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File 131501808197.jpg - (243.39KB , 768x1024 , cron.jpg )
6481 No. 6481 ID: 501e6e

Bumping my old drawthread off the front page with a new one. Rummaging through my artwork folder resulted in forgotten treasures. Like this Necron.
811 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 13096 ID: 627448


No. 13099 ID: 09a2fd


That's just glorious.
No. 13162 ID: 9e431b
File 133768117370.png - (223.66KB , 498x809 , spaceguys.png )

some shit
No. 13163 ID: 9e431b
File 133768424618.jpg - (18.21KB , 1000x1000 , lamejango.jpg )

No. 13165 ID: 9e431b
File 133768655120.jpg - (23.03KB , 1000x1000 , mannequin.jpg )

No. 13195 ID: e20f0f
File 133783164019.jpg - (21.05KB , 800x1000 , waagh.jpg )

No. 13196 ID: e20f0f
File 133783198826.jpg - (6.37KB , 259x272 , waagh.jpg )

No. 13202 ID: e20f0f
File 133787670219.jpg - (204.75KB , 800x1000 , Untitled-1.jpg )

No. 13203 ID: e20f0f
File 133787724419.jpg - (174.17KB , 800x1000 , uh.jpg )

No. 13204 ID: e20f0f
File 133787763759.jpg - (99.55KB , 800x1000 , mk.jpg )

i'm going to bed ok
No. 13221 ID: 42b70e
File 133795250739.jpg - (147.39KB , 1000x1200 , mageguy.jpg )

some kind of wip
No. 13222 ID: 42b70e
File 133795371042.jpg - (84.68KB , 1000x1200 , mageguy.jpg )

No. 13232 ID: 0a65bd
File 133802586138.jpg - (90.21KB , 1000x1200 , mageguy.jpg )

No. 13234 ID: 10092b

Rah nice
No. 13236 ID: 0a65bd
File 133805327289.jpg - (97.35KB , 1000x1200 , mageguy.jpg )


No. 13240 ID: f02954
File 133807648272.jpg - (1.04MB , 1500x1709 , Ahriman17.jpg )


No. 13256 ID: 8de115
File 133810770685.jpg - (99.11KB , 1000x1200 , mageguy.jpg )

No. 13257 ID: 8de115


No. 13259 ID: 38c333


Most likely. Ahriman was always the one that felt the need to prove he's got the bigger spear around the boys.

I just found it nice the poses were similar.

Also your thread is still pinkpony
No. 13278 ID: a980d5


Yeah, Dylan said it's got something to do with one of the images I uploaded. It contains some data that forces that pony theme. I don't really understand it, but it's something like that.
No. 13282 ID: b91e54
File 133819391095.jpg - (23.49KB , 1000x1200 , BriggzKnight.jpg )

fanart-in-progress for SirBriggz. Excuse its darkness.
No. 13283 ID: 0ad72e



I like the helmet design, it's very very cool.
No. 13285 ID: 2f35be


Thanks. It's just my interpretation of Sirbriggz' design.

No. 13292 ID: 392abf
File 133826971162.png - (28.28KB , 1066x647 , ugh.png )

No. 13294 ID: 10092b

Is thyis a beam ?

It better be a magic beam !
No. 13295 ID: 392abf
File 133829132475.jpg - (119.09KB , 1000x1200 , BriggzKnight.jpg )


No, it's just a universal beam.

Also, finished fan art for Sirbriggz.
No. 13296 ID: 10092b

well, the universal part of it is kinda catchy.

And your painting skills are still totally rad.
No. 13299 ID: 9f895a


Maaan everyone has awesome horse riders and black-metal armored avatars around here. Final fanart looks amazing.
No. 13301 ID: feab56

You're a girl (ew, cooties!), you should have a My Little Pony horse and be wearing a pink princess outfit. You would fit right in (as the kniggits need someone to kidnap/rescue)
No. 13423 ID: c8f94d
File 133906372009.jpg - (357.25KB , 1600x1200 , tank.jpg )

It's like a garbage truck, but instead of garbage, it cleans up criminals. Despite the camouflage, there is nothing subtle about it.
No. 13424 ID: c8f94d
File 133906545564.jpg - (98.04KB , 1200x1200 , test.jpg )

testing speedpaint in corel
No. 13425 ID: c8f94d
File 133906883850.jpg - (81.43KB , 1000x1000 , chaps.jpg )


I think that's pretty quick.
No. 13426 ID: c8f94d
File 133906962334.jpg - (206.61KB , 1000x1000 , hott.jpg )

here panwchans
No. 13427 ID: 53d1db


Have you tried working with a background that isn't only one tone?
No. 13428 ID: c8f94d


Yeah, but the result is usually pretty tragic. Normally that sort of thing is sorted out when the image is nearly complete, and is rarely considered in the infantile stages of the work.
No. 13429 ID: c8f94d


Er, not quite 'nearly complete' but certainly not in its beginnings.
No. 13431 ID: 51f31d

>Adding background as an afterthought
>having it end tragic

Those things are totally related, especial for paintings like you do em.

