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110621 No. 110621 ID: c16184

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No. 114726 ID: ee6f69

Ask about the food or what type of weapons they use in combat.
No. 114728 ID: c593ec

You should intermix some questions about music, arts, and food. However... Asking about traditional garb, armor, weapons, etc. will help you get a feel for what you'll be facing tomorrow. Slip some of those questions in and it won't seem like a military question.
Since you'll be fighting in close quarters this seems pretty important.
No. 114729 ID: 8ce2bf

Ask him what sex is like here. Is fucking someone you just met common? Is it limited to just women? Do commanders tend to have sex with sergeants? You should be up for that if they expect it of you to form stronger bonds. In fact you might want a headstart on it.
No. 114736 ID: c16184
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I.. would rather not ask about their traditions regarding the freedom of sex. The initiation copulation seemed like an important and even stoic procedure, and the lady only warmed up once we got started.
Asking about their clothing seems like a simple enough topic to start on. Hopefully they will also reflect their culture and let me know what I will face tomorrow.

"I see that many of those seated wear the same garment as you. Can you tell me what the significance of it is?"
"This is the formal military uniform. We wear it when not on duty yet in the presence of those who outrank us by far."
"I see. Will I receive one as well?"
"I don't know, sir. Your knighting was an exception from the scriptures, thus you may also get an exception from our dresscode."
"I had not thought of that. However, I was told by the advisers to receive an intimidating suit of armor."
"Then we should visit the armory tomorrow morning, sir."
"Very well. What can you tell me about the armor used here?"
"We use light, layered armor to deflecting attacks that may penetrate our natural armor. It is also heavily padded to soften blows from blunt weapons."
"It sounds like you are well prepared for any attack. What kind of weapons are commonly used in the battles?"
"Only blunt weapons, sir."
No. 114742 ID: 62b30e

Natural carapaces would deflect lances and swords, I guess, which are more useful on softer targets; so they just mostly worry about protection from crushing blows.

If I'm correct, war here has plenty wounded but not so many corpses. Interesting.

That, or life is very cheap due to high numbers and short natural lifespan.

Maybe both.

Dont ask directly about the casualties, because that wouldn' be kosher in a dinner, but you could wonder out loud how old this species reach. How old is their eldest, the matriarch, things like that. Can help to have an insight on how they view life.
No. 114744 ID: 2cbe3e


Stop BUGGING the shit out of him. He's really getting ANTSY. Let's just eat our GRUB.
No. 114748 ID: 4ce1b0

Don't BEE to quick to give up on learning. We need to WORM our way into the mindset of these people.
No. 114752 ID: 8ecfd4

The choice of weapons could be a cultural aspect rather than based on their natural protection. There have been several cultures where the aim of warfare is not to kill the opponent but to capture or simply disable.

But Ridder I think it's time to steer away from that. Look around for the others you're sitting close to. Ask a bit about the history of their people (not related to warfare) as well as some bits of information about their culture. Like how is their court structured and do they have any social mobility?
No. 114754 ID: c16184
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"I see."

I let the sergeant take some time to eat before I continue my questions.

"May I ask how the social structure works in your society? Does age or family play a big role? How old does your kind usually get?"
"We live to around 70, but our last Matriarch lived to see 102. .. I honestly do not know how explain how our society works, sir. I grew up with it and it is something I don't consider very much."
"I understand. Thank you, T'lear."
"It's my honor, sir."

I decide to let him eat in peace. My last question appears to have left him in deep thought.
When we have finished our meals and those around us get up, he briefly salutes me before disappearing as well.

I soon find myself walking down the hall with Sticks again, on our way back to our room.

