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437229 No. 437229 ID: 34cbef

[5 eyes]: Hello, i'm an up and coming hunter and i need some supplies. I was told to come here to urts ans ask for a starting package.

[Regina]... how silly can you get. Lemme guess, the guy that told you is some sort of drifter who peddles info.

[5 eyes] ... so... do i get a starting package?

[Regina]There's no such thing, idiot.
240 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 443314 ID: 34cbef
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[Quint] Alright, i've got places to be and people to see. Coming along?

[Rerk] No... i'll finish my food first and attend to other things.

[Quint] Okay, Meet me at regi's in probably an hour or so and we'll figure out a better job placement.

[Rerk] ... sure... bye.
No. 443319 ID: 34cbef
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[Sharkgirl] Is there anything else i can interest you in?

[Rerk] No i'm fine.

[Sharkgirl] Are you sure? I can get you a cup of chocolate milk. And maybe a hamburger.

[Rerk] ...well, i do like chocolate milk... sure.

[Sharkgirl] Mkay, i know that's your favorite.

[Rerk] I don't remember eating in here before... are you stalking me?

[Sharkgirl] N-NO NOT AT ALL! I'll just go get that chocolate milk!

[Rerk] ...

[Sharkgirl] ...

[Rerk] ... chocolate milk? hello?

[sharkgirl] OH RIGHT, sorry- on my way!
No. 443320 ID: bf54a8

rerk, you need to be nicer to the ladies.
No. 443321 ID: 4a328b


No. 443339 ID: d6c330

Rerk, you jerk, she's obviously crushing on you!

Quint, if any of your eyes saw that, we now have a new sidequest. That poor fuzzy sharkgirl is gonna need a hand getting through frogboy's thick skin.
No. 443365 ID: 6808dd

while Mercilessly Antagonize Rerk 2012 is postponed, i unveil my new pet project:

Get Fuzzy Sharkgirl Into Rerk's Pants 2012

Quint, it's obvious that your next stop is the puzzle guy. Rerk, be a gentleman. Make eye contact and thank her pleasantly when she brings your milk.
No. 443668 ID: 34cbef
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[Sharkgirl] Here you go rerk, chocolate milk.

[Rerk] Of course you'd know my name.

[Sharkgirl] Nnnn uh... well, they said your name earlier i think? I mean..

[Rerk] Doesn't look busy, why not take a seat?

[Sharkgirl] Yeah? oh, yeah okay. I'll take a seat.... my name's Abel... if you wanted to know... er... cus it's my bar... yeah

[Rerk] mkay
No. 443673 ID: 6808dd

rerk PLZ

ask her how long she's had the place, and if she runs it all alone - then ask her if she needs any help with odd jobs. after all, you could use the extra cash, right?
No. 443676 ID: 34cbef
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[Quint] I'm here to pick something up.

[Gameowner] Oh, well if you aren't an entertaining looking one. So which would you like to win with, royal flush, old maid, maybe a pair?

[Quint] hmmmm, i think i'm supposed to say snake eyes.

[Gameowner] Oh now that is something i wouldn't expect. I hope you are brimming with wit and wisdom, because your predecessor... well i'll just say she was not a keen intellectual.

[Quint] No comment.

[Gameowner] Alright, now humor me by answering four rid-

[Quint] I don't like four... make it three.

[Gameowner]...if you're here to see david it's going to be four.

[Quint] And if you don't want everyone to know that you're Snivel Winselblout, who is suspected of being a child molester you will drop the riddles altogether.

[Gameown]How do you know that! Actually nevermind, but i cannot drop the riddles... it's procedure... Would the kind sir be willing to parley two riddles?

[Quint] Well since there has to be "procedure" then yes, riddle away or great riddler.

[Gameowner] Alright, the first is this: This creature lives in the water, has the father of a cat and the mother of a spider. What am I?

And the second is this: Right at birth you run from me, when you get older i become closer. When you are an old man, i walk beside you. In the end I will catch you. What am i?
No. 443682 ID: 6808dd

The answer to the second riddle is death?
No. 443690 ID: d6c330

The answer to the second one is death.

