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139086 No. 139086 ID: b3256b

"This is wrong."
252 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 146711 ID: 15ffae
File 126850274371.png - (40.07KB , 800x600 , r001-0005-077.png )

That's a valid --

>her pants
>love bites
>special oils
-- reason to avoid her. You bunch of --

>chemistry, Sun
>male, options open
-- voyeur gender-swapping necrophiliac incestuous homoerotic xeno-pedophiles.

ANYway why not some compromise? I'll just take this path on my way to the dungeon, if I'm not mistaken there are a few houses...
No. 146712 ID: 15ffae
File 126850296257.png - (74.12KB , 800x600 , r001-0005-078.png )

... back here.
Hmn, not many people living in this side of the village.

Sorry, sometimes I forget... well, you guys do seem to know alot from time to time, you know.

I've spent at least 20 hours on this panel, including character design. That's what I get for making NPCs on-demand. Ugh.
No. 146734 ID: bcf25c


The oil thing was a joke. You know, the lamp she was talking about that was powered by crude?
No. 146764 ID: 1ac39d

actually. how much we want you to have sex is reverse proportional to how hard you fight our suggestion to have it. when/if you finally do it we will lay off about it, A LOT.

also, as a result, people who WANT a lot of sex we tell repeatedly that now is not the time and to chill out.
No. 146771 ID: 2eac65

Seriously, you should consider a relationship with Sun. He already likes you, and I think you'd go together nicely.
No. 146810 ID: 3a4a54

He seems fairly sexually disinterested, actually. And we won't lay off if you speak about it, in fact we'll probably ask for more. It's a form of conditioning. Just look at Karen's Heart.

That being said, Player should at least try to go for someone. Hell, you are going into a dungeon filled with monsters that all want to kill you. The least you can do is put yourself out there before you possibly die in there, try to get experience a relationship before you possibly die.
No. 146816 ID: 2eac65

We're not going to die. We're going to discover the dungeon's secrets, save the world and win fame and fortune.

But first, we're going to introduce ourselves to the rest of the villagers.
No. 146831 ID: 632862

Hey. Stop calling us pedophiles. Never have we suggested doing anything inappropriate with children. I guess you've got good reasons for the other accusations though.

Hey, is that the village's actual blacksmith?

May as well introduce yourself to the bunny first though. Ask if she and Manuel are friends.
No. 146874 ID: 8ecfd4

Go say hello to both of them. Every adventurer needs a base of operations where he can sell stuff and find helpful people. And if we can find out the bunny/manuel connection you might gain an advantage.
No. 147416 ID: 15ffae
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>Sun, Sun, Sun
Shuddup. I'm not -- that doesn' even deserves a comment...

>sex, not time, chill out
... damn, now if I start acting like I want, you'll be on me already.

>Karen's Heart

>pedophiles, inappropriate
Idunno, better safe than sorry >.>

"Good morning."
Ash: "Morning, city man. Liking the weather?"
"What's not to like?"
Ash: "Hehe."

Idunno, anything better to ask her besides her - or Manuel's - personal lives?

>actual blacksmith
Idunno, I don't see an anvil. Just a table and a clay oven, seems.
No. 147418 ID: 6834bc

Offer her your hand for a handshake. Introduce yourself, say you felt like taking some time meeting some of the residents that you haven't really met yet.

And, of course, politely wish her a good day before you head off.
No. 147420 ID: 8ecfd4

Ask her how it's like living so close to the dungeon and what she is doing.
No. 147429 ID: 2eac65

You're not interested in other men? You could have just said that. I'm trying to be helpful.

Say that you're new in town, and ask who she is. That should get a helpful introduction without seeming to personal.
No. 147437 ID: 632862

Ask her what she does around here. Some kind of job?

Oh, and Player... are you opposed to harboring a relationship with a rabbitfolk or whatever you'd call her? I'm not saying you should hit on her specifically, since she might have a thing going with Manuel and we don't want to piss him off any more than you normally do. I'm just wondering if we should steer clear from anyone who doesn't look like that.
No. 147481 ID: e6c122
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>opposed, relationship, rabbitfolk
... your question makes no sense, I cant see why i'd have an issue with her being a human, or how she looks like.

