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136232 No. 136232 ID: f609ed

My name is Jones, and I'm moving into a new town. It's a little scary having to move somewhere completely new and meet new people.

So please, I need your help! Come with me and help me make new friends and have fun in my new town!
20 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 136270 ID: f609ed
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I told him I respected "God" the most, but it obviously wasn't the answer he wanted.
No. 136271 ID: f609ed
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The old man turned out to be the Mayor of Silent Hill, and he told me about town protocols and a little of their history, safety guidelines, etc.
He then bid me adieu. He seems like a friendly if easily-agitated old man.
No. 136273 ID: f609ed
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I next ran into Maple, who was wandering around near the Museum.
No. 136275 ID: f609ed
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She seems awfully friendly if a little strange, and some of her jokes seem to go over my head.
No. 136277 ID: f609ed
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Next I visited the beautiful Museum. Stepping into its marble facade the sounds of the town faded away.
No. 136278 ID: f609ed
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It was very dim inside. Not a light betrayed the darkness.
No. 136279 ID: f609ed
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I bumped into Blathers, the curator here, and the lights came on.
He told me this is the museum and historical society of Silent Hill and they keep numerous exhibits here. The place is comprised of exhibits for art, fossils, insects, aquatic life, and astronomy, and further there is a cafe and bar downstairs.

There are three employees: himself, his younger sister Celeste, who operated the observatory, and his old friend Brewster, who worked the cafe.
No. 136284 ID: f609ed
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Lastly, I checked the cafe, and met the bartender Brewster, who didn't seem very talkative. He said nothing to me.
The bar itself is quite small, but very homey.
No. 136286 ID: f609ed
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That brings us to the present. Here I am now in the cafe.
This is a map of my town. It's afternoon now.

What should I do next? Where should I go?
I need your help to make friends!
No. 136287 ID: 34470e

Go to the shop that's next to Nook's.
No. 136292 ID: f609ed
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Very well. I head back toward Nook's Cranny and go into the Able Sisters clothier.
No. 136294 ID: f609ed
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A young, peppy girl welcomes me to the store and introduces herself as Mabel. She seems enthusiastic about the goods sold here, which appear to be clothes, but she mentions that I can design my own patterns and they'll put them on t-shirts. Sort of like Kinkos, I guess.
No. 136295 ID: 34470e

Able Sisters? Is there anyone else in here?
No. 136296 ID: 632862

Introduce yourself to both sisters.
No. 136299 ID: f609ed
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The elder sister, Sable, sits behind a sewing machine. I try to say hello, but she doesn't respond.
No. 136300 ID: f609ed
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It's not hard to see why, she's working on some kind of new pattern.
No. 136303 ID: 632862

Let's be off then! Check out the beach.
No. 136305 ID: e828f5

No one's concerned with the fact that she's making A SPADE?! Well whatever. First off, my advice is to move towns. You've got an elephant in your town, and elephants suck. Seriously. Still, I always liked Maple... Anyway, check THE GATE to meet some of the last people in Silent Hill.
No. 136307 ID: f1c017

No. 136309 ID: 3416ec

We need to catch a coelcanth.

Locate a fishing rod.
No. 136318 ID: f609ed
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I leave the store and Mabel cheerily bids me goodbye and says I should come back soon.

I've still got a few people to meet, but for now I stroll down to the beach. The juxtaposition of sand and snow seems odd to me.

Something on the shore catches my eye.
No. 136319 ID: f609ed
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I read the note.
No. 136321 ID: 3416ec


Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no. We're all gonna die. D:
No. 136324 ID: 099247

What can you see on the horizon?
No. 136325 ID: e828f5

No. 136327 ID: f609ed
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On the horizon? To the south, the ocean stretches out as far as I can see.
To the north -- oh, it's Eloise!
No. 136328 ID: 3416ec


Hide the note in the bottle.

No sudden movements.

