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File 130429193680.png - (31.46KB , 512x512 , Nothing_512_512.png )
300751 No. 300751 ID: 856690


Nothing but a vague awareness of self...
One moment you didn't exist, now you do...

Knowledge begins to flow, pouring in, it hurts you.

Murmuring... a voice?

"C~~ ~o~ ~~~r ~~"

The nothingness gives way to conspicuous something, definitely something, pity you haven't a clue what that something is.

A brown being stands before you in a oblong space, other objects you can't make out are present, everything is fuzzy. Bubbles rise periodically in your vision, every thing is tinted blue. Nothing makes sense, anchor-less knowledge floats in your consciousness.

Nothing makes sense...


The brown thing is still murmuring, you could concentrate on the voice, or try to make sense of what is going on, you don't even know what "you" are.
167 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 314785 ID: 0d095c


Well, I don't see any others, Meanieface...
No. 314789 ID: 44766a

Look its not a bad design or anything, it just doesn't fit with Spectrum's personality. How about a simple white dress? It would make Spectrum look a little angelic, what with the wings and everything.
No. 314790 ID: 0d095c

I'll get right on that.
No. 314791 ID: 35e1a0

i recommend a simple outfit of a nice plain shirt with a long skirt.
No. 314793 ID: 0d095c
File 130844428680.png - (174.71KB , 400x600 , Spectrum Dress.png )

Here ya go. Simple.
No. 314794 ID: 44766a

I like it.
No. 314804 ID: 44766a

By the way, when we are training Nirdhar, see if we can absorb ambient light and add it ourselves.
No. 314807 ID: 0d095c

And while we're absorbing ambient light, we may as well try focusing it into lasers. Or absorbing all of it and appearing as a dark blob.
No. 314818 ID: f0e3ae
File 130844740616.png - (150.17KB , 400x600 , Spectrum.png )

I like it. Mmmm, how about leaving a touch of color?

Photosynthesis! brilliant!
No. 314886 ID: a1cb4d
File 130845450712.jpg - (8.68KB , 270x194 , interference_pattern.jpg )

I like it, although the bottom and sleeves could be a bit shorter and thicker, say up to the knees and elbows. As they are a part of us magic-adsorbing objects could be an issue if the dress brushes against one or is caught by something capable of interacting with us.
While doing this consider the properties of light, if two beams of light of the same colour are emitted simultaneously at converging angles then a certain pattern forms, with the bright parts of the pattern being stronger than either light beam. By carefully modulating and altering the colour of the beams you should be able to change the pattern, but the overall patern never changes it's shape.
With such a property, shouldn't it be possible to increase the strength and coherancy of your light beams by adsorbing and emitting similar colours in time with each other? Much like how many similar drums beating simultaneously produces a louder noise than many being beaten at random, or like the voices in a choir?
No. 314933 ID: 8565dc

upvoting with all my might.

also, we can change our color, this means we are changing the frequency of a magical light-form. i suggest we attempt to make the most briliant blue light we can, and keep raising the frequency in that same direction.
if this is doable, do the reverse from a deep red.

hoping we end up with magic masers, or the non-visible frequencies of magical light are powers in and of themselves. theoreticaly, the clerics *brilliant light* is a form of high energy magic light.

inb4 enlightenment-science quest.
No. 315055 ID: 856690
File 130849668508.png - (181.00KB , 400x600 , Spectrumwerlinform.png )

[Overall roll; 89]
You are quite content with your new form, though it REALLY won't stay during combat. You feel almost like that you look like one of the holy Werlin.
[Unlocked new form; Werlinic Raiment]

Nirdhar makes no comment, unsurprising considering he can't see you.
You hover above him and whisper to him.
-What would you like to do Little Brother?-
I don't know, big sister
-Perhaps we should walk about the village,
That would seem a good idea Sister

You and Nirdhar go about the village observing various people going about their business. Both of you are fascinated by the Blacksmith working metal. He seems to have an almost magical control over the metal. He notices Nirdhar's rapt expression and rather good-naturedly shows Nirdhar how to make a horseshoe! The shoe Nirdhar makes would probably hurt a horse quite badly but the smith laughs, smiles and sends Nirdhar on his way.
[Nirdhar has acquired item; Crooked Horseshoe]
[You and Nirdhar have gained some basic knowledge about black smithing]

[roll; 10/20, average]
The trumpeters are still around from the wedding, One of them trumpets an impressive sound, apparently a song from Touniethr, the Land of the Dead! The trumpeter is very pleased at Nirdhar's interest and gives him a whittled wooden flute, after talking to him about music and showing him how to use it.
[Nirdhar has acquired item; Whittled wooden Flute!]
[Nirdhar can play a few musical notes on a flute!]

[roll; 11/20, average]
As you both wander about, You come across some children, by come across what is meant it get accidentally hit in the head by a leathery ball. At first the children are a bit apprehensive due to Nirdhar's appearance. He gets roped into playing all the same, and turns out to be comically bad at the game they are playing called rounds It is rounders, an Irish game played with a ball, though in this case the ball is the size of a football.

