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483108 No. 483108 ID: 389f2b

(( This isn't exactly a chapter, but it's a little short about Mal-the name parodied off of Dive Quest's chapter 'About a girl'-to help everyone understand what Mal is and what he intends. The whole thing will be from his perspective, the excuse being that Samantha is asleep. This will update a bit slower, with finals coming up.
http://www.tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/65844.html <--- zombiequest dis thread ))

I remember when I was a mere few cells, hardly an obstruction to the workings of the brain. I couldn't think back then, no, but yet I some how remember it vividly.

I was never meant to be, to exist. I was dealt with by two rounds of chemotherapy and surgically removed once I had grown weaker.

But as every cancer goes, you always have the chance of developing it once more. Samantha was not supposed to; I was but the memory of DNA.

But something changed in the wind. Sickness drifted into the walking world, where it killed and then revived a fraction of the brain. It made once perfectly sane people into bloodlusting animals, so primitive that they eat beings different from themselves. They were slow and weak however, only taking over with the advantage of surprise and number.

I suppose I am a zombie as well. I do not crave the flesh of the living, as I cannot stimulate taste yet, but I do crave sheer blood of all and any.

I thought it would be easy, though I lost my patience and activated my visual control much too early, just before I would spread to the language area, and soon movement and coordination.

That is what differs me and the others-they stimulate mostly in the frontal lobe, the rest of everything hardly working. They have no sense of self preservation.

My recent goal of taking over Sam's body have not changed...But, a few new interesting numbers have jumped into the equation...

19 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 483413 ID: be7fd9

>Will you hear me out?
Certainly. Let's hear your proposed compromise.

>The living are so much more... quenching.
Does the kind of life matter? After all, there's plenty of non-sentient life out there.
No. 483418 ID: 389f2b


Tell Sam that I am dead; gone. I will attempt to...Live quietly. I will not make my killings obvious as to me doing it-whether it be the zombies or the living.

I...I suppose as long as I can do that...As long as my body reaches further into the psychical world so that I may fully interact...I will leave her alone.

It depends on the life-smashing a plant is no good, zombies are like a single peanut, I assume any feral animals would be moreso than that, and living humans...Is as if heaven is flowing through the cells of my one-ounce being.

No. 483419 ID: 389f2b
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No. 483424 ID: be7fd9

What of the tumor? Will you continue to spread as you astral project, hunt, and feed? I mean, it's all well and good to say you'd like to just separate from her, but this also seems an excellent way for you to buy the time and resources you need to take over, unopposed.
No. 483425 ID: b6edd6

What about quantity over quality? If you were to, say, exterminate a large next of feral rats at once?

I would still not be happy about you killing people, but quietly killing zombies would be in all of our interests.
No. 483426 ID: 389f2b
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If I could merely separate from her entirely, I would happily do so as to main her body in such a way that no other killer could hope to do so.

But I cannot. I will spread as far as movement, language, and coordination. Perhaps I will take on a mortal form and live amoung them as if I am one of them.

At this point, I do not know what will happen. I do not know how to convince you.

But if you agree to telling her that I am no more...no harm will come to her, Axel, nor Jasmine. Unless you others do not actually care for the other two, of course...

No. 483435 ID: 8ebb5c

I say we just kill 'im, but Sam obviously needs some time to recover. While this "compromise" may serve our immediate needs, we have to look down the road. The big bad's gonna come back to bite us in the butt and we all know it.

Secondly, if we do agree to this, which I'm guessing these softies will, it should be no Humans, or at the very least no survivors that join forces with us.
No. 483446 ID: f2c20c

I will pass on your message.
No. 483451 ID: be7fd9

I dunno. I think the biggest flaw in your plan is she's unlikely to believe you just up and died. Well, from your perspective at least. From our perspective the biggest flaws are that as soon as we lie for you, if we're ever found out, we lose all credibility with Sam (well, that, and deciding we're cool with letting you kill unfettered).

