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472747 No. 472747 ID: c4e5c2

So we wait. That night, no drop occurs. A whole bunch of our undercover people hang around the alleyways and bars of the drop zone. Hard to tell who is with us and who's not since it's on a need to know basis, but no group shows at the alleyway. So we skip that night. The next night, the same thing happens. Nothing.

The next day is said, by our informants, to be the last window of opportunity for the drop based on what scraps of information they were given. So it's definitely going to happen if the gold arrives at all. Jules hasn't figured out anything. He trusts Malsen, and no one else seems to be talking about us behind their back, at least not with anything we didn't already know. Lamarra seems to be minding himself, occasionally joining Jess and me. And the two or three of us do nothing but sit around, eat and drink with our own money, as our little vacation starts winding down.

And in our rooms, Jess and I just hang around and chitchat. Sometimes conspiring of how to kill Red, or try to. It usually ends up less conspiring and more vivid daydreams about elaborate, goldberg machine-esque plans that involve a spectacular demise for the fucker. Never really talk about the drop zone, though since tonight sounds like it's gonna be the big day, we may have to. Jessica's been rather worried. Well, all of us, but somethin' tells me her especially.

We have given serious thought for bailing, but getting back to Zozu homeland, nevermind the turrets, wouldn't be easy without getting seen by Maklata's men. And if abandon our orders, Maklata might have no issue with gunning us down without repercussions. I'd bet, in fact, that he hopes we run off.
250 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 473566 ID: c4e5c2
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Red picks up my SMG, and places it at my back. Looks looks to the hole. He's got one hand around both my hands, and even with his shitty fingers, his hand is still big enough to keep mine from budgin'.

>"Wait!" Jessica yells, now at the opening. "D-don't kill him, Red!"
"I know you've got weapons, Jessica, so just toss 'em my way, or the accountant gets an injectment of lead!"
>"Fine, fine! It's me you want, right?! I'll, uh... let you, just don't hurt him!"
"Eh, I prefer it when they fight back. Well whatever, I got that other feisty one over there for that afterwards, so what the hell. Fuckin' backup never came to help me out anyway, but oh well. Good stuff."
>"Don't you fucking touch either of us!" Karri yells, but it sounds like she's not havin' any luck with whatever Red bound her with.
"Start walkin', Itcher, slowly, to the hole, once Jessica throws whatever weapons she's got on our side."
No. 473569 ID: 8b9215

If you get back to the other side of that hole, relocate your shoulder.
No. 473570 ID: 886a4d

Jess has a plan. Truet her. Do what Red says.
No. 473571 ID: 70c0f2

Well, that went about as expected. We're completely useless against Red in close quarters.

Obviously, our life isn't worth letting Jess get raped. Especially since we're as good as dead afterwards, anyways. That said, resisting and immediately dying doesn't help her either. That means our only chance is to comply until we have a chance to do something. Anything. If we can wrench away at the last minute so Jess can open fire instead of surrendering her weapons, that would be golden.

Especially since Jess is almost certainly going to try some desperate suicide play. It's totally in character for her, and you can't let her do that. You'll have to beat her to it.

>Fuckin' backup never came to help me out anyway
That's because they don't care if you get killed.
No. 473573 ID: 886a4d

Oh hey I know a great way to distract him. Explain just exactly why you left your nice little hidey-hole. He and his boss is going down. You just gave Father Zozu everything he needs to ruin his son for good.
No. 473574 ID: beeca1

Hm. She's probably going to start shooting him when you're clear. Get ready to grab a weapon and start shooting with your good arm.
No. 473575 ID: beeca1

That sounds more like a great way to get him to kill us here and now.
No. 473576 ID: 70c0f2

I somehow don't think he'll care. Red's not into that cloak and dagger shit- he just breaks things. As far as he's concerned, he trusts his boss to take care of that shit, and expects to be fine even if he doesn't.

Besides, if everything else goes to hell, I'd like the upload at least to continue uninterrupted while Red is busy torturing, raping, and murdering everyone. ;_;
No. 473578 ID: d7965f


If Jess was going to try something like that, or had a plan to open up on him, wouldn't he sense that?

Unless he WAS lying like a bastard about the Empathy-cloak thing.
No. 473579 ID: e3f578

Tell Jess not to do this shit. He's just going to kill you anyway. But then tell Red he's a fucking pussy, he's afraid of Maklata and Zozu, and will just end up being fucking muscle for the rest of his life while more people like you will push him around and reign him in. I mean, look at him, a fucking neumono badass taking orders from salikai. Why ain't he hunting his bosses? Isn't when you take the salikai's hands for trophies you become a man? He's nothing but Maklata's little dumb bitch that fucks him in the ass every day, and then he'll be Maklata's next tax collector's bitch, and then when Maklata gets that one killed, there'll be a next one.