The children are a little sad when Nirdhar leaves them, They had gotten to like the “Funny Scaly Man”. You return to your wanderings, when you hear a voice. It is soft and clear, full of joy and love. It appears to be a mother, hanging out clothes to dry, judging by the mask she is also a Kithan.
You stay and listen for a time. Could you really make sounds as beautiful as that?

You gather your voices, and think of what you have heard and seen... then it rises from within you.
You Sing...
No. 315056 ID: 856690
Audio 62155_newgrounds_stairw.mp3 - (1.36MB )

[You can now Sing from the Heart]
You cannot however sing whenever, considering you don't really know how to, but any time the feeling takes you you can.
Somehow... it seems as if Nirdhar can hear you...

You return to the Inn to get Kyarin, feeling thoughtful...
Kyarin Speaks-You retur... What has happened? You are changed, I know it is you, but you seem so different?”
[roll; 25, terrible!]
You catch a sense of melancholy from Kyarin, she seems to be very very sad...

Your voices swirl, how will you respond, and how will you get her to come along for the training?
[Nirdhar is shining with glee and happiness]
[Nirdhar loves his Big Sister! He trusts you completely]
[You have both gained more Identity]
No. 315058 ID: 44766a

Ask her whats wrong.
No. 315059 ID: 44766a

Also have Nirdhar give her a hug or something.
No. 315064 ID: 847085

No. 315081 ID: 856690
File 130850592506.png - (247.59KB , 400x600 , NirdharhuggingKyarin.png )


At your behest Nirdhar hugs Kyarin!
Kyarin is surprised.
She is bony... but then she is a skeleton Nirdhar thinks.

-What is wrong, you seem to have a shadow over you Kyarin- You say.

Kyarin makes no move to remove Nirdhar, though she shifts uncomfortably and looks away from you.

-N-nothing, I'm f-fine, Nirdhar, can you let go? What did you want anyway?-
You sense... Confusion from Kyarin, as well as embrassment... but there seems to be another thing beneath all that...


Your voices swirl as you consider wether to press the issue or talk about training.

Coming to think of it though... You don't know anything about Kyarin really, though now might be a bad time to ask questions.
No. 315092 ID: 44766a

Tell her that if she wants to talk about anything she can talk to us, because she is our friend. Don't push the issue. Ask her if she wants to help with training.

Also we need to get Nirdhar some better clothes.
No. 315118 ID: f0e3ae

>better clothes...
shopping... gasp! makeover time!
No. 315125 ID: 0d095c

No. 315150 ID: 856690
File 130852520718.png - (105.10KB , 371x379 , Kyarinhoodsecond.png )

-If you want to talk about anything, you can talk to me, if you feel like it, are we not friends...-

There is a dry clacking sound, Kyarin's laugh.
-Friends! I barely know you, you barely know me... and yet... I find myself thinking of you as a friend-

{Spectrum}-I am pleased Kyarin, tell me, would you assist in training Nirdhar?-
{Kyarin}-Gladly, where shall we train?-
{Spectrum} -The forests near here, we should remain undisturbed there-

You, Nirdhar and Kyarin relocate to the woods near Nasdmoor.

Kyarin teaches Nirdhar how to hold his weapon properly, and they spar, him using his light-claw and using his sword, Kyarin her lance.

You don't pay much attention, as you become absorbed in thoughts about the nature of your light.
You find that by intersecting beams and by absorbing and emitting similar colours in time with each other you can make a more powerful blast.
[New Power: Cross Beam]

You try to do something a bit more complex... but you find you just don't have that level of control.
[Light mastery too low for variable light or Ghost-light]

[You may roll a 1d100 for how well Kyarin and Nirdhar's spar goes.
No. 315151 ID: 856690
File 130852522484.png - (263.70KB , 400x600 , Darknessconsuming.png )

You wonder, you know that you absorb free floating energy, but what about ambient light?
You try, and find yourself feeling more whole, and more luminous.

...but how much can you absorb?
You begin to draw, more...
And more...
And more...

Is wrong, you feels something swell inside of you

-MoRe LiGhT-
No. 315152 ID: 0d095c

rolled 81 = 81


Also, rollin.
No. 315153 ID: 856690
Audio 135517_heartbeatsong10_choralvers.mp3 - (523.18KB )

You hear a voice sing
No. 315154 ID: 35e1a0

fire a laser straight up until you calm down!
No. 315162 ID: 980ade

rolled 53 = 53


Expell energies as quickly as you can. You have been overpowered by the evil inside you/one we have just absorbed. Using energy will probably force it to leave because staying in a withering container is not something that power hungry things do.
No. 315164 ID: 980ade

Or just focus on what the priest taught you and concentrate all of the energy that we know is OURS into the center of ourselves. And then expand the barrier.
No. 315165 ID: 856690
File 130852711827.png - (64.69KB , 300x300 , Dusk.png )

-And now I have awoken!-

NO no no no no!
You desperately try to fire off light, but you find no light to fire, only darkness.
You Try to find yourself, create a holy ward and expand it.

To your horror, you do not find yourself. You are not there.

[Nirdhar is filled with terror!]
[Kyarin has collasped]
Something has gone horrible wrong, this, this thing came from devouring light...
All that is left of Spectrum in this monster is some scattered voices... the others...

