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245129 No. 245129 ID: 93e8e3

First thread: http://quest.lv/kusaba/quest/res/220690.html
>FX: 7
>Current funds: 1700$
>Villainous Rank: B-List
490 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 283687 ID: 644ca1

>Heroes of Irony
FUND IT! Mocking the heroes will be so fun.
After that we should aid the Hollow Queen, she was in pretty bad shape before so she can probably use some help.
No. 283691 ID: c71597

Time to get back to the old favorite. Kicking a clown, preferably when he's down. Time for a flying kick to the clownhead and then work out some pain and frustrations on his kidneys.
No. 283699 ID: 701a19

>Heroes of Irony
Fuck yea!

Send Walter for your sword, edit their sign, then steal the tank.
No. 283730 ID: b4097b

We don't have to retrieve our sword. We can just make a dagger and attack the clown's bag with that.
No. 283731 ID: b4097b

Also, save the big speech and the Heroes of Irony" sign for after we actually beat the heroes. It's a totally awesome idea, but making a big speech and then getting punched in the face isn't very good.
No. 283792 ID: d87c4e

I say, after Walter gets your sword, just have him change the sign. Afterall, better now then later. The speech can wait till after we trunced the heros.

>After that we should aid the Hollow Queen, she was in pretty bad shape before so she can probably use some help.
That and we don´t like clowns. Especially those that don´t make jokes.
No. 283870 ID: b46135

Check on Hollow Queen to see if she's doing OK. Take care of that bleeding once you have a free moment.
No. 284000 ID: af1170

But the mechanics of the monologue might not apply after the fight is finished. Remember the last monologue? It boosted what we did immediately after. And what better point to prove the speech than if one starts trying to shut you up? Not like we can't dodge around as we talk.

Plus... there's just 3, right? They're all occupied with someone.
No. 284003 ID: 0dfa81

Thats actually the problem. The civilians probably all fled, the heros are busy fighting our allies and vice versa. Nobody would take notice of our epic speech. It could even distract the villlains and lead to their defeat.
No. 285604 ID: 6a9fdc

I recommend the following course of action:
1. Ready molotov
2. Teleport to sword, grab sword
3. Throw molotov at nearby Mana, chain teleport behind Happy Time.
4. Impale Happy Time with sword, we didn't make that thing so we could NOT use it
5. Hit Happy Time across face with molotov, possibly while dropping one-liner, making sure the fuel spills onto him in the process rather than flying off into the air
No. 288881 ID: be23b1
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First things first. Time for a bombing run! I've a pair of molotov cocktails, and an enemy not on fire. I teleport to Mana, tossing my molotovs her way before Delirium gets too close.

Mana forms a shield with one hand to deflect one molotov, but the burning gasoline splashes around it. The other strikes her square in the shoulder. A pair of direct hits!

I grab my sword, and teleport over by Happy Time and the Hollow Queen. Obsidian sword in hand, I take a haphazard swing at Happy Time's back. My attack catches him by surprise, and I score a shallow cut across his shoulder. The distraction interupts his block, and Hollow Queen scores a strike.

Hollow Queen cackles as he falls. "Thanks, Baron." She says to me, as she pulls a pair of knives out of her side.
No. 288882 ID: 00d3d5

Can we steal the tank now?
No. 288883 ID: e3f578

Man, for a clown, this guy does not screw around. He goes for the kill straight with knives, not even a single water cannon or explosive pie.

I feel like we should express our disappointment.
No. 288884 ID: 1854db

Briefly ask if we should help Blood Knight in his duel. If not, everyone dogpile Mana!
No. 288889 ID: 5b95eb

Yeah. Nudge him with your foot and say something along the lines of "Knives aren't very funny."
No. 288899 ID: c71597

Express your disappointment in how boring Happy Time is by kicking him a few times. Then string him up like a pinata and leave something to hit him with there and tell the orphans to please go ahead and hit him until it stops being funny. Which is going to take a while.

Then we can go a wreck Mana's shit some more.
No. 288907 ID: 96a5b7

This. String him up a lamppost, make the kids some long obsidian poles/golfclubs and announce that "It's Happy Time for me now, Happy Time."

