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1042403 No. 1042403 ID: 681cb5

[Super NSFW]

ACT 2: The Garden of Creation

Wiki and last thread: https://tezakia.net/wiki/Lascivious_Labyrinth
Discussion thread: https://tezakia.net/kusaba/questdis/res/134609.html#134609

Somewhere deep in the most tenebrous wilderness, far from civilization and decency, it is said that a grand temple of some old forgotten god lay hidden. In those ancient rumor-shadowed halls, acts of unbridled hedonism and profane rituals were indulged in wild abandon, all to please the fertility god the structure was dedicated too. It is a place where instinct and impulse is acted upon without care.

There are also myths about a great treasure, hidden in the deepest catacombs, far below the surface, forever watched over by mighty guardians and fiendish traps. The corridors are said to twist and turn with a serpent-like suggestion, their writhing path hiding many dangers and foes, but if you stay vigilant they will lead you to your greatest desire. Many before you have been seduced by the myth and been enthralled by the ravenous desire…

…Of the Lascivious Labyrinth.
373 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 1047049 ID: 681cb5
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>The warrior, The warlock, The hunter
:SebakLAV: You can’t just give their jobs as titles, Sekhmet!
:SekhmetLAV: Why not? Icaro is called the ‘unter, isn’t ‘e?
:SebakLAV: Because he’s the best hunter the tribe has ever seen, that’s why… besides, we can’t have two people titled hunter either.
>For someone who isn't magic, Icaro has been doing some really impressive animal taming feats lately. He should specialize in it.
:IcaroLAV: They don’t call me the hunter for nothing. I’m the best there ever was in hunting down prey and converting them into willing thralls!
:PesiLAV: …with your member, of course.
:IcaroLAV: Hey, if it works, it works.

You are Sebak, the Overseer of the camp and as some would call you, the grumpy dad. But that is the thanks you get for being the only one who are willing to keep things going smoothly in the tribe. Right now, though, you’re here to hold a ceremony! ”Let us begin with the naming ceremony! Today we have gathered to beset these three brave Volin a proper name, a name that they will be known for far and wide. With Telos as our witness, in the name of Ptamet, Volek and Wjares, let these three be remembered in the halls of the gods themselves!”

You take a few steps towards the warrior, who flexes his muscles and gives you a smug smile, something that the warlock apprentice next to him seems to appreciate. After clearing your throat, you say in your deepest, most booming voice, ”The son of Icaro, the warrior born from a Tharan shark woman, for the virility shown in combat, you will henceforth be known as… Tacaro the Virile!” Icaro runs up to his sons and slaps him his back, happily shouting, ”Aw yeah, you go son!” Tacaro lifts up his arm, showing off his bracelet to his father before telling him, ”Up high, father!” A loud klink echoes through the tent as father and son hits their arms together.

You turn towards the runt of the pack, the little warlock apprentice, who is shaking in fear. ”The son of Maphet, the warlock born from a Rhinotran druid, for the magical affinity you possess, you will henceforth be known as… Batmet of the Black arts!” Even before you’ve finished, Maphet has rushed to her son side and started hugging him, ”I’m so proud of you son.” She even give him a kiss on the cheek, making him stammer a bit, ”Aw, t-thanks mommy…”

Then you turn towards the hunter, who seems to enjoying herself a bit too much watching Batmet getting smothered by his mother. ”And finally, the daughter of Pesi, the hunter born from a Thumperan bandit, for your impeccable aim, you will henceforth be known as… err… wait, seriously?” you look up from the note towards Sekhmet, who just smiles and gives you a thumb up, ”That’s the name who won the vote.” You take a deep breath before you read the note again… ”*Sigh* Very well… *Cough* Known as… Big booty Peltast…” Luckily, it seems like Peltast likes her name, as she hugs her mother from behind with a big smile. ”Well?~” she ask with a raspy voice, looking expectantly at her mother, who finally caves and says, ”…fine, you did good, ” Peltast smiles even wider, telling her ”Heh, I knew you had it in you, mom. ” as she pokes her mother’s tummy. ”…I love you.” Pesi mumbles, which is followed by Peltast loudly proclaiming, ”Love you too, mom.”

Then to end the ceremony… ”Let these names be a blessing upon you, and may Telos smile upon you all!”
No. 1047050 ID: 681cb5
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>Finding ways to improve the welfare of status of our thralls could improve our reputation.
Considering how the thralls eat the same food and sleep in the same tents as the rest of us, improving the welfare of the tribe in general would be the way to go for that. So far, the thralls have been getting the same living standards as us Volin, and unless we run out of food and beds, that will probably not change.
>Consider any recourse a slave has against unfair treatment under our thrall, up to and including emancipation.
You’ll personally make sure that the thralls are treated well, just as you’ll make sure your workers are happy. As for emancipation… nothing is actually stopping them from just leaving, is there? Any thrall that wishes to leave is free to do so at their leisure, but seeing how the thumpers joined willingly, one of them even came to us on their own, and that the shark gal is happy catching fish for us, it doesn’t seem that they want to leave in the first place. By Telos, even the gargoyle doesn’t seem to wish to leave, and is rather happy ever since her belly started to grow with young.

>It should go without saying that any magic or skill we can't fold for our tribe, we outsource.
The simplest solution would be to capture a thrall with the necessary skill… or hire someone to do it for us.
>On the other hand, there is a fun way to fold knowledge into our tribe if all else fails: fold it into our kids.
…or we can breed it into the tribe. That’s probably the best way to do it. We’ll still need to either find a breedingstock or make a breeding contract with someone of that skill, though.

You make a quick visit to the tent that’s dedicated for those that are pregnant, just to make sure that the two workers that got knocked up by the rabbits are alright… as well as to get out from the rain for a bit. As you enter, you find them deep in discussion with the gargoyle, all three of their bellies heavy with eggs, with the exception of one that seems to be carrying a rabbit kit. Watching the gargoyle smile widely as she rubs her pregnant belly, you’re convinced that she wanted to be captured and bred by you from the starts, even if she refuses to admit it herself. After all, this isn’t something she would be able to get from that cult of hers. You just hope one of the eggs in her is yours. Without making your presence known, you leave to prepare for the coming guests, returning back into the rain outside.
No. 1047051 ID: 681cb5
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>If we had a shrine, we could impress them by building up a proper religion.
Doesn’t these Varkian already worship the same demi-gods as you do? While teaching them the way of Telos is something you might consider in the future, right now if you want to inspire them to join you, you should show them how to worship the demi-gods properly… which, you know, require a proper shire…
>If we had more workers or craftsman, we could impress them by building great works and inspiring architecture.
Hmm… a great wonder would surely impress anyone who bore witness to it… and we can combine it with the religion idea as well. After all, if you build a grand temple dedicated to the demi-gods and Telos, people will surely come to you willingly to worship them, no?
>With an army, the best they can do to impress them is to appoint ourselves as protectors or guardians of the garden, and hope they believe us. Protecting the trade caravan from Sakkilian raiders would make a good first impression, though.
You’ll need an army first. So far you only have a handful of warriors and hunters… if you want an army, we’ll need to breed more… and find a way to make weapons and armor.

As the rain stops, you notice something moving through the nearby thicket. A few purple flags waves in their air, sticking up above the tree line, which is followed by the sound of music and the smell of myrrh and herbs. Soon, you watch as large snails carrying miniature houses slither into the camp, being steered by jackals in heavy bronze armor. Are these the Varkian traders? You’re not sure what you were expecting, but it wasn’t this…
No. 1047052 ID: 681cb5
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On the first caravan, the one that’s the biggest and most luxurious, a pair of well-dressed Varkians stands and look out onto the camp. They are flanked on each side by well armored Jackals bearing wicked looking spears, clearly indicating that these two are important. You can hear the smaller male whisper to the female, ”This is it? Just a bunch of tents and mud?” The female smile and waves towards you, though you can hear her reply under her breath, ”Now now son, don’t judge the less fortunate.” The female makes a show to seem happy to see the camp, but the male looks over the tents with disgust, ”I can’t fathom why you would ever consider trading with these… these savages, mother.” The mother on her part takes a step back and retrieves something from the caravan behind her, all the while telling her son, ”The more people there are around to trade, dear, the more profitable it will be.” but he just roll his eyes and moans, ”Ugh, like these predators has anything of value. Look! That one even walking around with her chest bare! …and is that bones pierced through her nipples!? These people are animals, mother, we better leave before they get hungry.” Returning to her sons side, the female now have two strange tools in her hands, ”Oh please, little blue jay, you still have a lot to learn about trading. Now, be a dear and stay quiet. Comments like that might anger simple folk like this.” The male takes a deep breath, closes his eyes and he sighs, ”*Sigh*, yes mother, I’ll keep quiet.” and, whit a big smile, his mother says, ”Good boy.”

As the snail stops in front of you, the female Varkian takes a few steps forwards and proclaims, ”Greetings, Tribe of the River! We come with peaceful intentions and willingness to trade!” She makes a pair of grandiose gestures with her tools before pointing at herself, ”I am the Merchant Queen Neferi the Second, and this is my son, Trade Prince Nedjet the Fourth. It is an honor to meet you all.” She and her son both bows, but you can hear the boy whisper, ”The only honor here is surviving this smell…” though this only gets him an elbow to his side from his mother, ”Shush boy.” Standing up straight again, she lifts her arms up high, making the odd tools in her hands cross above her head, ”We have wares if you wish to trade, brave… err… lizards?” She glances over at her Jackals guards, as if she’s asking what your species is called, but they just shrugs their shoulders so she’s forced to continue, ”May we camp here for the night? I am sure we will make many profitable deals if you allow us too.”
No. 1047054 ID: a7a180

Perhaps the exchange we could make is a cultural one. How much for just the mom?
No. 1047067 ID: c11296

A trade of information might work, I also want to see what they're selling. Do we have any dancers? We might also be able to prostitute ourselves to the guards and workers of the caravan after being pent up from a long journey and we can use what they pay us with to trade for amenities and more.
No. 1047069 ID: f2320a

Technically slugs if they dont grow shells also food would have been good nothing wrong with fattening up guests its hospitality.
Also its funny we got males wearing bras and females going bare chested.
Did we ever consider bone carving?
Also information is trade goods such as ants, cultists.
So time too stuff these turkies until they cant move and make merry
No. 1047071 ID: f2320a

Perhaps show strenght by wrestling perhaps get hired for something also remember money has arbritary value and we have no base line value so we can be scammed, we got great bodies with fat butts
No. 1047072 ID: e82ad3

Sweet, Grumpy Dad! Definitely need to help him live up to his title, and that means more eggs.
Also, the relationships between the parents and the next generation is adorable.

There may be no pleasing the young prince, but it might be worth noting who and what draws his eye, to figure out if he's complaining to separate himself from his taboo desires, or if he's just a little shit. Sekhmet should probably be kept some distance from him to avoid trouble. He might enjoy himself, but best not to take chances.
Attitude aside, the royals are cute, and the mother is at least professional.
Pretend you don't hear the unkind words, as loose lips may be useful against them later, and greet and welcome them amicably by name and title. Let them believe you're simple if they want, but a gracious host you must be, at least until one of them tries something stupid. Give her your name and title, and the basics of who and what the Volin are.

Side objective, get Sebak and Neferi to have a date night. Wooing her won't be simple, but it would be good to foster some friendships.
No. 1047073 ID: 36784c

I think the most valuable thing we have right now is the metals from the ant golems. It's something that's stronger than bronze, which is what we mainly use and it looks like the Varkians are mostly using bronze as well. A type of metal stronger than what anyone is using MUST be valuable.
No. 1047074 ID: 2a82d3

For the night. If it's anything long-term, someone like her might want the whole tribe in exchange.

>”Shush boy.”
"Now now, son. If you get bored here, you can go play with the girls outside while the adults talk business. They don't bite. I've sworn them to it." No doubt Mephit is in the mood for some chicken thighs. He might open up more to her, than you can open up his more experienced mother. You may have to bargin with her about this, if she treats breeding rights like Ubathan did. Nobles do like arranged marriages.

>brave… err… lizards
"We are Volin, creations of the serpent Shelli the ever pregnant, chosen by our god Talos to be protectors of the garden of creation."

>”May we camp here for the night? I am sure we will make many profitable deals if you allow us too.”
"Not only would we like you to spend the night here, we insist on sending one of our warriors as your bodyguard for your trip. We are looking to prove ourselves as guardians by performing great heroic feats. Challenge us one to one if you don't believe our worth."

Request that the caravan runs trade deals by you or your trader, to prevent you simple folk from being taken advantage of. The queen could be capable of negging the whole tribe into submission. Try to have her consider spend the night in your bed anyway; more interesting trading can be done that way.

