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1016964 No. 1016964 ID: 88966b

Your name is BAN. You're a cop.

5:50 AM. It's another especially shitty day in your shitty office. You still haven't slept. Your new boss has taken over the Durst case, and she's ordered you to focus on digging into just one of its emerging persons of interest. You review the three files on your desk once more...

84 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1033722 ID: e30795
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>HALE takes a step back and looks you over with disdain. "Also, for future reference. Captain BAN seems to be very keen on you, and perhaps the two of you share a more...lenient dynamic than most detectives and officers. Between the two of you, perhaps that's acceptable. But curse at me or one of my agents again, Anna, and I'll break your arm."

>The agent turns on her heels and starts back toward the room. "I'll take it from here. You're dismissed, sergeant. Do try to get some rest--I'll be holding a meeting to discuss strategy at 12:00. I'll be much more explicit about your people's operational boundaries, then..."

HALE and the other agent disappear inside. MUCHI's panicked screams get a lot louder...

>Peter is shoved out into the hall shortly after. He flinches as the door closes behind him. "Jesus christ," he mutters. He walks over to you with his tail between his legs. "I'm sorry, sarge. I tried to argue, but...!"

You barely hear him. You're one cunt hair away from opening the door again and going postal on that bitch. You close your eyes and put all of your attention on breathing, for a moment...

>Pete stands by awkwardly as you collect yourself. He looks agitatedly between the closed interrogation room door and the way back to the holding cells. "Shit," he finally says, fixing his cap. "Do... Do we just let them do that to us, sarge...?"
No. 1033731 ID: df76b1

We were between a rock and a hard place, and we chose rock.
No surprise that we got a rock.
No. 1033732 ID: e5709d

Tear down that poster, you didn't consent to representing the brazen lie on the tagline.
No. 1033745 ID: a70d43

Don't do that, even if you really want to.

Focus on deep breaths. Ultimately, they are the ones calling the shots now whether we like it or not. We picked this course of action and now we have to play by their rules. Go round up the go-getters and tell them not to be too proactive until we receive our marching orders.

Play some solitaire or something until then. Maybe check out and go to the gym for a while.
No. 1034002 ID: 424e1f

Alright, deep breaths. Deep breaths. It is frustrating, yes, but we have made a good measure of progress in less than an hour. That's important.

We have one last chance.

Tell Peter to knock on the door. If we apologize to HALE for the "insult" and calmly, but firmly, explain that we managed to get MUCHI to start talking by saying we'd spare him the federal interrogation methods, we MIGHT be allowed to continue the 20 questions game.

But if that fails:

This is a very good suggestion.
No. 1034768 ID: e30795
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The red haze clears up just enough for an idea to come to you. You'll fucking hate it, but it might be your last chance here... "Pete, knock on that door. I'll talk to them..."

He looks worried, but Peter follows your order immediately. HALE appears at the door shortly after.

>HALE doesn't even acknowledge your subordinate. She stares straight at you with a dangerous look in her eyes. "Don't press your luck," she says coldly.

The door slams shut in your faces.

>"Shit," Peter hisses.

You smolder at the door for a moment, then wordlessly turn and head back toward the holding cells. Peter hesitates, then falls in behind you. You shoot a glare at the picture of yourself on the wall as you pass by it. If someone doesn't take this inane shit off of the walls soon, you're going to start doing it yourself, you think darkly....
No. 1034769 ID: e30795
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Peter returns to his post in the brig with Hugo. You warn both of them to keep their heads down until that bitch gives everyone further orders... You move back toward the front of the precinct, passing the word along to any other members of the team that you run into. Eventually, you end up back at KYLE's office.

>The detective looks up from his laptop and grimaces. "Dane, you look....incensed."

You sit against the wall and cross your arms. "You got any cards?" you ask.

KYLE digs through his desk drawer and slides you a box of playing cards. You open them up and start violently throwing down the start to a game of solitaire. Looks like this is the only other thing you can do, until HALE says otherwise or BAN gets up. You wince as your vision blurs for a moment. The adrenaline from squaring off with that piece of shit is wearing off fast, and your headache is coming back with a vengeance...

You throw another card. You just hope that you've done enough to get the ball rolling for BAN. At least your guys have started digging into ADAM and his company, you think. But that fucking interrogation...! That bitch just barred you from a mountain of extra intel. It hasn't even been 24 hours since BAN let these slugs in on the case, and the power dynamic's already completely fucked.

"What the fuck...?!" You flip through the stock again, paying more attention this time. Bullshit... You just dealt this hand, but somehow there isn't a single fucking move to make.

You scatter the cards with a foot and go back to sulking on the floor. You hope that BAN wakes up soon....
No. 1034770 ID: e30795
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Your name is BAN. You're a cop.

Dammit! By the time you manage to calm yourself down, the nightmare is gone from memory, just like always. You bury your face in your hands. Jesus, that's getting frustrating... At least Dane wasn't here to see you freaking out. She must still be running around with the ADAM folder.

You heave a sigh and check your watch. 11:35, huh... You actually got a few hours of sleep in. Night terrors aside, you do feel much better than you did at the end of last night. You're still a ways from 100%, but it's time to get back to work... You fix your tie and think on what to do first.
No. 1034776 ID: ae9bd9

Get a sitrep from Dane.
No. 1034810 ID: c1b6b2

Yes, letting the fellas know you are back up and talking to the sergeant sounds like the best course. Got a feeling the feds have been up to no good lately.
No. 1034859 ID: 3ed3c3

Find Dane and get back to work.
No. 1036951 ID: e30795
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You should get a sitrep from Dane, you decide. You shuffle out of your office and try to track the sergeant down.