They were silenced.
{Darkest Hour}

Is there any hope left?
Do you broken voices surrender

Or will you still fight the Dusk?
No. 315166 ID: 44766a

No. 315167 ID: 44766a

No. 315168 ID: 0d095c

Fuck surrendering to the darkness! We must continue to battle against this evil from within! FIGHT ON! NEVER GIVE UP! NEVER SURRENDER! YOURS IS THE LIGHT THAT WILL BLIND THE HEAVENS! Keep fighting your way clear! Kick the Darkness' arse!

And if that priest happens to notice the horrible aura of darkness forming near the town, we'd be most happy if he'd lend a hand
No. 315169 ID: 980ade




You know what? FUCK NO! We are ourselves, we are Spectrum, the sister(s) of Nirdhar. We will not allow our body to be taken by something as wicked as this... Thing. We have a duty, and that duty is to protect our brother. Because of our actions he is now lost. If we stay like that he could fall even lower that we did.


Concentrate not on saving our body for ourselves but for the thing we have always identified with. The form that we told others we are. Protector(s) of our brother against this which is evil. This... "Dusk" thing is just a creature with no goal. It's just like a scary monster. If you do have a reason to stand up to it there is no reason to be scared.

Thus there is no "Dusk". There is and always will be only Spectrum and Nirdhar.
No. 315175 ID: 44766a

We voices need to band together. Dusk is but one. WE ARE MANY!
No. 315181 ID: 856690
Audio Solusdecentintodarkness.mp3 - (5.98MB )

[Update pending, some battle music to get ya'll pyched up]

[Feel free to make plans as to how you are going to pull yourself together and then fight, though I see you have already begun that!]

You cannot let it end like this, NEVER, You are many but this Dusk, born of darkness you created is few!

You will never let yourself become a Chlan!
No. 315182 ID: 0d095c

PURGE the darkness! We created it by condensing the light within us below its' Magical Schwarzschild Radius, create a Black Hole! We must therefore reverse it by starting from our center and radiating light through all our extremities from within. Therefore, we must focus from absorbing or expelling all light within us to REFRACTING light through use, to cut apart the darkness and destroy it with our inherent light.

We could also wait for a voice besides me to come up with a better plan.
No. 315184 ID: 44766a

We sure individually drive back the darkness around us, form up and surround Dusk, and BURN HER OUT OF EXISTENCE!
No. 315186 ID: 44766a

Er... the plan above mine sounds like a more detailed version of mine lets go with that.
No. 315187 ID: f0e3ae

We are legion! :P

Could we have been made out of a chlan? or based on their structure? that would explain what Reatel said, where dusk comes from, and how similar our abilities are to theirs. Or did our attempt to devour light call one to us? (but then, why would it say "I awaken")?
Whatever we were made out of, what matters is what we are now. Not a thoughtless devourer. Sister and guardian of nirdhar, Friend of Kyarin, daughter of Defiu, Savior of Antimpavoroah, Disciple of Tristum Falus in the art of healing, Disciple of Reatel in the use of the holy light.
We are a protector against the Chlan and we will not fall or falter. We will master all magics, we will fight and destroy the chlan, we will bring justice upon the murderer of our mother, justice but not revenge. This presence, dusk, seeks to feed on all light, well lets see how it likes the taste of holy light. Purify it.
No. 315188 ID: 44766a

Wait, voices should pair up. One protects the other with a holy ward. The other attacks Dusk according to the plan above.
No. 315197 ID: 847085

Woohoo, time for us to fight back!
I say some act as mirrors, to intensify the little light we have right now, before it gets eaten.
No. 315199 ID: 856690
File 130853141288.png - (99.71KB , 337x245 , Duskpurging.png )

You could give up... fall...

Your voices struggle and swarm. Whirling around the vile Chlan Spirit.
You created it, you can destroy it. Holy light will purge it!

Your remaining voices form a circle, each voice that is firing light in turn being protected by a holy ward.

The Dark Dusk shudders then writhes in pain. It seems to be working, slowly working, the Chlan is suffering damage! Your shining voices spin around it, bound in pairs, just a little longer. Foolish monster to try and take your body!

Then a... Noise comes from the Dusk, louder and louder. You feels pain, revulsion, then in a blast of sound your voices are flung away. The Dusk still devouring light.

IT Speaks...
-Do you really think you can defeat me you rebellious voices, I am you more than that I am what you could never hope to be, I have mastery over voice, something you neglected completely you pathetic weakling-

There is another screeching blast, and a number of your voices fall.


Another blast and your voices scatter to escape it.

-SUMBIT! You cannot hope to win, I control our form now! I WILL BE HEARD!-

It blasts with voice again.

-I am what you are, you cannot deny me, accept your fate, I shall kill our mother's killer! Just submit to me, we shall be more powerful than ever, We shall command armies with our voice!...

Your voices are scattered, you almost had the Dusk, but it escaped...
What now?
You still have voice, will you be heard over the Dusk's howls?
No. 315204 ID: 980ade

And now I'm too slow once again. :(
No. 315205 ID: 856690

Actually that plan you had was thinking in the right direction.
No. 315206 ID: 847085

The Inspired Voices...we still have them, right? We can use them to aid in pushing back the Chlan, in silencing him. We'll need quite a speech to come out of this alive.
No. 315207 ID: 0d095c


And at that point, punch it in the ethereal groin And stab it with a cutlass made of lasers, made of fury and pimp slap that look off its' face.
No. 315208 ID: 980ade

"HEAR ME" indeed.

