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File 132079824922.jpg - (721.11KB , 1200x925 , BlakeQuest-lux lucis universitas.jpg )
364572 No. 364572 ID: 4bc7e6

This is where it gets confusing...
42 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 365691 ID: 1854db

Heh. That symbol means pleasure.

No. 365696 ID: 573166

Look away and blush furiously.
No. 365722 ID: 573166

Waaaait a second. I just pieced it together. He bent over to SHOW YOU that tattoo, the sly devil. Think hard, does it jog any memories?
No. 365741 ID: 78b9fc

Yes continue staring at his ass and surely it will bring back vital memories.
No. 365762 ID: ab6b15


...okay fine supporting this for shits n giggles
No. 365779 ID: 528bf9

ask about his tattoo, surely theres a story there.
Cuddle up with him and grab his cute little behind.
No. 365844 ID: 4bc7e6
File 132139815837.jpg - (209.54KB , 800x606 , deficere.jpg )


>You Keep staring at his ass...

>-memory fragment unlocked: pulchellus puer-

>You look away when he gets back up... You can't help but blush furiously...

-Your Tattoo... It's cute...

-Oh you noticed that? You really things so?

-yeah... It means pleasure... Right? How did you get it?

>Rover pops the cork and pours a glass...

-Lots of alcohol... I visited an orcish township one summer, had a bit to much to drink and next thing I know, I wake up with three sweaty men, there's a horse on the second floor, one of the walls fell over and I got a brand new tattoo on the most uncomfortable place ever...

>You spit out the beverage as soon as it touches your tongue!

-Aehh! It tastes like soap!

-What?.. Lemons?! This isn't wine... Where? Ooh... Stay here I'll go get it.

Well. All alone again. Anything you wanna do, or talk about?
No. 365874 ID: 1854db

...wait, he's going back to the janitor's closet? The creature your other self is fighting looks kindof similar to Rover... Though female, and much larger.

Hmm. Worrisome.
No. 365964 ID: ab6b15

She doesn't really look like Rover at all to me, and we still don't know if/how much the two realities affect each other, so it's not like Blake here can help out Blake there in this situation. All that message is going to do is make this Blake worry, dude.

I guess play back the memory fragment (while being amused that staring at his ass really did give you a memory) and we'll see what's up.

After that, well, how are you? Shit's been pretty crazy so far, and now you've got a chance to relax. And it's pretty interesting how we remember events and people you don't, but you remember all the cultural mores and history that we don't. You should explain some of this stuff to us. If you need a question to get you started: what's the deal with Imperial?
No. 366047 ID: 528bf9

watch fragment.
Then strip naked and lye down suductivaly on the bed
No. 366062 ID: cd787e

Let's go with him for now to make sure nothing bad happens, and review the memory later. Lying seductively on the bed is definitely on the to-do list for later.
No. 366239 ID: c9b053


Agreed, follow him, [lick finger and rub it in his ear. "Ever had someone in here?"]
just where are we going? do we have a place to stay or a job? Lets see if rover can help us out.
Do you have any other clothes? Wouldnt want to catch red root
No. 367070 ID: 4bc7e6
File 132191521676.jpg - (273.23KB , 800x718 , Cecidit homo semel.jpg )

>You kick up your feet and follow.

>Catching up to Rover, you lick your finger and rub the slick digit in his ear...

-Ever had someone in here?

>His left side twitches as he goes stiff for a moment

-Eden t-that's just G-gross... S-stop it!

Hihii... Well it was kinda fun to see him react.

yeah that is kinda... Odd... I'm willing to bet that the memory has to do with his ass. Well check it out later just in case.

Well I guess I could tell you about them. But it might be a long story...
Long ago in a distant land, a great ORC tyrant by the name Akuma, reunited all eight orcish tribes and declared war on all living beings...
The leading nations sought to protect the lesser ones and formed a treaty to do so. But one nation did not sign. The TELFAREN... They sought to find their own freedom and fought the orcs.
None would have suspected the Telfaren to prove the slightest inconvenience, timid and kind in nature their didn't oppose much threat to anyone. But the army they rose was far... FAR greater than anything anyone would have expected...
Armed with teeth and claws they fought with numbers... the Telfaren army resembled a brown furry wave engulfing the battle field... Even Akuma grew to fear the Telfaren and form a treaty with the other great nations. They would form an Empire. And together they pushed back the Telfaren to the gates of KuthuHeim, to the far north. Since then the empire stands as the capital of unity, between humans, orcs, elves and dwarfs. The official language is Imperial, A mix off orc and elf. The current king of the empire is Sir Garthax BloodWorn.
Hope the lecture wasn't to long...

