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File 166050189876.jpg - (686.49KB , 2147x934 , DDB 1.jpg )
1040812 No. 1040812 ID: aff302

You are an unknown creature who is currently driving a car on an endless road following a car in front of you. This quest can practically go in any direction when it comes to the tone of this quest.
257 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 1059016 ID: 47580e

Boop her nose to confirm dominance. No spikes this time. And then just kick her out of the dream, you made your point already, no need to get worse over it.
No. 1059023 ID: 1371b2

Unscrew her head off, stick some black goop in the empty neck joint, and then screw her head back on!
No. 1059024 ID: f69af6

Yeah, I'm up for this. She owes us a booped snoot.
No. 1059614 ID: dc13c4
File 167991762176.jpg - (776.92KB , 779x1106 , DDB 176.jpg )

So immediately Dahlia's boobs start to grow at an incredible rate.
No. 1059615 ID: dc13c4
File 167991767427.jpg - (590.02KB , 779x1106 , DDB 177.jpg )

She was horrified by this horrific inflation.
No. 1059616 ID: dc13c4
File 167991773474.jpg - (539.06KB , 779x1106 , DDB 178.jpg )

And they just kept growing and growing.
No. 1059617 ID: dc13c4
File 167991783542.jpg - (538.95KB , 779x1106 , DDB 179.jpg )

Until it became more like balloons, which they started to act like.
No. 1059618 ID: dc13c4
File 167991787768.jpg - (266.96KB , 767x467 , DDB 180.jpg )

And just like a balloon, all it took was just one needle to...
No. 1059619 ID: dc13c4
File 167991791827.jpg - (204.68KB , 458x322 , DDB 181.jpg )

Pop it.
No. 1059620 ID: dc13c4
File 167991798416.jpg - (306.81KB , 545x461 , DDB 182.jpg )

Oxiolideon Primer: "No need to get greedy with one request how are even supposed to fit her through the mirror if she had such a huge package? Besides didn't we agree already that the whole sex stuff should go through the window literally? The other thoughts have their own ideas on how we should act with her and the majority agree that we should kick her out of this dream and that could be achieved by scaring her so much until her heart stops. Let's just throw her into the black pitch of the mirror where a lot of things could happen to her like her head getting chopped off, her snot getting infinitely booped, or any other things."
No. 1059621 ID: dc13c4
File 167991803432.jpg - (268.56KB , 354x814 , DDB 183.jpg )

Dahlia Dreamwalker: "That was the most strange and disturbing experience to ever survive."
No. 1059622 ID: dc13c4
File 167991811175.jpg - (189.66KB , 363x522 , DDB 184.jpg )

Dahlia Dreamwalker: "Wait no don't put me into that mirror, that is the most chaotic part of this dream."
No. 1059623 ID: dc13c4
File 167991815226.jpg - (244.26KB , 570x511 , DDB 185.jpg )

And when she finished her sentence she was trowed into the mirror.
No. 1059624 ID: dc13c4
File 167991823569.jpg - (126.73KB , 551x491 , DDB 186.jpg )

inside it was a black void that started to pull her more and more toward the monster inside the mirror.
No. 1059625 ID: dc13c4
File 167991832469.jpg - (227.37KB , 670x606 , DDB 187.jpg )

she landed on something hard or the closes thing that she har to the solid ground.
No. 1059626 ID: dc13c4
File 167991836244.jpg - (151.48KB , 431x503 , DDB 188.jpg )

As she stands up unrecognizing noise pierced her ears. It was so loud that she was not even able to think.
No. 1059627 ID: dc13c4
File 167991840390.jpg - (124.79KB , 317x416 , DDB 189.jpg )

And when the noise stopped she saw all the residents of the mirror.
No. 1059628 ID: dc13c4
File 167991865995.jpg - (700.06KB , 1136x1334 , DDB 190.jpg )