For right here and now, let's start with an exchange of pleasantries. Share how your tribe has been faring so far and ask how has her people has been adjusting to this land. Has she partaken in the pleasures of the garden yet? Any of her tribe?

Ask about the other places the caravan has been to. Anything news, or interesting trades, at Ubathan's den? What does she know about the farms on the plains?

Be curious and talk to her about their living situation with the other trade caravan, but don't get sucked into any of their drama yet.

If you can be certain she is no puritan and not against your hedonistic ways, you must warn her of Agnieszka's coming invasion. You have proof too. Good thing you stopped by the maternity tent to pick up the pregnant golem, right? Don't give her away, but she'd make for a great bargaining chip, and you have spare parts if they insist.
No. 1047075 ID: e5709d

"If it makes you feel better, there's Varkian and royal blood in our lineage. But we're here to prove ourselves."
No. 1047076 ID: 9d5379

>chosen by our god Talos to be protectors of the garden of creation.
>we insist on sending one of our warriors as your bodyguard for your trip. We are looking to prove ourselves as guardians by performing great heroic feats.
>Challenge us one to one if you don't believe our worth.
Let's not oversell ourselves. We're trying to be peaceful, not prove that we're a bunch of overly prideful idiots that brag too much.

Saying shit like that is just asking for us to be humbled/humiliated when we can't back up our claims.
No. 1047099 ID: 2a82d3

Distinguishing ourselves from the actual lizard raiders down the river would help our rep though. So would offering protection from them, if the caravan route passes by their den or catches their eye. If she's especially optimistic, assigning her a bodyguard would also let one of us scout their camp under a different flag.

For the last part, that was just an excuse to have their guard join in on the fun. Having our newly-minted male warrior 1v1 the female jackal would be totally hot. Imagine the sight of her in her armor, but pregnant. The exposed midriffs are a nice touch too, must be helpful when bellies around here expand and contract so much.
No. 1047200 ID: 681cb5
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>Pretend you don't hear the unkind words, as loose lips may be useful against them later.
Not to mention, getting upset about such trivialities would leave a rather sour first impression. You’ll let them slide… but you’ll make sure to keep listening…
>There may be no pleasing the young prince, but it might be worth noting who and what draws his eye, to figure out if he's complaining to separate himself from his taboo desires, or if he's just a little shit.
He is clearly a little twerp acting out for attention, but that’s nothing a good night spent with a lady won’t solve… or a man, if he so prefers. He clearly needs a proper rump pounding to get that stick out of his ass. Sadly, you’re already busy keeping an eye on that beautiful mother of his, so someone else will have to deal with him.
>Sekhmet should probably be kept some distance from him to avoid trouble. He might enjoy himself, but best not to take chances.
Trying to keep Sekhmet from doing something dumb is like trying to divert the river with your bare hands. Sekhmet goes wherever she pleases… and pleases wherever she goes, at least according to herself.

You kneel before them, ”We welcome you to our humble camp, Merchant Queen Neferi the Second, and we hope it will be a pleasant stay.” The Varkian lady covers her beak with her hand and laugh, ”Ohohoho, no need for such formalities, my scaly friend, you can just call me Neferi from now on.” Standing up again, you give her a little nod as you continue, ”Ah, of course, Neferi. I just felt such a lovely lady like yourself deserved to addressed with her full name.” Neferi leans her head to the side and looks you up and down… and you can see a slight smile spreading across her face, ”Why, aren’t you a proper gentleman… but what shall I call such a handsome man like yourself, hmm?” Realizing that you’ve forgotten to introduce yourself, you quickly tell her, ”I am Sebak the Overseer, of the Volin people. Though, such a marvelous matron as yourself can simply call me Sebak.” Rubbing her feathery chin, she mumbles, ”The Volin, hmm? Why, do excuse me for my curiosity, Sebak, but I don’t believe I’ve ever heard of your gallant people before.” Standing tall and proud, you flex your muscles a bit as you boldly state, ”We are a new species, created by the will of the demi-gods Ptamet and Volek, born from the womb of Shelli the ever pregnant, chosen by our godspawn Telos to be the protectors of the garden of creation… or at least the valley of the triplets.” to which the queen quickly asks, ”Oh, such an interesting history… so I gather you’re worshippers of the three demi-gods, then?” You can hear her son mumble something under his breath as you answer, ”We are indeed.” which turns out to be exactly what Nefiri wanted to hear, as she gladly jump down from her caravan and step towards you, much to the displeasure of her Jackal guard, ”We too worship the triplets, though mostly focusing on Ptamet and Volek. Of course, Wjares do get a sacrifice or two to make sure she looks over us and protect us from raiders.” As she approaches, you finally realize just how different in size you are to each other, as she barely reaches your chest, ”Oh, and I’ll have you know, we do have both the blood of Varkians and royalty coursing through our veins, as we’re descendants of a princess from the Kingdom of the High River.” But you barely have time to finish the sentence before her son tries to interrupt, ”You!? Royalty!? HA! That’s a lark, if I- Ow!” though he is silenced as his mother jabs one of her strange tools into his side, ”The High river kingdom? I haven’t heard of that… is it outside the garden? But it is obvious that you, at least, are of royal blood, as such a fine and charming young man is clearly a man of good breeding.” You smile at her, ”But not as obvious as you, with such elegance and grace, is of royal blood as well.”

”It would be an honor to have you stay the night here, Neferi.” you tell her as you give her a quick bow, ”That is good to hear, Sebak, as there is a storm coming tonight, and I rather not be caught in it on the way home.” She looks over the horizon, towards very dark clouds that are approaching, ”If you are worried about the trip back, I can send one of our mightiest warriors with you as a bodyguard, if you so wish.” Once again her son intervenes before she can answer, ”We don’t need some stupid savage with us. We already have the Jackal mercenaries to watch our back.” which makes her mother sigh before telling you, ”…while I wouldn’t put it as bluntly as that, SON, but you do have a point. We are in no need of any more guards at the moment… nor do we know what your kind is capable of, other than looking handsome…” As those last words leaves her beak, she makes a show too look you up and down, clearly enjoying what she sees. ”Then how about a friendly wrestling competition? One of your Jackal guards against one of our warriors?” you suggest, making her smile a bit as she consider it, ”A fight until knockup then, hmm? I’m sure I can find someone interested in partaking in such an event. If anything, it would be rather interesting to watch, no?” You can see her Jackal guard scowl at you, but you ignore him and continue, ”I have to concur… and speaking of knockup… perhaps your guards and traders are feeling a bit pent up after the journey? There are many men and ladies here who are more than willing to have some fun with strangers.” Her son is clearly taken aback by your forwardness, as he starts to stammer, ”Wha- y-you can’t j-just-” but his mother quickly tries to calm him down, ”Shush, boy, the grown up are talking.” He looks at his guard before looking back at you, ”But-” but before he can make even more of a fool of himself, you tell him, ”Now now, son, if you get bored here you can go play with the girls in the camp. They don’t bite… unless you want them too…” Nedjet stares at you in disgust, before turning around and signaling to his guard to follow, ”…fine, I’m leaving.” As you and the queen watches the prince leave with his female guard, you start steering the conversation back on track, ”Now, as for my request…” Nefiri takes a deep breath, before looking at you with a rather no-nonsense look and stating, ”We make an equal trade. You’ll present a group of females and I’ll give you the same amount of males for them to dominate. Similarly, I’ll present equal amount of females and you give me males for them to dominate. Any young that may come from these unions will belong to their mother’s tribe. Are we in agreement?” Taking a moment to consider it, you nod, ”A fair trade from a fair looking Queen. I wouldn’t expect otherwise from such a stunning lady.” She gives you a warm smile, ”Then I’m sure there will be much fun to be had tonight, my delightful little drake.”

”Ah, and I almost forgot! We are preparing a feast this evening for you and your son, as well as some of the more valuable members of your trade caravan. If you would be so kind as to grace us with your lovely presence, of course.” you say, though she just gives you a coy smile, ”A feast? …While I am sure the others will enjoy the meal, I do have a slightly different request for tonight. How does a dinner for just the two of us sound, hmm? Tonight, in my caravan… you bring the food and I’ll… I’ll bring the entertainment.” You can’t help but get a bit flushed, but even with the Jackal guard growling at you, you manage to tell her, ”That would be lovely, Neferi.” She once again give you a warm smile, before using one of her strange tools to rub your chin a bit, ”Now, walk with me, handsome. I’ll show you the wares we have for sale that might interest you.”
No. 1047201 ID: 681cb5
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”How has your people been adjusting to the garden? How long have you been here?” you ask as you start to walk along the caravan, ”Me? All my life. I was born here, just like my parents and their parents before them. Our caravan has been living in these fertile lands for hundreds of years by now.” Can that be true? Others have found this place before us? ”Really? So long? We are rather new here, only been here for a week or two.” She gives off a quiet giggle, ”It isn’t hard to see that you are new and still learning of this world. But don’t worry, I’m sure we can teach each other oh so many things, no?” You look down at her and give her a really broad smile, ”How can I say no to such an alluring offer from such an alluring woman?” She once again cover her beak as she laughs, ”Ohoho, I knew you would be interested…”

”And the other tribes? Do you know anything interesting about them?” She looks over at you, clearly curios why you’re asking that, ”The others? Well, Ubathan is as tightlipped as ever, only trading what he must before leaving. As for the Sakkilians… we get along, as best we can. As long as you pay their tax they’ll play nice and be open for trade… though their requests have become more and more expensive lately…” As she starts talking about the Sakkilian, you can see her look out over the horizon towards the incoming storm clouds, ”And the small farm community on the plains?” It takes a moment before you get an answer, as Nefiri genuinely must take a moment to think before she figure out who you are talking about, ”The Zalbians? As far as I know they are a small group of exiles from the south, as there seems to be some kind of strife down there. We’ve had many join our tribe already, but those out on the plains wanted to start their own little tribe. If I would be honest, it’s just a matter of time before a group of predators swoops in and eat them all… or they are converted by the Rhinos in the forest to worship their strange god.” You nod a bit as you watch the caravan open for trade, ”I see… and what about your tribe? We’ve heard some… colorful language coming from your direction lately.” Most of the Volin in the camp are here to see what they can get their claws on… as well as most of the thralls, ”Ah, yes, that… let just say my Trade Caravan doesn’t get along with the other Trade Caravan that we are building our city together with. Not to mention, they are hiring Kat’ka mercenaries, which is infuriating our Jackal ones to no end. Cat and dogs, you know. ” A few trinkets made out of fish bones, colorful stones found in the river bed, a smoked fish or two and even some small furs, it isn’t much but it’s all that your workers have to offer. Then you catch the eye of the Varkian lady next to you, who gives you a knowing look, as it’s clear you were distracted for a bit, ”…I don’t?” Nefiri starts to wander towards one of the booths that the Varkian has set up, walking past a few of the Volin trading for better tools, ”…they don’t like each other and that’s that. Now, I’ve been talking for quite a while… don’t you have any interesting to share as well, Sebak?” You take a moment to consider what you’re about to tell her, ”…do you know about the Agnieszka army that is planning on invading the valley?” She stops in her tracks, and slowly turns towards you, ”… … …that is grave news if true.” You look over at the pregnant gargoyle who is inspecting some new clothes, even if she can’t afford to trade for them, ”We’ve captured a gargoyle spy who we managed to breed the information out from… as well as one of their artificial golems that was stalking the plains.” You turn your gaze back to the lady next to you as she nods, ”Ah, so that is what those statues were… and I’ve had reports of gargoyles stalking around the trade post. But that it’s a precursor to an invasion? I… need to discuss this with the Trade King of the other caravan as well, but thank you for bringing it to our attention.”

Looking for anything that can be used to change the subject, you spot a booth manned by a Jackal filled to the brim with bronze objects, ”Ah, I see that you’ve found our weapons and armor merchant. As the Trade master of this caravan, I give you my word that these are of the very same quality that our own mercenaries and guards use. If your people wield these, you will surely be victorious in any of your future battles!” You take a closer look at the weapons, and they do seem to be far better quality than the ones you currently have, ”While I am impressed with the quality, the most deciding factor is a battle is how experienced you are at wielding the spear and not the quality of it. ” Nefiri gives you coy smile, ”Oh, but I am sure such a… big and strong man like yourself will have plenty of experience wilding a spear, hmm? I know for a fact that I do…”

”The finest linen cloth and leather in the valley, Sebak. I am sure you would look grand wearing any of these.” the queen states as she shows off rack after rack of clothes, ”And you’d look lovely in any of them as well… though I prefer the beautiful dress you’re wearing right now. It really brings out your gorgeous eyes.” Maphet would love it if you traded for a lot of clothes, as it would let the tribe look a bit more… civilized. ”If I shall be honest, I do feel a bit overdressed… maybe we both shall change into something more… confortable after the feast, hmm? But that can wait, let us continue.”

