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File 125375411198.png - (4.75KB , 520x292 , 1.png )
49970 No. 49970 ID: 45afb1

"I Wanna go on an ADVENTURE!"
12 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 50120 ID: 45afb1
File 125379379672.png - (5.10KB , 520x292 , 8.png )

Just to clear things up, that wasn't me. The world has been like that for a while actually.

But the edge of the world has been very chaotic since it happened so I'm sure there is SOME sort of damsel in distress down there. But I don't think it would be very adventurous to go with out some sort of heroic costume or something. What do you guys think?
No. 50160 ID: b5bc7c

inb4 gimp suit
No. 50553 ID: bd6ea1

Can you take a costume with you? What else can you transport?
No. 50555 ID: 45afb1
File 125384208784.png - (13.31KB , 460x629 , 9.png )

Is my house considered other things?
No. 50556 ID: 43d730
File 125384230281.gif - (5.40KB , 607x536 , lightinggimp.gif )

No. 50560 ID: 45afb1
File 125384257295.png - (4.54KB , 520x292 , 10.png )

No. 50562 ID: 43d730

I know, slower than usual.
No. 50940 ID: 45afb1
File 125391824549.png - (10.69KB , 651x402 , 11.png )

"Well since I couldn't decide on which awesome super hero outfit to use. I just went with something simple."

"So now that I have that covered, where should I head to. The city to the west is called "The Oasis" while the city to the east is called "The city of light" in reverence to the temple of light that it sits next to."
No. 50977 ID: f4963f

The Oasis, baby. :3
No. 51404 ID: 45afb1
File 125393626516.png - (10.92KB , 651x402 , 12.png )

"Adventure HO!"
No. 51482 ID: 45afb1
File 125394723330.png - (10.92KB , 651x402 , 13.png )

"Oh look, where here... you guys are being rather quiet... meanies."
No. 51484 ID: 45afb1
File 12539478064.png - (19.81KB , 605x526 , 14.png )

"Hey look! Those guys are talking."

Tor: "SHADE! STOP BEING SUCH A WUSS! You can't let him keep pushing you around like this, if you really want to save the twins, you have to stand up to him!"

Shade: "But you know he has connections. What if he reports it?"

Tor: "You know boss wouldn't let that happen. The light may have dominance, but there are places in this city even the brightest lights can't touch."

Shade: "But what about that other guy, the guy you said looks like me?"

Tor: "Whats he got to do with this?"

Shade: "What if Pyro mistook him for me?"

Tor: "Hey you didn't look that similar, Pyro may be stupid, but he's not blind."

"Those twins sound like they need a hero! What do you guys think I should do, I mean, we have to save em, but it almost looks like that dark dude has it covered. Should I let him play the hero, or should I jump in?"
No. 51490 ID: 6c80cf



In other words, go talk to them, ask what's up.
No. 52079 ID: 45afb1
File 125401832563.png - (19.82KB , 605x526 , 15.png )

The Shade dude just went in. I'll go talk to that other guy then.

"Hey, whats going on?"

Tor: "Huh? Oh... um nothing sir. I'm just enjoying the fresh air."

"Who was that guy?"

Tor: "What guy, there was no guy here. Just me, all alone just hanging out."

That's weird, he seems really tense, not to mention his obvious lies. I think it has something to do with me, seeing as he tensed up only when he saw who I was.
No. 52086 ID: f4963f

Who /are/ you, anyway? Lightning? Electricity?
No. 52113 ID: 45afb1
File 125402149179.png - (8.84KB , 529x459 , 16.png )

That's right, we haven't had proper introductions yet have we? First off I don't have a name as you guys see names, I have an elemental title. My title is Lightning (you can call me shocky though). I am related to the following elements. Light major, Water major, fire minor, and ground minor. That means I have strong affiliations to the light and water, weak affiliations with fire and ground, strong hatreds with darkness, and weak hatreds with air. This guy seems like he's an air based element, so he doesn't trust me. Shade probably won't like me either, but who knows.