Lets say you paint Lord Grimdork without context and then decide to have him in a burning orphanage, the lighting on his armor will look wrong and kinda ruin the overall impression.
No. 13433 ID: 59ea70


Well, no. Not quite. Afterthought is hardly the word. I will make some effort to 'set up' the painting for a particular mood, and, as I said, it's not at the very end that I add a background. Usually my backgrounds aren't very complicated.

If you see here:


The image has been given a rudimentary colour scheme which influences the direction in which I will take the background. I'm hardly likely to draw some completely unfitting scene around this.


As you can see, at the image's current stage, still the background remains a boring colour. It will be just fine, if I ever finish it.

I see and understand your example, but I am critical enough of my own work to not have something end up like that, if I really care about it.
No. 13497 ID: c4d8c3
File 133950045488.jpg - (324.44KB , 1642x1200 , 129434736824.jpg )

I don't fucking know why I did this
No. 13498 ID: 23bed3

Because it is stellar.
No. 13500 ID: 2563d4

Because Driblis needed more fanart.
No. 13536 ID: f9aefe
File 133981460675.jpg - (291.98KB , 2000x2000 , third2.jpg )

Concept art for a setting of mine that, AFAIK, only one other person knows anything about. The rules are under development today, but it's looking grim, and not in a good way.
No. 13544 ID: c6ec33

Is... is this ancient viking zombie steampunk?

Dear god.
No. 13547 ID: 5c2c71


Not quite. Technologically clever but limited-in-resources undead with a strong Viking æsthetic.
No. 13548 ID: a4b65f

I'd give them jackboots and less ridiculous weapons but besides that I likey.
No. 13554 ID: 920693


This makes me want to write a story.

Concept's brilliantly chilling.
No. 13555 ID: 42dce0


Thanks. They're supposed to be fairly friendly, though. Sort of.
No. 13599 ID: 7c8930
File 134014051502.png - (394.03KB , 668x600 , BURZUM.png )


Oh, cool, well, when you've got the time , if you would lay down a short description of these things for me that'd be just awesome.
No. 13676 ID: a0eb7e
File 134042714046.jpg - (558.39KB , 3000x1928 , bluh.jpg )

Some stuff I drew in OC
No. 13758 ID: dc0e2a
File 134071326289.jpg - (123.10KB , 1000x1000 , bold.jpg )

Highlight reel of some drawthread
No. 13759 ID: dc0e2a
File 134071330612.jpg - (115.65KB , 1000x1000 , lich.jpg )

No. 13760 ID: dc0e2a
File 134071333217.jpg - (211.78KB , 1000x1000 , dorf.jpg )

No. 13761 ID: 6bae95

Overlord... You're amazing...
No. 13801 ID: 05dce8
File 134083663884.jpg - (86.81KB , 1000x1000 , 1340710367295.jpg )

Yo, Overlord, you drew my character in your thread the other day and I wanted to upload it here because it's dead on as to how I saw her in my head.

Thanks, dude.
No. 13802 ID: 6a506d


No prob, bob
No. 13964 ID: b95958
File 134156178058.jpg - (159.84KB , 925x1000 , ponylord.jpg )

Just school and shit these days.
No. 13970 ID: eb5be2
File 134157792709.jpg - (73.91KB , 1000x1048 , Zurra.jpg )

Oh yeah, I was working on this earlier in the week, but the momentum died down and I now give far less of a shit. Hopefully I will finish it.

Rogue demigod whose ambitions may be more than he can handle.
No. 13973 ID: 6cd429


Well... I don't know what to say.

I really don't.

Nice plates.



And this guy is amazingly awesome. His posture and gear makes me think of an Arena Gladiator.

Altho he's mechanical and stuff.
No. 13975 ID: eb5be2


Haters gonna hate, but it's an intoxicatingly good show.
No. 13977 ID: 310550

It is a good show, but why aren't you watching Wakfu and Gravity Falls instead? Do you even have an excuse?
No. 13978 ID: feab56
File 134160975736.jpg - (54.42KB , 640x480 , Wakfu 38.jpg )

Pic related, it's awesome.
No. 13979 ID: 4e0f07


I dunno, I guess I haven't thought to, and my internet is too shit to download it anyway.
No. 13987 ID: feab56

Indeed it is awesome
No. 14023 ID: 48d5ae
File 134192871229.jpg - (80.45KB , 1000x1000 , glorg.jpg )

9 minutes rottel neopet that is 'allegedly" '"inspired'' by '"'mass effect"'''"

Need to get a real quick greyscale art style going before I start questing again.