"My name's Player."
Ash: "Ash. A pleasure to meet you, mister Player."
"Pleasure's all mine, miss Ash."
Ash: "Oh, a flatterer n.n Is there something I can help you with?"
"Not really, I'm just taking some time to meet the townsfolk."
No. 147483 ID: e6c122
File 126859432726.png - (58.48KB , 800x600 , r001-0005-081.png )

Ash: "Moving in?"
"Mostly nights. Have some business in that lovely dungeon, need somewhere safe to sleep."
Ash: "Oh, I see! I thought your kind spent all your time in there, though."
"Nah, it's too cold and humid, not mentioning the things that crawl wanting your neck. Why would anyone ever want to sleep in there?"
Ash: "You tell me, Mr. crawler."
No. 147484 ID: e6c122
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"What about you, what do you do around here?"
Ash: "Not much. Raising little Mika is my full-time job... she's right now with Márcia and the other kids. The rest of the time, I spend caring for our humble abode."
"The little white bunny? She has a beautiful voice."
Ash: "I wish I knew which side of the family she got it from..."
No. 147485 ID: e6c122
File 126859446336.png - (68.18KB , 800x600 , r001-0005-083.png )

Niece: "Hey, who's the puny little human?"
Ash: "Hello, Niece. This is Player, the new crawler trying his luck in the dungeon."
Niece: "Hi, little Player."

Holy crap!
No. 147486 ID: 9e9b47


Take her hand, kiss it and tell her you're charmed to meet her.
No. 147492 ID: 8ecfd4

Do this. Be the perfect gentlemen just to spite Manuel, bastard thinks all adventureres are assholes. Well you're going to prove him wrong by being a curteous perfect gentlemen at all times.
No. 147498 ID: 632862

Dude. She doesn't need an anvil. She IS the anvil.

Now, did you just say Ash was human? Maybe we're misunderstanding eachother. You clearly referred to her daughter as a bunny, and she does look like her daughter... I guess it's good that you don't care what she looks like, though. It sounds like nobody in your world cares about that sort of thing, from the way you casually dismissed the issue.
No. 147510 ID: 934ef5

Basically this, but hold her hand a bit instead of kissing it, and saying "a pleasure to meet you" will probably go over better than being all flirty. It's obvious if you're trying to hard.
No. 147582 ID: 862d80

right after comment that her hugeness must come with huge love.
No. 147937 ID: f4dafd
File 126865849049.png - (67.51KB , 800x600 , r001-0005-084.png )

Well, what can I say? I really don't know why I'd care, it's not like she's a demon. She's a human, her daughter's human, they just look like bunnies.

>huge love
... making smarty quips on the size of someone I just met does not reeeeally seem conductive to my good health.

"A pleasure to meet you, miss Niece."
Niece: "Oh-ho, such a charmer... Niece is enough, dear. What brings you here?"
"Just meeting a few locals while on my way."
Niece: "I see-- but you may have travel'd for nothing, dear. The guards are closing the dungeon for some reason."
No. 147939 ID: 8ecfd4

Tell her that you have heard about that but you're hoping to get into the evaluation team. And if there is anything those two lovely ladies want from the dungeon all they need to do is ask you and then you will keep an eye out for it and if you run into it attempt to bring it back to them.
No. 147940 ID: fa3211

i was kinda doing a meme player, dont worry with it.

ask her if they know anyone that is working in the closing of the dungeon. some scouting cant do bad, right?
No. 147944 ID: 2cbe3e


"Closing? I just thought they were raising the level requirements?"
No. 147947 ID: e973f4

>She's a human, her daughter's human, they just look like bunnies.
You guys have either some interesting biology or a definition of "human" that's distinct from ours.


"Wait, closing?"
No. 147950 ID: 2eac65

It's hard to predict these sorts of things. What one person sees as perfectly normal, another might see as a disgusting perversion too horrible to even contemplate. There's no way to tell without asking.
No. 147957 ID: f4dafd
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"Wait, closing? How closing?"
Niece: "Well, I don't know what to say. When I brought them breakfast, that young one Clash was guarding their' gate, and he asked of me to spread the word."
Ash: "Hmmn, I think they closed it once, years ago. Something about a few geowitches coming from the city, wasn't it?"
"... I just heard they were raising the required level, but not closing. I was hoping to get into their evaluation team."
Niece: "That sounds like one of their guard things hon, I don't think they hire help for that."
No. 147958 ID: f4dafd
File 126866854037.png - (67.20KB , 800x600 , r001-0005-086.png )

