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136770 No. 136770 ID: 1afd58

Welcome to Glukmil quest!

In this quest actions are decided, if they have a reasonable chance of failing, on a d20 roll. Rolling under the related stat: BODY, MIND, or TALK, is a success. Hitpoints decrease by one per successful attack, unless the scale of the attack is stupidly large, which will do more. Thus, suggesting an action requires an action as well as a roll. You may suggest which stat to use, but you can't use an axe with TALK. Be reasonable. As GM, I get final say on which stat applies or if an action is possible.

You can roll by typing 'dice 1d20' in the email field. Things like "walking" don't require rolls. Things like "Jumping across the twenty foot chasm" require rolls at a penalty which I will take off of your result.

/quest/ is just a collection voices in Glukmil's head. The actions aren't necessarily always going to be followed.
542 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 255464 ID: 701a19

rolled 11 = 11

Don't scout, just move quickly and be as cautious as you can.
No. 257403 ID: 1578e2
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Ok! I didn't think about the trail! I tug on Usmka's hand and point to my nose, and she grins and puts a sock on it. I guess it helps! But I can't smell that well!

Anyway we start to move a little faster! I also found a neat place that kind of sticks out so I went over and looked down! Usmka didn't want to come too!

It's the whole world!

There's lots of trees below in the big forest that covers everything. Near the dwarf a lot of them are cut down though! On this side of the river down there theres also a lot of land with no trees but lots of dead trees and rocks and things.

There's mountains over there and they go around too except where the ocean is. There's a town of tall people over there and they grow plants to eat because they are weird!

Also there's a big black fortress way over there. I point to it and Usmka smiles and squeezes my shoulder. Maybe she lives there?

My home is over the river and through the woods! You can't see it though because we don't cut down trees and things so it's under the leaves!

It's getting to be night time and there's no moon tonight. Usmka is looking up at the sky nervously.

Should we stop moving and sleep, or keep going through the night time?
No. 257471 ID: 1854db

We can't stop here! This is dwarf country!
No. 257473 ID: 2abeac

any way down or is it a shear drop on all sides?
No. 257494 ID: bf88fc

Find a safe-looking place to sleep.
No. 257512 ID: 701a19

How long will it take to get to your home? If it won't take too long then go there, but you need to at least get out of Dwarf country before you sleep.
No. 257750 ID: dec73f

Keep traveling until it becomes difficult to do so. You'll need to sleep eventually, but we still need to put as much distance between the dwarfs and you as possible.
No. 257910 ID: 1578e2
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We kept moving a couple hours! But now it's the middle of the night. I can see pretty OK but Usmka keeps tripping over things and the baby keeps making noise because it can't sleep I think. Plus I can't really tell if things are moving around. There's noise but it's hard to say if it is Usmka or other things.

So I looked around for some places! There's a couple. We can just hide in the woods over there, there's a little dark copse of trees. We maybe could hide in there, but there's no low branches so we couldn't really climb the trees.

There's also a weird thing that is maybe dwarven? It's quiet and dark and has a big stone door. We could maybe get in there and close the door and it seems like maybe it would be pretty safe.

Also there's a little crack in some rocks. Maybe it's a cave or maybe it's just a little crack. Either way it's dark in there and we could hide in there.

Or I guess we could keep going anyway, but we'd have to go slow because Usmka can't see or something. :<
No. 257919 ID: 4703e7

get to the trees, but be careful because there may be wild animals there already
No. 257961 ID: f123de

Examine that rock crack. Seems the least likely to have dangerous wildlife or undead. Even if it won't fit both of you, it should at least fit you!

Rolling for no good reason. Mind?
No. 257962 ID: f123de

rolled 2 = 2

No. 257998 ID: 1854db

I say go for the crack. The tomb is probably full of undead, and the copse is too open.
No. 258010 ID: 1578e2
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Ok we got into the crack in the rocks!

