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File 126524275446.png - (55.04KB , 700x500 , 01.png )
124614 No. 124614 ID: f35d0a

... It hurts...
113 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 126393 ID: 632862

That looks more like 691 than 169.
No. 126396 ID: f35d0a
File 126548956384.png - (5.19KB , 700x500 , 32.png )

I'm not that stupid to fall for the same trap again. I go through the moving stones easily, climbing through the small space on the third one.

Which side should I go now?
No. 126397 ID: 632862

Give us a look in each direction, would you?
No. 126399 ID: f35d0a
File 126549004933.png - (31.34KB , 700x500 , 33.png )


The left path leads to a very deep hallway... Looks like a very long walk from here.
No. 126400 ID: f35d0a
File 126549006887.png - (18.63KB , 700x500 , 34.png )

The right path is a shorter one, and leads to two rooms.
No. 126403 ID: 8399bd

To the right, first door on the right... Maybe there's something you can use or arm yourself with. But make sure your stabbin' knife is ready.
No. 126404 ID: 632862

Check out those rooms!
No. 126412 ID: f35d0a
File 126549103454.png - (24.03KB , 700x500 , 35.png )


I enter the room to the right.

Makes you wonder how you can go to sleep properly knowing there are traps just outside the room.
No. 126415 ID: c0f3bf

Or inside the room. Try pushing the drawers from the side.
No. 126416 ID: f35d0a
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I try to push the drawers, but they're too heavy for my weakened body. The furniture only budges a bit.
No. 126417 ID: c0f3bf

Look under the bed, then grab the sheet and wave it.
No. 126420 ID: f35d0a
File 126549207350.png - (7.12KB , 700x500 , 37.png )


I look under the bed. There doesn't seem to be a space below it. The bed seems to have multiple layers that reach the floor.

An awful stench surrounds whatever's behind this white sheet. Smells like... dead people.
No. 126423 ID: c0f3bf

Grab sheets, shake sheets.
No. 126434 ID: 632862

Open the dresser and check for clean linens. You need to find something to make bandages from so you can remove those nails without bleeding to death.
No. 126437 ID: 8ecfd4

Cute some bandages from the sheets. They might not exactly be clean but hey you have possibly rusty and dirty nails still embeded in your arms so I don't think infections are a primary concern right now.

Also twist some of the sheet into a rope with a knot in the middle. Use it as an improvised garrote. One can never have to many weapons, atleast not when you're trapped in a dungeon owned by a sadist who likes to gouge out the eyes of little kids.
No. 126446 ID: f35d0a
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I cut part of the white sheet and make a knot in the middle. The sheet itself looks like it'll be easily ripped, but I can probably get a kill before it's rendered useless.

Janus obtained GARROTE!
No. 126448 ID: f35d0a
File 126549353763.png - (16.45KB , 700x500 , 39.png )


I can only check one drawer at a time. Which should I open first?
No. 126450 ID: c0f3bf

Stand to the side and slowly pull out the bottom drawer.
No. 126451 ID: 632862

Top first.
No. 126454 ID: 8ecfd4

Start at the bottom and work your way up. And get a bandage for your bleeding eyesocket. It could also double as a bitching headband/eyepatch.
No. 126465 ID: f35d0a
File 126549429581.png - (24.42KB , 700x500 , 40.png )

I start at the bottom.

There's a roll of bandage inside. Probably enough to cover the wounds on my hands and my eye socket.

Janus obtained ROLL OF BANDAGE!

Don't worry. I'll be fixing myself up before I open the next one.
No. 126466 ID: f35d0a
File 126549459843.png - (13.72KB , 700x500 , 41.png )

I pull out the nails from my hands and cover them with the bandage. I also cover my left eye socket with the remaining length.

Janus used up ROLL OF BANDAGE!

Janus obtained two NAILS!
Janus obtained two PIECES OF ROPE!

