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File 128842087571.png - (19.72KB , 640x480 , Egg.png )
250045 No. 250045 ID: 679e7a


You're a new thing!

I wonder what I should call you?
142 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 251709 ID: 561b6b

Apparently so. At least, we are now. You might recall we were an orb of some sort not too long ago. But we do get a little nutty every now and then, yes.

Miz Hunny? So that's who you were talking to when you found us. Based on her name, would she be a Teddiursa?
No. 251719 ID: 679e7a
File 128875807835.png - (7.61KB , 640x480 , Pot.png )

No, she's a Lopunny. She's pretty strong; she took that Magikarp out with a single punch. I'm glad she rescued us!

"Yay being rescued!"

You, uh, you already said that.

"Yay again!"

Cheerful little guy. Well. I'm not sure what you are, exactly, but I don't think you're going to be doing any harm. Especially like this. I'm gonna ask around, find out if anybody's heard of something like you, and maybe find someone who can fix you. In the meantime... heh, stick around, I guess.

Anything else you wanna know while I'm here? Prophecies to foretell? Winning ticket picks?
No. 251734 ID: 561b6b

We are blue sand here, apparently.

o/~ Just a drop of water in an endless sea. All we do crumbles to the ground, though we refuse to see. Dust in the wind. All we are is dust in the wind. o/~

Maybe we can temper a shield if you have any handy. [Azure Dreams reference, for those who care.]

>Anything else you wanna know while I'm here?

Well, let's see... Hm...
I guess the obvious question would be "what were the two of you doing before discovering the Ditto and us? Are Miz and you perhaps part of a Team of some sort who undertake previously mentioned calls for help? And if so, is it just the two of you?"
...But, since you bring it up, a Silver, Gold, or even Prism ticket would be nice. Mama needs a new Friend Bow.
No. 251752 ID: 6a5a08

We have a few prophecies, perhaps.
We can't tell you though. Not yet.

For now, we must teach Bubblegum words while you are away.
No. 251931 ID: 679e7a
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I don't know any Shieldons, and it sounds like you mean something else anyway.

Miz has a team, but I'm not a part of it; I'm just somebody she rescued, same as the little guy. And you, for that matter. I've kinda been thinking about starting a team, but I don't have a partner or anything, and today taught me I still have a lot to learn about adventuring.


Good, you keep those prophecies to yourself. The last time somebody brought a prophecy to town, people almost killed an innocent boy.

...hey, does it hurt you any to be... split up? I was just thinking, it'd save some time if I could take some of... you... for people to look at, and I don't want to take the whole thing and leave squishy here by himself.


Besides, that jar's heavy, and I already dropped you once.
No. 251934 ID: 31e5bb

pretty sure we can be spread out to single grains and be fine. take a good chunk though, just to be safe.
No. 251942 ID: 98bedf

its time to divide this sadness =3

if you can keep a handful of us we should be able to keep contact with everyone. now that it looks useful now...

so where did this "rage" started? any new buildings with big R's on them?
No. 251945 ID: 644ca1

As long as you bring the piece back afterwards it should be fine.
No. 251948 ID: 561b6b

Speaking of prophecies...

No. 251999 ID: 6a5a08

Splitting us up may allow us to communicate with multiple beings at once. We may even function as a communication device between multiple people.
Or not.
Can't be sure until we try.
No. 252033 ID: f4e0e7

Nah, I think as long as you don't try to set us on fire, we'll be okay.

Anyway, yeah! Let's start a team! You, us, and the little pink guy! C'mon, it'll be fun. Righting wrongs, protecting the innocent, robbing the rich to feed the poor, whatever. We're not picky. Let's just do stuff.
No. 252056 ID: a9a46d

Prophecies...prophecies...Ah, I have one. IN THE GRIM DARKNESS OF THE FAR FUTUR-Oh wait, I think I know what's behind the rage now. Sneaky Khorne, sneaky.
No. 252071 ID: 679e7a
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Hm. Doesn't matter after all; there aren't any little bottles or anything in here. I'll have to go get one.


Not that I can think of. Why would you put a letter on the side of a building, anyway?


Are you nuts? The poor thing's just been born! He's in no shape to be fighting off crazy people!

...hmm. On the other hand, I can't just leave him by himself. Maybe Miz Hunny will take care of him?

Wait, I can't leave you alone either! I don't know what you are exactly, but you're even more defenseless than he is!

Rrrg. I... I need to see if Miz Hunny is back yet. You two... stay here, okay?


And don't go anywhere until I get back!
No. 252072 ID: 679e7a
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I'm bored. Let's do more stuff!
No. 252074 ID: fd6d7e


Let's go fight some crazy people!
No. 252083 ID: 40cb26

How about if you try to turn into more kinds of stuff! Well... if anything neat is around here. Look around.
No. 252224 ID: 679e7a
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Don't wanna. And Ryu said not to.


Hm. This place is mostly made of tree, but the ground is still dirt. There are holes in the tree that let light in, and some plants growing near the sides; some of them have a kind of leaf I haven't seen before on their tops. Other plants are growing on the tree; I think I'll call them 'vines'.