And purchase an axe from Mr. Nook as soon as you can.
No. 136329 ID: 632862

Go say hi.
No. 136332 ID: e828f5

I hate elephants.
No. 136334 ID: f609ed
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I chase after Eloise, and the ground gives out under my feet! I plunge a few feet down, trapped in the earth!

Oh no!
No. 136337 ID: 3416ec


Quickly, tear strips of your clothing off, tie them together to make a rope, loop it on yonder tree and pull yourself out!
No. 136339 ID: f609ed
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Thinking quickly, I rip my shirt into strips and fashion a makeshift rope, grabbing the nearby tree around a loose branch and managing to haul myself from the pit!


...but now I realize I've just destroyed the work uniform Tom Nook gave me. I hope he doesn't mind.
No. 136344 ID: e828f5

You sure as fuck bet he'll mind.
No. 136346 ID: 3416ec


Survival demands sacrifices. Tom Nook HAS to understand.
No. 136347 ID: 34470e

Hm. Let's see what's there to offer at the town gates.
No. 136348 ID: f609ed
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Well, nothing I can do about the shirt now. I've met all three of my fellow villagers, so I head north to the town gate -- the only exit -- to meet the last members of the small town.
No. 136349 ID: f609ed
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Two armed soldiers stand at attention here.
No. 136351 ID: 3416ec



Alert the townspeople that the King of England seeks to annex Silent Hill!
No. 136352 ID: 632862

Greet them cheerfully!
No. 136354 ID: e828f5

Have fun realizing there's no way you can leave.
No. 136357 ID: f609ed
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I greet the more attentive-looking soldier, who introduces himself as Copper.

He informs me that I MUST tell him if I plan to leave and assures me it is for my safety, so that he can operate the gate for me. That seems helpful.
No. 136359 ID: 3416ec


He's in on it. HE'S IN ON IT.

No. 136360 ID: f609ed
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The other man wears his name on his soldier's uniform. It says "Booker".
But he doesn't seem as amicable as his friend.
No. 136366 ID: 632862

Then get back to Nook I guess.
No. 136370 ID: f609ed
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I return to Nook.

He mad.
What should I tell him?
No. 136377 ID: badf27

It's not that he's not friendly, it's just that he's shy and mildly retarded.
No. 136380 ID: 3416ec


"I lost them. In a volcano."
No. 136381 ID: f609ed
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>"I lost them. In a volcano."
Nook doesn't seem to buy it.
No. 136382 ID: f609ed
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Oh well. Nook seems to move on.
At least he's not docking my pay.
No. 136386 ID: b14128

"Ok, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Seriously, though, I fell in a pit, and had to use the uniform as a makeshift rope to climb out."
No. 136387 ID: e828f5

Oh dear. Well tell him you won't forget about this EITHER. That should throw him off and make him wonder. By the way, nice shirt.
No. 136397 ID: f609ed
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I tell Nook I'm done, but he's not convinced.
He says I should go chat more with one of the locals. Just saying hi isn't enough. Good friends are built on good relationships. I can't argue with that, I guess.

He also says making people feel like they're your friends is good for business.
No. 136401 ID: e828f5

You've been sent to fill a prostitution order. Enjoy.
No. 136403 ID: 34470e

Better do what he says. Go chat with Maple.
No. 136404 ID: 632862

Well. Alright?
No. 136407 ID: f609ed
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I go to meet Maple. Her lights are on, so I assume she's home. I come in and find her relaxing by a bunch of stuffed bears, some as large as she is.

