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File 126531499999.png - (14.48KB , 800x600 , 1.png )
125087 No. 125087 ID: 887037

I can't remember a thing. There's something stuck on my head, and I'm holding a rectangular object. I've been holding onto it for a long time, apparently, because my hand is getting really sweaty.

There's two square lights in front of me. Buttons?
37 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 125402 ID: 887037
File 126533139479.png - (93.57KB , 800x600 , 14.png )

Well the initial room wasn't a room, it was a very large container in a small room. The fact it was there probably explains why the room was so small.

The hallway goes both ways. I could go look at the container I was in, or continue on.
No. 125406 ID: 632862

Examine container.
No. 125419 ID: 887037
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No lighting besides the small room. It's very tall outside, but closed on the inside. Maybe there's another above this?

I have become very suspicious about the buttons.
No. 125420 ID: 632862

Check self for proper gender.
No. 125451 ID: 887037
File 126533372441.png - (137.88KB , 800x600 , 16.png )

I'm a male at the moment, but no idea about before. my lack of shirt suggests I was probably male before, too.

It doesn't explain what the buttons do, though.

...Well, now what?
No. 125457 ID: e828f5

... push buttan? :3
No. 125459 ID: 632862

Do not push butan.

Go into the unexplored area.
No. 125460 ID: 632862

...wait what's that light at the ceiling?
No. 125461 ID: ce7e37

Push both Buttons at once!
No. 125464 ID: f12f07

you pressed the female and a green light camedup. suddenly you found a female faceless that attacked you.

yeah, push the female button again, be polite now.
No. 125465 ID: 887037
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What light?
No. 125469 ID: f12f07

up on your left. ambient light i belive.
No. 125475 ID: e828f5

Good job doing nothing there, champ. NOW PUSH BUTTAN
No. 125488 ID: ce7e37

No. 125497 ID: 887037
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...Well, playing with gender buttons sounds much more unsafe than investigating a light.

The door opens down, so it must have been jamm
No. 125500 ID: 887037
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No. 125501 ID: 9e9b47


Grab radio, chatter a stream of words into it
No. 125502 ID: 887037
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"Thank you, I've been waiting so long. But isn't the board prettiest during the sunset?"
No. 125503 ID: 887037
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No. 125504 ID: 887037
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No. 125508 ID: e828f5

Determine source of voice.
No. 125518 ID: 887037
File 126534270085.png - (283.69KB , 800x600 , 23.png )

Someone is sitting on top of the door.
"Hey, did you find that person you saw? Can you come to my square now? What's that black thing, you didn't have that before!"

He looks a few years younger than me.
No. 125521 ID: 3416ec

"Who are you? And what is with this place?"
No. 125525 ID: e828f5

Request either his vest or shirt.
No. 125529 ID: 887037
File 126534358334.png - (183.35KB , 800x600 , 24.png )

"Who are you? Wh-"

Oh jeez now I pissed him off.
I must have been here for a while before I lost my memory. I'll have to apologize to the faceless girl, she was probably a friend of mine, or something like that. Now I feel bad for her...

"Hey, why are you listening to that box? Is that box more important to you than me? Is it so important you forgot about me?"

No. 125531 ID: 34470e

...Why don't you turn off the walkie talkie for... about 20 minutes and talk with him?
No. 125535 ID: 445c48

"I've forgotten everything, [Buddy, Miss; use whichever is gender appropriate.], can't remember a thing before just a minute ago."
No. 125542 ID: e828f5

Clearly there's some relationship between you two, even if you're unaware of it. So I think it'd be best if you two simply talk between yourselves (though don't turn us off, we like to listen)... Explain your recent memory loss and then simply speak as you would normally. No need to consult us until you're through.
No. 125545 ID: 887037
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jesus christ

Wait, I need that!
No. 125549 ID: 887037
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No. 125656 ID: e828f5

Curse yoooooouuuu...!
No. 126337 ID: 887037
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No. 126340 ID: 887037
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No. 126341 ID: 887037
File 126548647989.png - (51.25KB , 800x600 , 29.png )

Oh god

"...Has a bad effect on you. Your pride lied to you."

I feel terrible

"Everyone in each 'square' is in love with you. No one has ever been in love before, so you have to expect more people like that."

I'm going to puke
No. 126346 ID: e828f5

No. 126359 ID: 632862

Who is talking and who is thinking?
No. 126368 ID: 8ecfd4

Is your face properly attached to your head?
No. 133008 ID: 887037
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She sort of fades away and why is the sky hot pink.
No. 133014 ID: e828f5

Well get us (the walkie-talkie) back and then give us a good description of where you are, what you can see.
No. 133119 ID: c32d51

Hm. Confusing premise. Might have value. Art style seems...interesting.
No. 152092 ID: 482f1b

Inventory check, get walkie-talkie and get your Silent Hill on.
No. 152955 ID: 96fb33
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Still got the purse and contents...

I think I'm on a mountain.
I still feel sick to my stomach.

Oh hey a girl.
"Could you...uh...Cyo..."
Wait I got this
"Could you hha-ha--"

...Can't talk properly. Ugh.

"Are you one of...one of them?"
"Please don't seduce me."
No. 152959 ID: 1ac39d

give a thumps up and a curt nod, or maybe we talk directly. "hello this person is trapped here, can you help him?"
No. 153052 ID: 8ecfd4

Make your best face of being revolted at the idea of seducing her.

Although you know she is kind of cute. But if she doesn't want it then there's not much you can do right now.
No. 153066 ID: 701a19

"Are you going to get angry if I say I won't?"
No. 153103 ID: 482f1b

Ten bucks she turns into a demon monster.
No. 158147 ID: 96fb33
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"I'm not going to seduce you."
"Are you sure? You might do it on accident."
"I won't."

She looks downhill. My head is clearing up a little, but I still feel nauseous.

"Are you going to seduce my family?"
"What is with you and seduction?"
"Well that's why you're here, isn't it? To get a wife. Mom said so. Unless you're into guys, but the only guy I know is Jaybird and he has a crush on Eliza and he's wearing a collar anyways. And the demon guy too I guess but he's not even supposed to be here and the temple is trying to kick him out right now anyways."

She stares at me.

"Are all 'men' so thin? I've never seen one and neither has Jaybird 'cause he was two or something when his momma was in the harem pack and his square isn't around this one. I don't think I'm allowed to talk to the demon guy either so I never got to ask him."
No. 158205 ID: 701a19

"To be honest? I don't have a clue why I'm here.
I hope your mother is wrong, though, since I don't even want a wife yet. Eventually I want to meet a nice [Guy/Girl] and get married, but only because that's what [He/She] and I want.
Seducing somebody into marriage? That's just revolting. Although if that's what people here thinks, then I guess it explains why almost everybody I've met has been really mean and violent; I can't blame them.

But enough about that. Would you please tell me what this place is, and who these people are? I'm really confused.
No. 158386 ID: 1413e6

"Uh, I'm a guy."
Also, check for anything that can be used as a weapon.
No. 158971 ID: c2c011

Tell her that you have no idea what she's talking about.
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