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348635 No. 348635 ID: a00410

Here I look at my own face in the liquid steel.
A weapon in my hand and it feels so... good

I'm Tobark Rensiv, as Sergal yes, But I've always been a bit timid. And well a nerd. I like video games, juggling and sci fi movies. I work as an orderly in a hospital and take art classes. I want a girl friend that I can talk to and... none of that matters if I don't live through this.

So here I am with my insane freak brother and a bugler. And both of them seem far more useful here than me.

Well time to pull my weight.

14 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 363569 ID: 67bd53

This is good stuff, and I'm enjoying the adventure, but I should be concentrating on getting you out alive. Yes that guys a real jerk, but if you terrified him, you may want to apologize and say: "Sorry I yelled at you, but I blacked out while on a date, woke up in a jail cell with my crazy ass brother who licks me, and the burglar who tried to steal from said date. You're NOT the only one who's had a bad day!"
No. 363570 ID: 67bd53

This is good stuff, and I'm enjoying the adventure, but I should be concentrating on getting you out alive. Yes that guys a real jerk, but if you terrified him, you may want to apologize and say: "Sorry I yelled at you, but I blacked out while on a date, woke up in a jail cell with my crazy ass brother who licks me, and the burglar who tried to steal from said date. You're NOT the only one who's had a bad day!"
No. 364265 ID: a00410
File 132066377960.jpg - (216.47KB , 1050x552 , c4p5.jpg )

But... He's an ass whole. Still
Toby: "Well we've all had a bad day. Sorry I can't help you just yet. But at least if they strip one of us it was the one with a bod."

There is a small first aid bag to put the stuff in. I put the badged and the key in it too for safe keeping.
No. 364270 ID: b12a32

Thanks for proving your a nice guy Toby. This is a rough situation (to put it lightly) and everyone is on edge.
No. 364279 ID: 08bff3

Why us huge lying on the ground belly up ...

Anyway did you check the drawers?
No. 364329 ID: a00410
File 132070180111.jpg - (42.60KB , 460x478 , c4p6.jpg )

Toby: "Uh, cause he's a crazy idiot. He will start mucking about at odd times."

Already check the draws. I got a bag of first aid stuff. Its mostly just more of the same, and more than I can carry. I'm going to give the bag to Malto in case I need to fight. The Doc. is stuck for now were should I go?
No. 364483 ID: 9def57

UNless this room leads somewhere else get out and ... probably downstairs into your first fight.
No. 364587 ID: 9173b6

I bet you weren't expecting this when you got off the train! Anyways, try and get Huge to stop mucking about. As adorable as it is, you need him cI'm at ready at all times. See if the doc needs healing too. That should at least get you into his goor graces.
No. 364648 ID: a00410

Bungalow? He got the supplies to do it himself. And it looks like he already at least cleaned his injuries and stopped any bleeding. To help him further I'll need to get the key to his chain. And before you ask the key we have is the wrong size.
Yes that was a dead end room. Stairs you say.
:hg: Toby, Toby don't tell the volto that i don't want to rape him, HE IS COOL, ... and i don't want him to think HE'S not PRETTY!! Oh and some sergals had sex in this hall way about 20 minutes ago.
No. 364657 ID: 9173b6

............I got nothing.
No. 364672 ID: a00410
File 132083583135.jpg - (266.10KB , 1050x1000 , c4p7.jpg )

Sorry The Board was acting real flaky when I was uploading earlier. Hear is the image that didn't go through
No. 364673 ID: a00410
File 132083622331.jpg - (42.29KB , 460x478 , c4p8.jpg )


:tb: "Please don't react to him like that. I pretty sure he can hear you and it only encourages him" "I'd face palm but my artist is to lazy."
No. 364682 ID: 9173b6

Huge, lick Toby. The voices command you! (and no worries about the upload problems mate, you're doing awesome!)
No. 364710 ID: 1bdd8a

Just go down the stairs and see what's there.
No. 364825 ID: a00410
File 132092732271.jpg - (336.41KB , 1050x1000 , c4p9.jpg )

:hg: Later when its funny, I actually want to get through this alive. YOUR A a a... hmm. the crazy juice is not flowing so well right now. Odd I have had my medicine in a long time.