She smiles cheerfully and asks me what my birthday is!
No. 136408 ID: 34470e

April 11.
No. 136415 ID: f609ed
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Apparently this was just a ploy to get my sign!
No. 136421 ID: e828f5

"April 1st. The doctor came up and said 'It's a girl! Just kidding... April Fool's!' ... My dad bopped him one."
No. 136422 ID: e828f5

No you stupid whore, it's ARIES.
No. 136423 ID: 632862

um.. 'yes'
No. 136424 ID: 34470e

Yes, she's correct.
No. 136426 ID: 3416ec


"That is correct. I am THE GOD OF WAR!"
No. 136428 ID: f609ed
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I tell Maple she's right, but correct her on the specifics. She seems a little surprised but takes the correction in stride.
Maybe she's a bit absent-minded after all.
No. 136430 ID: f609ed
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Okay NOW I'm just a little weirded out.
No. 136432 ID: 34470e

Okay, ask her why she wants to know.
No. 136433 ID: e828f5

Dude, forget blood type, check out that bear-sex-doll she's got behind her. WEIRDED OUUUUT~
No. 136434 ID: c5f90c

Gonna steal your organs.
No. 136439 ID: 3416ec

Say AB. That way she can't harvest your fluids unless everyone here is also AB.

AB = Universal Reciever.
No. 136442 ID: f609ed
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She says "Thank you." and that's it.

She notices my confusion and finally decides to answer some confusion. I hope.
No. 136443 ID: f609ed
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Well, that wasn't reassuring at all.
No. 136444 ID: 3416ec


Yes, explain yourself Maple.
No. 136445 ID: f609ed
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Heh heh

No. 136446 ID: e828f5

Oh wait, my bad, she's got an entire family of ursine sex dolls.
No. 136447 ID: 34470e

Eeeh... Thank her for her... conversation and get back to Nook.
No. 136448 ID: 632862

Okay NOW let's go back to Nook.
No. 136449 ID: f609ed
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I cross the bridge and head back to Nook's Cranny.
No. 136451 ID: e828f5

No. 136453 ID: f609ed
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I return to Nook. He seems pleased that I "assisted" Maple with her questions.
Now he says he's going to put me in charge of...

No. 136454 ID: f609ed
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Well I guess this is more what I had in mind when he said I'd be working for him.

I have to take something back to Bill.
No. 136456 ID: 34470e

Let's go find Bill then.
No. 136459 ID: f609ed
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Unfortunately it looks like Bill isn't home.
No. 136460 ID: f609ed
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He must be around here somewhere, right?
No. 136466 ID: 34470e

We could just wander around until we find him.
No. 136467 ID: 632862

What kind of item are you delivering?

Also, check the top-right corner of the map.
No. 136472 ID: f609ed
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The item is carefully wrapped and simply marked "to Bill".
I have no idea what it is, but it smells fresh, like cleaning products.

I head to the small northern corridor, and while Bill isn't here, I do come upon a standing stone beneath the waterfall. It's hauntingly beautiful.
No. 136474 ID: 3416ec


Run to your house.

Open package carefully.
No. 136475 ID: f609ed
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I wander a bit, and run into Bill by the Town Hall, where I spoke to him before. He stops conversing with the Mayor and turns to me, eager for the delivery.
No. 136477 ID: 34470e

Hand it to him and say you didn't open it.
No. 136480 ID: f609ed
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I assure him that I did not open the package. He realizes I must be working for Nook.
No. 136481 ID: f609ed
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Despite employing his services, I get the feeling Bill does not like Tom Nook very much.
No. 136482 ID: f609ed
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And now I...



I don't know what to make of this gesture.
No. 136484 ID: 34470e

Well... um... was there a toilet in your house...?
No. 136485 ID: 3416ec



Whuh... thanks??
No. 136487 ID: f609ed
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Well great.
Now I have a urinal.
No. 136492 ID: 3416ec


Check it for hidden cameras.
No. 136493 ID: 34470e


...er, well...

...We may as well go back to Nook.
No. 136501 ID: 632862

Does it actually attach to plumbing you have, or is it just decorative? Do you know where bathrooms are, or does it look like you're gonna have to poop in the woods?

If this thing winds up being useless you may as well sell it or something.
No. 136634 ID: 12fc66

Take note of the extremely large windows immediately to your left and right.
Vow to never use it.
No. 136679 ID: fa7b85

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