It's pretty big inside I think those rocks fell over a natural cave. It's a flat floor and big enough to hide easily. Usmka picked up a lot of little rocks and blocked the entrance and I helped once I saw what she was doing! The cave smells sorta like dirt and that's all, so I guess nothing lives here. Also I took the sock off of my nose because it's not bleeding now!

Ok but now we are just sitting here. It's kind of boring but I'm too scared of dwarves and night things to really go to sleep. Usmka rocked the baby back and forth and it got quiet so I guess it is sleeping. She's watching me sit here. She's weird :<

Should I try to sleep? Or maybe stay awake while Usmka sleeps? Or something? We've got about eight hours until dawn.
No. 258012 ID: 387fea

rolled 7 = 7

(Mind/Talk, they're both the same value anyway..)

Try and figure out more words you and Usmka both know, so you can talk to each other better.
No. 258090 ID: 701a19

rolled 9 = 9

Snuggle up with Usmka and the baby for warmth, and make loving noises.
No. 258122 ID: 68edf7

Try to figure out where Usmka lives, draw in the dirt if you have to. If her place isnt an option we should head to yours.

We need ourselves a definite direction to go so we dont just aimlessly wander with a dwarf-baby forever.
No. 258319 ID: dec73f

How about we do both, snuggle up, and talk with her, try to figure out how to communicate better with her, etc.
No. 258938 ID: 1578e2
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Ok! I move close to her and she smiles and squeezes me against her and it's pretty warm so that's nice I guess?

I draw a little bit of a map on the floor and poke her and she draws some too. Here's what we know of here!

So we are up there at the X and there's mountains around us. Usmka says there's an old road near here that should lead through the mountains and down to the forest. My camp is over there and closer than the Goblin place, but Usmka says she has to go home fast. The baby doesn't have much food and she can't give it any herself. I don't know how any of that works!

I'm learning a little goblin language by you guys translating!

Anyway I don't know about going to the goblin place. Kobolds say that goblins steal kobolds and never give them back and keep them locked up and it's bad. Usmka seems nice but that doesn't mean all goblins are!

It's warm and I feel safe laying in her lap and I'm getting sleepy. Should I ask her anything else before I go to sleep?
No. 258964 ID: 2ec8d6

rolled 19 = 19

I think you should follow her till she reaches her village at least, even though you probably shouldn't stay.

In fact, you should be very careful around goblins. Their culture revolves around power, powerful people are the respected people. They do kidnap people of all races, but they then raise them as their own.

Don't take out that knife unless one of them threatens you (or attacks you). It's so valuable that at least one would get the bright idea that they can take it from you. If you could conceal it while keeping it easy to draw, you should. (I'll roll for that last one.)
No. 259011 ID: a7fd47

I'mma this this.
No. 259012 ID: 14a040

... why? just have the knife normal, they are goblins, i don't think they will hold it against you to be armed.
No. 259015 ID: d8230b

Because it's an adamantium knife.
No. 259071 ID: cc5de5

And theyd steal it
No. 259083 ID: 701a19

Wrap your arms around Usmka, nuzzle up against her, and softly tell her she is yours.
No. 259113 ID: 1854db

Don't do that.

I think we should consider splitting up just after the bridge, honestly.

Also suddenly realize you just revealed the location of your village to a goblin. Ask her if her tribe kidnaps kobolds.
No. 259117 ID: cc5de5

I wouldn't think she'd do that, since we did save her life.

We could just not go to either colony and figure out a way to feed baby without them. You two are just too attached to each other.


And quick question, Glukmil...
Are you full-grown?
No. 259166 ID: 0b2a05

Ask her what goblins do to the dwarves and kobolds (if they do indeed steal kobolds) they steal/capture.
No. 259182 ID: 1578e2
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I can't decide about where to go and it sounds like you can't either! Also yes I'm full grown, kobolds just don't get all huge like dwarves and goblins.