:tb: Not good, one of those psychos that put us here is over their. She hasn't notices us just yet. That wont last.
No. 364833 ID: 9173b6

Do you think you can maybe sneak up on her and knock her out with the blunt side of your Halberd? It must be heavy enough to render her unconscious.
No. 364836 ID: 0f2cdf

You're not the strongest Toby ... let Huge knock her out.
He looks like he got experience with that.
I mean they attacked this town and probably know what they're doing aaand you're a guy with a Halberd.

Any idea where the other doors could lead?
No. 365027 ID: 284f99
File 132101381077.jpg - (360.78KB , 1050x1000 , c4p11.jpg )

:tb: "I think she dead Huge."

:ml: "Dose it matter she probably wasn't gona tell nothing anyway."

:hg: "Damn now she can't be my girl friend."

:tb: "Well she might be alive but she out and bad. The concussion might still kill her... but give what they were going to do to us its hard to feel more than a little bad."

The Solider has a nice sword and some armor but it doesn't look like it will fit us. I might consider taking her kilt though.

The door to the south look like it goes to more cells. I have no idea about the east door or the door I can see in the hall to the North.
No. 365038 ID: 9173b6

You should try and save her! She could tell you all about this mess, patrols, ways out, numbers and maybe even the whole reason behind this. And she may still be Huge's girlfriend. ^.V.^
No. 365043 ID: da5895

IF she still got a pulse, huge should take her to the doc upstairs.
Malco should keep guarding that hallway.

Also is that a Sign on the door next to you or a window? Take a closer look.

We should move on to the south cell block there could be more allies.
No. 366031 ID: a00410
File 132143774663.jpg - (39.14KB , 460x478 , Fine.jpg )

Sure Fine, I think its a very bad idea but your the players.

:tb: "Huge can you carry her upstairs to Doc Bungalow? See if he can get her stable and maybe we can get some answers latter."

:hg: "IS he serious, about the raping? I just want to kiss her or something it not fun to DO MORE IF THEIR NOT AWAKE"

:ml: "Is he really your brother?"
No. 366032 ID: a00410
File 132143868878.jpg - (94.76KB , 800x800 , c4p12.jpg )

Its a yellow tinted window. Looks steel wire reinforced. The Door is lock and the room has the look of an interrogation room. I can kinda make out a table and some chairs. Not much else. No wait there is a dead body in there. Nevrean, male... looks like a cop and their missing an arm. I don't think I can force this door. At least not without Huge and a lot of Noise.
No. 366037 ID: a00410
File 132144276587.jpg - (281.54KB , 1050x1000 , c4p13.jpg )

:mp: "AH,!, Ninje we have another one!"

:nj: "Oh all the... Toby! No Mop were fine its our knight in shining... Nudity.
No. 366056 ID: 6f96b2

"And you look stunning as always Ninje. Perhaps we're fated to meet like this?"

Check how they're doing. I guess you might need to give Mopollie a piggyback ride up to the doc for a quick look? Then you can try to find a good way out of here. See if the girls have some way of removing doc Bungalow's chains.
No. 366078 ID: 9173b6

Doing well so far Toby! And I agree with this fellow:>>366056
No. 366086 ID: 2a14a4

Regroup at the doctors.
See if the warriors armor fits Ninje.
And maybe give her a weapon for defense while carring Mopollie.
No. 366104 ID: cdb8cb

No. 366231 ID: a00410
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:ml: "GYAAHH!!"
No. 366238 ID: 1854db

Well go on and help your buddy.
No. 366257 ID: f90f97

HA happy he didn't get you guys from behind?
This doesn't look good at all ...
Is CHARGE an option?

Anyway Malco try getting behind that one and out of sight if you can.
Toby and Ninje should act as a good distraction.
Don't attack unless you're SURE it connects.
No. 366327 ID: 9173b6

Tell huge to throw his needles if he still has them. If not, take the advice of everyone else.
No. 366488 ID: 284f99
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He sees us coming, charge is about all we have!