Just so you know, I don't follow these associations. They demean us and separate us. That's why I live in between the cities. I hope that clears up a few things.
No. 52138 ID: f193b9

lol u tk him 2da bar|?

I mean.. go inside.
No. 52790 ID: 45afb1
File 125410014081.png - (19.44KB , 605x526 , 17.png )

Alright I'm headin in.

Tor: NO! WAIT!


Tor: You can't go in there.

"Why not?"

Tor: Umm... cus it's lonely out here?

"Was that a question?"

Tor: No.
No. 52800 ID: f4963f

Pretty obviously he doesn't want you to see what's in there.

Go on in! It's an adventure!
No. 52802 ID: 45afb1
File 125410364960.png - (12.41KB , 607x465 , 18.png )

"Dude, can I just see whats going on in there?"

Tor: But isn't it umm... much... nicer out here. In the fresh air and stuff?

It's obvious this guy isn't going to let me get by without me doing something.
No. 52805 ID: 632862

He probably thinks you're prejudiced and stuff. Tell him you don't work that way.

Besides, maybe you can help out, if that guy he was talking to was looking to rescue people from a bad situation.
No. 52810 ID: 45afb1
File 125410498022.png - (8.71KB , 637x325 , 19.png )

"Look man, I'm here to help, I know you're thinking I'm with the light, but I'm not okay. I don't work like that. I just want to help people."

Tor: ...

"I promise."

Tor: ... I still don't know. How do I know you're not lying?
No. 52814 ID: f4963f

Dude, do you see this bandana? It's a SUPERHERO BANDANA. You think a bad guy would wear a bandana as HEROIC as this bandana here? You are so very wrong.
No. 52820 ID: 45afb1
File 125410573161.png - (10.26KB , 517x630 , 20.png )

"You can trust me..."
No. 52821 ID: 45afb1
File 125410578775.png - (12.39KB , 517x630 , 21.png )

"Cus I'm a motherfucking super hero!"
No. 52824 ID: 45afb1
File 125410673185.png - (6.74KB , 499x343 , A little tip_.png )

-Rowan's hideaway-

Yeah Rowan here. To increase the effect of Shocky's heroic stance I'm gonna need you guys to spam heroic catch phrases, quotes, or one liners. This will effect the outcome of the quest. I'm doing this here cus video games break flow in there rpg to explain a move, so why can't I. Carry on.
No. 52825 ID: 476456

No. 52828 ID: 476456

No. 52830 ID: c80cec

You need a cheesy rhyme like a bad, white rapper.
No. 52833 ID: b1e366
File 125410797059.png - (13.37KB , 800x600 , yaa.png )

"I disagree, let's put it to a volt."
"I'm going to have to charge you for that."
"You're about to have an en-lightning experience!"

How's it going, Rowan?

No. 52835 ID: 45afb1
File 125410837884.png - (21.75KB , 803x603 , 22.png )


Tor: How did I not see it before? A hero in my midst! I am truly sorry great hero, you may pass with my compliments to your pure awesome. I know you can fix up everything that goes on in there.

Rowan: You're not a very nice person.
No. 52837 ID: f4963f

No. 52839 ID: 45afb1
File 125411113728.png - (24.10KB , 781x629 , 23.png )

Shade: So you're telling me that you are the REAL darkness? No foolin?

Darkness: Uh... apparently.


Darkness: You said it man, not me.

Fire dude: Can we just shut up about this so I can get paid?

Weirdo: Blaze, keep you're mouth shut, your financial issues are nothing compared to what we have here.

Blaze: If this wasn't your bar, old man, you'd be so dead right now.

Old man?: Well that seems to be the case right now doesn't it, now shut it.

Darkness: So anyway, I met this guy named Jay, and he got me out and punched a huge hole in the wall, and that's how I ended up here... I think.

Old man guy: Hmm... is that the whole story? Any details you forgot to mention?

Darkness: Well I did walk through this huge tunnel for what seemed like ages.

Old guy: Alright... I'm going to need you to come with me Gus, we have some issues to discuss. Shade, you finish up anything you had with Blaze here. Stoner, I expect this place to be as clean as it is now as when I come back.