I'm actually hesitant about it... I might agree to getting naked with him... But I don't know about having sex just yet. I still just met him... Maybe we'll keep to kissing for now.
No. 367074 ID: 4bc7e6
File 132191615440.jpg - (254.32KB , 800x647 , Intima low.jpg )

>You arrive at the scene, but some one beat you to it. A man with a mop is fumbling the bottle... He doesn't seem quite healthy, you can tell with your acute sense of smell, he smells like liquor and filth.

oh boy, this looks like trouble... What should we do Eden?
No. 367090 ID: 874bd8

Isn't it obvious? We need to solve this in a civilized and controlled matter. Like strangulation.
No. 367097 ID: 4bc7e6

Woh just noticed! That's not a boner, it's a awkward fold in his shirt.
No. 367106 ID: 4d50c0

Both of you approach him at once and engage him in separate conversations. While he is confused and distracted make off with the wine bottle and alert security personal of this ruffian.
No. 367110 ID: 69f475

If he has a mop for all we know he could actually be the janitor, confused as to why on earth there is a bottle of wine instead of his normal lemon cleaning fluid. Attempt a swap, but if he's uncooperative... I dunno, just take it. If he's as sickly as you describe he'll probably have a hard time stopping us. Kind of feels like candy from a baby, though. :/
No. 367114 ID: 1854db

Yeah, that looks like the janitor. He smells like liquor and filth because he tried to use the wine as a cleaning solution to clean up some filth. So just go 'sorry we switched the bottles, here you go'
No. 367321 ID: 73eb25

Hold out the cleaner bottle to him so he can read the label.
No. 367358 ID: 8e0fc7

quickly approach him, take the bottle and put the other bottle in his hand,while doing so say something like '' sorry that's mine and this is yours '' than just GTFO and leave him in his confusion
No. 367399 ID: 4bc7e6
File 132201103071.jpg - (231.07KB , 800x636 , numquam tibi usque amet.jpg )

-You found it. Sorry we accidentally took yours...

-what do yah want?!

-oh we just wanted our bottle back... See this ones yours...

>You hold out the bottle so he can clearly see it the label.

-Heh it was in mah office, it's mah booze! That's mah'ne to, yu'r not even supposed to in thar!
No. 367400 ID: 4bc7e6
File 132201104137.jpg - (210.79KB , 800x618 , Sit te numquam gona.jpg )

>You march towards him in hope of solving this in a civilized and controlled manner. But with a swift movement he pushes you back with his tool.

-oih! You wanna keep that soap be mah guest, Ha but this hooch's mah'ne.

dang he's stronger than he looks. If we're gonna get it back we're gonna need a plan or I'm afraid it's gonna end in a fight.
No. 367443 ID: a273e2

Blake, keep him focused on you while Rover nabs the bottle. If neccesary toss the soap on the floor to cover your retreat. Then go and tell someone (like security or a conductor) about him, because if this guy really doesnt seem all that healthy then he should get some help.

Then review the memory.
No. 367452 ID: 9e781d


also sorry for caps.
No. 367463 ID: 73eb25

yes, grab his mop and do a jig
No. 368572 ID: 54fd27
File 132252162856.jpg - (324.04KB , 800x686 , dancing on ossa in speculo.jpg )

>You quickly rip the mop from his hands, twirling it as you dance about.

-Hahaha! I got your mop and your hats ugly, it's a patched up rat that died sick!

>You land hard on your left foot shaking your broken rib, grueling hot pain surges from your side...
No. 368573 ID: 54fd27
File 132252168457.jpg - (2.76MB , 2322x2045 , expeditius vacent.jpg )

>Rover quickly nabs the bottle as he dashes past the confused man...

-Got it! blake run!