Why exactly do you need to spread if you're not planning to usurp her body anymore?
No. 483474 ID: 1e72ae

Would you be willing to only kill zombies and evil humans to sustain yourself? (people like Jasmine's father, or bandits/murderers)

If you made some dramatic production about how she "defeated" you, she might believe it. It would also reduce responsibility on our part if you are ever found out.
No. 483503 ID: 8ebb5c

We could say we killed him, but that, like all cancer, there's a chance of remission, that you could indeed grow back
No. 483505 ID: 389f2b
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As I said...I will do my best to contain myself.


Thank you.


Even if I manage to create a 'mortal' body, my
'brain' will be hers; though I would not spread to the central lobe, meaning I would not tire the organ.

Other than having a brain a couple ounces heavier, she'd never notice.

I...I could work with just those terms I suppose...As far as I know, many humans are just as malicious as myself, or even more in the sense of being pigs....


A wonderful excuse if my current plans do not carry out as we hoped.

No. 483515 ID: 389f2b

Well I guess it's settled. Instead of killing the Evil tumor growing inside Sams' head, not only are we going to let be grow unfettered- we're also telling her Mal is dead and hiding the fact that a blood hungry monster who will most likely kill us all when it get's the chance is actually alive and well IN HER BRAIN.

This is fool proof, great planning everyone
No. 483519 ID: b6edd6

I don't think we should lie about it, but we might as well have a truce for now.

Besides, there is not much at the moment we can do to harm Mal, aside from the passive support which we should keep doing. By the time we get the means to kill him off directly we will most likely only be able to do it through surprise.
No. 483522 ID: be7fd9

Two things. It's not our plan- it's the compromise he's offering us. Secondly, it's not an alternative to killing him. Killing Mal is not something we are currently capable of! Starving him out might have worked, but he's capable of killing/feeding independently now.

And really, we don't know he's evil. As he's been very keen to explain, his circumstances haven't given him a whole of choice in the matter. Yes, if we go along with this, he will have the opportunity to backstab us. We're also giving him a chance to prove himself, though.
No. 483525 ID: 1e72ae

In that case, I'd be willing to help you. I won't lie directly, (policy of mine) but I'll twist the truth a bit if I have to. (eg "it looks like he's gone for good")

If you do start to bloodlust indiscriminately, is there anything we can do to wake you up from it?

I agree with the first part of your statement, but the second, not so much. Quote from the author at the end of chapter 1 "But yeah. He's nothing but evil, not even a little ounce of of tumor cells holding good"
No. 483527 ID: 389f2b

Yeah, sorry if I'm sounding like a jerk but it was pretty much explicitly stated that Mal is evil. His name literally means bad, and Mal himself told us that he wants blood, and is going to kill people. He doesn't like us, and he's doing this because we would be able to hurt him and do something about it. Maybe as he grows he will gain some semblance of compassion or teamwork or something like that. But right now? I'd be pretty sure he's just a blood hungry tumor
No. 483533 ID: be7fd9

That's kind of out of character knowledge. And I vastly prefer judging characters on actions over classifications, when possible.

Also, really, how smart is it to be be saying we don't trust him at all, and we aren't negotiating in faith? You're basically telling him he has no choice but to backstab us, or we'll backstab him first! And if there's one thing this character has established, it's that he has no qualms doing what he has to to survive when there's no choice.

No. 483540 ID: 1e72ae

You do have a lot of very good points, but while we can hurt him; we probably won't be able to kill him before he can majorly hurt Sam. For right now, that is his trump card. If he does keep his end of the bargain, (only killing people/things that we already want dead) he will be very useful. There will always be people that need killing, and if we can establish him a permanent job as an executioner of the law, it will work out pretty well.
No. 483549 ID: 389f2b
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...With all this talk...It makes me remember.
No. 483550 ID: 389f2b
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I haven't actually killed on my own yet.
No. 483552 ID: 389f2b
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No. 483553 ID: 389f2b
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No. 483587 ID: 389f2b

Oh don't mistake me for saying nay, this plan is about our only option right now, just be warned and have a contingency plan, because this is gonna blow up in our faces big time.