I try to open the middle drawer, but it's locked. It's not obvious, but there is a keyhole on the handle.
No. 126467 ID: 632862

No. 126468 ID: 8ecfd4

Hmmm check the last drawer then. If you're lucky you might be able to remove it entirely and get to the next drawer without having to unlock it.
No. 126471 ID: f35d0a
File 126549491747.png - (95.10KB , 700x500 , 42.png )

I open the top drawer.

Something gaseous comes out.
No. 126472 ID: 1d2d60

Don't breath it!
No. 126473 ID: 632862

Get out of the room, fast.
No. 126477 ID: 8ecfd4

Hmmm looks like it was trapped. Get out of the room and wait for the smoke gas to dissipate. Trapped stuff is usually important stuff.
No. 126480 ID: f35d0a
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My breathing suddenly became heavier!

I cover my nose out and run for the door.
No. 126482 ID: f35d0a
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Gah! I close the door in hopes of containing the gas in. This won't hold for a long time. If we're checking the other room, we can only do so much before the gas leaks out of the room and into the other.

Should we go ahead, anyway?
No. 126484 ID: 632862

No. 126490 ID: f35d0a
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No. 130218 ID: f35d0a
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No. 130220 ID: 67c611

Check for traps. Examine books without moving them. Poke books. Pick up books. Read books. Break a leg off the table to use as a club.
No. 130222 ID: 34470e

Check out that picture.
No. 130223 ID: 632862

Well since we can't stay here for long... Look at the picture then just grab everything and retreat to a safe place to read the books.
No. 130224 ID: 632862

Also check out all the walls.
No. 130226 ID: f35d0a
File 126602767714.png - (35.81KB , 700x500 , 46.png )

> Break off one of the legs of the table

I'm still in pain. I can't risk exerting any moderate force without hurting myself.

> Check for traps

... And how do you suppose I should do that?

> Grab everything

I can only grab two more items. I'm already holding a lot of stuff.
No. 130231 ID: 67c611

Gather everything in a big pile on the floor and set it out so we can see it all (it's called an inventory screen). Do a quick scan of each of the books to get the general idea of what they contain.
No. 130237 ID: 84889c

Is there anything of significance to the left or right, or are they just blank walls?
No. 130253 ID: f35d0a
File 126602913936.png - (64.45KB , 700x500 , 47.png )


I check the walls around me. Nothing seems to be of importance.


I lay the items down. What I have are two NAILS, two pieces of ROPE, an improvised GARROTE, a KNIFE and a SCROLL.

I don't have time to inspect the picture frame, but I can see two guys in it. Their faces are ripped off the picture.

One of the books is in poor condition. Looks like someone's been scratching the cover. The other says "Spells" by a certain "Gezzono". The last one is untitled, but has blood on some of its pages.
No. 130261 ID: 67c611

>>I don't have time to inspect the picture frame
Time? What is rushing you? Examine spellbook. Can you use it? Hold the three books under one are and the knife in the other hand. Leave all else. Get somewhere safe to examine the books in detail.

Do you still have your eyeball? ............If you can stomach it, eat it. You've got plenty of other stuff to toss around. No other use for it and it's not much but it's edible. Logic can be cruel.
No. 130262 ID: 632862

Ditch the garrote (we have a knife as a weapon), take all 3 books. Then get ye back to a safer area to read the books.
No. 130263 ID: a85626

use spellbook to reattach eye
No. 130270 ID: f35d0a
File 126603079090.png - (52.72KB , 700x500 , 48.png )

I leave the GARROTE and the PICTURE FRAME behind. That should be enough for me to take the three books.
No. 130271 ID: f35d0a
File 126603087284.png - (180.83KB , 700x500 , 49.png )


I can't read it yet!

I run out of the room just before the poisonous gas from the other room starts to fill the hallway. Seems we'll have to ditch this place, and fast.
No. 130273 ID: 632862

Start moving down the long hallway.
No. 130275 ID: 67c611

shit shit shit maybe we should have closed the drawer that was spewing gas. Can we hold our breath and make a run in to shut it and run out again? If you can't go that far in, shut the door to the room and book it.
No. 130276 ID: fc5aea


And as >>130262 said: Ditch the garrote, take the books and get the hell outta here!
No. 130277 ID: fc5aea

woops, to late
No. 130278 ID: f35d0a
File 126603112467.png - (30.77KB , 700x500 , 50.png )


Yeah. No use standing around here.