I move closer to her, but she tells me to put my things on the floor because she's getting poked with my knives and things, so I do.

I tell her she's mine but I'm not sure why you wanted me to say that! She giggles and puts her hand on my nose and says that I'm a cute little thing.

She put the baby on the ground because it was asleep. I asked her about goblins taking kobolds, and she squeezes my snout a little and begins rubbing it gently. Her other hand is on my back. It's really comfortable! She says sometimes they find lost goblin children living with kobolds, like the one she found in the dwarf fort. They take them home and raise them like goblin children should be.

...I'm sleepy. Is there anything else I should ask her before I sleep?
No. 259183 ID: 099247

What is the average flight speed of an unladen swallow?
No. 259185 ID: feb4a2

Cross the river wherever you can safely, then head up to the goblin garrison. They likely have what's needed to keep dwarf-babies content. Unless you guys have booze at the kobold camp.
No. 259195 ID: 2ec8d6

You can tell by his reaction to the flask of sunshine that he's never had alcohol before this trip.

Did we take that?
No. 259236 ID: ca3c92

Hope so, even if it's never had booze its going to want some when it gets older. Its the natural way.
No. 259247 ID: 8c0848

If you fall asleep, she's going to steal all your shit. Shake it off.
No. 259251 ID: 1854db

No. Sleep.
No. 259296 ID: 1578e2
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Don't take... my...

Flask of Sunshine... I didn't get...

No. 259298 ID: 1578e2
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Bluh. I'm awake.

Sorta. It's morning outside the cave. The baby is making stupid noises but not crying. Usmka is laying against the cave wall still asleep. My mouth tastes stupid and I'm still pretty asleep.

Should I wake everyone?
No. 259299 ID: da8f19

But.. how does it taste?

Why not wake people! Gogogo!
No. 259303 ID: 701a19

Clean off your mouth and Umska's leg, then rub noses with her until she wakes up. If the baby is making noises then she needs to do something.
No. 259316 ID: 1854db


Do clean yourself up a little though, and listen at the entrance to see if anything's outside.
No. 259364 ID: bbf96a

Yeah, wipe off the puddle of drool before she realizes. That will probably wake her up anyway. Then go peek out the hole and take a quick look around.
No. 259438 ID: 1578e2
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It tastes stupid!

Anyway I get up and wipe off the drool with Usmka's loincloth because I don't want to mess up mine! I also wipe my nose there.

I look outside. It looks clear so I clear off the rocks so more light can come in!

I don't know how to wake up Usmka so I shook her a little and then rubbed her nose with my hand. She did it to me first so it's ok! Anyway she woke up in after a little and at first jumped and grabbed her sword, then calmed down and smiled and patted my head.

She went outside to take care of the baby and her own things I guess? She also took one of my socks when I wasn't looking! When she came back the baby smelled better.

She smiled but also pointed to her loincloth and said not to go nosing around there :< I said sorry though and she seemed ok and rubbed my nose again.

We looked at the map from last night! Usmka suggests going this way! She also drew a goblin and kobold and some cabbage and corn and meat and said that if we go there I could maybe meet other goblins and kobolds and fall in love and be safe and happy and fed forever.

That sounds good and all but I sorta want to go home!

We still have to go across the bridge and maybe a little farther before we have to make a choice, but should I tell her a different plan now while we have a map and things?
No. 259439 ID: 701a19

Change the plan.
Go to her people to get a bunch of supplies, then take her back to your village so she can be your queen.
Also, tell her you don't want another goblin.
No. 259442 ID: 0b2a05

Isn't that where the humans were? Not so sure that's a good idea. Why would there be goblins and kobolds where the humans are?
No. 259451 ID: e0a020

Well, she seems to like you, so you may be able to convince her to come with you, but do you really want to take care of her and the baby? They'd be your responsibility if you brought them back to your own village.