All of them looked like huge things that shouldn't exist in real life. Like something born from a nightmare. All of them were slowly approaching her and the only thing that she could do at that point is pray so she started to do it.
No. 1059629 ID: dc13c4
File 167991870072.jpg - (131.48KB , 298x444 , DDB 191.jpg )

Dahlia Dreamwalker: "Oh my god of dreams may your lite shine brightly in this pick black hole. Let your eye gaze onto the nightmares and dissolve them in an instant. Your glorious design was forsaken in this dream and let it be corrected under your sight."
No. 1059630 ID: dc13c4
File 167991875838.jpg - (56.91KB , 278x305 , DDB 192.jpg )

In this pick darkness, a flicker of light started to burn.
No. 1059631 ID: dc13c4
File 167991880208.jpg - (133.19KB , 320x542 , DDB 193.jpg )

Out of the flame, an eye emerged and it was the one that belong to the god of dreams.
No. 1059632 ID: dc13c4
File 167991885169.jpg - (366.07KB , 554x1118 , DDB 194.jpg )

The eye started to grow more and more until it was bigger than all the monsters in the mirror and its flames started to glow and burn brighter.
No. 1059633 ID: dc13c4
File 167991890948.jpg - (851.39KB , 725x983 , DDB 195.jpg )

The nightmare construction started to implode from the inside while the light was bursting out of it. The mirror has completely burst into flames.
No. 1059634 ID: dc13c4
File 167991895268.jpg - (679.17KB , 762x718 , DDB 196.jpg )

Until it, all explodes into flames and widout the nightmare construction, everything was silent once again.
No. 1059635 ID: dc13c4
File 167991911941.jpg - (77.42KB , 528x476 , DDB 197.jpg )

The only thing that was left of you was a puddle with two eyes in it.
No. 1059636 ID: dc13c4
File 167991918649.jpg - (92.80KB , 665x476 , DDB 198.jpg )

Until a familiar face lowers its hand toward you.
No. 1059637 ID: dc13c4
File 167991923354.jpg - (274.52KB , 596x737 , DDB 199.jpg )

Dahlia Dreamwalker: "Here let me help you up, I am sorry for pulling the whole god card on you but you have to admit this whole dream got extreme. Let's just put all things aside and not try to kill one another until this dream ends."
No. 1059660 ID: 8e69ff

>> be the eyeball
>> look around confused.
No. 1059670 ID: 1371b2

“Hah! Well. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised at a single dream’s attempt to be a nightmare was bested by a member of an order who have watched over many dreams for many nights.”
No. 1059671 ID: 8e69ff

Yeah yeah you beat me so how about a hug?

Proceed to slither into her brain.
No. 1059677 ID: e5709d

Infest The Dreamwalker
No. 1059680 ID: dee951


Make sure not to kill her in doing this! She did ask, it's important to be responsive to such things. Besides, having other perspectives along for the ride is useful, as long as your control is absolute.
No. 1059700 ID: 6148c7


Let us summon the greek god of dreams, the true god of dreams, Laurence Fishburne, to deal with this wicked..... creature!
No. 1059831 ID: dc13c4
File 168013302036.jpg - (372.22KB , 535x1128 , DDB 200.jpg )

You primarily just exist on the floor sill staring at everything around you.
No. 1059832 ID: dc13c4
File 168013312039.jpg - (197.13KB , 481x510 , DDB 201.jpg )

Then you just proceed to jump toward the pajama-wearing intruder and give her a hug. For the time being you resist the urge to summon Laurence Fishburne, for now, you let the god sleep.
No. 1059834 ID: dc13c4
File 168013317245.jpg - (415.13KB , 727x911 , DDB 202.jpg )

Dahlia Dreamwalker: "Wow there little guy how fast you slithered towards me if I didn't know any better I would suspect that you were up to something."
No. 1059835 ID: dc13c4
File 168013322445.jpg - (254.48KB , 520x693 , DDB 203.jpg )