Also I do actually have that kind of character knowledge, at least for the time being. I don't know what's coming next, but I'm partial to some information you guys might not know.

Again, sorry for being kind of a dick, I don't want it to seem like I feel entitled or that I'm better than you, because I'm not, and I don't think I am, or that I should be. I just have strong feelings is all
No. 483590 ID: be7fd9

Feels good, man?
No. 483592 ID: 389f2b
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...That felt...Very good.

Very powerful.

I never imagined it would feel this good...

No. 483593 ID: 389f2b
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Perhaps I should begin thinking of a form to take on...
No. 483594 ID: 389f2b
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No. 483596 ID: 684ecf

needs more arms. preferably atrophied ones.
No. 483598 ID: be7fd9

Little skinny there, bro.
No. 483600 ID: 389f2b
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Hehe. Shriveled and mutilated is fun, yes, but I don't exactly want to scare everyone off from the start.
No. 483633 ID: 8ebb5c

Take the form of something adorable and easily crush-able- to throw off any potential enemies, give you the edge.
No. 483637 ID: 389f2b
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No. 483639 ID: 8ebb5c

They'll never see the swift death coming
No. 483642 ID: 389f2b
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I'll stick with this form.

First things first! I need a new...regular name.

No. 483651 ID: 8ebb5c

Mal the Mighty and Terrible
No. 483658 ID: 389f2b


As wonderful as that is, I don't think it will sit will with keeping myself unknown from Sam.
No. 483664 ID: 8ebb5c

Mal Who Isn't Sam's Tumor?

Or maybe

No. 483668 ID: 1e72ae

No. 483671 ID: be7fd9

Hale as in healthy? I like the irony. And possible symbolism if Mal does turn over a new leaf.
No. 483680 ID: 389f2b
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No. 483681 ID: 389f2b
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Yes! Hale is the perfect name.
No. 483727 ID: 8ebb5c

Malcolm Hale? emphasis on MALcolm, also good. Also, establish a credible background, some sort of story you can tell people when they ask where you were when it started, how you got out, and all that jazz
No. 484024 ID: 2de44c
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Malcolm Hale...Perfect.

I suppose the general, 'whole family died', an intense hatred for the zombies and will to destroy as many as I can, find survivors to be ~protective~ over, the such. It should be easy to fake on the spot.

No. 484051 ID: 2de44c

So, what next then?
No. 484182 ID: 2de44c
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Now...Now, I leave.

I won't return to Sam for awhile, but I cannot be too far-so I will always be close.

Remember...Tell her you killed me, that I starved from lack of killing, whatever you must, and I will never fester to take her body over again.

No. 484194 ID: 1e72ae

I still say making a big show out of how she "defeated" you with her "strength of will" would make her more inclined to believe. I don't think that she'd accept you keeling over without you taunting her one last time.
No. 484195 ID: 8ebb5c

The story is we fought you off and managed to overpower you because you hadn't been killing, which made you week. But there's a chance for relapse, so be on guard. Not gettin a better deal than that pal
No. 484206 ID: be7fd9

I doubt she'll believe you're really gone without some kind of convincing resolution. People are like that. They need stories.

And oh, just because we're covering for you, don't except us to drop the cellular guard. We aren't giving you free reign to spread just because you say you won't take over. We'll still be fighting that. You've still got trust to earn.

Although, we'll check back in with you at some point. See what you're turning into, and if you've earned that trust.
No. 484223 ID: 2de44c
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Tell her whatever the fuck you must. She'll believe it, once I fail to return.

And of course. Feel free to visit me anytime you wish.

So...I guess this is a good bye, for now. Sam should be waking soon. Act very excited, would you?

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