Ash: "... that does explain why Márcia saw a handful scouts leaving their fort around sunrise...."
"Really? Did she tell where they went?"
Ash: "East? If Márcia saw them..."
"They usually patrol around the mountain?"
Ash: "They toned it down after the thing with the geowitches."
Niece: "... that's why the little corporal didn' accept all the bread, then. What am I to do with fifteen loaves now?"
No. 147960 ID: 632862

I think we had better get moving fast to make sure we still have time to get involved in the dungeon.

Say "Sorry, but I've gotta go! Talk to you later!" before you run off.

Go find some guards or something and double check our information. It seems that not everyone in town knows the full story.
No. 147961 ID: 8ecfd4

Offer to take one or two of her hands.

Damn bastard that don't accept outside contractors. Well I guess it won't hurt to ask them. If they don't accept you then follow one of their patrols and see if there are any alternate entrances they're guarding.
No. 147973 ID: 817cd3

We could use some bread perhaps, free or at least low price supplies are always good.
No. 147994 ID: f4dafd
File 126868162927.png - (68.31KB , 800x600 , r001-0005-087.png )

"Before I go, how much for a loaf?"
Niece: "Take a couple, I think I'll just give them away anyway."

Bread acquired

"Thanks, now if you'll excuse me -- I should hurry if--"
Niece: "No problem dear."
Ash: "See you around!"
No. 147995 ID: f4dafd
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"'kay, thanks bye!"

Something it was. The average person in this place is very nice!

I wonder how many of them are in patrol. And who. In fact, how many bored people must live in that fort anyway?
No. 148013 ID: 8ecfd4

Go to the normal entrance and check it out first. They might be willing to let you work for free on the evaluation team and then you get to go into the dungeon.

If they won't let you in the follow one of their patrols and see what they're patroling on the outside.
No. 148015 ID: 5a7c0e

its a fort, so a battalion?

anyway you can try to sneak in but id suggest at night. remember that they do expect danderous things so you should have problems getting in this time
No. 148033 ID: 632862

Probably about a dozen, I'd say. Much more than that and they won't be able to even work out a proper formation inside the dungeon.
No. 148119 ID: 2eac65

While we're on the way, would you mind telling us about the various races of your world? In most places we're familiar with, there aren't any humans who look like rabbits.
No. 148202 ID: 718077
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>a dozen
Yeah, I have no idea either. But how many people you can place into the corridors, is mostly a matter of how you organize them, really. You don't need to walk three thousand men together to have a whole regiment inside.

.... you'll have to be more specific than that, because I don't think we're both speaking the language here.
No. 148210 ID: 1ac39d

basically, long long ago 'human' was something different then it is like you know it today. it was divided into different groups each with different strengths and weaknesses. from what i can tell based on who we have seen their used to be; the Elves, which you share ancestry with, were agile and lithe, but being thin they were easier to hurt. the dwarves, hearty and strong, they were much the opposite of elves in that while powerful they were often slow. possibly ogres, Niece, large and brutist, they were very strong but simple minded. i'm not quite sure what Ms. k has that would give her big teeth... maybe vampire. and the beast-folk. this includes all the animal-people. they were much like regular people but with abilities based on the animal they were similar too. years past Ash's ancestor's could probably run like no ones business. and finally, regular human they were extremely average in most aspects except ingenuity, humans were master of thinking outside the box.
No. 148217 ID: 8ecfd4

Most of us simply cannot get their minds around the fact that your world is different from the ones we normally interact with. They keep trying to force their view of things into the mold. It's not working and I don't care. Work with the world you're given.

Head on down brave Player. We need you to gain entrance to the dungeon so you can become a great ant-slayer. Find a guard. Ask him or her if you can talk with the boss. Offer your services for evaluation purposes.
No. 148326 ID: 632862

Um... instead of using terms like 'race'... How about you just tell us what the various visual differences are that can occur in humans?
No. 148337 ID: 22f493

it seems player has bunnyfolk, cat folk and elffolk down to one race and several "colors".

not bad except that red is the new niggur.
No. 148341 ID: e973f4

Okay, fine. What kinds of human are there? Unless there are a lot. In which case it's probably okay to rattle off some of the more common ones or whatever.