I can probably read a book while we're walking... though that means I'll be a bit distracted. An alternative would be just us talking to each other. Wouldn't probably get any good information, but at least I'm alert.

Should I read a book or just talk with you while I walk?
No. 130283 ID: f35d0a
File 126603120771.png - (30.77KB , 700x500 , 51.png )


I'm not going back there just to close the drawer!
No. 130284 ID: 632862

Don't read. Talk.
No. 130288 ID: f35d0a
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Mhm. Suit yourself.

... I just realized that I'm still feeling every pain I got. Back from that room when I tried to break myself free... Then that small accident by the moving stone traps... Then the poisonous gas.

You guys have any theory why I'm feeling something like this, or maybe something that might easen my pain?
No. 130289 ID: 632862

You could try sitting down and taking a rest for a bit?
No. 130294 ID: f35d0a
File 126603186662.png - (21.85KB , 700x500 , 53.png )


I already tried that when we were in that room with the drawer. Didn't do any good. It's like my body system's messed up.

... So uhh, what are you, anyway?
No. 130295 ID: 67c611

You're fucking cursed man. Some sick shit is doing this to you for his own enjoyment. You've been tortured and staved for 2 weeks prior to this scenario. If you somehow manage to get out of this place your "prize" will be a knife in the gut.
No. 130296 ID: 632862

Well, on the other hand you could try focusing on the pain and willing it to go away.

As for us... uh... Perhaps your torturer put something in your eye socket, and we're speaking from it. That, or you're going crazy.
No. 130299 ID: 3416ec


No. 130301 ID: f35d0a
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"Empty shell"? Are you referring to me not remembering anything? ... Well, it's not that I exactly DON'T remember anything... But the images are more of a blur. Can't make out anything out of them.

... There's a weak light just after this turn.
No. 130303 ID: 84889c

It seems you're in some sort of tonberry dungeon, I'd presume. And if I had to further conjecture, I'd say you've been used in some sort of ritual. What the purpose of the ritual was and what kind of effects it had on you I cannot say.
No. 130307 ID: 67c611

Ready knife. Take a peek.
No. 130316 ID: f35d0a
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I pull out my knife and take a peek. The light's coming from near the ground, so I crouch down.

... It seems to be some sort of illumination device installed to the wall. I wonder what it's for.
No. 130319 ID: 67c611

I'm guessing a trap. What kind I'm not sure. Be cautious.
No. 130326 ID: f35d0a
File 126603350580.png - (24.46KB , 700x500 , 56.png )


How can something shiny be a trap? Mhm.

I take a step back to look at where I'm going. Most notable is that hole by the ceiling.
No. 130328 ID: 632862

Well, we've gotten away from the gas so let's check out the books before avoiding/disabling this trap.
No. 130329 ID: 632862

Check the spellbook first.
No. 130334 ID: 84889c

Toss a nail at the shining light... and if possible under the hole. It's possible for something to be both illumination and motion-sensitive.
No. 130338 ID: f35d0a
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I can throw a nail through the light and under the hole, no problem. Two birds in one stone!

... Nothing's happening.
No. 130340 ID: f35d0a
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I open the spellbook. It doesn't have any table of contents or anything. It goes straight to the spells.

What are we looking for, exactly?
No. 130346 ID: 67c611

Point your finger down the hallway you came from and yell "APOY".
No. 130349 ID: f35d0a
File 126603484839.png - (41.86KB , 700x500 , 59.png )


... Iunno if I'm really someone that can use spells, but...

I guess it's worth a try?


No. 130350 ID: 632862

Looks like you've got some talent there.

What's the next page?
No. 130353 ID: cfad4e

Look around for healing spells.
No. 130358 ID: 67c611

Are we talking fireball or cigarette lighter flame? Healing spells. Now.
No. 130379 ID: a85626


and failing that...