We get: Epic trolling, corrupting kids' minds and humiliating a hero. Fits with the fact that we're trying to be a classy person, but if they start to be uncivilised about it, well, we can be uncivilised too, and be better at it.
No. 288915 ID: f6360f

Two points here:

Happy Time is down, but may not be out. Do not try anything which assumes that he can't fight back.

Mana is a robot, and is not running around screaming when on fire. Check to make sure that we didn't actually make things worse for Delirium; if Mana is fire-immune we could just have turned her from killer robot into flaming killer robot. If that's the case, we have to help bail her out.

So my recommendation would be to say something charming and/or witty to the Queen, then leave Happy Time to her and go back to checking on the overall status of the battle. The Queen is much stronger and much more resilient than we are in a straight-up fight; if Happy Time starts burning FX to make a lethal comeback she is much better suited to take the hits.
No. 288993 ID: cf244d

How does the battlefield look?
If there's nothing else that could use our attention, commandeering the tank might be fun.
No. 288996 ID: db967a

bow, and say

"Merely doing my part as a Baron of your court, Queen."

and then look down to the clown and say, kicking him,

"And you, clown, are an appalling jester."
No. 289011 ID: 40cb26

I'm for binding him, but forget any kind of pinata shenanigans, as fun as they may be. Just put his hands together behind him and create a block obsidian around them. Feet too, so he can be hogtied in stone and probably useless without help. Obsidian is breakable, but at least it should cut the fuck out of his hands when it does.

Tell the queen Delirium could use help getting her fight over with quickly. But see how the duel against Law Legs is going, first.
No. 289034 ID: b00bec

No reason we can't bind him and pinatafy him, just put a hook on the obsidian shackles, or a big ball of obsidian over the rope. Any excuse to give kids bludgeoning weapons as souvenirs is a good one.
Maybe we should tone back on the formality a little bit until the fight is over.
No. 289038 ID: f6360f

Let's not assign ourselves quite so firm a role as her underling, please? We don't know how ridiculously psycho she is and how much she'll demand that we play to it in the future. We can be charming without pushing the serving-the-queen angle.
No. 289065 ID: 65a373

Jeez, freaky pinata people calm down please? The fight's not over, and crazy stunts during a fight that don't involve attacking someone or (good) taunts from a safe distance are liable to backfire and make Obsidian look stupid. Making a pinata, which is complex and not more effective than simple binds, is the kind of thing that should be done when you know noone's gonna get ya while you're busy. And I personally think the idea is stupid. :p

I suggest we check to see if Crazy Happy Time is down, and if he is then maybe we can bind him with some obsidian. There's not much we can probably do to hurt Mana or Law Legs with the sword, and we can't drop cars on them because we can only telly with hand-held weapons. I think we should check the clown for weapons. See if he has a bomb or something else we can telly-throw at someone.
No. 289137 ID: 78f1d2

place obsidian manacles on HT,mold it from your sword if you are strapped for time.

Don biker helmet, acquire tank.

I would recommend against this course of action. Hollow queen's mindset doesn't really work well with our own, so It would be a better idea to leave her with the impression that this is a one time(or few times) gig and we are not going to become her super mook now.

This one as well.
Too much time.
A)to string up
B) to make obsidian poles
C)the kids might just stare at us in horror and we just look even worse ("but at least that butler is a great guy eh?")
No. 289307 ID: 6a9fdc

-Recommending something neutral like "Just pulling my weight." and/or "I can't let you have ALL the fun."
-Seconding kicking Happy Time. And by "kicking" I mean punt that lunatic in the face, or whatever it takes to put him down without killing him.
No. 291986 ID: 5d54a5
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"Just pulling my weight. I can't let everyone else have ALL the fun, now can I?" I smile at her, doing a light bow. "Now, I do believe Delirium will need a little help with Mana, else she might burn out. I need to stay here a moment, to shackle this poor excuse for a jester. You mind going ahead of me?"

"Kyeheheh." She laughs, and jumps over me, towards Delirium. Well, that went well.