We hear all you say. We hear your promises. We see that you are strong.

And yet we are stronger. We are stronger because he have others helping us. We have not only their strengths but also their belief in us. A thing a monster like you will not understand. We do not exist for revenge but for protection. And you are only a tiny part of us. One that even now struggles to stay alive. You are nothing. We are scattered and yet we wound you deeply. And you say you are powerful? Nice joke.

(As for battle plan:

The fact that Dusk is probably a singular being instead of a mass of voices like us will be it's downfall.

Our body was created by the conciousnesses of all of us. Thus it's structure is not a solid one but instead one made of parts connected to each other.

Our will kept them in place. Dusk on the other hand doesn't have the will (as we just kicked its ass pretty hard) to multitask at keeping them all in place when we attack at many places (as we are many).

So I say we should repeat what we were doing but use the light to pull away pieces of it so they can be destroyed easier. At the same time I'm sure our voices can turn into a strong message of compassion and duty that will show it how weak it actually is compared to us and how all it says is lies or nothing we would want. And since it's the same as us weaking it's "identity" or "spirit" with our own reason and voice is as powerful as a direct attack)

(And we know quite a lot about pulling things apart since that destruction healing magic training. It's not the same but the idea is similar.)
No. 315209 ID: 980ade

So yeah, I posted something similar :P
No. 315241 ID: 44766a

Use an Inspired Voice. Let us show this Pretender the true meaning of mastery over Voice. "WE ARE MANY! TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER! WE ARE THE HOLY LEGION! BEWARE FOUL SPIRIT!" Then all Voices should start singing a Battle Song.
No. 315274 ID: a1cb4d
Audio rapture.mp3 - (1.62MB )

We hear you, but your voice is discordant.
Discordancy removes any benefit of extra power you can bring.
Let us show you what harmony can achieve.
Strip pieces off our body and fill them with light of all colours, so not to destroy them.
Then pour our memories into them. All our feelings, goals and desires. Soul. Everything.
Once these pieces are glowing with light, get them to synchronise with each other while some of us bath them in light tinted with a small amount of holiness.
We may also want to try singing in unison while we do this, hopefully any weaknesses can be reduced by the resonance, allowing those who falter or are lost to easily come back to us.
Continue with the buddy system as well, and can someone blast it in the throat? By concentrating its power on such an organ, it has rendered itself vulnerable to disruption.
And be watchful, surely other spirits have noticed this, and Kyarin's response could indicate that other chlan are on the prowl.
I guess I finally found a use for a Marathon song
No. 315466 ID: 856690
File 130858765725.png - (161.06KB , 500x300 , DusktoDawn.png )

Is it just me or did a few posts disappear? Oh well, ONWARD!

Hear me indeed, does this Chlan truly think you'll fall with just this, no, there is more fight in your voices than that. You will be the one to be heard!

-We hear all you say. We hear your promises. We see that you are strong.-

[An Inspired Voice speaks!]

-And yet we are stronger. We are stronger because he have others helping us. We have not only their strengths but also their belief in us. A thing a monster like you will not understand. We do not exist for revenge but for protection. And you are only a tiny part of us. One that even now struggles to stay alive. You are NOTHING. We are scattered and yet we wound you deeply. And you say you are powerful? Nice joke.-

It recoils, it seems that your conviction has harmed it, and your feeling burn it.

The monster shudders as your voices send out sonic blasts of their own.

Then you feel, what was shrouded in darkness, your heart, and you sing.
[Sing from the Heart!]
[You have awakened your power of voice!]

First it is only one voice, then another joins, then another, all your voices connect, resonating in harmony with each other.

-We hear you, but your voice is discordant.
Discordance weakens, your offer of power is tainted.
Let us show you what harmony can achieve.-

You recall your knowledge of purifying... the dusk isn't a illness but... looking at it you see similarities, you see gaps in it's form, tentrils interlocking keeping it together... you can see...
Where to pull.

It roars in rage as your voices pull and rip it apart, making it loose form of it's own accord.
Not enough, not enough to simply pull it out! You need to reclaim what was yours. As you pull pieces of the dusk apart, you bathe them in light, your lost voices returning to you, More voices joining in song.

The Dusk shudders again, and this time voices come free of their own accord, you pour your feelings, your memories, you whisper to the lost voices of the dusk's lies, how it is weaker and how it will be defeated., you voice your goals and desires.
[Purifying skill: Basic conversion gained]

You pour your very heart into your lost voices.

The Dusk Screams in pain as your heart burns it from within.
[Gained upgrade; Heart of Hope, powers unknown]

It opens it's maw to speak it's lies again but you are not so foolish as to let it speak again.
Your voices gather as one, and what passes for the Dusk's throat is rendered into pieces.
You speak once more.

-This is the end of you, I made you though my own mistake, and now I end you, but before you are gone, I have one final question-

-Can you still hear me?-

The Dusk vanishes as it turns back into your voices.

And the darkness around you lifts.
Was all that a battle in your mind?