Stoner: Uh, boss, when will you be coming back?

Boss: Take a rough guess.

What did I just walk into?
No. 52840 ID: 43d730

Something that requires a great deal of exposition, I'm guessing.
No. 52843 ID: 45afb1
File 12541118469.png - (23.28KB , 781x629 , 24.png )

Mr eyeball man: And new guy... help shade with his financial problem with blaze will you?


Shade: "What?"

Blaze: "What?"

Eyball: "You are a super hero aren't you new guy?"


Eyeball: "Well get saving!"

Blaze: "What? Saving who?"

Twins: !

Shade: "So wait... you're here to save..."

"I think so."

Shade: "Well then, I'm glad to have some back up."

Blaze: "What the fuck is going on here?"
No. 52846 ID: 45afb1
File 125411207616.png - (14.69KB , 950x393 , 25.png )

Boss Encounter: BLAZE!!!
No. 52938 ID: f4963f

... hug Blaze?

No. 52941 ID: 476456

No. 53336 ID: 45afb1
File 125419103137.png - (14.96KB , 826x408 , 26.png )

While making friends with blaze isn't exactly my heroic objective here, I will try and make a diplomatic stand. The only problem is, this blaze is a hot head, and shade seems to want to fight, and I don't think I can change his mind. If this is your final choice make it clear now, its only a matter of time before someone makes the first move.
No. 53347 ID: 43d730

Stand between them.
With your speed, you should be able to keep the blows off, and I doubt fire is going to hurt you, and darkness probably won't either.
No. 53355 ID: 632862

If you're going to dodge, then if you're standing in front of Shade he's gonna take hits. Make with the zapping!
No. 69148 ID: c1b520
File 125642434359.png - (14.77KB , 826x408 , 27.png )

He has a point. Lets start zappin.

Shade: "Does this mean your helping me new guy? I guess I could use the- WHAT HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING!"

Blaze: "Huh? Whats this? The new guy is gonna help yo- SWEET JESUS DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOUR DOING?!"
No. 69149 ID: c1b520
File 125642443361.png - (14.33KB , 826x408 , 28.png )

I think I did something wrong...


Shade: "Great... I didn't think the new guy was this new..."
No. 69152 ID: f4963f

Er, um. Well now would be a good time to find out.

Ask them what would have happened.
No. 69154 ID: f98e0b

No. 69156 ID: 632862

You're water major too, right?

Douse the flame!
No. 69157 ID: c1b520
File 125642546468.png - (15.87KB , 826x408 , 29.png )

Shade: "Well if you must know... Boom. Very big boom. Bar igniting boom that would piss off someone you really don't want to piss off."

I can do that. Should redeem my little incident.

Shade: Well it looks like you can do something. Lets just keep that up.

Blaze: HEY! Not cool man! You're going to pay for that!

Yeah, I can pull off a water attack, but I need a source and the only source is the girls over there. I don't want to pull them into this if I can help it.
No. 69174 ID: 632862

"So, Shade... do you have a plan?"
No. 69188 ID: c1b520
File 12564320433.png - (14.93KB , 826x408 , 30.png )

Shade: "I was just thinking we beat the shit out of him till he gives up and lets the girls go, you got anything? Now if you don't mind I got to concentrate on this..."
No. 69195 ID: f4963f

No. 69206 ID: 632862

Allow shade the time to do whatever he's doing with that shadow.
No. 69215 ID: c1b520
File 12564356653.png - (15.60KB , 826x408 , 31.png )

Shade: "That's the idea."

... something seems funny about all this.
No. 69216 ID: 632862

"Shade, you aren't going to crush him to death are you?"
No. 69228 ID: 632862

Hey wait why is Blaze not fighting back?

Look above you!
No. 69255 ID: c1b520
File 125644039118.png - (13.49KB , 826x408 , 32.png )

Shade: "You catch on quickly newbie"

All that's there is the ceiling, but damn it there is something just not right here.
No. 69297 ID: f4963f

Uh... if we're primal elements or whatever, what happens if Blaze dies?

Also, where's Darkness?
No. 69302 ID: 632862

Darkness is in the back room.