>You pick your feet and make a run for it
No. 368581 ID: 1dfd79

throw your (his) mop behind you as you run so he has less chance to chase you.
No. 368586 ID: cdb8cb


Your... your broken rib? Oh god
No. 368589 ID: 453e62

awww fuck awww fuck.
No. 368621 ID: 2f56b8

Waaaait a second here. If something in one the nightmare affects you, it does here. The reverse should also be true. Once back to the room, check your hurting side. If anything seems out of place, see nurse. There should be SOME kind of person on the train with medical expertise. Oh, and check that memory once you hightail (hehehe) it out of there.
No. 368680 ID: 1854db

>broken rib

Oh crap. Blake, you're sharing injuries with the other you. Good thing we found that out before anything extreme happened. Next chance you get ask Blake if anyone on board knows healing magic. Then you'd want to stick with them for this entire thing.

Oh, and throw the janitor his broom back.
No. 368701 ID: a4cab9

Get some medical treatment or healing magic on that.
No. 368704 ID: 1fd58d

On the bright side, this means that regular!Blake can help out Nightmare!Blake by means of being healed in a safe environment.

...On the downside, uh, Blake, you might want to check yourself into a hospital soon for preemptive "sudden unexplainable injury syndrome".
No. 369153 ID: 54fd27
File 132277259066.jpg - (354.54KB , 800x619 , cursor in speculo fracto.jpg )

>You chuck the mop and High tail away as fast as you can... Rover catches up and runs by you, He seems to be enjoying him self... Your side hurts like hell every time you take a step. you dash through a couple carts before looking back.

-*Huff~huff* He isn't following us? Ack!

-You okay?

Broken ribs? How did this happen!? What's going on down there?

-I... I think I broke something.

>You lift your shirt but there's no apparent injury.

-You don't look hurt?

-It really hurts, is there a doctor or nurse on board?

-Not that I know of... I think there's a first aid kit in the bathrooms... Oh! Kevin knows allot about health care.
No. 369158 ID: 54fd27
File 132277412560.jpg - (227.92KB , 800x618 , pulchellus puer.jpg )

>Memory Fragment:Pulchellus puer ~Play...

Date.: 1766 Oct. 15


-what's wrong?

-I sat on something... It hurts.

-There there... let me see. hmm... You sat on a thorn. It looks pretty deep.

-Take it out please!

>The thorn was wicked long... No wonder it hurt so much. Now that I think about it, that was the first time I saw Rover down there...
No. 369162 ID: cdb8cb


Stop being so adorable past Rover where did you even get that bow.
No. 369195 ID: c02e3c

Pff, you should totally tell Rover that you're remembering that time he sat on a thorn.

Just to see what his reaction is!
No. 369196 ID: 2f56b8

Oh god why are you so adorable, Rover?~
No. 369249 ID: 1854db

The other you got in a fight with a demon that entered the elevator. He suffered a broken rib, but the demon lost an arm and a tongue.

Now he's in a bathroom talking to his reflection that is talking back. Try checking your rib to see if it is actually broken, or if you're just feeling the other you's pain.
No. 369310 ID: c9b053

Rover used to dress as a girl?
I wonder if he still does °­­_°
No. 370061 ID: 54fd27
File 132312255538.jpg - (209.87KB , 800x619 , verum sanguinem.jpg )

Wow... I kick a demons ass and only got a broken rib? I... I'm awesome! Was I bad ass when it happened? Tell the other Blake I think he's Awesome!

>You press your side where it broke, it hurts like nails but the bone's stable

>You stop on a dime and smile at Rover.


-I just remembered that time you sat on a thorn... You look adorable in a dress.

>His face turns bright red before settling to a timid pink.

-Y-y-you remember that?

-Hehee... you used to dress like girl some times right?.. Any chance you still do?

-I...I C-could...

-I'd like that.

>He blushes redder as his eyes shine brighter...

Teehee~ I love how cute he gets when he's shy...
No. 370077 ID: cdb8cb

Rover is all

: <
No. 370100 ID: 1854db

Check your right hand to see if it hurts, please. Other you just punched the mirror.

And... maybe, I wonder, should we tell Rover about what's going on?
No. 370184 ID: 580454

D'awwwww, give him a peck on the cheek or something.