Not sure about the first. I was gonna suggest "fuzzy sharkgirl" until he got to the bit about spiders.
No. 443717 ID: 4a328b

First riddle? My BEST guess is a lobster.
No. 443718 ID: 6e44d2

The answer to the first riddle is Snivel Winselblout. He started describing it in third person, then asked the question in first person. "This creature... What am I?" Would have been "This creature... What is it?" if he wanted us to tell him what creature it was.

Second riddle... "Death" is an obvious answer. Works for me.
No. 443723 ID: bf54a8

huh, tricky.
No. 443725 ID: d6c330

>This animal / what am I
"You're a child molester, I already said so."

That might work, but it could be a simple accident of grammar.

The father of a cat would be a Tom. A mother spider would be a... cannibal? Sometimes. Dunno. Really not sure how to answer that one if the "I" thing ain't the answer.
No. 443738 ID: 4a328b

Wait maybe the first one is an octopi
No. 443739 ID: 34cbef
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[Quint] So the answer to the second on is Death. The first one is too vague.

[Snivel] I cannot let you through until you figure out the answer~

[Quint] Oh wait, i think i got this... could the answer be Snivel Winselblout losing his job and more in case people find out who he is?

[Snivel] You horrible creature, fine. I hope the door smushes you, you overgrown insect
No. 443740 ID: 6808dd

YES because eight legs and "puss"
good work
No. 443745 ID: 34cbef
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[David] ... Well, if it is not one of god's henchemen. I has been a very long time, I do hope you're not here for me.

[Quint] No, this is a personal matter. If it isn't the rogue oracle, If i recall you were much smaller last we met. And still in Delphai.

[David] Ah yes, metatron. And if I remember correctly you were in a body that resembled death... plus you were black. It seems you are on the hunt again, or maybe it is the same hunt?

[Quint] I've been tasked with the same hunt but multiple targets.

[David] Oh, do tell. I would love to hear what has happened to an old friend all these millenia. If i'm remembering correctly you are an inevitable...

[Quint] Yes, a construct tasked with correcting the fabric of reality. Last we met I was just born in a body resembling my target. It was the inevitable known as death and it had failed it's task.

[David] And you were supposed to kill him and complete his task, that was the first one. You were charged with collecting four, how many have you ... expunged?

[Quint] Only the one... as it turns out these four are more difficult then I would have thought. It has been... 6 life cycles that I have gone through, and not a one I have enjoyed.

[David] But you are immortal, in a sense. Almost anyone besides us would dream to have what we have, what is there not to enjoy?

[Quint] I do not like having these... memories. Each time I die, I remember the agony. Each time i'm born i remember. It's a pain worse than death. But what truly hurts is the memories of those who won't be there when i'm born again.

[David] I'm happy that you are being open with me. Sadly the people that attend to me like this are... they do not see what you see. This to the mortals looks like a room full of computers. A desk sits in the middle where a man with ginger hair is smoking a cigar. He sits comfortably in a chair that has the back that almost reaches the cieling of this imaginary room. This is what others see, but you, what do you see? You see me for what the truth tells you. But I will say that you are lucky that you cannot see yourself.

[Quint] What... what do I look like?

[David] Do you wish to know? I do not believe that is what you are here for.

[Quint] Can i have both?

[David] It is either I tell you what you are and you figure out how to take hold of your own existence, or I give you what the human woman wants. You cannot have both. What do you want from an old friend?

No. 443750 ID: 6808dd

Hm. You know what? Get the papers. Move through this life normally. We will find another way to figure out what you are.

Tell him you'd like to handle your identity on your own. For now, you want to solidify the relationships you're forming with the people you've met this time around.
No. 443771 ID: 4a328b

Bluh. Tempting as the offer is, we'll stick with the papers. We're not here for ourselves this time, after all.
Maybe next time~

Actually, no. Go for the self-knowledge. You can help Regi out some other way, but I can't think of another way to get this information on yourself.
No. 443775 ID: 4169fe

> PERA PERA, PERA PERA! room full of computers desk in the middle with ginger man smoking sitting in comfy awesome chair OH! PERA PERA!
OK, where can you grab one of those?