If you decide to go with her to her own village, that'd be a completely different life than you are used to. I don't know how your tribe lives, but most kobolds I know live in small huts or complex warrens. Goblins build great towers large enough to house all their people, so you might enjoy living among them.

Thinking further, I really don't think returning to your people is an option. If anyone found out about your adamantine dagger the dwarves wouldn't hesitate to burn your village and the surrounding forest to the ground. The goblins can defend themselves (though I still wouldn't show it to them).

How about a third option. You have some money now, and an excellent weapon. As a kobold I'm sure you've learned how to survive in the wilderness (it's practically instinct with kobold). Why not stop by the goblin tower to get supplies, and then continue traveling. See a bit of the world? You'd want to find someone to teach you very basic human tongue before you left. Regardless, you aren't leaving without escorting Umska back to the goblin tower. If you do decide to travel, explain this to her as you go.
No. 259626 ID: 1854db

The baby needs food. The baby must go straight to the goblin tower.

I think we should go to the goblin tower with Usmka, but afterwards visiting your village would be a good idea. Nothing's keeping you from visiting!
No. 259783 ID: 1854db

I'm changing this. After the baby's delivered to the tower, you can just go back to your village, and Usmka can visit you.
No. 260487 ID: 1578e2
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Ok we head toward Usmka's home!

The path down the mountain was ok and then we crossed the bridge and walked through the forest.

I am surprised but we didn't see animals or anything! There were birds chirping in the trees though so it's not like everything is dead!

Oh I didn't see this loaded crossbow here :< A goblin is holding it!
No. 260517 ID: 04ae0e

SHow them your hands, look meek and non-threatening
No. 260531 ID: 1854db

Ask Usmka to tell him not to shoot you. If they argue about it, move your head out of the way of the crossbow and then cut it in half with your dagger. The crossbow. Cut the crossbow.
No. 260657 ID: 71d466

Use your CQC!. Oh wait you don't have that.

Sit still, make no sudden movements!
No. 260658 ID: 0b2a05

Slowly raise your hands up and quietly whimper.
No. 260661 ID: b971a3

sing him the song of your people
No. 260663 ID: 1578e2
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I put up my hands and show they are empty!

Then someone says Usmka's name and she hands me the baby and runs a little forward and hugs another goblin. The goblin with the crossbow looks sort of mad but not at me.

I don't really know what to do. The crossbow goblin is watching the other two goblins hug and Usmka is crying or something and the other goblin is saying things to her in a nice voice.

Goblins are weird.
No. 260664 ID: 0b2a05

Just hold the baby, the best thing you can do right now is stay still and let Umska talk to them.

...Maybe look cute, if you can.
No. 260665 ID: bf88fc

Wait, I guess. Usmka is free now, so she's crying because she's happy and relieved to be with her people again. The crossbow goblin probably disapproves of something she did.
No. 260673 ID: 27a0ff

Try to talk to the goblin. He may know some kobold, and even if he doesn't you need to practice speaking to goblins.
No. 260688 ID: 679e7a

rolled 13 = 13

Okay, I think you need to decide at this point whether you plan to live with the goblins for the rest of your life, or whether you'd rather go home to your own kind... because if you go into that goblin village, they're unlikely to want to let you leave.

If you want to stay, there's no problem, but if you want to leave, best to give the baby to one of the goblins as soon as possible, then make to leave, casual-like, with conversion to full tilt run if they try to force the issue.

(BODY roll, just in case.)
No. 260689 ID: 0b2a05

Oh come now, it might very well not be nearly as clear cut as that.
No. 260690 ID: 679e7a

rolled 18 = 18


It might not, but you don't survive as a kobold without some caution! If the situation develops differently, we can adjust course accordingly, but we all know goblins can be devious in their attempts to claim other species for their villages.

Why, I've heard they'll even rub people's noses in an attempt to weaken their will!