You: "I just want to know why did you insult me that way and even threatened me while you were in my car? All our hostility started because you were so mean toward me."
No. 1059838 ID: dc13c4
File 168013328590.jpg - (303.26KB , 665x622 , DDB 204.jpg )

Dahlia Dreamwalker: "In your car? I never entered your car, I was on the roof of it but I have never gone inside of it..."
No. 1059839 ID: dc13c4
File 168013333503.jpg - (303.52KB , 665x622 , DDB 205.jpg )

Dahlia Dreamwalker: "Wait one moment, I think I know what is going on here! In this dream, it wasn't just you, me, and the dreamer, there was one other person who pretended to be part of this mind but in actuality an outsider just like me."
No. 1059840 ID: dc13c4
File 168013339495.jpg - (204.65KB , 809x607 , DDB 206.jpg )

???: "He he he, I see that you are onto my little devious deception. Yeah, you are correct I am not who I came to be."
No. 1059841 ID: dc13c4
File 168013343837.jpg - (265.50KB , 551x792 , DDB 207.jpg )

???: "It would be fitting to see me as your instructor, somebody who motivated you and push you towards greatness."
No. 1059842 ID: dc13c4
File 168013349022.jpg - (611.52KB , 1298x792 , DDB 208.jpg )

???: "And to accomplish that I needed to use multiple puppets just like the fake Dahlia which greeted you inside the car and just like the real Dahlia she loves having a fist shoved up her ass. It all served the purpose to make you feel like a cornered animal."
No. 1059843 ID: dc13c4
File 168013354550.jpg - (739.01KB , 1298x790 , DDB 209.jpg )

Rem: "My name is Rem and it is a pleasure to finally meet you, but you can just call me the bitch in this dream drive."
No. 1059844 ID: dc13c4
File 168013363190.jpg - (273.32KB , 601x560 , DDB 210.jpg )

Dahlia Dreamwalker: "Oh great it is her! Just ignore her, she is a bad influence, and she believes in kissing before a wedding. An absolutely disgusting person and she is bad news."
No. 1059845 ID: dc13c4
File 168013368384.jpg - (361.96KB , 549x757 , DDB 211.jpg )

Rem: "I just find it funny that you didn't dispute my accusation that you like getting fisted!"
No. 1059846 ID: dc13c4
File 168013372893.jpg - (232.93KB , 457x541 , DDB 212.jpg )

Dahlia Dreamwalker: "Why must you always be so vulgar, especially here and now out of all places could you at least show some restraint? As for you little blob could you please stop trying to get inside my head."
No. 1059847 ID: dc13c4
File 168013382371.jpg - (380.66KB , 589x805 , DDB 213.jpg )

Rem: "You are right my sworn adversary, there is a victim in this whole dream and it is our shadow being, I must apologize for misleading you. It wasn't right for me to manipulate you towards something you never wanted."
No. 1059848 ID: dc13c4
File 168013387509.jpg - (532.50KB , 985x932 , DDB 214.jpg )

Rem: "But on the other hand when you were pushed towards your breaking point you truly changed yourself into something truly terrifying. I am really impressed with your perforce."
No. 1059849 ID: dc13c4
File 168013391597.jpg - (587.17KB , 985x932 , DDB 215.jpg )

Rem: "That is why I would like to offer you a way to extend your own existence outside of this dreamer's dream a way for you to become a living nightmare. I can already see it, all the things that the two of us could accomplish if we worked together."
No. 1059850 ID: dc13c4
File 168013394857.jpg - (332.60KB , 625x727 , DDB 216.jpg )

Dahlia Dreamwalker: "Do you think that he would believe a single word that you say to him, especially after everything that you did to him."
No. 1059851 ID: dc13c4
File 168013401319.jpg - (484.32KB , 546x1126 , DDB 217.jpg )

Rem: "Ok maybe you didn't lie to him but that doesn't mean that you didn't do anything to him. After all, there is a reason why you came here in the first place, so don't pretend like you don't have an agenda. Unlike you I don't beat around the bunch, I go for what I want, so shadow dream creature the question is do you want me?"
No. 1059856 ID: 1371b2

Given that at our most nightmarish we ended up on the bad end of a SMITING I’m less than keen on going with the purple lady.
But what say the rest of you?
No. 1059934 ID: 5774d4

>>be the dreamer
>> bilk you're nonexistent eyelids in confusion at the scene.
>> Get out your car and polity tell everyone to stop interrupting you're drive.
No. 1059938 ID: dee951

Don't like the purple lady. Dahlia is much better. She treats us with respect!