And don't tell me you don't understand that; you just told us that Ash, for example, "looks like a bunny." That's kinda what we're trying to get at, here.
No. 148345 ID: 718077
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I don't think its even possible to list them all, given i've seen, let's see.... animal details, fur, sometimes scales, dog, cat, rabbit, cattle ears, pointy ears, round ears, that's basics, there was a girl with blue skin, sometimes naturally colored hair -- mine's red, you've seen others... skeleton things, like double-jointed legs, goat legs, faces with snout, horns -- head, arms, whatever, even if people most see horns demions -- without chin, arm-wings, tail, tails, of all types... Apple had snake tongue, you've seen Miss K.... tall, short, fat, slim, fast, slow, pretty, ugly, claws, nails... hell, i've seen a girl with the lower half of a male horse, the Dean had tentacles on his face-- it just seems meaningless, imean, you were talking of bunnyfolk and whateverfolk, how could you classify this?

Hey, look at that; its our dear friend, the best guard ever.
No. 148347 ID: 632862

Looks like he's got a replacement weapon. First, just try walking right past. Act like you either don't know the dungeon is closed or don't care.

He might not even try to stop you!
No. 148348 ID: 632862

Is there any reason you can think of that most people look like you do? Aside from the ears, anyway. Manuel, Sun, the priest... there seem to be characteristics that are much more common than others.
No. 148366 ID: b208d1

hide the stolen halberd. he may have gotten some demerits for getting it stolen.

alternatively, you can try to return to bribe your way in.
No. 148370 ID: 8ecfd4

Go up and ask if you could speak with his boss.
No. 148372 ID: 1ac39d

yep. 100000 years of cross-breeding has meshed you all together and made you one race
No. 148415 ID: 445c48

We like classification. We like cutting everything up into easily digestible chunks of knowledge. Some of it's pretty arbitrary, admittedly, but a lot of it works well. This is why we were talking early about your class, arguing that you were not a fighter, who we generally believe focuses more on strength, touhness, and being a big motherfucker, and instead insisted you were more akin to a swashbuckler, a more dexterous based fighter. It means nothing. We just like everything to have neat little labels.

And we could easily classify all those you have listed, but let us not tarry. Just walk straight on into the dungeon.
No. 148429 ID: 0de7fb

tl;dr we LURVE minmaxing, species is only a path to it.
No. 148754 ID: a38e55
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>look like you do
Not really, no. I never gave much thought to that.

>bribe, halberd
... well, it's a plan

Soldier: "Close enough, crawler. You can stop right there."

So much for plan A.
No. 148755 ID: a38e55
File 126883292139.png - (39.34KB , 800x600 , r001-0005-092.png )

"I'd like to talk to the highest-ranking officer."
Soldier: "Lieutenant Snake isn't available for a few days, he's out in patrol with the Third Squad."
"Could you tell me where he went?"
Soldier: "Somewhere over the mountain, and that's all I'm allowed to say."
No. 148756 ID: a38e55
File 126883298966.png - (39.77KB , 800x600 , r001-0005-093.png )

"Okay then, who's in charge?"
Soldier: "Sergeant Wood, but what is your business here?"
"I came for the dungeon, I--"
Soldier: "Byron's Dungeon is in quarantine for now. I believe you can venture the Skeleton Caves, should be a couple weeks' travel from here."
"I know about the level raise. I'm offering my services for the evaluation."
Soldier: "..... thanks, but no thanks. Our men are perfectly capable of handling this situation."

I'm really really holding back my tongue here...
No. 148759 ID: 1ac39d

"so the fact that i defeated the thing that is instigating the level change means nothing? well then, the next time a giant spider monster shows up i wont save you."
No. 148760 ID: 8ecfd4

Well tell them that you volunter as a tester. They, inofficialy, let you go in, if you come out alive then they will know that someone of your level can handle it and can use that in their evaluation. If you don't then they can use that as well and they haven't really lost anything and you will not show up on any records. You will simply have vanished.
No. 148761 ID: 701a19

"I'm the one who told them about the monsters that prompted this reevaluation, so I'm pretty sure I know what's in there better than anybody else. If I want to go in there and get myself killed, it's no skin off your nose.
Besides, what are you, level two? Three? You couldn't really stop me, and neither of us really wants you to try.
So, yeah, I'm going in."
No. 148767 ID: 632862

We may have to just go see what the patrol is doing, then. Maybe we can impress them somehow.
No. 148772 ID: 789fda

>Race talk.