Face it Red, your a coward race traitor. Fears a big green meanie and can't do jack fucking shit without their sayso. Hell, I bet he wouldn't kill you if they ordered your life spared despite all you've done. What kind of man takes this shit? He's not a man, just a damn bitch.
No. 473580 ID: beeca1

Or he's just not paying attention. And after all, how much neumono can sense depends on how emotionally close they are. Red and Jess are hardly best buddies.
No. 473581 ID: 6cc859

Well, we did accomplish one thing--we kept Red from killing Karri just yet by distracting him before he got the plasma sword.
No. 473583 ID: 70c0f2

I don't think he would have taken Karri as handily as he did without an advantage.

And yeah, I assume he can tell Jess is up to something, but not what. But fuck, he wants her to fight back, and he's an arrogant evil fuck with a huge ego. He's going to call her bluff.
No. 473585 ID: b33427

Quick, think how many shots you got off from that SMG. 'Cause if you emptied the magazine right before he tackled you, he's holding a worthless gun right now. If that's the case, then right when Jess is moving to drop the guns in, mouth "fire" to her, and fall to your right. It's going to hurt like fuckin' hell with that dislocated shoulder, but it just might give Jess a window to unload on Red.

Otherwise... All you can do is follow Red's orders, bide your time, and hope that non-Zozu forces take the HQ before he's done. He's going to want to torture you psychologically and physically before killing you, and that takes time. Probably going to bind you up and make you watch at gunpoint what he does to Jess, and maybe Karri, before working you over.

When you walk to the hole look Jess in the eyes with the most sad look you've ever had and mouth "I'm sorry" to her.
No. 473588 ID: d7965f

Honestly, I don't get why Red thinks Itcher is afraid of death at this point.

Hell, he expected to die the moment he opened his mouth to Father Zozu, not to mention the..at least a week afterwards of being completely surrounded by Maklata's goons.
No. 473590 ID: beeca1

Because he's dumb and what few metaphorical brain cells he has are devoted to his cock.
No. 473591 ID: c4e5c2
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>Quick, think how many shots you got off from that SMG.
Not many at all, there's still too many shots in the gun.

Jess tosses a gun and taser across the hole. I hope she's thinkin something sly that Red can't sense, cause she's certainly foolin' me.

>Explain the video upload
It's uploading on its own right now, and I'm gettin' the bad thought that Red might try to halt the upload if he realizes that's what's goin' on.

Karri goes silent, and Red and I move across the hole, I try to relocate my shoulder by pushin' down, but Red isn't having it.

"Eh, what's her problem back there? Probably just giving up. She knows she's next! Alright, Jess. Take off that top, let's see 'em."
"You're a fuckin' coward, Red! Doin' nothing but-"
"Nothin' stopping me from blowing your brains out and having my way with Jess anyway, so let me do you a favor by bein' nice about this!"

He starts tying me to one of the stairway rails just to the side of the desk blockin' the stairs.
No. 473592 ID: c4e5c2
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Fuckin... gonna make me watch, goddamn. Jess doesn't look so good either, like she's distracted, but she's still fuckin' taking off her jacket.

"If you aren't naked by the time I'm done tyin' up the buzzkill, I'll rip your damn clothes off! And no funny business, I've still got a gun that's ready to go to Itcher's head!" Red yells.
"Fuckin' hell, Jess, do somethin' that ain't giving yourself up! He's gonna kill me anyway!"
"Shut up, man. About done with you anyway, and turns out she wants me to rip her... oh. Damn jammer of mine reduces the range I can sense after all. Turns out we got company! Ha, whoever it is wants to join in! Well, 50 50 chance he or she gets to!"

Great, I'm gettin' left out of the loop again. But I hear faint footsteps coming up the stairs.
No. 473593 ID: c4e5c2
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"Alright, new bitch, come get some of-"


The desk practically gets launched off the stairwell. Nearly fuckin' takes my hands off with it.
No. 473594 ID: c4e5c2
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Jess starts hitting the computer keys frantically. Don't know what she's doin', but Red's distracted.

Probably by the same thing I am.
No. 473595 ID: c4e5c2
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No. 473596 ID: d7965f


Oh fuck.
No. 473597 ID: 886a4d

Oh hello Rokoa. Say did you know this guy said he beat you once?
No. 473599 ID: beeca1

"And apparently he thinks you want to hump him. Karri's alive, if you care at all."
No. 473600 ID: 70c0f2

...nice knowing you, Red.