Moments later, I have Happy Time's hands bound in an obsidian block. He seems to have woken up again, but his hair changed back to blue and he's crying. Not sure what is up with that. "Hey, clown? Your jokes suck." I say, before turning to-
No. 291987 ID: 5d54a5
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No. 291989 ID: 5d54a5
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No. 291994 ID: dad664

Oh fuck. It's Jaffa Priest Raiden!
No. 291996 ID: ec2864

Blacwick: Duck because your face is against THE LAW.
No. 291999 ID: 07416a

I am terrified.
No. 292006 ID: dad664

>Blacwick: Duck because your face is against THE LAW.
>Blackwick: Duck
>Blacwick Duck
No. 292010 ID: e3f578

Ask Blood Knight if it's okay if you can get on his action now, instead of having to save this hero all for his glory.
No. 292060 ID: 197105

Prepare to teleport.
Any one of these combatants may kill you accidentally.
No. 292074 ID: f6360f

You are outclassed and should know it. Worse, from what Hollow Queen said earlier, this guy does not fuck around- if he acts against you, you'll end up seriously fucked up.

You must not fight him, particularly in melee. On the other hand, if you can buy Hollow Queen and Delirium about fifteen seconds, maybe they'll be able to take out Mana; then you'd be able to pull back while everyone gangs up on Law Legs again.

So. I'm going to recommend that you teleport quickly so that you have a view of Blood Knight while keeping an eye on Law Legs; see if Blood Knight's still alive. If he's getting back into the fight, don't interfere. If he looks deceased, give a comment about tagging in for a bit and start kiting Law Legs with thrown obsidian sharp things and repeated teleportation- you don't have to seriously hurt him or even make any significant impact, as long as he focuses on you and you don't get hurt. After about thirty seconds of holding his attention, or if you think he's wise to your tricks and is about to pound you, warp over to Hollow Queen and tell her what's going on. Hopefully Mana will have been dealt with and you'll be able to tag out.
No. 292081 ID: 1854db

I agree, except we should not wait too long to draw Law Legs' attention.
No. 292082 ID: 1fb1b0

I fully agree wth this statement. By the way Legs just kicked Bloody, you don´t want to end up in contact with him
No. 292090 ID: 745790

Agreed. Give Blood Knight a glance, and if he isn't on his feet, start kiting Law Legs.
No. 292119 ID: 7927a7

Does that guy only have one arm?

I'm pretty sure Blood Knight's motivation was to duel Law Legs so I wouldn't interfere until their fight is clearly over. You're probably better off helping Hollow Queen and Delirium focus on Mana.

If you think you will have to engage Law Legs then make an obsidian shield that looks simple from the outside, but is actually filled with thousands of obsidian shards. Then coat it in your fire aura. Then when he attacks just teleport away and watch as he kicks a hidden wall of hot spikes, sending razor caltrops all over the battlefield. Not a bother to you since you can reshape them at will and fly, but someone barefoot could be seriously inconvenienced by it...
No. 292128 ID: c71597

Get out of there first. Then observe if Blood Knight is still up and gunning. Law Legs is not among the people you want to fight, even with teleportation. He fucked up Queen quickly even when Blood Knight was involved in that fight, and you don't have her regenerative powers.
No. 292138 ID: 00d3d5

Grab Happy Time and run. "Just moving him out of combat, don't mind me!"

Drop Happy Time off on the sidewalk, then join the fight against Mana. You don't want to leave him behind where Law Legs could free him or Blood Knight could kill him, since either one would be bad for you.
No. 292145 ID: 644ca1

Since Law Legs is out of our league, we should probably stall for time. Either until the Blood Knight is ready for round 2, or until Hollow Queen and Delirium are done with Mana.

Perhaps it's time for modifying the sign to say "Heroes of Iron y" followed by a villainous monologue of some sort. It should give us some time and allow us to take the centre stage for a while.
No. 292326 ID: b46135

Do not provoke this guy. Indications are he can seriously fuck you up in a fight. Wait for him to make the first move. If he goes after you stay on the defensive and keep your distance. Teleport and shield, DO NOT attack. If he challenges you verbally say you're not allowed to fight him because he's Blood Knight's mark and you are a man of honor. Our goal is to run the clock until our allies show up to help.
No. 293346 ID: 5d54a5
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I quickly glance over to Blood Knight, and open my mouth to ask permission to fight Law Legs now. However, I don't say a word. He's down for the count.

I look back to Law Legs, preparing to teleport if he makes a move. He stands up tall, and stares at me, a hard look in his eye. "...You seem too young for this battlefield. What is your name, child? Why do you fight?"