"I hope you haven't done anything inappropiate, Sticks."
"Ofcourse not, daddy~ They were all quite excited about me being a childbridge and all the girls wanted to get married too. I warned them about mean husbands, though. Told 'em they should all find their own paths~"
No. 114758 ID: 8ce2bf

Ignore Sticks, she's just trying to get you embarrassed so it'll be hotter to fuck you when you get back to your room. Don't fall for her tricks, she probably didn't actually say anything and you can just explain yourself if the culture's even against child brides, which it doesn't seem to be from Z'tane's reaction.
Oh hey speaking of Z'tane he's right there say hi to him!
No. 114760 ID: 62b30e

"No much success seeing the matriarch. But it was a risk I had to take. Gave me a good... insight on the size of this monarchy."

Seriously, you weren't even near one of the tables' ends.
No. 114767 ID: 8ecfd4

Warn her that you just might have to discipline her with some spanking for showing such disrespect towards her father. Come on do it!

Also say that it was a very educational evening. Tomorrow should be a very interesting day.
No. 114801 ID: c16184
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That's right. I should adress Sticks about this 'teasing' seriously now.

I lower myself to her height and place my hands firmly on her shoulders. She jumps, startled, but I keep her in place.

"Do you want to incorporate roleplay into our love making?"

She is silent for a moment, but then her expression quickly softens and gains a red flush.

"N.. no.. You do everything perfect already.."
No. 114802 ID: a56bd0

ohhh, looks like you made her nervous this time.
No. 114803 ID: 62b30e

Grin seductively.

"Are you sure, little girl~" :3
No. 114804 ID: 6faa8c

oh mah dawwww
No. 114805 ID: e0499d

and that's how you make a comeback...
No. 114806 ID: c0f3bf

Hug sticks. Tell her she's good as well.
No. 114807 ID: 8ecfd4

Kiss her you fool! After all, tomorrow may be the day you die deep underground, crushed by the merciless hammers of bugpeople.
No. 114811 ID: 632862

Don't do anything inappropriate in public. There may be someone watching.
No. 114812 ID: a56bd0

This sounds about right.
No. 114813 ID: c16184
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"You too, Sticks."

I pull her to my chest and embrace her. I feel her tightly grab on to my clothes.

"I love you, Ridder.. I'm so happy you got over that marriage and family stuff. It takes such a load of my mind.."

Somehow it feels like I have been stabbed through the heart, yet I can't determine exactly why.
No. 114814 ID: c0f3bf

Your food wasn't poisoned, right?
No. 114816 ID: 67c611

Is dat some foreshadowing?
No. 114817 ID: 632862

You're not over it. You still want a family, and someone to have *exclusively* to yourself. You don't want to share.
No. 114818 ID: 8ecfd4

Probably because she does not share your definition of what constitutes love. She has been afraid of love because she sees it like something that will restrict her freedom in the form of tying her down to a marriage and a family. Now that she knows that you don't immediatly connect the two any longer she feels more secure with you and admitting her feelings.

Your image of love is different. But they're both still love. Neither holds any superior inherant value over the other, the feelings are still the same.

And Ridder what I said before is still true. You're a knight, death is not a distant companion for you. Every fight you get into could be your last, you could be killed or horribly maimed. Take your happiness where you can find it, when you can find it. Because you may never get a second chance.
No. 114820 ID: f44349

Sounds like you aren't over "that marriage and family stuff" at all.
And that it hurts that she doesn't even consider it a possibility. That she's so sure your relationship will be short-lived.
Whoops! Looks like I sat in my relationship armchair by mistake.

Oh well, hang a do not disturb sign on your door and wreck that pussy~ (GEDDDIT HA HA HA)
Maybe some lovin' will take your mind off of it.
No. 114821 ID: cbab08

Love hurts sometimes my man. It's simple Ridder, you love Sticks, or at the very least your values are telling you to love Sticks because of what you shared. Your values put marriage as the logical next step to love and she just shot you down in advance. Sorry.
No. 114823 ID: a56bd0

Ouch.. that did hurt.

