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File 126696749485.png - (14.43KB , 800x605 , sheep1_rs.png )
137934 No. 137934 ID: 406623

[Alright, here I go, something simple. First time here, so if this fails it will at least serve as practice. I'll be taking it slow, so maybe 1-2 a day.]

You wake up in a small room. You are a humble sheep of moderate intelligence with a fondness for FRESH GRASS.

What will you do today?
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No. 137956 ID: f98e0b

Man I loved that movie
No. 137957 ID: c32d51

Hell yes.

>insert childhood memory here
No. 137959 ID: 8ecfd4

Nah. The sheep should become a genemanipulated black sheep and go on a rampage.
No. 138145 ID: 406623
File 126698309555.gif - (32.99KB , 800x605 , sheep2.gif )

>Press red button. That one looks the most like it has a picture of grass next to it.

There is a faint clicking sound from somewhere in the room.

>Push the yellow button

There is a momentary rattling sound before a hatch in the wall opens and deposits a pile of FRESH GRASS into your FOOD BOWL.

Mesmerized and awed, you look upon it. At this moment there is nothing but you and your meal.
No. 138156 ID: c5628c

GRAB the WRENCH before you chow down!
No. 138158 ID: 9e9b47


Chow down before grabbing wrench!
No. 138182 ID: a64482

Grab chow before downing wrench!
No. 138183 ID: a85626

Down grab before wrenching chow!
No. 138293 ID: 406623
File 126701864340.png - (14.94KB , 800x605 , sheep3_rs.png )

>Chow down before grabbing wrench!

Your RAVENOUS HUNGER for FRESH GRASS makes quick work of the food offering. In the process, a small wrench drops to the floor.
No. 138296 ID: 8ecfd4

Take note taped to the bottom of food bowl. Read note, hug wrench.
No. 138298 ID: 406623
File 126702320823.png - (17.47KB , 800x605 , sheep4_rs.png )

>Take note taped to the bottom of food bowl. Read note, hug wrench

You retrieve the C-LEVEL ACCESS CARD taped to the underside of the bowl. It looks important and particularly inedible, so you store it in the WEAVES of your THICK FUR COAT.

Feeling lonely, you proceed to hug the wrench affectionately and then add it to your WEAVES for later.
No. 138299 ID: 8ecfd4

Good. Now explore that strange hatch that just opened.
No. 138303 ID: 406623
File 126702726681.png - (14.63KB , 800x605 , sheep5_rs.png )

>Good. Now explore that strange hatch that just opened.

It appears to be a hidden compartment. Inside is a cavity with access to a rusty pipe with a valve. There's a warning label on it.

Next to the pipe is a small red object with an odd symbol. It doesn't seem to be attached to anything.

You also notice the bottom of the small compartment is peeling up, likely from moisture.
No. 138304 ID: 8ecfd4

Lets not vent poison gas somewhere. Peel off the stuff at the bottom of the compartment and see what's there.
No. 138310 ID: 406623
File 126702920031.png - (17.37KB , 800x605 , sheep6_rs.png )

>Lets not vent poison gas somewhere. Peel off the stuff at the bottom of the compartment and see what's there.

Peeling back the covering, you find a water-logged note smeared with dried blood. You don't know what to make of the cryptic message, or whether is was addressed to you, but the bloody hoof-print matches your own.
No. 138313 ID: 2cbe3e

Press the blue button
No. 138315 ID: d8aa80

take the red object.
No. 138317 ID: a85626
File 126703842718.gif - (14.36KB , 800x605 , closeVent.gif )

Give a light tap with your hoof, to try to turn the valve to FULLY CLOSED position.
No. 138323 ID: 406623
File 126704058764.gif - (21.33KB , 800x605 , sheep7.gif )

>Press the blue button

You return to the buttons and press the blue one. It jams in the active position as the water gauge in the wall starts to rise. The wall begins to groan and crack as the tank rises past full.

The gauge bursts and the room begins to fill with water at an alarming rate.
No. 138324 ID: 406623
File 126704060387.png - (20.68KB , 800x605 , sheep8_rs.png )

>take the red object.

You rescue the red object from the water and store it in your WEAVE along with the WATER-LOGGED NOTE.
No. 138326 ID: 2cbe3e


Drink as much water as you can, then bleat at the door for a while.
No. 138327 ID: 406623
File 126704386457.png - (16.18KB , 800x605 , sheep9_rs.png )

>Give a light tap with your hoof, to try to turn the valve to FULLY CLOSED position.