I've been spoiled on this current situation so I'm just going to throw out a hint:

Rowan is not being a lazy artist.
No. 69303 ID: c1b520
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Well as far as primals go, I think the only one here is that darkness guy... but with all the secondarys who knows. Anyway, we can't really die as elementals, we can banished, which is like dieing but with the perk of having the chance of getting brought back. In most cases its a difficult procedure, but there are simple ones that can respawn rather quickly.
No. 69304 ID: c1b520
File 125645254962.png - (11.34KB , 640x490 , 34.png )

And now that you mention that darkness guy... this nagging feeling is starting to make sense.
No. 69306 ID: 682af8

Shouldn't the twins be like, escaping? Stop Shade from doing much crushing and try to get some answers.
No. 69310 ID: c1b520
File 125645481951.png - (6.92KB , 554x350 , 35.png )

It doesn't look like the twins will be running anywhere... they aren't real.
No. 69311 ID: f4963f

Wait... wait, wait. WHAT?
They're not real? Like, a cardboard cutout? An illusion? What?

... we better check on that darkness fellow.
No. 69312 ID: 632862

Zap the walls.
No. 82456 ID: c1b520
File 125938516119.png - (30.31KB , 1284x812 , Revelation.png )

"I would really appreciate it if you didn't do that mister. It might damage my abilities, which could cause harm to both of us."
No. 85044 ID: 34470e

Turn around and ask who the person talking is
No. 85072 ID: c1b520
File 125981070662.png - (13.47KB , 810x465 , Page something 29.png )

Uhh... who are you?

"My name is Aqua. May I ask why you are here son of light?"

*writer's note*
THIS IS NOT A CUT SCENE! SUGGEST YOUR ACTIONS TO DEVELOP PLOT AND CHARACTER! If you want to take the simple route that is fine, but please suggest it first, I do NOT want to railroad this quest and if I'm forced to I will lead you into the ground. Now, continue.
No. 85079 ID: 34470e

"I'm a super hero!"
No. 85090 ID: c1b520
File 12598116768.png - (14.07KB , 569x584 , 30___ish.png )


"...is...is that it?"

*what she's thinking*
How did he turn off the lights so fast... and how did he get his bandanna to blow in the wind indoors?
No. 85095 ID: 34470e

"I'm sorry, but I'm following this darkness dude."
No. 85100 ID: 632862

Ask her why you're stuck in this box, and what Shade and Blaze are doing.
No. 85110 ID: c1b520
File 125981299753.png - (20.95KB , 959x581 , 31.png )

???: "Is that so?"

???: "I would answer that, if it really mattered, but it doesn't seeing as you're a spy and all. Aqua, if you could step aside so I can mind wipe this guy we can call it a day."
No. 85115 ID: 34470e

You are not a spy! You are a SUPER HERO! also ask his name
No. 85117 ID: 632862

Tell them you don't care about the dark vs light thing. You're just curious about the darkness guy and want to help people if possible. Like, the twins, and Shade, who is likely getting beaten up by Flare as we talk about pointless matters.
No. 85119 ID: 632862

Erm, Blaze not Flare.
No. 85124 ID: c1b520
File 125981457638.png - (10.36KB , 418x444 , 32.png )

???: Really? After all that went on back there you can't tell who I am? You're either stupid or have the memory of a void elemental. It might just be easier to let you walk out and let you forget everything on your own, but of course you could be faking.

???: You don't need to worry about Coal and Wave. They're sitting just outside waiting for us to make a decision. They won't have to wait much longer.

Aqua: Shade, stop it. I don't think he even knows about us. And I think he really wants to help us.

Shade: Then he's going to have to prove it further.

Shade: To be perfectly honest, his name is coal.
No. 85129 ID: 632862

Wait, what? All this was just a ruse to lure Lightning into a trap? How did they even know he was coming?

What's with all the shapeshifting going on, anyway? Can you do that too, Lightning?
No. 85136 ID: c1b520
File 125981633359.png - (9.75KB , 379x383 , 33.png )

Aqua: Shade, at least let me explain all of this, it's not like he will remember it if you get your way.