...I am sweating bullets just standing here.
No. 293349 ID: f157b7

Why do we fight?


Also for the money.
No. 293350 ID: 2bdeb9

Why fight for anything? Why bother? Why care? We fight because we want to. We do what we want. What's the point of anything else?
No. 293355 ID: 6a9fdc

Because it's FUN! As long as no one gets killed or permanently injured, and nothing irreplaceable is lost, it's just a big game. Besides, villains such as the Baron keep heroes sharp, instead of growing rusty and dull from inaction.
No. 293359 ID: ec2864

We fight to find out the reason for fighting. Also, do something unexpected, like ask for his autograph, just to change the pace of this interrogation.
No. 293361 ID: f6360f

Ignore the sweating of bullets. Ignore the fear. You are Baron Obsidian. You are a true villain, with a steel spine and a flair for the dramatic. And he's just invited you to do a full-on villain rant, thereby gaining FX like nobody's business AND buying time for your compatriots to finish off Mana. Win-win!

Introduce yourself cordially, using your full titles. It looks like he wants to talk, so don't worry that he'll alpha-strike you just yet; there will be some indication in his expression or words before he moves to take you out.

After the introductions, prepare to launch into rant mode (with an eye on him). We fight because we were given a chance to break free. To leave behind the banal, pointless life of a mindless corporate drone, the life of the masses whose souls are being ground into dust by the heartless machine that is the world. To take our life into our own hands, and do what WE want with it instead of being constantly held back by limitations- lack of money, of influence, of popularity and power and meaning! We fight because we've had enough of NOT fighting, of embracing mediocrity and obscurity because it's easy and because everyone tells you that's the way things are supposed to be done. We are the Baron Obsidian, and we are free!

Close up the rant with an invitation for him to make his own speech. "And why, Law Legs, do you wish to stop me?" Delicious FX, and hopefully him doing something other than kicking our head off.
No. 293362 ID: 6a9fdc

Glorious. Seconding this.
No. 293363 ID: 00d3d5

"Because a bunch of so-called heroes try to murder me for being the son of a man I never met. Since I want to live I have no choice but to play the game, and if the moral high ground is nothing but lip service..."
Have NINJA BUTLER do the IRONY thing now.
"Then I'll pick the one that pays more."

He can't really attack you unprovoked after that kind of speech without looking like a total dick, and this will have him thinking he can redeem you which will give you an edge if you ever want to screw with his head.
Besides, this is winding down and you'll look better if you can walk away instead of running.
No. 293365 ID: 45be60

"I am Blackwick, the Baron Obsidian. I fight because it pays a hell of a lot better than my job working the checkout counter ever did. I fight to find out about my father, and I fight to find out who *I* am. And today I learned that this... *gesture at the aftermath around you* ...is not for me."
No. 293366 ID: 07416a

Because I never knew my father. This is what he did instead of raising me. I wanted to find out what kept him away.
No. 293369 ID: 40cb26

Ok take a moment to calm down, he isn't going to smack you around mid sentence so take you time and talk.

"Black Wick, the Baron Obsidian" Give a little bow here. "And yes, the name is more prestigious than my efforts justify. Still I feel I've done well for myself so far, in this role I never expected to be in. Why do I fight here today? The Queen asked it of me, and she can be very persuasive. And for myself, fighting along and against new faces is valuable experience. Now then as for why I fight at all... well perhaps I am still finding my purpose. But I can tell you that I am not like these others here. Malice, deranged pleasure, inflicting pain... not my style. I am not an evil man."

At this point you teleport away and upwards, hopefully out of reach of whatever he would do to you.