>"BAN?!" Sergeant Dane pokes her head out of KYLE's office as you pass by.

"Dane--!!" The sergeant grabs your sleeve and yanks you into the office before you even have time to say hello.

>When you stumble in, KYLE looks up from his laptop and waves. "Hey man," he says. "You, uh... You doing alright?"

You nod. "Yeah... What's the situation?"

>"Bad." Dane looks like she's been contemplating murder. "The paparazzi's looking into ADAM's company, and KYLE's handling background checks. The slugs are out of control though, BAN. I barely got our guys working before that little bitch and her cronies started getting in the way. They don't even want us interrogating our own fucking prisoners!"

Dane tells you about her run-in with HALE, and about her strange findings in the evidence room. Shit, you'd had a feeling that the SIG were already up to no good. That creeping sense of despair is trying to get at you again...

>Dane grabs your wrist and scowls at your watch for a second. "Fuck... And now HALE wants us in a meeting at 12. She wants to set 'operational boundaries,' whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean...!"

>"Dane thinks that the SIG's trying to cut our balls off and sideline us already," KYLE says. "Personally, I don't think they'd bother giving us ADAM to investigate if that was their angle, but..." He ducks back into his laptop screen when Dane turns her glare toward him.

>"No, all of this fucking stinks. All of it. They're gonna get us in this meeting, I can feel it." Dane paces the floor for a second, lost in thought. Eventually, she makes an exasperated sound and turns back to you. "Fuck. We need something to hold over these guys' heads, BAN, and we need it fast. Collateral, intel, fucking anything that we've got that we could use to bargain for some breathing room. Have you got any ideas? Fuck me, but I'm drawing a blank..."
No. 1036955 ID: 2fce91

She's right, you guys do need something:
a fucking olive branch.
As much as it sucks, as much as it may hurt, you guys need to work together right now, and blackmailing government officials is not going to fly whatsoever.
No. 1036967 ID: 798908

This here. We go into that, and we discuss boundaries. One of the boundaries we're going to set is not giving up interrogating our own witnesses. How we achieve that is likely going to involve teamwork and collaboration, but the way they treated Dane was so far beyond unprofessional it PERHAPS deserves special mention and shaming at that meeting.
No. 1037922 ID: 591e1d

No. 1038270 ID: df6307
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"We need something alright," you say, rubbing your chin. "Something like an olive branch."

>Dane's eyes are the size of saucers. "But--!"

"I'm not saying that we roll over for them," you explain before she has a chance to explode. "HALE wants to talk boundaries, so we'll talk boundaries. One of the ones that I'm going to set is that we don't give up the right to interrogate our own witnesses and arrests. But we definitely won't be able to pull that off through butting heads or blackmail."

>"BAN's right," KYLE offers, peeking out from behind his computer screen again. "It's kind of dark, but playing nice and praying's the only way I can see this working out for us..."

>"You...!" Dane stares at you like you're some kind of alien. Her face is a terrifying shade of red, but she stops herself from arguing further. After another second, she just lets out a deep breath and massages her temples. The sergeant makes a visible effort to regain her usual poker face. "Alright, then. It's your call, boss."

Your heart sinks. The sergeant is a very rare flavor of pissed off at you right now, but you're sure that this is the best way forward. You check your watch. It's 11:45 already--you'd better hurry, if you want to get to that meeting early. You duck back through the doorway and gesture for your subordinates to come with.

They didn't specify the location, but there's only one place where a meeting this important would be held in the First Precinct. You make your way toward The Major's office. As you go, you run into a few of your guys wandering aimlessly in the hallways. As soon as they catch sight of you, they salute and fall in behind you. Not counting the two still on guard duty, all of your team's patrol cops have flocked to you by the time you reach your boss's doors. You silently thank them for coming along--having a few more 1P badges flashing behind you is doing wonders for your self-confidence.
No. 1038271 ID: df6307
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Two special agents are standing outside The Major's door. You recognize them as OLLIE and PAZ, the ones from your ordeal last night. Dane shadows you even closer than usual when she sees them.

>OLLIE nods to you as you get closer. "Morning, captain. How did you sleep?"

"Just fine... I'm guessing HALE's in there?"

>"Right, we were just waiting for you to arrive. You should come in too, captain," he adds, looking at KYLE.

>PAZ reaches for the doorknob. The rest of your team gets ready to file in as well, but they're stopped by the agent's outstretched hand. "Officers only, friends," he says.

>Most of your guys back away reluctantly, but Dane hasn't detached from your hip yet. "That's not happening," she says dangerously.

Your stomach's tying itself in knots. You try to give the sergeant a 'don't do this right now' look, but she either doesn't catch it or chooses to ignore it. She moves directly between you and the special agent--she's been following you so closely, it only takes a step.

>PAZ seems amused. He looks over at OLLIE. "What did I tell you about the cops around here?" he laughs. When he looks back at Dane, though, there isn't any humor left in his eye. "Sergeant, do you have a death wish? You're the one that was busting the boss's balls earlier today, right?"

>"I've been on this case with the captain since it opened. I'm his second-in-command. I'm walking into that room." Dane just constructed three sentences without cursing once, you realize, horrified. She's ready to do something drastic.