Seriously, how the hell did she get here so fast?
No. 473601 ID: 8b9215

"Rokoa, meet Red. Says he beat you in a duel. One-sided fight. Don't mind me, I'll just be sitting here, not getting in the way."
No. 473602 ID: 04b86a

...Whiskers. This has to be Whiskers' doing. I don't know if she got our conversation from the Zozu security footage or what, but that's the only explanation I can think of for how Rokoa got here so fast.

"D'you mind untying me? I want to watch this."
No. 473603 ID: e3f578

Mother of god she ascended to this area like a goddamn predator licking its lips into its next delicious meal. Fucking Christ I've never seen a smile like that ever, and I've seen her sadistic smiles before!
No. 473604 ID: c7dc56

Jesus how horrifying. Scramble the hell out it's way and try to re-locate you shoulder.
No. 473605 ID: b33427

Well, that explains why Jess was distracted and Karri went silent; They sensed Rokoa.

Do not try to speak to Rokoa. Do not try to draw her attention. She's locked in on Red, and she's going to deal with him first and foremost, and nothing is going to get in her way. You'll just make her annoyed with you afterwards by talking. Just watch what happens, and only speak if spoken to.

Best guess for why Rokoa came here so quick: She saw that security camera footage of Red boasting he bested her in hand to hand combat. Either it was broadcast by Jess, Whiskers got it to her, or it came to her by another way. Probably Jess, the way she's hammering that radio gear keyboard right now. But whichever it was, she's here now, and Red's in for a world of hurt.

Keep your head down, and wait for Jess to cut you loose once she's done doing whatever she's doing. Try knocking your shoulder back into position in the meantime.
No. 473606 ID: d7965f

Yeah it's probably a HORRIBLE FUCKING IDEA to draw her attention at you.

Just sit there, try to wriggle the fuck out of your predicament, dislocate your OTHER arm if necessary, and the relocate them to go grab Jess.
No. 473607 ID: 67e3e1

Just, uh.

Just let her do her thing. Don't get talky until she starts looking a little less psycho.
No. 473608 ID: 1e9d01

I think we should try to keep relatively quiet or at least be very respectful towards Rokoa.

After all, she might hate Zozu in general, which means we could be in danger. It really wouldn't surprise me since so many other people do.
No. 473609 ID: beeca1

I admit keeping quiet at the moment sounds good, but do keep in mind Rokoa seems to dislike people she thinks are pansies, and being tied up is not exactly a good first impression.
No. 473610 ID: 5bf190

It's so nice to see a friendly, smiling face in times of trouble.
No. 473614 ID: 70c0f2

That's why after she's done ripping Red to pieces, instead of looking terrified, Itcher draws on every once of dispassionate, indifferent calm he's ever had, and issues a monosyllabic


By ways of greeting / acknowledgment. Possibly followed up a a simple

No. 473621 ID: 35037c

I guess we're about to get the show of a lifetime
No. 473624 ID: 35037c

Say this
No. 473640 ID: c4e5c2
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"Heyyy, not bad. You wanna join in, huh?"
".... silent." Rokoa mutters.

Think I'm also gonna remain silent here for a minute.
No. 473641 ID: c4e5c2
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Rokoa, who I'm only makin' wild guesses as to why she'd be here now, looks past the hole, ignoring us. Smoke's cleared up enough to see Karri starin' back, tied up with her own ear bands and ripped portions of her bio armor.
No. 473642 ID: c4e5c2
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Jess finishes what she was doing, and steps away from the computer. Looks like, while the video's still uploadin', she spliced out other parts and is playing it back.

"Rokoa." I hear myself say on the speakers.
"Please. I beat the shit out of her a few years back. She didn't have any bio armor on then, but neither did I."
No. 473643 ID: c4e5c2
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The video cuts to some other time, probably on the security camera, that I wasn't around for but Whiskers included in the files.

"Oh, yeah, I said I beat up Rokoa. Slapped her around real good, and after doin' my thing, she started crying! Just right there, breaking down and sobbin', beggin' me to stop!"
No. 473647 ID: c4e5c2
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"... heh. You must have done a good job on me, 'cause I don't even remember you, shorty." Rokoa tells him.
"Yeah, I must have! Even better, now! Like that bitch back there, I can sense your shit, and you don't know what I'm doing!"

She gets a large lookin' needle and starts reaching back behind her.