"Now then, I submit that you are stronger than I, and I really would rather not miss my date tonight due to the grievous wounds fighting you would certainly result in, so I will take my leave. Take care, hero." At this point you want to teleport again and go warn little miss pumpkin head of our bloody friends loss. It's about time to wrap this up, I think.
No. 293370 ID: 6a9fdc

Also seconding the way the first "heroes" you met tried to kill you while you were just a civilian. Maybe point out how the Iron City "heroes" responded to your nonlethal attacks and attempts to talk by trying to gauge out your eyes and carve you up with buzzsaws, respectively.
No. 293451 ID: cf244d

"My name is Black Wick, and I am the Baron Obsidian. Why do I fight here today? I was asked to. Why do I fight at all? That's more complicated. I never fought as a child. But my father, whom I never knew, was a villain. He lived the life I've recently seized, and he fought. Then one day, when I was working my minimum wage job like every other slave to the system, I was attacked. Who attacked me? Why, men who would be heroes, of course. My father had been killed, and these so-called heroes tracked me down intending to end my father's line for good. He was so loathsome to them that they would see none of his blood left on this earth. Why? I know not. They told me merely that they assaulted me because I am a villain, and that I am a villain because my father was. So I fight because I am beset, and I fight because my father fights no more. And I fight to learn why it is that my father ever fought." [Insert dramatic action here] "Besides, villainy pays well."
No. 293454 ID: c71597

Tell him that you fight to regain your family's honour, or something like that. Then teleport the fuck out of there. This guy is one we don't want to mess with in any way.
No. 293570 ID: 56348c

"Heroes" killed your father and then tried to kill you, so you fight against them and the order for which they stand.

Make sure you come off as a vengeance-seeking badass and not a kid making excuses. Spend an FX towards this end if you have to.
No. 295538 ID: 330059

Gentlemanly taunting, then sophisticated assholeishness.
No. 295548 ID: b00bec

Leggy aimed his kick to not snap your neck, and he's taken the time to make the observation that you're a little outclassed. He's not going to kill you (probably), and you have the villainous healing power to recover from anything else. Try not to fight him, but if you have to, fight honorably and go down classy. Not every battle can be won.
No. 295607 ID: 5d54a5
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I continue to sweat. My legs shake with fear. My wounds sting. It is difficult to hold my sword. But I bow anyway, lightly, and smile like the devil.

I have been invited to talk. It is time to dance the dance of words, that I may live to dance the dance of blood another day. Actually that was an awesome metaphor, I need to remember that one.

"My name is Black Wick, and I am the Baron Obsidian. The name may be more prestigious than my efforts justify, but I feel I have done well for myself so far, in this role I never expected to be in. Why do I fight here today? It was an invitation from a friend. Why do I fight at all? Well... that's a tad more complicated."
No. 295608 ID: 5d54a5
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I swallow my fear, and stand up. My legs stop shaking, as I build momentum. I begin to rant.

"This destiny is not one I asked for. I was not expecting to ever become a villain, an enemy of society. I've always been a peaceful, quiet, useless man. But one day, not too long ago, when I was working my minimum wage job like every other slave to the system, I was attacked. Who attacked me, you wonder?"
No. 295609 ID: 5d54a5
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It feels natural. My rant strengthens, and I shout the next line triumphantly, a crescendo reached, momentum built. I can't stop now.

"Why, men who would be heroes, of course! My father had been killed, murdered, and these so-called heroes tracked me down, intending to end my father's line for good. He was so loathsome to them that they would see none of his blood left on this earth. Why? I know not. They assaulted me because I am a villain, and say that I am a villain because my father was. My father, a man I had never met! And they tried to kill me for it. What choice did I have, but to accept these powers I have been granted?"
No. 295610 ID: 5d54a5
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I lean back a little, returning to a more reserved stance My grip tightens on my sword. I can't feel my wounds anymore. They don't exist to me. I was born for this. I feel something carrying my words... confidence.

"But I do not blame them. In fact, were it not for their assault, I'd have never left the reverie that was my old life. I have since abandoned the life of the mindless corporate drone. For the first time, my life is truly mine. I don't need to be held back. I can press onward, with anything I should desire! I am a villain, because I despise my old self. My old limitations."
No. 295611 ID: 5d54a5
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Words I never thought come from my lips. Phrases I never knew come to mind. I am carried onward, carried away.

"But that's all gone. I can't possibly go back now. The old me is dead. I fight on because I must. I fight because my father fights no more. I fight to learn just exactly why my father ever fought in the first place! I fight for this new life, for this role that has been thrust into me beyond my will. I will not run from this destiny. This world is mine to seize, and I refuse to let go."
No. 295612 ID: 5d54a5
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My wounds are no more. My weakness is gone. My fear has vanished. In this moment, I am invincible, and I am carried away.