> MORE PERA PERA AND PERA OF THE PERA PERA! What do you want from an old friend?
Come here, bro. Let me give you a hug. How could I ask for anything? Just wish your well being, that's all.

Really need those papers, though. Don't want to get kicked out of the job, you see. Little Regina has a really big heart, you know, it ain't easy to find a good boss like her.
No. 443790 ID: 34cbef
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[Quint] It would be nice to know what you see, but I have other priorities.

[David] Alright then. Once you leave this door you will be given a chance to recieve Regina's request.

[Quint] You don't have the papers?

[David] She believes that what she is getting are pieces of parchement, but what she wants can never be written down.

[Quint] ... then what do i give her?

[David] You will meet him back at her shop.

[Quint] Alright... I'll see you again then.

[David] Metatron, I am an oracle. I have seen into the future and we will never meet again. Once you return from hunting your first bounty you will see that this door will no longer be here. The future is dark.


[Snivel] well... how'd it go? You aren't gonna tell anybody about...

[Quint] Don't worry about it. I have to go see regi.

[spoiler] story will now transfer to rerk[spoiler]
No. 443791 ID: 34cbef
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No. 443792 ID: 34cbef
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[Rerk] ... hi guys... you parked in the way of my ship.

[Frogman1] If that isn't unpleasant.
No. 443793 ID: 34cbef
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[Frogman 2] You messed up Rerk.

[Rerk] waddya mean?

[Frogman 1] Rerk, you shoulda called in the forces. We could have helped you nab that sucka.

[Rerk] ... I still don't know what you guys are talking about.

[Frogman 2] This guy!

[Frogman 1] Rerk, a 60 million bounty just launched from this pad half an hour ago.

[Rerk] Oh, no that's just some other dog. One of the guy's i know called him puggles. I thought it was him also.

[Frogman 1] ...rerk, what the fuck is wrong with you. IT WAS HIM, whoever talked you outta nabbing the guy is probably pulling your leg. And it's not helping us.

[Frogman 2] And what's this, some girl on your arm? Man, you know sharks and frogs can't be together. Lookit her, she's bigger then you.

[Abel] ...

[Rerk] Hey man, uncalled for.

[Frogman 1] What if she gets hungry and gobbles you up, then we're down a hunter.

[Abel] B-but I wouldn't

[Frogman 3] Good riddanc-

[Frogman 1] No, we keep all the toads, frogs and newts that join us. We took you in Rerk, I expect you to get your act together. Now hurry up and ditch the girl, get on your ship and lets get going. If we burn exhaust we'll be able to reach his cruiser before he hits the rest of his pirate buddies. Remember "little buddy" you not only need to help us, but you also gotta get some scratch for your "cargo".

[Rerk] ...
No. 443794 ID: bf54a8

oh wow, fuck these guys. get your 'cargo' and stay at her place.
No. 443801 ID: 9718f3

Fuck those guys. You can get money some other way, you don't need to put up with that abuse. Be polite though, no need to anger them. No telling what they might do.
No. 443817 ID: 4a328b

Apologize to Abel. You gotta do this. For your little bro, dude.
No. 443824 ID: d6c330

Fuck you guys. My buddy wouldn't lie to me. And he was nice to me, unlike you jerks and he's going to help me get the money to help my "cargo". I never really liked hunting anyways.

And fuck you racist pricks for trying to blackmail me with my brother, and for picking on Abel. Good riddance, assholes.
No. 443829 ID: 6808dd

Rerk, even if they're right, you do not wanna hang around with people like that. no need to start a fight, but tell them that you're no longer interested in hunting. you're gonna make the money another way.

stay in front of Abel in case things get nasty.
No. 444128 ID: 34cbef
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[Rerk] No man, i'm sorry but I can't do this anymore. It just turns out I don't have what it takes to be a bounty hunter anymore.