Ridder, may I ask, what are we? By 'we 'I mean, us voices? You are aware I hope that most people don't have these kinds of voices in their head... so why you? Why do you even take our advice.. its not like we are infallible or anything?
No. 114826 ID: badf27

She is carrying some other man's kittens. Strike her down.
No. 114829 ID: bd4f30

Marriage is a burden for her. She likes to be free, even if she loves you. It doesn't mean she thinks your relation will be short-lived. She loves you more than she'll love anyone. She just needs her space.

Between you two: it's love and lust.
Between her and another man: just lust.

Get over it, faggot.
No. 114838 ID: 2dd482

clearly she's saying it's totally okay for Ridder to bang the fuck out of Iesgip
No. 114839 ID: 8ce2bf

Ridder you may have to look elsewhere for love, Sticks seems to only want lust. There is someone who could fill your heart with love you may have overlooked (although it seems in your dreams you have not according to Sticks!) When Muschio comes over you could try putting the charm on him, it's clear he cares about you very much, and could give you the love Sticks can't.
No. 114843 ID: 3416ec

Maybe its time you looked elsewhere for a lifelong partner, Ridder. Sticks doesn't seem interested in committing.

Separate the sex from the love, man.
No. 114845 ID: a56bd0

Somehow, I doubt that's how Iesgip wants it. don't hold me to that... but somehow I doubt it.


Ridder can want what he wants, he's willing to make accommodations for her, should she not for him? Or is Ridder the only one we expect to make sacrifices around here?
No. 114849 ID: 2dd482

she HAS been getting a little fat in the belly. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
No. 114860 ID: c16184
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Allow me to clear up some confusion I understand is growing amongst you: I do not love Sticks. I do not think she is particularly attractive.
I am in this relationship because it is her wish, and it is my duty to take responsibility for my actions--my lack of self-control that fateful night at the goblin settlement.

So no, I do not believe that wanting to have her exclusively is what hurts.
No, I believe you have much more to do with it.
When I first embarked on this adventure, you asked me what I wanted in life apart from my knightly duties. I had not given this much thought before, but it dawned on me that I would like to get married, have children, a stable relationship.
An unrealistic image that continues to be shattered relentlessly. Sticks' confession of how she felt about my wish to get married has further forced me to twist and bend my conception of love and sex until it does not align with anything any more.

There is more honor on the battlefield than there is in romance.

No. 114863 ID: c0f3bf

Ridder, you are both young. A family and a stable relationship is a good thing to have, but you should open your mind for a while before you settle down with someone.
No. 114865 ID: 8ce2bf

Ridder, it wasn't your fault. You were poisoned with Nanroot. No amount of self-control could have overcome the effects of the poison, you have no reason to feel chained to Sticks because of this. Even if you had given in without the poison, you still shouldn't feel chained to a relationship. You should tell Sticks how you feel, she should be able to understand.
No. 114866 ID: a56bd0

Ahhh, and now you see was that so hard to tell us? We'll see what we can do on this end of the crazy voice telephone.
No. 114867 ID: e0499d

Geeze... First you go along, and now you let us know this.
If you feel that way, then tell sticks.
There is honor in love; you just don't see the different honor code. Sticks dropped the honor, and it's obvious.
You already took responsibility. This relationship can't be based on sex.
Even igsiep would be a better choice if that's how you feel. I doubt geek or petal though... They got aditudes.

The point: Make yourself clear to Sticks. That family matters, and that you don't feel right fooling around.
(also, you should seperatw work from love...)
No. 114868 ID: 3416ec


Yeah, what he said. Perhaps it can wait until after the bug situation is over.

Sticks is in for some hurting, though.
No. 114874 ID: e3f578

Bah, if that's why your doing this it seems unhealthy.

Your a manly knight, women love you and want to be with you. Sticks is a weird soul who's like that and I think wants to be able to sleep with anybody without it being a big deal so she can avoid hurting people's feelings. She means well but obviously she's hurting you bro. That's where this feeling of dishonorable romance comes from. It's possible to fit any ideal with a little bit of work, skill, and charisma.