"I am the Baron Obsidian..." I draw up my sword, pointing it at Law Legs dramatically. "...And I am free. There is nothing in this world that can stop a free man. Would you bother to try, Law Legs?"

He stands silent. He has stood silent this entire time, his left sleeve whipping lightly in the wind.
No. 295613 ID: 5d54a5
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His eyes narrow, and with a look of profound sadness, he breaks eye contact, and answers.


The moment passes. Law Legs looks back at me, the mask firmly back in place. Whatever I saw in that one moment is gone now. He loosens into a fighting stance. I do the same, but as I do, I ask one more question.

"And why, Law Legs, do you wish to stop me?"

The answer is simpler than I had expected.

"Because I can stop a free man."

I smile. The air is charged. The stage is set. "Is that so? We shall see. We have danced the dance of words, hero. It is time to dance the dance of blood. Show me your worst."
...Did I just say that? I just said that. Well, too late now. The Baron Obsidian does not go back on his word.

...does he?
No. 295614 ID: 1854db

Oh god we're going to die

Well, maybe not. Fight defensively. Have a teleport prepared at all times. Do not use teleports offensively ever, as your goal here is to stay conscious until your two allies are finished with Mana. You could try blocking one of his regular kicks but NEVER let him connect with a power attack.
No. 295617 ID: 8bc1ac

He totally does. He dies if he doesn't. This guy just danced the dance of blood with a guy entirely made out of blood and kicked his ass. We don't stand a chance. Besides, you're a man free of everything. That totally includes your own word.

Leap towards him with a strike, but teleport as far away as you can during it. Maybe still somewhere you can see how Deli and the Queen are doing, but only if you're sure you won't be found.
No. 295621 ID: 46c430

Of course he doesn't. Are you really going to back down now? This is who we are. Fight till the last.

Use this for tactics.
No. 295628 ID: c71597

Not after such a speech he doesn't.

Doesn't mean you have to fight like a moron and take his hits though. Use your teleports defenively. Keep alive and try to get a feel for him, how does he attack, how does he move and where and when can you strike? Once you have the information you think you need it will be time to unleash the counter attacks. And don't try for a big god damn hero/villian strike. You're unlikely to be able to end it in one glorious move, you will have to wear him down, make him tired and try to get him to make mistakes.
No. 295636 ID: 2bdeb9

We are totally going to die.

Fight defensively. Like, really defensively. None of that "Suddenly I am behind you!" stuff that's worked before. If he attacks, suddenly you are at least ten feet away. Have your sword ready only for that brief moment when he closes in, before you move away. Throw obsidian shards. We really need a ranged attack.

He said he can stop a free man? Let's make that a challenge. He has to catch us first.
No. 295640 ID: 56ec40

These these these. Fight ultra-defensively while observing his tactics. Try using forge obsidian to blast shards as makeshift buckshot if possible, perhaps you could even make them incendiary blasts using your flame aura. Whatever the case, wear him down heavily with a ranged hit and run strategy if you wanna stand a chance in melee.
No. 295642 ID: 8c06b9

Oh, yeah, and we can fly. So don't just hang around ground level either, absolutely no reason to.
No. 295646 ID: 9029dd

Your flight leaves after images, use this to your advantage.

Start flying around him and teleport whenever he attacks.
Don't always teleport behind him, keep a random-ish pattern going.

Throw Obsidian shards when you can.

Whittle him down.
No. 295685 ID: d4f98d

Sorry, after that speech, I'm afraid you're not allowed to chicken out.

Lets sum up what we know of this guy thus far:

-He's a kick-fighter.
-He does not hold back in combat.
-He's currently breathing rather heavily from his fight with Blood Knight.

Normally, I'd say we don't have a chance, but given the exertion he's been under: Fighting both Hollow Queen AND Blood Knight in rapid succession...we may have a fighting chance. Just don't test the waters by getting hit. Both Blood Knight and Hollow Queen went at him, full-out offensive. They got fucked up. Try to bait him into dangerous situations using your afterimages and teleportation, as was mentioned.

If you EVER lose sight of him, TELEPORT. I don't care where, just somewhere.
No. 295767 ID: cf244d

That was a pretty good speech.