The next booth is manned by a strange, white rhino like creature with black stripes, who is keeping her eye on two thralls, a muscular Varkian and a Rhino lady. ”These are the thralls we have for sell. The Varkian signed up as either livestock or breedingstock to pay his very large gambling debts, though seeing how he is a devote Wjares worshipper, something tells me he did it on purpose.” The Varkian flexes his muscles, showing off in an attempt to be bought, ”Rather well trained for someone that wants to be food.” Nefiri shakes her head a bit, ”He wishes to be a high protein meal. Moving on, the young, cute Rhino lady next to him comes from the nearby tribe in the forest. She was apparently exiled for… religious differences and wishes to find another tribe to join as a thrall, so she signed up as either a beast of burden or breedingstock.” The Rhino gal look over at you and smiles. ”While I do admit she looks both young and cute, she doesn’t even come close to how beautiful and youthful you yourself are, Neferi.” to which the queen giggles and says, ”And that Varkian doesn’t even compare to you when it comes to being a hunk, Sebak.”

”And here we have our jewelry, if you wish to look like the gentleman you are, Sebak. These stones will glimmer like the stars themselves. You’ll see nothing else like it.” the Varkian states as you approach a small both filled with all kind of trinkets and baubles. They are indeed very nice looking, though obviously very expensive. ”Oh? I’m certain if I saw those beautiful emerald eyes of yours in the moonlight, they would glimmer even brighter than the stars.” you say as you look over a rather nice looking emerald necklace, which makes the Varkian lady slide up next to and whisper, ”Why, aren’t you just a charmer, handsome.”

The next stall is filled to the brim with food and drink, manned by a boring looking Varkian who’s idly snacking on a smoked fish. ”We have many fresh fruits and alcoholic ciders as well.” the queen says as you look over the wares, ”Ah, these would fit well to the feast tonight.” After you say that there’s a bit of an awkward silence, ”…it would.””…yupp.”

”Finally, we have a few religious figurines depicting the triplet demi-gods. You mentioned that your people were worshipper of them as well, correct?” You give her a nod, ”We are indeed worshippers of the triplets, Neferi.” before looking over the figurines. They are of quality work and probably expensive… but they would be great for that shrine you’ve been considering building… though buying all three might be overkill. As she watches you look them over, she starts to explain, ”One of our greatest potters has crafter these three, depicting Ptamet, Volek and even Wjares. It would be a great gift to whichever of these three is your patron god… or maybe you’ll buy all three, hmm?” You lift up the one depicting Volek and smile, ”Personally, I prefer to worship Volek myself.” which is met by a warm smile from Nefiri as well, ”Why, then we’re in agreement. His… hmhm… fertility rituals are such a fun time, aren’t they?”

There are so many important things to buy, yet you lack the goods necessary to trade for all of them. Taking a moment to think about it, you only have those furs and ambers that Maphet collected, as well as one of Pesi’s daughter that wishes to be traded away. So unless you want to trade away your own thralls, you’ll only have two things to trade for. Though, you do also have those weird metals you got from the golem, those might be valuable… still, maybe it’s for the best if you keep those to yourself? Pesi is still trying to figure out what to do with them after all.

Trade Goods:
Fur and Amber
Pesi’s Daughter
Other Thralls
Strange metal (Valuable?)
No. 1047288 ID: 2a82d3

Damn, all this stuff is stuff you want. If she has you by the balls now, just what is she going to do with your other purse?

Examine the Rhino for a minute. There's a good chance she's one of Mephit's. (No offense to Batmet, butt's not like you didn't receive defective good in the trade.) What do your dad instincts tell you? Don't let the queen mislead you, but it would be appropriate to trade one daughter of the tribe for another.
While you and Pesi may regularly practice the teachings of Volek and Wjares respectively, you should worry about neglecting your offerings to Ptamet. Perhaps a gift to her would get your warlock the breakthrough she needs.
>armor and weapons
You did good playing cool. We do need them for our army, but you know the saying about fish? You want a blacksmith, not just what he makes. With the right one, bone can make a worthy material to sharpen or shape, and Pesi could get powerful enough to enchant them stronger than steel.
Consider trading the fur and amber for this, or the armor. It is true that one of the differences between a raider and a guard is how well-dressed they are.
>fruit and drink
You know you need this for a good time. She knows you know it. Find a way to make her give it to you.
Too pricey for your tastes, but be a little slick and test its' effectiveness as a gift by putting it on her.

If you're holding that wrestling match tonight, and that'll keep Sehkmet busy, you could make it more interesting through a bet. If her guy wins, you will agree to trade away a thrall of her choosing in return for the fruit and alcohol of tonight. If your gal wins, she provides food and drink for free plus one extra item off her inventory.

>”We too worship the triplets, though mostly focusing on Ptamet and Volek. Of course, Wjares do get a sacrifice or two to make sure she looks over us and protect us from raiders.”
Is your tribes's worship is similar to hers, except Ptamet and Wjares are reversed?

>You can see her Jackal guard scowl at you
>the prince leaves with his female guard
Calling it now: the guards are into their protectees. If the prince's guard wants to the prince's first, let them do so here. If this is what is making the queen's guard grumpy, either invite him in for a threesome, or let him watch if he's into that.

>Can that be true? Others have found this place before us?
It could be a bluff, but it does make sense for the garden to let each tribe in by order of least to most dominant. Can a predator really call a place a paradise if there's no prey already running around?
No. 1047289 ID: c11296

We pretty much need weapons right now maybe hammers or other blunt weapons to bonk with maybe shields, sebak with a shield and hammer would look cool, armour or clothes would be fine but our people seem fine going almost nude anyways and we have scales. That guy seems like a good breeder/warrior and has a nice shade of red, I wonder if that pink loincloth means its pink underneath as well. The rhino girl has some mystery to her, we might get her if we have trade goods left. Some statues for rituals could empower them and some jewelry to enchant for our nude tribesmen to make up for less underwear, and some alcohol to boost our spirits if possible.
No. 1047300 ID: d34a79

>Agnieszka invasion
Details, man! Don't forget to mention that invasion isn’t going to happen for several months. It'll give everyone time to prepare.

>Trade Goods
Don't forget about that strange weapon that the gargoyle had. No idea how it works, but it's still something that you could possibly trade.

I suppose we can trade Pesi’s Daughter for the Rhino lady. Then we might be able to trade away that weird weapon for the Volek figurine.

I'm not entirely sure on what else we should trade.

>rhino could be Maphet's
>it would be appropriate to trade one daughter of the tribe for another.
While it is possible, don't assume that it is Maphet's child when there's a chance that it's not her child. Because you know what they say happens when you assume? You make an "ass" out of "u" and "me".
No. 1047329 ID: f2320a

Lets gauge the jewelry using the turkey lady is very slick
Hmmm inspect the rhino
No. 1047546 ID: 681cb5
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>Details, man! Don't forget to mention that invasion isn’t going to happen for several months.
You’ll have plenty of time to discuss the details over the day with this lovely lady, not to mention that Nefiri is clever enough to figure out that it isn’t happening soon by just observing how we act.
>Is your tribes's worship is similar to hers, except Ptamet and Wjares are reversed?
The Volin worships all three demi-gods as equals, at least at the moment. When we get a shrine, it might be prudent for us to choose one over the others, as their blessings would help us greatly. Of course, that doesn’t mean that the individual Volins prefers one god over another.
>Damn, all this stuff is stuff you want. If she has you by the balls now, just what is she going to do with your other purse?
Hopefully something pleasant, though she has been a bit to forward… is she genuinely trying to make a good first impression or is she trying to trick you into false sense of security?

You take your time looking over the jewelry displayed before you, perusing through the many necklaces, bracers and rings. While they are mostly bronze, they are still a bit too pricey for your taste, but they do give an idea. Picking up a particular interesting piece, you sneak up behind Nefiri and put it around her neck. ”Oh? What is this?” she ask, and you reply with your most charming voice, ”A dazzling necklace for a dazzling woman.” She looks down at the necklace approvingly, her smile widening when she notice what it represents, ”And it’s a fertility symbol dedicated to Volek? Why, do I detect an ulterior motive, handsome?” Nefiri looks over her shoulder towards you, and with a wiggle of your eyebrows you whisper, ”I was hoping that you would wear it for tonight…” You can hear her stifling a giggle, ”Oh, really? It is quite nice… but does it fit the rest of my dress? Why, my dear little jackal, what do you think? Does this necklace fit little old me?” The Jackal on his part you stares daggers at you, not even taking the time to answer his ward, ”I’ll take that as a yes.” Now, for the hard part… you turn around and face the Varkian that’s manning the stall and say, ”So, my good sir, what do you wish to trade for this beautiful necklace?” and he’s about to answer, but before he does you can feel Nefiri do some kind of motion behind your back, making the merchant pause for just a moment, ”…why, I shall give it as a gift, to ensure our future trading with this tribe will be prosperous!” You glance over at the Varkian gal next to you, and she just smiles, ”Oh? That’s awfully convenient…”

”I can see that your tribe is in need of weapons and armor…” Nefiri muses as she looks around your small camp. ”That is true… but you know the saying about fish, correct? Or with fire, if you ask my friend Sekhmet…” You can see the curiosity in her eyes as you say the word fire, ”Hmm? Fire? I don’t believe I’ve have had the pleasure to hear that one. Teach a person how to make a fire, and they’ll stay warm for the rest of their lives?” With a small shake of your head, you quote, ”Light a person on fire and they’ll stay warm for the rest of their lives.” She once again covers her beak as she laughs, ”Ohoho, how delightfully morbid. Regretfully, I have no smith to trade with you.” she pauses for a moment to think before adding, ”But… I might be able to convince our own handsome smith to take part in the… heh… culture exchange we talked about. I can’t promise the end result will be a smith, but it’s the best I can do.” You give her a slight bow as you thank her, ”That would be very appreciated, Nefiri.” but she’s distracted as the warrior Tacaro walks past, flexing his muscles as he usually does near females, ”And clothes? I see that your people… prefers to be rather light clothed… not that I mind.” She clearly enjoy watching him leave, much to the displeasure of her guard. ”While some might prefer it at the moment, when the cold comes they’ll change their minds. ” you tell her, ”Not to mention, one of the main difference between a raider and a guard is how well-dressed they are.” She nods as she looks back at you, ”Well said, my little hunk… indeed, you will need too… let us say; look a bit more civilized if you wish to be taken seriously. Tribal wear is so last age. After all, we’re in the age of stone cities and bronze now.” She even gives your exposed belly a poke, as to make a point. ”So, you would recommend for us to invest in some better clothes?” It takes a moment before she answers, as she has to look you up and down a few times, clearly enjoying the view of your mostly naked body, before she finally speaks, ”Indeed I would… though for you personally… well, you can wait with the clothes until after tonight, can’t you?”
No. 1047547 ID: 681cb5
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The most interesting thing here is clearly the thralls, so you walk over to their booth next. Taking a moment to examine them both, you can see that they are both well feed and well trained, though the Varkian is far more muscular than the Rhino gal. He might be a good warrior… though he’ll definitely be a good breeder, that’s for sure. As for the Rhino… well, she’s really cute, isn’t she? ”Do you wish to trade, Pred?” the strangely stripped mistress of the thralls asks, ”Both of these thralls are willing and in good condition.” Both of the thralls immediately walk up to you, eager to be sold. ”Oh gosh, that tummy is so big…” the Varkian lad moans, mesmerized by your girth, while the Rhino bounces up to you and yells, ”Hi! I’m Paki! So nice to meet you!” You look over at the Varkian again, and it takes him a moment to figure out that you want his name as well, ”Err… I’m Djos… and… um… are you hungry?” Before you can even think of an answer, Paki butts in, ”I’m looking forward to being your future personal toy, master! It’s going to be super fun!” which leaves an opening for Djose to go back and ogling your body, ”Oh gosh Oh gosh Oh gosh, just how many Varkians has slid down into that belly to make it so big…” Once again, you try and say something, but just as you open your mouth Pasi once again start talking, ”Or maybe you can tie me up in the middle of your camp and let all the males have their way with me? It would be super exciting! SQUUE!!!” and her loud, high pitched voice brings Djose out of his stupor, making him fumble with his words as he tries to sell himself, ”OH! Err… I mean… I can breed too! If there are any ladies that want a workout before a meal… or boys… or boys that want to breed me… or gals…” All the while, the Rhino is bouncing up and down on the spot, ”As long as I get to be a predator baby maker, I’m super happy!”