>PAZ trades glares with her for a moment. When it's clear that she won't back down on her own, he tsks and looks over her head at you. "Look, the boss decided that this meeting was for people with special agent clearance only. That's us, you two"--he nods pointedly at you and KYLE--"and that guy from the Second Precinct. I open that door and anyone else walks in..." He leaves the result open to interpretation.

Dane still doesn't budge right away. She glances back at you, waiting for your word...
No. 1038276 ID: 15c72a

Ok, so how do we get Dane special agent clearance?
...that'll probably take days, I doubt there's like, temporary clearance or anything. Can't hurt to ask though.

If that's a no go, then ask to talk to the boss out here. Dane doesn't need to discuss anything that needs special agent clearance, so we can ask him to split the meeting into two parts. That way Dane gets to be present for the basic negotiations on the power structure, and the boss gets to talk about secret stuff once she leaves.
No. 1038277 ID: 0d01d6

This is going to really suck, but put on your serious face, use your serious tone, look her in the eye, and tell Dane to stand down. If she doesn't comply, clarify that "that is an order Sergeant."
You have to treat this a bit more like your time in the military until everything is felt out. Dane can't be trying to strong-arm the brass, and if she gets out of line, it is on you as her CO.

It really sucks since you, Kyle, and the rest of your crew can probably empathize with Dane, but if she still won't comply and starts to really causes problems, it will probably be necessary to cuff her and take her to one of the cells to cool off (separate from the other tenants).
No. 1038278 ID: 0d01d6

We can definitely try to get Dane a clearance eventually, but there is a way to go about things and this isn't it. We also shouldn't try to push our luck before the meeting even starts.
I will say that Dane will probably be much more likely to get that clearance later if she learns to play ball with these guys.
No. 1038550 ID: df6307
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Dammit...! You don't want to leave her behind, but you can't push your luck before the meeting even starts. You look at her and shake your head gravely. "Stand down, sergeant," you order in your big cop voice.

That's not what she wanted to hear, but she listens. The sergeant narrows her eyes at PAZ, then silently backs away to stand near the other patrol cops.

>PAZ looks grateful. He leans in closer to you and drops his voice to a spy's whisper. "Thanks, captain. We'll try to keep this out of the boss's ear--if she knew your buddy was causing any more trouble, you'd need a spatula to clean up the mess."

OLLIE opens the door, and the four of you enter.
No. 1038551 ID: df6307
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The Major gives you and KYLE a strained smile when you enter. Your actual boss is standing over by one of the windows, tending to a pot of coffee. HALE is currently occupying her desk.

>"Took you long enough." Captain STEVE is sitting in a chair against the wall. He looks about as well-rested as you, and about as unhappy as Dane.

>HALE puts down a stack of papers and stands. "Captain, detective," she says, waving a hand toward several more empty chairs lined up along the far end of the office. "Have a seat, and we'll get started."

You steel your nerves and head for the chair closest to STEVE.

>"KEN didn't make it." Your ex-rival whispers it right as you sit down. You look at him, but he doesn't say anything else. He crosses his arms and watches HALE.

KYLE gets wedged in between PAZ and OLLIE. HALE keeps standing. The captain and her lieutenants, huh... You're sickened by how familiar this all feels.

>"Alright. Before we begin in earnest, I want to thank each of you for your work in last night's operation." HALE looks at you, STEVE and KYLE in turn. "Your field work has put us ahead of the game, really. I hope I can continue to rely on your men, moving forward."

Of course you do, you think.

>"Of course you can," STEVE says dryly.

>HALE ignores the captain's tone. "Thank you, captain. OLLIE?"

>OLLIE nods and pulls a tiny computer out from a suit pocket. "Ready, boss."

>"Friday, May 8, 12:02. SIG-H-34 will now officially begin countermeasures against T-005107, 'rogue elements of the UCSA Advance Team.' I will refer to this entity as 'Target' in all future reports," HALE drones. OLLIE is typing her words down quickly. "Preliminary investigations have confirmed SIG-W-1's suspicions. Target is actively conducting terrorist actions within Loginos. They are in possession of Category 7 items and appear to be knowledgeable on their use. The current threat level is approximately fifteen percent. SIG-H-34 will gather further intel and conduct disruptive action against Target before ultimately neutralizing them with the aid of CT-P3.

>"This will be a joint operation," the agent continues. Her eyes land on you again. "Elements from the Loginos Police Department's First and Second Precincts will be operating under SIG-H-34's chain of command. The officer in charge of these elements is Captain BAN, LPD 1P. Previously known as Lieutenant BAN, AT-013C."

You feel nauseous... STEVE stares openly at you, shocked.

>OLLIE looks up from the little device. "Got it all," he says, pocketing it again.

>"Great. I hate reciting those things more than once..." HALE walks over to The Major and retrieves a mug of coffee. "I usually record my reports in private, but I figured that I could kill two birds with one stone if you were all present for this one. I believe that entry served well to clear up any residual confusion about our current objectives, or the current chain of command."

You and the other cops nod. The confusion's gone, certainly. The frustration, however...

>"We touched on this briefly during our debriefing, but I want to review it now that we're all more rested," HALE says. "The next part of my strategy. As I mentioned last night, I'm entrusting you all with the task of investigating the persons of interest that I've been observing--some folders with basic information on each of them should have gotten around to each of you. Meanwhile, I'll get to work extracting information from ERIK and our other prisoners."

>"OLLIE and I can cover looking into LILLITH and her people," PAZ says. "I've always wanted to get her autograph."