...Can you find us someone to infest? That'd be amazing. We can even not kill them if they prefer!
No. 1060051 ID: e5709d

Try fusing yourself into Dahlia's brain, then Rem's, then try fusing them together.
No. 1060986 ID: dc13c4
File 168094532356.jpg - (175.58KB , 316x417 , DDB 218.jpg )

Rem: "Oh yes we must fear the god of all dreams but let me just tell you that the light that god emanates is so bright that it casts a large shadow. So large in fact that you can hide and live in it."
No. 1060987 ID: dc13c4
File 168094537354.jpg - (176.94KB , 316x417 , DDB 219.jpg )

Rem: "As for the other thoughts, green text speech really. The laziest way of interacting. But that is just the thing this is the last dream that this dreamer will ever dream."
No. 1060988 ID: dc13c4
File 168094543289.jpg - (73.76KB , 418x315 , DDB 220.jpg )

Rem: "Because his body is on its death bed and when he closes his dream eye he will go into his eternal slumber. Very slowly his heart will beat slower and slower, after all, that is the point of lethal injection."
No. 1060989 ID: dc13c4
File 168094549819.jpg - (216.71KB , 385x480 , DDB 221.jpg )

Rem: "At this point, you practically have four options, my dream creature. Option one you stay here and you pass into the eternal slumber with your own dreamer, option two you join me I change your form to the physical body, option three you join her and she gives you a physical body and finally option four you get a physical body and join no one."
No. 1060990 ID: dc13c4
File 168094555707.jpg - (169.76KB , 364x321 , DDB 222.jpg )

Dahlia Dreamwalker: "How disrespectfully are you talking about his creator! I find you rude and even the dream being's thoughts don't like you."
No. 1060991 ID: dc13c4
File 168094560312.jpg - (168.57KB , 450x365 , DDB 223.jpg )

Dahlia Dreamwalker: "But she is correct about all the options and the state of the dreamer he is dying. I just wanted to give him one last dream before he passes from this world to the other."
No. 1060992 ID: dc13c4
File 168094566695.jpg - (173.48KB , 450x365 , DDB 224.jpg )

Dahlia Dreamwalker: "That is sometimes the problem with dreamers who love imagination but are not able to have dreams other than what they lived in their regular life. He is a person who always went on long travels and on everyone he listened to stories of fantasy and other unusual things. That's why I acted like one of the protagonists of his stories."
No. 1060993 ID: dc13c4
File 168094577982.jpg - (175.59KB , 342x402 , DDB 225.jpg )

Rem: "Just like you believe that a pleasant dream is necessary so do I believe that a nightmare is equally needed especially now in this transitional period."
No. 1060994 ID: dc13c4
File 168094584977.jpg - (189.07KB , 342x402 , DDB 226.jpg )

Rem: "What is a nightmare other than your brain being subconsciously aver of something? Fear is what makes you more aver of your life and your surroundings."
No. 1060995 ID: dc13c4
File 168094590506.jpg - (163.24KB , 364x321 , DDB 227.jpg )

Dahlia Dreamwalker: "Listen, dream being, no matter our different perspectives and no matter what you choose there is no wrong option. Even passing away along the dreamer just means that you will change your form from one dream to the other."
No. 1060996 ID: dc13c4
File 168094594715.jpg - (161.85KB , 364x321 , DDB 228.jpg )

Dahlia Dreamwalker: "The whole thing of offering you the physical body, is so that you may come to our world and exist there. But I won't force you to do anything that you don't want to do. It is up to you to choose what you want to do."
No. 1060997 ID: dc13c4
File 168094602885.jpg - (258.28KB , 503x405 , DDB 229.jpg )

Rem: "So what is it going to be your decision?"