I don't think we should tell Rover what's going on with the alternate universe thing. At least not until we have a bit more information. At this stage I can't see Rover being able to do anything but worry. Besides that, I suspect Blake's hand will hurt but not actually be injured.
No. 370209 ID: 528bf9

yeah Rover and blake should just be happy, isnt that what other Blake wishes?
Now speaking of wich, we could go see kevin for medical help or finally go get that drink with Rover. Might I suggest a little "desert" on the side.
No. 370225 ID: 2f56b8

Looks like he's a little uncomfortable talking about it right now. Let's drop it for later.
No. 370332 ID: 44766a

Blake, can you do a quick inventory check for us?
No. 370367 ID: 54fd27
File 132323246689.jpg - (323.68KB , 800x619 , ostendere diligentibus se.jpg )

>You inspect your paw... But there's no cut, no blood, but you're hurt, you can feel it.

Hee... He's cute when he does that

>You acoudle up next to him and kiss him on the cheek... He's nice and warm, It's pleasant, you've been feeling quite cold these past moments...

-If you're uncomfortable about it that's fine... Let's go get that drink. And maybe a little desert on the side~♥

>He seems to really like that proposition...
No. 370368 ID: 54fd27
File 132323248354.jpg - (264.70KB , 800x619 , ostenderet linguae.jpg )

My inventory?.. The bird, that necklace, I've got my camera, my ticket, That cup... Why did I keep this? I've got a key, a syringe and a... What even is this!? Where did this come from?!


eh?! Rover saw the... What is it!?
No. 370374 ID: 1854db

OH WOW! You're sharing inventories. That's the demon's tongue. I think you can probably throw it away, but perhaps we should let the other you do that. Toss the cup instead.

Looks like you can help eachother directly via inventory. Right now the other you could use a wire cutter, and a good weapon.
No. 370376 ID: 73eb25

Oh christ. Find a good weapon. Hold on to it.
No. 370378 ID: 453e62

okay cool, that means you can pass each other things. find a nice butcher's knife, something that just barely fits your inventory.
No. 370395 ID: 580454

Okay well I suppose we HAVE to tell Rover about this stuff now. Brace him for it first, man. Suggest alcohol. You're both going to need a lot of alcohol.
No. 370402 ID: cdb8cb

Turn to Rover and tell him that you're speaking in tongues.
No. 370403 ID: 453e62

No. 370408 ID: 528bf9

better yet, lie to him.
Tell him It's some rare wolf tongue some one didnt eat at the caffee. Its kindof ritsy there right?
To help the lie, take a bite out of it.
No. 370412 ID: 2f56b8

BOth of these. We will need to tell him eventually, and that tougue quip is just too good to not use.
No. 370415 ID: 528bf9

hug Rover
No. 370440 ID: 4c851b

no lies. only the truth shall bind you together.
No. 370518 ID: 54fd27
File 132331251167.jpg - (278.56KB , 800x618 , verum.jpg )

-I'm speaking in tongues... Ehehee...

>He almost laughs at the joke.

-*sigh*... Listen Rover... I need to explain all this to you. But not here... Come with me I'll tell you everything in your room...

>Rover doesn't say anything, he just nods...

I really should get rid of this, but here isn't the right place, I'll let the other me deal with it.

>Back in Rovers room... You sit down next to him and try to find the words in yourself.

-okay... Where to start? This is gonna be hard to believe, but well... You know when you found me in the janitors locker? I told you I was scared right?

-something like that, yeah.

-Well it's because... When the lights went out... I... Pff... How can I say this? There was a monster and a girl got killed...

>Rover looks at you in confusion.

-It was your story! at midnight we were trapped and there were monsters and... And...

-Go on...

-and then you were there... But Eden say's That I'm still in that nightmare. And I'm down in some kind of hell fighting for my life... And when I got my rib hurt, They say it's cause the me down there got in a fight. And these things in my pocket are from that place...
No. 370519 ID: 54fd27
File 132331258545.jpg - (263.64KB , 800x618 , ponendo eam vadat.jpg )

-And... And... You don't belie-

-It's okay. I believe you.

>Rover stares into you with a strange calmness...

-You do?

-Yes... It sounds crazy, but I believe you. I don't know why but I do...

>Moments pass that you just stare at each other...

-So your in hell?.. That almost makes sense... Six years ago you died, right in front of me... And now here you are. If there's a part of you in hell I'm not surprised...

