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File 126206297720.gif - (81.96KB , 300x331 , picasion_com_93d78a23bc379347c8901b261d728b20.gif )
100346 No. 100346 ID: cf68aa

>No... I'm to late.
355 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 101153 ID: cf68aa
File 12621611012.png - (16.77KB , 607x485 , 2nd n.png )

Wan scribles on the note. She feels better
No. 101154 ID: 34470e

Have we been left yet? If not, go left.
No. 101160 ID: cf68aa
File 126216185197.png - (24.31KB , 686x549 , greed.png )

They go left
No. 101161 ID: 34470e

Okay. Look at the... thing to the left. What is that?
No. 101162 ID: 381df9

This is odd. All the keys have been silver so far? I'd take caution in picking those up considering what is written on the wall.

Also the previous room had what could be a mispelled "vise" on the wall.
No. 101163 ID: cf68aa

The thing to the left looks like a big helmet
No. 101164 ID: 34470e

Look up.
No. 101165 ID: 3b87aa

Is that a Pyramid Head's head(pyramid) mounted like a hunter's trophy?
No. 101166 ID: cf68aa
File 126216237641.png - (9.47KB , 686x549 , look up.png )

She looks up
No. 101167 ID: 3b87aa

Flash the camera.
Pick up the gold key and whip it at the display case thing behind which is the silver key as hard as you can.
No. 101168 ID: 476456

mental note, find something to poke stuff with
No. 101169 ID: 381df9

Get Sevi in the camera view and hug her. Say to the camera "Thanks for the love, guys.".
No. 101170 ID: 597b9b

We need silver keys. The trick seems fairly intuitive. Going for the silver and gold keys will get us punished, probably.

The question is, are there any other tricks to this trap? Lets look around the other rooms on this floor for any other clues.
No. 101172 ID: a3b36a

Ignore both keys for now. We need more information about this room. Inspect helmet-thing first. Then, inspect ladder.

...once done, then inspect silver key case, followed by loose gold key.
No. 101173 ID: cf68aa
File 126216298761.png - (16.93KB , 686x549 , trap.png )

Wan checks the room.. There's a string behind the helmet.. she can't see where it's attached...
No. 101174 ID: cf68aa

The silver key is on some sort of grey mat.. The gold one is just lying there.
No. 101178 ID: 3b87aa

Grab Sevi. Bring her over.
No. 101179 ID: cf68aa
File 126216486517.png - (25.61KB , 686x549 , greed.png )

Wan gets Sevi and brings her closer.
No. 101180 ID: 3b87aa

Let's come back to this puzzle later. Up the ladder I guess.
No. 101181 ID: 597b9b

Whoa whoa, before we go up the ladder, are there any rooms on this floor we haven't checked out?
No. 101182 ID: 597b9b

Also, ask Sevi if she recognizes this trap.
No. 101183 ID: cf68aa

So far no. All rooms have been gone through
No. 101184 ID: 381df9

>The Squad
>3rd floor

>go up the ladder
>we are on the second floor
No. 101185 ID: cf68aa
File 12621653598.png - (11.58KB , 452x462 , rule7.png )

"sevi wwantto help Wan... but Sevi cannot say how. Sevi would be a bad girl..."
No. 101187 ID: 381df9

I think it would be unwise to push her as we would be pissing off a lot of people and getting them pissed off at her too.
No. 101188 ID: 597b9b

Thats ok, we can come back to this one later.
No. 101190 ID: a3b36a

Hug Sevi, let her know you understand.

Perhaps we could fly up and hang onto the mask to pull it downward from the top? See what that rope pulls, maybe.
No. 101191 ID: 34470e

Go to the guillotine room. We need someone else *cough*tres*cough* to solve it for us.
No. 101192 ID: 597b9b


This isn't a bad idea. Another angle to look at it from might reveal something.

Like hell we do. Asshole couldn't figure out how plug two things together.
No. 101193 ID: cf68aa
File 126216609545.png - (21.50KB , 607x485 , guillotine.png )


Together they go into the Guillotine room.
No. 101194 ID: 34470e

Politely ask Sevi to remind you of the rules. Tres needs some time to find the room and solve the puzzle.
No. 101195 ID: 597b9b

9 wuz here
No. 101196 ID: 3b87aa

What are those solid red pieces?
No. 101197 ID: 597b9b

He won't solve it. He doesn't seem terribly capable of solving puzzles, and waiting for someone to come a solve a puzzle for us is a pretty unreliable thing to do when others could be gathering the other keys.
No. 101198 ID: 3b87aa

If we had a gun, we could have forced him to do it at gunpoint.
No. 101199 ID: cf68aa

Sevi explains to Wan The Rules.
Wan now knows the rules!