You may have noticed that Huge is not currently under control. Character swapping will come up if Toby gets out of this. On a side note, Huge can't throw then needles very well. They are too light to get any force or distance behind them.

Now give me a good, fight description for the first phase of this combat. I will judge the results on how cool it sounds and how plausible for the characters it sounds.

Toby has never had a life or death fight before but seems to have a natural instinct with the halberd.

Ninje has a passing knowledge on how to use a sword and has had to defend herself a few times.

Malco is hurt but good with a knife and very sneaky. Also has a vengeful side.

Okay Go!!
No. 366489 ID: 5c58d6

Hmm. I don't really know much when it comes to cqc. Sorry......
No. 366493 ID: 83feea

Got it.
We can either surround him from two sides so he has to keep an eye on toby since his weapon got more range then ninjes.
Then Ninje fakes her attack with a battle cry what could distract the enemy just enough to get hit by toby.
She doesn't look like a skilled fighter so the enemy would guess she's going to charge blindly.

Second option is to back off to the right side of this hall so he HAS to expose his back to the stairs, what should give Malco the perfect template for a backstab or if he can't use his knife anymore he could jump on him.

And if everything fails: RUN, Slide between his legs and STAB.
No. 366520 ID: 3d7a30

Toby your halberd is angled to slash. Bring it round in an arc, try to catch the blade of his glaive and bind it to the floor.

Ninje step in and slash his exposed flank.
No. 366993 ID: a00410
File 132187845967.jpg - (39.71KB , 300x300 , C4P17.jpg )

Toby Thrust and Feints

Ninje yells and charges

Solider Attempts to counter and parry
No. 366998 ID: 9173b6

No. 367020 ID: d1de73

Toby try to use your hooked polearm to attack the soldier's hands and arms. If you can make him lose his grip then it could be a finishing move since there are two others ready to go for the kill. Just thrust and pull it back, be quick on your feet. Alternatively try to slice up the inside of his/her thighs if you get a chance. If you can lock down the

Ninje should continue to growl and threaten. Try to draw his attention away from Malco on the stairs and be ready to hack away at the unarmored parts.

Malco get your shit together. Swiftly creep along the wall behind this cretin and if he turns away then leap onto his back and stab him in the neck until he dies.

Make sure you don't force this guy into backing out of the room. He needs to stay in the open where you can surround him.
No. 368034 ID: 284f99
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Sorry on the Delay. Getting into holiday work scheduled

Ninje: Her distraction was very effective. She Did not land a hit. Her defense was poor, she took a shallow cut.

Toby: His feint had no effect. But he capitalized on Ninje's charge. He scored a hit.

The Soldier: He scored a light hit on Ninje but failed to block a blow from Toby. He has a painful bleeding wound.

Malco: Takes this time to recover his bearings and footing on the stairs.

This was supposed to have played out from the first line of suggestion. This is the situation now.
No. 368106 ID: 0cefcf

we really need malcos sneak attack or else this guy will take 2 other hits.

He'll get you next toby.
Either try to tackle him and swoop him of his legs or back of to the door on the right befor he can stab behind himself.

Giving Malco his chance for sneak would be safer but getting him on the ground could win the battle since ninje could finish him off.
No. 369113 ID: f48141

Toby keep on moving and press the offense. This guy is wounded so try to force him to move around a lot.

Ninje try to stay back a bit, but make sure you're still a threat. Try to go for any opening created by Toby this time. If you can get in a good hit or maybe grapple this guy then the others should be able to finish him off.

Malco if you can't get in to do a backstab then are you any good at throwing knives? Aim for the back or the legs.
No. 369932 ID: a00410
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I diced it this guy failed.

Toby Ninje and Malco pressing attacks at once are just too much for the one soldier to handle.

Toby took his full attention, Ninje got her opening and took it. All just in time for Malco to throw the Knife into his lung under his armpit.

Sort of Animated.
No. 369933 ID: cdb8cb


No. 370047 ID: f48141

MORE LIKE SERGAL VICTORY! Congratulate Malco on the assist.