"You have about one minute... actally, second thought. That your bio armor jamming you?"
"Yeah, you got a problem with it bitch?! I got the gun, so just prop your fat ass over the rail, otherwise I get some target practice! I know you want it!"
"Bio armor jamming... you're a wimp after all, but by all means, bend me over if you can make me."
"You asked for it! Bad fucking choi-"
No. 473648 ID: c4e5c2
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Turns out she is fast as fuck. Red stood too close to the rails, and didn't react fast enough.
No. 473649 ID: c4e5c2
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He doesn't recover before she grabs the gun next, hops the rails, and... well, what proceeds would normally sit bad in my stomach, but given the circumstances... it's pretty fuckin' glorious. I manage to pop my shoulder back in. Red's whimpers almost block out the pain.

I don't think Red gets anything more than a grazing in to Rokoa. She simples wails on the dude, proceeding to break every limb he's got, just fuckin' around with him. Assumin' she doesn't just turn on us and do the same thing she's doin' to Red, I'm pretty glad her reputation isn't doin' much to exaggerate her.
No. 473650 ID: c4e5c2
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When it's all said and done, Red's crippled to the point where he's barely twitchin'.

"Goddamnit was that seriously it? Do you at least still want to fuck?
Red shakes his head.
"Well fucking hell, it was rhetorical. Tell me your pelvis at least is tough enough."
No. 473651 ID: c4e5c2
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She jumps up high and.... oh boy.
No. 473653 ID: c4e5c2
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The following crunch does make me cringe, though. Jess ain't cheerin' either, but I'm also pretty sure she ain't complaining.
No. 473654 ID: c4e5c2
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She goes back to the stairs, and just looks around.

..."Hey." I think I manage to say it pretty not shakily.
"Hello and goodbye. I heard enough, so I think I'm done here. Capn' Nekto says hello, to the pathetic weakling of whom it may concern."
No. 473655 ID: c4e5c2
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No. 473656 ID: c4e5c2
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That happened. Red's still groaning.
No. 473657 ID: d7965f

Oh god my ribs.

Jesus Christ.
No. 473658 ID: 1e9d01

Advise Jess she should get the plasma sword and set both you and Karri free.

Red is still alive. Let's fix that, shall we?
No. 473659 ID: 6fb1f5

Welp. There goes that problem.

You should probably thank Jess. And get out of that bind. And let her decide what to do with Red.

... Time to deal to with Karri's mommy issues?
No. 473660 ID: 8b9215

Call up everyone on your friends list in that headset of yours and tell them to find a closet or drainage pipe to hide in because shit is about to go down on a level they can't imagine.

Taser him with both tasers then unload into him with an SMG mag or two. Then cut his head off with the plasma blade. If you can get the head portion of the bio armor off so it isn't cut, that'd be good. Untie Karri so she can join in on the fun.
No. 473661 ID: 6dc5a6

For all intents and purposes we've officially quit from Zozu. Kill Red hard, no oneliners and no last words from him.
No. 473662 ID: 1e9d01

Oh, and let's be absolutely certain he's dead.

Chop him up into bits.
No. 473665 ID: 9718f3

Kill him and take his bio armor. It's gonna be your and Jess' retirement fund.
No. 473666 ID: beeca1

Yeah, this.

And her ass really is gigantic isn't it? I almost thought Red was going to be absorbed or something.
No. 473667 ID: c1826d

Not a moment stopped or stayed she.
Not a bone unbroken remained he.
No. 473670 ID: 8b9215

head / upper torso / lower torso / left arm / right arm / left leg / right leg

That should do it.
No. 473672 ID: a5478c

Did... she just walk downstairs backwards? What's up with that?
No. 473673 ID: c4e5c2
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>Did... she just walk downstairs backwards? What's up with that?
I just do not know.

Jess already goes to untie me, and I show her where the plasma sword is.

"You up for it?" I ask, gesturing to Red.
"Just don't mess up that bio armor too much, thing must be worth a fortune."
>"Good point, I'll... take it off, first. Taking off his head, then through his waist will be enough for sure."
No. 473674 ID: c4e5c2
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I move over to get Karri out. She's stone silent, dunno why, but whatever. She gets her earpiece again and uses it to talk.

>"Hey, Likisin?.... yeah, I'm fuckin' alright now. What, you guys told her to come here?!.... y-yeah.... yeah, I needed goddamn help. The fuck was she doing here?!.............. alright. I'm coming back out before they come back in force. Yeah, their only tough unit they had was Red, and he's done."

"Not to intrude here, but why was Rokoa here?" I ask, hearing the plasma sword in the other room getting used by Jess, and Red's last few wheezes. Karri puts the earpiece back down and explains it to me.