Those look like the remains of the Guillotine Machine
No. 101200 ID: 34470e

Take a peek outside to see if Tres is there.
No. 101201 ID: cf68aa
File 12621669333.png - (10.99KB , 452x524 , damnit.png )


Speak of the devil
No. 101202 ID: 3b87aa

Gore him in the man bits with your horns.
No. 101203 ID: a3b36a

Do you want to grief him, Wan? :3 Then find his spawn point and camp his spawn for a while?

Don't look in his eyes. Prepare to apply spikefoot to crotch if he starts anything.
No. 101204 ID: 34470e

We should first confirm if Tres has the key.
No. 101205 ID: cf68aa
File 12621672233.png - (12.12KB , 452x524 , keys.png )


>I wanna make him hurt...

Wan notices something as he walks away
No. 101206 ID: 597b9b

Remember, his evolution ability is making your brain melt on eye contact. It doesn't seem to be as advanced as it was when you first took him out, but that doesn't mean it won't fuck you up.
No. 101207 ID: 381df9

Are those keys or do they just look like keys?
No. 101208 ID: 3b87aa

I still suggest just headbutting him in the goods at full force when he isn't aware of you. He has keys now, it's legal...not that that matters much.
No. 101209 ID: 597b9b

Lets just see where he's heading. We can follow him and get the drop on him when he's least prepared.
No. 101210 ID: a3b36a

Ask Sevi what she thinks of Tres.
No. 101211 ID: c0f3bf

Tell Sevi that this is a very bad person that wants to hurt you and your friends. Tell her that as bad hurting people is, you sometimes have to do it yourself to keep other people from doing it. Talking is nearly always a better solution, but this person can't be reasoned with.
No. 101212 ID: 381df9

Chew his private parts off. Stab him repeatedly while you do this.
No. 101213 ID: 3b87aa

Sevi understands that Tres is a douche and is okay to eat.
No. 101214 ID: cf68aa
File 126216837560.png - (16.99KB , 452x524 , kill.png )


Wan listens to the voices. She runs forword and stabs Tres through the torso.
No. 101215 ID: a3b36a

I'd say we should tie him up and dump him in the room that Deux got dumped in with her eyes gouged out.
No. 101216 ID: 381df9

Don't stop, decapitate him or stab him through the head.
No. 101217 ID: c0f3bf

Spread them, rip apart his body.
No. 101218 ID: 3b87aa

No. 101219 ID: 597b9b

STOP. Don't fucking glory in the killing, or do you want Wan to get used to this sorta shit? Last time, she very nearly went Psycho on us.

No rip/tear. Bad orb. Bad.
No. 101220 ID: cf68aa
File 12621686683.png - (17.19KB , 452x524 , fuckedup.png )


Wan spreads her spikes cutting him into pieces.
No. 101221 ID: 34470e

Wan, close your eyes for a while and breath slowly. Do not become Tres. You just wanted his keys.
No. 101222 ID: c0f3bf

Find Sevi. Hug Sevi. Apologize for the horror, tell her you wish you could have avoided it.
No. 101223 ID: 597b9b

Well...at least according to their files, Sevi and Tres hate each other.
No. 101224 ID: a3b36a

...and to give him a little payback for being a douche. But yeah. Keys.

Now, decide. Do you want to permanently eliminate him, or would you rather give him a chance to better himself later on in life? Most deaths are pretty temporary here, it seems. ...permanent death would be murder, though. I'd advise against that if at all possible.
No. 101225 ID: cf68aa
File 126216912043.png - (14.09KB , 452x524 , badgood.png )


"wan hurt him. Wanhurt wanhurt wanhurt. Wan bad girl? tres badguy but wan hurt."
No. 101226 ID: 597b9b

No permanent killing. At least we can justify this in that we're not doing anything he can't recover from.
No. 101227 ID: 381df9

He killed me. I killed him. We are even. There is nothing wrong with a fair trade.
No. 101228 ID: c0f3bf

Tell Sevi Wan isn't a bad girl right now, but she's not a good girl either. Ask Sevi to help you be a good girl again, preferably nonviolently.
No. 101229 ID: 34470e