You are surprised by the shining eyes of Reatel gazing from his helm at you.He appears to have been wounded and his armour is broken is several places, one of the horns on his helm is gone and his cloths are tattered. The tip of his staff is also blackened.

With that he promptly goes away...
Nirhar and Kyarin are on the ground, they do not move.

[Light absorption gained!, you can recover luminance]
[You feel weaker, and your voices are not as {loud}]
[Darkform gained]
[Congratulations you defeated Dusk before Reatel did!]
[Darkest hour Conquered!]
[Reward; hint; Darkform will corrupt you if you use it, and Dusk can return, she isn't destroyed completely]

[spoiler]I find it amusing you fought a chlan with the power of heart, but then again, if you hadn't you'd be gone! Chlan hate heart[spoiler]
No. 315495 ID: f0e3ae

>[You feel weaker, and your voices are not as {loud}]
used up the voice, so that is natural.

>[Darkform gained]
>[Reward; hint; Darkform will corrupt you if you use it, and Dusk can return, she isn't destroyed completely]
well we are definitely not using that.

>[Light absorption gained!, you can recover luminance]
Well now. This triggered dusk in the first place, but will it also result in corruption and resurgence of dusk if we use it? Or was dusk always there and merely the process of "feeding" awoke it?

We should ask Reatel to wait for a moment (I would like to be here when our friends wake up to explain. If he is too far away already then we will talk to him later).
Ask him if he is hurt, if his staff is damaged, and the question above about the "consumption" of light. Ask him if he could teach us any more about being a priest. And explain to him exactly what was happening, us being a homonculus of sorts (normally something to keep quiet but under these circumstances...), and ask for his insight on what happened to us and about the method we stopped it. Also if he knows someone who could teach us proper magic, as a being of magic we naturally mess with it but its dangerous and we almost got killed several times already, we need proper instruction.

I wonder, what if we use
>[Purifying skill: Basic conversion gained]
on light as we absorb it? or just use it regularly on ourselves? (don't do it right now)

We should try turning our attention inwards and seeing if we can locate and purify the sleeping remains of dusk. Maybe regularly purify our entire body... actually before doing that we should ask Reatel if such an action would be harmful.
No. 315501 ID: 35e1a0

i think absorbing TOO MUCH light at once caused it. like a blackhole, as long as we only absorb a slower steady stream of light we should be fine.
No. 315531 ID: 980ade

We should of course go and check if Nirdhar is ok. Same for Kyarin. But then of course we can't really wake them up forcibly, as the last time they saw us we were a monster. And being suddenly woken up to see the thing that was probably just about to kill them (even if it's in another form) is kinda bad. So if we see that they are ok we should just wait for them to wake up and then start apologizing for putting them in jeopardy or, if it seems they'll stay unconcious for a longer time, ask Reatel if he could help us get them to the inn.

As for the other things I was thinking about MrTT summed them up nicely.
No. 315538 ID: 44766a

I wonder if there is a way to completely destroy Dusk or if this is one of those "where there is Light, there is also Shadow" kinda deals.

Also, Singing seems to be one of our greatest weapons. I wonder if we can use this to focus our other powers.

Are we Spectrum of the Dawn now?
No. 315539 ID: f0e3ae

I think it would be best if we can get Reatal to join the party. We know that Dusk is not completely destroyed and if we bungle about and accidently awaken it again and this time fail to suppress it then it would be best for our friends and the world at large if he was there to put us down. Dusk went toe to toe with him even while fighting us and I would shudder to think what it could do once we are more then 2 days old and actually gained some real power.
No. 315551 ID: 44766a

If Nirdhar isn't too freak out by us, I suggest we give him a Haunt-hug. Perhaps, we should softly Sing to him while he sleeps to ward off nightmares.
No. 315566 ID: 0d095c

Yes, try and convince him to travel with you. Also, offer to help him find a new hat, as his was damaged. Somehow. Seriously, how powerful WAS Dusk, if Reatel lost a Horn and his staff, when before he just bitch slapped the spirit away without any effort? We must be incredibly badass, for an intangible cloud of light and sound.
No. 315606 ID: a1cb4d

Hmm...probably the fact that we were actively consuming light awakened it. If we had a way to refract light passing through ourselves then we could passively adsorb energy from light without consuming it.
But before we start messing around with redshifting and the like, let's make sure our companions are alright, their auras may indicate any problem Reatel may have missed.
No. 315615 ID: 44766a

((Quest Discussion has revealed that Dusk formed because we consumed too much light too fast. Consuming small amounts like my original plan shouldn't hurt us that badly. Still need to be more careful about now that Dusk exists.))
No. 315641 ID: 44766a

Set up a Holy Ward around them until they wake up.
No. 315676 ID: bb6062

Our voices are not as loud? This matters not, for we have learned to do the same thing with our voice as we have with our light, and the harmony, the reverberation of sound makes it easier to hear despite the caucophany elswhere.

We now understand that our voices may be our greatest power, as well as the harmony inherent of them, and we should remember this.

I suggest we each of our voices should focus on harmonising our voices with the others in the chorus, for each of us has a part to play in our destiny.
No. 315682 ID: bb6062

But something I just realised...

When we harmonise our light and voice, the waves do indeed make bright places in the matrix, but as these waves amplify in some places, behinde the sweep of light the waves shall cancell each other, making a space of null-light withing our self, and in the projection of our power.