With a sigh, you ask the Rhino, ”Pesi, was it? What other experiences do you have?” whom seems slightly surprised by the question, ”Oh… um… I used to be a carpenter… but I wasn’t very good at it… I can carry super much stuff, though!” Then you turn towards Djose, who once again is staring at your tummy, ”And what about you, Djos? Can you fight? Are you a warrior?” your question making him look up as he states, ”Oh no, I’m dinner, my lord, nothing more.” It is clear these two have different priorities, doesn’t it? ”He signed up as Breedingstock and Livestock, he’s supposed to only breed or be food.” the thrall mistress steps in and clarifies, ”Which is for the best, he’s completely useless as anything else. He’s half off if you get him off my hands today, Pred.” Hmm, she’ll surely be interested in Pesi’s daughter, but would it possible to buy both of them somehow? Or is it even worth it?

>There's a good chance she's one of Mephit's. What do your dad instincts tell you?
She is too old to be Maphet’s brood, and it’s clear she doesn’t have any Volin blood in her. Your dad instincts do tell you something else, though, as you can’t help but notice how the male guard that’s following Nefiri keep glancing towards the prince over and over again, as if he’s making sure he’s alright. Is it possible that he’s the father of the prince? Might be why he’s so grumpy about you and Nefiri… hmm… maybe you can invite him for a threesome tonight? …or maybe just make him watch?

>Don't forget about that strange weapon that the gargoyle had. No idea how it works, but it's still something that you could possibly trade.
After having one of your workers run and get it, you show it to Nefiri. ”Why, what is this? It’s clearly magical… so I’m sure either our witch or our smith might be interested in trading for this little thing, Sebak.”

So you have three things you want to trade… the furs and amber, Pesi’s daughter and the gargoyle weapon. Meanwhile, what you want is both of the thralls, clothes, weapons and armor as well as one of the demi-god urns if possible. Hmm… it doesn’t add up…

>If you're holding that wrestling match tonight, and that'll keep Sehkmet busy, you could make it more interesting through a bet.
”A bet, you say? How exciting, my little hunk… what do you suggest?” You look out towards some of the thralls that are helping the caravan to deliver some goods that has been sold, ”If your side wins, I’ll agree to trade one of my thralls for that fruit and alcohol for tonight.” She turns her head to the side and gives you a coy smile, ”And if you win?” You look down at her and give her a big, toothy smile, ”If we win, you’ll provide the food and drink, as well as one extra item from your inventory.” It is clear that the cogs are turning behind her eyes, ”An interesting bet, handsome, and I am willing to accept… with a few provisos.” Of course she would want to alter the deal somehow… just be careful you don’t fall into a trap, Sekmet, ”Like what?” She strokes your chin with her strange tool again, ”I want to choose who will compete. Don’t worry, I’ll keep it fair…” then she points it towards the prince and his guard dog, ”From our side, I will volunteer the personal guard the prince. She needs to blow of some steam… and for you… well, I did see this big, muscular hunk earlier… a bit greenish, blue?” You did catch her ogling him before, didn’t you? ”You mean Tacaro the Virile?” As soon as she hears the name, her smile widens even more, ”Oh! With a name like that I can’t wait to see him in a fight!” and she claps a few times in excitement. ”And any other terms?” you ask, ”Well… my son will be unguarded, won’t he? You better make sure he got someone watching over him.” Wait, where is she going with this? ”He too needs to blow off some steam… so long as he’s ready to leave tomorrow, you may do as you wish with him?” Wait, is she asking us to…???

”So… do we have an agreement?”
No. 1047568 ID: 2a82d3

>Wait, is she asking us to…???
Yes, she's been asking you organize an orgy between your two tribes from the start. Keep up.

>”Well… my son will be unguarded, won’t he? You better make sure he got someone watching over him.”
As funny and informative seeing if Mephit in better clothes actually would improve the prince's opinion of tribe, for the actual job Sekhmet is your best woman. On the other hand, giving him two women would give him quite the story to tell.

Do make sure there's someone on the watch tower tonight. As a precaution against bad weather and ward against bad luck, if nothing else.

>The Jackal on his part stares daggers at you, not even taking the time to answer his ward,
Yikes to the look he's giving. You need to strategically let him assert dominance over you just to survive the night, much less get a chance to swing your fertility stick in Neferi's fields. Either secure his "blessing" before you bed her, or don't object if he "stabs you in the back" while doing it.

>Hmm, she’ll surely be interested in Pesi’s daughter, but would it possible to buy both of them somehow? Or is it even worth it?
Pesi's daughter has rabbit blood in her. If she's wild enough in the sack, getting a two-for-one from her is possible.

If get the offer, don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Worst case, you eat him to keep him in line. Best case, you eat him to keep everyone else in line. At least, Pesi will be happier with him around.

>”So… do we have an agreement?”
No objections. At all. ;)
No. 1047587 ID: a7a180

That thrall is way too eager, it's offputting. The fact she's so eager to be rid of him should be a warning sign that he is a pain to have around, even if it's only for as long as it takes to eat him again. Don't take him in trade, period.
No. 1047632 ID: 9b0053

The gargoyle's weapon can be traded for the weapons and armor (if they come together). The furs and amber can be traded for the clothes.

If you win, you'll be able to get one of the thralls as the extra item, then you can trade Pesi’s daughter to get the other thrall.

>for the actual job Sekhmet is your best woman.
Yeah, she'll make a good bodyguard for the prince. And she'll definitely be able to help him blow off some steam.
No. 1047636 ID: 9b0053

Oh yeah, almost forgot.

>Djose admires Sebak's belly
Just for fun, pretend to scratch an itch on your belly to jiggle it and tease that Varkian.
No. 1047643 ID: 36784c

Tell her that she's got a deal.

This seems reasonable to do. I just hope that Tacaro wins so we can get both of the thralls.
No. 1047684 ID: 681cb5
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>Do make sure there's someone on the watch tower tonight. As a precaution against bad weather and ward against bad luck, if nothing else.
Sekhmet has already put a warrior on the task, as punishment for letting those ants run amok on the farm.
>Yes, she's been asking you organize an orgy between your two tribes from the start. Keep up.
You knew about the orgy, the thing that surprised you was that she’s letting her son be all alone surrounded by hungry and horny predators while giving them the go ahead to do whatever they want with him. Still, it will at least keep Sekhmet busy if nothing else…

>Yikes to the look he's giving. You need to strategically let him assert dominance over you just to survive the night, much less get a chance to swing your fertility stick in Neferi's fields.
Bah! He is nothing but a lapdog to Neferi and he will do as she pleases, even if it isn’t what he personally wants. If she doesn’t want him to join, then you’ll simply let him fume as he watches.
>Don't object if he "stabs you in the back" while doing it.
…though you wouldn’t mind if he did, would you?
>Just for fun, pretend to scratch an itch on your belly to jiggle it and tease that Varkian.
It’s surprisingly entertaining watching the Varkians eyes bob up and down as you jiggle your belly a bit. That man clearly has a one track mind.

After taking a moment to consider it (as well as tease the Varkian), you turn towards Neferi and extend your large hand towards the far smaller lady, ”No objections. At all.” She lets her petit hand slide into yours and the two of you shake on it, ”That is good to hear, my little hunk…” she whispers while giving you a warm smile. ”I’ll make sure they prepare the sparring grounds as soon as possible.” you tell her as you glance over towards the newly constructed training grounds, though you quickly look back at Neferi as she withdraws her hand from yours, ”Then if you excuse me, I need to prepare the action that will be held afterwards... after all, I’ve heard that one of your charming ladies has something special in store for it.” There’s an action? You haven’t heard of that before… ”Oh? Then I’ll see you at the match?” She gives you a quick wink, ”You’ll do… and then, after the action… dinner.” to which you responds with a big smile, ”I’m looking forward to it, beautiful.”

After she leaves, you quickly do away with the trading that you’ve been considering. Pesi’s daughter is easily exchanged for Paki the Rhino, while the furs and amber is swapped for some better clothes. Finally, after some bartering, you manage to get a few spears and armor sets for the gargoyles weapon. It will be enough to arm the warriors you currently have, but you’ll need to find more of them soon if you want to keep them well supplied.
You did also make a token effort to try and get the Varkian Thrall as well, but no bones. Though, he is a bit too eager… it’s almost off-putting… still, after Icaro’s son wins that competition, you can always grab him as a reward. Well, either him or that Volek urn you were eyeing earlier…
No. 1047685 ID: 681cb5
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You are Tacaro the Virile, son of Icaro the hunter and a great warrior of the Volin people, and you’re about to fight for your tribes honor in a duel of strength and skill! May Telos guide your Kopesh to victory!

”Alright, son, go out there and make me proud! And a grandkid!” your father tells you eagerly, as he points towards your opponent, a rather beautiful looking Jackal warrior. ”Don’t worry, father, I got this.” you say with complete confidence. After all, you’re Tacaro! You can’t lose! In fact, to show the world just how strong you are, you raise your arms and flex… which is immediately followed by an annoyed Pesi telling you, ”Can you please stop moving around? I can’t paint you with my fertility mark if you keep moving around.” Sheepishly rubbing the back of your fin, you mumble, ”Oh, sorry.” You look over at your opponent and watches as she too is enchanted with extra fertility… as well as a quick growth spell. By Ptamet, she’s beautiful… you just want to turn her into your personal thrall right here and now… and then you’re brought back to reality as your father smacks you on the back, ”Remember son, play it smart. Use your strengths and exploit her weaknesses.” You look over at the Jackal again, ”…what are her weaknesses?” and while you’re expecting a quick answer, it doesn’t come, ”Err… well… she’s… um…” Pesi smirks, ”What? The great Icaro doesn’t know the weakness of a female? Can it be true? Here I thought you were the key to every woman’s pu-” Father interrupts her, ”Oh, shut up, Skully.” before going quiet.

This is a battle that will last until knock up, whoever is the dominant one when her womb is filled with your seed wins. She is smaller and weaker than you, sure, but she’s also more experienced, more agile and better armed. All you have is your trusty Khopesh and a pair of Bolas, while she has a rather robust looking bronze armor as well as a fine spear. This will be a difficult battle… but you can win, you know it… you have to… you can’t fail father, can you?

Tacaro - Warrior Class:
Primary stat: Strength.
Combat style 1: Weapon mastery (Can use their weapons to their full extent, including doing special maneuvers like tripping, pushing or grappling the enemy will attacking. Be creative).
Combat style 2: Brute force (When all else fails, do a pile driver or full nelson. Be creative).
Special skill: Enrage (Once a day, will keep on fighting even if defeated).
Equipment: A sharp Khopesh as well as a pair of Bolas.
Current buffs: Body paint of Volek’s grace (+25% fertility), Pent up, eager and ready to breed (+10% on next impregnation attempt), in love (15% fertility towards a certain target).
No. 1047693 ID: c11296

Maybe use a controlling and grappling style to begin with your khopesh and throw your bolas to weigh down your opponents weapon since its such a large target, though study up on her first what is she a guard right and not secretly a wrestler.
No. 1047701 ID: 5d32af

First things first, try getting a woman's advice on fighting/seducing a woman: Icaro is tricky, but he can't figure out her weakness, and Pesi is right there

>you can’t fail father, can you?
Hey, don't get caught up in your own head, that's how the enemy wins before the fight starts. Your Dad will be proud of you regardless of the outcome. You're fighting a skilled combatant with better armor and equipment, her beauty is something to note but keep in the back of your mind. You're not wrong though; your children will likely be strong and good looking. Back on topic, every armor has its flaw, and on hers, it would likely be the leather/cord seams that bind it on the back. Gonna have to get up close and personal for that though, so feel things out first.

She has reach on you, will likely go for your legs and loincloth, and your advantage is range: she'll expect a bolas to come flying at her, or you to maneuver her to be better position for it. So, don't waste it; if a throw isn't going to land, keep it in hand. If you get closer, you could feint a wind up for a throw, and tangle up the bolas on her spear when she tries to punish your 'mistake', ripping it from her grasp as she over extends.
Or, if you keep it off handed (or just use the curve of your khopesh), you could hook her leg and trip her, leading into holding her upside down and letting her skirt fall up.
If you can hook her neck though, you can pull her to her knees, putting her snout to abs/loincloth, exposing the weakness in her armor, but likely losing you your loincloth.
Strength is your ally, if you get a good grip, don't be afraid to manhandle her, get her off the ground, or throw her, within reason.

If you're desperate for an advantage, metal striking metal should be loud enough to get her to flinch from the sound, but she's likely used to it.
No. 1047734 ID: 260607

Solid strategy right here.
No. 1047755 ID: 2a82d3

>Volek urn
Ptamet urn. Getting distracted following the ways of Volek there, are you? The point of buying it, or the Wjares worshipper, is to provide inspiration to Pesi either way.