Shade: Fine. I'll give you five minutes.

Aqua: Thank you. Okay, so first off this trap was not set specifically for you, it is a tactical trap used to deal with warriors of the light. We have spy's in the desert that monitor the movements of anyone they find suspicious. You aren't the first to fall for all this. Why do we do this? It's because we are soldiers of the underground. In fact, this is the main base of the underground that spans this entire planet. Did you know this?


Shade: I don't believe it.

Aqua: Hush Shade.

Shade: That's been 2 minutes.

Aqua: Anyway as far as the shape shifting thing, none of this is truly real, we actually reside within a link between yours, mine, and Shade's minds. So technically, you could, but it's not exactly the easiest thing in the world, it takes a large amount of concentration.

I bet I could do it.

Shade: No one's stopping you.

Aqua: >:(

Shade: B|

Aqua: Well, that's pretty much it.

Shade: You know what light boy, I'll cut you a deal. If you can successfully transform into something, I'll let you go. That isn't to say your in, it just means that the boss is going to get the final word.

No. 85146 ID: 34470e

rolled 5 = 5

Try and shapeshift into a [1-lightning rod] [2-microwave] [3-lightbulb] [4-electric fan] [5-defibrillator] [6-television] [7-strobe light] [8-battery]. If you fail, just say you shapeshifted into yourself.
No. 85148 ID: 632862

Go for something simple so you don't screw up, but keep the bandanna.

I'm thinking a martial arts theme. Handwraps and baggy clothes.
No. 85186 ID: 107da3


Transmute into Chuck Norris.

Roundhouse kick the dream sequence into nonexistance.
No. 85211 ID: f4963f

Let's see. You like heroes, and you represent electricity.

Solution is a lightning-themed superhero. :>
No. 85356 ID: c1b520
File 12598890424.png - (17.21KB , 796x631 , 34.png )

This is just silly.

Oh yeah... I can imagine it now...Okay. Now all I need to do is concentrate...
No. 85357 ID: c1b520
File 125988919010.png - (16.41KB , 796x631 , 35.png )

No. 85361 ID: 632862

Focus without shouting so much.
No. 85363 ID: c1b520
File 125989032629.png - (18.15KB , 796x631 , 36.png )

Well guys...
No. 85365 ID: c1b520
File 12598904368.png - (11.59KB , 704x365 , 37.png )

How do I look?

Aqua: He did it, you have to let him go.

Shade: This totally doesn't count.

Aqua: All you said was that he had to transform, you never said into what.

Shade: ...FINE! But when the boss gets here, he's going to agree with me.

Aqua: We'll see Shade. We'll see.
No. 85372 ID: 34470e

This must be a heart-stopping twist for him.
No. 85379 ID: c1b520
File 125989290084.png - (42.60KB , 453x260 , 38.png )

No. 85383 ID: c1b520
File 12598934444.png - (10.20KB , 849x461 , 39.png )

Gus: So what you're saying is that Lizz and Pitchy have to leave this world?

Seer: That is exactly what I'm saying Darkness. Just as we elementals cannot survive on the human world for more then a month, humans cannot survive on ours for that same amount of time. Pitchy however maintains herself off of your unlimited essence, so it is hard to say whether or not she could survive on this plane. Either way, it is Lizz's life that I am concerned about, not Pitchy's at the moment.
No. 88704 ID: c1b520
File 126032900623.png - (11.79KB , 849x461 , 40.png )

Gus: "So if i get what your saying, if Lizz and Pitchy don't get out of here they'll die?"

Seer: "How many times do I have to repeat myself? Yes."

Gus: "So how do I get them out of here then?"

Seer: "There are only a couple of ways to return to the human world. The most obvious one is back the way you came, of course it is unlikely that the portal you came through is still open, but it's worth a shot. The second one is highly unlikely but you need someone to summon Lizz back to the human world, but summoning has become an almost extinct art in the human world, chances are that you won't even be able to FIND someone much less someone who knows Lizz's name. And the third one... well, Is unnervingly dangerous. It is a portal that resides within the core of the god like void elemental that keeps our planet from falling apart. He resides within the dead center of this planet... the journey itself is near impossible and chances are Lizz and Pitchy will die before reaching him."