The agent looks at KYLE, who in turn nervously looks at you. You clear your throat. "We've already started investigating ADAM and his company. He's our best lead on figuring out just who constructed that bomb from last night."

>"And Captain STEVE will begin investigating YAMA, himself," HALE says. That unsettling stare locks onto him.

>STEVE stares back at her, unshaken. "That's right. It looks like I'm the odd one out--can I get a buddy too, or do I have to do it alone?"

>"Good question. That relates to the main point of this meeting--operational boundaries." HALE pauses to blow on her mug. "For the duration of this operation, everyone in this room is working with the clearance of a subordinate agent. You have free reign to act as you see fit in completing your assigned tasks, and if the circumstances call for it you can collaborate and pool your resources as you see fit. But there's one important rule: no actions taken by any subordinate agent may interfere with the head agent's own intents or actions, or with general operational security."

>If he had a mouth, STEVE would be sneering. "And with the state that the 2P is in, bringing on another one of our detectives would break that rule."

>HALE nods. "I'm sorry. Performing the requisite background checks to clear you and BAN was an extensive process that I don't want to waste time repeating, if at all possible. If you need more hands, perhaps you can talk to Captain BAN and borrow some of his assets."


>"Excellent. That's everything that I wanted to cover, for now. I should also stress that this rule does extend down the entirety of our hierarchy," HALE says, locking eyes with you once again. "As subordinate agents, it falls on each of you to ensure that operatives under your command adhere to it as well. If they don't, it falls on you to discipline or remove them. If you don't, I will."

You seethe as the other two agents share a quick look. They're too professional to openly laugh in the middle of a meeting, so that subtle glance was the next best thing.

>HALE glances over at The Major's wall clock. "I don't want to keep you all too long, but I do want to make sure that we've covered everything before we get underway. Captains, detective, if you have any other concerns or questions, I'd be happy to answer them now."

KYLE awkwardly shakes his head. STEVE looks like he has more than a few concerns, but he keeps quiet and looks at you...
No. 1038554 ID: 398700

"This operation will fail if we cannot manage the emotional state of our subordinates. Part of that is making damn sure they feel respected.
You were out of line with how you interacted with my second in command. At minimum I want you to apologize to them for your approach. We're authority, not authoritarians."
No. 1038592 ID: 0d01d6

If we say this, make it clear that the issue is the tone they used specifically. Given that Dane was not aware of the situation, she did not know what the boundaries are yet. While she was in the wrong, she did what she did out of ignorance, not disrespect or disregard for the chain of command.

Make it clear you will be having your own briefing with your own people later to firmly establish boundaries, and make sure everyone keeps a cool head.

Also make it clear that Hale needs to be more proactive with making sure everyone knows certain people are off-limits when it would not be clearly obvious they would be off-limits.

Basically, we need to communicate better so we don't step on each others toes unknowingly. Making sure we all know when and where we all will be operating would also be good info to have so we don't end up with unintentional crossfire. This would have to stay between the investigation heads to preserve OpSec though.


Honestly, this seems like they are giving you free-reign with how you operate and what you do, so long as it doesn't interfere directly with the other two investigations. That is actually pretty generous and probably the best outcome we could get.

Ask about material acquisition for things such as new plates for platecarriers, ammunition, optics, flashbangs, smoke grenades, helmets, zip-ties, etc. If I recall, we are kinda understocked at the moment. Some quadrotor drones and ballistic shields (as opposed to the non-bullet-proof plastic riot shields) would be extremely beneficial as well. This acquisition list doesn't seem unreasonable and it is nothing a well-equipped police department wouldn't have.
No. 1038634 ID: 8004f7

Advice that Sergeant Dane should be allowed on future meetings of this kind as she is your second-in-command and you also don't like repeating things.

Also, tell them being able to witness the interrogations and offer suggestions on how to expedite the extraction of information from the prisioners would result in a better cooperation.
STEVE in particular would probably provide valuable help in interrogating his former partner.
No. 1038718 ID: 0d01d6

We need to repeat things anyway to the rest of our subordinates. Lets try to get Dane on board with the whole thing a bit more before we try to get her more access.
No. 1040794 ID: df6307
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You nut up and raise a hand. "Just a few concerns," you say as officiously as you can.

>"Go ahead, captain."

"Going forward, we need you to be more proactive in making sure that everyone knows who is and isn't off-limits, regarding arrests or other persons of interest. Making sure that the heads of each investigation knows where the others are operating is going to be crucial too, if we want to avoid stepping on toes."

>HALE nods. "I assure you, communications between the six of us will be much better from here on out."

"Being able to witness some of your interrogations may be beneficial to our cooperation, also," you say. You nod toward STEVE. "STEVE may be particularly valuable help in interrogating ERIK, for example."

>"My interrogation method is very unique, and the addition of individuals not trained in it would likely just slow the process down. I do appreciate the offer, though, and I may have some use for you or STEVE later."

"I see... Also, about my second in command," you start. HALE makes a face like a bug landed in her coffee. "None of us were made aware of these boundaries in detail prior to this meeting. Her actions earlier were out of ignorance, not disrespect for the chain of command, and you were out of line with how you handled the situation. I want you to apologize to her for your approach."

>"Hmm." HALE takes a dissmissive sip. "The situation and any perceived rudeness on my part aside, your sergeant's conduct during that exchange was still utterly abysmal. I'm willing to move past the whole thing, and all of us will ensure that similar mishaps don't occur moving forward. But I will not apologize to her."