I'd classify it as attribute traits being given at birth through some sort of mechanism, whether biological or magical. They seem awfully random, but that may just be me. Do all or some traits typically pass on to the next generation, or are these things fully variable at every birth?


Not helping.

Keep your temper on a leash, Player. Tantruming will serve you little. Instead, ask if you can meet with the Sergeant. Mention you're the guy who found them all yesterday and that, hey, some gratitude would be nice, at the very least.

You could claim that you've got something that you need to return, i.e. the halberd. I still seriously think you should do so, regardless of reward or gratitude. You get caught with that thing then anyone around here will assume you'll have taken it from the guards, as sure as two plus two equals four.

You could also say that you still might have information that the guard's superiors need to know about, regarding this whole aborted demon raid thing. Which might be true. How much have they really been told?
No. 148776 ID: d60b9a

"I'm the only crawler/adventurer in town right now. I was the one that kept that demon from getting out of the dungeon while the garrison was disabled. Weren't you the one that was stationed here yesterday? It might have eaten you first, you know."
No. 148781 ID: 8cc94d

i just realized that unless lian told them about the demon ants they problaby dont know of it yet.

anyway your best hope is to befriend him, try to figure out if the halberd could be useful for him. hopefully, he can let you slip if you return the halb,
No. 148798 ID: a38e55
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>share info
I don' think I know enough to tell them I have something to tell. They probably know anything I've shared with the others.

"I'm not asking for payment. I'm volunteering."
Soldier: "Still no, the orders are nobody in, nobody out."
"Look, I just wanna check down there and grab some of my stuff back, right? Quick stuff, should be in that main room, cant you cut some slack?"
Soldier: "Absolutely not. I have my orders, and you need to be more careful."
"You know, that's a pretty odd way of showing gratitude, you know."
No. 148799 ID: a38e55
File 126884852167.png - (41.52KB , 800x600 , r001-0005-095.png )

Soldier: "Huh?"
"Yesterday I ended the giant spider thing while the whole garrison was asleep and alerted the town. Its thanks to me you're standing here."
Soldier: "Pfft. Yeah right. You're not even a fiver."
"I'm the only adventurer in town, dumbass -- who else could've done it?"
Soldier: "The baker's wife has a better chance down there than you."
"I so can prove you wrong."
Soldier: "Yeah? Do it."
No. 148801 ID: 632862

Show him the demonic metal fragment.
No. 148809 ID: e973f4

So, uh, did you have a plan in mind when you said you could "prove it"?
No. 148815 ID: 8ecfd4

Ok this is the tricky part. Don't start trash talking or anything. Make sure you're in range to get in a good punch on his face. Say something like ok you were wrong or whatever the fuck. Basically anything that makes what comes next seem like a total suprise.

Once you're in range and the situation has relaxed. Hit him right in the face. Don't let up with just one punch either. Keep on him until he goes down.

Then comes the question of what to do next. Either you go over his limp form into the dungeon or you wait for him to wake up. I'm thinking of going into the dungeon and leave him an apolegetic note.
No. 148817 ID: 632862

Uhm, there should be no reason for violence. The Marbled Metal Bit should be enough proof to show we've been in the dungeon.
No. 148822 ID: 8ecfd4

That is if he can recognize that it's from the dungeon and believes us when we tell him we got it yesterday. I think he will just say bullshit to that and continue being an ass. I liked him better knocked out, I say we make it so again.
No. 148828 ID: 789fda

Knock him out? What are you trying to do, get Player arrested? He'll call other guards. Or if not, he'll at least wake up again at some point, and Player will be in all kind of doo-doo. We want to work WITH the Man here.

Please cut the trash talk, Player. It isn't really doing you any good. And proof that you've been in there? The halberd could work. Or you could, you know, describe the layout further in. The big room, the smaller tunnels, the prison area and the burn pit, the all-consuming darkness, the demon ants, the weird summons.

And you could try arguing with his sense of decency.