Toby you should consider licking Ninjes wound. You're both high on adrenaline. It will be glorious. Also praise her for being a strong and wonderful woman.

Search that guy for keys and stuff and go see that doctor again. Maybe you can even release him somehow. You need to be patched up super-fast so you can get the hell out of here. That includes Mopollie.
No. 370409 ID: 38ff66

I wish it hadn't come to this, but at least you guys are all right. And yeah, take some time to rest and heal up. Also, Mopollie needs some medical attention.
No. 378982 ID: a00410
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Back from Break.

Okay 1 Bad Guy Down and 1 out cold and Critical
The Doctor say's she will probably live but has a closed head injury that may have caused some brain damage.

Ninje and I have clothing now, If a little damaged. And bloody.

The Female's helmet wasn't salvageable after Huge Dented it in.

Our Situation
*Mopollie has been patch up enough to get around fine. Though She probably wont be able to fly unless we be her some more regenerative injections. Bungalow only had 1. She is quite and can fit in areas like air vents the rest of us can't,

*Ninje is okay just a flesh wound that some sealing spray fixed. She also fits into the females armor fine. Ninje is fast and fights about as well as Toby. Not quite as strong but is very observant and smart. She also is very lucky at picking locks.

*Malco Is hurt a bit and is no longer any good in a stand up fight. But he can pick locks reliably. He can also pick pockets an such.

*Huge is having a lucid moment... Him being all serious creeps me out. Huge is the best fighter we have, though none of the armor will fit him. He is however a loose cannon on a good day.

*Dr. Bungalow is still chained up until we can get some cutters.

We still have a sword a halberd, a double glave thing and Huge's Korgon Replica Dagger. Oh and the big steel bar.

We need to form a teem to look around for a way to free the Doctor. He may be an Ass hole but he is defiantly on our side and we can't leave him here. A small group should go which two should I take?
No. 378995 ID: 4f6150

Take the girls. Huge can guard the wounded on his own. Anyway you need to get a move on and see what it looks like outside.
No. 379206 ID: 02173b

Yeah, leave Huge as the guard.
No. 379259 ID: a00410
File 132631670258.jpg - (309.46KB , 1050x720 , c4p22.jpg )

:ml: The doc say's the wound is pretty deep and could reopen if I move around to much.

:bu: Captain criminal will be fine to go and be expendable again but I need to give him at least 1 more dose of Regenitate.

:Ml: Ummm. Okay...

:bu: Any way he and I are stuck here until you can get some wire cutters of something. The boiler room or the basement if their not one and the same might have some. And since your not leaving me as you found me, which would have been safe for at least a while, I need a guard.

:hg: Take the girl brother. Killing enemies and protecting each other is the strongest way a mating bond can form for us. Besides you both have better problem solving skills than I do.

Okay now huge is really creeping me out. This whole serious and lucid thing is just so... well no Huge.

:mp: I'll come. I'm small and good at hiding and even with an injured wing, I'm better of than the Volto. And Ninje needs me to take care of her.

:tb: Thats it I guess. We need Regenitate and wire cutter. And we need to find out whats going on. Malco give Mop the knife just in case. Huge we will leave that double glave thing here, Its a better weapon than that steel bar.

:hg: If you wish but with my strength the bar will crush their armor into them. I'll keep using it until the circumstance dictates otherwise. Now go. Live and taste their blood and not the other way around.
No. 379267 ID: 4f6150

Maybe killing things brought Huge into the same dimension as the rest of you. Or Bungalow slipped him some drugs. Who knows.

Mopollie should take point being the quiet unnoticeable one. If anything happens you two sergals will be ready to spring forwards to the rescue. Keep an eye out for useful stuff.
No. 379972 ID: a00410
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Okay here we are in the fall again.
There are the stairs to the West, the Hall to the North, and the door to the South. The South door leads to the cells were we started.
No. 380314 ID: a00410

Up I guess
No. 381570 ID: a00410
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I start to think of a direction to go, but something is eating at me. I realize I feel hollow. Not about the killing or the fight but just being here with her. I know this is a bad time but I want to say something to her. I don't even know how she feels. Is there an us yet. Mop's lack of clothing isn't helping my focus. I'm she a bit small but she had flirted with my a few time's in class. Yes I know that didn't come up on camera. She has a bod though... I'm mean not that Ninje doesn't... but it's... Okay I getting work up here.