Your expression darkens. "This operation will fail if we can't manage the emotional states of our subordinates, agent. Part of that is making damn sure they feel respected. Officers are supposed to be authority, not authoritarians."

>HALE's stare has reached sub-zero. "There's some irony in you, of all people, preaching about what officers should and shouldn't do."

"What did you just say...?" You can feel yourself breathing heavier, and your heart's pounding. The other agents look a little on edge. The tension is thick enough to strangle someone.

>HALE shakes her head, closes her eyes and takes another sip. "Ahhh, maybe I am being a little rude today... I will apologize for that one at least, captain. To actually respond to your statement, refer to the rule that we've just discussed. At the end of the day, the sergeant and your fellow cops are your subordinates, like you are mine. Tend to their needs as as you see fit, but don't expect me to do the same."

Your mind's racing with how many different ways you could break this woman. Slowly but surely, reason filters its way back into your head. You remind yourself of your goals here, and stand down... "Understood," you say hollowly.

>It's incredibly subtle, but you think HALE looks a little relieved. "Is there anything else on your mind?"

"Material acquisitions," you say, still collecting yourself. "You've seen what little we have--we'll need a full restock of gear for this precinct."

>"When the Capture Team arrives tomorrow, they'll bring everything that your people could need. Send me a list with any out-of-the-ordinary requests, and I'll be sure that they bring that too."

You nod. "That's everything for now, then... I'll be having my own briefing to fill my guys in on the new boundaries, and to make sure that everyone keeps a cool head."

>"I appreciate that, captain." HALE finishes her mug and hands it back to a frustrated-looking Major. She looks at each of you blankly. "If we have no further questions, I believe we've said all that we need to for now. Agents, officers, let's begin."
No. 1040795 ID: df6307
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HALE and her agents clear out of the office. STEVE looks at you for a second, jams his hands into his pockets and leaves next. Most of your team files in shortly after, led by Dane. With The Major's help, you fill them all in on the situation at hand. Their faces get more and more serious as you lay out the new hierarchy, and the specifics of HALE's operational boundaries...

"Make sure that Peter and Hugo get all of this, too," you conclude. "KYLE, Devin, Dane and I are going to start investigating into ADAM. For now, just stay out of the SIG's way, and standby for further instructions."

>"Sir!!!" Your cops salute you. You return the gesture smartly.

>The Major steps in front of you. "Everyone, this all may be far out of my hands now, but this is still my precinct, and you all are still my men. Their hierarchy be damned, what I tell you now is an order." Your boss looks around the room grimly. "Out of any SIG agent they could have sent... That one is the best and worst thing that could possibly happen to us on this case. Stay alert, every single one of you. And trust BAN's decisions with your very lives."

The Major steps back again and nods. You return the gesture. "Dismissed," you bark.
No. 1040796 ID: df6307
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You exit The Major's office shortly after the patrol cops disperse. You lean against the wall and try to decompress before doing any further planning...

>Dane's kept quiet throughout the briefing. When she's sure that the two of you are alone, she studies the hallway's ceiling and sighs heavily. "Sorry," she mumbles.


>"Don't make me fucking say it again," she snaps. She takes off her cap and tangles a hand up in her hair. "Fuck. I know what you said about working with the slugs, but... Shit, I didn't want you stuck in that meeting alone."

As volatile as it can be sometimes, you really do appreciate Dane's concern for you. "You're fine, it all worked out. But going forward you've got to cool it, or they're going to try putting you in a cell..."

>"I know, fuck!" Dane presses a fist against the wall. "God, I've fucked us. That bitch probably wouldn't have gone so far with her 'boundaries' if I hadn't pissed her off."

"I'm sure she had all that planned beforehand. And all things considered, this setup's generous--we can still do what we want, more or less."

>"'More or less.'" Dane screws her eyes shut and rubs her forehead. "Christ. We're in a bad way, aren't we..."

You shake your head. "This is the best that we could've asked for right now, and we can do a lot with it. But that's only if you're on board, Dane," you plead. "I can't do this if it means I have to leave you behind. If we play by their rules, I can try to get you the same clearance that they're giving me, and we'll have better footing to work from."

>Dane studies your face. Her eyes keep jittering from side to side--you wonder how her head's been feeling today. "...Alright," she finally says, looking away. "I trust you, BAN. Seriously. I won't fuck this up for us..."

"Thanks." Thank god, you think. If the sergeant can stay in line, you're sure that the rest of your cops will follow suit easily.

>The sergeant puts her cap back on and yanks the brim down low. "Let's fucking do this, then... What's our next move?"
No. 1040932 ID: dec69d

To th zoo to feed our fellow capyba- no!

We go to investigate into ADAM Supay's facilities and latest under-the-table transactions and get someone to interrogate him.
It's going to be a long day.
No. 1040961 ID: 398700

this. We should also see if we have it in the budget to order everyone food or something.
No. 1041632 ID: d12415

Before we head out, we should take inventory of what gear we have so we can set up a requisition list.
No. 1042232 ID: df6307
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"Check with our guys and see if we can't get some food ordered for everyone," you say. You hesitate, contemplating both the precinct's potential budget and your own. "...Preferably something cheap."

>Dane rolls her eyes, but nods. "Got it."

"I'll take inventory of our gear and try to get a requisition list going. Meet me in the lobby in 30, and we'll see if we can get a replacement for our car..."

>"And then?"

"We're going to pay a visit to ADAM's facilities," you declare.