-So you'll help me?

-Hehee... I'll do every thing I can. I love you Blake...

>Rover pulls you close to himself and kisses you... Pulling you down, you lye down on top of him as you kiss passionately...

His body is so very warm... He is wearing a sweater I guess... His lips are soft and wet... He opens his mouth and I feel his tongue, it's dry and kinda scratchy... It's not very pleasant... And yet I feel good with it in my mouth...

-Blake... I love you... So much... I... Please Blake... Make love to me...

>He stare at you with warm passionate eyes... Waiting for an answer...
No. 370520 ID: cdb8cb

Bend him over and beat his ass with that tongue.
No. 370535 ID: 73eb25


[the answer is yes]
No. 370538 ID: 1854db

Uh... this doesn't seem like the best time for it. Who knows what could happen to the other you, and what if we need you to fetch something urgently? A good lovemaking session would take more than a few minutes, after all... and you'd make the other you really jealous.

Also jeez, you've still got that memory issue.
No. 370545 ID: 453e62

yeah.. now is not the time for this, you need a knife so if other you runs into an even worse monster he isn't murdered, which would probably kill you too.
No. 370593 ID: bb7f20

Now isn't the time f-- who are you kidding, go nuts, do eeeet
No. 370595 ID: 44766a

Make it a quickie.
No. 370625 ID: b343d4

Focus! Your other self is still in a dangerous situation with some capability to defend himself, but his odds need to be improved drastically.

On top of that, I'd think that Rover would be rather turned off if you suddenly got injured during your little session. Save it for victory!
No. 370626 ID: 7c31d2

Do it!
No. 370633 ID: 528bf9

nah... Better not ruin the moment.
Other Blake should just stay out of trouble while you fuck.
Besides, he could use a rest after what he's been through.
We'll take that time to read the note (can the other Blake watch this ones fragments?)
No. 370641 ID: a2fa74

Put all the stuff back in your pockets, then go for it.
No. 370647 ID: c9b053

embrace him tenderly in loving passionate boy sex
No. 370700 ID: 54fd27
File 132338240605.jpg - (268.68KB , 800x619 , armandi se.jpg )

-Of course I will Rover...

-But Eden say's the other me needs a weapon, Is there something around here I could give him, a knife maybe?

-Mmn... Look in that purple bag over there, There should be a blue bottle and a box of cigars, use can use whats in the box.

>You retrieve the items... The small bottle contains an oily liquid labeled "La Douce Glissade". Inside the box of cigars, is a gun.

-That's a family heirloom and I want it back in one piece okay?

there's only eight bullets so be careful, Give it to Blake for me.

>You pack the revolver in your coat and join Rover in bed
No. 370705 ID: 54fd27
File 132338417398.jpg - (323.88KB , 800x618 , corpore amorem alterius.jpg )

following content contains mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised

You sit Rover up and help his clothes off... Kissing him on the mouth and neck, He lays on his back, he looks exited but a little nervous. You can't help but blush as you fumble his erect prick.


You pour a suitable amount of the blue liquid in your hand and apply it to the battle cruiser. with what's left you slick up his pretty pink tailhole and prepare to mount. Slowly, you press your tool into him as he moans tenderly. There's some resistance, but only on entry, the rest of you sails in with ease.

-Mmn... I missed you Blake... So much

-I missed you to.

It's soft inside. Warm, I feel like it's pulling me in... I love this feeling...

You pump him slowly and gently... Rover moans and pants, immersed in the pleasure of your body.

He's so cute... I'm starting to see why I fell in love with him the first place.

His body pulsates and clenches around you... Feeling this you speed up, pleasuring him at a higher pace, his back arcs up as he moans passion and ecstasy...

No. 370710 ID: a5ae83

No. 370711 ID: 453e62

[not funny dude... okay maybe a little funny but still let's not have this]
No. 370717 ID: 1854db


Kiss him you fool!
No. 370764 ID: 2f56b8

Looks like he is close. Slow down and make him beeeeeg for you to finish. Also reach down and tease the spines on his prick (assuming he has them, being feline) while kissing him.
No. 370975 ID: 54fd27
File 132349084669.jpg - (337.95KB , 800x619 , pigmentum ut ejus interiora.jpg )

A shiver passes through your spine... Moments pass in fear of whats to come...