>"From what I gather, Whisker contacted Black Supernova to tell them about the fiasco going on here, right as it happened, and there may have been some incentive to get him to attack Zozu, I don't know. Apparently he told Nekto just about everything he needed to know about Zozu's situation. Black Supernova has a radio that can broadcast anywhere on the asteroid, and I used that yesterday to report in to Tin's Trade Hub, which Pilon has been staying at and operates out of now. Nekto was able to look at the call history and find the trade hub's number, so he sent in a report to Tin and Pilon saying that I was in danger. They're all far away, and couldn't get to us in a good amount of time, though I'm sure the rest of my family is on their way nonetheless. Tin, though, used another communicator to call up Rokoa to get here and help the black supernova asap. She got her hive to airlift her to join up with Nekto's assault in no time. That's why she was here."

"You want a coat or somethi"
>"I'm fine."
No. 473675 ID: 8b9215

Ask Jess to make a few more cuts. Never hurts to be sure. After that follow Karri and skeddadle out of here.

Oh, right, phone your friends and tell them shit is about to go down if it hasn't already.
No. 473676 ID: b33427

Not much left to do here. Gather up weapons, the recordings (if they've finished uploading,) and any other stuff you want to take along, and get gone.

Pop on your private communicator and check in with Jules to hear how things are shaking out in the Zozu Family after your little upload hit.

Compliment Jess on her quick thinking back there, adding fuel to the Rokoa fire with the security camera footage.

Nurse along that shoulder that was dislocated, since it's going to be loose until treated. Might want to stop in the hospital section to swipe a sling, if you have time and it's on the way.

Wonder who is the "pathetic weakling" that Rokoa mentioned. Wouldn't think Captain Nekto would have reason to say "hello," to Red, so it couldn't be him. Is it Karri, for some reason? Wonder why Rokoa would say that about her.
No. 473681 ID: c4e5c2
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I come back with Karri. Red looks pretty dead. And nude.

"Make a few more cuts just to be sure."

Jess divides the legs, and Karri uses a bit of ammo. No one survives that much. I take a look over to the computer, and the upload is finished. Father Zozu must be perusing it now if he hasn't already.

"Lamarra, Jules, you guys still good?"
>"I'm hurt, but not bad." Lamarra reports. "Still with Pilon's branch. Lot of 'em are more hurt than me, but we just got some respite."
"And I'm alive, but just goddamn barely. I saw Rokoa! Is the hive against us too or something?!"
"No, no, she's acting alone I guess. By the way, the recording of all Maklata's shit? That's about to get uploaded and transferred right to Father Zozu. That's when the bulk of Zozu's forces here are gonna get tested, whether they're honestly loyal to Maklata or to Zozu."
"Oh, that sure as hell explains sometihng. We just got an order to defend ourselves as needed seconds ago but not to press any attacks, and we're entering the negotiations with Black Supernova. Father Zozu took over this mission completely immediately, and while a lot of these guys are directly under Maklata, once that power was stripped, I don't think anyone was willing to fight against Father by rebelling. I mean, there's nothing to rebel against anyway, since they don't know what Maklata wants ever since he was pulled off the mic."
"Damn good. Be careful."
"Don't worry, I'm practically in the clear here, I found myself a hiding spot. Plus, we're sorta in an unofficial, if also uneasy, ceasefire."
No. 473682 ID: c4e5c2
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"By the way, Jess, thanks for looking out for me. And good quick thinking, showing Rokoa that footage."
>"We said we'd look out for each other, didn't we?"
"Yeah, but geez, were you really gonna let Red go and do what he was gonna do with you? Dude really probably would've killed me anyway, and my life ain't worth that in the first place."
>"You idiot, you're wrong, it would've been worth it even if there was a little chance he'd let you live!"
"Man, I can barely forgive myself for getting my ass handed to me and just getting held hostage like that."
"There's no one else that ever would have done that for me though, you know. Itcher, you're really the bes-"

>"Holy crap, you lovebirds. Let's move." Karri snaps.

No. 473683 ID: c4e5c2
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The ceasefire is honored, so although we scurry in the alleys, we're able to catch up to Likisin and a couple others who came out to meet us.

>"Hey, guys. Uh, Karri, why is only the to-" he says.
>"Don't fuckin' ask. Glad to see you. Is everyone...?"
>"I think all of us will make it, the greenforce took several casualties. But we just got the word, and Zozu will let us go for ceasefire, so long as they keep the cargo."
>"What about the historical maps?"
>"We'll probably be at odds with them about that later, since we all have copies of the maps now. They aren't trying anything weird like getting Supernova's radio though."

"Hey, uh, Itcher?" Jules pings me. "I'm sorta in the dark here, but we were just alerted that if possible, and if you're alive, to try and get you on our radio."
No. 473696 ID: 70c0f2

Rest in pieces, Red. Gotta say dude, for what it's worth, you earned some respect back for being crazy enough to not back down once you were face to face with Rokoa. You kept that ego stoked to the end.