The two of you go about your tasks quickly. Taking an inventory of the 1P's gear is a painfully short endeavor... All that you have in abundance are patrol pistols, patrol rifles and shotguns. You have a number of patrol vests left. You know from personal experience now that their plates can stop lighter firearms, but not much else.

You hastily put together a list of items. You don't pull any punches with your requests--you're certain the SIG budget can take it. Higher-rated armor plates, additional ammunition, optics, flashbangs and smoke grenades, helmets, ballistic shields, zip ties.... The list still looks a little short, so you add in a request for quadrotor drones as well. If HALE says yes to even half of this stuff, your guys will be extremely well-equipped going forward.

While you're down in the armory, you retrieve your shotgun and put on one of the extra patrol vests. There's no way you're driving back into Wartown without one... After that, you drop the list off at The Major's office and head for the lobby. You glance at your watch--1:15 already, damn. It's a later start to the day than you'd anticipated, but you'll make the most of it.

>Dane is waiting in the lobby, also sporting a new patrol vest. She's bringing a pistol along, this time. She tosses a greasy paper sack at you as you approach. "I got Jimmy's for everyone. It's shit, but at least they deliver fast," she says. "You're gonna pay me back."

"Right..." You mask your fiscal pains behind a mouth(?)ful of cheap hamburger.

>Your partner throws something else at you. It's another patrol pistol and a holster. "Someone's gonna freak out if you walk into ADAM's facilities with that thing," she says, turning her nose up at the gun hanging on your shoulder. "They might be more civil if you've only got this."

"Thanks. And the car?"

>"We've got a new one out front." Dane starts for the door. "We're all set, boss. Let's do it."
No. 1042233 ID: df6307
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You pile into a fresh patrol car and start driving toward Wartown.

You start seeing the fallout from last night just minutes after leaving the precinct. Traffic is at a standstill, backed all the way up to your side of the bridge. Even from here, you can see the source of the congestion--a mass of police and fire department vehicles have closed off multiple roads across the river, and another mass of newspeople have set up shop outside of those barriers. You wonder how many Second Precinct cops are stuck in that circus. You wonder how many of them are even aware that one of their own was behind it...

>"The light's green," Dane chides.

"Oh, right...!" You ease forward a few yards and immediately get stuck behind another car.

>"Fuck," Dane says under her breath. You can tell that she's thinking about yesterday too... She notices you looking at her and glares back. "You know where we're headed once we're clear of this mess, right?"

"Supay Solutions's primary R&D facility. 118 West Commerce, Wartown." You congratulate yourself for actually remembering the details from that dossier.

>Your partner facepalms. "181," she corrects.

"Er, right, 181. I was--"

>"You weren't close." Dane goes back to watching the nearby cars.
No. 1042234 ID: df6307
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Making it all the way to Commerce Street is brutal. It's already 3:00 by the time you get to Supay Solutions.

You get past the toll booth with a flash of your badge, and soon you're pulling into the facility's parking garage.

>"I wonder what kind of reception we're gonna get," Dane muses as you pull into an open spot.

You were thinking about that, too. "If word didn't get out, they might just think we're here to talk about the murder case. ADAM's guard could be lowered."

>Dane frowns. "If word didn't get out," she repeats.

You buckle the pistol holster and exit the car.

You enter the main building through two huge glass doors. They open into a long, empty corridor and a second set of doors. And through them...!!

The place looked big from the outside, but this is ridiculous...! Your attention is immediately drawn to the giant statue standing in the middle of the lobby. The top of it reaches all the way to the second floor. Glass displays spread out around the statue house photographs, plaques, pieces of machinery, circuit boards and other small electronics... You guess that they're chronicling the company's major accomplishments.

>Your gawking is cut short by a polite cough. A tough-looking security guard is sitting at a desk directly in front of you. "Afternoon, officers," he says with a southern drawl. He eyes the markings on your vests. "More Shiptown boys...? Is something goin' on that I should know about?"
No. 1042363 ID: 398700

that... is an elephant we are going to pretend is not in the room, glaring down at us.

We're gonna want to get the facility tour, ask for a map of the place.
No. 1042497 ID: 747a37

Man, we really should have come up with an official story for what to tell the public, now that I think of it.

Um, maybe tell him that unsavory elements have gotten their hands on SUPAY military tech within the city and that the police suspects thievery or an illegal company leak, and that you would like a tour of the facilities, as well as a chat with the man himself.
No. 1042556 ID: 398700

why volunteer information at all? that's not our role here, we're enforcement and have every right to come knocking with the level of crime here.

Keep it vague but firm, we are going to see who and what we came to see and anyone that tries to delay or deny us this is getting an obstruction charge.
No. 1042717 ID: df76b1

There's been recent terrorist activity, and violence on Mr. Durst's immediate family, and we'd hate to see it spillover onto other sites.

Surely a foundation with a massive statue of him would provide a tempting target for any elements that remain. We should review their operations and security policies before it becomes crucial. We'd like to speak to someone in senior management.
No. 1045303 ID: df6307
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Shit, you think to yourself--you haven't thought up a story to tell the public, yet. You decide to keep things vague until you can put together something solid. "Nothing yet," you say in your big cop voice. "Could you get me someone in senior management? We're just here to get a tour of the facility, and talk to Mr. Supay if possible. Do you have any maps of this place?"

>The guard shrugs and hands you a brochure. There's a basic map of the building inside. He presses a button on the security desk's phone. "I dunno what kind of case has brought you boys this far north, and I won't ask. I know it must be something heavy," he says. He points a finger at you. "Just promise me that you won't cause any trouble in here, or give anybody a hard time. The eggheads scare easy."