You agreed to dance, but you have no obligation to focus overmuch on harming him. You're better off avoiding attacks as much as possible. Since he kicks and you fly, your waist should absolutely not be bellow his head ever. You should only be even that low when directly attacking. If we're lucky, Hollow Queen and Delirium will be able to incapacitate Mana, and will reinforce us.
No. 295771 ID: b6ca92

Good news, everyone!
With that little speech you just made the win condition change into: ESCAPE. IT is now no longer dishonorable to simply run away and hide.
Why? Because you challenged him to stop you, to catch you, and he accepted. This fight can only end in one of two ways: he catches you, or you slip from his grasp to fight another day.
So let's run away, DRAMATICALLY.
No. 295795 ID: 82479f

Utilize smoke bombs, if you have any. When you get fire control, if you don't already have it, remember that fire is always the best blinding weapon. Always always always. Especially with your teleport ability.
No. 295852 ID: bd2a40

After the speech you made, you should probably avoid out right fleeing.

Fight defensively for as long as possible, hoping your allies can come to your assistance.

Of course, you should not forget a few simple things. Namely, your allies are villains, which means that if they deem it necessary. they can just abandon you, so do not completely depend on them coming to help you.

The second thing is that you are also a villain. If during the fight it becomes obvious that you are about to lose rather painfully or terminally, just get the fuck out. Who cares what happens to the other villains, as long as you remain in relatively good health. The escape has to be done in a suave and dramatic fashion, of course.
No. 295867 ID: 40cb26

Teleport upwards, just within earshot.
"Oh wait I forgot, I have a date tonight. I don't mind having a epic battle leaving us both with concussions, but it simply would not do do disappoint a lady. Take a rain check?"

Villainous? Every long term villain knows when to run, ones that don't never get there. Practical? As not getting the snot beat out of you ever is. Classy? Nothing wrong with punctuating drama with a quick bit of funny. Theme? Ladies are your villainous soft spot, and this fits fine with that.

Port over and let the queen know how things went over here.
No. 295907 ID: 07416a

Seriously, people, run away? This is NOT the time to run away. We aren't being support right now, we're the main attraction. We have to stick this out. Fight defensively until we get backup, but do NOT run away.
No. 295911 ID: 081e71

Blacwick ain't gonna pussy out now. Fight!
No. 295918 ID: f6360f

No, the Baron Obsidian does not go back on his word.

That said, your whole speech ended up with you declaring yourself free- and he's said that he can stop you. As long as you make at least a respectable effort to fight him, you'll be keeping your word because you are, after all, as free to escape as you are free to stay. He might try to hunt you down and kill you, though; stopping free men can't be all that easy. Might want to keep an eye out after this is over.

Anyway. You know he'll slaughter you in melee, so keep on your toes and on the defensive. Teleport to a random place somewhere not to his front if he's closing on you, kite him with obsidian missiles, and keep your sword/shield ready to take the impact of any blow if you absolutely must. Keep to the air so that he has to keep leaping at you in order to engage, and if you ever lose track of him teleport to some distance away to reassess the field of battle immediately.

While doing this, steal a glance at Hollow Queen, Delirium, and Mana. If you can manage to delay this battle until theirs is over, you've effectively won- you'll be able to either rely upon your allies to defeat him, or be able to withdraw gracefully from combat with a quick one-liner after having made a good showing against a superior opponent. So all you need to do is survive for a while and make it clear that you're fighting (even if not terribly effectively) while not completely getting your ass kicked.
No. 295921 ID: 07416a

We can regenerate. We're a total newby on this scale. He's a big name. Even totally getting our ass kicked is impressive as long as it's one on one.

On the other hand, running away after a speech like that?.. We might as well hang up our cloak right there, we'll never get any respect again.
No. 295939 ID: 3566ec

Kite! Kite for your freedom, kite for your life.
No. 295983 ID: 5d54a5
Audio Shadowlord's_Theme_-_Unknown.mp3 - (5.33MB , Shadowlord's Theme - Unknown.mp3 )

No, I can't back down. Not now.

After a moment that feels much too long, he charges.
No. 295984 ID: 5d54a5
File 130261207244.png - (2.17MB , 700x5000 , 206 copy.png )

I immediately teleport up, 40 feet into the air. I watch as my after image disintegrates before his kick, and as I prepare a second teleport, I throw out a few shards with a taunt. "Oh c'mon, you're faster than that!" He follows my voice, and steps back to dodge my attack, before leaping up at me.