>Pesi smirks, ”What? The great Icaro doesn’t know the weakness of a female? Can it be true? Here I thought you were the key to every woman’s pu-” Father interrupts her, ”Oh, shut up, Skully.” before going quiet.
As successor to the roguish Sabah, if not his direct progeny, that is indeed an epic fail. As an aside, Aunt Skully sure teases your dad a lot for someone she hasn't slept with yet. They're not brother and sister, are they? Perhaps born of Shelli's womb? Either way, your aunt might need a boyfriend.

As you can't spot your opponent's weaknesses right away, a little trial and error may get you a hint of what she's into. Try to banter and flirt with her a little first. Don't expect her to be a great conversationalist, but do probe her for weaknesses before (and as) you strike.

If you get close enough, why not strike with a kiss instead your weapon? How passionate it gets can signal how much she's into you. If she's also in love, great. As you are on equal footing there, you can strip her shirt as you make out. If she's not, it's easier to shake off any feelings you have to her. What you lose in fertility, you gain in focus to win.

This is great if he gets the first move. Though, that might not be the case since she is faster, nor would she trip easily if she lets him move first. If she rushes him before he can ready his bolas, he can also parry with his kopesh.
No. 1047772 ID: 36784c

Just remember that you have a big tail. If she gets behind you, slap her with it! Or if she dodges, then swing your tail in a way that'll force her to dodge your tail and run straight into a kick from your foot or a swipe from your weapon!

Lucky for you, your opponent can't do the same to you because of how tiny her tail is.
No. 1048029 ID: 681cb5
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>Hey, don't get caught up in your own head, that's how the enemy wins before the fight starts. Your Dad will be proud of you regardless of the outcome.
While your father might still be proud of you, there still a lot of girls watching you right now! And boys! And Batmet too! You can’t embarrass yourself in front of them, can you!?
>Aunt Skully sure teases your dad a lot for someone she hasn't slept with yet. They're not brother and sister, are they?
Let’s see… you’re grandparents are called Sabah and Blgnk, you think? While Aunt Skully parents are… um… Shelli and Kpada? So no, you’re not actually related?
>Either way, your aunt might need a boyfriend.
She does have those Thumper triplets she keeps playing around with… though, it is possible she wants someone that just pin her to the ground and breed her, but you’re not sure…

>Just remember that you have a big tail. If she gets behind you, slap her with it!
While your tail is indeed big, it isn’t made to slap people with. Still, if you get the opportunity, it might work as a distraction at least.
>If you get close enough, why not strike with a kiss instead your weapon?
If she gets into grapple range, you’ll do far more than kiss her! A gal like her deserves to be properly loved!
>Every armor has its flaw, and on hers, it would likely be the leather/cord seams that bind it on the back.
…why do you even need to get her out from her armor? The fight is until knock-up, so as long as you can be the one on top when you blow your load you’re the winner.

>First things first, try getting a woman's advice on fighting/seducing a woman.
”Why do you believe I know anything about seducing women?” the warlock says as she put the finishing touches on the fertility spell, pulling your loincloth back into place. ”…because you are one?” you ask, but before she has a chance to answer your father butts in, ”Ha! Skully isn’t a proper woman, she’s a vi-” but Pesi interrupts him, ”Silence, fool. But no, the best I can give you is that a lady likes a big bone… and I’m sure you have two of those, don’t you?” Icaro snickers behind you, ”Skully here can’t find a mate, so she has to be content with her bone collection instead.” but it is clear that the warlock won’t be taking his comments lying down, as she gets the last word, ”At least my bones know how to please a woman, Icaro.”

You can hear them continue teasing each other as you enter the ring properly, watching the lady Jackal do so as well with mesmerizing grace. Still, this is a fight, so you need to focus… and find her weaknesses. Sekhmet always says taunts and flirts are a good way to prod someone defense, so with a bow you tell her, ”It is an honor to face such a skilled combatant… and one that is so beautiful as well.” Her eyebrow raises a bit as she replies, ”We have yet clashed with our bronze, yet you’re already declaring me as a skilled soldier?” to which you respond with a big smile, ”I know a mighty warrior when I see one.” You can see her smirking as she looks you up and down, before she comments, ”Warriors are undisciplined brutes. I am a soldier, trained in the art of war. Come, and I’ll show you the difference.” The Jackal follows this up with beckoning you to get closer with her hand, but you’re not about to fall for her taunting, ”Now that’s just rude.” readying her spear, she starts to circle you, waiting for you to start the competition as she declares ”I mean no ill, but I’m simply stating the facts. While your strength is impressive, it will be no match against discipline and training.” This time it’s your turn to smirk, ”Heh, we’ll see about that… at least our future children will be strong and good looking.” She gives you a cocky smile, ”Now that I can agree on. Now, stop blabbering and let me dominate you. My womb hungers for your seed.”

She watches your every motion, looking for an opening, ready to strike at the tiniest mistake… but you’re several moves ahead of her. Taking a step back, you start to wind up to throw your bolas at her, but being far too close to her you leave yourself open for the Jackal to punish you. But, as she charges and swings towards you, you jump to the side and counter attack, not with your sword, but with the bolas. It is clear she was expecting you to attack with your main weapon, as she doesn’t even try to prevent the bolas from tangling up her spear. Now, you can simply use your superior strength to pull her towards you, either forcing her to let go of the spear or stumble into grapple range.
No. 1048030 ID: 681cb5
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But when you use the bolas to pull her spear away, she chooses a third option. Instead of just letting go or be dragged along, she instead uses the very momentum you just gave her to jump towards you, ass first.

Oh, Sekhmet never mentioned this move…
No. 1048031 ID: 681cb5
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With a loud thud you hit the ground, your face full of her ass as she sits on your head. Grinding her butt against your snout, you can’t help but to get hard… is this paradise?

”Pathetic.” she state in a matter of fact way, ”And here I was expecting a real fight.” The Jackal moves her hips from side to side, as she continues, ”How about we make this more interesting? Whoever loses has to become a thrall to the winner for the rest of the day.” The soldier stops her slow hip moments for just a second, before she starts smothering you by shifting really quickly from side to side. ”But I’ll be merciful, if you give up now I’ll just let you go with just the humiliation.” she tells you as she starts to bounce on your face with her ass, before stating, ”But if you continue to fight…”, punctuating the sentence by slamming her ass right down onto your snout with enough force to make the back of your head sink into the mud below. ”This is but a taste of my fury…” she snickers before adding, ”Do you yield?”

Part of you wants to just give up and become her thrall… but another demand that you fight on!
No. 1048049 ID: c11296

Grab her a throw her forward on her back get real close to get away from her spear head and either tire her out by absolutely gobbling her pussy or get real fast into her and suprise her with a rapid thumping mating press impregnation.
No. 1048056 ID: 2a82d3

Reject surrender as loudly as her ass cheeks will allow, all while stimulating her through vibration and snake tongue. Remember that your not just fighting for yourself, but to honor your tribe, and to the god that binds you all. This battle could determine whether your people has the guts to rule this land or be domesticated, much like her people are no matter how much she hides or dresses it up. You. Must. Not. Lose.

You're still taller than her, are you not? While she's still distracted by your blowjob, raise your legs behind her to go for a head scissors from behind.

No, not just with your legs. Lock her between the crook of your hemipenis! Introduce her to your unique biology and its rigid, yet flexible appendages. If she gets curious about the strange bone you're waving around, you know you're winning. You might be able to turn her around and pin her down for a proper sixty-nine.
No. 1048100 ID: 696068

>This is but a taste of my fury…
You'll be getting a taste of something either way.

You lose, perhaps she does something similar, since she seems insistent on threatening you with a good time. You win, you'll bring pride to your tribe and get to enjoy a whole day positioned just like that if you wish, showering that ass in your affection. Plus, she may like you more, considering a warrior/soldier shouldn't yield so easily. If you need to taunt her or she's rather insistant with the insults, you could point out something else that's trained and disciplined: a pet/dog. Maybe a sore spot, or maybe she's sending a message and doesn't realize it. Or perhaps she wants YOU to be the pet.

As is, she has left herself in a somewhat vulnerable position: kiss those lips to distract and appease her and stretch this out, get a firm grip on that vulnerable sensitive tail, and try snagging her panties off as you move into a better position. A surprise finger up her butt might be similarly distracting if her tail eludes you. Locking her head between your thighs might work if you can pull her back, then roll her over to pin her with your mass. As for the panties, if you win, it's a trophy, if you lose, it's a momento. Say, do you think love can bloom on the battlefield?
No. 1048102 ID: f2320a

Win for your tribe make your parent proud they did not raise a quiter open your mouth and bite down on basically that whole lower body
No. 1048109 ID: 6fe2f9

>…why do you even need to get her out from her armor?
So it's not in the way when you try to knock her up. Duh.

Also any weight you take off of her will help you be able to pick her up more easily.

She's a lightweight. All you have to do is pin her down and she won't be able to lift you off of her. Getting her pinned down is the challenge here.

>now what?
Her mistake is getting within grappling range of you. Grab her tightly with both arms and pull her against your body. Then roll over and pin her on the ground under you.

>If you need to taunt her or she's rather insistant with the insults, you could point out something else that's trained and disciplined: a pet/dog.
Yeah, this.
No. 1048981 ID: 681cb5
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>So it's not in the way when you try to knock her up. Duh.
Why do you need to see her boobs to knock her up!? Of course, you like boobs, but… it’s not essential to putting babies into gals. Or boys.
>Surprise her with a rapid thumping mating press impregnation.
You wish you could just pin her to the ground and pump liter after liter of your young into those egg-bearing hips of hers… but she’s too fast for that. Just thinking about how you’ll soon make a child with her, one way or another, makes your twin cocks slip out of their sheath…

>Tire her out by absolutely gobbling her pussy.
Taking two handful of that ass, you use your tongue to slip her underwear out of the way before plunging yourself into her quivering lower lips. ”Like the taste of my puss, huh?” she says in a smug tone, as she removes her skirt and throws it away to give you a better eating position. ”Not surprising, as this is probably the first pussy you’ve eaten consider how sloppy you are with that tongue.” She moves her hips from side to side, smothering your face as you hungrily lap up her delicious juices, having to restrain yourself from gobbling her up completely ass first. You need to breed her, after all. ”No training, no discipline… a mediocre attempt to distract me.” she muses, but you manage to get your face away from her ass just long enough to taunt her back, ”Training this, discipline that… you sound more like a pet than a warrior, little doggy.” She chuckles, ”Oh please… I’ll make sure to train you like a pet after I win, lizard fish, so you’ll learn the difference between an animal and a- Ah!” A surprise finger up her butt completely catches her off guard, leaving her open for a counter attack… ”Why, aren’t you playing dirty~”

>Her mistake is getting within grappling range of you. Grab her tightly with both arms and pull her against your body. Then roll over and pin her on the ground under you.
No matter how hard you try to get a good grip of her large badonka, she keeps slipping out of your grasp… similar how it feels like catching fish from the river with your bare hands.
>Raise your legs behind her to go for a head scissors from behind.
As you push your finger into her tight asshole, making her arc her back in pleasure, you use the distraction to throw you whole lower body upwards, bending it so that your legs goes around her head and-
No. 1048982 ID: 681cb5
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”Not so fast, big guy.” she says as she grabs your legs and as before, uses your own momentum against you. Instead of letting you get a grip on her head, she pulls you further until you tip over completly, making you yelp as your loincloth and now erect dicks ends up right in your own face. You try to fall back down, but she keeps you locked into this awkward position.
No. 1048983 ID: 681cb5
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With a quick motion, she grabs your loincloth and throws it away. ”Just give in, already, so I can ride those fat cocks of yours.” she commands as she pushes you deeper into the mud, ”Mommy needs a good breeding, big boy.” You struggle against her, voicing your defiance, ”Ngg… never!” but you’re in a too awkward of a position to really fight back. ”Wrong answer.” she says, before making you yelp by slapping your ass, ”Give up now and I’ll make you my pet for the rest of the day, which includes being my seat and fucking me raw a few more time.” To further entice you, she gives your ass a few licks before continuing, ”If you don’t, then I’ll just gobble you up after I fuck you, big boy. You’ll surely be full of protein and energy that our mutual kid will need.” She then forces her tongue into you, making you moan as it plunges deep into your body, ”So give in, and let me ride you!” Your body demands that you give in… to let her ride you… you need to breed her, and just letting her win is the easiest way to do so…

>Win for your tribe make your parent proud, they did not raise a quitter.
No, you can’t give up! Not now! She might have you on the ropes, but you’ll never surrender! What was it father said… if you can’t win, play dirty. If you don’t like the rules, change the game? Or something like that?