The valve is as rusted as the pipe and doesn't budge. There's a small nut at the base of the lever. Perhaps it could be loosened.
No. 138328 ID: 8ecfd4

Use wrench to loosen bolt. Our precious friend shall fulfill it's purpose in life.
No. 138329 ID: 3416ec


Loosen that nut.
No. 138336 ID: 406623
File 126705285670.png - (17.92KB , 800x605 , sheep10_rs.png )

>Drink as much water as you can, then bleat at the door for a while

You drink your fill and serenade the door with your best sheep call, hoping for assistance. The door is not moved. Your calls go unanswered.
No. 138337 ID: 406623
File 126705290075.gif - (31.25KB , 800x605 , sheep11.gif )

>Use wrench to loosen bolt. Our precious friend shall fulfill it's purpose in life.

After failing to get attention, you return to the exposed pipe. You decide to try the wrench on the nut. It fits snuggly. A few quick jerks and the valve turns.

As it clicks into place, one of the buttons on the wall beeps. It's the one sharing that image on the pipe.
No. 138340 ID: 8ecfd4

Oh what the fuck. Press button and hope for the best.
No. 138375 ID: 7318ec

Press it TWICE.
No. 138376 ID: a8f261

Take the map from the inside of the hatch and have a closer look at it. Is there anything to indicate where we are?
No. 138562 ID: 406623
File 126711191683.png - (20.19KB , 800x605 , sheep12_rs.png )

>Take the map from the inside of the hatch and have a closer look at it. Is there anything to indicate where we are?

You retrieve the map before it's swallowed by the water and look at it closely. There are crayon scribbles all over it and a lot of X's.
No. 138563 ID: 406623
File 126711194769.gif - (28.96KB , 800x605 , sheep13.gif )

>Oh what the fuck. Press button and hope for the best.
>Press it TWICE.

The water level is still rising and is surprisingly cold. Beginning to panic, you pound the button repeatedly until you notice something drop down from the ceiling. It appears to be another hidden compartment.

Vents open along the walls, lowering the water level though it is likely only temporary.
No. 138565 ID: a8f261


Wait, we're not going to drown - the door's got bars in, the highest the water can possibly get is level with the bottom of the bars.

What's that red thing up in the breathing mask compartment?
No. 138568 ID: a8f261


Looks like we're in the top-left room - the secret compartments are marked, as are the buttons. Uh, let's not press the top button any more. Or breathe from that mask, no idea what's in it.

It looks like there's a hidden third compartment in the corner of the room with the water tube?
No. 138590 ID: 406623
File 126712672571.png - (22.31KB , 800x605 , sheep14_rs.png )

>Wait, we're not going to drown - the door's got bars in, the highest the water can possibly get is level with the bottom of the bars.
>What's that red thing up in the breathing mask compartment?

You take a closer look at the door first. There is a pane of thick clouded glass on the other side of the bars, rendering the room beyond obscured.

Inspecting the ceiling compartment, you find a BIG RED BUTTON with an exclamation mark on it. It is out of your reach. You also note the several feet of spooled tubing connected to the BREATHING MASK.

>It looks like there's a hidden third compartment in the corner of the room with the water tube?

If there is, you see no visible mechanism for accessing it. Perhaps it is hidden somewhere you haven't looked yet.
No. 138597 ID: a8f261


OK, the glass is a problem.

A lateral thinking approach would be to find a way to close the drainage vents (pressing the green button again?), and as the water level rises float up until we can reach the BIG RED BUTTON.

Examine the vents more closely, in case there's anything that's been stashed inside them. I'm guessing the the way things were intended to work was that pressing the green button would open the vents and fill the room with some kind of noxious gas so we'd have to use the BREATHING MASK to breathe. Except we've turned off the gas pipe.

One question is why the room's flooding in the first place. I'm guessing that shouldn't be happening. So... check the basin in case something's obstructing the drain.
No. 138609 ID: a85626


It's flooding because the blue button jammed.


If the water level gets too high, use the BREATHING MASK to breathe. Sheep ostensibly float, so once you get high enough, push the red button. If that doesn't work, then use the roof hatch to brace, while kicking the glass with your hooves. If your kicks can weaken the glass, the weight of the water should be enough to break the panel away.
No. 138619 ID: a85626
File 126713361444.gif - (34.22KB , 800x605 , plan.gif )

Also, this is the room you're in. From the red and green it looks like two people were drawing on this map, the green person second. The green person doesn't think C-2 and C-1 are bad, but they agree that frowny face is bad. If you get past frowny then follow the green one's marks and ignore the big red X. That will lead you to the stairs, which hopefully go up so you can escape the flooding.
No. 138628 ID: 701a19

Every inch of water above a point increases the pressure on that point by 0.037 pounds.
I would estimate that Sheep stands about 5' tall, which makes the room about 8' tall.
The top of the window is about the same height, and it looks to be about 1.5' tall. Adjusting for parallax, it looks to be about 2' wide.

