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360250 No. 360250 ID: 742815

If you are in blind darkness with no place to rest your hands, look to the east again and the shimmering hearths of the grass people will guide you home.

If you are home and in tears, do not despair in defeat. Embrace your loved ones and arm your children.

-From the final peepings of the Prophet Jerem.
155 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 365800 ID: 742815
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>and under the bed

Ik checks under the bed. Instead of a corpse, Ik finds two bolts of CHEAP LINEN and a pair of SHEARS.
No. 365801 ID: 453e62

use the linen to make a sturdy bandage around your gut so you don't need to worry about breaking it open again.
No. 365803 ID: ab6b15

Yes, do this, this is a good idea. Also keep the shears and as much of the linen as you can, because for all we may know there may be further injuries requiring more bandages, slings, etc.
No. 365814 ID: 742815
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These are perhaps Irol's best ideas yet!

Ik helps Irol apply the CHEAP LINEN around his wounds while Irol peeps loudly.

Irol and Ik hear peeping in response from one of the other huts.
No. 365815 ID: 453e62

go to the peeping hut.
No. 365816 ID: c0e5fe

Go to it. Peep. Peep all the way there.
No. 365818 ID: ab6b15

Peep all the way there, while coming to the realization that Ik has seen your naked birdlike chest.
No. 365825 ID: 742815
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Ik shoves the CHEAP LINEN and the SHEARS into her bag with the PYUNZIN MUSHROOMS, the GOSPEL OF JEREM, and WAILAHN'S DIARY. The back is getting kind of heavy for her tinyarms now.

Irol and Ik peep on over, using peepolocation in order to determine the source of the peeps.
No. 365826 ID: 742815
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Irol and Ik enter the hut.
No. 365828 ID: 453e62

great your fellow peeps. explain that the cats seem to be gone.
No. 365830 ID: ab6b15

peep gratuitously at finding others of the mongol horde village!

do you know any of these guys? are those two hunter-green guys brothers?
No. 365954 ID: dc4a44

Inform them that the battle is over. acquire weapon.
No. 366008 ID: 1854db

Dump the heavy stuff on the ground. Tell them about everything you've learned so far.
No. 366039 ID: 25d956

Ask them what the butts happened and explain that you don't know what the butts happened. Peep.
No. 366089 ID: 742815
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Irol peeps cordially to each of the young men. He is very glad to see them!

He knows all three of the peeps. Two years prior, the village saw the gradual corruption of its defensive militia. The soldiers began to abuse the villagers and coerce them into offering tribute. Eventually, they took political control of the village's affairs. The villagers became exhausted and aggravated by this treatment, and staged a successful uprising that drove a majority of the militia out.

A portion of the militia itself opposed the corruption, but was afraid to speak out until the uprising empowered them. They joined the villagers and helped to banish the unruly soldiers from the village. These three were among the portion that joined the village, and were later regarded as heroes for their loyalty, and pardoned for the actions of their brothers in arms.

Aside from that, Irol knows most people in the village. Any time paper must be supplied to anyone, they come to Irol's family to buy it. Their names are, from left to right: Kinpat, Toh, and Vimán. Toh and Vimán are indeed brothers.

Irol tells the warriors that he woke up near the huts on the other end of the village and that the strange creatures seem to be gone. He tells them that Lopsan captured one of them alive.

Irol asks them what happened here.
No. 366094 ID: 742815
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Toh answers Irol.

"There was a great massacre. Last week the merchant Donwar came to us from the west telling us of strange people that landed on the far western shore. He couldn't have known that they would come in force.

We managed to kill three of the monsters before coming to hide here. We were outnumbered, and all of the villagers were either hidden or dead. When they found us here, they talked at us in a strange language and then left. They went east."

Vimán says in his deep, weepy voice, "I'm afraid that they left us alive just to tell the story."
No. 366098 ID: 453e62

explain you have reason to believe they were slavers. they most likely captured many in the village. and a sneaking mission may be in order to save them.
No. 366106 ID: ab6b15

Tell them Gamazan is in the well. Also inform them that Wailahn is missing, and her dress was found with blood on it.


Tell them the best revenge you could have on the cats over this disaster is to rebuild. To show the world that they can't break you peeps.

