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180187 No. 180187 ID: 426169

Chapter IV


This is the story of Tiffany Blake.

Last night, a stranger by the name of Martin Rothwald showed up at her door. He was after an object that Thomas and Tiffany's mom had kept hidden for years. Fortunately, Tiffany managed to steal it away before Martin got his hands on it. Soon after, Thomas found his way to the house! Bleeding and broken, Thomas entrusted the book to Tiffany's care, as well as giving her his silver medallion with a request to deliver it back to the clan. With his dying breath Thomas told Tiffany to preserve the Compact at any cost.

Tiffany and dad packed their things, and left for the safehouse in Adeleine, setting the house on fire as they left.

It's time to begin.
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No. 184178 ID: c00244

Check inventory. Anything missing?
No. 184181 ID: 426169
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Tiffany gets up and walks quietly to the next room.

It's a well-lit living room. A plate of food has been laid out on the table, covered by a dome. A nearby service trolley has a set of dirty dishes on it.

Across the room, Martin is reading the paper.

>"Ah, you haff awoken. Sehr gut. Do not be alarmed, es ist nicht mein Intention to be of harm. ... Ah, do not be giving me zat look. You are kein Prisoner. You are free to go, whenever you wish. Ich want only to offer mein Apologies, and offer dich Supper. Would Sie have eine kleine Talk mit mich?"
No. 184189 ID: 701a19

"I see the silver tongue of the Rothwalds is overstated.
Had you considered how menacing your approach would be? Telling me my father is in jail and then saying I'll go with you without even a 'would you kindly'? Hardly an ideal approach.

I'll overlook that, however, since we have business to discuss.
Forgive my brusque manner, but I'm sure you understand that I have much work to do and little time for pleasantries; what is it that you want, and what are you prepared to offer?"
No. 184190 ID: e3f578

I'm confused, are you physically or spiritually there? I mean what the fuck, did you just alter the past or was this meant to happen?

Can postcog save Tony in the past?
No. 184193 ID: c00244

Or... no inventory check, I guess? Knowing if we're missing anything would be nice, and a rather important conversation topic.

Inform him that he was been very rude, but that we will talk with him if he wants. Go stand close enough to talk with him, but far enough away that he couldn't immediately grab you.

We the players need to decide how much we're willing to spill here about our abilities. He knows we've got postcognition, obviously; has he also seized our forbidden tome? What about our notebook, with its notes on runes? Has he looked at them? If he has, there's little point in concealing our abilities as a young magician. But if he hasn't, would it be wiser to reveal them anyway, and attempt to negotiate?

Do not talk like we're thirty. We are not, and with possessions being thrown around it is to our advantage to appear young, if surprisingly capable and young.
No. 184196 ID: a594b9

Ask him what exactly he wants. (We already know but his answer should tell us how much he knows)

Ask him if Dad is really in jail, and if he thinks there's a way to get him out.
No. 184199 ID: 63ab82

Pinch cheeks. He may just have locked you up in a dream/postcog. Try to contact Mulder.

Make sure not to get mind controlled again.
No. 184204 ID: 5a2e05

Ask him in what the hell just happened, in a more polite manner.
No. 184207 ID: f95872

He already explained it. He has precog. Our postcog triggered it, so we saw him and he saw when we were looking back from. He used that knowledge to set up an ambush.
No. 184226 ID: c4c313

He doesn't know about Mulder yet. So hold that card ready for when you have the chance to make a trump. Though being a native German speaker does make him more likely to be descended from former members of the Nazi party than if he were speaking in Hindi, that's not a safe assumption to make yet. Let's look at what you know so far.

1) He is from one of two powerful families who might be interested in your life.
2) The first thing he did upon meeting your dad is lie to him. Once you lie to someone, you have to earn their trust back. That might not be all bad though, as your mom also lied to dad. And so did you, really.
3) He kidnapped you. That's pretty low on the trust scale.
4) On the other hand, you were admittedly swearing at him and running away at the time.
5) Thomas said that you should beware of the Rothwalds, that they're after the book, and that they would return with smiles and promises, and Thomas took a bullet for you.

So basically, you have no reason to trust this guy, and a lot of reasons not to trust him. Sweet talk that rat bastard right back, and try to emphasize the adorable young ignorant girl aspect. Don't tell him a thing about the book, about Thomas's hiding place, or about anything! You just were lost and were looking for your dad. You just want to go to the jail and see him right away!

Try to figure out if he's put any kind of hex on you or the nearby vicinity to try and influence your mind or your perceptions. When you get a chance (and a writing implement) without him watching, surround yourself in a circle and put "Detection" on the outside and "Seeing" on the inside. That's just a guess though. Anyone with better ideas please help!
No. 184232 ID: 6e49b2

Let Dad buzz the doorbell.
No. 184375 ID: c71597

Sit down and have some food. Tell him to talk if he wants to do that.
No. 184385 ID: 28047d

"Where is Dad?"
No. 184577 ID: 426169
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Tiffany nods slightly and takes a seat near the food. She tries to sort through the confusion of the previous events as Martin takes a seat across from her.