When the room is full, there will be 3' of water above the top, and 4.5' of water above the bottom. Since it's a linear change we can say that the average pressure on the window will be the same as at the midpoint, 3.75'.

45" of water means 1.665PSI. The surface area is 432"^2, so the total water pressure on the window will be about 720lbs. We can ignore the ambient pressure since that's being applied to both sides, meaning 720 is the force difference.
Kicking the window would be useless, but hitting it with something like a wrench could work.

However, we shouldn't ignore the pressure on the door itself. The door goes about 0.5' above the window, and about 3.5' below it. It's about 3' wide. The total area of the door, then, is about 5.5'x3', so 16.5'^2. The water level difference will be 2.5' to 8' for an average of 5.25' thus an average pressure of 2.331PSI acting on an area of 2376'^2 for a total force imbalance of 5,540lbs.

The clincher is that all that force is going to be restrained by the hinges and latch, so depending on the construction of the door there's a good chance it'll give way under that much pressure - which is about equal to the weight of two cars.

I could have done all that in metric, but I didn't feel like doing things the easy way - can somebody check my math?
No. 138795 ID: 406623
File 126715584552.png - (23.73KB , 800x605 , sheep15_rs.png )

You've been doing a lot of thinking, and have come up with a few plans of action. First you press the GREEN BUTTON again, hoping to seal the vents again. It beeps with a very incorrect sound and does nothing. Perhaps something needs to be done before it'll function again. Unfortunately you can't imagine what.

Moving on, you decide to inspect each vent for hidden treasures. Your effort yields success. Pressed against a thin grating inside one of the vents you find a PINK CRAYON. You name it PINKY and stash it in your WEAVE.

As you continue through the room, you examine the WATER-DISPENSER BASIN. It doesn't appear to possess a drain like you hoped. Instead there is a cap over a small reservoir. Inside, wrapped in a GREASY CLOTH you recover an ODD KEY labeled C-1. You add both to your increasingly crowded WEAVE.
No. 138802 ID: 632862

Use wrench to smash more of the glass measuring thing on the wall.
No. 138908 ID: a85626
File 126716367757.jpg - (119.61KB , 437x640 , horror.jpg )

You're... you're a sheep with thumbs...
No. 138909 ID: 9e9b47


Pull on the light
No. 139076 ID: 406623
File 126720748197.gif - (28.62KB , 800x605 , sheep16.gif )

>Use wrench to smash more of the glass measuring thing on the wall.

Wielding the SMALL WRENCH, the remains of the WATER GAUGE doesn't put up much of a fight. You smash up as much as you can. The resulting overflow of water is too much for the vents to drain away. The room begins to fill again, much quicker this time.
No. 139080 ID: 701a19

Say "Hastur Hastur Hastur" over and over again.
No. 139083 ID: 2cbe3e

Press the green button?
No. 139096 ID: a8f261

Go stand under the ceiling compartment, and wait for the water to float you up high enough to hit the BIG RED BUTTON. Use the BREATHING MASK if at risk of drowning.
No. 139119 ID: 15f6d6

Put the breathing mask over your face. When the water gets high enough, swim up and push the red button.
No. 139135 ID: a85626

Ride your food bowl like a mechanical bull.
No. 139565 ID: 406623
File 12672972046.gif - (55.53KB , 800x605 , sheep17.gif )

>Ride your food bowl like a mechanical bull.

You don't know what a 'mechanical bull' is, much less how you'd go about riding one, so you put the bowl on your head instead. It is quite fashionable.

>Say "Hastur Hastur Hastur" over and over again.

You don't possess the skills or intellect to summon mythical beings. Bleating will have to do.

>Press the green button?

You've already tried, the button doesn't seem to work anymore.

>Put the breathing mask over your face. When the water gets high enough, swim up and push the red button.

Donning the BREATHING MASK, you wait for the water to rise. It doesn't take long, but when it reaches a critical height, you suddenly realize you don't actually know how to swim. You flail your arms and legs to stay afloat, but your THICK FUR COAT provides adequate buoyancy.
No. 139625 ID: 406623
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As soon as the water is high enough, you hit the BIG RED BUTTON as hard as you can. The door already groaning under the pressure, it bursts free from the frame as well as its hinges, sucking you out of the room before a much stronger emergency containment door slams into place.

Congratulations, you escaped your cell!

[I may stop this here, since it was mostly practice, and there's other ideas I'd like to try out. Also need to find a better method to these more quickly. Either way, I hope you all enjoyed it!]
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