[Frogman 1] We don't need you for your hunting gusto, we just want that big brain of yours.

[Rerk] No way man, I mean i've got too much on my plate alr-

No. 444130 ID: bf54a8

rage mode.
No. 444132 ID: 4a328b

noooo not the hat D:

Wait, are you really the brains of this operation, Rerk?

I mean, you got tricked out of a huge bounty TWICE by the same guy.
No. 444134 ID: d6c330

What do those stupid tasty frogs think they're doing messing up the face of your man, after you finally got the dope to pay attention to you?

Abel, bite that offending hand clean off. You'll show him how sharks and frogs don't go together.
No. 444152 ID: 0c2247

"You complain I got tricked out of a bounty and now you're calling me brains? Wazzat make you?
Go after the guy who tricked me instead!"
No. 444165 ID: 34cbef
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[Abel] That's it, you gonna get it!

[Rerk] Woah, I can handle this. Okay listen, no more.

[Frogman 1] It's impossible for me to let you go rerk, we need you. You're the only one who can do what you do.

[Rerk] Then you need to find someone else.

[Frogman 2] He's not listening, we need to knock some sense into this boy.

[Rerk] alright now listen- this is my gun... No, i'm not gonna shoot you. I just want to show you guys something.
No. 444167 ID: 34cbef
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[Rerk] Okay, so i take the case off, then i remove the coil here. Unhook this thing... i still don't know what it is. And here on the hilt is our ammo.

[Frogman 1] Mkay, i'd rather you teach us after we nab our bounty.

[Rerk] I'm not done, this gooey stuff is like a... tiny gooey explosive. I think...

[Frogman 1] ... go on.

[Rerk] If i remove the gooey blob and toss it at the floor it will explode... I think... But I'm definitelly sure that it will make the rail guns that's used for security shoot us all dead. So if I throw this right now you can be sure that you will die.

[Frogman 1] You full of shit.

[Rerk] I'm not really wanting to get shot up, but if you wanna debate about me leaving freely...

[Frogman 2] What about the girl? Wouldn't want her to get hurt!

[Rerk] Just met her, don't care.

[Frogman 1] ... I don't believe you, go ahead.
No. 444168 ID: bf54a8

take it out. raise it above your head and start throwing. they will totes chicken out.
No. 444183 ID: 0c2247

Start walking for your bro and get him out of here
"Dying would make it almost as hard to save my bro as getting shanghaied by you. Anybody smart would just walk away now before you force my hand.
Abel? If you see 5 eyes let him know where my brother is. And a free ship."
No. 444285 ID: 34cbef
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[Rerk] Suit yourselves.

[Frogman 1] I knew it was just a jo-


No. 444287 ID: 34cbef
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[Abel] Oh man, what was cool. What are we going to do next?

[Rerk] ... hopefully nothing. Security will be down here to collect the bodies and we need to kind of lay low til they get done.

[Abel] Oh... then what are we going to do next?
No. 444289 ID: 886a4d

Rerk.... I never believed you could have captured a high-ranking bounty. Now I do. You are insane.
No. 444292 ID: d6c330

Totally. Props, Rerk, you're moving up in the world, or at least our esteem.

>What do we do now?
...lay low. If you know what I mean.
No. 444293 ID: bf54a8

after that steal the entire crew's crap and see how much you can pawn it for.
No. 444299 ID: b7169d

Check for any good loots, and than head back to your ship to lay low for now.
No. 444300 ID: 0c2247

"See if I can sell my new ship for enough to cover my bro's medical bills."
No. 444302 ID: 061a93

That was pretty awesome, Rerk. Maybe you should catch up with Quint, or at least head back to Regina's.
No. 444333 ID: 6808dd

you did good baby we are all proud of you
if you think you can steal their stuff before security gets there, do that, but if not, better play it safe and go meet up with quint and regina
maybe you should confront quint about how he pranked you at our command
No. 444425 ID: 34cbef
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[Abel] Let's go back and loot the bodies!

[Rerk] ... sure, why not. Oh, looks like they left pretty quick like, didn't even leave anything behind.