>"We'll do our best," Dane says.

>The desk's phone rings. The guard gives you one more cautionary look and picks it up. "Two more for you, PIT," he says. "I know, sorry... Right... They're down here in the lobby, if you--!"

The guard flinches as the person on the other end hangs up abruptly.

>A few minutes later, a woman in a wrinkled labcoat approaches the security desk as quickly as her crutch will allow. She almost falls over as she gets closer. "Shit...! Just a moment!" she yelps. "I'll be right there!!"

>The researcher lets out an ungodly wheeze as she makes it over to you. As she catches her breath, she ducks her head at both of you in a sort of rushed bow. "Hello, hello...! My name is PIT, I'm the senior radio frequency engineer around here." She shoots a look at the security guard. "Apparently, I'm the PR girl, too."

>"They asked for upper management, I called for upper management," the guard says, raising his hands disarmingly. "I'd ask someone else, but the other department heads have testing down in 5B today."

>"Don't remind me. I wanted 5B for my own projects today," PIT sighs. She turns to you. "JAM says that you'd like a tour, as well?"

You nod. "I'm Captain BAN, First Precinct. We're just trying to get a better understanding of this place's operations, and your security policies--"

>PIT scoffs loudly and starts hobbling toward the center of the lobby. "You and everyone else, it seems... Come on then, captain, I'll show you everything."
No. 1045305 ID: e5709d

"Let me guess, the Carnadi's Superweapon? I lost my best friend to that."
No. 1045307 ID: df6307
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The engineer keeps up a surprisingly fast pace as she leads you into the middle of the lobby. Other researchers and tour groups eye your patrol vests cautiously at first, but soon go about their business as usual.

>Your tour guide stops and leans heavily on her crutch for a moment. She gasps for air again. "Christ," she mutters to herself. "Shit, I'm gassed... Too much walking...."

"You, uh.... You can slow down if you need to," you offer.

>The engineer immediately straightens up again and glares at you. "I'm fine!" PIT balances on one leg for a moment and gestures around with the crutch. "We'll begin right here. This space is where most of our public tours begin, within our 'Solutions' exhibit."

You're led around from display to display. Like you'd assumed, most of them house notable technological breakthroughs that Supay Solutions has pioneered. PIT explains what many of the different components are, but she's a little too enthusiastic and a little too detailed.... Most of the particulars go right over your head. She leads you further into the lobby, where several more displays surround the statue.

You freeze in front of one display in particular. ERIK is staring out at you from a photograph behind the glass...

>"Sad, isn't it?" PIT limps closer and taps the glass. She's pointing at the same photo, but her attention's drawn to a different soldier in the frame. "He was so young! ADAM was only 16 when he was drafted into the UCSMC. He'd already been accepted into Doren, at the time--he could've fled to Francia, dodged the draft and gone to university. Instead, one of science's greatest minds decided to waste years of his life running around in the woods with a gun."

You study the small collection of photographs. They're all snapshots of ADAM and his squadmates in action. You feel nauseous as you look at them. The perspective may be different, but there's no mistaking some of these battlefields... Edessa, the siege at The Spire, Serenes, the attack on the capital.... "Why?" you ask hoarsely.

>"No reason. Can you believe that?" PIT shakes her head. "No reason at all! He just had a feeling that he had to do it. Absurd... ADAM says that the war was the inspiration he needed to put all of this together, though, so I suppose the choice was a net positive."

"I see...."

>"Our exhibit's centerpiece is also a product of ADAM's past," PIT says, pointing up at the two-story-tall elephant in the room. "'The Hunter,' the UCSMC-AT war memorial. That big plaque on the front lists the names of every KIA and MIA from the brigade that ADAM was drafted into. This whole thing used to stand in the Capitol District, next to the other major war memorials. ADAM's unit engendered a lot of controversy during and after the war though, so much so that the general public was rather...displeased with the memorial's placement. Some people even took it upon themselves to try and take it down. My favorite attempt from those years was the man who tried to demolish it with a remote-controlled bomb--the radio equipment that they seized when they caught him was impressive, to say the least."

>"ADAM had this thing moved into the middle of his company after someone tried to bomb it...?" Dane asks.

>"That's right. ADAM has been a pivotal part of the UCSMC's VA since he was discharged, and he was very adamant about the preservation of those soldiers' names. Between brokering a deal with the government and making enough space here to house the thing, our budget was crippled for the better part of two years. But we succeeded, and I think everyone's a little happier as a result. Unfortunately, we haven't had any exciting attacks since the move was completed six years ago--our security is very thorough, as you'll see later."

>PIT's eye wanders down from the statue to you. "I don't mean to pry, but do you have any relatives who served, captain? Put a bucket on your head, and the two of you would look nearly identical."
No. 1045355 ID: 30b9f6

Give him a light shrug.

"Who didn't have relatives in the war? What about you? Got war wounds of your own, seems. Didn't expect the line of duty to extend to the science workshop."

Indicate his leg. Maybe there's a story there.

Also, where are those other Shiptown folks now? Part of your security policy thing checkup is... checking up on stuff like that. Have they track of all current visitors on the grounds? Names and purposes? You half feel you almost slid in too easily here yourself, even if you have a minder.