I teleport again, over the hospital this time, well away from him. "I thought you said you could stop a free man!" I taunt, preparing another obsidian shard. He looks to me, and kicks off the air. A small green burst appears behind him, and he is propelled towards me. The sound of a church bell echoes in the air. Well, that's not quite flying, but it might as well be when he can kick the freaking atmosphere.

My teleport needs another moment to charge. I toss an obsidian shard, and he deflects it with his book, using the momentum to turn towards a kick. I fly with the direction of his motion, swinging my sword in a desperate attempt to deflect the blow. It connects, and a loud crack splits the air.

My blade snaps, the top half sent flying, the bottom half falling from my grip under the force of the blow. I cry out in pain as I'm sent spinning through the air, but I recover, over the next building over. My wrist is broken, but I'm certain I managed to cut him with that. Law Legs lands heavily on the hospital building, slumped over for a moment. It doesn't last.

Law Legs raises his book up to me, and a runic circle appears on the floor around him. That... that can't be good. He begins to chant something, but I can't exactly hear it. The runes begin to glow, and I immediately teleport away, down to the roof of the next building over.

A giant green cross flies through the air where I was but a moment ago, the sound of bells ringing through the air once more. I don't know what it would have done to me, but I'm glad I dodged it. I look back to where Law Legs was, but he's gone! I teleport back 20 feet, to the other end of the roof, out of paranoia...

...just in time to see Law Legs slam down on the roof, right where I was. The roof crumbles under the blow, and Law Legs collapses into the building under me. My breathing hitches, and I'm sweating bullets. I need to move, but my body won't reply. I'm terrified.
No. 295985 ID: 5d54a5
File 130261209133.png - (1.32MB , 700x4000 , 207 copy.png )

The ground underneath me erupts, and I am knocked flying up into the air. I don't have a chance to respond before he's in the air beside me, delivering a hard kick to my ribcage. I'm sent rocketing over to the middle of the street. I open my eyes to see Law Legs above me, gearing up for another kick...

...And the next thing I know, I'm in Delirium's arms. "Why hello there, Wicky! So good of you to drop in!" And she laughs her maniacal laugh over her own pun. "Eeeheheeeheeheheheheee!"

And then the world becomes very... quiet. Delirium keeps talking to me, but I can't understand her. I try to make out the words, but it's very difficult... and I am very... tired...

...The world fades to black around me. Dark, silent black.
No. 295986 ID: 6930ef

Is Mana dead?! Oh my goodness!
No. 295987 ID: d81168

Forget Mana, are we still alive? DAMN, that guy kicked our ass, epic music by the way. Seriously though, the power diffrence was beyond belivable. Espeacily with the FX use by Legs there.

O GOD DAMMIT, I JUST REMEMBERED! Don´t we have a date later this day with Angel Frost?
No. 295989 ID: 6930ef

Of course we're alive - Delirium is saying 'Okay, good' in the penultimate panel. But yeah, shit was pretty crazy.
No. 295991 ID: 701a19

WAKE UP BLACWICK! You aren't dead enough to miss a date!
Don't you dare be unconscious at me young man!
No. 296017 ID: bd2a40

Wonder if you can use FX to wake the fuck up, because you will not fall pray to a stupid cliché.
No. 296023 ID: 644ca1

Fuck yeah that was awesome. Hope we can wake up before our date though. Why the hell did we put the date the same day as our epic battle anyway?

She can be rebuilt, they have the technology.
No. 296029 ID: 8cb188


Because we're Baron Obsidian, and that's how we roll.


Let's hope we wore him out a little, because wasn't Hollow Queen missing a hand from the last time she was fighting Law Legs? Even if she did get better..
No. 296182 ID: f6360f

You did well, Blackwick. Not perfectly, but as well as anyone could ask. Held your own with attitude and class, like a true villain should.

Now there's nothing left to do but hope that Delirium gets you out of there and that you wake up in time to date Angel Frost this evening.
No. 296211 ID: 9029dd


You did well baron.
You did excellently.

Deserves a movie deal.
No. 296213 ID: f88f02

Fuck you are NOT missing this date.
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