[Abel] Aw man...

[Rerk] Anyway lets hurry and get onto my ship.

[Abel] Hee hee, yeah let's do that!
No. 444426 ID: 886a4d

Shes taking this fairly well for a simple bar owner. Almost too well...
No. 444427 ID: 34cbef
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[Abel] Wow, this place is small. Actually this is the first time a guy invited me onto his ship.

[Rerk] Yeah, I don't usually let people on.

[Abel] Oh... what's this thing?

[Rerk] Don't poke at the glass, that's my little brother.

[Abel] Really? Hi there little fella!

[Rerk] He can't hear you.

[Abel] oh...
No. 444440 ID: 34cbef
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[Rerk] wait down here, i need to give him his shot.

[Abel] What's his name?

[Rerk] His name's plipper. Can you pull the emergency handle there? thanks.


[Rerk]... hey

[Plipper] hi...

[Rerk] It's time for a shot.

[Plipper] okay... who's that?

[Rerk] New friend, don't worry this won't hurt.

[Plipper] can i come out after the shot?

[Rerk] No you can't, you gotta stay in here. I don't want you wandering off and then your brain goes crazy again.

[Plipper] Can I come out tomorrow?

[Rerk] No, you have to stay in here.

[Plipper] Pleeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaasssssee?

[Rerk] ...
No. 444443 ID: bf54a8

"i know someone that's really good at watching, if i can find them then you can"
No. 444449 ID: d6c330

Aw, he's cute. Let 'im out, you got an extra set of eyes to watch him for the moment. And chicks love kids.

You should really get speakers for that tube, so he can talk to people while he's in there. Maybe something for him to do, too. Looks boring in there.
No. 444468 ID: 4169fe

Get in, Rerk.
No. 444495 ID: 061a93

Sorry little guy, no coming out right now. We need the guy with lots of eyes!
No. 444528 ID: 6808dd

Sorry hon, it's to keep you safe. Maybe tomorrow.
No. 444529 ID: 4a328b

Nope. Tube time all the time, kid.
No. 444592 ID: 735f4f

Aww let him out for a bit while you and her can watch over him.
No. 445185 ID: 34cbef
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[Rerk] Sorry bud, maybe another time.

[Plipper] awwww man, that sucks.

[Rerk] I got too much to do today, plus i don't have enough shot stuff.

[Plipper] okaaaaaay

[Rerk] I'll take you to a carnival or something tomorrow. Now gimme a hug!
No. 445188 ID: 34cbef
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[Rerk] Give me a second i need to take off this heavy jacket.

[Abel] Okay, i'll come with you.

[Rerk] uh... it's only going to be a second. Just wait here.

[Abel]... well damn Okay.

{brief pause}

[Rerk] Alright, we better hurry outta her before the sentries storm in here.

[Abel] What's that thing?

[Rerk] ... just some equipment. I'm done doing things the roundabout way.
No. 445194 ID: 34cbef
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[Regina] Alright, froghead is here. You sure he's supposed to know?

[Quint] What I was told.

[Rerk] hmm?

[Regina] Spokeswoman Serena, I want to know everything about her. She's my mortal enemy and i gotta know my enemies.

[Rerk] Oh, you mean the person that runs Grey Mage.

[Regina] Yes, tell me everything.

[Rerk] She's an ancient gypsy from the dark ages on earth. She has super witch powers and favors energy spheres that emenates from her body.

[Regina] wel... uh... that's total shit.

[Rerk] No, it's true.

[Regina] Then... how do i stop her...

[Rerk] Don't worry, whatever your reasons for hating her she isn't real.

[Regina]what do you mean.

[Rerk] The current person isn't a person. It's a hard light hologram. It's based off a once living person but it can't interract with objects. She doesn't even eat or drink.

[Regina] how do you even know this.

[Rerk] She's currently my sponsor, or she was. Plus she visited my family a few times.

[Regina] Dammit, then i'll have to stick to my original plans... but i don't want to travel that far. Alright, quint your ship is in and i stocked it up. You'll find your stealth weapon in the cab.