*Sigh* That's a relief, Don't scar me like that... At least not right now!

Slowing down, you wrap your arms around his waist and hoist him up on your lap. Once in this position, he sinks deep onto you.

>Memory fragment unlocked: vitam post mortem

-Aah... Oh Blake.


You kiss the cat, running your fingers through his hair... Grabbing his doughy butt, you ride the Battle Cruiser in nice and slow...As he slowly bounces on your lap, his slender cat prick rubs against your belly... his legs wrap around you, squeezing tighter and tighter with every thrust.

I just love the feel of his silky fur against mine... Mmm... He's so smooth, even up in here it's soft and comforting...

You reach down and grope his member, it's small spines are hard and frilled out, but they have some give... You brush them with your fingers and rub at them with you palm. Gently gliding your hand about his pointed tool.

These spine have such in interesting feel to them... I can't help but wonder what they'd feel like inside me?

You look up to see his face riddle with pleasure.

-Oh god Blake... So good... Your so Aah...

-Glad you Umn!.. Like it...

-I love it... I love you I love you

He moves in close, wrapping his arms around your head and neck...

-So good... I want it...

-Heheh... You really want it?

-Yes... Please Blake... I want it inside me...

You can't resist anymore... Thrusting in deep to the hilt you fire the Yamato cannon, painting his insides with your warm liquid love... in reaction he does the same on your chest...

>Memory fragment unlocked: infantem! infantem?

Tired and exhausted, you flop over backwards... Rover follows, lying down on top of you... still dizzy from the passion you kiss embracing each other...

>Memory fragment unlocked: an inconveniens positio
>Blk. persona recovery: 40% (+25)
>Blk. Corruption: 30% (-20)

No. 370978 ID: 6e44d2

View memory fragments!
No. 370991 ID: 1854db

Fyi if those spines are hard, then it would hurt rather a lot to have them in you. Maybe if he was wearing a condom it wouldn't be so bad, as then the flesh could glide around-why am I talking about this.

I'm not sure we should view that last memory fragment listed, but the others sound okay.
No. 372430 ID: 13d0dc

this, also bump.

much cuddling must ensue.
No. 372453 ID: 2f56b8

Let's go over those memories. Also cuddles.
No. 372656 ID: 54fd27
File 132399512173.jpg - (198.31KB , 800x618 , vitam post mortem.jpg )


>Memory fragment: Vitam post mortem ~ Play...

Date.: 1784 Aug. 12

:psycho:His screams fade... What's left of his struggles loose their vigor... His pulse... His pulse is gone! But mine... Mine is even stronger!
-My heart races... I Can feel every ounce of blood, it runs with joy! Joy of life, The one I'm in died as I took his life! He died! HAHAHEHEEheee... And I'm... I'M ALIVE! HAAAAhahahaa!

:blake:Oh god... Oh god what the fuck? What?.. I think I'm gonna throw up... N... No Rovers right here... I have to hold it in... Whats wrong with me?! No... No that's not me... How... H... Do you guys know any... You have to tell me! Please what... Who is that!?
No. 372668 ID: 1854db

Yeah, you know how Blake was saying the thing that killed you took your face? That's what that was.
No. 372682 ID: 54fd27
File 132399727376.jpg - (258.99KB , 800x618 , infantem! infantem.jpg )

Memory fragment.: infantem! infantem? ~ play...

Date.: 1792 Dec. 23

:rover:-It's a miracle... A miracle has happened! I... I Felt it move...

:blake:-Nononono. That's not possible, it... It can't be... R-right dad? did you have something to do with this?


:rover:-By the creators... A child, I'm gonna have a child...

What the fuck with these memories?! Why are they so fucked up?! *Sigh* They can't be real... These can't be real memories...

>Blk. Persona Recovery: 30%(-10)
No. 372687 ID: a2fa74

These are memories within a dream. They are fake and fucked up because of the previous sentence.
No. 372692 ID: 528bf9

okay what the fuck? What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck?
Why are you so freaked out? Wouldnt you want to procreate with him? Dont you love him? Besides your already ahlf way there. And as for the other you. Thats your crazy side. Were not quite sure what he is, but other you had a little talk with him in the mirror. The dates on those make no sense, I think time fucklery is in play here, especialy since its the second time you wake up on this train. Who knows how manny times its been? Either way. Cuddle rover for support!
No. 372695 ID: 1854db

You could be right, but I don't agree.

