spider moves near the ladder.

Jacob climbs onto the ledge and sits.
No. 532281 ID: 445e2d

I'll have a seat, leaning against the far wall.

I call across the water to Jacob, "Hey! You're a mage right? Can you freeze all this water? Or uh, hm. Can you summon some pasta? I'm starting to get a little peckish."
No. 532339 ID: 2baea8

Muffins taps jacob on the shoulder and points at El Limo, then swishes one front leg and thrusts as though wielding a sword.
No. 532345 ID: bf54a8

(i am pretty sure we are waiting to see the effects f dopplar's acid on the roof)
No. 532352 ID: a5d4fb

"Jacob, you wouldn't mind creating me a new sword, would you?"
No. 534894 ID: e97f9d
File 137668138261.png - (15.62KB , 800x600 , 043.png )

Tubbs seats himself against the wall.

Muffins the Giant Spider communicates with Jacob.

Doppler's acid sizzles on the stone.

Everyone else does nooothiiiiiiiiiiing.
No. 534900 ID: ca1c58

Dude, if it's not gonna burn through the stone, you need to say so. They're obviously all waiting for it to burn through the stone.
No. 534905 ID: 91c1b3

I kinda figured it wouldn't by itself. You guys either need to hit the cracked spot from the top or drop something really heavy (and denser than water) down on top of it.
No. 534957 ID: ca65fc

Ok, then instead of getting a new sword now and doing what I'm about to do, I take Tubb's mace and smash myself into tiny pieces small enough to fit through the wormhole.
No. 535265 ID: bf54a8

i sit on the ledge and continuously summon blocks. lots and lots of heavy blocks. directly over the blood spot in the water if i can.
No. 535275 ID: 510c77

You know...
Sasha Steppington's strength is a "Maximum carry load of 1500 lbs".
Since she stands or walks on legs, would it follow that she is extremely strong (at least in the legs)?

Anyway, Now that there is a web bridge availible, Sasha Steppington attempts again to get free of the webs.
No. 535394 ID: 2baea8

Muffins helps Sasha Steppington try to get free.
No. 536300 ID: 445e2d

I'll gladly loan out my mace for a little while for this.

I'll also laugh alot while you do it, because seeing that is going to be hilarious and there's a good chance of everybody dying soon.
No. 540059 ID: e97f9d
File 137878800799.png - (15.95KB , 800x600 , 044.png )

Nope! It just means she can carry up to 1500 lbs.

El Limo Caballero starts smashing himself up.

Jacob starts summoning blocks.

Muffins the Giant Spider decides to free Sasha Steppington with GRAVITY!

Tubbs just laughs.

The acid sizzles on the ceiling but has no significant visible effect.

Sweet Tooth the Kobold Bard, Canvas Fox, King Chicken, Zack, Clack, Archibald F. Garfunkel, Blast Beard, Urist McTavish, Mavek Dyla, Baelno, Bitesnack Munchlord, and Mystery Merchant are in reserve.
No. 540065 ID: 2baea8

Muffins the Giant Spider climbs up Jacob and attempts to bite off the strands of web attached to the ceiling to release Sasha Steppington.
No. 540981 ID: 49f001
File 137949853029.png - (15.84KB , 800x600 , 045.png )

Muffins the Giant Spider breaks the webs.

Sasha Steppington is freed!

Tubbs just laughs.
No. 540982 ID: bf54a8

if that limo chunk is coming towards me i dodge. i also hold on in case sasha landing on the web breaks things.
No. 540983 ID: d26c2a

((Taking over since Doppler's player hasn't posted an action in a month.))

Doppler turns back into a purple worm to crawl back up through that hole, turns into a seal or something to swiftly swim across the water, then turns back into the acid-spitter and climbs down the ladder upside-down, stopping just out of sight of the gunman. Then Doppler will stick out just enough of her head to spit acid at him, then immediately duck back. Repeat until gunman or Doppler is dead.
No. 541016 ID: bdb1ef
File 137952864817.png - (13.32KB , 346x437 , Felix.png )

Name: Felix

Strength: Wears the [I]Sash and Belt-Buckle of The Lucky[I]. This grants him probability defying good luck.

Weakness: hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia
No. 541045 ID: d2995c

(I am still around as Sasha's player, but your plan in that post is better than mine was so lets go with that plan.)
No. 541237 ID: 2baea8

When Doppler attempts returning fire, Muffins assists in lowering her down with a WEB BUNGEE, so she doesn't fall to her death if her CLUMSY DIGESTER BEAST LIMBS slip off the ladder.
No. 541861 ID: 07be11

"Whew, that was good."

I take my mace back from el limo and start bashing him up myself once or twice to help out.

Then, I start swimming my way over to jacob and assuming there's room, I'm gonna get up on the other side.

Yknow, queued action style.
No. 551525 ID: ed5a38
File 138679732870.jpg - (503.41KB , 500x1204 , genie.jpg )

Jemsa the Genie
Strength: Can Grant the Wishes of Others
Weakness: Bound to her Bottle/kind of a slave
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