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216366 No. 216366 ID: 8c0848

Previous Chapters: http://quest.lv/kusaba/questarch/res/111833.html
http://quest.lv/kusaba/questarch/res/182101.html http://quest.lv/kusaba/questarch/res/203227.html

So I have my party of Thodren, Jehral and Gustav ready to kill some monsters. Still... We'd better go over some strategy, I don't want to get trampled to death by a rampaging hell-beast. It's basically an open field from the village to the forest where the thing seems to be living. Where, how and when we fight might make a big difference.
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No. 229962 ID: 3d7a30


essentially, this
No. 229972 ID: 8bdb6a

Stop faffing about. Take Atu's bombs and that knife you're holding. Load up with provisions and stuff so you can actually get there. Bring some rope, too. Everything else you can procure on-site.
No. 230116 ID: f91a11
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Keep to the daggers. They're light, and can be deadly when properly used.
Get some throwing knives... let's say 6 on a belt around your stomach/hip for easy access. Silent, and good for far distance death.

<--- and possibly one of these

something to cover your face might be helpful too. So that your face isn't remembered if someone sees it and survives. Something that'll strike fear in your enemies...

That's all I can think of.

I expect some acrobatics and epic maneuvers from you.
No. 230130 ID: 8c0848
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Okay, so I have a knife, rope, rations, Nako's bomb packs, and one of those magic holding bags for everything to go in. The last of my gold can go in there too, I only have ¤354 left. I guess I should manage my money better...
No. 230136 ID: c71597

Nah, they have been wisely ivested in making you more badass.

Now transform into a human and lets get going. Can't have them noticing your rather unique and sexy looks now can we? This operation might also take some time, you will have to see what their security measures are like and how to best penetrate them.

Once you have the information you need it's time to strike. Bastards won't know what hit them.
No. 230138 ID: 81343b

>I guess I should manage my money better...

Doesn't matter. if you pull this off you'll be set for life.
No. 230139 ID: 97cb33

you are good to go, disguise up and go.
No. 230144 ID: d560d6

Spend the remaining 300 on more bombs. You do not have enough things which explode in a semi-controlled fashion.
No. 230149 ID: 8bdb6a

Leave immediately. No more dicking around.

Speaking of dicks, turn into a male so you get less attention. Any species is fine as long as it's not a hybrid.
No. 230159 ID: 0d7609

She can only turn into a version of her as another species, not another sex.

Anyhow, humanform is go.
No. 230166 ID: 40cb26

Be sure to turn human at least a day before, so you can shapechange back into into something else during the mission. Probably to fly away as a dragon, but we'll see how it goes.
No. 230250 ID: a41aaf

Sneak to outskirts of the camp first, then transform into whatever species they use for menial labour. Nobody questions a grunt carrying a (supposedly) heavy bag of stuff.
No. 230297 ID: 8bc4cf

If you haven't gotten flying down yet it might be an idea to stop by a cliff overlooking a lake or the sea. Then you could jump off it and practice flight. Being able to fly will be incredibly beneficial when it comes down to infiltrating or escaping.
No. 231675 ID: 8c0848
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I'm probably ready to go, unless there's something else I should do first. Otherwise, I can head out any time. The timing is good. It's almost winter. Up north will be dark most of the time at this point. That makes it a hell of a lot easier to sneak around.

>if you pull this off you'll be set for life.
I'd have to live really frugally or die really young for that to be true, but it's still a great big sack of money.

>turn into a male so you get less attention.
I'd rather get no attention. Gender won't help me stay out of sight and I'd rather not get distracted by weird dangly bits...

>Being able to fly will be incredibly beneficial when it comes down to infiltrating or escaping.
Flying hurts and by flying, I mean falling head first into the ground over and over. If I can learn enough to get me there faster, it would be worth it, but I doubt I'd want to get into any kind of missile range in that form. I'd just be a big, scaly target.
No. 231676 ID: ca6552

... you shoulda practiced flying.
It'd have been a great way to make your escape.

Well, make sure you got throwing knives at least. you're gonna need em.
No. 231677 ID: 40cb26

Derp, you should have been practicing flying. You still might consider turning into one for that purpose depending on how you need to escape. Even if you crash it's better than just jumping from a soon to explode building.
No. 231678 ID: 175f4a

no use crying over spilled milk. luckily i have "use dragon for for some reason" filed under plan C. so we are still good to go.
No. 231679 ID: 4cdabb

>I'd rather get no attention.
Well, you'll probably need to disguise yourself to sneak in to places. It's a lot easier and less suspicious to walk in the front door than down through a skylight. But we'll play this by ear.

Continue onwards to your target.
No. 231681 ID: 383006

I hope to god you remembered the damn explosives.
No. 231683 ID: c71597

Well then, assume human form or whatever species is the most common in that region and then lets get going. The key to not being noticed is not really in not being seen, it's to make sure you're simply not worth remembering. If nobody remembers they ever saw you a minute after seeing you then you're doing pretty good, if they can't remember it after 10 seconds then you're doing freaking great.