On a side note, I really hate this helmet. I hope that guy didn't have lice or something because its starting to ich pretty bad.

I feel like I should say something while we still have a calm moment.
No. 381577 ID: 3d7a30

woah you need to focus here Toby. Developing your relationship with Ninje is not your priority. Get your sergal self down to the basement and find some bolt cutters. Dr Bungalow might be an ass but you need his help.
No. 382139 ID: 4f6150

I'm kind of lost. Where haven't you been so far? Anyway don't get hesitant about Mopollie being naked. You're in a life or death situation. Check her out if you want and then go back to keeping an eye out for dangers. Trying to manage your own curiosity is something you can do later.

A couple of things you could say to lighten the mood:
*"Well If I'm going to die this is probably best way to go. Armed and fighting with beautiful women at my side!"
*"Let's get some drinks after this. Strong drinks."
No. 382283 ID: a00410
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Well here is my mental map of the area.

We have seen two floors and I don't know if their are more or even if they are above or below ground. The lack of windows and all.

The question marks are areas that we have, or well at least I no knowledge of.

And to clarify the irregular areas are just out of our line of sight. There should be more if we check them out.

:tb: "Well if I've got to go out and die or something., ah fighting with naked chick is good."

Bolt cutters would be a good idea but I have no idea were the basement is. We might even in it.
No. 382284 ID: a00410
File 132756398706.jpg - (54.52KB , 460x368 , c4p26.jpg )

:nj: }8/

:tb: "Smooth Rensiv, real smooth."
No. 382315 ID: 11b50e

I'm dissapointed in you too. >.V.< But never mind, you can akwardly apologize later.
No. 383745 ID: a00410
File 132807680881.jpg - (345.19KB , 1050x1000 , c4p27.jpg )


:tb: "Ahh. Sor..."
:Mp: "Your right he's cute when he's derping it up."
:nj: "We do need to find cloths for you Moppy. It's going to be hard for raging hormones to keep his head on"
:TB: "I'm not that raging, I mean I can keep, its just she's so, blatant. I don't know."

It's not that I've never seen a naked girl before. Even last week when I stopped Malco in Ninje's apartment she was naked. Mopollie is just well all the parts are REALLY obvious cause her fur is so short. And she's really cute.

But as much as I want to stare at her when need some action.

Were downstairs again. The close door across from us had a what looked like a dead Nevrean in it last I looked. The south door leads to the cells were I found the girls. And to the north, I have no Idea. What should I do?
No. 383815 ID: 307b84

You need to turn the embarrassment into humour:
"Don't worry about it 'Moppy'. The constant arousal keeps me on edge and ready for battle in true Sergal style. Hah!"

Cover Mopollie while she checks the north door quietly. Meanwhile Ninje could try to pick the lock on the dead Nevrean storage room.
No. 383873 ID: a00410
File 132816278063.jpg - (73.86KB , 491x561 , c4p28.jpg )

"Don't worry about it 'Moppy'. The constant arousal keeps me on edge and ready for battle in true Sergal style. Hah!"

Umm. I don't think I could say that. I'm more than a little to shy to even consider that.
No. 383884 ID: a00410
File 132816583216.jpg - (340.44KB , 1050x1000 , c4p29.jpg )

Okay. Ninje thinks she might be able to pick the lock but it might take a few minutes. Moppy Say's she can hear a noise on the other side of the door.

:mp: "Ragged breathing or something."

We are at the end of this hall. It go's on for a about 100 feet or so. There are 7 other doors that I can see.
No. 383893 ID: 1b0f2f


Ragged breathing? Good heavens would you look at the time.
No. 384077 ID: bfe28a

Form up on the door and whisper: Anybody hurt in there? If there is, break it down with your 2 strength.
No. 384122 ID: 284f99
File 132830437790.jpg - (132.20KB , 894x402 , c4p30.jpg )

:Hg: "HEY, doc, you got any Petobismo?"