There's nothing wrong in using your manliness to be rather riske with the female occupation. Be immature, be irresponsible. Have fun your not having a family right now. CONQUER DA LADIES I TELL YOU AND HAVE FUN DOING IT!

Then go love somebody. Find someone that rocks your fucking world and create children that will be the best people you'll ever know! Fight the heavens! Fight Stick's pessimistic realism. Earn your happy ending.
No. 114877 ID: c593ec

Then... we've failed. We charged headlong into this when you gave Sticks your response. It is unfortunate that it has come to this. We kept pushing you along instead of asking what you truly wanted.

Ridder, mark my words. There will be a love for you. There will be a true day of that spectacular sustenance that is love. This is but a gloaming, and a still more glorious dawn awaits, if only you have the patience to see it.

If you do not love Sticks -- if you do not even find her attractive -- there is no reason to hold on. She has made it very clear that she has no qualms about a brief and ended relationship. And as she has told you not to wait for her, not to entertain thoughts of marriage, perhaps it is best if you end things.
Now is not the best time, to be certain. But if you can let her down easy -- and this shouldn't be hard, given her views on the relationship as fleeting -- then you will have done her a great service anyway, giving her happiness, making her more self confident and able.

Someday you will find your true love, Ridder. ♥
No. 114879 ID: 632862

Well, you have given her some of the passion she desired.

I think you overreacted as far as making up for your lack of self control is concerned. She wanted it more than you did. Though she wanted a short term relationship, without being tied down by rules.

I think you need to make plain your feelings. WITH MANLY TEARS.
No. 114882 ID: 445c48

Poke her in the stomach, or the legs.
No. 114886 ID: e0499d

This guy has it down.
You have to experiement. Find new things. You chose a spear over a blade, a mount over foot.
You chose since you tried the methods of fighting before. And in doing so, you found what you liked.

Sticks is one of many women you'll meet. You should be lucky she's your first lover. If she weren't, you would still be as tense as before about your idea of love.
Her idea is half right, as is yours. The idea is to be relaxed and find others, get to know them... Maybe sex... But ultimately to know the person well enough to make a decision-to marry or not...

Now would be a time to make your point... Do it now.
Leave the matchmaking to us, the voices in your head.
No. 114891 ID: c593ec

And I say bullshit!
The best point is not always the one perfectly between the two extremes.

Ridder's views on love and sex are not mine, but dammit, this isn't about me. It's about him. And I have to respect that.
Every time we've forced him to compromise and delay he's hated it. It's tearing him up inside. The shit you are saying is KILLING him. He is MISERABLE because of it.

Stop trying to make Ridder think like you, see the world like you. He has his own way, and there's nothing goddamn wrong with it, even if it's not your way. Let him be or he'll never have his peace.
No. 114893 ID: c16184
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That is the worst part. As the image I had of love my entire life, and I now realize I held on to so tightly, is absolutely unrealistic, I have to find solace in the freedom I have: To love, to hurt, to enjoy fleeting emotions.. wether I want to or not.
It is a part of life I must learn to accept, like I learned to accept death.

Very well, if this is what you think is best then I shall tell Sticks my feelings after this mission. I don't want her to be hurt in such a strange enviroment.

I embrace her tighter. She begins to fondle my crotch.

"..Hm? Ridder, why aren't you..?"
"I'm sorry, Sticks. I have a lot on my mind. Let's just go to sleep tonight."
"Alright. Relax, okay?"
"I'll do my best."
No. 114902 ID: badf27

Ridder, your fucking sense of fairytale ethics has gotten you neck-deep again. Do you realize that what you did is a hundred times worse than a no-hard-feelings one night stand that you didn't even have CONTROL over? Leading Sticks on is just fucking terrible. She's already had a hard time in the past with just this situation.

You may find your love someday, but I'm willing to bet that Sticks will be leaving your alliance when you're through with this.
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