Also, I have a maths test tomorrow and then after that all the hard subjects are going to start, so if I never post again it's because I died from school.
No. 14026 ID: 102302
File 134193693679.jpg - (495.96KB , 1748x1276 , IMG_0004.jpg )




No. 14051 ID: b85f8c

>9 minutes
How do you even work your stylus that fast?
No. 14053 ID: 8d6f6f
File 134200827233.jpg - (181.52KB , 1000x1000 , terminator_posterised.jpg )

13 minutes, tried a faggy posterise filter, so it looked like shitty DOS space hulk graphics. I think I need to use a less messy brush as well, or draw on a bigger canvas and shrink it down.

Also: can someone please think of a good name for a space marine chaplain?

I did maths for 7 hours today, and I don't think I did very well on my test. Due to being a fucking slack dumbass in high school, I've got poor familiarity with some fundamental mathematical concepts, and that makes it hard to learn new things now when I'm actually trying to make good of my studies. Well, if I failed the test, it's not the end of the world; I should be able to resit it on a later date.

Unfortunately, 'advanced' maths begins next week and I don't feel very good about it.


That, my boy, is the magic of friendship.
No. 14054 ID: d4e196


What chapter?
No. 14055 ID: f3662c


The chaplain or the picture?

Picture doesn't have one. Chaplain is Imperial Fists.
No. 14056 ID: d4e196





Drago (*Slavic , no relation to herpderp GK's)
No. 14057 ID: 2a8d40


Sigismund is great. Thanks!
No. 14058 ID: d4e196


You are welcome.

Something happen to your steam btw?
No. 14078 ID: 6c0e66


It seems fine to me, why?
No. 14082 ID: 6c0e66
File 134210305061.jpg - (159.37KB , 1000x1000 , hm.jpg )

No. 14084 ID: 4f491d

Fabulous !
No. 14085 ID: 6c0e66
File 134211083399.jpg - (248.01KB , 1000x1000 , durr.jpg )

shitting with new burrshes
No. 14087 ID: 6c0e66
File 134211246093.jpg - (187.48KB , 1000x1000 , goddamm.jpg )

No. 14089 ID: 6c0e66
File 134211416441.jpg - (70.17KB , 800x600 , choppa.jpg )

Pudding wanted to see these. Sorry for the shit quality.
No. 14098 ID: c84373
File 134214509320.jpg - (23.67KB , 580x598 , urgaaaugh.jpg )

No. 14127 ID: 037de4

that could make a good TF2 hat
No. 14129 ID: 9569b0


If by good you mean shit, then sure.
No. 14130 ID: cb083d


Your Mp3 player is Evil and I like it.
No. 14132 ID: 9569b0


My what? How do you know what it looks like?
No. 14135 ID: 9569b0
File 134223281072.jpg - (1.61MB , 3000x3000 , grimdurr_big.jpg )

No. 14141 ID: 4a20fa

That's pretty awesome.
No. 14142 ID: 185665


I stalk.
No. 14143 ID: f20312

mfw the emblem on the chest piece.
Explains the legs though.
No. 14160 ID: 557ce1

did you pre-balance your color palette on this?
No. 14161 ID: 205120


No. I didn't use any established palette, rather choosing by eye as the painting progressed.
No. 14162 ID: 557ce1

well, it happens to be technically perfect.

No. 14163 ID: 819ec8


Thanks, though it's likely just a fluke. My understanding of colour is still very shallow.

If you wanted to watch the process of the painting, it's on my livestream:

No. 14164 ID: 557ce1

It's just what photoshop says about it.
No. 14165 ID: 819ec8


Pardon? I don't understand what you mean.
No. 14166 ID: 557ce1

I tried balancing the colors automatically with photoshop (since it can do that) just to see, and it didn't change anything.
No. 14171 ID: 058ea5


Ah, okay. I get what you mean. I did an auto-contrast towards the end, but it only made the ground a little darker. I think my understanding of value isn't too bad; it's just weak with colour.
No. 14199 ID: c8693f
File 134243861631.jpg - (171.79KB , 1000x1000 , ay-cunt.jpg )

Typical Tasmanian local. Sketch before bed.
No. 14204 ID: 4f491d
File 134244332578.gif - (205.18KB , 150x134 , DatsRacist.gif )

No. 14207 ID: 2f1ca3

"U mirin'"

No. 14228 ID: 531520
File 134250507817.jpg - (273.42KB , 1667x1250 , shit-waterfall.jpg )

A shitty environment art in all senses of the word.
No. 14233 ID: 994dd9
File 134251074142.png - (203.33KB , 519x360 , Capture d’écran 2012-07-17 à 09_19_46.png )

Mais... Mais c'est du caca!
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