The return to reality from her postcog was so sudden it left her disoriented, but she's fairly certain that when she heard Martin speak they were both back in the present, in the alley. Tiffany thinks he must've caught a glimpse of her when she was scrying him, and tracked it down. At least nothing was taken from her when she was unconscious, not that she was carrying anything much. A couple of felt-tip pens and the amulet. Dad put everything else in the safe house. There doesn't seem to be any spells put on her, or any magic around at all in fact.

"You wanted to talk, so... talk."

>"Ah. Well, Ich muss offer ein Apology für last night. Ich did not know zat Sie sind ein Magician. Natürlich Ich would haf taken you to ze Familie Wenn Ich had known om dich. Ich belieft zat you und dein Vater were safe while inside ze Wards. Ich war ordered to make sure zat Alexander would not find ze book. You understand, ja?"

"I suppose."

>"Sehr gut. Und Ich muss apologize also für makink you sleep. Ich did not want you to go to Polizei custody. Ich was afraid zat you would do somethink regrettable. You haff become sehr politisch. Verzeihen Sie mir. Umm, forgive, ja?"

"So dad's really in jail?"

>"Leider ja. Ze pistol zey found in dein Vater's pocket is makink things kompliziert. Umm, complicated. Ich will try unt get ze charges dropped. In ze meantime, you are herzlich eingeladen, hier zu bleiben, umm, you are velcome to stay hier if you wish. If you need anyzing, bitte fragen Sie mich. Ask me. In fact, Ich habe a little somezing für dich."

Tiffany eyes Martin varily as he takes a cell phone and an envelope out of his pocket, placing them on the table.

>"Eine junge Dame should haff her own Telefon, ja?"

"...Why do you want to help me all the sudden?"

Martin pauses, and gives Tiffany a serious look.

>"Deine Mutter ist mein Vetter. Mein Cousin. One Ich betreaut. Cared for. Was Alexander zu ihr hat, ist unverzeihlich. Unforgivable. But for now, Ich kann nur help dich. Ich bin nicht dein Feind. Not dein Enemy."

Martin motions to the phone and envelope.

>"Of course, zese come with no strings attached."

Tiffany sits quietly for a moment, thinking about this, the envelope and cell phone in front of her.
No. 184589 ID: c71597

Right, no strings attached. There usually are in these circumstances.

But time for some questions. Ask him what the Rothwalds stance is on necromancers and specifically training them.

Also ask him how he will get dad out if he can't get the charges dropped.
No. 184592 ID: 701a19

"Alright. I'll give you the benefit of a doubt.
If you're serious about helping, then I need you to do a few things.

The first is to help me contact the Kinsleys.
We both know that the Rothwalds are going to want Alexander stopped as quickly and decisively as possible, while the Kinsleys are going to do what they can to save mom.

The second is that you contact two Rothwalds; the most trustworthy ritualist and necromancer. I need training, and I doubt the Kinsleys would look kindly on the subject matter.

I'm not going to pick which family to support, if either, until this is over. This is too important for petty things like that.
No. 184594 ID: c00244
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Well. As Martin presents the facts, there's little reason not to give him a chance. That said, fool me twice shame on me... let's go friendly, but try for more information and keep our options open. I suggest the following lines of questioning, in no particular order.

"If you cared for Mom, why haven't I ever met you?" [Objective: Get more data on that side of our ancestry and our relationship to them]

Take the phone, and check in the envelope. "Thank you. That is very thoughtful... as long as it's not bugged. I would like your phone number, and that of someone in Thomas' family, please. He asked me to tell them how he died." [Objective: First, get contacts. Second, demonstrate that we don't intend to be easily tricked.]

"All right, Martin... let's see if we're friends." Grab paper or a napkin or something, sketch out pic related with a pen. "This is what you used on me, right? Teach me how and why it works, please." [Objective: First, learn magic; second, learn how willing Martin and/or his faction are willing to teach us; third, demonstrate talent/raise our value as a potential recruit.]
No. 184696 ID: f95872

I agree with this.
No. 184805 ID: 426169
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Tiffany takes the offered cell phone and envelope.

>"Ich took ze Liberty of adding some numbers."

"It's not bugged, right?"

>"Natürlich nicht. If you not trust Ich, feel free another zu kaufen", Martin said and gave a little nod towards the envelope.

Tiffany took a look inside the envelope. There's like two- three hundred dollars in here.

"... Thanks I guess. So how come I've never seen you around, if you so cared for mom?"

