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File 171201050479.png - (208.54KB , 800x600 , title.png )
1087619 No. 1087619 ID: 6290ec

If we open our minds to the existence of other universes, there's no limit to the possibilities that we could experience in the world of boning.
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No. 1090267 ID: 0e6809

G, d

Yinglet hype
No. 1090271 ID: fa3034

Always bet on bird. Failing that, you're already going past your comfort points. Might as well tackle the biggest task on the list. The word one..
No. 1090273 ID: 9188de

B, h
No. 1090274 ID: 830162

H, B for more bird
No. 1090275 ID: 81c963

Oh man, how could we pass up the chance to accidentally get exposed to the mythical beansossig? And a fellow bookworm, no less!
No. 1090278 ID: 861ceb

No. 1090279 ID: 42bb51

E, B
No. 1090281 ID: c3de9f

F, H
No. 1090291 ID: 541e01

H, A! You're gonna be so cool to someone who's sleepy, she won't be paying attention.
No. 1090292 ID: aa0c8a

Primary H
Secondary C
No. 1090302 ID: 9d3b39

D sounds fun and totally not mortifying!

G Ok I'll admit I just like yinglets.
No. 1090303 ID: 258134

Kigavi! It's been so long since I've seen a kigavi.

But the dragon club and its multi- person can also give us so many new friends!

No. 1090310 ID: b491ec

F, because kigavi sound vaguely cool
H, because sleeping in the lake sounds cool, WITH A SWIMSUIT OF COURSE, you would explode otherwise!
No. 1090311 ID: ce93a7

No. 1090314 ID: 965675

H, e
No. 1090382 ID: 25c93b

H, C
No. 1090383 ID: 19ea25

D, A
No. 1090384 ID: b67223

H then E
No. 1090423 ID: b491ec

does Slinko have any living discussion-threads?
No. 1090433 ID: 7c0da2

C, E
No. 1090435 ID: 05a3b7

No. 1090474 ID: 273c18

F, d
No. 1090477 ID: e5e504

No. 1090485 ID: ebae20

D, just imagine only needing to make one friend to make all your friends. It'd be so easy! B otherwise
No. 1090520 ID: 6290ec
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>But does [Daatra] also know that you're a dragon?
She's one of the few people you've felt comfortable telling, yes. She simply shrugged and said 'Cool', but you swear you saw a small glimmer of excitement in her eyes.

>She doesn't know many guy friends?
>And a male friend is gonna be essential at some point too.
Talking to boys? Oh gosh, you're far too shy for that. What if they try to flirt? Or... engage in DRAGON ROMANCE? You could never...!


"S-so, I couldn't help but notice most of your friends are girls...?"

"Haha, that tends to happen! Guys often hang out with guys, and vice versa. But don't worry, the guys I do know are single, *chirp~!*"

"I wasn't--!"


>...Are we going to meet everyone here eventually? You should pose that ask to Keireer.
What, like... verbally? Sigh... at least your parents appreciate all the SOCIAL ENERGY you're spending. Should that be a mechanic? ...Eh.

"You sure have a lot of friends!" you say. "Are we gonna end up meeting them all?"

"Haha, they're not all friends yet, but I'd like for them to be someday! They're all pretty cool though, so... maybe we can befriend them together!"

Oh... maybe social energy should be a mechanic. Yeah, you might not be able to meet everyone in a single day. But you'll probably make an effort to meet everyone eventually... if only to see your parents be happy and cute again.

"Maybe we should start with someone who you're already friends with?" you suggest.

"Sure! How about Cekachii? We go way back!"

"Sounds good. Uh. Which one's that, again?"

"Oh, sorry! She's the one at the LAKE."

"To the lake, then. Whee."
No. 1090521 ID: 6290ec
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You make your way to the LAKE OF NOT VERY MUCH DOOM. A fitting name for such a calm place, you uh... guess.

You look around, but don't see anyone around. "Oh, I guess she's not here?" you ask.

"Oh, no, she's definitely here~" Keireer points towards the lake itself. "She said she was going in to look for 'cool fish' a few hours ago."

"...What? Like, in the lake? I'm pretty sure keybains don't breathe water."

Keireer smiles broadly, as if basking in the moment of telling someone a grand secret. "Cekachii's different! Um, I mean... I bet she's napping in her MECHANICAL SUIT!"

Ah, that's right, isn't it? The keybain are an advanced species with higher technology than you see around these parts. Many of them create robotic suits that enhance their physical abilities. It's one of the main ways you tell them apart from other avians.

Cekachii's suit must allow her to breathe underwater. That'd sound useful if you didn't already have a way to do that.


"So uh, how do we get to her from here?" you ask, fearing the answer.

"Well, I can think of a couple options! You could use your KINETIC MAGIC to try and pull her up, or we could just wait here for her to surface. Or... I guess you could use your dragon form to swim down there?"

"W-what makes you think my dragon-self can breathe underwater?"

"Well, you used WATER MAGIC earlier, which only WATER DRAGONS can use, and it's common knowledge they have gills."

"It's scary how perceptive you are."

"I get that sometimes~! But yeah, it's up to you! I'm fine with whatever you want to do!"
No. 1090522 ID: 6290ec
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You get the feeling she really wants you to pick that final option.

Being a dragon would mean... getting naked. Okay neurons, pick an alternate option!

A: Telekinetic magic that thing right up!
A wonderful idea!

B: Let's hang out and wait!
Character development! I love it!

C: Maybe we should visit someone else for now?
We'll come back when she wakes up!

...What? No, there's no option D. Don't even worry about any theoretical choice D that by the nature of its letter is somehow related to dragons and the potential of you becoming one. Hahaha...
No. 1090523 ID: 1ff64e

Primary D secondary A
Be the cool fish you were always meant to be...
No. 1090524 ID: c3fe97

Is the suit heavy? Its totally heavy aint it?
Great opportunity to strain your clothes somehow by Telekinetic magic A!
No. 1090525 ID: 26801d

No. 1090526 ID: 541e01

Show off your telekinetics! (going with A)
No. 1090527 ID: 965675

No. 1090528 ID: 4f903f

A. Haven't seen this school of magic you have yet
No. 1090529 ID: 9a8a64

Definitely time to unleash the D-ragon, she's already seen your nips so it's fiiine to get naked~
No. 1090530 ID: b67223

Know what? Sure, tell us more about you Keireer. B, A
No. 1090531 ID: bf0c13

A, B. Try and use telekinesis to lift her, and chat if that doesn't work.
No. 1090532 ID: 25c93b

A! How does telekinetic backfire on Ceri...
No. 1090534 ID: eb0a9c

D offer sex already
No. 1090535 ID: 830162

A, D
No. 1090536 ID: 5f920e

Mechanical suits are like weird rocks, shouldn't be too hard to focus lifting that right? A, B
No. 1090537 ID: c3de9f

Definitely D
No. 1090538 ID: aa0c8a

just A
No. 1090539 ID: f871ef

D-ragon! Cover up with strategically placed telekinetic objects.
No. 1090540 ID: e8918a

Surely normal magic use this time won't result in anything funny or getting you naked haha!
A or D
No. 1090542 ID: 9188de

A for new powers
B if A doesn't happen
No. 1090543 ID: 40ef3b

D, b
No. 1090544 ID: 056956

No. 1090546 ID: a7a180

Always D.
No. 1090547 ID: 7a406e

AAAA or B!
No. 1090548 ID: be3107

A! We got a perfect excuse to see new unseen magic.
I like Ceri's normal form and normal boobs more than her dragon form tbh
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