[Tacaro the Virile has enraged!]
[Warning! You’re near defeat! Make sure your next few actions count!]
No. 1048990 ID: c11296

You have to get on top of her as that seems to be the only way to get get her to stop moving, maybe grab her with your tail and start kissing her to get her to stop taunting you and you did learn something from her grabbing your legs so grab her legs to stop her from flitting about around you.
No. 1048994 ID: a9af05

I guess you need to stop fighting fair. Start throwing mud in her eyes and mouth!
No. 1049000 ID: 2a82d3

"I'mma lizard fish snake, lady!" Everyone still remember we have minor telekinesis? With that, he could have a go at undoing her chestpiece and bra directly, or lob one of our discarded weapons. That might give an opening to finally give her the pile driver, or an ass shove like she did to him. As a distraction at least, that would give us a breather to get up.

Worst case, he could force a draw by voreing her. Perhaps by showing her what REAL ass shove looks like by sitting on her face until she's all the way inside. How's that for a good boy!

>What was it father said… if you can’t win, play dirty. If you don’t like the rules, change the game? Or something like that?
Sound advice, but keep in mind your father is a scout. His job results in being inside someone half the time, much like how he met your mother.

Getting out from inside would be quite the feat, of both strength and endurance. Could it be possible to get inside her womb, resist being egged long enough to impregnate, and get out again? Grandfather Sebah would be proud, if you did.
No. 1049003 ID: 0bf5d8

Dogs have a strong sense of smell, so let's take advantage of that! How? Her nose is right next to your butt, so the solution is simple: you need to fart in her face! That should overwhelm her strong sense of smell and make her feel dizzy, which will give you time to counterattack!

>Everyone still remember we have minor telekinesis?
Yeah, you're right! We could have our bolas come flying in from behind her to trip her up!
No. 1049019 ID: 261d45

>Why do you need to see her boobs to knock her up!?
You're missing the point. It's meant to be a way to turn her on.

Also, if her boobs are a sensitive area for her, then playing with them would make her weak in the knees and she wouldn't be able to fight back as hard as she is right now.

Do this. The only rule is to stop when she gets knocked up, there's nothing saying that we had to fight fairly.

Take advantage of this. Throw mud or the bolas or our sword at her.

>fart in her face!
.....I mean, that might work? We're kinda desperate to not lose here, so maybe this is crazy enough to work.
No. 1051657 ID: 681cb5
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Following your father’s advice, you grab two handfuls of mud and try and lob it at her face. The glob that flies out from your dominant hand flies true, even with your awkward angle, but the Jackal easily dodge it before it hits her. ”Ha! Is that all you got, big boy?” she taunts, not even moving as the other ball of mud sails past her head, ”Not even close. You’re way to slow to even be a threat.” She moves behind you and grab your ass with both hands before proclaiming, ”But enough playing around, if you refuse to give in then I’ll just have to-”
No. 1051658 ID: 681cb5
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Her speech is interrupted by the large batch of mud you threw with your tail hitting the back of her head, though she’s barely bothered, ”Bah, you really think that will distract me, lizard fishy?” But it does give you and opening, ”I’m a lizard fish SNAKE, LADY!” Your statement is met with confusion, ”Huh? What does th- MFF!?” but before she can get her focus back, you lob a fourth ball of mud right into her face with your mind powers, ”Telekinesis, bitch!”
No. 1051659 ID: 681cb5
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You spring to action as she lets go of your booty, immediately getting back on your feet and bouncing on her, ripping off her chest plate with the force of your movement. She struggles in your grip for a bit while grumbling, ”It’s not over yet! I’m way too slippery for you, slowpoke!” Once again she slips out of your grip, using the mud to her advantage to slide out of your hands as if she was water… but this time you have a secret weapon. Right before she manages to slip away completely you pitch her breast, making her stagger for just a second, but a second is all you need to catch her again. ”Nggah… h-hey, stop squeezing my tits!” she whines, but you just give her a flat ”Nope!” as you give her another squeeze. Again she tries to slip away, ”When I get out from your grip, I’m so going- Gah!” and again you stop her by fondling her chest. ”You’re not going anywhere!” you whisper to her, but she isn’t giving up, as she’s clearly trying to come up with a plan to get out of her predicament, ”J-just give me a second…”

This is it! You can’t give her time to find a way out from your grip! It is time to finish this… and the only way to do that is to knock her up! You just have to decide how!
No. 1051663 ID: feb71f

No. 1051668 ID: 2a82d3

While there may be at least 3 different positions to dominate her, the most important part is raising her fertility enough to put a litter in. Keep fonding her to find where she likes to be touched, but also ease her into her inpending humiliation to give her a chance to enjoy it. Make her rare experience as a submissive as pleasureable as you can, and make it clear that you still respect her as a fighter afterwards. (Half the tribe probably forgot they even had telekinesis.) If she hasn't been a mother yet (and I suspect she has, usually the dominant one), encourage her to be one (once more). Both of you have agreed that your children will be strong, combining her discipline with your potential.

If her being civilized works to cover for her domination kink, then lacking etiquette is a perfect opportunity to practice your charm. Be honest and sincere with the one you love; shower her not literally but with grand romantic gestures and don't stop no matter how awkward and dorky you get and how embarrassed she will be. Hug her and call her George (er, Georgette). Openly reconsider being her servant or student for the day, after impregnating her of course. If she wants you as a chair, you'd be happy to carry her around since Volin eggs are big and heavy compared to other races. You could even double down and swear never let her feet touch the ground. Going above and beyond as a lover and father would also advance your tribes' goals of proving themselves the superior and nobler culture.
No. 1051702 ID: 36784c

It seems her boobs are sensitive and playing with them is disrupting her attempts of escape! Keep doing it!

>how to knock her up?
Lift her off the ground and impale her onto your dick!
No. 1051754 ID: a9af05

Keep hold of her boobs and squeeze them while your other hand snakes down and you start putting fingers in her pussy to get her warmed up for the main event.
No. 1053740 ID: 2420bf

Grab the back of her neck with your teeth! She won't struggle as much if she worries about cutting herself on your teeth! Also, some love nibbles might distract her long enough for you to start fucking her.
No. 1058031 ID: 681cb5
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>While there may be at least 3 different positions to dominate her, the most important part is raising her fertility enough to put a litter in.
With both your own Warlocks blessing as well as their wizard magic, surely she’ll get knocked up no matter how you breed her, right? If not… well, you’re going to fuck her over and over again until Ptamet pulls up the sun tomorrow anyway…
>Make her rare experience as a submissive as pleasurable as you can, and make it clear that you still respect her as a fighter afterwards.
It is already quite clear that the two of you do respect each other, at least as warriors… and surely she’ll enjoy getting the plowing of her life, no?

Grabbing her around her midriff, you lift her above your head and fall backwards, smashing her into the mud behind you with a suplex. Pulling her closer to your body, you have her exactly where you want her, laying naked on top of you while being disoriented…
No. 1058032 ID: 681cb5
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>Start putting fingers in her pussy to get her warmed up for the main event.
Warming her up!? No! You need to breed her! Right now!

She struggle in your grasp, but you put a quick end to it by grabbing her neck with your teeth, making her moan loudly as you give the Jackal a love bite. You follow this up by grabbing her tits, pressing them together while trying your best to angle her lower body into the right position. By now she’s given in completely, accepting her defeat and coming motherhood. Your twin rods slide over her crotch, unable to find the entrance from this awkward position, no matter how hard you try and find it. Then, the Jackal grabs one of your cocks with one hand and guides it to her lower lips, letting it slip into her eager depths and impale her on your throbbing member. As soon as you’re inside her, you can’t help but hump against her rear as fast as you can, and with all the teasing that’s been going on you don’t last long at all. With one final thrust, you hilt one of your dicks inside her quivering pussy before unleashing a torrent of your seed, filling her womb with your future young.

Impregnation attempt: The male Volin is dominant.
Base: 35% (25% + Volin fert: 5% + Jackal fert: 5%)
Virgin: -5%
Experienced Mother: +5%
Fertility body paint: +25%
Fertility Crystal Enchantment: +35%
Mutual desire: +10%
-Total: 105% chance-

No. 1058033 ID: 681cb5
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Sebak: “It looks like we won in end.” you say as you watch Tacaro empty his sack into the rather cute Jackal, “Though it was a very even match, wasn’t it?”
Neferi: “I wouldn’t expect less from such a fine species as yourself.” the sultry voice of Neferi tells you as the Volin’s now flaccid member slips out from the his new mate, “Even if my son’s bodyguard is one of our more experienced soldiers.” The Varkian Queen pokes your side with her rod, “How does he fare, now that we speak of him?”
Sebak: “I am certain he’s having a grand time, Neferi.” giving her a coy smile you continue, “After all, I made sure one of our more charismatic ladies, Smiling Sekhmet, is keeping him entertained.”
Neferi: “That is good to hear, handsome…” the avian gives you a haughty laugh, all the while Icaro’s son readjust his stance a bit and slide his other dick into the Jackal, clearly desperate to make her a mother, “And I’ve come to understand that your trader, Maphet, is going to join the auction?”
Sebak: “I didn’t know she was considering it…” rubbing your chin for a bit, you tell her, “But I think know what she’s planning to sell, beautiful.”
Neferi: “Meanwhile, the two of us should make sure tonight’s dinner is a splendid affair, don’t you agree?” Neferi leans over to you, standing on her toes as she tries to whisper into your ear, “But afterwards… well, I was hoping to have a… hmhm… private meeting with you… in my personal cart.”
Sebak: You raise an eyebrow as you look down at her, moving your gaze away from the breeding pair in front of you, “Oh? That sounds rather… intriguing…”
Neferi: “Why, it’s always interesting when you have a… diplomatic meeting with a hunk like yourself, Sebak.” She gives you a genuine smile while tapping your tummy with her rod once again… which is followed by an orgasmic cry from the Jackal as Tacaro pumps another load into her hungry womb.

Three of your chosen champions need your guidance… which one do you want to aid?

Sebak the Overseer, as he attempts some “private diplomacy” with Merchant Queen Neferi the Second in her personal cart?
Smiling Sekhmet, as she entertains Trade Prince Nedjet the Fourth in her tent?
Maphet the Trader, as she attends the auction and tries to rent herself away?
No. 1058035 ID: a7a180

No. 1058038 ID: e9ef46

All good options, but Sebak's task may be the most crucial and demanding, so that's where we should focus our sight.
No. 1058067 ID: 6b3ad7

Maphet selling her body is more about politics than who has the most money, this seems to be more about favors traded and later used after gained from the auction, hopefully whoever buys her if not a hunk at least has a dick as fat as them or for a son or something. Sekhmet hopefully doesn't break her new toy too hard and is as durable as her other toys, hopefully he's at least as big as most of her toys though a thin soft toy can be used in different ways. We have been waiting some time to watch sebak court lady neferi, and he should mate with all the milfs in the land for his people may they be married or not, may his children be curved and bountiful.
No. 1058086 ID: 2a82d3

All three would be great to work with:
- Sebak has to watch out for the jealous guard, but if he plays his cards right he could charm/dominate/breed 2 for the price of 1. He'd better like power bottoming, if it turns into a threesome.
- Sehkmet could sell the prince on her eating him. Make being inside her sound romantic or sexy. Having the father BE the nutrients for their future child does sound like what a worshipper of a vore goddess would do.
- Mephit could spin the auction into a proper breeding raffle. Players could each breed her, in order highist bid to lowest paid. People pleaser she is, she's the most likely to spend the night in a gangbang. To be honest, I'd like to see if she can have kids from multiple dads, but this is the wrong quest for that.

Sebak is the most important to assist. As a predator, we have reputation for dominance not charm so we have to make a very positive first impression to overcome that.

>hopefully whoever buys her if not a hunk at least has a dick as fat as them or for a son or something.
Now I'm worried he might try to steal her from us.
>Sekhmet hopefully doesn't break her new toy too hard and is as durable as her other toys
If she does, I would hope her insides are comfy enough for him to rest.
>he should mate with all the milfs in the land for his people may they be married or not, may his children be curved and bountiful.
His approach to married couples should be less homewrecker and more relationship counciler. Provide threesomes to help strengthen their relationship (so they have more kids) or open them up to new people (so they have more kids). Volek would approve (of making more kids).
No. 1058097 ID: 365de0

I want to see Sekhmet plunder some bird butt.
No. 1058742 ID: 681cb5
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The sound of the locking mechanism echoes throughout the room, as Neferi puts away the small bronze key while tugging on your restrains, just to make sure they are fastened correctly.

Neferi: “There we go, hunk…” she whispers in a sultry tone “Do they feel good?”
Sebak: You give your new bracers a quick jerk, trying to move them to no avail. “They do…”you tell her while moving your hands, enjoying the feeling of the rather soft leather against your wrist, “But do you really need to tie me up?”
Neferi: “Of course…” with a slow and mesmerizing motion, she move her hands down your arms before letting them caress your chest, “Can’t let the big strong predator lose, can we?” looking down at you, she gives you a quick wink before continuing, “At least not yet~”

The evening before this went by quick and without any trouble. Maphet came back from the auction heavily pregnant with a pair of twin Jackals, her body covered with Pesi’s magical body paint as your trader had successfully bargain for several religious items. The dinner afterwards went off without a hitch, as everyone enjoyed the food and drink you tribe provided, though you didn’t see Sekhmet anywhere the whole evening. Surely she and Neferi’s son is having some fun in private? Then, as the night began to fall, the females of your tribe started courting the males of the caravan and vice versa. In fact, you spotted Icaro sneak away with a pair of cute twins, clearly looking forward to an exciting evening.