There's a piece of tree nearby, mostly the bottom of a tree; the top part's been cut off to make it flat and round. Near it is another, smaller piece of tree, maybe from a branch; it's been made flat and round too.

You're in a thing made of rock... Ryu called it a 'jar', I think. There's another, flatter jar that has some 'fruit' in it. Which reminds me: when I ate the 'apple', it felt good! I'm going to call that feeling 'sweet'. The fruit senses like it's sweet too, but I can't be sure unless I touch it.

There are two spots where dried grass has been piled up; I'm on the big one, and there's a little one too.

There's stuff outside; I can't see it, but I can sense it. Some tree, some plant, some grass, some stone. No people, I think.

What do you think we should do?
No. 252227 ID: 31e5bb

let's go say hi to people
No. 252241 ID: d3d07d

lets go fill your stomach more!

pehaps its time to teach you sour and sweets, too.
No. 252251 ID: 679e7a
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Well... I guess it'd be okay, if we're careful. I'll be sure to sense for people so we get some warning if bad ones are coming.

Oh wait! We can't go like this! This jar is way too heavy for me to carry! What should we do?
No. 252253 ID: be29bc

Eat some of us! That way you can always have us with you! :D
No. 252268 ID: 31e5bb

yeah, we can keep you company.
No. 252269 ID: 679e7a
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Are you sure? The apple I ate isn't an apple anymore...
No. 252271 ID: 31e5bb

naw, we will be fine. we are much tougher then an apple.
No. 252287 ID: 679e7a
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Well, okay!


...well, you're not getting all fizzy and melty. You're just sitting in my tummy. Are you okay in there?
No. 252293 ID: 5f0943

Oh yeah sure.
I can't tell if anything is different from before.
No. 252302 ID: 31e5bb

yeah, we cool. let's go see some neighbors.
No. 252320 ID: 679e7a
File 128890740928.png - (13.99KB , 640x480 , BG.png )

Yay exploring!

Okay, I'm outside now. There's something made of tree up ahead, but I'm not sure what it is; there are some little bushes all around the thing we were in, but there's a space I can get through. Past that is a path that goes a couple different ways.

I think I hear voices; should I go toward them or stay away? Or do something else?
No. 252340 ID: 561b6b

Should be safe enough to approach the other people here, but probably best not to wander TOO far away right now. Don't want to make Ryu upset (even more?).

See if you can get the other people to notice you with your own voice. If none of them come over to talk to you, then check out the something made of tree with the little wavey thing at the top.
No. 252373 ID: be29bc

No. 252933 ID: 679e7a
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Okay, I'll do that.

Hello? People? Can you hear me? I'm over here! I want to do stuff!

...one's coming this way!

OOC INTERRUPT: It's 'who's that pokemon' time again! Pick a pokemon that's small and unevolved.
No. 252936 ID: c8803c

No. 252938 ID: fd6d7e

It's Shaymin!

...oh fine, Pichu.
No. 252940 ID: 31e5bb

No. 252941 ID: e973f4

Sure why not.
No. 252961 ID: f52552

A plusle and minun pair.
Just like pichu, only not.
No. 252973 ID: fd6d7e


plusle and minun suck they don't even evolve
No. 252978 ID: 561b6b



...Though I guess you might think that's a little too complicated.

Drifloon maybe?

Ooh no Aron! Arons are so adorable.
No. 252989 ID: 45cd95

No. 253036 ID: 6834bc

Seconding Ralts
yaaaay psychics
No. 253046 ID: 9618e3

Plusle and Minun.
No. 253055 ID: 6a5a08

We can get kidnapped and go on adventures.
No. 253091 ID: 5f0943

No. 253107 ID: 112b25

No. 253147 ID: 679e7a
File 128907309397.png - (10.01KB , 640x480 , BG1.png )

Hi! Are you a people?

"Um... yeah?"

Yay! Hi! What should I call you?

"...Floony. What's your name?"

I don't have one! You can call me whatever you like, as long as it's nice.

"Um... uh... okay. What are you doing?"

I'm looking for people to be friends with me and do stuff!

"What kinda stuff?"

Well, I dunno! Fun stuff! I can turn into you and do whatever you like to do!

No. 253152 ID: 679e7a
File 128907325323.png - (19.16KB , 640x480 , BG2.png )

"Whooooa! You turned into a Drifloon!"

Yaaay! I'm floating! I like floating!

"How did you do that?"

Um... well, I sensed you, and then I moved my parts around to match your parts.

"How come your X isn't yellow?"

I don't know that word.

"What word?"

The last word.
No. 253154 ID: 75820c

Meh, pop him.
No. 253158 ID: 31e5bb

you see to have a hard time with colors.
No. 253290 ID: fd6d7e

Drifloons are great at finding friends. They float up in the air and run into other drifloons who run into other drifloons until you have a whole cloud of drifloons!
No. 253963 ID: 561b6b

Does Floony have something else he needs to be doing now? If so, say bye for now then look inside that metal box thing on top of the something made of tree.

If not, how about we ask him more about himself? Is he a part of a team of helper people? Is he a shop owner/worker? Favorite food? Favorite game? Favorite town-based activity? Favorite "restricted to one area" activity? Stuff like that.
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