We should be wary of this.
No. 315943 ID: 856690
File 130868368962.png - (212.93KB , 400x640 , Flaky.png )

You quickly realize that things would be much safer if you had Reatel around...

Where did he go? He was there a few moments ago! Why did he move away so quickly? Did he consider you to not be a danger any more? Oh well, perhaps you can find him later.

Or can you?

No matter, you are more worried about Nirdhar and Kyarin, you float over to them, they are still asleep, though that seems odd in Kyarin's case, you hope nothing is wrong. Nirdhar is peaceful, he doesn't seem to be having any nightmares or such. Your first impulse is to wake them, but considering how they may have last seen you, that may not be such a good idea.

You look at Nirdhar's aura and Kyarin's spirit muscles, both seem much more stable than before...
You set up a holy ward.
You feel better instantly, both Nirdhar and Kyarin shift a bit, but if anything they seem even more peaceful than before! You try to sing, but you just don't have it in you at the moment. Though at the same time, you feel as if this conflict has let your voices grow stronger, more in tune with each other, there is a unity which was not previously there.
[Your voices are more harmonious!]

As you float, considering the ramifications of Dusk lurking within and the dangers of using your light, you suddenly become aware that on the ground before you, is Tristam's snow-white crow, Flaky. There is also the two refined crystals you paid to be so, on the ground. When did she get there? You didn't sense her go through the barrier.

-What are you?-

Flaky SMILES, beaks shouldn't go that.
The voice that comes from the bird is completely different to the croaking cawing that the bird was making before, this voice, is utterly female, golden, dulcet and honeyed.
“Smart little spirit, well what Tristam said is true, I am his familiar, but I'm not here to explain anything, I'm here to deliever those crystals to you... and I have a prophecy...”

The Crow's eyes shine, and her voice takes on a ghostly echo.
“You have done well to stand against the Dark
Though it has left its Mark.
So where shall you go from here Spirit?
To Tagan where you'll find liars and smiling faces, could you bear it?
To Cartin where war rages and Kings and Queens plot?
Or to Terresta, beset by wraiths, can you hope to heal that rot?
What of your self, purposeless will you find your meaning?
Will you do it while Erimael is Burning?

You will find hope in the sign of the dragon, do not mistake the serpent for it or you will suffer.
The scales will tip over the mountains on the weight of tears.
The old can become new, if only you can find the heart of mystery.
The Dead Lord weeps
The storm that swept the mountains did not go unnoticed.
A thousand masks lay faceless, where did the piper go?
The crown of peace lies on the fallen

Tell me, Tell me, where did the story go, since the shadowed Robe walks the lands of painted smiles?
Why do the rats climb from beneath?
Can you see the form of the jester, can you see the jester's stained hands?
Old hatred is masked.
The child of tricks lies in a box.
Trust not what you are made to see, the wrong people are wearing the wrong masks.
What is worse than wraiths?
What is tied and what is not, I care not!

Can the Dark be killed, can it be silenced?
Will your voice be heard by the Maiden of Sorrows?
Be wary, the tears will tear.
Can you stop the starless night?

The dancing one can help, her wings will guide, her laughter destroy you.

You will know that the end is coming when it cannot be found.

So then, how far can you flee, and how long can you hide?
Only a spark is needed to light the fire


Then in a flutter of feathers, Flakey is gone, leaving you quite confused, what was that all about?

[X2 Refined Manabanks acquired!]

You have no time to think of what happened as Kyarin and Nirdhar wake.
-Huh? What happened?-

After a few moments you find out that Kyarin and Nirdhar have no memories of what happened.

You could not tell them...

[Well you can tell them or not tell them, do post how you intend to tell them if you tell them. Decide what you'll do tomorrow morning and which of the three places you'll go to first! Next Update will include a template for Nirdhar's new clothes!]

No. 315952 ID: cd63e9

we should tell them. not doing so would put them at risk and keeping secrets from them would be a very bad idea.
No. 315962 ID: 980ade

Agreed. We just fought Dusk using their belief in us (and vice versa) as an argument. It would make us hypocrites if we would hide the truth from them.

As for how to say it...

I have something to tell you that saddens me greatly. You do not remember it but I feel that it's wrong not to tell you as I care about both of you. A few moments ago I have learned that I might not be such a good creature as I thought myself to be. While you were training I decided to do the same. A stupid mistake summoned a Chlan spirit... and I think it could have been inside me all the time. It said so itself, but it could have been just a trick to crush my spirit. I do not know for sure. But I do not believe it.

If it wasn't for Reatel, who arrived here, that creature, Dusk, would probably hurt you.

I know that what I speak of might be terrifying and shocking but the only thing that allowed me to beat that vile creature was the love for you and the fact that you believed me to be good. I hope that what I said will not destroy that feelings.

And I'm sorry for putting you both in danger. Will you forgive me? (Maybe spread your arms for a spectral hug and wait for them to do that?)
No. 315981 ID: b1f0e2

I agree with telling them but disagree with the phrasing. For specific example:
>I have learned that I might not be such a good creature as I thought myself to be.
Why would you say something like that? Its not even true, you actually learned that you are an even better person than you thought... you actually defeated a chlan with the power of heart!

