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File 127546846119.png - (29.76KB , 800x600 , AQ_Q002_S001.png )
186709 No. 186709 ID: d16009

Welcome back!

While Aervon was resting, the kobolds figured out how to open the dungeon gates.

[Recap time!]

In chapter 1, we met the Muse-Subject Aervon. He needs help, because his friend's daughter, Maria, was kidnapped. The Muses (you) decided that Aervon should adventure a bit in various dungeons before heading straight for Maria's captors, who may be dangerous.
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No. 186751 ID: 1ac39d

ah, but of course. will this change if aervon dies a second time or will it just be another game?
anyway, i suppose we will play tic-tac-toe. draws will simply be another round, and play until a win.
No. 186752 ID: d16009
File 127547588488.png - (14.32KB , 800x600 , AQ_Q002_S012.png )

Death 33 seems to be directly aware of the muse voices, without Aervon's help as a medium.
Aervon does not particularly like being useless.

"Well, I've never actually been assigned to someone who has died twice in a row and was not under a special magical contract or been refused revival by a higher up... hypothetically, though. If you died again, and the higher ups judged you were fit for a second chance, it would just require another game."

Death summons a tic tac toe board.

"I'll go first."
No. 186753 ID: 1ac39d

take top right.

well that's good to know.
No. 186755 ID: d16009
File 127547623358.png - (15.11KB , 800x600 , AQ_Q002_S013.png )

"Well, I always did like this dungeon. Plenty of good games of chess in here, lots of lively clients."
No. 186758 ID: 1ac39d

top center.

sounds like for a reaper this is a nice place.
No. 186760 ID: d16009
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"Oh, you wouldn't believe! I had this goblin come through here once. He wanted to play this obscure pen and paper game with elves and magic and such! He lost, of course. I don't lose to my clients a lot."
No. 186761 ID: 1ac39d

bottom right

that is why i chose tic tac toe, it is so simple that even if winning cannot be done we can force a draw every round keeping you trapped here until you take a dive.
No. 186763 ID: d16009
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"Oh, that is silly, everyone knows there is a for sure way to win Tic Tac Toe, as long as I move first... Oops... I guess talking to you got me a bit distracted."

Death 33 shrugs,

"Great strategy, was it your plan all along to distract me?"
No. 186764 ID: 1ac39d

middle right

a little of column A and a little of column B
No. 186766 ID: d16009
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"Ah, you win. I'll help you out a bit now."
No. 186768 ID: d16009
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This seems familiar...
No. 186770 ID: d16009
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That was close.
No. 186772 ID: a594b9

Carefully grab your stuff and climb out of the pit.
No. 186774 ID: 1ac39d

was about to have some words. seems death changes the outcome of what killed you so it is non-lethal.

grab stuff and look for any way out.
No. 186780 ID: d16009
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Aervon cannot seem to climb out, from his vantage point, however, he does notice the pit is covered in a strange purple substance.
No. 186783 ID: a594b9

Stab it.
No. 186784 ID: 1ac39d

poke purple stuff with sword.
No. 186785 ID: d16009
File 127547949913.png - (11.90KB , 800x600 , AQ_Q002_S020.png )

Aervon manages to acrobatically manoeuvre to a wall and stab it with his sword, the sword goes easily into the wall, as if the purple slime (For lack of a better word) went far into the wall, not just slathered on top.
No. 186786 ID: 1ac39d

oh my, this isn't a pit, it's a stomach. try carving hand-holds or dig a path out.
No. 186788 ID: d16009
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Aervon feels if he is going to try to dig through the slime, he should probably pick a spot with better footing.
No. 186791 ID: d16009
File 127548051631.png - (12.04KB , 800x600 , AQ_Q002_S022.png )

That's better.
No. 186798 ID: 1ac39d

should probably do it quickly before your skin starts melting.
No. 186801 ID: d16009
File 127548204746.png - (9.86KB , 800x600 , AQ_Q002_S023.png )

Aervon breaks through the slime, and finds himself in a small room.

[I'm going to take a break here, breakfast, life, etc.]
No. 186802 ID: 1ac39d

feel around for secret doors. if you can't find any then try the other side of the pit.
No. 188347 ID: d16009
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>Interesting, this wall seems old, and hastily sealed with lower quality stone.

>I can break through this when we are ready.
No. 188352 ID: 1ac39d

okay, ready, set, smash!
No. 188376 ID: d16009
File 127578123088.png - (12.21KB , 800x600 , AQ_Q002_S025.png )

The tunnel leads to a large circular room.