:Bu: "There's so off brand in on of the cupboards I think. Why do feel I'll"

:Hg: "No that wont due, I need 30 or 40 gallons. Never mind"

:Bu: :ML: ...
No. 384128 ID: 284f99
File 132830733001.jpg - (253.80KB , 850x1600 , c4p31.jpg )

2 Strength? You forgot about the last trip I you guys had me make to the Mad science academy. Here's an update on what we can do.

Oh for some reason Ninje and I have something called a character point to spend. We can each raise a skill. Or we can save the up to improve our attributes. Don't tell her it will just weird her out.
No. 384131 ID: 284f99
File 132830787953.jpg - (49.32KB , 460x478 , c4p32.jpg )

:Tb: "Anybody In there?"

I here a slight moan.

I don't think I will break the door down though it doesn't seem to be locked.
No. 384219 ID: 1b0f2f


>> a slight moan

No. 384249 ID: 9adba4

Haha I like thug life Malco there. Also It's interesting how the girls seem to get one extra attribute... How many points would you need to raise an attribute rather than a skill? I'm tempted to say that both Toby and Ninje should raise their 'Fight' skill, but unless anyone else thinks he same, just keep the points in reserve for later.

Steel yourselves and open the door with your halberd at the ready. Be prepared for anything.
No. 384250 ID: bfe28a

Prepare Doctor house-I mean Bungulow for healing the wounded!
No. 384397 ID: a00410
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An attribute is going to cost the level we want to raise it to. Raise Fight?

This is not good...
No. 384407 ID: bfe28a

Actually, fight seems too obvious to me. I'd rather you not have to fight anymore at all. First aid.
No. 384410 ID: a00410
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Okay here is the problem
1. The Nevrean is an injured Cop
2. Injured by the Sergal that have done all the killing, and mayhem, and stuff
3. I'm a Sergal and wearing their armor.

Suggestions PLEASE??!!!
No. 384414 ID: 307b84

Dodge. Dodge out the room before you get a mini-crossbow bolt lodged inside you.

Then send in Mopollie to charm that guy while saying there's a bit of a misunderstanding. You're a local sergal who was also captured and you're organizing a jailbreak.
No. 384726 ID: 1b0f2f

Drop your weapon!
No. 385232 ID: a54d69

I say drop your weapon and put your hands up!
No. 385899 ID: da3858
File 132900782222.jpg - (500.82KB , 1050x1000 , c4p35.jpg )

The realization has dawn on me. While I'm no longer naked, and have some body armor, I look just like the enemy. Maybe thats good to avoid capture. Not so good to meet potential new allies with though.

How about I talk from cover. Or Mop talks form cover for me.

:tb: "Mop you talk, tell him we're okay."

You now directly control Mopollie.
No. 386476 ID: 1b0f2f

Schlick furiously.
No. 386629 ID: a00410
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Schlick furiously.

Um, no.

Actually I'd really love to be schlicked by someone right about now. But not with some strange cop watching.

Why am I doing internally monologue to myself.

What should I say?
No. 386665 ID: b6edd6

Tell him that Toby is one of the locals, who has taken armor from a fallen invader. If he does not believe you, ask if he really thinks one of the invading sergals would retreat from one injured cop.
No. 386694 ID: 1b0f2f


Sorry it was too good to pass up. Tell the birdie he's hurt and you need to bind his wounds.

Then realize you don't actually have any cloth to bind them with.
No. 386709 ID: a2fa74

"Toby's a local. He's in disguise. An invader would have raped and eaten and raped both of us by now. Also, we have a doctor."
No. 386876 ID: a00410
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:mp: "Its okay that's just Toby. He's a local that put one of those crazy guy's uniforms as a disguise."

"He looks a lot like the other sergals that attack us. How do I now your not with them or under duress."

:mp: "Duh!, he dropped his weapon and ducked around the corner to hide from a wounded cop.

:tb: "Uh sir your hurt. We have a doctor upstairs."