(MIND roll, if relevant.)
No. 260691 ID: 679e7a


(That poor bastard hasn't got a chance.)
No. 260797 ID: 1854db

Just say hello. Don't try to say anything particularly complicated; the goblin might get annoyed at your blabbering.
No. 260833 ID: 701a19

rolled 6 = 6

Don't move. Just say "friend".

Also, seduce Umska into bearing your children, as a hero such as yourself deserves more than any one species can provide.
No. 260844 ID: 1578e2
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I don't know how to look less threatening than being held at crossbow point with a baby too big to hold! I can't decide what to say so I just wait a few seconds.

The goblin shakes its head and then looks back to me, and kneels down a bit. It speaks in pretty good kobold language!

"So you helped Usmka get out?"

I nod, and tell it she was locked up in a cage. Then I ask the goblin if it's going to shoot me.

The goblin shrugs. "Hope not. It's up to Usmka really. You're too old to take in as a goblin, not that we need more non-goblin children around here anyway. Plus, you probably want to get back to some kobold girl and make a litter of dumb little thieves."

I don't know what to say to that :<

The goblin shakes its head suddenly and sighs. "Sorry, just... been a long day. Look, while Usmka cries all over her sister, why don't you tell me if there's anything of hers that you are carrying, aside from that 'goblin' there. I'm supposed to get tribute from travelers. Assuming she doesn't want you shot."

I'm not carrying anything that is hers! But that should I tell the goblin? Also if it wants me to give it something what should I offer?
No. 260845 ID: 1854db

Inventory check! There's that toy hammer, and we have one sock left I think.

(we are NOT giving them the knife)
No. 260848 ID: a695ae

Easiest thing you can offer is the coins. The other stuff can be useful to you and your village once you get back there. Coins are for trading, and right now you're trading for the continued absence of a crossbow bolt in your nose. Offer half of them, saying 'her share'
No. 260854 ID: 2563d4

>"you probably want to get back to some kobold girl and make a litter of dumb little thieves."
>I don't know what to say to that :<
Well, do you? I mean, it's not like you have the braincells to lie.
No. 260860 ID: 701a19

"The only thing of hers I'm carrying is her child. My tribute is Usmka's safe return from the dwarven prison and the deaths of several of her captors, although I think I might have a few coins liberated from their vile carcasses still if you wish for a tangible token.
I would take her as my mate would she have me, but alas I fear that she'll not accept."
No. 260894 ID: bbeb76

rolled 17 = 17

Here, have a roll for TALK on this.
No. 260929 ID: bf88fc

This is going to be funny.
No. 260948 ID: 1578e2
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Ok that's sort of a weird thing to say so I fix it! "Usmka is my trebuchet! I don't have anything of hers but I have some things that the dwarves had and she can have half the coins or you can take them! Also I killed some dwarves. Also I sort of want to keep Usmka but I don't know if she'd want me to."

The goblin closes its eyes and sighs, and opens them again slowly. "Ok look, just spread out all the stuff you are carrying here, and we'll talk about what we'll take and what you can keep."

Usmka says something to the goblin I'm talking to, and it nods. "Ok, Usmka said to let you go if you want to, so I will after you pay proper tribute. So calm down, I'm not going to kill you today." It said the word tribute slower and louder than before.

The goblin didn't say anything about keeping Usmka and I don't think she was listening to me talk or would know what I said anyway!

I spread some of my stuff out on the ground. I keep my tunic on and the blue knife is hidden under it since you told me to hide it.