Of course, you'd need to find some way to prevent it happening again...
No. 366142 ID: 742815
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Toh explains that he saw some people being hauled away in a line. He says that the monsters left long before the sunrise, so it would be-

Ik interrupts Toh, saying that Wailahn MUST be rescued!

Irol is becoming irritated with Ik's attitude, and tells her not to interrupt. He also says that He wants to rescue his family as well.

Irol then tells them about Gamazan in the well, and the three warriors agree to get him out and give him a proper burial. Irol thanks them. When he tells them about Wailahn's dress, they are disheartened.

"Poor Donwar will have a fit," Vimár says drearily, "he came all the way from Dipti just to see her. Hope they didn't catch him too."

>Tell them the best revenge you could have on the cats over this disaster is to rebuild. To show the world that they can't break you peeps.

Toh tells Irol, "We were meaning to talk to you before all of this, Irol. With your parents, too." The three warriors nod amongst themselves, "it doesn't matter so much now that all of this's happened I s'pose. We just was wondering if you could teach us to read is all. We know you can, so..."

Irol thinks that this is not a good time to be talking about this, but he tells them that he would have been very happy to teach them before, but he does not have time now. Toh tells Irol that they will accompany him if he will teach them. Toh says that they all look up to Irol.

Irol needs to make a decision. He does not plan on returning to the town himself. Does he accept the accompaniment of the soldiers, or leave them to stay behind with Lopsan and the others to begin to rebuild the village?
No. 366159 ID: ab6b15

I'm not sure the cats will be coming back, so for now, soldiers aren't the first thing the town needs. Take them with you. You might need some muscle yourself.
No. 366207 ID: c6408e

If there's more than a few peeple left they might do better staying behind and training them to fight, or at least coming up with a better evacuation strategy.
No. 366256 ID: e55966

go with the soldiers
No. 366264 ID: b497b7

The soldiers should stay behind and help rebuild the town a bit.
No. 366482 ID: 296b29

Take two soldiers with you (the brothers), but leave Ik behind with other. Ik's alright, but... she still is a child and you have no idea what else you might see.
No. 366505 ID: f80f15

We should rebuild somewhere else. There's little for us here. Gather your followers and look for more survivors. Then set out, you'll need a full force to rescue everybody.
No. 366508 ID: 25d956

Don't take the soldiers. They are better here to rebuild.
No. 366518 ID: dc2bff

Take the soldiers.
They shall be the very first of your GLORIOUS ARMY.
No. 366544 ID: 6bca0d

The soldiers should stay and help rebuild the village and make sure the other survivors are tended too. If at all, you should only take one with you for protection. Since two of them are brothers, maybe you should take the orange one.
No. 368414 ID: 742815
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Go with the soldiers: 5 votes. Leave the soldiers behind: 4 votes.

Irol tells the soldiers that he is honored by their regards, and would gladly teach them to read and write in exchange for their company.

The three of them begin their work exhuming Gamazan's body from the well. It looks like it might take a while.

What will Irol and Ik do in the meantime? As the afternoon sun passes its peak in the sky, the remaining survivors of the attack are emerging from hiding.

NOTE: Irol may now provide orders for the warriors.
No. 368416 ID: c7b6c2

Tally your people.
No. 368424 ID: 8dd1ee

This, and go search and inspect the corpses of those monsters the soldiers killed. Take a look at the material and quality of their equipment (and how it compares to that of your people), any emblems or symbols on their armor/clothing, that sort of thing. Might find something to give us an idea of their plans or origins, like a map or a letter, if you're lucky.
No. 368430 ID: 1854db

Look in the other huts!
No. 368431 ID: 0d7a83

Whether you plan on staying here or traveling somewhere else it's too late to set out now, so you'll have to stay here, at least for tonight. A second attack is unlikely, but you'd be a fool to not prepare. Get all the survivors to a defensible area; somewhere with walls or other barriers in place. Piling up any carts, doors or just anything at hand in gaps (i.e. between buildings) will limit the directions anyone could attack from. You'll also want to get some people on watch duty. Teams of two would be best, but that depends on how many people you have, and if any of them are willing and able.
No. 368516 ID: 2dff97

agreed, gather everyone around. take names and skills. suggest actions accordingly.
No. 369159 ID: 742815
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Irol can not see any definite symbols on the armor, however the red and yellow color scheme is distinctive. It was also seen in the fletching of the arrows.