The hive can airdrop Rokoa? While that's useful, that might be more of a problem in the future. Pretty sure the trade hub just used up our last mission credit with her.

>Red's bio armor
Let's not have anyone put it on. Can't be sure if it was just the power trip, but Red got noticeably less mentally stable after donning it. We should have the trade hub scientists and/or CAI examine it.

>phone for Itcher
Really. Well, we might as well take it. Not sure you want to be associated with this though, Jules. Doubt they're happy with me.
No. 473700 ID: c4e5c2
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"Yeah, I'll take it." I tell Jules. "Doubt they're too happy with me, you may not want to associate with me, here."
"Nah, they sound fine I think. I still don't want to, cause you were supposed to be actin' way out of line from my own actions, so it'd look weird if I suddenly got you to turn up right as the order was given out."

Jules does give me directions. Jess an' Lamarra follow me to some Zozu that holds up a radio that's been put on speaker.

"Hello. Itcher speaking."
>"Hello. This is Father Zozu. Are Jules, Lamarra and Jessica there right now?"
"Jess' and Lamarra are, sir."
>"Bring Jules. I will wait."
Which we do wait, in uncomfortably silence, till he gets here.
>"I am glad you all answered, and although I directly requested this, I have difficulty finding the words. Although I do not know how Itcher got the bugs to record despite precautions against such very bugs, I doubt he had the means to fake such a video. Quite frankly, I am tired of this ordeal, and if we get the gold back, then I am perfectly happy to shuffle this under the rug. Now, as for where you all stand with us, although you have done some things wrong, you have also done plenty right. Jules, to my understanding, being the exception, of whom I am unaware of any treasonous behavior. For the rest, however, I can even look past those wrong doings, as you have been wronged by not just the Zozu family, but my direct descendant therein. Therefore, I am giving a full pardon, and will say that you are all welcome to come back. You need not worry about Maklata."
No. 473701 ID: ec2e47

I feel like now might be a good time to retire from that line of work. Maklata probably had some friends after all.
No. 473702 ID: 62496e

Gentlemen, I do believe we have achieved the best possible outcome.

Take the pardon, then quit as tactfully as possible.
No. 473705 ID: 70c0f2

Dude. Father Zozu's a pretty cool guy. Didn't expect this to be an option.

Everyone makes their own decisions, here. Jules is pretty much in the clear, and he has family back there. He's probably going back. Lamarra, I don't really have a read on. He's certainly got a future for his ambitions in Zozu- lots of newly vacant posts, and Ziril will be pretty happy with him for his hand in getting Malkata out of the way. Although he could have decided he really likes hanging with the pseudo hive or whatever, so I dunno.

Itcher? Whiskers was right before. You don't have much waiting for you, back in Zozu. I think now would be the time to gracefully take your leave (make sure to be polite, and thank father Zozu).

Jess is almost certainly gonna follow Itcher. And frankly, I think she's better off getting out of Zozu. And some time around non-asshole neumono will do her good. The trade hub is as good a place as any to set up base and start looking for Whiskers. You can sell your nano band and Red's suit to the CAI to research. That'll set you two up for a while.

>Gentlemen, I do believe we have achieved the best possible outcome.
I'd say we only got 98% completion or so. If we'd had been perfect, we wouldn't have gotten Malsen killed.
No. 473709 ID: 1e9d01

Tell Zozu that you are volunteering to go after Whisker and ask for full autonomy to do so.

I don't think we're gonna be able to chase her while being held down by our tax collector job.
No. 473710 ID: 70c0f2

While clever, that puts us in the awkward position of being responsible for bringing her in. I think we've had enough of trying to meet contradictory objectives.
No. 473721 ID: c4e5c2
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"Well... thanks for the home, but I think I'd have to take my leave. I just don't have much goin' for me back home, and Maklata's got guys for all I know."
>"The... same." Jessica says.
>"I, though, would like to come back." mentions Lamarra."
"Same as Lamarra. Wife, kids, etcetera." Jules answers.

>"Hm... so Itcher and Jessica want to leave. Since they've been wronged by the family in an unprecedented manner, I will allow unprecedented leeway. There will be no coming back to Zozu homeland ever again, but if that is your wish, then I will not order a hunt for you. It is disappointing to me, but I will respect that wish. Now, if you all will excuse me, there is much else for me to do about this mess."

And just like that, we're free.

"Guess this is it, then."
>"Hey, Jules." Jessica says. "It's not like he forbade you or Lamarra from coming out and visiting."
"True, that. Still, that leaves me being just about the last guy who has any longetivity in the office."