Dahlia Dreamwalker: "Both of us are awaiting your answer."
No. 1060998 ID: e5709d


We're the dying dream of a fucking serial killer?!

Sorry Dahlia, but fuck option 3. We can't be trusted with keeping people sane and happy if our mind has built-in manchurian subroutines ready to turn children into insane megalomaniacs.

That said, we wanna live.

In this order:
No. 1061014 ID: 835d0e

Well I would very much like to find my killer before deciding thank you.
No. 1061584 ID: dc13c4
File 168175252246.jpg - (235.07KB , 548x482 , DDB 230.jpg )

Dahlia Dreamwalker: "To be honest the only thing that I knew about the dreamer is that he was dying but the reason why he was dying in the first place was something that was not known to me."
No. 1061585 ID: dc13c4
File 168175259202.jpg - (232.64KB , 548x482 , DDB 231.jpg )

Dahlia Dreamwalker: "There is a possibility that the dreamer of this dream might be a criminal. But don't let that discourage you about..."
No. 1061586 ID: dc13c4
File 168175263779.jpg - (245.83KB , 424x558 , DDB 232.jpg )

Rem: "Now now, there is no need to sell the nobility of the dreamer after all the shadow construct already decided what it wanted to do and it is not going where the dreamer is going."
No. 1061587 ID: dc13c4
File 168175271454.jpg - (245.82KB , 424x558 , DDB 233.jpg )

Rem: "But in all honesty, there is a possibility that somebody innocent might get a lethal injection and I do know the story of this dreamer. I am not willing to tell that story, you all already have a vision of this sleeper and I am not interested in changing that."
No. 1061588 ID: dc13c4
File 168175277764.jpg - (171.34KB , 411x399 , DDB 234.jpg )

Dahlia Dreamwalker: "Listen no matter who created you, do not let that define who you are nor what you can be."
No. 1061589 ID: dc13c4
File 168175283029.jpg - (188.55KB , 521x393 , DDB 235.jpg )

Dahlia Dreamwalker: "Also even if you decided to leave this dream and become a living being widout joining any of us I would still like to see you see you."
No. 1061591 ID: dc13c4
File 168175300017.jpg - (120.23KB , 655x333 , DDB 236.jpg )

Dahlia Dreamwalker: "Alright Rem help me form his real body and no funny business this time."

Rem: "I will as long as the dream creature doesn't turn into a cooperated character as its real body."
No. 1061592 ID: dc13c4
File 168175304182.jpg - (130.28KB , 602x282 , DDB 237.jpg )

Dahlia Dreamwalker: "Man fuck corporating laws the dream being is free to choose how it wants to look."

Rem: "Wow I didn't expect from you to hear a swear word, but ok I am up for anything you know me."
No. 1061593 ID: dc13c4
File 168175307981.jpg - (334.38KB , 696x556 , DDB 238.jpg )

As the two intruders raise their hands at the same time a dream catcher-looking thing arises in front of them.
No. 1061594 ID: dc13c4
File 168175310316.jpg - (372.87KB , 696x556 , DDB 239.jpg )

It started to glow and it was time to choose how you will look. For this update just give a detailed description or submit a drawing in order for this protagonist to no longer be a dream shadow creature.
No. 1061680 ID: 1371b2

A swan, but under the wings are an extra pair of arms that end in talons like a hawk. I think that will do nicely.
No. 1061702 ID: 290cc7

Heavenly critter that somewhat resembles renamon, with big expressive eyes, which is something people love.