Anyway, can't make any true plans before we see the place. So chop chop, move those soon to be human or something else legs.
No. 231684 ID: 8c0848
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>make sure you got throwing knives at least. you're gonna need em.
Then it's good that I haven't gone very far... or anywhere. I'll get up the nerve eventually!

>you shoulda practiced flying.
I don't know anyone with wings to teach me anything. I wouldn't know where to start.

Okay. I'll pick up a few extras before I go. Anything else I might need?

I'm not stalling, by the way. I'm being cautious...
No. 231685 ID: 175f4a

nope, can't think of anything.
No. 231686 ID: 701a19

Magic flight. No polymorph required.
Even just a magic-assisted jump would be great; the utility of being able to get up and over walls quickly and silently can't be overstated.
No. 231687 ID: c71597

Well if you get a few more knives that can be used for throwing and stabbing then you're probably good.

For the whole flight thing I supesect you're gonna have to experiment on your own. If you find a nice gently sloping hill with a lake at the bottom of it that should be good practice area. But that's for after the mission.

Now get to shapeshifting into an appropriate species and then get moving. We have a castle to infiltrate and a golem to explode, and you won't get paid unless you're the one to do it.
No. 231688 ID: d3dfb8

Don't worry Rynh, you are a certified badass and you have us. We'll be fine.
No. 231690 ID: e40e60


...Anyway, also pick up a bottle of the strongest booze you can get, and a cotton rag. It's for a legitimate purpose, I swear
No. 231691 ID: 4cdabb

Make sure to buy the entire town and put it on your back and carry it wherever you go.

No. Stop stalling. Get going, before we all forget what you're even doing.
No. 231708 ID: 0632a2

A trained messenger hawk or a speaking spell scroll.
No. 231717 ID: 67c611

Rynh, you are going about the flying thing all wrong. You can't fly in that form. It's just not built for that. You have to use magic to help lift you.
No. 231719 ID: 197650

for god's sake don't forget a lockpick
No. 231725 ID: e40e60

She probably doesn't even know how to use a lockpick!
No. 231736 ID: c6fa0a


Is it possible to acquire any magic healy dealies? If you're going this alone, you'll need a decent substitute for a dedicated medic. It'll cost you, but it could save your life.

If there any any other type of potion/item things that look interesting, like something to remove curses, open/melt locks, etc., might be good to pick those up too.

Basically... you know what you're good at. Find things that would help you get by in areas you're *not* so good at.
No. 231818 ID: 6547ec

The question about healing potions reminds me.

Since we're committing to the stealthy approach, might I recommend a blackjack and some flash powder? You seem to already have methods to generate water and fire, and nobody used moss arrows, anyway.
No. 231850 ID: a7a85a


Uhm...Assuming you pull this off, how are you going to prove you did it? You might need to grab some key component to the golem as proof. Kind of like taking the head to the guys that want it destroyed.

You miiiight even want to make Jehral or Thodren wait with them so some shifty ass-hat doesn't claim your reward before you can get there. I admit the probability of this happening is low, you probably won't need to, but the idea irked me enough to bear mentioning.
No. 231903 ID: e40e60

Yes... get some moss arrows, a couple landmines, a blackjack, maybe a few flash bombs...
No. 231911 ID: 3d7a30

some form of healing, maybe a potion, would be an excellent idea
No. 231944 ID: f245f1

Cautious is good. You (apparently) have plenty of time to scout and research the area, limited only by your current funds for food and lodging. Though the lodging thing could probably be avoided at first by camping. If you end up staying in the area for a while you may have to set yourself up with lodging that people know about, even if you never use it. Depending on how paranoid they are, no matter what disguise you're using, people will wonder where you're staying.
The alternative being avoiding social contact completely.

Do you have a map of the kingdom you're going to? A good first step could be plotting a route, and picking out a hiding place.
No. 232335 ID: 8c0848
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>a bottle of the strongest booze you can get, and a cotton rag.
>A trained messenger hawk or a speaking spell scroll.
It costs most of my remaining cash, but I get a communication rune thingy and leave it at base to talk to others. If that's not what you had in mind, fuck it.
>some form of healing, maybe a potion
I grab a few... or three.

Well, I am out of money, so I will be on my way to the evil fortress of death.

The docks are carved into the cliff side and seem to be the least guarded point. Time to get this mess under way.
No. 232337 ID: e31d52

>entering through the docks

>Massive golem being built

This is a sneaking mission.
No. 232338 ID: 8c0848
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No. 232339 ID: 5a2e05

Not to mention communication rune at the base to talk to the others.
No. 232340 ID: 70d9eb

Blood choke everyone.
No. 232350 ID: e3f578

No. 232498 ID: e40e60

[Insert MGS joke here]
No. 232562 ID: 3d7a30

Good luck Rynh. We'll do our best to keep you safe
No. 232573 ID: f82ff4

Remember your training at CQC.
No. 232606 ID: cebddc

Rynh must now be referred to as Solid Drake...
or some sort of reference... so... if they penetrate her mind, they don't know her real name?

No. 232634 ID: 1ecff1

>penetrate her mind
Her... mind?
No. 232917 ID: 8b6870

No. 233147 ID: 3d7a30

someone want to move this to questarch?
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