Personally I believe they are just memories of parallel lives, mixed in with your memories. We remember a past life of yours, and in that past life you viewed a memory that showed a past version of US saying that a 'reset' was going to happen.

So reality is being reset occasionally, and your experiences are drastically different between resets. You have the potential to become completely corrupted, or live a normal life. It all depends on how things go. And apparently your dad is some kind of weird wizard. I don't want to THINK about what the birth was like.

To sum up, yes these are real memories, but not all of them happened in your timeline.
No. 372728 ID: cdb8cb


Oh shit I hope that was a memory. You didn't accidentally rip Rover's jaw off did you??


m-preg. It's m-preg. That even freaks out the gayest of gays.
No. 372741 ID: 1963d1

>It's a miracle... A miracle has happened! I... I Felt it move...
>They can't be real... These can't be real memories...

Hey, Blake, man. Don't you go doubting them motherfuckin' miracles, a'ight? There's magic everywhere up in this bitch.
No. 372752 ID: 2f56b8

There MAY be a reason for this. Remember that you are halfway in a nightmare. So it makes sense that some things are screwed up. That stuff is all just the product of a fucked-up dream. You don't have to believe it if you dont want to. Remember the dates of the memories. In one you kill him, but in a memory dated later he is still alive. This means that not all of the memories are true.

But the one about the "coming back to life" and "eating a person" may have something to do with how you came back after being supposedly "killed".

I bet you can imagine it now, cant you? The tearing of flesh, cracking of bone, and warm blood dripping down your chin....
No. 372757 ID: 453e62

[no shut up asshole]
No. 372771 ID: 8c7b3a

Blake, these haven't happened to you. The first one is a few months ago, and Rover is still clearly here. The other one is eight years in the future. How can you possibly have a memory of the future? I think I agree with >>372695, and that these are memories from different 'versions' of yourself. Some of them have definitely happened, but others seem like they haven't.

That said, we should be pretty concerned if this is the case. If not all of your memories are real (as in, real in this version), maybe even some of the good ones aren't real either. You might want to talk with Rover about this later to compare and contrast memories. Maybe just get him to tell you everything so we don't have to worry about you getting mixed up with things that haven't actually happened.

And maybe you should steel yourself and look at the third one you got after you made love?

Finally, take a photo of Rover as he is now. I get the feeling we might want to keep a few memories without having to rely on these fucked-up memory fragments.
No. 372940 ID: 54fd27
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I'm not sure what to think about all this... But I'm glad you guys do... It's comforting to know you guys are here to help me think... I just... I'm tired... I think you guys are right, about the alternate lives and time...

:rover:-That was amazing, I feel so full... It's so great to have you back.

>Rover snuggles up against your neck and kisses passion and love onto your sensitive throat

>You wrap your fingers around his head and hold him tight against your neck, Squeezing him in your arms, his warm soft fur presses against your own. His heart beats against your body as a stout shiver runs up his butt all the way to his nape.

I'm bothered by those memories... But thats all they are right? Memories... Memories that never happened and never will... I'll just... Love him...

Blk.: Persona recovery:35%(+5)

>You hold him tight... Tighter still and look down at him...

:blake:-I'm happy two, It just feels so right with you... I'm complete with you here... With me...

>You look down to see he's fallen asleep... His tender breath moans serenity and subtle joy...

Teehee~ I'll tell him tomorrow...

>You reach out and grab your camera... You take a snap of the sleeping cat, The evil aura in the camera dissipates and fills with fresh new mist...

*Yawn*I'm getting pretty tired... But I guess I should clean up, I'm pretty messy. Oh and the memory... What should I do, Clean, sleep or read that fragment?
No. 372958 ID: 2f56b8

Just sleep for now. You can clean up with Rover tomorrow, together~
No. 376083 ID: 16a987
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:blake:-*Yawn* Yeah I'm booking it for tonight, see yah tomorrow...
No. 376095 ID: 16a987
File 132521884793.png - (13.30KB , 800x619 , fine capitis.png )

-chapter end-
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