This sounds good.
No. 101230 ID: 597b9b

"I know I hurt him, but it was for our safety. Tres would have hurt us badly given a chance, and there's little we could do to protect ourselves from his powers. If I don't have to, I won't do things like that, but to protect myself and friends like you, I'll do anything."
No. 101231 ID: a3b36a

"I didn't want to, but he has hurt so many of the people I like. I don't want him to hurt anyone, so I didn't want to take the risk of him doing it again. I didn't want him hurting you, Yon, Deux... me... ...If I win, will all the hurting each other stop, Sevi? Can we ALL go home if I wish for it?"
No. 101232 ID: cf68aa
File 126216958678.png - (12.86KB , 452x524 , help.png )


Wan explains how nature

"Okay. Sevi willhelp WWan. Sevi will make Wan goodgirl full. Sevi likes Wan so Sevi wil help"
No. 101233 ID: c0f3bf

Thank Sevi. Hug Sevi. Get keys.
No. 101234 ID: 34470e

Hug Sevi
Thank Sevi
Wait a few seconds
cather keys
No. 101235 ID: cf68aa

Wan pockets the two Silver Keys Tres had. Only one more...
No. 101236 ID: 3b87aa

>Sevi will make Wan good girl
Well great. Now Sevi will subject us to the same mindraping conditioning that her mother probably did to her.
No. 101237 ID: 597b9b

Alright, we need to find Deus and Yon. Where would Deus Respawn, is the question.
No. 101238 ID: 381df9

Use one of Tres's body parts to pull the key out of the bloody mess.
No. 101239 ID: cf68aa


Wan does not want to... She asks Sevi to get her the key.

Wan now has 3 Silver keys!
No. 101240 ID: c0f3bf

Thank Sevi for that, tell her she's helping you already (which she is).
No. 101241 ID: 34470e

Hug Sevi and ask her if she can teleport you two to the winning spot.
No. 101242 ID: a3b36a

Go fetch koro-koro
No. 101243 ID: c0f3bf

NEAR the winning spot! Ask her also to be prepared to teleport again if situations get bad.
No. 101244 ID: cf68aa
File 126217182220.png - (12.80KB , 686x549 , teleport.png )


Sevi teleports Wan and herself near the Win Zone
No. 101245 ID: cf68aa
File 126217189429.png - (6.42KB , 442x560 , Windoor.png )


There is a door with 8 small Key Holes and one Big Key Hole.

No. 101246 ID: cf68aa
File 126217200987.png - (14.18KB , 442x560 , Win.png )


>"Sevi we did it! We made!"
Sevi smiles
>"Sevihappy Sevihappy. Go Wan. I I I know you canwin."

No. 101247 ID: cf68aa
File 126217226312.png - (10.45KB , 442x560 , soclose.png )


Wan walks to the door.
No. 101248 ID: 381df9

What are we looking at?
No. 101249 ID: a3b36a

Watch out, Wan. You two have company.
No. 101250 ID: 3b87aa

No. 101251 ID: 3b87aa

Shit, don't, you might break your wings.
No. 101253 ID: 597b9b

Tackle Sevi out of the way so you both are clear.
No. 101254 ID: 3b87aa

No. 101255 ID: 34470e

No. 101256 ID: cf68aa
File 126217251969.png - (13.64KB , 442x560 , soclose2.png )


Wan begins putting in the keys

No. 101257 ID: cf68aa
File 126217271739.png - (18.18KB , 442x560 , soclose3.png )


Wan Quickly turns around!

No. 101259 ID: cf68aa
File 126217298495.png - (16.41KB , 442x560 , WTF.png )


The Creature walks up to her.

No. 101260 ID: 597b9b

Well shit.
No. 101261 ID: 3b87aa

;_; hug
No. 101266 ID: 381df9

<_Blank_>Ok, we need to get Wan to slam the orb into Yon's face to incapacitate her and at the same time be able to talk with her.
<_Blank_>Also we can cut her up something fierce and let her heal afterwards.
<_Blank_>Between the orb getting smashed into Yon's face, the calming voices, the debilitating wounds, the pain, and the blood loss we should be dealing with a pretty docile creature.
<_Blank_>Also hugs.
No. 101275 ID: 0555b4

"Yon? Is that really you?"
No. 101287 ID: 119b5c

Who called it from the very beginning? This guy.

No talking. Kill.
No. 101317 ID: ab04d4


No, that's not nice :(

Besides, we already got BAD END on Yon's part over at /tg/, I'd rather see if we can't get GOOD END for her as well.
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