There is a furry lump (presumably an animal), laying on the opposite side of the room.
No. 188377 ID: 1ac39d

examine room for other doors, if none found then quietly approach creature and stab it.
No. 188380 ID: 1ac39d

or try befriending it, i dunno.
No. 188382 ID: a594b9

Cautiously inspect creature. Stab if hostile.
No. 188384 ID: d16009
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>The room seems empty, besides the spikes, the tunnel I came through, the furry lump, and what appears to be a tunnel behind it.

>When I walk towards the furry... thing. It springs up, it wasn't sleeping like I had presumed it was.
No. 188386 ID: d16009
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[Excuse the artshift right here, I had a lot of fun drawing him]

"Aarggggh! Why does this bothersome body burst into my burrow?!"
No. 188389 ID: 1ac39d

"cause it's the only way out of here, look, here, you can have this" and give it the orb, let's see if that will work twice.
No. 188390 ID: a594b9

"Hey, sorry to bother you. Do you know the way out?"
No. 188408 ID: d16009
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>...I left the orb outside the dungeon, it seemed like a bad idea to carry around that dangerous thing.

>"Hey, sorry to bother you. Do you know the way out?"

The gnoll's face softens for a moment,
"I don't think you understand, your undesirable situation. I am an unscrupulous warrior who employed by this dungeon. We unceremoniously begin battling, I sear your skin, secure your stuff, and I supply it to the master."

The gnoll takes a deep breath

"He sells it in some small town, I collect sixty percent cash. This is how a dungeon functions."
No. 188411 ID: 1ac39d

"well what if i just give you the stuff? you still get paid, and i don't die"
No. 188416 ID: d16009
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>"Well what if I just handed over my stuff? You still get paid, and I don't die"

The gnoll seems amused and slightly annoyed at the same time.
"Really, human, are you hard of hearing? This is a dungeon. Chief will be pissed if I send a graceless charlatan deeper into his lair. So unless you would like to object your status as a madman 'hero', I suggest we begin fighting."
No. 188418 ID: 1ac39d

"fine! can we at least shake on it?" if he shakes your hand chop his arm off. if he doesn't then retreat to behind one of those spikes. it will ground any lighting at you.
No. 188419 ID: a594b9

I've noticed he's fond of alliteration.

A pity I'm crap at it.
No. 188428 ID: d16009
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>"Well, before a duel, gentlemen shake."

Something glints in the gnoll's eyes,
"Well, uh... sure. I agree such rituals are regular."

Cutting of the gnoll's arm seems like a bad idea, now that you are close enough to realise your size differences.

>Should I really attack him while his guard is down? He seems rather polite, if dedicated to his job. It may not be wise to break his illusions of a gentleman's duel.

[Also, yes, the entire character design was me drawing a gnoll, then writing alliteration by him.]
No. 188432 ID: 1ac39d

of course you should. you signed up for the job of adventurer you need to be chaotic enough for it.maybe thrust up into his skull.
No. 188438 ID: d16009

>Well, eh... heh. I never was fully set on that whole adventurer thing...

The gnoll seems completely capable of destroying you from this range.
No. 188440 ID: 1ac39d

look, your options are hit it now or run back and try to not die while dodging lightning. now stab sword through his head!
No. 188447 ID: d16009
File 127578694085.png - (12.94KB , 800x600 , AQ_Q002_S030.png )

Aervon swings his blade at Hexsnout, who quickly reacts with an electric shock, before the blade even hits him.

>Well, the gnoll has better reflex than I first thought...
No. 188450 ID: d16009
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Hexsnout pushes Aervon back. Aervon managed to land a good blow on him, though. The cut looks pretty deep.

Aervon himself is rather shaken up by the electric shock.
No. 189429 ID: 1ac39d

get behind one of those metal spikes it will force him in closer.
No. 189524 ID: d16009
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>The spike works fairly well as a lightning rod... which is strange. Who would intentionally design a room so the guarding monster would be at a disadvantage?
No. 189528 ID: 1ac39d

it's how these things work. it wouldn't be a dungeon if you had no hope of victory. okay after he is done blasting throw a thing at him, anything but your sword.
No. 189533 ID: d16009
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>All the sudden this room makes a whole lot more sense.

>Well, can't dwell over spilt milk. The lightning seems to be jumping from spike to spike, but I can barely see it flicker for a half second at a regular interval. I could probably jump over it during that moment of weakness.

>Also, I have nothing to throw at the gnoll, besides my hat and sword. Well... perhaps I could throw one of my boots or plated gloves at him.
No. 189814 ID: 1ac39d

that gash seems really deep. he may soon tire from blood loss. circle around a bit to keep him moving and so his heart-rate stays up.
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