The most marked difference that Irol notices between the armor of the strangers and the armor of his people is the weight. The strangers' armor is made of metal and heavy leather, while his people's is made from local woods. The local wood is very strong and light, but it can not withstand nearly as much as metal can and will break with sufficient impact.

The cat armor consists of a tabard tunic, a cuirass, shin-guards, bracers, boots, and a feathered helmet. The feather does not look like something from one of his people.

The bird armor consists of a wooden plank vest, bracers, shin-guards, a banded buckler, and a loincloth. The people of this village do not have the expertise to make armor out of metal, though they do forge weapons and tools from what little they can find.
No. 369161 ID: 742815
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Irol and Ik walk around town to gather the rest of the survivors. He does not find his family among them, but he will not allow himself to cry publicly!

Irol and Ik are hungry and thirsty.

Irol tells the people to find and bury their dead, which takes several hours with he, Ik, and the warriors helping. When he has the town together, Irol notices that they are looking at him and waiting for him to say something to them.

What should Irol say?
No. 369167 ID: 25d956

Okay, you are apparently the least derpy, so that means you are apparently now in charge. Speech?

I guess the bullet points should be: The village survived. They tried to kill you and failed. So, a lot of people died, but they didn't win, and now we make sure nothing like this happens again.

Check to see if anybody has any medical know-how so they can check your wound. We probably want that to heal and not get worse.

Otherwise, I guess the plan should be to post guards, and in the morning we'll see about connecting up with other villages.
No. 369180 ID: 0d7a83

"Peeple of my village, what has happened today is almost beyond belief. So much has been taken from us, and there is nothing that can ever truly fill the gaps left in our hearts. Why, you might think, has this happened? What did we do to deserve this? Nothing, but evil has still came to our homes, and it has stained them with blood. I do not know what you should do now, but these invaders, these damned cats have killed so many. And they have stolen many more still.
They have stolen my family.
I don't know how, but I plan to save them, and as many others as I can. Tomorrow I will be setting out to find help from other villages. Hopefully they will offer their aid. You can do whatever you want, but if you say here there is no way to guarantee your safety. It will be dangerous to travel, but if we can join our fellow peeps, warn them of this threat, we will gain safety in numbers, and maybe we can stop this from happening again."

Unless your not planning on going after your family, in which case just do whatever I guess :V
No. 369200 ID: 742815
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"PEEPle of my village, what has happened today is almost beyond belief. So much has been taken from us, and there is nothing that can ever truly fill the gaps left in our hearts. Why, you might think, has this happened? What did we do to deserve this? Nothing, but evil has still came to our homes, and it has stained them with blood."
No. 369201 ID: 742815
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"For those who are unaware, those who were unable to hide from the ferocity of the attack or escape the grace death were taken as slaves. Tomorrow I will be setting out to find help from other villages. Hopefully they will offer their aid in rescuing our lost ones. If you choose to stay here there is no way to guarantee your safety, but you who remain and rebuild this village in greater prosperity than it has yet seen will be regarded as heroes."
No. 369203 ID: 742815
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"Those who choose to consume and exploit the defenseless must be met with equal ferocity but greater justice. Those who seek to enslave the innocent must in turn be made to serve their dues. We who have suffered at the hands of unspeakable cruelty must not only expel it from our lands but spare any who may fall victim to it in the future."
No. 369204 ID: 742815
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"The very decency of God's will has been spat upon by furry brigands in red. An army of thieves curses this beautiful land with its vile footsteps. It is our duty to sever the chain of tyranny over the meek by overthrowing this criminal force. This is not empty space! They have no claim to our home! They are cowardly and opportunistic strangers in a foreign land, and we...
No. 369205 ID: 742815
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"are the locals."


End Chapter 1
No. 369216 ID: 25d956

*slow clap
No. 369267 ID: b6edd6

No. 369271 ID: dc4a44

They will feel the might of our conviction, the truth of our steel.
No. 369316 ID: 0d7a83
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Goddamn yes.
No. 369515 ID: 2dff97
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No. 374549 ID: c6a6a7

Shall we march forth? Or shall we hold our village, a venerable fortress of power?

If we are setting up here, let's take stock of our village supplies and containers. *Sniff*

Such a fantastic speech.
No. 374664 ID: b738b4

Chapter 2 is here:
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