And now you find yourself here, tied up in the bed of the gorgeous Neferi, the leader of the caravan...
No. 1058743 ID: 681cb5
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Neferi: “Why, I see someone is eager…” she happily exclaim as she feels your large member grew behind her butt.
Sebak: “The little fellow can’t help it, when such a beautiful lady is close by.”
Neferi: “Little? Please…” she moves a bit back, making sure your rod get snuggly tucked between her cheeks as she sits on your tummy, “This thing is massive! While not the longest, clearly the fattest I’ve ever seen.” While moving her hips a bit side to side, she continues, “And four nuts? Why, you’re going to spoil me, big boy.”

She starts bouncing a bit on your stomach, letting your cock slip between her hot buns for a bit…

Sebak: “I do love your tattoos… especially the one on your tummy.”
Neferi: “Oh? This one?” she gesture towards her stomach, where the text ‘Babies made’ is written followed by at least 16 tally marks, “Why, I’m sure you’d love to add another notch or two too it, hmm?”
Sebak: “I would want nothing else, Neferi…”
Neferi: “Good…” suddenly there’s a naughty glint in her eye as she give you a mischievous smile, “Very good…” but just as quickly as it appeared, it’s gone.

Neferi: “I’ll let you chose how we begin… a bit of foreplay? Maybe some anal? Surely, you don’t want to take the main attraction for a ride already? After all…” she caress your cheek as she leans closer, “The night is young…” before giving you a long kiss, “So no need to rush…”

No. 1058759 ID: 2a82d3

Well this is a surprise. How did you get talked into this? Is it her charm, or are you being submissive to avoid the ire of her guard?

Start with some breastplay. Mash your sensitive chests together as she rubs against your rod, or lower herself to message it while warming herself up. Either way, don't break eye contact while you do it.

How about some dirty talk, and mistress worship. How many of those notches came out birds? If she can consistently tame such beasts like yourself, her charms must be very impressive indeed. Not just her charms, her very stature must be able to carry so much young. She'd look so good with an egg belly with many eggs. You can't wait to get some strong workers and craftspeople out of her.

(Speaking of has someone caught the eye of your new rhino thrall yet? If she gets pregnant, can she work the fields or does she have to spend the week in the breeding tent?)

Anal? She would need a strapon, or cock, to give it to you. That'd be a nice package, indeed. To her? It goes without saying you'll finish by double penetration. It's what the body of your species naturally does.

Where is that guard, and what's his name anyway? If he's watching, or tries something, perhaps both of them would enjoy a demonstration that you don't need hands to dominate him and he'd make a nice seat. Though, with your fertility boosted out the wazoo, you might get pregnant from him. Do you mind?
No. 1058836 ID: 6b3ad7

Four shotput sized balls and a football shaped dick that needs to stretch pussy forever in a way that is a completely unique experience, fattest dick this and the other side of the river, it needs to breed all the milfs as it seems only they would have the experience for such a monster, like giving birth but backwards. This dick is not built for defloration or first times, this cock is for rebuilding pussy from the clit up for it and it only, I can only imagine her son seeing his mom pregnant with this lizards curved kids with such big genes no matter the gender, male, female, or even the rare futa, those balls must explode inside and impregnate a pussy now and needs more in the future from the body of a strongman and a king combined, he can lead his tribe to even bigger ventures on his and his childrens strong backs. Hopefully he doesn't take too many ladys to his bed and deprive his tribe of pussys that are tight and not shaped like they shoved a vase up there.
No. 1058897 ID: e9ef46

Perhaps a little making out while things start out, assuming not too much of that has happened. She gets to feel and explore your body some more, unimpeded, and you get to taste something few males do. 'Tasting' her in preparation of the main event as well, seeing as she admitted you are definitely her girthiest partner to date. Plus, the chance to hear/make her moan seems quite nice.

Keep telekinesis on stand by to surprise her with. There is no telling how this night might go, with that glint in her eye.
No. 1059204 ID: 681cb5
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>How did you get talked into this? Is it her charm, or are you being submissive to avoid the ire of her guard?
Can’t a man prefer letting a lady that knows what they want and enjoy themselves? In all honestly, you’d always preferred when your partner take charge and leads, as it’s so relaxing just going with the flow with these things. Oh, and her guard refused to leave unless she tied you up, for her safety, even after Neferi told him he had some important matter to attend do elsewhere.
>Keep telekinesis on standby to surprise her with. There is no telling how this night might go, with that glint in her eye.
She clearly has some plan for you, so keeping a surprise or two for later might be a good idea. If anything, you might just pinch her bum later when she least suspects it…

Sebak: “How about we take slow?” you whisper to her, ”Perhaps a little bit of cuddling? And kissing?” stopping for a moment, you kiss the air before continuing, “The night is young… so no need to rush.”
Neferi: “Why, a man that wants to take his time, hmm?” she leans in close, caressing your cheek, “…I do like that.”
Sebak: “Ngg, should I be worried about being a naughty boy, mistress?” you moan out as you feel her grabbing your member and start stroking it, “Or would you rather have me call you queen, your hi-” the Varkian silence you by giving you a deep kiss, all the while she slowly rub your club below, taking her time to explore it thoroughly.
Neferi: “You will be calling Queen, not because I command it, but because you will be my king.” She whispers before giving you another long kiss, “What do you say? Let you tribe join us, and we’ll be king and queen, ruling over both our people?” as she explains her bargain, she caresses your cheek and gives you a warm smile.
Sebak: “Heh, don’t temp me, Neferi… but I cannot decide the tribe’s will by myself.” With a jolt, you feel her cast a spell over your dick, making it tingly, “And what is that magic you’re casting on me down there, hmm?”
Neferi: “Why, it’s a bit of a surprise, Sebak…” with a final kiss on the snout, she pull herself away from your face and starts moving downwards. “Don’t worry, you’ll find out soon enough…”

No. 1059205 ID: 681cb5
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Sebak: “Huff… your bosom is soft like the very clouds and…” you’re forced to stop as her breasts starts to move, rubbing your cock between them as they raises and falls like empires, “Ah… as beautiful as the sky…”
Neferi: “Why, aren’t you a charmer, big boy.” She tells you while giving you a devilish smile.
Sebak: “I have to ask, opal…” looking down at her, you smile back, “Just how many notches on your tummy came out birds?” Pulling on the chains you’re bound in, you hear the bed creak a bit, “Because taming a beast like myself is indeed impressive…”
Neferi: “Oh, there’s a jackal or two on there, as well as an Sakkilian…” she smirks a bit as she look you straight in the eyes, “But most of them, emerald, are indeed Varkians.”
Sebak: “Ngg… just imagining you with an egg bloated belly…” you moan as she starts moving faster, kneading her breast around you, “You’re so beautiful I’m about to… I can’t… mmm…”
Neferi: “That’s it, dear, let it all out.” she whispers in a sultry tone, “Surely, you won’t tire out after just the first one, correct?”

With her permission, you let yourself go over the edge, plummeting into an orgasm as your member starts to twitch and its tip unfold. It doesn’t take long for it to start throbbing, and… nothing…? In desperation, you hump against her bosom, trying your best to blow your load, but your cock simply refuses, even as it is throbbing like mad. Then you see it… the runes that are shining on the head of your dick…

Sebak: “W-wha… but…”
Neferi: “I see you’ve figured out what my spell does…”
Sebak: “Huff… s-so you’re into orgasm deny?” you give her a weak smile, “W-while I won’t mind, can you warn me next time… ah… not to mention, this is getting a bit unconformable.” It’s driving you mad! You need to get a proper release right now! “C-can you ease the spell? If just for a second?” you beg her, but Neferi just smiles.
Neferi: “Oh, but we aren’t done yet, love…”
Sebak: “Huh, wha-” she interrupts your question by smother your dick even harder, before letting her tits bounce up and down, making your orgasm even worse, “Gah, what are you doing!?”
Neferi: “Reject your weak godspawn and give yourself to ours! Join me as King of your people, and let them be part of something far greater that this miserable tribe!” a vile tone has suddenly appeared in her whispers, “Convert, and I will let you cum, Sebak…”
Sebak: “Nnn… can’t…”
Neferi: “It is pointless to resist, lizard… the night is young… and you will break eventually.” she gives you a wicked smile, and that devilish glint in her eye is back, “While it was clever of your godspawn to split itself between five people, it won’t matter.” The queen doesn’t let up, continuing her assault on your member as she monologues, “You played right into my hand when you gave my son over to that red buffoon… and the other male was easy enough to convince by giving him a pair of twins. Both of them have sworn fealty to us without even realizing it!” You pull as hard as you can on your binds, but all it does it making the wooden bed creak under you, “So… either you give in and become my new king… or I’ll make you into my slave and nothing more. After all, as soon as one of those two gals are converted, your godspawn is done for… and I’ve already sent my royal guard to handle them.” A new odd feeling enters your head… as if something is grabbing your very mind and trying to pull it away from you… no, it isn’t your mind. It’s Telos… your godspaw… her own godspawn is trying to pull Telos from you, so it can consume it! You have to resist, or your whole tribe is done for! RESIST! “Give in, Sebak… let your godspawn perish…” Re…sist… ngg…

No. 1059235 ID: 365de0

Hey! You don't get to eat us! We'll eat you instead!

Bite this foolspawn.
No. 1059240 ID: a7a180

You don't take orders from FDA-approved food stock. Reposition for eggnation, then deploy butt pinch. Don't expect the telekinesis to be totally unexpected, it was already shown off in that duel.
No. 1059243 ID: 273c18

Are your legs free? What are the cuffs attached to?
No. 1059249 ID: 273c18

Also can't you just call for the guards?
No. 1059251 ID: d36740

>call guards
They're her guards. Calling them won't help us.
No. 1059275 ID: 273c18

Wrong, there are many others of Sebak's tribe here.
No. 1059277 ID: 2a82d3

She sure must be super confident in her magic runes to put her face right in front of your cannon. Don't point that out, but egg her on in teasing you. Give her a chance to monologue about her and her god; if she wants to sell you on being her king/slave, you'd have to know who you're being sold into. When the pressure buildup inevitably breaks the seal, and understand Talos wills it so, the blast from your orgasm will knock her clean out.

If your faith wavers, think about what will happen to your thralls, your people, your eggs. Your race is a rare curiosity that no merchant could resist selling them off for a tidy profit. You don't want to have her sell of your kids, do you? Draw upon your dad energy, and resist!

>After all, as soon as one of those two gals are converted, your godspawn is done for… and I’ve already sent my royal guard to handle them.”
Trying to convert your priestess is more likely to get himself sucked dry instead. She's a little salty after missing out a male ant drone.

If she can find out about her plot, that'd be great too. Surely, she'd have noticed her god being sucked out her close friends and followers by now. If her tribe's faith is so weak, than that's kinda on her really. Your god calls upon you, Pesi!
No. 1059279 ID: d36740

We're in her cart, surrounded by her guards, away from the tents our guards are in. We're going to be too far away for our guys to hear us. And even if the do hear us, they can't take on all of her guards, who have better armor, weapons, training, and there are more of them than there are people in our entire tribe.

Calling for our guards isn’t going to do anything. We need to get out of this ourselves.
No. 1059280 ID: 36784c

She only restrained your arms right? Now that she's moved lower, you can wrap your legs around her head or torso and squeeze as hard as possible! Make it hard for her to breathe for a little Erotic Asphyxiation (breath play)!

She needs to concentrate to keep her spell up, so making it hard to breathe will make it hard for her to concentrate.

……or if you're lucky, wrapping your legs around her will pull her face into your dick and you can suck her into your dick.
No. 1059281 ID: e5709d

Literally eat this backstabbing harlot's breasts
No. 1059309 ID: b372b8

Setting aside the godspawn thing, there is no way she'd consider you an equal if you just gave in, especially not with this trickery. Your children, tribe, and godspawn are counting on you.
You have three tools beyond your telekinesis right now: your free lower half, your size, and the binds that hold you; if she's tangled, she'll either be stuck, or have to free you. Try to feint, get her to sell you on the godspawn and herself, and then launch her towards your hands (that ass is a pretty big target), so you can keep her from calling for help. You should be able to roll over and further pin her from there.
Of course, if you miss but can get her head in your mouth, that would keep her quiet as well. Seems like she's into being eaten, so that could be a distraction tactic.
And if you have to fight dirty, what's a few tailfeathers against your people's freedom?
No. 1059453 ID: 681cb5
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>Hey! You don't get to eat us! We'll eat you instead! Bite this foolspawn.
Try as you might, you are too weak to even try and fight the other spawn. No, they are on the offensive… if you want any hope of defeating them, you need to destroy whatever avatar or totem that binds them to this plane first! Unluckily, Neferi is not the one that their godspawn inhabit.