"Sheez, what's your deal, really? I know you have orders, but why not let me go talk to your sergeant at least? Here I am, trying to help. I did save your lives yesterday, believe it or not. Didn't Father McLaughing tell you anything?"
No. 148829 ID: 789fda

Ah wait. He wanted proof that you defeated the spiders?

Tch. How about this? "There should be a large room further in, where the spiders were. It should be filled with sticky webs and a large patch of gooey blood. Need more proof?"
No. 148917 ID: c4df10

ok so we do got a chance. show him his old halberd, the metal fragment and tell him of your tale in there. also it should be noted by the whole town that YOU SAVED A TALLIST to bury her right in the outskirks of the city.
No. 148932 ID: d49a93

The halberd thing may not be particularly wise, but the rest of it should be good.
No. 149030 ID: 789fda


Hang on. I thought it was very much a point that the whole town DID NOT notice this, and that MacLaughing, Manuel, Sun, Lia and Player kept the Tallist hidden from the rest of the town, as to not cause an uproar.

It was the reason why they buried her at the outskirts of town, rather than burning her as was custom.

Nor do I think mentioning that you tried to save a tallist would earn any favor with this guard guy.
No. 149119 ID: d730b8

Apply shovel to the back of his head already. C'mon. That should do the trick better than a punch.
No. 149145 ID: c1b738

well im still wondering how he sneaked a big red almost naked female body around, but you have a point. also there are witness, we can get sun liam and the father to testify it.
No. 149196 ID: 1d89ba
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>trash talk, isn't really doing any good
Okay okay... sheesh, I need a longer fuse or something.

"Just checking, no one else named 'Player' ever came here, right?"
Soldier: "You could have changed names."
"True, but we both agree I've never been here before?"
Soldier: "I sure never ever heard of you until now."
"Thanks. The dungeon is halfway built. The only good room I found was a torture room at the second floor, all furnished and --"
Soldier: "Oh please. A bard could tell you that."
No. 149197 ID: 1d89ba
File 126892380918.png - (41.25KB , 800x600 , r001-0005-097.png )

"A few rooms behind you, first floor, there is a big one. Yesterday t'was full of spider webs, and half the floor was covered by a gigantic bloodstain. You guys probably saw a chain hanging from one of the webs. I bet you guys found the corpses of two tallists, completely naked save for shackles and collars. Which should be the reason why you're patrolling the mountain now."
Soldier: "Uh..."
"The room that leads to that demonic insect hive is blocked with a stone desk now. The top is being used as the new door, since the old one got trashed."
Soldier: "Um..."
No. 149199 ID: 1d89ba
File 126892384939.png - (41.23KB , 800x600 , r001-0005-098.png )

"And if that's not enough, here. I have no idea of what it is, except its demonic in origin. I found in that torture room, in a pit filled with ash and coal."
Soldier: ...
No. 149200 ID: 1d89ba
File 126892391225.png - (40.23KB , 800x600 , r001-0005-099.png )

Soldier: "... I wasn't expecting you to actually be convincing."
"So, what do you say?"
Soldier: "Well, I cant just..."
*sigh* "I was expecting that."
No. 149202 ID: 1d89ba
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No. 149203 ID: 1d89ba
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That was very satisfying in a completely wrong way.
No. 149204 ID: 632862


Well, let's go in I suppose. I have no idea how we're going to get back into the dungeon tomorrow, if they don't just arrest you on sight when you try to leave.
No. 149209 ID: 6834bc

He'll likely be sore for a while after he wakes up, but I suppose you could look at it like this...
He's just taking another nap.

Anyway, what do you want to check out first? The cylinder-bullet thingumbob, or something else?
No. 149210 ID: 78d894

>Satisfying, wrong way.

You had him warming up, though. You might've done something with that, like asking to see the sergeant, who again might've given you a reward for yesterday, or at least been a little more appreciative.

I'll admit this was a much faster and easier way to gain entrance, but I doubt it's good for your long-term relationship with these fellows, assuming you have a chance for one.

Ah, and drop the halberd with him while you're at it. Lean it at a wall or something. You'll probably get in enough trouble already, and this way you can at least say you're not a thief.
No. 149213 ID: 8ecfd4

Good one Player. You must remember to thank Manuel for that shovel later. Oh and now you might find out why some adventurer sleep in dungeons, it's to dangerous to go out unless they have too.