>"Zat ist a bit of long story. Politik. Deine Mutter wanted... Ruhe. To be left allein. Alone."

Ok, maybe I can mooch some magic off hi- is that Mulder on the windowsill?
No. 184806 ID: 1ac39d

try thinking at mulder to keep quiet.
No. 184811 ID: c71597

Seems quite likely that it is. Lets see if that mental link is good for something, think to him that he should be quiet and just observe and try to sense what magical stuff there is in there.

Ok, time to ask Martin on the Rothwalds stance on necromancy. That one is rather important.
No. 184851 ID: 426169
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*Mulder, keep quiet!*

>*Roger that, boss.*

"Tell me, Martin, what do the Rothwalds think of necromancy?"

>"Depends on what you mean. Some aspects sind verboten. Others sehr gefärlich, very dangerous. But es ist nützlich, use...ful. Wir haff some people study zat. Auch es ist causing politisch Probleme. Warum fragen Sie?"

"I was wondering why you guys don't like Alexander."

>"Ah. Wir haben our own Reasons. Seine Knowledge ins ze Rituals of ze Stadt der Toten has nozing to do with zat."

"I see. Hmm.... That spell you put on me, what do the runes mean?" Tiffany asked, while drawing out the symbol.

>"Well, ze teaching of outsiders ist verboten, but... Ich guess Sie sind almost in der Familie. Ok. Ze outer symbol ist ze Blade. Combines ze runes inside. Umm.. Tightly. Inside are ze Sunset, Truly unt ze Cradle. Sunset ist close, nacht, Dunkelheit aber sleepink. Truly means, umm.... Very much? Ze Cradle ist gently, no harm. Ze little cross unter ze Blade ist Forward. Direction, ja? Haben Sie other kvestions?"
No. 184856 ID: c71597

Time to ask about dad and how he will get him out. Also ask about how to free mom from grampa.
No. 184857 ID: 701a19

Since my line of questioning isn't happening, ask how he displayed the rune in the air like that.
No. 184868 ID: e3f578

You may wish to apologize for being untrustworthy. While it is quite understandable and necessary and this man may be all smiles and polite, doesn't mean you shouldn't be polite. Explain to him that your don't trust anyone anymore thanks to your grandfather's betrayal and that it seems to be the best policy right now. He's a grown man, he should understand.
No. 184873 ID: c00244

That's not saying that we're untrustworthy, it's saying that we don't trust others. There's a rather important distinction. The thing to be apologizing for, should we do so, would be not trusting Martin.
No. 184905 ID: e3f578

'Swat I meant. Too bad we can't edit our posts.
No. 184919 ID: c4c313

Yes, apologize for not trusting him before.

Continue not trusting him, but still apologize.

Remember what happened with the last guy who apologized for knocking you out.
No. 184953 ID: 426169
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"I'm sorry for being so suspicious. I'm having a hard time trusting anyone after Alexander."

>"Think nothink of it, Tifchen. Ist easy zu verstehen."

"So... How are you going to get dad out?"

>"Ich habe some Freunde mit ze Polizei. Ich will try to get zem to drop ze charges. Wir kann maybe visit later."

"... That'd be nice. I'm sure he's worried sick. So, uh, what are you planning to do about Alexander?"

>"Zey are sendink die Schattenjäger. Zey will handle Alexander."

"Oh... I... I guess they will."

>"Why so niedergeschlagen, erm... crest fallen?"

"I.... I guess I was looking forward to fighting Alexander myself."

>"Ho ho, battling wicked wizard ist nicht für kleine Mädchen. Nein, wir will handle zat."


>"If it ist training zat you are wantink..."


>"Zen you are velcome to come with us back to Deutschland. You can become a real member of ze Familie. Und zen wir can give you all ze trainink zat you wish. Und haff ze company of junge Zauberer like you. Would you like zat, Tifchen?"
No. 184955 ID: 6a5a08

"Perhaps, but I will need to learn more about everything before I get wrapped up in necromancy politics and such."
No. 184957 ID: 701a19

Shake your head
"Maybe someday, but I'm needed here.
How hard will it be for them to free mom from Alexander's control? The Schattenjäger have a ritualist that's skilled enough for that, right?"
No. 184961 ID: c00244

"Sorry, Martin, but I can't leave my dad. Maybe... once he's free, I could talk to him about it. But not right now."
No. 184971 ID: c71597

Tell him that you have some stuff to wrap up here before you can head over to europe. Which is probably something you would have had to do anyway, both the Kinsley family and the Rothwalds have their main branches and bases there.

Also ask him how they intend to get mom free from grampas control.
No. 184973 ID: a594b9

"I'd like to know all my choices first... what do you know of the Kinsleys?"
No. 185012 ID: 426169
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"... Maybe. But not now. I've got things I need to do before I could go to Europe. And I can't leave my dad."