>Trying to convert your priestess is more likely to get himself sucked dry instead. She's a little salty after missing out a male ant drone.
Hopefully, Pesi will quickly deal with him before coming to your aid… but until then, you’re on your own!
>Are your legs free? What are the cuffs attached to?
Your legs are indeed free, but you aren’t very agile with them. Agility is more Icaro’s strength, not yours… if you’re going to do something with them you’ll need to distract her first. As for your chains, they are looped around a wooden pole in the bed, which is clearly far weaker than the cuff themselves. Even then though, it is strong enough to withstand your attempts to get free, at least in your current position.

Sebak: “S-stop…” you wriggle uncomfortably under her barrage, “Or I’ll call m-my guards!”
Neferi: “Your guards?” she laugh the way only a noblewoman can, “Your guards are in their tents, drunk and getting personal with my own people.” her smiles widens even more, “Besides, my army is far better trained, armed and outnumbers your whole tribe, little Sebak. You guards do not stand a chance, even if they should get off their drunken asses and fight.”
Sebak: “If you have such a superior force… ngg…” you have to stop for a moment and bite your lower lip in a vain attempt to keep yourself focused, “Why d-don’t you just conquer us!?”
Neferi: “Because, little emerald, that is not our way. We want you to join us willingly…” she leans in and give the top of your member a kiss, ”As equals.”
Sebak: “T-there is no way y-you’ll consider us equalssaaAAAH!” her beak slides over your cock, engulfing it completely, “I w-won’t be a king, will I!?” instead of answering, she just bops her head up and down on your rod, letting it slide down into her throat over and over again, before pulling back and letting it fall out from her beak with a loud pop.
Neferi: “Oh, you will be a king, Sebak.” your body flinches as she flicks your lower head with a finger, “Though you’d join my other husbands, of course.”

>She sure must be super confident in her magic runes to put her face right in front of your cannon. Don't point that out, but egg her on in teasing you.
Sebak: “Come on… is that… ah…” she starts jerking you off, raising her eyebrow, “T-the best you c-can do!?”
Neferi: “Oh?”
Sebak: “I’ve h-had better s-sex with thralls!”
Neferi: “Are you…” she laughs once more, “Do you really think you can build up enough pressure to break the seal, little Sebak?”
Sebak: “Talos wills it…”
Neferi: “Oh please…” she grabs your balls with both hands and start to massage them, “There’s no way you can break it, little Sebak. The only way for you to put eggs in this ass is if you give in and become my king.” Once again, she leans in to start and suck you off, but she spots something that stops her in her tracks, “Wait, what is- oh right, you guys have two di-”

No. 1059454 ID: 681cb5
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By the will of Telos, you blast her with your canon hard enough for her to be lifted off the bed, breaking her concentration on the spell and releasing the seal of your other cock. Before she even have time to start falling down again, both of your cannons fire in unison, blasting her into the celling as they empty a whole ball each with one shot, which is followed by a fourth shot, draining your balls completely as you push her even further into the ceiling. While you twin cocks throbs a few more time, pumping the last few ropes of semen out from you and leaving your balls completely dry, you’ve successfully gotten the Queen off you.

Neferi hangs in the air for what seem like ages, but then she starts her descent, falling right towards you. Her cuffs may still bind you to the bed, but she’s in an even weaker position, which you have to capitalize on! Now is the time, you need to finish her off!
No. 1059455 ID: 273c18

You legs are free, so give her a good kick in the babymaker on the way down. Or just lift both legs up so she lands her stomach on your feet, and you can then use them to throw her away from you. That'll give you time to shuffle around in bed until you can get the cuffs up and off the pole. Or reposition so you have better leverage to break the weakest part of the wood.
No. 1059460 ID: 2a82d3

Congrats on getting out of that seal. As the key was on her person, with any luck it should fall within your reach so you can dominate her properly. Bonus points if it lands right on the lock.

As for her, gravity should do the work for you. She's well primed to land right on your still-hardened lap. That should also push some of that seed into her, since it would be a shame to waste so much of it. If you're not free yet, she's open for a leglock. If you ARE free, get up, grab her legs, flip over, and pin her on the bed.

Once you're in a stronger position, that's the time to renegotiate. Turnabout is fair play in this land. Will she herself convert to Talos, confess to everything she knows about the godspawn, or spend the night being a baby batter balloon?

Let's not kick her in the babymaker, unless she's into that. It might squeeze out whatever baby batter did make it in there. You still want her to make babies, don't you?
No. 1059465 ID: 043f12

Neferi seems rather ecstatic about her current flight status. Promise that to her, the chance to reach the heavens as often as she likes, if she's cooperative.
Overall, you could dominate her, and try convince her to worship Talos and become the mother of your children before queen of her people. Tease and guide her descent with TK, pin her to the bed with you body, and toy with her prey instincts with some teeth on her neck. And don't leave her a chance to call for help: she is not wrong about the guards. Kisses seemed to work fairly well at silencing you.

If the chance arises, why not use those cuffs to bind her to you, or you two to each other? A little bit of symbolism between the two of you in your new union, and a ritual in Telos' name to boot. After all, it's your responsibility to make the mother of your children into a respectable woman (ie a little less backstabby), and who better to swear by than your Godspawn?
No. 1059474 ID: f2320a

With that mark on bee ass she has a place on a farm eating slop and making thralls to be eaten pair up with the fattest of males for domestication
No. 1059481 ID: fdb84d

Use telekinesis to ever so slightly changed her trajectory so she falls into your mouth. Or use telekinesis to hold up one of your dicks and stretch the opening just enough for her to fall into your dick. Either way, you gotta make sure she's taken care of so that she's not going to do anything in the middle of the night!

When she respawns in the morning, hopefully she'll still be high off of what happened and will be willing to talk and/or convert to our side.
No. 1065361 ID: 681cb5
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>With that mark on her ass she has a place on a farm eating slop and making thralls to be eaten! Pair her up with the fattest of males for domestication.
To make a proud and regal queen like her into nothing but a breeding thrall is an enticing proposition, not to mention it is what she deserves after she tried to take over your tribe! Sadly, she still have more warriors than you do, so you’ll need to bide your time if you want to conquer that ass properly… but you’re patient enough to wait.
>As the key was on her person, with any luck it should fall within your reach so you can dominate her properly. Bonus points if it lands right on the lock.
She’s still stuck to the ceiling when the key leaves her grasp, falling towards you. With a quick application of your physic Volin powers, you manage to guide it right into the lock of your handcuffs, opening them with a loud click just as Queen Neferi herself starts her decent.

>Tease and guide her descent with TK, pin her to the bed with your body.
After making sure she gets a soft landing on your tummy, you quickly turn your whole body around to pin her under you. As you’re at least twice her size and thrice as wide, she doesn’t stand a chance against your heavy frame pushing her into the bed below you, not that she’s even trying to resist. Neferi even helps guide one of your still hard members slide into her tight depths, leaving the other one to slide across her soft belly, not that it minds.
Sebak: “Time to get bred properly, little bird.” You whisper to the Trade Queen as you start to plow her sweet tush, thrusting yourself into her egg bearing hips over and over again.
Neferi: “Oh, like play- Mmff?” she’s silenced as you grab her beak, just to make sure she doesn’t call for any guards.
Sebak: “Shush, no need to talk.” You tell her, though it’s nearly drowned out over the sound of your sack hitting her rump, “Do you feel that fat cock inside you? That quad smacking into your ass?” As to strengthen your argument, you take a moment to adjust your stance above her, putting her in a proper mating press before slamming yourself into her even harder than before, “You can feel that every night, if you just renounce your godspawn and worship Telos instead!”
Neferi: “Mmmff~” she moans as your large rod spreads her lower lips.
Sebak: “Become a a-acolyte of Telos and… ah… I promise y-you I’ll make you t-the biggest baby batter balloon ever!” your rhythm start to falter, forcing you hilt yourself inside her as you scream, “TAKE MY YOUNG, QUEEN!” Pushing yourself as deep as possible, you try to pump her womb full of your fertile seed… but instead there’s a slight discomfort with each throb of your member, indicating that you’re balls really are empty after that massive load you just painted the ceiling with.

Impregnation attempt: The male Volin is dominant.
Base: 45% (25% + Volin fert: 5% + Varkian Predator fetish: +15%)
Master Mother: +15%
Fertility Crystal Enchantment: +35%
Mutual desire: +10%
Empty Balls: -100%
Cream Covered: +15%
-Total: 20% chance-

Special - Varkian determination: Even when dominated, there’s a 25% for the young to be Varkian.

No. 1065362 ID: 681cb5
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Neferi: “Well, that was fun…” she whispers to you as soon as you let go of her beak, “But did you honestly think it would be that easy?”
Sebak: “Oh? You still want to… wait, what’s going on?” Something cold starts to coil around your body, constricting your arms and legs against her.
Neferi: “Just a bit of magic, love…” Neferi says with a wink, “A precaution, if you will.”
Sebak: “Even if you bind me, you’re still stuck underneath- MFF!” the magical ice chains forces your snout shut, and when you try to move you notice that they are indeed keeping you in place.
Neferi: “Now, now, we can’t have you use that big mouth of yours.” The Varkian rubs your chest with one hand, “Don’t want you to get any ideas, what with me consuming you.” As she says the word consume, you can feel the chain pull you against her… yet your heavy body isn’t pushing her into the bed below. Instead, it’s slowly starting to be sucked into Neferi’s body! “Oh, don’t you feel it? Your body is starting to merge with mine. There are more ways to eat someone that just using your mouth, after all.”
Sebak: “…”
Neferi: “Now be a good boy and become one with me.” She gives your chin a rub as the chains starts pulling harder against your resisting body, “Let me absorb your very being!”

Well, crud! You weren’t expecting a spell like this… you need to find a way to counter these chains before eliminating her completely! …or you can just accept your fate and become one with the trade queen…

Neferi: “If you play nice I’ll even let you decide where you end up, Sebak… do you rather bounce on my chest or my rump, hmm?”

No. 1065428 ID: 2a82d3

Well that's a bad roll Remember to snack or rehydrate between orgasms, next time.

If only there was a way to turn her magic against her... Like she said, you don't need a mouth to eat her, right?

What happens if she absorbs god essence directly? Does she herself become a new god, or become part of the old one? Your faith/essence and responsibilities to your tribe could be made into a package deal; absorb the former, inherit the latter, no takebacks.

In any case, resist since this is starting to look like a contest of wills. Best case, your natural predator instincts can match her magical power because, as Prey eating Predator, she's running against the natural order anyway. Worst case, you'll wake up somewhere else next morning.

And consider a third option: If neither can dominate the other for long enough, could they merge together into one person or body? Her predator instincts are growing, and they'd be deeply repressed in Prey society. If she agreed to convert, their combined form, as a (possibly kickass-looking) hermaphrodite, could lead the tribe into greater heights. It could almost be considered a form of... Marriage.
No. 1065441 ID: 702e98

Fucking sexy MILF bird witch. Everything she does just makes her hotter, to the point it's tempting to just say "Harder" through those restraints. Considering your size difference, I'm surprised she's not going to simply split you across both. Then again, she'd wind up with a hell of a rack if you were a part of that chest..
Resist, she'd expect nothing less, and would do the same for her own people. Shove your tail in her ass, TK twisting those nips (and clit?), and you might be able to break her concentration long enough to consume her/break free. Your dick is inside her already so that may be the place to start.

Supporting this above my own post. Not only would this unique and blessed holy Union of body, mind, and spirit harken back to the progenitor of gods, He who Seeds, She who Births, it would be force a stalemate, however temporary. Also, it would be hot. Perhaps it would allow the young gods to meet face to face even?
No. 1065464 ID: 71fa80

Try headbutting her in the face as hard as possible! You might get lucky and knock her out, which will turn off the magic and let you eat her yourself!
No. 1065466 ID: f2320a

Yeah fuck no to that
No. 1065553 ID: a9af05

Magic requires concentration to maintain. Headbutt her to break her concentration, then eat her before she gets her magic going again.

Bonus points if you can repeatedly headbutt her until she's unconscious!
No. 1065570 ID: 365de0

If your balls are empty, you'll just have to fill them up again.

With her.
No. 1065779 ID: f2320a

a thing i have noticed there is barely any conservation of mass
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