>Giant memorial to the KIAs and MIAs, hauled in here to protect it from public hate
It's somewhat suspect that ADAM was super into preserving this, to the extent of taking on a risky extra financial burden. We know there's a general revenge motivation involved here - MUCHI said as much to Dane - and anyone into the idea of the screwed-over soldier might be extra suspect.

Or at the very least, he might be sympathetic to them, without knowing how far they'll go.
No. 1045358 ID: fc1eab

"Lets get back to the tour."
No. 1045428 ID: 53560f

I was in the war. Assuming he still comes around here then I might like to meet him and share a drink over a story or two if he’d be interested, though I’d argue the war was more of an educational experience than in inspiring one.
No. 1045454 ID: fc1eab

Are we really emotionally prepared to go through with something like this?
No. 1064712 ID: df6307
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Your heart skips a beat. You shrug awkwardly. "Who doesn't have relatives who fought in the war?" You try to change the subject as quickly as possible.... You glance at your guide's leg. "Even you've got some war wounds, it seems."

>PIT seems amused. "What, this? There was just a little accident during a testing block a couple weeks ago. I've never been within 300 miles of a battlefield, and hopefully never will."

"I see... let's get back to the tour."

>"Of course. Come along, I'll take you to the core offices upstairs."

PIT weaves back through the exhibit, eventually leading you to a door that takes you further into the facility. Soon, you're loading into a small elevator.

>"Each major department has their own network of office spaces on the second floor," PIT explains as she starts typing a passcode into a keypad on the wall. "On the third floor are the department heads' offices, and ADAM's office, of course. We'll get to those in due time."

You watch as the engineer continues pressing keys. The passcode for this elevator is very, very long... "I know we haven't seen everything yet, but something's bothering me about your security," you remark.

>"Really?" PIT sounds genuinely curious. A green light flashes, and she presses the button for the second floor.

"I'm aware that this is a tour, and that we have a minder. But I still can't help but feel like we slipped in here too easily for such a facility with such 'thorough' security," you say. "Don't you keep a record of all of your visitors, and keep track of where they are on the grounds?"

>The door opens. PIT steps out and turns back to look at you, head cocked to the side. "Of course we do. Why do you ask?"

"We didn't have to sign anything, on our way in. We didn't even give your man downstairs our names."

>"Ahhhh." The engineer's eye is smiling at you. "The moment you entered the building, we got all the information we needed. That corridor you passed through is riddled with concealed cameras and biometric scanners. You were identified as currently-employed, working policemen, so you were granted clearance with minimal security measures. If you were someone unknown or suspicious, we would've locked you out until you were properly vetted. If you were someone especially dangerous, then we'd have skipped the pleasantries entirely and activated the automatic turret system..."

Dane looks at you with wide eyes from behind PIT. You stroke your chin and nod as if the researcher's answer has satisfied your curiosity instead of just creeping you out. "And how do you keep track of visitors on the grounds? That guard said someone else from Shiptown came by--can you tell where they are now, or if they've left?"

>"The only way in or out of this facility for visitors is the front corridor. We can tell when you leave the same way we can tell that you've arrived," PIT explains. "As for tracking on the grounds... Outside of special circumstances, visitors are either closely chaperoned, or followed by security cameras. Usually both. The other detective left shortly before you arrived--I'd just finished giving him this same tour."
No. 1064713 ID: df6307
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PIT leads the two of you through a door into a large office space. Researchers and interns are weaving through a vast sprawl of cubicles, desks and strange-looking computers. A door on the far wall seems to lead into another space with a similar layout.

>"These are the offices for the RF department," PIT says proudly. "I have several research teams that are using this space currently. I'd explain what they're working on, but then you wouldn't be allowed to leave."

She sounds like she's joking, but the image of an automated turret network is still fresh in your mind.... You decide not to press her on that.

>A young man in a lab coat looks up as you walk by his cubicle. "Ma'am, the ordnance department will be starting their scheduled testing block on 5B in twenty minutes," he says, ducking his head in a half-bow toward PIT. "They asked if you'd be attending, again... Should I still just send the interns?"

>PIT crosses her arms. "Of course! I'm not gracing those shitheels with my presence until NISHI shows up at my doorstep, gets on his hands and knees, and begs for forgiveness. Send those kids from the engineering college again."

>"Got it, ma'am."

>PIT turns back to you as her subordinate re-absorbs himself in his work. "Company politics," she sighs exasperatedly.

I know the feeling, you think to yourself...

>"Well captain, we're at something of a crossroads for your tour," PIT says. "The bulk of the busywork for our major departments happens on this floor. RF, CS, microtechnology, ordnance, special projects... If you need further information on any of our research groups, I can lead you to their offices. Or we could move up to the third floor, and visit the heads' offices. That's more or less the extent of what I can show you, without special permissions or a warrant. Unless....."

>She thinks for a moment. "This is uncommon, and I might need to pull some strings, but perhaps I could put the main tour on hold and take you down to 5B to observe a live ordnance test. Obviously we'd only do that if it was relevant to your inquiry, and not because I'd like to see a certain engineer sweat a little before his shitty experiment starts..."
No. 1064731 ID: f84b6b

one overworked department head to another, yes, it's relevant.

this gets us some goodwill, but also gives us an easy in on seeing what the company is up to AND gives us access to a new leadership person to talk with. I don't think our new friend here has much to do with this on a gut level, so meeting another high-up would be useful.
No. 1065822 ID: 85f241

Checking in on potentially dangerous materials is what se came for, after all.

It would be a pleasure to learn more about these test, we will make sure not to interfere and be discreet on the matter.
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