Alternative text:
I think you should know of a certain danger. I tried to absorb light from the sun, I tried to absorb too much and that somehow summoned, or created, or awakened a chlan spirit within me; I am not sure where it came from exactly and I aim to find out. It would have hurt you but Raetal protected you while I regained control of my own body and purified it. However I fear it is not completely destroyed. It has been weakened greatly and bound but it still exists.
No. 315987 ID: 35e1a0

yes, they need to know. but explain that you also know how to keep it under control. you basically absorbed light at a fast enough rate that you absorbed the light you even output which caused a negative feedback-loop.
No. 315991 ID: 980ade

Yeah, the part about being evil should be changed to this ;D Thanks, man :P
No. 316006 ID: 4d53f4

We should not allow ourselves to lie to our friends, but i find it a point that we should perhaps not allow this to harm our friends iether.

Tell them everything, but we must do our utmost best not to overly sadden them.

Also, in the futere, this may be an unnecesary warning, but it might not always be a good idea to divulge everything, where the full truth may do harm.
No. 316128 ID: b1f0e2

presentation and lying are two different things.
"Today I killed an old woman in cold blood, I am a horrible person" and "Today I heroically saved several children who were being held hostage by a supervillainess" can both be 100% true and describe the exact same incident. We are going to tell them everything, but not "we are horrible horrible person who did bad and will harm you". We aren't, we are a nice girl whose heart is in the right place. Something really bad happened for reasons we do not understand and we overcame it with the power of love (TM).
No. 316139 ID: bb6062

i cant...

now suggesting pony form...
No. 316142 ID: 0d095c

Yes. Go with this. AND NO PONY FORM. If we WERE going to make a ridiculous form, it would obviously be PIRATE FORM.
No. 316143 ID: 44766a

No. Just no.
No. 316167 ID: cd63e9

doing a major form change right now would probably be a bad idea. if we want to take our look in a new direction we should probably do so at a later date.
No. 316269 ID: a1cb4d

Seconding this, even though it may horrify and sadden them it is important that they know that this may happen in future.
However omit the part about us "not being such a good creature as we thought ourselves to be", good and evil are invalid when considering your origins. We may be made from Chlan but we are not a spirit of hatred and darkness! We have no void where our heart is!
Heart is not weak! It is the inner strength that sustains the being, the just cause of the soldier, the code of morals that brings the truth to light, the one that fights the seemingly futile fight, and wins! Heart is not about doing good merely because it is right! It is about doing good because someone is threatened, because something may be lost! It is about finding something you would spend your life doing, and dedicating yourself to it!
No. 316270 ID: a1cb4d

And no pony form. Seriously. What can a horse do that we can't in our current form?
No. 316271 ID: 0d095c

Good idea. Who thought claiming we were evil would be a good idea? In front of the Soul Rending Apostle, too?!
No. 316287 ID: 856690

You could so easily not tell them... but that wouldn't be right, they need to know, they should know, how would your light stay pure if you kept such a dark secret within yourself?

-I think you should know of a certain danger. I tried to absorb light from the sun, I tried to absorb too much and that somehow summoned, or created, or awakened a chlan spirit within me; I am not sure where it came from exactly and I aim to find out. It would have hurt you but Raetal protected you while I regained control of my own body and purified it. However I fear it is not completely destroyed. It has been weakened greatly and bound but it still exists. I basically absorbed light at a fast enough rate that I absorbed the light I even output which caused a negative feedback-loop.

I know that what I speak of might be terrifying and shocking but the only thing that allowed me to beat that vile creature was the love for you and the fact that you believed me to be good. I hope that what I said will not destroy those feelings.-

-And I'm sorry for putting you both in danger. Will you forgive me? -

Nirdhar, for one accepts this easily, he doesn't have the memory of the terrifying Dusk in his head so it is easy. Kyarin is silent for a time.
-The best of us, never mind the worse can fall into darkness, but from what you said, you did not let yours consume yourself, for this you have my respect, I believe if such was to happen again, you would fight back even harder.-

[Kyarin Respects you more]

You feel as if a burden deep within you has become smaller...

You all decide that returning to the inn, throughout the night, Flaky's words echo in your mind

Nirdhar wakes refreshed, you greet him and he returns the greeting with joy.
[Nirdhar is glad to be alive!]
You get supplies for Nirdhar and also do some shopping for clothes for him.

[Nirdhar pic for clothes, keep it clean, and remember you can use discriptions instead]
[Right CRUNCH time people, you need to vote on which location to visit first]
Currently two voices for Tagan
None for Canrtin
None for Terrestra
[Note if you want to go to all three, and start with Tagan, you'll have to go through Tagan twice]
No. 316288 ID: 856690
File 130875350693.png - (60.50KB , 400x600 , Nirdhartemplate.png )

Urg, I messed up. Here is the picture!