[Quint] Okay, now i can do some decent work for a change.

[Rerk] 5eyes, i'm gonna need to chat with you. I'm also tagging along.

[Abel] Oh, me too. I wanna come along!

[Rerk]... No, no, that'd be a terrible idea.

[Abel] But I want to, anyway if you're following him then that means it's his choice. Well 5eyes, can i come along?

[Quint] Hold on, I haven't agreed to letting frogman come with me yet. Lemme think for a second.
No. 445198 ID: 4a328b

Rerk can come---Shark lady, don't you have a cafe or something? You should probably run that while we go off hunting bounties.
No. 445202 ID: 1c0dc0

so, is this serena person run by an AI computer program thingy? because that still has the potential to be evil. anyway i say add abel to the party and teach her how to use a gun.
No. 445203 ID: bf54a8

"how good are you with a gun?" she needs to be able to fight, otherwise she is 100% liability.
No. 445207 ID: 4a328b

oh oh I know
Quint: "You aren't going to try and gobble him up or something, are you? >.::B"
No. 445209 ID: 4169fe

How good you are with bees, arbles and barbecue, missshark miss? You're hired! 'Kay, let's go!
No. 445705 ID: 34cbef
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[Quint] Sure, you both can come.

[Abel] Sweet.

[Regina] Okay, you guys do whatever. I need to go set up my commerce robot to tend to the shop while i take a brief vacation.

[Abel] Oh, me to. I'll be right back. Oh this is going to be great!


[Quint]... alright, so what do you need to ask me?

[Rerk] I need you to help me kidnap a neuro surgeon. Will you help me?
No. 445710 ID: bf54a8

eh why not, i guess i owe you after that puggles fiasco.
No. 445729 ID: d6c330

Sure, sounds cool. Although generally I find it's better to do crime to pay doctors, rather than kidnap them directly. Generally makes them less cooperative.
No. 445758 ID: 4a328b

Sounds fun! How are you planning to convince him/her to do the surgery properly once you have him, though?
No. 445898 ID: f2974f


If Rerk does not give a satisfactory answer be sure to berate him for not thinking things through.
No. 446159 ID: beae82

hmm... it's unlikely, but be sure to check the GPD wanted list for a suitable doctor. you might be able to convince him/her to join you as an ally.
No. 446241 ID: 34cbef
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[Rerk] uh... threats? and lots of verbal aggression? I might have to beat him up if he doesn't...
No. 446242 ID: 34cbef
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[Quint] that doesn't sound well thought out at all... I'm almost afraid to ask how you were gonna get the doctor in the first place. Lets see if there is a suitable one on the bounty lists.
No. 446246 ID: 4a328b

Doctor Whimsical? That is hands down the best name ever. This is our guy.
No. 446268 ID: bf54a8

we will see. if he actually is a good doctor but wanted someone in particular dead then yes he's perfect.
No. 446333 ID: d6c330

Yes, obviously someone wanted for malpractice and murder is the best person to trust tadpole-brother's safety to.
No. 446538 ID: 34cbef
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[Rerk] I don't wanna trust a guy who's wanted to saw into my brother's head. I'm just not gonna let it happen.

[Quint] Alright, well do you want to find a doctor or what? I mean right now your splitting my choices frogman. We can go to yokoko to get a lead on the good doctor, we can go to some medical space station, or we can head out and take down the bounty i wanna take down at dirger. It's up to you.
No. 446576 ID: f2974f

What kind of reputation medical space stations have? How much do they cost?
We might as well bag this Doctor Whimsical either to cover the cost of the operation or let him go if he agrees to operate on Rerks bro.
No. 446577 ID: bf54a8

yeah, "may as well bag him ether way."
No. 446579 ID: 4a328b

Plus I know I saw other bounties on or around Yokoko. You guys could probably get enough to cover the costs legally if you don't trust this doctor when we have him. Look through the GPD and note every possible bounty on Yokoko~
No. 446725 ID: 34cbef
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[Rerk] Jeez, the expenses for something like this are terrible. I need 10mil just for the right doctor to work on him.