>"Natürlich. Vielleicht after zese matters haff been taken care of?"

"Maybe, but what about the Kinsleys? Maybe they want me to join them as well?"

>Ahhah, die illustre Kinsley Clan. Zat ist nicht sehr likely. To zem, you are nothink but spawn of ze heretic. Zey would not accept you easily. Haha, und wir haben all ze cool toys. Zey are sehr altmodisch. Old fashioned. Set in old ways. Wir haff so much more to offer für dich. What do you say, Tifchen? Wollen Sie mit uns kommen? Will you come mit uns, after dein Vater ist frei?"
No. 185015 ID: c71597

He still hasn't told you how they plan on getting your mom free. Taking down Alexander is not the same thing as freeing and saving mom.
No. 185019 ID: 63ab82

(Also, Schattenjäger will likely kill mom. We may have to the enemy of Gabriel Knight. Anyone remember his secretary's phone number from the game?)
No. 185023 ID: c00244

"If what you say is true... then I probably will, yes. But I'll want to see for myself that they would think that. Thomas died protecting me, you know... I wouldn't want to think his family would hate me."

"Anyway, how are those... uh... 'Schattenjäger' (is that how you say it?), going to save Mom?"
No. 185024 ID: a594b9

Ah, but we asked Thomas that exact question. He told us that the deeds make a Necromancer evil... although he did say that they were generally outcasts.

Inform him of Thomas's stance on the matter.
No. 185028 ID: 426169
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"Yeah but... Thomas said that necromancy isn't totally forbidden by the Kinsleys... And he died protecting me, so I feel like I owe them."

>"You will find zem ein bisschen mehr verklemmt zan unsere Familie. But Sie can think on zat."

"So, uh... those Shatten-jegers -"

>"Ze Shadow Hunters."

"Right, how are they going to help mom?"

>"... Ich weiss nicht. Most likely zey... cannot. Zey will haff to use any method zu Alexander defeatink. Und... savink deine Mutter ist sekundär. Sie wird wahrscheinlich sterben. She ist likely to be killed."
No. 185031 ID: d4872d
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ok so we are a carebearing, political necromancer that may be hated by all because we are the grandchild of alex the heretic.

oh and mom died. maybe.

let mulder in, try to find him food.
No. 185032 ID: 701a19

"Ok, I'm going to tell you something you know, so that you'll know I know it. Mom sided with the Kinsleys and thought the Rothwalds were power-hungry and amoral.
To be honest? What I've seen so far hasn't disagreed with any of that. Luckily for you I'm pragmatic.

Here are my goals, in order of importance:
1: Save my mom.
2: Stop Alexander.
3: Resurrect Tony.

If the Rothwalds aren't going to save my mom, then get me in touch with the Kinsleys. I don't care about the family feud, but if she dies I'm going to go with the people she supported in life."
No. 185033 ID: c71597

Well then tell him to get cracking on finding ways to save mom or you're going to have to do it yourself.

From what I understand Mom just tried to stay out of it all. I don't think she supported either family in any real way. Killing grampa was probably for alot more personal reasons.
No. 185034 ID: d4872d

she problaby had to hunt him down because he tried body exchange before. maybe not with mom.

we may need to face the fact that actual ressurection may be impossible. unless we develop it.

granpa did not ressurected himself, mom is claimed dead and a clan with necromancers havent stirred anything to save her. also its possible gramps has the skull w/ mom for extra safety.
No. 185036 ID: 6a5a08

I think Grandpa pulled a Voldemort with the skull.

Also, I say we ditch the Necromancer clans and join the Reaper.
We can learn Death-Fu and become his apprentice.
No. 185045 ID: 701a19

She was with the Kinsleys when shit went down, and said to seek out Thomas if anything went wrong.
Besides that? It works just as well as a bluff. He's precog, not postcog, so if we say she was with the Kinsleys he can't easily confirm or deny that either way.
No. 185047 ID: e3f578

Apologize that means you cannot take him up on his offer. Your goal is to set right what Alexander made wrong, which entails getting Tony and Mom back.
No. 185048 ID: a594b9

(psst guys the chapter just ended)
No. 185049 ID: c00244

I wouldn't mention resurrection. It could be impossible and that Grandpa was just manipulating us using it as false bait, or it could be forbidden... and anyway, we won't be able to manage it until we get more study, so it's a null point. Part of not trusting others is not sharing your goals with them.

Also, I would not recommend openly declaring that we're planning to side with one family or the other- as long as they think they can still recruit us, they'll use the carrot. We don't want to face their sticks. So moderate your words a bit, please.

We have seen no evidence whatsoever that the Reaper has any faction to "join". Every time we've seen him, he's been hostile to us. Why do you think that this is even possible?
No. 185050 ID: 6a5a08

We should go to the discussion thread.
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