The four of us say our goodbyes from there. All of us suck at long goodbyes, but like Jess said, it ain't like we'll never see each other again.
No. 473722 ID: c4e5c2
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I head back with Jessica to Karri, and tell her what happened.

"I don't suppose you guys have room for two more back at your place?"
>"I get the impression they are trying to drastically upsize. We'll take you back with us. Our vehicles are basically either wrecked or not roomy enough for all of us, but Nekto will give us a lift. We're going to back out of this outpost soon, and arrange a ride from there to the trade hub. What're you two gonna do anyway?"
No. 473725 ID: 997ce7

Probably join the trade hub. Itcher is good for gathering rent (now we can finally stop that "lol you're back from a mission we asked you to do? Pay up to get in" bullshit and collect rent like reasonable sophonts, hooray), as well as being usefully paranoid.

Jessica is good with data, although I don't know if she'll want to join the trade hub.
No. 473727 ID: 70c0f2

Well, we're out of a job and broke now, and a trade hub seems a good place to start fixing that. Especially since between the two of us, Jess and I've got some super secret recording devices and experimental bio-armor to sell to your science types.

...I'm looking for someone too. Good a place as any to start.

>Jessica is good with data, although I don't know if she'll want to join the trade hub.
She's gonna follow Itcher where-ever he goes. I think the trade hub will be good for her, though. We certainly have a need for meatspace computer people, and the CAI will love her (I mean c'mon, a neumono who does computers?) and I think it'll do her good to be around non-asshole neumono for a while (Likisin seems to take a liking to her, too).

As for what work Itcher can do, it's not like it'll hurt having someone doing the books (can't automate everything through the CAI), and a paranoid has his useful applications.

>next time Itcher is alone with Jess
We may want to ask if she could tell what the hell was going on with Rokoa and Karri. Definately seemed like there was a subtext you were missing out on there.
No. 473730 ID: d7965f


I think it's much less "Likisin has taken a liking to her" and more "This chick is uncomfortable with that fuck outside, hell I'm not doing anything more productive right now anyway"
No. 473732 ID: 8b9215

"Be an accountant and secretary and live happily ever after."
No. 473734 ID: 1e9d01

If we're gonna try to sell the nanoband we'll want to warn them ahead of time that you're a walking bug.

It's also worth noting to them that once you have a lead on Whisker you're gonna chase it.
No. 473739 ID: 70c0f2

Hmm. Actually, we may not want to mention aloud what we're planning to do with the nanoband before we remove it.

We may not want to voice our connection to Whiskers, either. Karri might not be too happy with him right now. And working at the trade hub isn't like working for the mob- if Itcher needs to head out some day, he can.

We've shipped on a hell of a lot less than outright cuddling. And even if that is all it was, it's still better than the indifference or hostility she was getting from most of Zozu.
No. 473770 ID: b33427

Well, you're a damn good accountant and less good tax collector, and Jess is a secre- uh. You know, you never did get her job description. Maybe ask her now.

Ask what's it like at the trade hub. You're hoping you don't have to have goons to protect you, like in your last job. Oh, and the most important question: Do they have a good bar?

On the ride there, ask Jess if being around Rokoa is as terrifying for a neumono as you've heard.
No. 473813 ID: c4e5c2
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"Well, we can pay for our rent at least. We got stuff to sell, and hey, it's a trade hub. I can work too, accountant and all. And Jess... what are you anyway, Jess?"
>"I'm a generalist computer user, really. I just help where some assistance is needed."
"Okay then. I may also chase Whisker if I get any leads, dunno if I'd go running after her blind though. You guys got a good bar?"
>"A decent bar, yeah. Alright, you two are okay. It's not like I've got the authority to take you on, but I'm sure they'd like you. We're going to board a tank, just follow us."
No. 473814 ID: c4e5c2
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Jess and I end up riding in our own compartment. Those Black Supernova know how to travel nice.

"So Jess, what was with Karri and Rokoa? Couldn't help but feel there were some invisible lines I couldn't read."
>"I... don't really know. I mean, there was something there for sure. A lot of hate from Karri, but Rokoa just... ignored it, like Karri didn't exist in her eyes. Plus, Rokoa was focused on Red the entire time until, uh, cannonballing him. I think there was something there, too? But Rokoa was sure they never met, so I have no idea. And I think Karri was mad that Rokoa won, but I can't be sure. It was messed up, and I couldn't get that good clarity off them."
"Eh, dunno the history there, but I know of her an' Polo, so maybe seein' Red was kinda nostalgic, even if it wasn't a natural self jammer."
>"Yeah, that makes sense."
"Was bein' around Rokoa as scary as I've been led to believe."
>"Oh, geez, you have no idea. I have no idea how Red said those things to her. That's enough on that, though. Let's just enjoy our trip into new territory."
"Yeah, yeah. Long as they got good booze."
>"Hey, don't worry about it. If we get a good reason to celebrate and you want to bring out the good stuff, we'll have money, and we do have the cat dive pin."
No. 473816 ID: 48f315