Gus: "I'm going to be honest with you, none of those options are very promising."

Seer: "Well what did you expect? If it was easy humans and elementals would be crossing dimensions every other minute. Do you know how much havoc that would cause? Nonetheless, it's not easy, but I won't stop you if you wish to attempt the journey."
No. 88798 ID: 34470e

How long do they have?
No. 89641 ID: c1b520
File 12604697159.png - (10.74KB , 701x501 , 41.png )

Seer: I would say about three weeks. Tops.
No. 89649 ID: 34470e

Where are they right now?
No. 89660 ID: f4963f

How will we know a portal when we see it?

Is there any way we can influence the human world from our own?
No. 89681 ID: c1b520
File 126047545367.png - (12.34KB , 849x461 , 42.png )

Seer: That will be the trouble, you won't. You just keep walking till you hit a dead end, or you find yourself back where you started from. And as far as contacting someone on the other side... you may want to go see my brother, six. I'm not sure where you could fins him so don't bother asking. Now, before you set off I'll need to talk to them.

Gus: They should be outside the city in a small building.

Seer: That could be bad, because light soldiers don't go through this city, that is where they stop, if your friends are hiding out there there is a chance that they are in grave danger...
No. 89910 ID: c1b520
File 126049389762.png - (20.61KB , 885x514 , 43.png )

Seer: Come with me Darkness, the underground was made for this type of work, I'll gather some troops and- WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN HERE?

Tor: Oh... hi boss. Aqua and Shade can't decide if this kid is innocent or just stupid.

Seer: Well is he a threat?

Wave: Well no sir, but what if it's a trap?

Seer: Then we deal with it how we always deal with all spies. Does he want to join?

Wave: Aqua says he does.

Seer: Then let him on the team, damnit, I don't have time for quarrels within my own organization at the moment!

Coal: You need somethin Bossman?

Seer: I need two of you to come with me, we're on a possible rescue mission, who is able right now?

Wave: Well since you said he's in, I guess everyone... in a moment.

Seer: GUS! I need you to choose two of these guys to come help us, I don't know your abilities so choose someone who you'll work well with.
No. 89960 ID: 34470e

"Um, can everyone tell me what they can do?"
No. 89972 ID: f4963f

Yes, let's get a lineup of the potential helpers
No. 90095 ID: c1b520
File 126050914356.png - (22.10KB , 1347x472 , 44.png )

Seer: We don't have much time so hurry!

(from left to right)

Shade: My name is shade, I met up with Seer a while back and we started a rebellion against the light soldiers for oppressing those of darkness based decent. I'm prominently a darkness based elemental with a specialty in ranged stealth abilities.

Wave: My name is Wave, I'm the older of the aqua twins, we joined the rebellion not long after it's creation after my sister was accused of treason for trying to help someone on the planets edge refugee camp. I'm a defender myself, specializing in ice based attacks and barriers.

Aqua: My name is Aqua of the aqua twins. I'm a healer of sorts. Like my sister said, I joined because I just want to help those who really need me.

Tor: Uhh... my name's Tor, I'm kinda new to fighting, but i know the basics. I'm friends with Shade and he eventually convinced me to join. I'm pretty good and causing wind storms that cause people to get blown back and away from there friends.

Coal: The names Coal. I'm a fighter through and through! granted I can't take a hit, but as some guy said, "The best defense, is a good offense!" I Specialize in melee combat and explosions.

Shocky: Hi! I'm Shocky! I'm really new, in fact, I just joined! I'm kinda good at fighting cus I'm a super hero. I'm really good at shocking a lot of things from long distances!

Rocky: I'm Rocky. I'm a rock. Boss already said I don't have to go with ya, so I'm stayin here. Thought I might as well introduce myself now though to get it outta the way. Cya when ya get back.
No. 90099 ID: f4963f

I'm going to vote Shocky and Aqua. Between the two of them and yourself, we should have a fairly balanced group.
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