[Quint] Then i see no problem with capturing a wanted doctor. We can either turn him over or have him work with us.

[Rerk]... errrrg, that... oh god no... that would be such a bad idea.

[Quint] Whats the matter, afraid of a bounty doctor?

[Rerk]... no... it's not that...
No. 446734 ID: 34cbef
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[Quint] Then what's the problem.

[Rerk] ... it'd be him on my ship... or taggin along with us...


[Rerk]... listen, i know about regi being the viper princess- i realize that now. I don't hold it against you either... but based on both their backgrounds...

[Quint] Go on.

[Rerk] ... they both are killers who follow some sort of self-righteous philosofy... if they were to meet... I don't know how to handle that sort of situation.

[Quint] ...
No. 446735 ID: 34cbef
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[Rerk] ... my god...

[Quint] ....

[Rerk] ...

[Abel] HEY GUYS, what do you think? I did a quick bit of shopping for our trip.

[Rerk] ...uh

[Quint] ...we heading to some sort of club?
No. 446746 ID: 4a328b

Oh, do you actually know something about this particular doctor's brand of crazy? Do tell!

Might wanna get something more...practical for bounty hunting. Like armor. Or whatever the normal everyday wear is for people on Yokoko. Very cute, though.
No. 446782 ID: b6edd6

Well at least she seems to have a gun. Ask what kind it is. (Or just identify it if you are gun-savvy enough.)
No. 446786 ID: d6c330

>Might wanna get something more...practical for bounty hunting
No. Oh, no no. She's perfect as is.

Compliment her on her well preparedness.
No. 446787 ID: 4a328b

Ask how adequate her aim is, but you probably shouldn't test it in the store.
No. 446788 ID: bf54a8

uhh, that's not.. how is that even... bluh
No. 446820 ID: 9718f3

She can handle the social combat. She is our seductress. But don't tell HER that.

Also, that is not a gun. It is a purse.
No. 447005 ID: 12c19f

Son? She has a purse.
No. 447009 ID: b7169d

What sort of self-righteous philosophy does Doctor Whimiscal follow that would clash with Regina's? She seems to be the type that prefers just to clash with the Gray Mages, unless he works with them.
No. 447174 ID: 34cbef
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[Abel]...w-what? Don't you like it rerk?

[Quint] Wahahaha, no no, he loves it! He's having a hard time coming up with a decent response.

[Abel] ...rerk?

[Rerk] It's fine, just... don't worry about it. Do you have a weapon?

[Abel] I don't need one, i know some martial arts.

[Quint] Kung fu shark, hawky sawky- hahahahhahahaha, purse-fu! I'm killing myself here!
No. 447176 ID: 886a4d

Show the five eyes why people don`t mess with purse-fu black belts.
No. 447177 ID: d6c330

>Kung fu shark
Oh my gods, that sounds both terrifying and awesome.

Wait, what are you doing. Stop making an ass of yourself just because we're not controlling you. Bad 5-eyes, bad!
No. 447181 ID: 34cbef
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Well... seems like this was the getting to know characters thread. I'll wrap it up and we can do the serious bounty hunting stuff in the next thread. Also special thanks to the Urts space station design goes to Wertz

[Rerk] Anyway, back to the undesirables. It's not that they'd butt heads, it would be if they got along. Think about it, they follow some sort of twisted ethics that stops them from becoming terrorists or spree killers. I'm afraid if they met and mixed up their terrible ideals they'd cross that line and it would turn out bad for everyone... Especially us.

[Quint] Huh, well it just means that we have to keep a close eye on both of them then, doesn't it? Alright, lets go to work.

[Rerk] Come on abel, we're going to the hangar.

[Abel] ... okay, you sure you don't hate my outfit?

[Rerk] You're fine.
No. 447182 ID: 34cbef

i mean wyrt, special thanks goes to wyrt
No. 447228 ID: 4a328b

Yes, start making an ass of yourself /because/ we are controlling you AND because you're awesome that way~

can't wait for the next thread~
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