Also three 1d100 rolls, where-ever you are heading.
No. 316297 ID: 0d095c
File 130875672375.png - (146.52KB , 400x600 , Nirdhar Cloak thing.png )

rolled 71 = 71

Here you go. First, the Serious One. It's a cloaky tunic thing.
No. 316298 ID: 0d095c
File 130875678214.png - (173.56KB , 400x600 , NirdhARRRRRr.png )


Yeah, I'm gonna make one of these for EVERY character we come across.
No. 316300 ID: 0d095c

P.s. VOting for Cantrin.
No. 316311 ID: b1f0e2
File 130876031097.jpg - (9.94KB , 224x299 , Japanese_Men_s_Kimono_HAKAMA_Made.jpg )

nirdhar should wear Hakama pants and either go shirtless or wear a a hawaiian floral shirt
No. 316312 ID: b1f0e2
File 130876035475.jpg - (10.62KB , 114x200 , hawaiian-floral-shirt~16231313.jpg )

The shirt
No. 316375 ID: 0d095c

...And you were bitching about the pirate costumes?
No. 316407 ID: b1f0e2

for a pretty woman? yes I was. pirate costume, while silly, still looks much better on nirdhar then it would on spectrum.
No. 316410 ID: 44766a

We should probably visit the kingdoms in the order that we reach them.
No. 316696 ID: a1cb4d

Hmm, depending on on the town and areas we may go through we will need different things.
For clothing we should go for something reasonably inexpensive, comfortable, and durable; hemp or it's equivalent should fit all of these criteria, and we should be able to pick up a mid-thigh length tunic and leggings easily.
Avoiding unusual colours would help a lot in making Nidhar less noticeable in a crowd too.
Footwear of some sort would be handy, but the chances of finding digigrade sandals may be low due to a lack of customers for them.
After that we should find a decent cloak and suppies such as a waterskin, rations and sleeping gear.
Thankfully having an intermediate town to our destination means that any gear more suited to less...mediterranean environments can be purchased there.

If we can find the spare time it would be a good idea for you and Nidhar to practice using your blessings from ANTIMPAVAROAH!, both haunting and seperately, focus on manipulation and movement of the energies contained in the sword and your own body. We do not want to neglect developing an ability that could greatly enhance us both.

...Wait pirates AND sammurai?
No. 316697 ID: a1cb4d
File 130882255139.png - (55.75KB , 400x600 , Igodwhathaveidone.png )

No. 316712 ID: 0d095c

I'm okay with this.
No. 316728 ID: bd2a40

Best one so far.
No. 316796 ID: b1f0e2
File 130886400639.png - (93.74KB , 400x600 , Nirdhar.png )

I made a picture of what I had in mind.

Very samurai. best so far. Well, best aside from my own plan of course :P
No. 316824 ID: 980ade


I support this... I don't have an idea what this thing is. But it looks nice.
No. 316868 ID: b1f0e2

it's Hakama pants (samurai pants) and a hawaiian shirt worn open to show off his sexy beefcake muscles.
No. 317133 ID: 856690
File 130893651564.png - (93.46KB , 400x600 , Nirdhartopless.png )

[Last Update of the first Chapter will be due on sunday GMT]
[This is due to stuff hsppening, this time, hopefully good]

[So here is A topless Nirdhar!]
No. 317134 ID: 856690
File 130893661471.gif - (244.70KB , 400x600 , Nirdharawesome.gif )

[And here is a mildly animooted Nirhar!]
[Feel free to continue vote on destination]

[Here is hoping this works]
No. 317135 ID: 856690

[Apologies, animootion seems not to be working]
No. 318001 ID: b1f0e2

alright people, we need more votes to actually reach a consensus.
No. 318013 ID: 980ade

Nirdhar outfit looks pretty awesome.

As for destination: I'd like to go: "WRAITHS>BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE>DEM GOBLINS"

But since we're not strong enough to go to CHLAN INVASION CITY I vote:

Tagan then Terresta and then Cantrin (we can go through Tagan twice, why not. And a place without a king is, at least for me, more dangerous then one that has one fighting to save his people/horcruxes. And we are training Anti-chlan abilities)
No. 318067 ID: 856690
File 130912960345.png - (286.33KB , 400x600 , NirdharhuggingKyarinagain.png )

Yup, small tiny end, but really the fight with Dusk was the finale for this chapter

You decide to Head for Tagan, the land of songs and joy, considering yourself to be too weak to counter Chlan wraiths in Terrestra. Canrtin sounds dangerous in it's current state of turmoil.

So it was that Spectrum the artificial Jinnous, a Chorus of Whispers began her journey.
She found about some things about her self
She strengthened her bonds with her vat-brother the seehi-homunculus Nirdar Brighthand.
Kyarin Viotellez a wight of a kingdom long gone joined them in their journey southward.

Southwards to Tagan.

What will they find in that land of masked peoples?

There is one mystery above all the others that you wish to know the answer to.
Who was Tristum? To have such a powerful familiar... no mere hedgemage...

Why was Antimpavaroah ,a half-elemental dragon, imprisoned within a sphere?

Who is Parumrir?

Is it the fiery magus who burnt down Defiu's lab, before you and Nirdhar could be completed?

Or is it someone else entirely?


-Nirdhar! Kyarin is looking glum, hug her again!-

Yes Sister!

[Congratulations! You have survived an encounter with an Implacable Gelatinous Ooze and a Chlan Fiarn born from your own heart, in darkness you created!]
[Please post thoughts and such in the discussion thread, I'd love some opinions etc...]
[Also look in the discussion thread for another option/choice!]

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