:mp: "Why would they try to trick you? That little crossbow isn't very scary. Can you walk?"

He tests his foot.
"No my ankle is hurt bad. I'm going to need help."
No. 386877 ID: c15a26

Get him up while Toby provides protection. Ask where all that blood came from and what happened to his attacker in case they might have withdrawn and are coming back to finish the job. Also ask if he knows of any supplies that can be used to help or others that can be allies.
No. 386881 ID: c15a26

Oh, and a name would be nice.
No. 386933 ID: 307b84

Ask what's in those lockers. Anything potentially useful?

Try to question this guy about the layout of the police station. You really need to find a good way out. More medical supplies would also be handy if he knows where things like that are kept. Otherwise Toby can just grab this guy and quickly bring him up to the doctors before coming back. He probably doesn't weigh much being avian and all that.
No. 386934 ID: a00410
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Got to go in for a double shift tonight. Will try to update tomorrow.
No. 387305 ID: 284f99
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Thanks my name is Ikaku by the way.

He might be light but he's still a bit big for me to support. Toby on the other hand.

:mp: "Toby can you get him to the doc?"

:tb: "yeah it will just take a minute. By the way, what is in the lockers?"

"I don't know. We aren't at the police station. This is the old asylums security wing. We fell back here after the other sergals pushed us out of the main town area. But they took the place last night. I heard that they were putting some of the hard to deal with people that hadn't decided to kill yet here. Three of us broke back in to see if we could find anyone to help fight. We were watching the place and there are only about 4 or 5 guarding the place. Their main hold in the college district. Last I herd we still hold the mall. But that could have changed by now. There are 2 others, please try to find them. One is another Nevrean male. And then there was Mac'Doogen one off our best fighters.

:tb: "And he was?"

"A cactus man."
No. 387306 ID: 284f99
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:tb: "Oh..."
No. 387369 ID: 1b0f2f


That's one of your best fighters? No wonder you're getting creamed.
No. 389255 ID: a00410
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:tb:"Ninje, have you got that door yet? We have a survivor here and I don't want to split up to take him to the Doc. According to him there should be 3 or 4 more enemies lurking around in the building."

:nj:"No and I don't think I will. This lock is to hard for me."
No. 389391 ID: 3e85e3

Everybody upstairs! Stick together and let's go see the doc.
No. 394324 ID: 9f34df

Tell Ninje to spend more skill points on lockpicking from now on. (also talk me up again so I can help you with spelling, sorry about my absence. Sickness and loss of my computer didn't help.)
No. 394386 ID: 0ca98c

No. 394460 ID: a00410
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:hg:"Something is near. Smell like them, and a girly bird"

:bu:"Good, they can't get back fast enough, this... 'person' is waking up. I don't want to be the one to tell a 7 foot tall amazon murder machine why she's naked."
No. 394479 ID: 6705f2

Can't update tonight. I got hit with a double shift. Will try tomarow. Can't do much more than this with my phone.
No. 394582 ID: 9f34df

Don't worry, I can wait. ^.V.^ Take your time dude.
No. 395428 ID: a00410
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So here we are back in Bungulow's little room. We haven't gotten him loose yet, and with our latest addition it's starting to get really crowded.

:iku:"You captured one of them alive!?"

:bu:"For all its worth. You ask these people to bring wire cutters and they bring more injured people. At least your on team good guy or something. Rensiv, are you listening, your job is on the line here.

:Tb:"Doc it's a lot more than that. Can you fix Ikaku's leg?"

:bu:"It's a bad laceration, but he's mostly just being a flaming sissy about the pain. I'll put a presser bandage on him and they should be 'good' enough."

:IKU:"Peep! dose he talk to patients like this?"


:tb:"Worse usually."

Okay the sergal on the table will be awake in a few minutes. We might have some more time to search before that happens.

What should we do and, and if we go back out who should I take?
No. 395611 ID: 9f34df

Not sure who you should take, but try not to stray too far from the doctors room.
No. 396146 ID: a00410

Sweet two daggers. Malco and Mop must have used the item duplication cheat!

Can we take the nevrean or his he still unable to walk much?
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