And keep his old halebard. He has a new one and there is no reason for him to learn that you have his old one. Just keep it as payment for saving all of their lives yesterday.

Remember to light a torch when you get to the dark passage.
No. 149218 ID: 7ea114

he bought it to himself. if you could leave a cure potion when you exit the dungeon that would be great, but i am pretty sure we will dig a way out.

also saddle up, im expecting the spider any moment now. or the grue. or the sadomaso monster. or golems in french maid suits. or demons carrying some other slaves to the outside.

and maybe the guards inside it.

i would have to ask to not return the halberd, least not yet. player is good with that weapon and he has been disarmed more that once.
No. 149239 ID: 445c48

Steal his halberd.
No. 149243 ID: 78d894

Hum. Why were the shackled tallists the reason the Lieutenant was taking a trip 'round the mountain, Player?

And I just want to point out that from the guard's point of view, letting you past wasn't his decision to make. You should've moved higher up the rank hierarchy in order to get permission.

To you other voices, I also want to point out that Player only has two torches right now. All he should be doing is fetch stuff, return, sell it for money, so that he can buy gear to help him explore further.

Which will require going back and forth. In and out. Past this guard post, unless we can find an alternate exit in two torches' time.

I was hoping we could try to figure out a working relationship with the guards in the process, but that sort of got shove(l)d aside in the rush.

Now I'm just hoping Player can weather the storm and not get, say, arrested or barred from the dungeon.

THAT is why I want him to give up the halberd. Not because it can't be useful, but because it beats the hell out of searching for an alternate exit that may, or may not exist, and that may or may not be guarded or in a highly inconvenient location.

Or explaining why you have one of their missing weapons to disgruntled law enforcement when they arrest you for breaking and entering.
No. 149244 ID: 7ea114


this may sound pushy, but he actualy didnt have to follow his duty to the end, least there where a number of people and checkpoints with guards. he could simply say we sneaked past him, actualy knocked him cold without doing that, simply forged our way in or he could had a case of explosive diarhea and needed to go in a hurry.

about the exit, im pretty sure we are not quite happy on that one even with the help of this feeble guard. either way player has to find a alternate way out or will be arrested when he leaves or reach the village, at that point, whatever loot there was could be confiscated or actualy wasted due to the arrest. we would be much better off playing dead/eaten and strolling to the next village in a alternate, collapsable path that we made with our shovel (of stunning).

there is a quick way out of it that still leaves to the village. we leave this dungeon a level six.
No. 149275 ID: 8a8cc3
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>shackled tallists
Idunno, I was bluffing. Why else would they be checking the mountain?
That was a writing error; I meant the whole scene, not just the tallists.

>future relations
Well, as far as I remember the whole plan WAS to get in to search for another exit that may-or-may-not exist in order to avoid dealing with them. I still have three torches; so, I got maybe two and a half hours to pull this off. It would be so much simpler with the climbing kit... or much more possible.

Two torches. Gonna use the third to flee. Would rather to face the law than the Twins.

You know.... I know military men, I trained with them. In any moment they have to take a decision they don't want to, its always 'not my job' or 'those are my orders' or whatever other set of words that save their asses while fucking mine. I came to talk to them prettymuch ready to break my way in from start...

Damn, I could've talked, now I blew it. It WAS working...
Or, they would stall me until the liutenant came back, so he could tell me 'no' in person.

Getting two or three levels in three hours is silly. Gotta focus. Those spiders said they knew a way out... there must be a way out...

... fuck.
No. 149276 ID: 8a8cc3
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I just fucked up hard.
No. 149301 ID: 7ea114

in the words of a anon:
No. 149391 ID: 3c6c38

Remember this tip. ADP was gained from lesser badassery, and expended when superhuman badassery was attempted.
No. 149395 ID: e3f578

Does that mean we got to bare knuckles brawl a few times with the monsters, completely shirtless? THE BLOOD OF OUR ENEMIES SHALL BE OUR CLOTHING!
No. 149648 ID: 5a2e05

That sounds quite unhygienic.
No. 149651 ID: 8ecfd4

It also sounds badass. But unless we have a bard with us then there would be nobody to chronicel our great feats. Player needs to form up a party so that they can tell other people what a badass he is.
No. 155744 ID: 11a8c6

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