My stone knife
Stone hammer with shiny bits
Rope, about 100 noses long
Shiny necklace
some socks (one has noseblood on it)
Sock full of coins
Rolled up dwarf papers
Four red spinels

The goblin looks over it but looks sorta uninterested in the things. Eventually it looks at me. "Ok, since you're free to go and you seem like a decent enough kobold, I'm taking these coins and gems. They aren't much good to your kind anyway. Is that OK with you?"
No. 260957 ID: 620579

say yes but ask to keep one or two coins and ask if you need to do that every time you want to visit usmka and her new baby

also ask about dangers of the surrounding.
No. 260969 ID: 27a0ff

He's screwing you over. That's an insane tribute. Offer him half the gems and coins. Point out the tribute is offering a PORTION out of respect, not stealing all your hard earned loot.
No. 261083 ID: f123de

rolled 13 = 13

This, more or less, with some kind of roll for talking.
If he wants stuff from some big dumb dwarves he can go get it himself. You got these and besides you rescued Usmka and got a goblin baby and surely that's better than a rope and some rocks and stuff.
No. 261099 ID: 1854db

Ehhh I don't think we should really bargain. Maybe ask to keep two of the gems, to make something with back at home. Like engagement rings, maybe?
No. 261151 ID: d8735e

im thinking more or less of this

bolds dont have much of a bargaining skill or even economical awareness, complaining too much may tip him of us.
No. 261204 ID: f1cc49

W aren't a physical object though, we're the effects of a potion. As far as the gobby will know, he's just smarter than he looks.
No. 261235 ID: bf88fc

Being mugged is poor thanks for saving Usmka, you know...
No. 261429 ID: a695ae

rolled 1 = 1

( talk roll )
Convince the gobbo-guard that saving Umska is worth your safe passage, or at least haggle him down a bit on the treasure thing. You might need the money later if someone ELSE makes you bargain for your life again.
No. 261430 ID: a695ae

(holy crap i'm the guy that faked a 1 way earlier in the thread and now here's the real deal. Any special rules for natural 1's ? Does the lil' guy's talk stat get better? )
No. 261525 ID: 1578e2
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Ok! "But Usmka is my tribute! You can't just take all my things!"

The goblin tightens its grip on the crossbow, but then relaxes and closes its eyes, sighing. "Usmka isn't really yours to give, so she doesn't count. But ok, fine. I'd really rather not kill you. I'll take half the gems and gold. I don't know what the hell a kobold is going to do with a sack of coins anyway."

The goblin took the coins and gems and put them in a bag he had nearby. Then he comes back to me. "Looks like the girls are finishing their crying. If there's anything you want to say to Usmka, better say it now. Friendly advice: Don't come back here. Other patrols aren't as forgiving."

Usmka is coming back over here, wiping her eyes. I guess she wants to say goodbye. Is there anything special I should do?

I'm kinda sad :<
No. 261526 ID: 105a13

Say yer goodbyes, give her a hug, then head on back home.
No. 261534 ID: c71597

Give her a hug and thank her for helping you get out. Also tell her to raise the dorfen child as a fearsome goblin warrior that will take revenge on dwarfkind for their many injustices against the world.

Then it's time to go back home and start training for your revenge.
No. 261538 ID: 1854db

Don't forget your stuff. Tell her thanks for the help.
No. 261682 ID: f123de

rolled 6 = 6

Ask Usmka she has something she can give you to show the patrols if you want to come visit. Tell her to let them know that you are a fearsome slayer of dwarves, too! They're being mean. :<
No. 261685 ID: 22f37e

rolled 17 = 17

Tell her that you are going to explore new places and that she can come with you. Tell her if she does you will take care of her and the baby.
No. 267329 ID: 1578e2
File 129353869344.jpg - (18.13KB , 512x512 , 136.jpg )


She hugs me and I hug her back! She tells me thank you and that I'm the best kobold she knows.

I try to speak Goblin and tell her thanks too and tell her to be good to the little dwarf and that I'll come back to visit.

I don't want to tell her to come with me because I just want to go home :<

She lets me go, and I get all my stuff.

Usmka took the baby and is talking to her sister, and the crossbow goblin is watching me. He pauses, and then points to the trees. Then he turns around and follows the other goblins. They are all walking away.