"Speaking of how he was able to say that stuff, we might want to check the armor in case it makes you go nuts."
No. 473819 ID: 70c0f2

Right then. Let's nap and enjoy the ride. Then we can see about job interviews with Tin, introducing the CAI to it's new friend (She does computers? Yay!), and trading our tech over to the research people (we gotta remove the nano band anyways, if we're going to start hunting for whiskers, and I somehow doubt Jess needs bioarmor, or could wear an 80%, let alone one that potentially increases mental instability).

Be sure to issue a final thank you to Whiskers for helping you get out of that mess before you remove the nano band.

When we switch perspective back to the CAI, or someone in charge, let's go over things. Who did we lose on that mission? How did the other missions go? How's the base projects, etc.
No. 473820 ID: d7965f

Just enjoy the ride in silence, I guess, snuggle with her a bit after this entire ordeal, you've both earned a little silence and comfort. We can present any worries about the Bioarmor or Nanobug to the CAI or Tin when we get to the trade hub.
No. 473821 ID: cee0ad

Tell Jess to don all of her pins because she looks more badass that way, then proceed to cuddle.
No. 473825 ID: b33427

You can worry about what you two are going to do once you get to the trade hub. For now, just snuggle, rest, and enjoy the feeling of being free of the threat of Maklath.

Though, you gotta wonder what Whiskers offered to the Black Supernova to come save all your bacon. Must have been big to get them to take on Zozu.
No. 473832 ID: 8b9215

"But it looks so good on you."
No. 473838 ID: 1e9d01

I think Red was just crazy. A delusional egomaniac. That or his empathic link was lying to him, but that sounds like something they'd be able to experimentally confirm. So, he wasn't afraid of Rokoa because he just didn't get what she was really like. It's also possible he was a failed experiment by Zozu to try to remove a neumono's link, either surgically or by genetic engineering.

Ask Jess what she thinks about the nanoband. Is it a known technology but just expensive? Is there any point to keeping it intact as we go to the Trade Hub? Should we give them advance warning we're a walking bug, perhaps?

...hang on, how far is its range? Whisker has to be able to pick up its broadcast to see what it sees. I think that so long as we leave the nanoband on, Whisker will come near us every now and then to recover its recorded data. Maybe we can use this as a trap. Don't give that away until after you've removed it, of course. We shouldn't give Whisker any advance warning.
No. 473844 ID: c4e5c2
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>Ask Jess what she thinks about the nanoband. Is it a known technology but just expensive?
>"No idea, I didn't know anything like that existed. I mean, things like it, sure, but nothing that couldn't be detected like that, nor with such high quality video and audio.

I'll think of what to do with it later. Don't wanna rush that decision.

"Got all your pins, by the way?"
>"Yeah, why?"
"Nothin', they just look good on you."
>"Heh, thanks."

Thinkin' I'll get a good nights rest for once in a long time.
No. 473845 ID: c4e5c2
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"..... yes, send Maklata in, now."
No. 473846 ID: c4e5c2
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>"... yes, father?"
"You know why you are here, do you not?"
>"..... yes."
"As you are aware, I do not kill my sons. To the best of my ability, I attempt to redirect them. This petty rivalry you and your siblings have shared, however, has sicked me. It has been tolerable up to a point, but now a line has been crossed and continued to be stamped on. Through your reckless abandon and gross incompetence, you have costed us an enormous amount of resources. It is not what I would accept, backstabbing and treachery on siblings to the point of killing very members of the family. What of Malsen, the one who honorably served you, or Red, crass in his methods, yet greatly effective? They are now dead, and for what? You not just stealing our own gold, but to cover it up to such ridiculous, inept lengths? Now.... as I have said, I do not kill my sons."
No. 473848 ID: c4e5c2
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"But in light of your recent actions, you are no longer any son of mine."
No. 473853 ID: 8b9215

Suck it, dickface.
No. 473862 ID: d7965f

I like Father Zozu, I really do, sure he is a hardcore Leader, but one that is also understanding of the failures of his men and seeks to help them improve, and he also has standards.

I actually kinda feel sorry for Maklata, I really do, what was going to be a petty jab at his sibling turned into a clusterfuck that wasted a lot of resources, got a good number of his men killed, and got him executed by Father Zozu, but the way he casually tossed aside and ended the lives of not only HIS men, but everyone else that even steps into his path has me really, really not wanting to, but it's hard.
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