Oooh, and sparkles!
No. 1061741 ID: e5709d

You're a floating TV with a laser chain attached to the neck of an anthropomorphic parrot-fox girl. Technically the TV and the sex slave are all you, but it's a fashion statement. If you need to, you can put your TV brain over the head of your parrot body and wear a poncho.
No. 1062157 ID: dc13c4
File 168255049084.jpg - (139.94KB , 301x352 , DDB 240.jpg )

Rem: "Ok I get the first two suggestions but I don't understand the third one. It is just weird, I mean you are free to think of whatever you want but it just sounds like a hassle to move around and use that body from a functional point of view."
No. 1062158 ID: dc13c4
File 168255053783.jpg - (180.28KB , 456x365 , DDB 241.jpg )

Dahlia Dreamwalker: "Well that is the beauty of imagination, it gives us the possibility to create something that can't exist. As for the decision for the body, we are currently at an impasse. There are currently three suggestions and all of them are equally. So in order for this to be finally settled this will go to first come first served rules. The first one to pick one of these three suggestions will be the definitive body of your dream being."
No. 1062169 ID: dee951

The heavenly critter!
No. 1063169 ID: ca7ffc

Go with this
No. 1063177 ID: 8f9bc4

Yes heavenly renamon and absolutely do not think about chickens at the last minute.
No. 1063182 ID: e5709d

No. 1063728 ID: dc13c4
File 168402638261.jpg - (1.57MB , 2102x1682 , DDB 242.jpg )

And as the dream creature finally started becoming a dream person its final form is something familiar but different at the same time.
No. 1063730 ID: dc13c4
File 168402645416.jpg - (426.02KB , 734x722 , DDB 243.jpg )

Dahlia Dreamwalker: "You truly look divine!"
No. 1063731 ID: dc13c4
File 168402649303.jpg - (339.60KB , 533x683 , DDB 244.jpg )

Rem: "I liked you better when you were black, now you only invaded your color pallet. Do you truly believe that makes you anything better, do you truly think that this is how others should see you? I just think that you are not being true to yourself."
No. 1063733 ID: dc13c4
File 168402656399.jpg - (239.22KB , 391x578 , DDB 245.jpg )

You: "What exactly is the place where I am going?"
No. 1063734 ID: dc13c4
File 168402665546.jpg - (620.53KB , 752x564 , DDB 246.jpg )

Dahlia Dreamwalker: "It is like one giant ocean and flowers that rise from it, a true dream come true world. In this world, we go to other worlds and through the dreams of their residents. It is like looking through windows and seeing how they see the world in their dreams and you will be able to go on those journeys."
No. 1063735 ID: dc13c4
File 168402669275.jpg - (183.15KB , 338x368 , DDB 247.jpg )

Rem: "Well the trip will start sooner rather than later. Look over there."
No. 1063736 ID: dc13c4
File 168402671930.jpg - (297.13KB , 482x388 , DDB 248.jpg )

Rem: "This dream is collapsing and the only thing that will last from it will be the portal that we used to enter it. If you truly want to leave this dream you should use that as your exit."
No. 1063738 ID: dc13c4
File 168402677193.jpg - (885.24KB , 762x1186 , DDB 249.jpg )

Without saying a single word you use your wings and fly toward the portal. You are truly free from the dream, you are no longer part of the dream, and you are no longer part of the dreamer."
No. 1063739 ID: dc13c4
File 168402680577.jpg - (392.37KB , 683x485 , DDB 250.jpg )

The last glims that you give to your previous world were the two introducers waving at you. That was the last time that you saw them. After so many days passed away you still think to yourself. Did I do the right thing? Would I be a happier person with one of them?
No. 1063787 ID: 8f9bc4

quest complete

drives driven: 1
dreams dreamt: 1
portals portalified: 1
noses honked: 0
No. 1063793 ID: e5709d

Breasts destroyed: 4
No. 1063831 ID: dc13c4

Thank you all for following this story this is partially the end of the quest. I am not sure if I would want to do a continuation of it, I am satisfied with how it played out. The only thing that I am maybe willing to do is an epilogue, but that is only if you are interested in seeing additional things.
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