Should I go?
No. 267330 ID: c2c011

Yes, it's time to go. Then you must start your training montage and buy a set of purple tights for your revenge on dorfkind.
No. 267332 ID: eb4aa5

It is time to go, I suppose. We must find a way to get revenge!
We need to tell your kinfolk of Hirblim's death, perhaps they'll decide it's wartime or we can find some sympathetic elves.

Purple only if it complements his complexion.
Tights are a must, though.
No. 267427 ID: 1854db

Yeah, let's go home. We did good.
No. 267553 ID: 1578e2
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I'm sneaking through the woods! Well not really sneaking but being alone makes me kind of scared. So I'm being careful!

I'm getting pretty close to my home. Is there anything I should do before I get there? I don't know how much longer that potion that let me talk to you will last!
No. 267554 ID: 2563d4

Just make sure that you
No. 267556 ID: c2c011

Get some purple tights and an excersice regimen. You need to bulk up and train for your revenge.
No. 267582 ID: 1838e4

Be sure the dwarves havent followed you. Those guys are going to be pissed about the baby and the dagger.

And remember that you're going to need to get your people to help you get revenge against the dwarves. Even if they dont want to do that, make sure they get ready in case the dwarves try to attack. Might have to move.
No. 267592 ID: 1854db

Make absolutely sure the dwarves don't find your tribe. That dagger may be pure awesomeness but dwarven military has crossbows. Also be careful with that dagger. It will cut anything you slice with it. ANYTHING.

...you may want to start sneaking just in case the dwarves are searching the forest. I don't think I really need to roll for it at this point.
No. 268468 ID: 6802da

Well Glukmil, I'm kinda sad we are just going to fade from your head. I don't think I've ever enjoyed steering a kobold away from certain death quite so much.

Before we disappear, I'm going to teach you something that'll let you build thing. It's called trigonometry. It works like this. If you get a whole bunch of stick that are the same length, and make a triangle with one side 3 sticks longs, and another 4 sticks long, and the last 5 sticks long, then the corner is always going to be perfectly square. You can build yourself the best kobold hut ever using this information, you just need to make sure you lay out the corners with sticks in this manner first!

Oh, there's a million things we'd teach you to make your and your tribes life better, but hey, limited time. If I can make a recommendation too, if there are any mixed towns around, you should take your money, necklace, and gems to them. You could get some useful tools and supplies if you could find a goblin trader, since you know the basics of the language.
No. 271354 ID: 1578e2
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I sneaked some on the way! But I don't know how to hide from dwarves. They aren't even chasing me!

Triangles don't have anything to do with making straight things! Or sticks. I don't know what you're talking about!

It's my home! Look! It's really nice!

I live in that tent straight in the back, with Griflil doing that handstand next to it.

Hey! I can't hear you that well!
No. 271367 ID: 00a7aa

You should let Hirblim's other friends and family know what happened.

And try to stay safe. Them Dorfs are serious business.
No. 271423 ID: c71597

Remember, you must train so that you can keep your people safe from the dorfen menace as well as get revenge for what they did to Hirblim.
No. 271444 ID: 1854db

Or just, y'know. Be a good kobold and have lots of kids.

No. 278154 ID: 1578e2
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When I got down to the camp Misildi hugged me! Also some other people came by and were happy I was back, but I couldn't hug them because Misildi wouldn't let go.

I showed everyone the things I had and they were really impressed! We split up the coins and the gems and things. I kept the knife but I gave the hammer to Frislablis because he likes to hit things with hammers! Also Gribulish needed some rope so he got that.

It's my tent! All my stuff is still here so that's good too. I have some rocks and some sticks that I sleep on! I thought about the triangle thing and maybe it makes sense? I'll try it later!

I was going to sleep in my tent but Misildi wouldn't let me! She's always worried about me and things. So I slept in her cave instead! I don't know why she's so weird.

She rubbed my nose with hers! Don't tell anyone!

But I don't know if you can hear me 'cause I can't hear you good anymore. But thank you! It was scary but I didn't die so that's good.

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