Look for some item that seems to help a lot more than it should, and is entirely consumed in doing so, even if it wouldn't make sense to consume it. These "level-up" items are probably the best, or the only way to lessen your pain, at least until we beat this game and get you healing normally again.
No. 130381 ID: a85626


Holy crap I recognize that purple anywhere. One of the people in that picture is Gezzono.
No. 130382 ID: 632862

All Tonberries wear that purple.
No. 130446 ID: f35d0a
File 126604895740.png - (39.14KB , 700x500 , 59 paused.png )

(Sorry, immediate emergency happened.)
No. 130525 ID: f35d0a
File 126608905416.png - (24.36KB , 700x500 , 60.png )


I flip through the book for healing spells, though I got disinterested after five pages or so. Didn't find anything that could heal me.

Here are the spells that I found out, though:

Fire: Lvl 1 - No Req - Verbal - "APOY!"
Water: Lvl 1 - No Req - Verbal - "TUBIG!"
Earth: Lvl 1 - Target must be underneath mud or stone - Visual - Wave left hand, scooping motion from floor to target.
Air: Lvl 1 - Can only be used when around air - Visual - Wave left hand, swinging motion from left to right
Stone Wall: Lvl 2 - No Req - Verbal - "PADER NA BATO!"


It's just a very small flame, probably the size of my hand. I don't know why it's that weak, but my condition must be related to it.


You sound like a geek to me, but you do raise a point. Maybe there's something that might help lessen my pain. Probably any drugs or something.

So uhh, what are we supposed to do now?
No. 130528 ID: 8ecfd4

That light is probably a trap. Do you think you can tumble over it at the thinnest point?
No. 130530 ID: 67c611

Check worn book and blood book. Cover light emitter with least useful book to see what happens.
No. 130533 ID: e828f5

Can only be used when around air? That's just silly. You're always around air, unless you're underwater. Anyway, I suppose it's time to get moving. Examine or poke at the light source, but if there's nothing interesting about it CAREFULLY see if you can see anything up the hole in the ceiling.
No. 130546 ID: f35d0a
File 126609025746.png - (28.80KB , 700x500 , 61.png )


I pull out the book with the scratches and cover the thing's light with it, being careful not to make contact with it accidentally.
No. 130548 ID: f35d0a
File 126609027676.png - (25.86KB , 700x500 , 62.png )

The light weakens, and the scratches on the books are gone.
No. 130555 ID: 67c611

Take the book away and wait to see if the light strengthens.
No. 130556 ID: e828f5

They're gone... permanently? WHAT IS THIS MADNESS?
No. 130558 ID: 632862

Put your damaged wrist in front of the light.
No. 130560 ID: f35d0a
File 126609052233.png - (21.50KB , 700x500 , 63.png )


Hey, I'm just a Sergal. Don't ask me!


The light does not return.
No. 130563 ID: e828f5

Okay well examine the book. Scratches are gone, has anything materialized inside?
No. 130564 ID: 8ecfd4

Ok, now go and check out that hole in the ceiling.
No. 130566 ID: 67c611


Onward. Dash past that giant hole.
No. 130581 ID: a85626


Yeah, well don't come crying to me when your computer won't boot.


Shit, there's your level-up item right there. Find shinies. Feel better!
No. 130597 ID: f35d0a
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I check the hole. It seems to be leading to a room above.

I could probably reach it if I find a ladder or something.
No. 130599 ID: 632862

What's around the corner?
No. 130600 ID: 67c611

Whew, not trapped.

No. 130602 ID: e828f5

All right, so what's down the other path?
No. 130672 ID: cfad4e

>though I got disinterested after five pages or so.
Your eye's been gouged out and you have nails through your wrists, but you don't want to be thorough in looking for magical healing because you got bored?
No. 130685 ID: 71edca

Keep in mind that this is the same guy who refused to eat a rat despite the fact hes starving to death just because it's "not alive and resisting!"
No. 130714 ID: 632862

Yes, Janus isn't the brightest of bulbs.
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